#i do the rest of the stir fry so they can catch up
katya-goncharov · 11 months
i just tried to invent a stir fry with chicken and pineapple and sweet potato chunks even though i've never made stiry fry before, and it did NOT go well
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jyoongim · 7 months
~Blood & BLISS~
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Human!Alastor x wife!Reader
Themes: 1930 based! Human!Alastor x wife!Reader, domestic life! fluff, smut, devotion, slight manipulation, mention of children, pregnancy,  blood, murder, secrets 
chapter two
Synopsis: Marrying New Orleans famous radio host had been a shocker to everyone. You, a southern belle from an esteemed family, had somehow managed to catch the attention of the mysterious bachelor. 
Your wedding was all in the papers and talk of the town, even though the ceremony was rather private.
You quickly settled in as the homemaker as Alastor brought home the dough and took care of you. 
It was a dream come true.
But Alastor was strange, even to you and you were his wife, but you brushed it off as him just being a man.  You had nothing to complain about. You lived in a nice big house, had the finest luxuries, and Alastor would dote on you. What wasn’t to love?
Well… all those things were nice, but you were starting to crave a family with your husband.
You knew of Alastor’s upbringing and had an inkling that children might not be an option…but Alastor wouldn’t deny you what you desired most would he? Of course not ma belle.
Alastor prided himself on how people often wondered about him. The renowned radio host, who the public rarely saw. He was a mystery to many. He frequented jazz lounges and often could be found drinking whiskey as he listened to the Mimzy gossip about the latest news.
He,  himself was shocked when he met you, the prettiest thing in the city. He had to have you. He knew you were the one.
Like the gentleman he was, he sent you flowers and love letters to begin courting you. He never tired of how shy you were around him. 
It wasn’t long before he asked your father for your hand and the two of you got hitched.
And what a wedding it was! he spared no expense to your disapproval.
Alastor was the epitome of what every husband inspired to be! 
Doting, providing, and attentive.
But he had a secret he kept from his little wife…
Can he maintain control over his domestic affairs and his sinister ones?
Soft jazz played in the background as you busied around the kitchen preparing dinner. The sizzling of the oil carried the scent of fried chicken as you chopped collards and added them to another pan to fry.
You hummed along to whatever song was playing as you cooked.
You took the chicken out of the grease, poured some of it in a can for later and used the rest to make cornbread. You stirred the collards a bit, adding pepper and a little salt before turning the stove off. You glanced at the clock; 6pm, Alastor should be coming home soon.
After putting everything in pretty dishes and wrapping it in foil you sighed tiredly as you finally got off your feet, plopping down on a couch.
You almost wanted to go back into the kitchen and clean up, but thought to just wait after dinner to do so. 
You perked as your radio made a noise, static as if the channel had changed, before the voice of your husband came through.
”Well folks that is all. I have for you tonight! I hope you enjoyed today’s broadcast and I will see you tomorrow. I wouldn’t want to be late for dinner nonono haha. Until next time!”
You smiled, feeling happy he wasn’t going to stay at the studio all night.
With that in mind, you quickly ran upstairs to freshen up, wanting to greet your husband without the smell of grease clinging to you.
“I’m home!” A voice called as the sound of the front door closing had you rushing downstairs.
Alastor was taking off his coat, when you greeted him “Oh let me take that” you smiled, grabbing his coat to put it away. He let out a relieved sigh as he removed his shoes and put them by the door. Once comfortable, his long arms were around your waist, pulling you into a kiss “And how was my beautiful wife today hmm?” He asked bringing a dainty hand to his lips. You giggled “Oh nothing worth mentioning. How was work today? I heard you signing off. I hate that I missed tonight’s broadcast” you mused, untying his bow tie. Alastor hummed “oh you know same ole same ole, through I will say I got a lot of fan mail today” he chuckled as you rolled your eyes. He took a whiff of the air and grinned “Hmm looks like I actually made it in time for dinner”
You both made your way to the kitchen and you immediately went to fix his plate, while he got glasses out of the cabinet and some red wine.
Alastor practically had drool coming out of his mouth as the smell of food wafted into his nose. You took a seat across from him and smiled. “My my my dear what a meal youve prepared tonight!” He commented as he took a bite out of the cornbread, moaning in delight.
It always filled your heart with happiness seeing Alastor eat your food. When you first got married, you didn’t have a clue on how to cook. It was rather embarrassing, but you had grown up with personal cooks.
But Alastor didn’t mind teaching you, and soon enough you were whipping up delicious meals that filled his stomach, rather than upset it.
Dinner was quiet as the two of you enjoyed each others company, Alastor making comments about the lastest gossip he had heard and you catching him on the neighborhood gossip. “Oh before I forget,  Mimzy wants to know if you wanted to swing by the lounge this weekend. Something about I keep you to myself too much” Alastor laughed, swiping at his mouth. You laughed, that sounded like Mimzy. Always hoping to get a chance at you singing on stage so she could make a few extra bucks. “Well tell ‘er not this weekend, I have plans to host a few of the ladies for book club. Rosie is sure to have some gossip I’ve missed.” 
Alastor quirked a brow “You sure dear? I fear Mimzy will chew me a new one if she don’t get to see ou” You mulled it over “Well book club usually don’t take that long and its during tea time so I guess I don’t mind gracing the lounge with my presence” you giggled, getting up and taking your empty dishes to the sink. Alastor followed you and quickly swatted your hands as you reached to turn the sink on. 
“Now now my dear, you spent all evening cooking the least I can do is wash the dishes. The chef shouldn’t cook and clean” he nudged you away from the sink as you pouted.
It never ceased to amazed you that Alastor took on household chores. Most husbands had their wives cook and clean, but not your Alastor.
He didn’t like you to tire out from maintaining the home all day.
You pressed a kiss to his cheek in thanks and told him you’ll be upstairs getting ready for bed.
You had just finished rolling your hair when Alastor came up to your bedroom. You sighed as you sunk into the cool cotton sheets, finally relaxing for the day. You didn’t realized you had quickly fell asleep until feeling Alastor slide into bed beside you, arm pulling you to tuck you into his side and rest your head on his chest.
You happily cuddled into him, breathing in his scent as the sound of his heartbeat lulled you back to sleep.
A yawn passed your lips as began to fall asleep
”Sleep tight dear”
”Don’t let the bedbugs bite”
”haha see you in the morning light love” he whispered pressing a kiss to your forehead as you sighed, chest heaving in deep breaths.
Alastor smiled at your sleeping face; how lucky was he to have a sweet wife who worked so hard while he was gone. His eyes grew heavy as he listened to your soft snores.
What bliss. He wouldn’t give this up for anything in the world.
NOTE: aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh why and how did my mind conjure this when I have other things to write eeeeeeehhhh!!!!!!!
Anyway….this is gonna be ANOTHER short story hehehe. Since I wrote it on a whim it might take some time for me to post the next part but I hope y’all enjoy it nevertheless!
Remember to comment on the pinned post as I have a hard time finding everyone to tag since y’all are scattered on different posts!
if i missed anyone my bad!!!!
@nightshadelm @th3-st4r-gur1 @amurtan @lunaramune @southern-bayou-beau @monstersealclubber @certifiedcrybabyyy @karolinda007-blog @theveiledlibrarian @simphornies @yourdoorisunlocked @nettaw @purplecatsandhearts @catherine1206 @jellibean2018 @thewinchestah @wonderlandangelsposts @alishii @readergirlstuff @whydohumansss @missgurlsstuff @yuzurixx @darkovergrownforestnymph @dasimp777 @markster666 @alastorsgirl48 @alastor-simp @alastorsaries @preciousbabypeter @alastwhore666 @strawberrypimp666 @stawberrypimpsimp @queenariesofnarnia @peachedtvs @peachedtv @tpks @siiv3r @hazelfoureyes @okay-babe @aconfusedworld @chewbrry @altruisticalastor @yunimimii @dievia3 @alastorsdear @alastorsdarlingdoe @t0byisher3 @dennsfz @twismare @nanami1chu @yoongibabs @menthatilove @smoky000
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unluckywisher · 6 months
Y'all asked for fluff back in my last poll (which was two weeks ago 😭), so here it (finally) is:
He turned tiny! (This is a reversal of one of my previous posts where MC is tiny)
You encountered a Wanderer by surprise while hanging out with him, its unusual fluctuations affecting his body, luckily you evaded them. You defeated it and turned back to look at him, but the fluctuations seemed to linger...
If you were hanging out with Xavier:
He looks at himself with confusion, but then says: "Ah, I think I've encountered a Wanderer like this before. The effects should last until tomorrow."
You're too busy kneeling besides him and gaping at his size to hear what he's saying. "Xavier... You're rabbit-sized now!" You poke his torso.
He laughs, finding your reaction cute even though he's the one who's cute at the moment. "Care to pick me up and carry me home, then?" He climbs your kneeling figure and stands on your thighs. "Of course!" You wrap an arm around him and bring him up to your chest, putting your other hand under him to support him, then stand up. "I should be tiny more often." He smiles.
On the way home, he falls asleep in your arms.
When you arrive at your apartment, you leave him on the couch to sleep. However, as soon as he notices your absence, he wakes up.
"Are you going somewhere?" He rubs his eyes. "No, but I thought I'd let you sleep while I change out of the Hunter Equipment." "I'll wait, just don't sneak away while I'm asleep. I'll think you're leaving me." You could swear he's acting cuter than normal. And not just because of his appearance. It's like he's using his increased cuteness to make you want to be with him at all times.
"Okay." You go change and come back to the living room. "Can I sleep on your lap?" "Sure." You sit and let him climb your legs, resting his head on your tummy. "You're very comfortable." The last words fizzle out as he falls asleep, not even five seconds having passed.
You sigh but smile, looking down at his sleeping figure. You grab a nearby blanket and drape it over your legs to cover him. Resigned to the fact that you're gonna have to spend a while sitting here, you start playing with your phone.
Eventually he stirs awake and sees you playing. He tugs on your shirt to catch your attention, so you pause the game and look down. "Can I play too?" "Uh... I don't know if you'll be able to..." You lower the phone to his level.
He uses his whole palm to press continue and starts swatting at the screen with his hands. He's surprisingly good at it. Well, he's good at almost any game he plays, so not that surprising.
The level ends and displays the score. "Is that good?" He asks, looking back at you. "...you beat my record." He laughs. "I'm sorry." "It's okay, now I have a goal to work towards the next time I play."
You put the phone aside. "What do you wanna do now? Don't tell me you want to take another nap..." "Can we cook dinner together?" "Sure, I doubt you'll be able to do much damage like this."
You bring him to the kitchen and let him down on the counter. He looks around the utensils as you check the ingredients you have, thinking about possible recipes. You choose something that Xavier will be able to help with and start cooking. He is very excited to cook alongside you.
The end result is quite good. His size indeed prevented him from causing any disasters, although he almost fell into the frying pan at one point while carrying the ingredients. You both enjoy the meal, Xavier especially delighted.
You finish washing the dishes and he yawns. "Do you wanna go to bed already?" You lean down. "Yes... I'm tired. Being small is exhausting." "Alright, let's go."
