#the sweet potato just wouldn't go soft so i guess i should have cooked it earlier and longer
katya-goncharov · 11 months
i just tried to invent a stir fry with chicken and pineapple and sweet potato chunks even though i've never made stiry fry before, and it did NOT go well
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msmercury84 · 2 years
Easy Company in Slapton Sands, February-April, 1944
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The men of Easy Company knew that they were training for an elaborate invasion on a scale unequalled by anything in recent history.  Training was still six days a week with 15-25 mile hikes, night operations, street fighting, map reading and chemical warfare.
The majority of their training was how to use the ground to their advantage; how to live off of it and how the terrain influences battles. They trained together so much that many years later, one member of Easy Company said that you could tell everyone in the company apart just by their silhouette in complete darkness.
Another training exercise they practiced was how to assemble quickly after parachuting. In February, Easy Company began training with the entire 101st Airborne Division as well as seven other divisions that were to be a part of the invasion of Normandy.
After training ended for the day, on February 13, Bill told Leigh that he was taking a train to London and that he would be back later that evening.
Spencer guessed that he was looking for a Valentine's Day gift for her and she asked Guarnere to forego the trip. Leigh didn't want him to worry about shopping while he was undergoing an enormous amount of training exercises.
She told Bill that spending more time with him meant more than a gift. Spencer commented,
"I know that you love me. That means more to me than sending you on a wild goose chase when you're already tired from training. Time spent with you is precious, Bill, especially since we both know what's taking place all too soon.
How about a nice supper and a few drinks at The Blue Boar? If that idea isn't appealing, I could cook a nice supper for us and we could have a quiet and passionate night here." Guarnere pulled Leigh close to him, giving her a tender kiss. After the kiss ended, Bill told her,
"If you're sure about not wantin' me to go shoppin' in London, then let's go to The Blue Boar." Leigh replied,
"Thanks, Bill. Honey, I hope I'm not saying too much. I don't want to ruin what we have, but I need to tell you something. What I want more than anything I can name can't be bought.
I'm still looking forward to our date at The Blue Boar, don't get me wrong. When this damn war is over, I want to share the same bed and house with you." Spencer was anxious, wondering if she should have kept quiet.
Then, she saw that Guarnere had a radiant smile on his face. He knew that Leigh wouldn't live with him after the war ended unless they got married. Bill gently cupped her face in his hands, replying,
"Sweetheart, you didn't ruin anythin'. Don't be afraid to say what you're feelin', 'cause ya have my heart for eternity." He wrapped his arms around Leigh, nuzzling his face into her hair before kissing the top of her head. He replied in a soft, tender voice,
"Sweet Baby, I love you." Leigh looked up, smiling and saying,
"I love you, too." Bill gave her an intensely passionate kiss. When the kiss ended, they still held each other close. He told her,
"I wanna do somethin' to spoil ya a little bit. How about I cook supper for us? I saw those steaks in the refrigerator an' I'm guessin' that ya bought 'em to make the steaks cooked in garlic butter wit' potatoes. They're the perfect size for that recipe." Spencer told him,
"Bill, you don't miss a thing. You're right, I was planning on making that tonight. I loved the way you fixed the steaks and potatoes when we were in North Carolina. Since you're doing the cooking, I'm doing the dishes. " Guarnere said,
"We can do the dishes together. Baby, if you'd let me, I'd do the whole thing." Leigh answered,
"I know you would, but you need to save your energy for later tonight." Guarnere chuckled, replying,
"Sounds like my little fireball wants to get up to somethin'. " Spencer said,
"You're damn straight I want to get up to somethin'!" Bill told her,
"Pop always told us boys to never disappoint a lady." He gave her a saucy wink. Spencer grinned, telling him,
"You know what that wink does to me." Guarnere's hands moved down Leigh's waist to caress her ass. He commented,
"Tell me what an innocent wink does to ya." She answered,
"It puts all sorts of deliciously dirty ideas into my mind and it makes my knees weak." Bill nibbled on her ear, then he smirked before asking,
"That so?" Spencer replied,
"Of course it's so. Don't play innocent with me, Sergeant Guarnere. You know how to turn me into a wild woman." Bill chuckled at her comment. He had a mischievous look in his eyes.