He passes out as soon as his body makes contact with your bed. You carefully lie down next to him, pulling the covers up. You curl an arm around him protectively, then fall asleep too.
If you were hanging out with Zayne:
When you wake up, he's still asleep, but he's back to his normal size. The arm you curled around him is now on his neck, your hand buried in his hair. You caress the side of his face to wake him up. It takes him a moment to get his bearings, but when he realizes, he smiles and wraps his arms around you to bring you closer. "You owe me, you know?" "What do you mean?" "I took the brunt of the Wanderer's fluctuations, which is why you weren't affected." "...really." "Mhm." "What do I owe you, then?" "Hmm..."
He looks at the defeated Wanderer, then at you, then at himself. Then he pinches the bridge of his nose. "This is going to be a long day."
You rush to his side, unsure if you want to laugh or worry. "Dr. Zayne, do you feel okay?" "Yes. Aside from the physical change, I'm fine." "Hold on, I'll use my Hunter's Watch to analyze you."
You do, and find out that the effects won't wear off until tomorrow. "Seems like I'm sticking with you for the rest of the day." "Why do you say it while smiling like that?"
You pick him up and put him inside your jacket to carry him to your apartment. Although he won't admit it, your warmth feels really nice.
On your way home, a sound catches your attention. It's the neighborhood cat meowing. You find it and crouch to pet it, letting Zayne down as well.
"Look, it's bigger than you!" You giggle. Zayne looks at it, tilting his head. The cat tilts its head in response. "It's not running away from you. You should try to pet it." "That might be because it sees me as food." "Aw, don't say that." You pet the cat to show him that it doesn't have any malicious intentions.
Carefully, he steps closer and extends his hand towards its head. The cat watches the action, then bumps its head against Zayne's hand, closing its eyes and purring. The corners of his mouth tilt up the faintest smidge.
*Click.* Zayne turns at the sound. "Sorry, I had to take a picture, you both look really cute." "You better keep it to yourself, or I'll delete it myself as soon as I turn back." "I'm gonna make it my lock screen background." He sighs.
The cat nuzzles up closer to Zayne, and he ends up having to hug its head in order to keep petting it. He seems to be in a state of pure bliss. "You know..." You start saying. "That already sounds like a bad idea." "I didn't even say anything yet." "You don't need to." "I was going to say that you could ride the cat like a horse." "I was right in my assumption."
In the end, you say goodbye to the cat and resume your way home. Zayne still has the slightest of smiles as you walk away.
At home, you let him down on the table. "What do you want to do?" You ask him. "I feel like whatever I choose, you're going to end up making fun of me." "I can't help it, it's not everyday I get to see you doll sized."
Suddenly, you remember something. "Wait, I have a slice of cake in my fridge that I was saving for later. Do you want to share it?" He lights up at the mention of sweets, nodding.
You take out the cake and present the plate to Zayne. The slice reaches up to his chest, the strawberries decorating it at his eye-level. He looks completely lost in the size of the dessert before him, his eyes sparkling even if his expression remains stoic.
You cut a portion for him and take out a spoon for yourself. "I don't have spoons your size, so you have to eat it with your hands." "...I see." He starts literally digging into the cake, and although you don't consider him a messy eater, the way he's munching on the strawberries and whipped cream makes you preemptively pull out a napkin for him. You eat your slice while watching him.
Both of you finish eating and Zayne cleans himself with the napkin, acting as if he didn't just ravage his portion. "It's getting late. Let's go to bed." He says. "Eating the cake made you tired, huh, Dr. Zayne?" You giggle. "I could get used to eating sweets half my size." He smirks. "That doesn't sound healthy." "Smaller creatures tend to have faster metabolisms, which means their sugar intakes need to be higher to keep up with their active lifestyles." "I think you just made that up."
You pick him up again and bring him to the bedroom. As you both get comfy in bed, he moves closer. "Can I rest my head against your chest? Listening to your heartbeat helps me fall asleep..." "Of course." With your permission, he does just that. You wrap an arm around him.
The next morning he's back to normal, his arms around your waist and his head still on your chest. You caress the side of his face to wake him up. He opens his eyes and moves up to face you. "Good morning." He whispers. "Good morning." "You know... Now that I'm my usual size... Yesterday's cake felt like such a small treat. I'm craving a little bit more of something sweet..."
If you were hanging out with Rafayel:
"Hey!? Why am I still tiny?" He says, extending his arms and looking down at himself.
You move closer and crouch, covering your mouth with your hand to hide your laughter.
"Don't laugh at me!" He stomps on the ground, balling his fists at his sides.
This time you laugh out loud. He huffs and crosses his arms, looking away. "Sorry, Rafayel, you look too cute to be taken seriously."
You point your Hunter's Watch at him to scan him, revealing that the effects will last until tomorrow. He sighs, but then smirks and says, "As my bodyguard, I expect you to take care of me while I'm like this. Who knows what could happen to me." He puts the back of his hand to his forehead.
"I was planning on doing it anyways." You roll your eyes. You lower your hand for him to climb on, which he does, sitting cross-legged on your palm. When you raise your hand as you stand up, however, he clutches your fingers and shuts his eyes. "Too high up! Too high up! Crouch again! Aah!"
You cover him with your other hand to comfort him and crouch again. "How am I supposed to carry you home then?" He opens his eyes and lets go of your fingers, blushing at his embarrassing display. "Well, you could tuck me in your boot." "Won't you get dizzy from my legs constantly moving?" "I prefer that over the alternative."
You carefully put him in your boot, and he clutches the laces. This time, you manage to make your way to his house, even if he is nauseous when you arrive. You leave him on the couch to rest.
"This is the worst. Why did this have to happen in a day when I actually have inspiration for a painting? By the time tomorrow arrives, all the ideas will have left my brain." You kneel next to the couch. "You could make tiny paintings." "I don't have tiny tools." He retorts, glaring at you like this is your fault.
"Aw, come on, don't be mad." You extend a finger and pet his head. He tries to avoid it, putting his arms up, but obviously it's useless. He turns red at your touch. "I'm not your pet! This is disrespectful as your employer!" You giggle, rubbing your finger to the side of his face. He attempts to push it away. Unsuccessfully.
"Now you're actually fish-sized. Maybe I should put you in the tank with Reddie." You laugh. "I should fire you." He pouts angrily. "I want to put you in my pocket and carry you around with me all the time."
You spend the day teasing him, and he spends the day waxing poetic about how cruel humans are.
Later, you bring him to his bathtub and fill it to the brim. You look away while he takes his clothes off - although he tries to tease you into looking - and he dives into the water in his lemurian form.
You sink your hand to play with him, his fins tickling your palm. He moves a lot faster than you expected, barely a colorful blur against the white porcelain. He pops out for a second and uses his tail to splash water at you.
After a day of fun, you carry him to bed. "You'll stay until I've turned back, right?" "Yes, yes, you don't need to make a fuss about it."
"Hey!" You cough, wiping your face. He laughs heartily, diving to hide from your attempt at grabbing him.
A while later, he lets you pick him up so you can dry him off. You sit him on the sink and use a towel. "No need to be so harsh!" "You could dry yourself instead of having me do it, you know." "Just be careful."
He makes a point to sleep well away from you, facing the wall as a sort of punishment for having teased him all day, but once some time has passed and he thinks you're asleep, he crawls closer and hugs your arm.
The following morning, you find him wrapped around you, his head on the crook of your neck. You pet his hair softly to wake him up. He groans. Realizing the fact that he's back to normal, he tilts his head up. "It's over, huh...? I think it's time to get some revenge for all that teasing you did yesterday..."
Me fr in this situation:
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Rewind, Remix, & Replay (Bonus) Med 4x4
You can read the rest of the series here
I had so much fun writing this chapter. Something sweet, happy, and horny to break up our string of sadness.
Warning: NSFW content below.
Kim hears the door shut a little too hard, just shy of a slam. It has the potential for just being an accident but when Jay enters the kitchen, she can see the frustration and stress from the way he stands to the clench of his jaw. “I’ll take it, it didn’t go well?” Kim watched Jay move around her to grab a beer from the fridge popping the lid off it and tossing it with a perfectly practiced arch into her trash can.
“I tell Will he has to play nice- be a CI for the Feds. It’s not ideal, I don’t want him to be a CI but Burke is a bad guy. They were going to hold him up if he didn’t. And somehow, he hears an option in it.” Jay leans back against the counter brings up the bottle to his lips, then lowers it before he can take a drink, “He thinks he knows best because he has a fancy medical degree. How long do you think it will take him to realize it doesn’t mean shit in the eyes of the law?”
Kim watched Jay take a long pull of his drink. His sour expression looked out of place in her cheery red and yellow kitchen. Kim hummed listening to him as she continued cutting the veggies for the stir fry. “He has no idea how dangerous this guy is. He thinks it’s all a joke- like I wouldn’t know what I’m talking about, he is the older brother after all- It's not like it’s my job or anything.” He took another sip before looking at Kim’s noncommittal face and deadpanned. “You think differently?” Her brown eyes shot to his as she set down the knife. Her hands came to rest gently against his chest.
“I didn’t say that. It’s just been a rough few months- for both of you. Maybe you are pushing a little too hard and Will needs to decide it is the best thing to do on his own. You Halstead men are pretty hardheaded and don’t like being told what to do.” Jay tilted her head towards her giving her an exasperated look. She tried to suppress her grin by tugging at the open sides of his flannel.
Kim leans forward pressing a few gentle kisses to his neck just above his collar. Her arms slide around his waist slipping between his flannel and t-shirt. He huffed out a breath tilting his head to let her have better access. “Is this supposed to lighten the blow of you calling me out?”
“You’ve just been so stressed baby.” Kim’s hand came around the waist of his jeans, undoing the button with ease, her hand delving in and sneaking under the band of his boxers. “Why don’t you let me help? Let me take care of you?” He groans as her hand wraps around his cock.
“Fuck,” Jay hisses watching Kim drop to her knees in front of him. Her skilled hand pumps his rapidly hardening length. His jeans slide down his hips as her other hand starts pushing them and his underwear down. His dick has barely made itself free of its constraints when Kim’s lips close around his tip. “Fuck, baby.” His beer almost comes crashing to the floor when he tries to set it on the counter.
Kim swirls her tongue around him sucking hard making his hip jerk up and forcing more of him into her mouth. Her tongue doesn’t stop even as she sinks lower onto him bobbing her head. He rests farther against the counter to stabilize himself. His hands combed through her hair to pull it into a makeshift ponytail. She increases her speed and he tugs at her hair wanting her to look at him. Kim's brown eyes catch his looking up through her dark lashes. Her pupils are blown with lust her cheeks flushed. “God, your so damn beautiful on your knees for me.”
Kim sucks harder, her hands landing on his hips. She tugs urging him to thrust into her mouth. It doesn’t take much convincing. Jay starts rolling his hips to meet her gently at first then faster as they find a steady rhythm. Her nails scrape gently against his hipbones he trembles. He leans back on his hand a death grip on the counter and in her hair as he feels his orgasm building.