"Leigh was smiling, enjoying their sexually charged verbal exchange. She took his hand, saying,
"Let me show you what you do to me. This is a preview of coming attractions." Spencer started to walk toward the stairs leading to her bedroom. Bill followed her, asking,
"Are you tryin' to take advantage o' me, Baby?" She answered,
"I'm going to try my best." Guarnere picked Leigh up, giving her a kiss before carrying her up the stairs. Bill entered her room and placed Spencer in the center of her bed.
Before he had the opportunity to undress, Leigh told him,
"Sit beside me, Honey." Bill sat on the bed, wondering what she had in mind. Spencer gave him a passionate kiss. When the kiss ended, Leigh unbuttoned Bill's uniform shirt, kissing her way down his chest.
She told him,
"Lose the shirt and tie." Guarnere did as he was told. He liked the way Leigh was in charge. Next, Spencer said,
"Take off your boots, socks and trousers." He grinned as he complied with her. Bill kissed her and Leigh sucked the tip of his tongue into her mouth. He softly groaned, responding to the kiss. Spencer ran her fingers through Guarnere's hair, breaking the kiss to tell him,
"Let me show you what you do to me, lay back on the bed." Bill complied. Leigh had a saucy grin as she saw the effect her kissing had on him. She stroked his hard cock through the fabric of his boxer shorts. Guarnere groaned again, replying,
"Sweetheart, that feels so good." Spencer told him,
"Lose the shorts and I'll make you feel better." He grinned, standing up to remove the shorts. Bill stretched out on the bed, lying flat on his back.
Leigh licked her lips as she gently wrapped her fingers around the shaft of his erect cock, stroking up and down. Guarnere thought it was extremely arousing that Spencer kept her clothes on while she had him completely naked.
Watching her licking her lips made Bill even more aroused. He loved the slightly obscene behavior Leigh displayed. Guarnere thought,
"She knows goddamned well what this is doin' to me an' I love it." Spencer replied,
"This is all for you, Baby. Let me make love to you with my lips and tongue." Bill asked her,
"Honey, will you undress for me? I won't stop ya from doin' what you wanna do, I love to see your body. You're beautiful all over, Leigh."
Spencer smiled and got undressed, placing her dress and the rest of her clothing on the chest of drawers. She placed her shoes on the floor and walked closer to the bed to give Guarnere a closer view of her body.
He had a wolfish grin as she knelt on the bed beside him. Leigh gently took his erect cock and placed it between her breasts. She kept her breasts in her hands, moving up and down Bill's cock.
Guarnere thrust himself between her breasts, loving the feeling of her soft skin on his cock. They continued like this until Spencer noticed some pre cum on the tip of his cock. Leigh moved back enough to gently hold Bill's cock. She lapped up the pre-cum, replying,
"You taste good, Honey." She began to suck only the tip of his cock. Guarnere was trying not to thrust his hips up, he wanted to be gentle with her. Spencer held his shaft with one hand while she continued to lick and suck on the head of Bill's cock.
Leigh encircled his cock with her lips and began to move her head up and down, gradually getting faster. Bill groaned louder, saying,
"So damn good!" She tried sucking just a little harder as she took as much of him as she could. His hips thrust up. Leigh decided to use her hand, encircling his shaft, moving her hand up and down rapidly while she lavished attention on the tip of his cock. Bill groaned, replying,
"Fuck, yes!" Spencer moved her hand faster as she took more of him into her mouth. He responded, raising his hips from the bed. Leigh kept moving her hand up and down his shaft. He tried to warn her,
"Honey...'bout to come." She continued, taking as much of his cock into her mouth as she could. Guarnere groaned loudly as he began to come. Leigh swallowed all of it, gently kissing the tip of his cock before moving up to cuddle with him.
Bill held her close, running his fingers through her hair. He tried to calm his breathing, telling her,
"Baby, if that's what you're like startin' out, you're gonna kill me when ya get more practice." Spencer asked,
"This makes the third time, my other two times were with you. Did I get everything in the right order?" Guarnere hugged her, saying,
"Honey, there ain't no real order to it. You did exactly what you was supposed to do. Ya paid attention to what I like an' you were goddamned good!"
Bill wanted to chuckle at her sincere question about getting everything done in the right order, but he didn't want to hurt Leigh's feelings. He said,
"Give me some time to recover, an' I'm givin' you the same treatment." Spencer replied,
"No, Baby, just wait until later. As I said earlier, this is all about you right now. I can wait because I know it will be excellent." Guarnere kissed the top of her head, telling her,
"You're somethin' else." They snuggled a little while longer and then they got dressed. Bill was intent on cooking supper. Leigh had to visit the bathroom.
Once she finished her business there, she washed her hands and touched up her makeup. Spencer used mouthwash, rinsing the sink afterwards. She didn't dislike the taste in her mouth, but she wanted to be fresh enough to not discourage Bill from kissing her.
Leigh walked downstairs. She stopped near the dining room table and smiled. Bill was singing "Walkin' My Baby Back Home" as he worked in the kitchen.
Guarnere was singing on key and his voice was pleasant. Spencer crept into the kitchen toward the end of the song. When Bill finished, she applauded. He was startled for a moment, then turned around, grinning as he told her,
"No fair sneakin' up on me, ya little devil." Spencer said,
"Bill, you have a good singing voice. I'm serious. You're on key and that's something not everyone can do. Please, Honey, sing another song." Guarnere wasn't sold on the idea, but he started to sing his favorite song, "720 in the Books." Spencer hugged him, saying,
"Thanks, Baby. You sounded good." He thanked Leigh for the compliment, smirking as he asked,
"Sweetheart, did ya drink that mouthwash? I ain't no singer." She told him,
"I hope I didn't hurt your feelings. It isn't that I dislike the taste of...you know. I used the mouthwash in case you planned on kissing me." Guarnere held her close to him, saying,
"You didn't hurt my feelins. You're real thoughtful, Baby." He kissed her, adding, "I need to get back to cookin'. I don't know about you, but I'm hungry. Spencer said that she was ready to eat any time
When Bill assured her that he didn't need her help, Leigh got busy setting the table. They had a leisurely supper, enjoying the steak and potatoes with garlic butter. Leigh helped Guarnere do the dishes and clean up the kitchen.
Later that night, Bill took his time, tenderly making love with Spencer. As she settled down to sleep with her head on his chest, Guarnere wrapped his arms around her. He was elated in the knowledge that Leigh would be willing to marry him after the war was over.
Bill wanted very badly to propose to Spencer, but he harbored the unshakable feeling that he would instantly be killed the first time he went into combat. He couldn't put Leigh through the heartbreak of losing her future husband, so he decided to stick to his original plan of proposing when the time was right.
The next day was Valentine's Day. Neither Bill nor Leigh worried about purchasing cards since Spencer insisted upon spending time together as opposed to spending precious time looking for gifts.
When she returned home from work, Leigh took a bath, fixed her hair and makeup and got dressed. Spencer wore a rose red colored Wiggle Dress with her usual black stockings and open toed black pumps, plus the red satin lingerie from Bill. She pinned the ribbon rose from her birthday gift into her hair.
After greeting her with kisses and an embrace, Guarnere took Leigh to The Blue Boar. They each selected Shepard's Pie and one glass of dark beer. Bill had his usual after dinner cigarette.
The couple enjoyed conversing with each other. Bill told Spencer,
"That Wiggle Dress is smokin' hot, Baby. You look beautiful in that shade o' red. Did ya make it yourself? Leigh thanked him, replying,
"Yes, I made this dress." Guarnere added,
"Honey, I wish you'd make one in every color. I can't get enough of seein' you in that kind o' dress." Spencer lowered her voice for only Bill to hear, saying,
"I can't get enough of you, Baby." Guarnere grinned, telling her,
"I'm all yours, Sweetheart. Just so happens that I can't get enough o' you." He had an idea, asking Spencer,
"Would ya like some o' that good Irish Cream?" Leigh liked his idea, telling Bill,
"Yes. Watch out, because it might make me wild." Guarnere chuckled, replying,
"That's what I'm hopin', Honey." She laughed, enjoying his comment. Leigh excused herself to visit the Ladies' Room. Bill went to the bar to place his order. Spencer soon returned and sat at their table.