Kim feels the tremble of his thighs and knows he is getting close. She slows and starts swirling her tongue around his cock more purposefully the blowjob getting sloppier, her saliva dripping from him. She takes him deeper gagging on his length as he hits the back of her throat. It brings tears to her eyes but his guttural curse is sexy and has her pressing her thighs together to get some friction of her own. This time isn’t about her though. She starts to build up speed again, knowing by the flush of his skin and the heavy-lidded eyes that he couldn’t handle much more teasing.
“Oh fuck,” He’s hips stutter losing his rhythm, “Fuck, fuck, baby I’m close.” He warned as he always did. Kim ignored him keeping pace until he came swallowing his release. She licked leisurely at his cock his body trembling and oversensitive. She gave him one last hard suck before releasing him with a pop.
Jay watched in a daze as she licked her swollen red lips. She pressed up to her feet, looking him over before giving him a gentle peck on his lips. “That’s better.” She noted his relaxed posture with an innocent smile. Jay was still catching his breath as she flicked on the stove burner filling the pan on top with the veggies she had cut up.
It had been a while since they had done anything sexual. He just hadn’t been in the mood while trying to process and grieve his father’s death. His head was either too far away or preoccupied by other things. As he thought about it, he realized that they had only had sex once in the three weeks following his dad’s wake.
It had been the night Adam was fighting with Kim. He hadn’t been trying to eavesdrop but Adam was yelling so loud he could be heard downstairs. Jay hadn’t been angry at first just going up there to break up the fight. He didn’t care what Adam thought about him or their relationship. There was history there for them and he knew it could be painful to get through. It was when he had turned his bitter words on Kim, that Jay snapped, charging up the stairs ready to lay Ruzek out. He would have without thought if Kim hadn’t ushered him back down the stairs and to his truck.
Jay still felt the anger pulsating through him when they got back to his apartment. He wasn’t sure who initiated it but soon they were tearing at each other clothes and ended up fucking roughly. Kim pinned against the front door as he pounded into her from behind pinning her hands and bracing them against the cool wood. It had been passionate and possessive. And for Jay a big fuck you to Adam, even if he knew the other man would never know.
Jay pushes himself off the counter, kicking his clothes off his legs. He walks behind Kim one of his hands sliding around her stomach, the other flipping off the burner. “Hey, what-” She cuts off with a shriek as he turns her and throws her over his shoulder effortlessly.
“If you think after that you are doing anything but moaning my name, you’ve lost your damn mind sweetheart.” He heads for her bedroom ready to return the favor and then some.
“Jay, I was just trying to help you relax. I need to make dinner- you really don’t have to-” She moans when he leaves a stinging slap on her ass. She doesn’t have time to react before he tosses her on the bed.
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niki-phoria · 1 year
a may be a short fic for like jay leaving the house and m/n tried to cook but accidentally burnt it and caught by jay then end up jay helping m/n while he was back hugging m/n hehe
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pairing: jay x male!reader (no pronouns used) genre: fluff word count: 678
includes: established relationship, changed this slightly to just jay helping reader learn how to cook, sorry if this is messy i wasn't really sure how to write the actual cooking part lol
a/n: thank you for requesting !! i hope you like it :))
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you push your phone onto your bedside table before turning to lay on your side. you softly smile to yourself as you study the boy laying next to you. jay’s messy fringe perfectly frames his face - still damp from the shower he had taken earlier. a thin pair of glasses sits on the bridge of his nose. one of your old t-shirts hangs loosely off of his broad shoulders. 
“you’re doing that thing again,” he murmurs. you silently watch as he sets his phone down before turning to face you. 
“what thing?” you chuckle.
“the puppy dog eyes you only do when you want me to do something for you.”
a gasp of faux offense escapes you. you dramatically roll onto your back, bringing a hand up to cover your heart. “you always assume the worst of me,” you huff.
“okay, okay,” jay laughs. he shifts even closer to you, leaning over your body to look down at you. “i’m sorry, baby. what do you need?”
“i’m hungry. will you help me make dinner? please?”
jay smiles brightly. he leans down to pull you into a sweet peck before he nods. “of course, love. come on.” you intertwine your hands together as you follow him into your kitchen. “what do you want to make?”
“japchae.” he smiles at your enthusiasm, helping you grab a variety of leftover vegetables and meat from the fridge. you set a pot of water to boil on the stove before slowly adding the noodles in to cook for a few minutes. the thin noodles swirl around when you stir them with a large, wooden spoon before putting the lid back onto the pot.
“y/n,” jay’s soft voice catches your attention. a cutting board and knife sit on your countertop near the sink. a variety of vegetables lay surrounding them on the counter. “come here.”
his arms snake around your waist from behind as you move to stand in front of the cutting board. he leans his head down to rest against your shoulder, carefully observing each of your movements. “let me know if you need any help,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss against your shoulder. 
you hum as you reach over to grab an onion. it rolls slightly along the cutting board as you slice a piece of the onion out of the side before peeling the first few layers of skin off. “how do i dice it?” 
“here,” jay smiles, reaching over to put his hands on top of yours. “use your knuckles to guide the knife so you don’t cut yourself.”
you let him maneuver your hands into the correct position before slowly guiding the knife down to hit the plastic cutting board below. you cut the onion into thin slices before turning them so you can cut the slices horizontally. “like that?” you ask.
“that’s perfect,” jay smiles. he slips away from behind you to turn the stove off before draining the water from the pot. he sets a frying pan over the still-heated burner before adding a small drop of oil into the center. the noodles sizzle when they hit the pan.
you use the knife to gather the diced onion between the blade and your hand before dropping them onto the noodles. jay smiles, nodding in approval. “do you want to do the rest while i make the sauce?”
“okay,” you nod. you carefully replicate the movements jay had taught you previously, gliding the blade into bell peppers and tofu until they were cut into small pieces. you’re nearly dancing around the kitchen beside jay as you work in tandem to add each new ingredient into the stir fry. 
“here,” jay pauses, using his chopsticks to fish out a few of the noodles. he holds a hand underneath your chin as he blows on them before raising the food up to your lips. “is it good?”
he chuckles when you perk up at the taste, frantically nodding. “it’s delicious,” you smile. 
jay reaches over to press a kiss against your temple. “that’s because you helped make them.” 
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personal note: fics might be coming out as fast/more focused on what i have inspiration to write in the moment for now. i've been stuck in a cycle of dysphoria and depression lately that's really impacted my motivation and my mental health lately as well as just general stress. i hope to start writing more frequently soon but until then thank you for all of the support <33
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stingynugget · 5 months
Lost Kingdom Bowuigi Prompt
An idea I had for Bowuigi, though I'm not sure how to flesh it out (so any ideas are welcome lol):
Luigi is in the Lost Kingdom from Mario Odyssey, looking for a balloon his brother hid. He gets caught in an acid rain storm, so he goes to a cave to hide... only to find Bowser already there. However, Bowser is acting strange. He won't open his eyes, and he doesn't get up when he hears Luigi enter the cave. (Maybe somehow a poison film covered his eyes, and one of his legs got dipped in a poison pool and got eaten down to the bone.) Cue injured Bowser x Luigi story, but one where Bowser doesn't recognize Luigi for either a while or until he's healed and is at the Mushroom Kingdom for a party. Could have some Cinderella/Little Mermaid elements as Bowser looks for the man who saved his life, but he has no idea what he looks like.
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I started this idea off, but I lost motivation haha:
Luigi pushed aside a particularly dense area of vegetation and breathed in the earthy scent of the Lost Kingdom. Tropical trees and plants surrounded him, along with stretchy wigglers and klepto birds. He was looking for a hidden balloon, as part of a hide-and-seek game between him and his older brother Mario. 
His compass, which told him what direction the balloon was, pointed down into a nearby pool of poison. He’d been trying to figure out if Mario actually hid the balloon in the poison or some nearby location for the past hour, but he still couldn’t find it.
To make matters worse, clouds were starting to form overhead. The Lost Kingdom was notorious for its horrifying poisonous rain. 
Luigi sighed. Did he just give up and try again tomorrow? But Mario was already at Blue Balloon rank, and Luigi was still stuck at Yellow Balloon. He needed to catch up soon, before he lost the month-long game altogether.
He felt a sizzling pain on his arm. Crying out, Luigi looked up to see the rain had already started to fall. Luigi frantically looked around, until he spotted a path that he knew led to a large, dry cave. He made a dash for it.
As he rounded the corner, the cave came into view. However, the last being he expected to see was sleeping there: the King of the Koopas himself. 
Bowser deeply snored, his head resting on his arms as he curled up in the cave. His spiky shell nearly touched the top of the cave, though the cave was deep enough for the rest of his body. He wore his usual spiked armbands and choker.
Luigi froze. He glanced behind him, at the sprinkle of acid rain that was now a downpour, and back at Bowser. Maybe… he could just sneak in quietly, and Bowser wouldn’t even know he was there. Just until the rain stopped.
Luigi took a small step forward and immediately tripped on a protruding rock. The sound of his shoe scuffling and his body thumping on the ground resounded throughout the cave. 
Bowser stirred and sniffed the air. “Who’s there?” he growled. 
Luigi’s heart hammered in his chest. He tried taking a small step backwards, but he didn’t get far without nearly getting poison on him. Right. The whole reason he was in this cave was to get out of the rain. But now he was stuck with Bowser. Which option was worse?
Bowser chuckled lowly. “I know you’re there. I can smell the sweat on you.” His eyes remained closed, which Luigi thought was strange.
Luigi squeezed his hands and desperately tried not to panic. But he was panicking. What should he do? Say “hello” to the Mushroom Kingdom’s biggest problem? Or just wait it out? More sweat dripped from under his hat and onto the tip of his round nose.
“You have three seconds to say something before I fry you.”
Luigi gulped. “Um!” His mouth chattered. “S-sorry to bother you. I was trying to g-get out of the r-rain.” He waited for the inevitable plume of flame that would be headed his way.
Bowser smiled. “There. Was that so hard?”
Luigi blinked in surprise. What was Bowser playing at? And why was he keeping his eyes shut? Did he just want to go back to sleep? Because Luigi would really like that.
“I w-won’t be a b-bother,” Luigi said. “Once the rain stops, I’ll be out of your hair.” Red hair, to be specific.
Bowser hummed. “Or… I throw you into the rain right now.”
Bowser chuckled darkly. He didn’t move from his spot, though. “In exchange for letting you stay here, you will become my servant. Being an underling of the King of the Koopas is quite the honor.”
“Just until I’m out of this awful kingdom. Though, if you do well, I’m actually recruiting right now. Lost a lot of minions from my last escapade. That's why I’m here in the first place.”
Luigi had a feeling that by “last escapade,” Bowser meant the last time he tried to kidnap Princess Peach. Mario and Bowser had a huge battle in the Moon Kingdom, with Mario winning of course. Luigi was just glad Mario hadn’t dragged him on this adventure. Flying in The Odyssey sounded like a nightmare, especially since he had acrophobia.
And wait, Luigi thought about the other thing Bowser said. “You… want me to join your team?”
“Were you even listening? That’s if you serve me well.”
Luigi frowned. He studied Bowser, who was still curled up on the floor of the cave. Bowser’s eyes, now that he looked at them closer, seemed to have a thin purple film covering them. 
Luigi tiptoed to the other end of the cave, but Bowser’s head didn’t follow the movement. He waved his hand, and Bowser just continued to “stare” at the rain falling outside.
“The pay’s good. Same with paid time off,” Bowser continued, when Luigi didn’t say anything.
Luigi shivered at the thought of working for Bowser. “I’ll, uh, consider it.” 
“Now, servant, what is your name?”
Luigi flinched. “Uh…” Shoot. He definitely shouldn’t give Bowser his real name. “L… Luis.” This was never going to work. He was so bad at lying.
“Luis… Sounds kind of familiar…”
“Er, it’s a common name.”
“Hmm… I see. Well, servant, your first action will be seeing what you can do about my leg.”
Why did Bowser even bother asking for his name? “Your leg?”
Bowser growled. “You think I’d be in this cave if I could help it?” He gestured behind him with his chin. “Get to it. And if you cause me any pain, I’ll fry you.”
“B-but—” He wasn’t a doctor! How was he supposed to know what would or wouldn’t cause pain?
“Stop dilly-dallying and get to work!” Bowser roared.
Luigi straightened his back and cried, “R-right!” As he crept around Bowser, he considered just running as far down into the cave as he could. Though… while Bowser couldn’t move, he still had his fire breath—and Luigi had plenty of experience to know that stuff had a wickedly long range. 
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petermorwood · 1 year
Hey, since cloning technology is good enough for them to create mammoth meatballs but not the entire mammoth yet, which prehistoric animal do you feel like taking a bite of?
Given where I was born, and where @dduane and I currently live, I think some Giant Irish Elk venison would be about right.
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Enough for the entire clan with plenty of leftovers and a Handy Thing To Hang Stuff From.
Which leads via Memory Lane to a funny by John M. Ford, who used to post such things - along with witticisms, wise observations and poetry - on Making Light.
He produced these in the same way a bonfire produces sparks: random, unexpected, brilliant and without apparent effort - though like the graceful swan on the river, I bet there was a lot of work going on out of sight. Or maybe not. Mike was that good.
For instance, he wrote THIS just to comment on another post...
I saved everything I could find offline because You Can Never Tell about online stuff, and also because there was, for a time, doubt - happily, It Got Better - that ANY of his writing would ever be seen again.
(Dammit, just like Terry Pratchett I HATE having to refer to Mike in past tense...)
And now, the funny (original archived Here). I've been assured that This Recipe Will Work, though the assurance also came with a strong suggestion about reducing the ingredient quantities More Than Somewhat.
Hot Gingered Pygmy Mammoth & Jumbo Shrimp Salad
Feeds your whole tribe.
1 pygmy mammoth, boned and cubed (about 1 ton) 1 ton jumbo shrimp, peeled and deveined (many many ordinary shrimps, or one Ebirah claw) 10 buckets sesame seeds 60 pounds bean thread noodles if you are an Eastern tribe, whatever your tribe uses for noodles otherwise. If you have not yet invented the noodle, this might be a good time to do so. 1 bucket vegetable oil 1 bucket sesame oil Salt 10 buckets minced fresh ginger 6 buckets minced garlic 15 buckets dry Sherry 15 buckets rice wine vinegar 60 pounds sugar 60 buckets diced fresh mangoes 15 buckets chopped green onions Big Snorgul's helmet full of red pepper flakes 10 buckets chopped fresh cilantro, plus 5 Big Snorgul's helmets fresh cilantro, garnish 1000 large heads lettuce, cored and leaves separated (a raid on the People Who Grow Stuff may be necessary) 30 buckets thinly sliced, peeled, seeded, drained cucumbers, or just chop up the damn cucumbers and say "Fie to thee!" a lot All the chives you got
Preheat a giant turtle shell over a fumarole. A big giant turtle. Put some oil in there. Make sure no other giant turtles are around to see you do this.
On a flat rock, stirring with your Stick of the Dining God, dry cook the sesame seeds over medium heat until they are brown and smell good. Remove from the heat. Add the noodles to the turtle shell and fry fast until puffy and the color of sunrise. Remove from the oil and drain on non-itchy leaves. Throw salt. Set aside.
Sear the mammoth meat on the flat rock. Salt but don't overdo it, you remember what happened to the Chest-Clutching Tribe of the Plains. Drain.
Get a less giant turtle shell. Okay, think of this as a celebration dish for a good turtle hunt and shrimp catch. Make the vegetable oil and most of the sesame oil dance. Add the shrimp, mammoth, ginger, and garlic, and cook fast, stirring, until the shrimp are just pink and firm. Doom of Ten Thousand Wretched Canapés awaits those who overcook shrimp. Remove from the shell with pole weapons. Add the sherry and vinegar, and sing the Song of Deglazing over medium heat. Add the sugar and stir until it is one with the sauce. Cook until half the fluid is gone. Feed anybody who thinks this is waste to the giant turtles. Add the rest of the sesame oil, mangoes, green onions, and pepper flakes, and stir to warm through and wilt. No, this wilt is good. Tell the people it is the wilt of the Wilt God. You need all the mojo you can get. Remove from the heat and add the shrimp and ginger, and the cilantro. Stir to warm through and do the Highly Dramatic Ritual of Adjusting the Seasoning to Taste.
Now your tribal status is on the thin edge of the cleaver. Have everybody bring what they eat off of. You know your tribe. Put lettuce on whatever they hold out and spread the hot stuff on it. Those who have no eating platters should be used to the drill by now. Arrange cucumber slices on top in whatever symbolic pattern seems propitious to you and sprinkle with the toasted sesame seeds. If you have a really tough tribe, yell "Bam!" until they get a groove going. Add fried noodles, cilantro sprigs, and chives, and watch for any signs of people keeling over that can't be blamed on strong drink.
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
“Why are you bleeding?” For Beau and Yasha, please?
"Why are you bleeding?"
Beau offered to go to the market with Yasha, but as she lays on the couch, feet propped up on the arm and the midmorning sun warming her face, she's so glad her wife insisted she could handle it alone. This week has been an absolute bitch, and there's nothing she'd rather be spending her weekend doing than dozing in and out of sleep in a sunbeam like one of Caleb's many cats.
She's drifting somewhere between awake and not when the front door slams open and she jolts upward, bleary-eyed and slurring, "Wuz goin' on?"
Yasha stands in the doorway, about half a dozen overstuffed canvas bags on each arm, frowning. Her hair, which had been neatly brushed and tucked behind her ears before she left, is a rat's nest, and blood drips steadily from a gash along her left cheek. "Hi."
"Hi." Beau blinks. "You...have fun?"
With a sigh, Yasha steps inside and dumps the bags onto the kitchen counter, sending satsumas and zucchini spilling everywhere. "I am never going by myself again."
Beau hauls herself off the couch and heads into the hall, where she starts digging through the linen closet for their stash of healing potions. "Why are you bleeding?"
"Well it started with Nogi—you remember him, the one with the ears—he's out of snap peas, of course, so then I have to walk up and down the aisle looking for someone else who's selling them, and sure I'm taller which makes it easier to see, but the place is packed today, so it's hard to move around—"
Beau finds the potion and closes the door. She walks back into the kitchen, where Yasha is angrily putting away her haul.
"—but finally I find this woman who has them for three times the price, but what am I going to do, skip them? You know that stir fry isn't the same without them. So I buy them, but then I'm short on gold when it comes time to buy the bread, which makes Joffa—oh, thanks." She downs the potion in one gulp, and Beau watches the cut on her face stitch itself up, leaving streaks of red behind. "Joffa catches an attitude with me about it! Like it's my fault I was price gouged for snap peas!"
Yasha pauses, her head half in a cupboard. "Yeah?"
"Why are you bleeding?"
"Oh. On the way home I tripped over a loose cobblestone and hit the corner of a fence." She pouts. "It was a really shitty morning."
Fighting a smile, Beau stretches up on her tiptoes to kiss Yasha's cheek above where the gash once was. "I'm sorry. Do you want me to go kick that fence's ass?"
"No. But maybe the Cobalt Soul can investigate the shoddy infrastructure in the streets of Zadash."
"On it." She gestures to the rest of the groceries. "Go lay down. I'll finish putting these away."
"Hmm, I might take a bath first. I still smell like the market."
"Only if I can join you."
Yasha grins. "Well hurry up and get these put away." She kisses Beau full on the lips before slipping past to head into the bathroom. Beau hears the water start in the tub and the telltale sound of clothes hitting the floor, and she's never stuffed food into cupboards so fast in her life.
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infini-tree · 7 months
ok. assorted kfp4 thoughts.
i still don't think there's any reason why po can't be both oogway's successor and the dragon warrior even after watching the movie.
and here's the big fish to fry: the pacing. i know i've previously said that kfp3's pacing was rushed but kfp4 felt like it was speedrunning its own plot. by the time they got to the juniper palace i was baffled because the duo barely had a moment in the city and they were suddenly going to face the main villain?
a lot of it was left up to exposition about the characters' deal at you to try and make up for it. which made the big character twist suffer. and i do like the character twist! in theory,
so: basically zhen was initially founded/raised by thieves and criminals (and considered han her "old mentor"), and then was later raised by the chameleon after zhen showed a similar ruthlessness in her after trying to steal from her.
the underground criminals were mostly sidelined as a joke but the additional pacing issues doesn't really give you time to dwell on zhen and han's whole deal. and then suddenly you get an expository flashback later on, but there's not a lot of an emotional gutpunch to any of these reveals due to said pacing issues and han is relegated to being part of the crime comedy squad. he can do devastated dad figure! let him lean into waymond eeaao!
now for the rest of my thoughts on other minor stuff:
insert obligatory annoyance about the five being relegated to being non-speaking cameos in the credits. frankly i'm neutral about it in the grand scheme of the movie (there's bigger fish to fry as seen above), but they made me pay attention to that fact by doing that little lampshading joke in the beginning so i got a little irrationally ticked off by that line. you know i'm kind of glad they were off doing something else for this one.
li and ping were fun in this movie, don't get me wrong. but also they contributed to the weird pacing in this movie because instead of dealing with the main plot, we have to watch their sideplot of catching up to the main plot?
the staff mechanics of 'you can only use its powers if someone willingly gives you the staff'. also strange, but not in a way i can articulate. like, i guess it ties back to kfp3 and how oogway describes qi manipulation as 'giving/taking'?
chameleon's motivations re: being rejected to train in kung fu in every training hall because she was so small and feeble is... strange to me, seeing as mantis exists. who is an objectively smaller creature. maybe there's a level of her being an unreliable narrator (like how shen views that his parents never loved him), but that's not how they play that out so it just feels like a weird plot hole if you think about it too much.
surprisingly not as annoyed about po not being recognized. listen, china is a big place and news does not travel fast, i figure. i already had similar headcanons, but applied to oogway so this isn't as large of a leap of logic for me.
this is a nothingburger thought to add but: once again baffled by the concept of predation in this world. from the bunny sitting in a broth he has to stir(???) in the bar scene, to the fish living in his adopted pelican mom's mouth. its weird! i don't like thinking about how meat eaters work in this world!