A tall, attractive, shapely, olive skinned young woman with black hair and brown eyes walked into the pub. She was wearing her hair in the popular Victory Roll hairstyle.
The woman was wearing a dark red Wiggle Dress with black stockings and black pumps. She sported red lipstick, mascara and red fingernail polish. Leigh was surprised when she heard the woman shout out in a loud New York accent,
"Billy! Oh, my God, I can't believe it!" The woman hastily pushed through the crowd, accidentally hitting the heads of some patrons seated at tables with the large purse hanging from a strap on her shoulder.
George Luz, Buck Compton and Joe Toye took immediate notice of the woman. The trio looked first at Spencer and then at Guarnere. Toye whispered to George,
"This oughta be interesting. Ain't that the broad from the Fox Company Office? Lorei Andreoli?" Luz answered him, saying,
"That's her. Remember how bad she had it bad for Wild Bill? He went out with her a couple of times when she first got to Camp Toccoa." Toye asked Luz,
"Remember what some of the guys called her?" Luz chuckled, replying,
"Unholy Andreoli." Buck asked,
"How did she get that name?" Joe told him,
"She is willin' to do anything with a guy. You know, the stuff that if you asked a girl like Leigh, you'd get your face slapped." Compton grinned, replying,
"The night is young, boys, and so am I. I think I'll go introduce myself." Luz put his hand on Buck's shoulder, telling him,
Let's see what happens with Bill, Lorei and Leigh. I think our Songbird can hand Miss Andreoli's ass to her on a platter without even raising her voice. Besides, don't you have a steady girl at home?"
Compton briefly frowned, replying,
"Luz, I'm beginning to believe that she's tired of me." Guarnere heard the familiar voice and cringed. He thought,
"Christ, just what I don't need. That broad is sex crazy! How the hell am I gonna explain this to my baby?" Bill realized that he was trapped. Even if Andrew Herriott would allow him to hide in a store room, he couldn't stay there until the pub closed. He wouldn't consider leaving Leigh by herself.
Andreoli made it to the bar. She wrapped her arms around Bill, giving him a kiss, much to his dismay and much to the delight of his buddies. Guarnere stepped back, gently taking Lorei's arms from around his neck. She asked,
"Ain't you glad to see me, Billy?" Guarnere replied,
"It's nice to see ya, Lorei, but I have a steady girl now. We've been together almost two years. C'mon back to the table an' I'll introduce ya to my baby." Andreoli looked dismayed, but she agreed to meet the woman in Bill's life.
Guarnere wiped his lips with a handkerchief, hoping to remove any lipstick that might be there. He picked up the tray and headed for the table.
Lorei hoped that she could say something that might stir up some old memories with Bill. The Easy Company men and Spencer watched as Guarnere carried a tray with two glasses and a small bottle of the Irish Cream to the table. Lorei followed behind Bill. She looked at the woman with curly brown hair and green eyes, thinking,
"She looks real classy. I swear to God that I seen her somewhere before." Bill put the tray on the table and leaned over to kiss Leigh. He said,
"Lorei Andreoli, I want ya to meet my sweetheart, Leigh Spencer." He told Leigh,
"Honey, I went out a couple o' times wit' Lorei before I met ya at Camp Toccoa." Guarnere and Spencer were surprised when Andreoli pulled up a chair and sat at their table. Leigh said,
"It's nice to meet you, Lorei." Andreoli replied,
"Nice to meetcha, too, Leigh. Are you a singer with the USO?" Spencer replied,
"Yes. I sing with the USO." Lorei clapped her hands together, exclaiming,
"I knew I seen you before! You're the Songbird of the 506th! You did a real good job in that show at the Stage Door Canteen in London." Spencer thanked her for the compliment, replying,
"That's me." Andreoli grinned, telling Leigh,
"You're lucky to have Billy for your guy. He's real talented in the bedroom, but you probably already know that." Spencer forced herself to be polite. She wanted to give the brassy woman the same attitude adjustment that the Dog Company paratrooper received. Instead, she replied,
"I think he's magnificent in that department.