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shirohige-pirates · 1 year
Just Like Fire
CisFem Reader x Portgas D. Ace
CW: angst, language, erotic, violence, serial killer, stalking, poisoning, over-bearing controlling parents, attempted forced marriage, possible dub-con, Munchausen by proxy (aka Factitious Disorder), wildly cute and fluffy despite the warnings. 18+ only
Summary: You're Sabo's biological sister in this AU. After college you moved in with your dear brother and his two sworn brothers in order to avoid going back home. You and Sabo despise your family equally.
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Chapter 16: Diagnostic
The rest of the day with Ace went by comfortably. You two watched a movie together, snuggled together on the couch. You talked a little bit more, here and there, sometimes about the movie, sometimes about nothing at all. Ace took care of a couple chores while you got lunch together, and afterward you sat nearby and read while he played a video game.
It was nice to simply exist with him, exchanging the occasional shy smile. Eventually you had your ankles on his thigh, and he’d put a hand on them during a lull in the game. You were grateful for the size of the book you were reading so you could keep your composure a little easier as the afternoon carried on.
Eventually Luffy came home, with Marco in tow. You exchanged greetings, and started making dinner while the three sat in the kitchen and talked with you.
“Law said he’ll be here at 6.” Marco explains as you slide a cup of tea in front of him. “Oh thank you. You’ll make someone quite the wife, (Y/N).” He says it with a smile, and your face turns red. You can’t stop yourself from looking over at Ace, who already has his hat pulled down low.
“Oh.” Marco says softly, smiling to himself.
You clear your throat a little. “Is there anything you prefer to eat?” You question.
Marco shakes his head. “I enjoy pineapple, but I’m not picky.”
“You are a pineapple.” Ace grumps.
“Watch it, brat, or I’ll show no mercy.” Marco warns, taking a sip of tea.
You chuckle at their banter and start to make stir fry for the night. It was quick to cook, but the setup and prep took a bit of time. Enough to give Sabo and Law a chance to join all of you.
While you worked, Marco told you about his curse.
“What do you know about curses?” He asks. “Do they teach the classifications to everyone?”
You nod. “Nobles, at least. There’s Paramecia, Zoan, and Logia, right? Logia can control and become an element, Zoan can turn into something else, and Paramecia is kind of a catch all for otherwise hard to classify cases.”
“Pretty much that, yes.” Marco says. “I’m a Zoan type. I can turn into a Phoenix.”
“Wait – you’re Marco the Phoenix?!” You question turning to face him. Marco smiles and nods. “Oh, haha, you were a bit of a hero to me when I was younger.”
You laugh again as go back to work while you continue. “My father really hates you. I had no idea what you looked like, but he would complain about you, and someone named Edward Newgate all the time.”
“Hah, that’s Pops’ name!” Ace says proudly.
Your eyes go wide, and you come over to the breakfast bar, beaming at Marco. “Wait, is it true he picked up a firetruck and carried it?”
Marco laughs, but he’s nodding his head. “It’s true, yoi. It’s probably what upset your father. He didn’t carry it alone, but he definitely left the biggest impression on the News network.”
“Why’d he have to carry it?”
“Regulation change.” Marco says. “They decided to classify Firetrucks as needing a special license to operate. Which, it was just a political move to try and tank the central station, they already required additional training and certification to drive, yoi.
“They made the change at 4:53pm on a Friday, and sure enough that weekend saw a lot of little nuisance fires. It was all hands on deck as we took care of them, using our abilities, pulling in all the reserves and volunteers. That Sunday afternoon a huge fire broke out. We needed the truck. If we drove it without the proper license though, they would’ve used it against Pops.” Marco explains.
“So, he carried it.” You grin.
“Aye. After a display like that, the whole ordeal was settled.”
“Why the scuffle in the first place?”
Marco tilts his head a little, and it’s Ace who answers. “Cause they were successful and cursed.”
“Oh.” You lower your head. “Sorry.”
“Nothing for you to apologize for, girl.” Marco says.
You return to cooking. Sabo comes home and shortly after him, Law arrives. The chatter goes in one ear and out the other for you as you work. Your mind’s still on the earlier conversation. The chatter dies down when you get to cooking.
Stir fry goes fast and can be a bit of a spectacle to watch. Ace gives you a hand, passing ingredients as it builds, and eventually takes over the wok when you start to tire. He shows off a little, putting his hand into the stove flame and really bringing up the heat at the end of it.
The meal is set in the middle of the table and portioned out.
“So, what’s the plan for tonight?” You ask, once everyone’s been served, or served themselves.
“First a scan.” Law explains. “If there’s nothing unexpected, I want to remove everything that’s still left.”
“I thought that was risky?” Ace chimes in.
“It’s exponentially safer with Marco assisting.” Law promises.
“What did Chopper discover about the new medication?” Sabo questions.
Law’s silent for a second, and sighs. “Same level of suppressant, just less of the poisons.”
“It’s alright,” you say with a bitter smile. “That’s what I expected.”
“We… also found someone willing to take the medication.” Law’s eyes are on you as he continues carefully. “Miss (Y/N), you are, without a doubt, cursed.”
“Someone willingly took poison?” Sabo questions in shock.
“Zaggy.” Luffy says between mouthfuls of food.
“You okay?” Ace asks you, and the whole table turns to you.
“Yeah… I mean, I figured. I’m just… conflicted.”
“I bet.” Marco says. “Nobles don’t usually keep cursed children.”
“Whaddya mean?” Luffy asks, and his attention is pulled away from the food in front of him.
“Well, according to the common knowledge, Nobles and such can’t have cursed children. They’re above all that.” Marco says it nonchalantly, but there’s an edge in his voice despite his efforts. “Families often kill, or abandoned their children when one’s born with a curse.”
“Are you saying what… our parents did… was a mercy?” Sabo questions. His voice is shaking, and his fists are clenched.
“No. What I’m saying is that what your parents did was a choice, and what they chose wasn’t anything that killed (Y/N).” Marco says. “They had a lot of options that were easier than what they chose, but why they made those decisions is irrelevant.”
You and Sabo look at Marco.
“The facts are still facts. They could’ve provided the supplement medication truthfully, and untainted. They could’ve done what the Donquixotes did almost fifty years ago, much to their sons’ chagrin.” Marco says. “They were the first Celestials in memory to step down. Both their sons were born cursed.”
“I’ve never read anything about that.” You admit.
“They don’t record something like that.” Law answers. “Aside from the people involved, no one else would know.”
“How do you two know?” Ace asks.
“Rosinante saved my life.” Law answers.
“Doflamingo, well, most of you know that name.” Marco says.
“Wait, the King of Dressrosa that was dethroned and imprisoned three years ago?” You question, mouth wide.
“False king.” Law, Marco and Luffy all say in unison.
“Ah, lil’ spark, it’s good you’re sitting down.” Sabo says. “I would like to preface this with the fact that there hasn’t been a lot of time to catch you up on everything that’s happened since I left.”
“YOU WERE INVOLVED?” You nearly bellow the question.
“Aside from you and me, everyone at this table was.” Marco says.
You open and close your mouth a few times, trying to think of what to say, but you can’t seem to remember what words are.
“We are, obviously, all okay.” Sabo offers hesitantly.
“One life-altering focus at a time.” Law grumbles. “The past is irrelevant right now. Marco and I are here, and you understand the possibilities. Focus on that.”
“Ah… y-yeah.” You agree, sitting back a little. You couldn’t help but think about some of the conversations you’d had with Sabo, and you were starting to realize how practical his position was. Not theoretical. Not fanciful. Not just for the benefit of the two of you.
After everyone ate, it was decided everything would be done down in the basement. Marco’s curse was a tightly guarded secret, and so he didn’t use it in public unless it was a matter of life and death. The house itself was secure, but the basement was even more so.
Law puts his hand out, and the now familiar blue shift permeates the basement area. You’re lying on a coffee table between him and Marco.
“I feel like I’m being ritualistically sacrificed.” You muse.
“It’s not too much of a stretch.” Marco admits with a smile. “This is probably going to feel a little like a rebirth.”
You breathe deep in through your nose and slowly out your mouth a few times.
“Nervous?” Marco asks.
You nod. “A little bit.”
“Oi, Ace, come hold your girl’s hand.” Marco says.
Flames licked around Ace but he stepped over to you and knelt down, taking your hand in his. Seeing you cover your face with your other hand gave him some of his confidence back and he was smirking at you by the time you looked at him again.
“If we tell you to move, do so as fast as possible.” Law says to Ace. “A little burn will be the least of our concerns if we need you to move, understand?”
“Yes.” Ace says, turning away from Law and looking back to you.
The process began, and lasted nearly an hour. You weren’t sure exactly everything that was done, but Law and Marco communicated efficiently. You could feel parts of your body moving without the other parts that would usually need to move with them. Ace put a hand over your eyes as he held onto your hand, asking you if you wanted to know what was going on or not.
When you shook your head, and again to answer that it didn’t hurt, it was just weird, he started talking about movies to you. He talked about the one you’d watched that afternoon, who was in it, what other movies they were in that were better – or worse – and what he wanted to watch with you later. Law and Marco’s conversation became a backdrop to the steady, almost whispered words, muttering random movie facts and trivia into your ear.
“You don’t have to leave, Ace-ya.” Law says, “but I need her hand and head to finish this.”
Ace lets go of your hand and puts his hands on your shoulders, after he moves out of the way of Law and Marco. “Keep your eyes closed, (Y/N).” He says to you. “I’m still here.”
“Hold still.” Law says, after you had nodded to Ace’s voice.
You stilled, and Ace kept talking to you. “You’re doing great. They’re almost done. As soon as we can, we’ll take you on a proper camping trip. Full long weekend. Before that, or after it, we’ll go on that first date. I’ll even go see one of those fancy foreign romance movies if you want, but I was thinking more like a carnival. You can hold my hand on the roller coaster, and I’ll win one of those cheap toys for you from a rigged booth, and we’ll eat food with way too much grease and breading.”
Another moment passes in silence, and then Ace squeezes your shoulders. “You can look now.”
Law already has the look on his face he always has when he’s scanning you as you open your eyes.
“How do you feel?” He asks.
“… Good. A little tired.”
“That might be me.” Marco says. “I can heal people, but sometimes it wears them out.”
“Ace-ya, help her sit up.” Law requests. “Let me know if you feel dizzy or sick.”
Ace and Marco both give you a hand sitting up on the coffee table. You stretch and move and give everyone a smile.
“I feel good. I feel tired, but it feels really different. Like, I don’t know. It feels cleaner.” You try to explain.
“I can’t find anything left in your system either. A trace here or there, but nothing that should be affecting you.” Law says as the blue-tint fades. He takes a step back himself and sits down on the couch heavily. He looks far more exhausted than you, and he’s broken into a sweat.
He puts a tattooed hand up before you can say anything. “I worked a full day and then did this, I’m just tired (Y/N)-ya, I’m okay. Congratulations, you’re not sick anymore.”
You put your arms up over your head. “I’m not sick anymore!” You say in mini celebration.
“I’m… actually, not that tired either.” You say after a moment. You stand up and Ace stands up with you. “Usually when I get excited about something I can feel it draining me, but I almost feel like I’m getting… less tired?”
You look around at the people in the room. “Do… do people get less tired without sleeping?”
Sabo steps up and hugs you. You can feel him tremble a little bit and you realize he’s crying, or trying not to. Ace and Luffy hug you too, and that’s the answer to your question. You hug them back, as best as you can, for a moment, before Marco breaks you all up.
“I know you’re all relieved, but give her some space, yoi.” He says pulling Sabo back with some effort. “(Y/N)’s curse is unknown. Sometimes they can be difficult to control. None of you want her to accidentally hurt someone while you’re celebrating.” Marco waves Ace and Luffy back a couple more steps before he regards you.
“You feel good, but pay attention to your body, yoi. Do you feel anything else?”
You consider it for a moment. Your heart thumps, and you could feel muscle and bone. You could feel your body without the pain, and it was a little surreal on its own. Your base sensation had been pain, the feelings of your bones and organs were accents, but now that was flipped on its head.
“Something feels… right?” You admit after a few long moments. “It’s not wrong, it’s not weird, but there’s something there.” Looking at your hand, you flex it a little and then suddenly your whole arm is a large, snow-white wing that extends so far out you nearly take out Luffy with it.
“My hand! My arm!” You exclaim, trying to take a step back from yourself.
“Wow, (Y/N)’s a Zoan!” Luffy exclaims.
“WHY IS MY ARM A WING?” You try not to screech the question, but you aren’t in control, and you want your arm back.
Marco puts a hand on each of your shoulders and grabs your gaze with his eyes. “Breathe, yoi. Breathe with me.” His voice is commanding, and it pulls you in. You follow him in breathing, and he smiles. “Like that. Just… think about your arm. You know it. Five fingers. You know the color of your skin, the little hairs, the marks no one else sees.”
As he’s talking the wing disappears and your arm returns. Marco pats your shoulders. “There you go, yoi. You’re a natural. Lucky for you, I’m also a Zoan type, and I’m more than happy to help you (Y/N).”
“Haa… ahh… ye-yeah.” You nod. “Yes. Um… tonight?”
“If you’re up for it, I have time to spare tonight.” Marco says with a smile.
“I, however, do not.” Law says standing up. “Miss (Y/N)-ya it has been my pleasure.”
“Ah, yes, mine as well, thank you doctor.” You say, giving his hand a shake. “What do I owe you?”
Law tilts his head a little. “I believe you’ve fed me twice now, besides, I only charge nobles and such. As a cursed, you aren’t one.”
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cuddlepilefics · 8 months
SKZ Season Greetings - 16
Tired of it
Hyunjin had to take frequent breaks because looking at his canvas made his eyes water but he didn’t mind. Minho had fallen asleep with his head in Jisung’s lap as they listened to a calm playlist. “Why don’t you sip some more tea?”, the rapper whispered as he handed Hyunjin a tissue, so the dancer could dab away the irritated tears. Pouring himself another cup, Hyunjin sniffled: “Ugh, my head hurts. Think I’ll go wash my hands and take another nap.” – “Mhm, good idea. Your eyes look really glossy, so better rest them for a while”, Jisung agreed, “Wanna join for some snuggles?” – “I’d love that”, the older breathed, placing down his cup before heading to the bathroom to wash his hands.
When Seungmin woke up, he was surprised to be alone. Changbin and Jeongin had snuck away at some point, preparing some stir fry for the group because they had grown tired of eating soup all the time. Coughing into the cuff of his sleeve, Seungmin got out of bed and staggered to the common area in search of his friends. “Oh, you’re up”, Jeongin exclaimed, walking up to the other, “How do you feel, hyung?” The maknae brushed the backs of his fingers against Seungmin’s forehead, clicking his tongue. Leaning into the cool touch, Seungmin sighed: “Tired and stuffed up.” – “You’re still feverish”, Jeongin informed quietly. Studying the boy, Changbin hummed: “Would you like some water?” Giving a sleepy nod, Seungmin leant into Jeongin’s side and waited for his hyung to pour him a glass of water.
“Are you hungry? We’re almost done making stir fry”, Changbin smiled as he handed the younger his drink. Taking a small sip to soothe his throat, Seungmin shook his head and rasped: “Not really, though I might have another smoothie later.” – “I’ll gladly make one, just let me know when you get hungry”, Jeongin beamed, his arm tightening around the other’s waist. “What do you want to do now?”, Changbin asked softly, “Done sleeping for now?” – “Mhm, I doubt I could sleep more right now”, Seungmin sighed, resting his head on Jeongin’s shoulder. Gently patting his hair, the maknae whispered: “We could watch a movie once we’re done cooking.” – “I dunno”, the older sniffled, “Still have a headache. Don’t think looking at a screen is a good idea.” Sympathetically rubbing Seungmin’s back, Changbin offered: “What about a long and relaxing bath? Chan-hyung and Felix are asleep and the others went over to the other dorm because they needed a change of scenery, so chances are high you can stay in there for a long time.” – “Oh, I still have a peppermint bathbomb. Should soothe the aches and help clear up the congestion”, Jeongin gasped, adding, “Just don’t turn the temperature up too high. Wouldn’t want your fever to go even higher.”
Not wanting to be alone, Seungmin stayed tucked against Jeongin’s side and dazedly watched his friends cook. Once the stove was turned off, Changbin headed to the bathroom and ran the younger a bath. “Why don’t you go join hyung and I’ll fetch the bathbomb for you?”, Jeongin whispered, catching Seungmin’s attention. The other nodded tiredly but was reluctant to get out of the hug. A little uncertain, the maknae hummed: “Want me to walk you there?” Another small nod. “Alright, come on, hyung”, Jeongin smiled and took a small step forward, waiting patiently for Seungmin to start moving. It took them a while to get to the bathroom but Seungmin managed, though the congestion affected his sense of balance.
Sitting on the closed toilet lid, Seungmin sluggishly tugged on his clothes and gave a thick sniffle. There was this dull ache all over his body, every limb feeling heavy and every muscle on fire from the slightest movement. His eyes watered from the pressure in his sinuses and he could barely see Jeongin when the boy joined them. The maknae carefully dropped the bathbomb into the tub and watched how it started to fizz. The water slowly took on a light green shade and the steam carried a strong menthol scent. “You can get in now. I’ll turn around”, Changbin hummed as he turned off the tap.
A stuffy sigh slipped from Seungmin’s lips as the vocalist lowered himself into the warm water. It was just warm enough to not cause him chills but it still soothed his sore muscles. He heard another tap running before Changbin tapped his shoulder and smiled: “I got you a hot cloth to put over your nose and cheeks. Will hopefully clear you up some and relieve the pressure a little.” – “Ugh, ‘t feels ndice”, Seungmin sniffed, muffled by the cloth he was pressing to his face. Jeongin had left again, heading to Seungmin’s room to pick out a comfortable outfit for the other, making sure to also bring him thick, fuzzy socks.
While Seungmin soaked in the bath, Chan helped Felix to the living room. The dancer had woken up coughing again only a few minutes ago. “Want me to make you more tea”, Chan offered after getting his dongsaeng settled on the couch. Clearing his throat, Felix frowned: “Once this is over, I won’t be drinking tea ever again.” The leader affectionately ruffled his hair before getting both of them some water from the kitchen. “Oh, this stir fry looks really good”, Chan commented, admiring his dongsaengs’ work. Felix visibly perked up at that and if he hadn’t been so short of breath, he would’ve gone to take a look for himself.
Once Seungmin started to feel a little cold in the tub, Changbin gently helped him dry his hair. Feeling sleepy once again, everything felt like in slow motion to Seungmin but the rapper was more than patient. When his dongsaeng’s head spun dizzily as he bent down to put on his socks, Changbin took them from him and carefully slid them on his feet. Knowing that Seungmin was well taken care of, Jeongin left the pair alone and smiled when his found his two Aussie friends on the couch. The maknae took a seat on the armrest and gave Felix a side hug, humming: “Nice, to see you up again. How do you feel?” – “Hm, not really any better yet but having medicine that should work does give me hope that it might improve soon”, the dancer mumbled.
“Oi, mate, who made that stir fry in the kitchen?”, Chan spoke up when Jeongin had gone quiet, only indulging Felix in head pats. Smiling brightly at their leader, Jeongin chuckled: “Changbin-hyung and I did. We grew tired of always eating soup.” – “Just as Lixxie is tired of drinking tea, huh”, Chan laughed hoarsely. “We actually made a really large serving, so if either of you are hungry for stir fry…”, Jeongin offered. Fondly shaking his head, the leader thanked him but insisted he still had no appetite, while Felix hesitated: “I’d love to try a little. Don’t think I can stomach much right now but my body needs some fuel.” – “I bet it does”, the maknae agreed, “Let me go and heat some up for you.”
Relaxing in the living room, Felix and Jeongin both ate a small bowl of stir fry and enjoyed finally having more variety in their diet again. Soup was nice and all but it did get boring eventually. Chan got up when he heard Seungmin shuffle down the hallway. The vocalist was so sleepy that he needed to brace himself against the wall for support but still wanted to get some water before going to bed again. “What do you need, Minnie”, Chan asked softly, reaching for his dongsaeng’s elbow to support him. Slumping against the wall, Seungmin rasped: “Jus’ wan’ed to ge’ a drink.” – “Alright, we can do that”, the older encouraged, wrapping his arm around the other’s waist. He pulled Seungmin along to the living room and eased him down next to Felix, promising: “Hyung will get you some water. Just hang in there.”
“Hey, Seungminnie”, Felix whispered, placing his empty bowl onto the coffee table. The younger gave a hoarse hum in reply and sank into Felix’ side, while the Aussie comfortingly draped his arm around his shoulders. Tracing Seungmin’s arm, Felix worried: “Are you feeling worse?” To his surprise, the vocalist shook his head. “Took a long bath an’ now ‘m so rea’y to sleep ‘gain”, Seungmin slurred, eyes slowly closing. Gently nudging the boy Chan reminded: “You should have some water first, Minnie. I’ll help you to bed afterwards.” While the leader steadied Seungmin’s hand, so he could have a few sips of water, Changbin joined them and cooed. ‘Just a sleepy puppy’, he thought as he watched his dongsaeng hand the glass back before curling up against Felix’ side. “Chan, just let him rest here”, Felix whispered as his dongsaeng sank further into his side, “We can just take another nap here, right, Minnie?”
With Seungmin already snoring softly due to the remaining congestion, Felix didn’t get a reply but Chan, Changbin and Jeongin helped to get the two of them into a somewhat comfortable position. They made sure to refill the humidifier and turn it up to the highest setting, so Felix could breathe a little easier, before leaving the pair alone to get so rest.