When Bill heard Lorei's comment about his performance in the bedroom, he grimaced, thinking,
"Oh, shit! Why did she have to say that? I gotta get her away from us before she says somethin' to get my goose cooked wit' Leigh." Guarnere could tell that Spencer was becoming very annoyed by Lorei. He told Andreoli,
"I don't wanna be rude, Lorei, but my baby an' I wanna have a nice, cozy evenin' together. We're crazy in love wit' each other." Andreoli looked disappointed, but she told Leigh before she left the table,
"It was nice meetin' you." Spencer told Lorei that she enjoyed meeting her, too." Before Andreoli got too far from the table, Buck walked over and introduced himself. Andreoli smiled and introduced herself. Compton and Lorei went back to the bar. He pulled a bar stool out for her. She replied,
"Thanks, Buck. You're a real gentleman." He sat on a stool beside her and asked if she would care for a drink. Compton and Andreoli drank dark beer and started chatting with each other.
Meanwhile, across the room, Bill apologized to Leigh, saying,
"Honey, I'm really sorry about all o' that. I hope you ain't upset wit' me. I hate to admit it, but I did have sex wit' her." Spencer replied,
"I think you handled the situation very well, Baby. What you did prior to meeting me is your business. Although, I'm glad to hear you saying 'having sex' as opposed to 'making love.'" Guarnere kissed her, saying,
"You're the only woman for me, Sweetheart. I don't want to make love wit' nobody else, only you." Leigh kissed him, answering,
"Thanks for finding a nice way to get her to leave us alone." Guarnere grinned, saying,
"I could tell your temper was startin' to get locked an' loaded." Spencer laughed, replying,
"I was about ready to give her the same treatment as the guy from Dog Company." Bill chuckled at her reply. Then, Leigh had a serious look on her face. She asked Guarnere,
"I know I just said that whatever you did prior to meeting me was your business. You don't have to answer, but I hope you do. Did you ever call Lorei 'Baby, Honey or Sweetheart'?" Bill took her hand, kissing it before replying,
"No, Baby, I never called her those names. I called her 'Doll' once an' I usually called her by her first name. Like I said, we only went out twice. I use the special names for the only woman I love." Spencer was visibly relieved, replying,
"I couldn't stand the thought of you calling another woman by those names. Thanks, Bill, I love you, too." Guarnere asked,
"Since we're talkin' about it, did that bastard call ya any special names like I do?" Leigh replied,
"No, Honey. Grayson called me 'Sweetie,' but it wasn't used as a term of endearment. He used it sarcastically. My God, I was such a fool to stay with him as long as I did!" Bill leaned across the table to kiss her, replying,
"You got away from him in one piece, an' that's what's important." They left the pub an hour later. Guarnere and Spencer tenderly made love before going to bed.
The undeniable truth that the men were getting closer to being in combat for the first time had Leigh's nerves on edge. She tried to cope with the situation the best that she could.
Bill and the other men were forbidden to discuss any details of the invasion with anyone. He and his brothers in arms were aware of where they would be deployed. They learned the geographic landmarks and layout of Normandy.
Elaborate scale models of the beach and surrounding countryside were constructed. These were referred to as sand tables. Slapton Sands, a beach that physically resembled Utah Beach with roads similar to those on that beach was selected for further training exercises.
In early April of 1944, the 101st Airborne Division was given their task for the invasion of Normandy. They would be jumping into Normandy a few miles inland of Utah Beach the night before the invasion began.
Their mission was to secure the roads that led out of Utah Beach by clearing out the large numbers of men and artillery that were placed along these roads prepared to bombard anyone who was on it.
To train specifically for this mission Easy Company was sent to Slapton Sands, which had a similar beach and similar roads as Utah Beach. They practiced jumps here for most of April and returned to Aldbourne on April 28th.
May 11th was the 101st Airborne Division’s full rehearsal of their D-Day mission, known as Operation Eagle. They took off from the same runway they were to use in the actual attack and flew over Slapton Sands where they would make their jump. The training run went smoothly for the men of Easy Company, although there were difficulties for the remainder of the 101st Airborne.
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