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gourdkeeper · 1 year
Follow up to Drunken Brawlin'; this time reader is AFAB, can make other versions based on request
Word count: 2590
Warnings: 18+, oral sex, submissive Jamie, switching at the end
Disclaimer: not proofread, the thirst for Jamie guided me
Read below the cut
Tomorrow rooftops. Tomorrow rooftops. Tomorrow rooftops.
It keeps playing in your mind until you finally manage to drift off to sleep.
You can't shake your mind off of him and what you've done. You've never been that bold before with anyone and especially not in such a public place. Your stomach is stirring up a fight. Stress mixed with excitement. What even got into you?
You've been meeting amazing fighters left and right as of late and yet, the small fry with the inflated ego in Chinatown catches your eye out of all people... You almost hate that you're so captivated by him. That stupid little waist and defined pectorals... The unnecessarily long hair that clinged onto his forehead every time he worked up a sweat. His fake bravado and sly smirk. Ugh.
The moment you wake up, you grab your phone. It still had his message on the screen.
Today rooftops.
You just know today's about to be the longest day you've ever had in your life, counting down every minute until the sun sets at last.
As expected, nothing else has been in your mind. The whole day you couldn't focus. Luke couldn't get you to hit the punching bag decently no matter what back at the academy. Li-Fen could not get a hold of you to have you chase after some other weird promotion.
Rest of the day was spent in your little hideout staring at yourself in the bathroom mirror wondering if you looked good and preparing mentally for what to even say. How will you face him?
Hell. How will he face you? What if he doesn't even show up, maybe the nerves are getting the best of him too.
The night fell and you've rushed out of your sample of a claustrophobic apartment.
Your heart is pounding at your throat and you gulp down hard as you arrive in the dreaded Chinatown. Here you are.
Once more the stupid cardboard head douche nozzles are here to pester you and you just wipe the floor with them. When will they ever learn?
Up the ladder you go. You can feel your palms getting sweaty. "Calm down" you repeat to yourself like a mantra.
You've finally made it to the top.
Your heart sinks. He isn't here. What if he ghosted you. No. He must be late. He wouldn't just do that right?
You hear whistling from behind you and you turn your head around instantly. There he is. Perched on a light sign across the street. Nimbly he jumps over, rolling perfectly and stopping right in front of you. "What is he, half cat?" You think to yourself.
"I was worried you wouldn't show up." You say, cupping his cheek in your hand.
"No, *I* was worried you wouldn't show up. Have been watching over the street for over 30 minutes now." He tells you with the same smuggy smirk on his lips as always.
You're scratching the back of your head now, apologizing for not having been there sooner and he stops you as there's no reason to apologize. "I was just too eager to see you."
He holds you by your hands and looks into your eyes.
"Listen... What happened yesterday? I never did that before. I'm sorry if I made you do anything you didn't want to. I got you drunk and then that happened. I'm sorry." For once he doesn't look arrogant or full of shit. He's being honest.
"No no no, I didn't do anything I didn't want to, trust me Jamie..." You smile to reassure him that nothing bad happened. "In fact I wanted to make sure you were okay too, I kept worrying I went too far."
He starts giggling at the situation.
You're perplexed.
"W-why are you laughing?" Blowing air through your nostrils yourself.
"We're both apologizing for no reason. Yesterday was good." Now his turn to cup your cheek in his hand. "Great even. Perfect. The best night of my life. And yet here we are excusing ourselves for possibly hurting the other."
You giggle as well. "You're right. It was the best night..."
"Hey uh," he begins, "have you had dinner yet?"
You shake your head. Food hasn't even crossed your mind in the last couple of hours.
"Let's get going, I was thinking we could eat something together and then maybe... If you're okay with it we could come over to my place?“
You raise your eyebrow at that last suggestion.
"What? I even cleaned up, just for you!"
You lightly punch his chest in jest. "Sure, I'm down."
You both grabbed some takeaway from the nearby noodle bar and walked over to his apartment.
"Ladies first!" You gesture him towards his own door and he does a little bow and holds his hands out as if holding a skirt before breaking into a laughing fit. Guess this guy doesn't need to drink to be a goofball with you.
"Thank you for coming with me" he chimes, now inside, gesturing you to come sit at the couch with him so you can eat in peace.
"Thank you for inviting *me*! Then again I was gonna invite you over to my place if you didn't do it first. Maybe better this way, my crib is uh cramped."
"More the excuses to be up against you..."
He turns on the TV for some background noise as we eat and share silly tidbits about ourselves. He tells me about his cousins that have given him an ass whooping on more than one occasion for getting into stupid brawls as a kid and how they'd take him to the skatepark on weekends.
You tell him about how you're only in Metro City for a bit over a week and the first person you've met was Luke who was teaching you how to fight at first.
"Hm? You turn to him and he looks like he just choked up on his noodles and is fuming.
"Luke dipshit-asswipe Sullivan? That guy?"
"Y-yeah that is his last name! Not sure about the dipshit or asswiping part though-"
He cuts you off. "Listen that guy's a piece of crap, thinks he's the best and just goes around bumping into others and provoking them into fights. Do not give him the light of the day, he is not worth your time, you're too good to grace him with your company, absolute fucki-“
"Are you jealous?“
He turns red.
"N-no, why would I be jealous of that waste of space?"
"It sounds like you're jealous..."
"Maybe a little bit." He pouts. "Just not a fan that the first person you've met here from all the people had to be him, the guy I've been butting heads with for years... It should have been me instead..."
"Well," you start, "to be fair you have been the first and only person I've gotten intimate with around here" he raises his brow, "...and I'd like to keep it that way."
"Are you trying to tell me something?" He inquires.
"I am, I am trying to tell you, Jamie Siu, that I want to be with you..." You finish the sentence poking a finger over his chest and pushing him lower into the couch so that you're laying on top of him.
"Hmm... That so?“ A sly smile spreading on his face.
"Are you finished eating?" He asks, to which you nod, "How about some dessert?“ His tone sinful, "I know *I* want some..."
"Yeah? What are you gonna do? Eat me up?"
"Mhm might as well.." He jokingly bares his teeth at you.
"I want to pay you back for what you've done to me..." His hands trailing down your body, "Will you let me?“
You take notice of how he always asks for permission and you decide to play with it, seen as it riled him so gravely last time.
"Hmm, I think you need to show me how much you want it first!“ You play difficult.
"Oh, are we doing this then?“ His eyebrow raised, licking his lips and starting to get antsy. He's certainly not shy or embarrassed over getting vocal. "Please... Will you let me please you? Been craving you all day..." He holds onto you tight and tries to pull you up to his face.
You oblige, and start kissing him, breathing heavily into each other, arms tangled together, your right hand reaching into the back of his neck to still him in place and your left creeping up his chest under his clothes, groping his defined breast eliciting a moan from him.
"P-please..." He whines as you pull back from the kiss to take a breather.
"Hmm I don't know, I don't think I'm quite convinced just yet." With a mischievous glint in your eye you start pinching his nipple, making him twitch under you.
"H-how" his breath shallow, "can I show you?"
He's blushed so red even without having drank anything... That, that does give you *quite* the idea.
"Please...let me show you how badly I need you. N-need to taste you." He's groping your ass roughly as he grows more desperate for you.
"Do you want me that badly?"
Jamie nods furiously.
"Do you...want to be my *good boy*?" Giving him a borderline sadistic smile, recalling how he reacted the first time you've called him that.
Somehow he blushes to an even darker red and parts his lips. "Y-yes..."
"This time we're inside... Which means... You," left hand reaching for his braid and pulling, tugging his head backwards making him whine in pleasure disguised by pain, "...Can be as loud as you want... No one will be able to hear you moan out my name and scream... Isn't that so?"
You see his adam's apple bob up and down as he gulps, neck outstretched as you keep the tension on his hair.
"I- I guess so..." He says sheepishly, part nervousness part arousal. Most of it definitely arousal.
"So what will you be?"
"A good boy..."
"What was that?" Pulling harder.
"Y- your good boy!"
"That's right..." Letting up now.
His lids are heavy and he can't stop himself from subconsciously lift his hips and try to provide himself some friction from rubbing and grinding on you.
"So..." You start, "if I were you... I'd get rid of those clothes, unless you want them to be a mess."
He's licking his lips in anticipation, "Yes..."
You raise your eyebrow at him and it's like he's finally back to earth, you can only wonder what fantasy was playing out in his head.
He immediately sits up and removes his top and asks you to lift yourself a bit so he can remove his pants as well.
"Why am I the only one undressing here?“ He asks, blushing at the thought of being the only one vulnerable.
"Because I want *you* to undress me..."
"Oh." A smile spreading on his lips, he can't wait to unwrap that present.
Now naked he put his hands on the fly of your lace up pants.
You slap it away.
"Be a good boy and use your pretty mouth~" You goad him.
He's quick to obey and puts his hands beside him for support and reaches forward with his mouth, wishing the pants weren't there to stop him from devouring you.
He clearly struggles with it at the start but gets the hang of it, holding onto one lace with his teeth and pulling back on it.
He mouths at the waist band now and tries his best to pull it down. You shift your body to help him out and as he pulls down his mouth gapes.
"N-no underwear??!"
You giggle at his shock, he almost sounds innocent.
"Just for you..."
Deciding to cut his work short you remove your pants off fully. Now straddling his body, with your bare crotch.
"God- I want you so bad..." He whines.
"You want a drink?"
You reach for his gourd that he settled on the little coffee table next to you and put it up to his lips.
"Go on, you deserved it."
"I'd like to drink something else..." He plays.
"Is that so? Get on the floor." You lift yourself up and give him a hand and quickly he's laying down with you standing over him with a smile.
"What do you want to drink? Hm?"
"You. I want you on my mouth please..."
Your next move is a very bold one, he's stupefied with your actions as you lower yourself down and push the gourd's neck past your lips and tilt it back, pouring the contents inside of you.
Moans escape your mouth as he watches with bated breath, astonished. Not believing how sinful you're acting, his cock straining and twitching already in his boxer shorts. Stain of precome appearing more visible by the second.
You withdraw the gourd and squeeze tight, trying to contain his herbal tea inside, some of it inevitably spilling.
"You still want a drink?"
He's incredulous, blinking up at you, shaken before he snaps, "Yes! Yes please!"
His hands rush to your backside as he tries to pull you to him in a feral animalistic need.
You take a hold of his hair one more and don't hesitate to shove your sex on his face.
He shows no hesitation either as he laps at your lips, drinking you in, kissing your clit, mouthing at your folds, moaning and breathing heavily without any constraint.
"Oh my god- Jamie... God..!" You have difficulty even asserting dominance over him with the way he's eating you out like a starved and dehydrated man who's spotted an oasis in the desert. "You're so good Jamie!" You praise, barely holding on.
Your praise getting to him, pushing him to drive you over the edge, going faster, harder. Looking up at you from that angle with fucked out eyes and his hair a mess. Juices flowing all over his face, your bodily fluids unintelligible from his tea.
"Make me come Jamie, be my good boy! Come on." You palm at his cock as you spur him on. Grinding on his vicious tongue.
He gets louder, whining with need beneath you, you can hear him hum your name in-between laps, he wants you to come and he wants it now.
It's enough to push you over the edge, trembling, strenght escaping your legs and he's quick to hold on to you, keeping you in your place, mouth still glued to you, determined to drain you dry and suck your soul from your limp body.
You both finally fall back in exhaustion, rolling over, breathlessly exchanging looks and biting your lip.
"You..." He tries to regain his breath, "...you're crazy!" Trying to laugh but wheezing only instead.
You giggle at him, "What? As if you didn't like it?"
"Me? Pfft, no, I hated every second of it-" you punch his arm in jest and he looks up at you in adoration. "I loved it. I never even thought of anyone doing that..."
"Well, I'm never taking a swig without thinking of this now so if I start losing during fights it's all your fault."
You're so smitten by him, you can't even think of a comeback, you just hold onto his face and kiss him. "You taste good." You joke.
"I know!" He quips. "You know what else I know?"
"Hm?" Clueless.
"That," he pounces over you with newfound energy, likely from the drink, "it's time for payback." Getting handsy again as he takes the lead, kissing you.
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theliterarywolf · 1 year
Drop a dish recipe, and I can share my absolutely thrilling recipe for non-specific Scandinavian fish soup.* *I'll be honest, Idk if it's even in any way Scandi, but I cooked it here, so it counts... there's no banana. Fuck bananas.
Oh, Banana!anon! It's been a minute, how have you been?
Stew and Rice
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2 pounds of fresh tomatoes 2 large red onions 2 cans of tomato sauce 1-2 pounds poultry (chicken, turkey, whathaveyou) 1-2 pounds beef (or goat or lamb) 1-2 pounds of a white fish (cod or pollock) 4-6 Habanero peppers Maggi cubes Curry powder Thyme Cooking Oil (either Canola or Olive) Liquid Aminos to taste (more conventionally this would be salt, but my mother has high blood-pressure so I'm used to not using salt-to-taste anymore) Rice (typically Parboiled rice but Jasmine or Brown work well too) Optional: Broccoli Mixed Vegetables Plantains
First, after rinsing them, cut the tomatoes into large chunks. Then blend them until smooth with a combination of ½ one of the tomato sauce cans and water. This may take several rounds due to having to pour out a full blender into a pot and starting over. However, when you're on your last round of tomato chunks, make sure to blend in the Habanero peppers as well.
At this point, the tomato/tomato sauce/Habanero mixture should be in a large pot. Cover it and set it to boil on low heat. Your main goal is to boil off the excess water.
While the tomato mixture is boiling down, cut your white fish into large portions. Place them on a baking sheet (or a baking pan lined with foil) and place them into the oven at 400°. The goal here isn't to make the fish crispy but to make it so that the fish won't fall apart when introduced to the stew, so keep an eye on it.
While that's going, chop up your red onions. Set them to the side.
At this point, cut your poultry and your beef/goat/lamb into chunks. Put them into a pot with a handful of your cut onions and 4-5 crushed Maggi cubes. Let them boil, covered, on medium heat until the proteins break down and the meat is tender (around an hour or so).
Check back in on your tomato/tomato sauce/Habanero mixture. It should have boiled down a bit but not all the way. Add in the rest of your tomato sauce (the leftover can and a half) and half of your onions. Stir before covering the pot back up.
NOTE 1: Whenever you uncover the pot, be wary because the mixture is volatile and will splash quite a bit. And the splashes burn no matter how experienced you are.
NOTE 2: Occasionally scrape the bottom with a rubber spatula to prevent any of the stew from catching and burning on the bottom of the pot.
By this point, your fish should be removed from the oven (remember, the goal is to firm it up, not to crisp it up). Once your poultry and beef/goat/lamb are tender enough, you can begin the process of putting everything together.
When the tomato/tomato sauce/Habanero mixture has boiled off all of the excess water, retrieve another pot (seriously, if your stove doesn't look like the Battle of Waterloo by the time you're done, you're doing it wrong) and pour in half a cup of cooking oil. Once heated, add in the rest of your chopped onions and cook until tender.
Then, pour your stew mixture into the pot with the oil and onions to essentially 'fry' the stew mixture (you're really just trying to temper everything to the same temperature and consistency). Carefully add in your fish, poultry, and beef/goat/lamb. Stir while adding in healthy amounts of curry powder and thyme. Depending on the consistency, you may have to add more cooking oil at this point.
Allow this to cook for a few minutes while you grind up more Maggi cubes (5-6). It's preferable to use a mortar and pestle, but if you unwrap several cubes, put them in a bowl, add a tablespoon or two of warm water, and wait for a few minutes for them to crumble, that works too.
Pour that into the pot and stir. Add in a few healthy splashes of Liquid Aminos (or a few pinches of salt-to-taste) and cover. Let this cook on it's own for ten minutes before cutting the heat.
Boil yourself a pot of rice (or use a rice cooker, they are better than sex after all). When the rice is up to snuff, plate out several scoops. Uncover your stew and ladle out one or two scoops (you don't want to drown your rice in stew; keep things balanced). Plate with cooked vegetables (broccoli is my preference but mixed vegetables are another option) and fried plantains.
Grab a glass of wine, a bottle of beer, or a responsible beverage and enjoy!
NOTE: Depending on what part of Nigeria someone's from, they may have a strong appreciation for Ponmo (otherwise known as Kanda). This is basically cow skin. And I fucking HATE IT because eating it is just constant chewing and cooking it is a neverending balancing act of 'if I don't cook it long enough, it's going to be hard and if I cook it too long, it's going to turn into jelly'. I mention this because sometimes people like to add this to stew and rice as well. And the adjustment to the recipe in that case would be as follows: While your poultry and beef/goat/lamb are boiling, clean your Ponmo/Kanda (remove and stray bits of fur or unsavory bits). When your Ponmo/Kanda are clean, just before your poultry and beef/goat/lamb are done boiling, add in the Ponmo/Kanda to make sure it gets some good initial cooking time without going gummy.
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Okay, I'm not sure where all of this came from, (And a good portion of it is due to @nobody33333333's addition to last night's chaos), and I don't know if we're talking about just interjecting a song into the actual show, or in the Muppets AU where (According to current decisions) Kermit is playing Mr. Benedict. At any rate, here we are!
My basic outline is that this is the song over which Curtain brainwashes his brother, so there's a more visible, "on-screen" progression: (I'm sorry I couldn't figure out how to fit Number Two in at this point, I tried. Maybe that's why it only takes one song to win over Nicholas, he isn't worried about her...)
Curtain, being an evil mastermind, showing his brother the (cult) compound:
Everything is great Everything is grand I got the whole wide world in the palm of my hand
Compound Members, already brainwashed:
Everything is perfect It's falling into place I can't seem to wipe this smile off my face
Jackson & Jillson (They're just like this):
Life's a happy song, when there's someone by my side to sing along
Nathaniel? (I feel like this would be neat to see child Nathaniel singing this bit, like a flashback or something, because Curtain's drama):
When you're alone, life can be a little low It makes you feel like you're 3 foot tall When it's just you – well, times can be tough When there's no one there to catch your fall
Curtain, present-day, taking control of the song again, and reinforcing the (cult) compound member's lines:
Everything is great Everything is grand I got the whole wide world in the palm of my hand
Everything is perfect It's falling into place I can't seem to wipe this smile off my face
Jackson & Jillson (Alternating):
Life smells like a rose With someone to paint And someone to pose
Life's like a piece of cake With someone to pedal And someone to break
Life is full of glee With someone to saw And someone to see
Curtain, Jackson & Jillson (J&J are in the background, echoing Curtain for his lines as he directs everyone):
Life's a happy song, when there's someone by my side to sing along
Compound Members:
I've got everything that I need – right in front of me Nothing's stopping me Nothing that I can't be With you right here next to me
Jackson & Jillson (Alternating):
Life's a piece of cake With someone to give And someone to take
Life's a piece of pie With someone to wash And someone to dry
Life's an easy road With someone beside you to share the load
Life is full of highs With someone to stir And someone to fry
Life's a leg of lamb With someone there to lend a hand
Life's a bunch of flowers With someone to while away the hours
Life's a filet of fish, eh!
Nicholas, a bit startled, but getting into the spirit of it:
Er, yes, it is
Curtain, Nicholas, Jackson & Jillson:
Life's a happy song, when there's someone by your side to sing along
Curtain and Nicholas, (Curtain leading Nicholas, until he gets more confident and gets louder):
I've got everything that I need – right in front of me Nothing's stopping me Nothing that I can't be With you right here next to me
I've got everything that I need
...right in front of me
Sorry, I got swept up in the excitement.
Cut to Jeffers, speaking:
This is it. This is going to be the day, the day I finish securing the compound.
Jeffers, today is a very important day. You know this, right? And you know why?
Yes, sir. It is the day that you can rest assured, Your compound is totally secure.
No, it's— Ah, I must go check on Nicholas.
Jeffers, still speaking, just with weird meter (He's not going to sing):
Everything's great Everything's grand Except for those kids
They're always around I know they're in the town And they're going to breach the perimeter
But maybe it's ok 'Because I know that someday I'll finally be recognised For all the work I do To keep them all inside The totally secure perimeter
Nicholas, fully lost and into it:
I've got everything that I need – right in front of me Nothing's stopping me Nothing that I can't be With you right here next to me
Curtain, happy that he's finally got his brother "back":
You've got everything that you need – right in front of you Nothing's stopping you Nothing that you can't do you That the world can throw at you
Nicholas, looking at Curtain and waiting for him to follow along:
Life's a happy song When there's someone by your side to sing
Curtain, a bit reluctant, but indulging him:
Life's a happy song When there's someone by your side to sing
Nicholas and Curtain, together:
Life's a happy song When there's someone by your side to sing along
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honeysucklepink · 2 years
Covid Day 3 (apparently? What happened to the other days? I’ll tell you under a cut cause damn I’m long-wimdy):
Day 0: Thursday, when I started having symptoms (scratchy throat, sinus congestion, achy joints though to be fair one of those is a jammed up finger from my fall two months ago, and a temp of 99, which for me is actually a bit high). Went to work anyway LIKE A MORON, but stayed closed up in my office. About noon, when no one showed up to my online workshop (one person tried to login on mobile twice then gave up) and I realized I could barely get through it anyway, I took a Covid test I keep in my desk drawer--negative. Okay, so maybe the flu? Even though I had my flu and covid booster a few weeks ago, maybe it’s a strain they didn’t catch? I went to student health. Did I tell you my campus has declared we are “post-covid” and they aren’t even doing masks? And now you need an appointment, my primary doc had the week off, and the lady said “oh it’s probably just this bad cold that’s been going around anyway” *GGGRRR* I say fuck it, call it a day, run to Walmart to grab some meds and soup and decide I’m taking Friday off too.
Day 1: Friday. Still feel like crud, though the cough is starting to be productive at least, the temp is up and down but mainly in the upper 98-99 range. Sit in virtually on a faculty meeting, then a phone meeting with the estate attorney re: Dad’s will. Hubby is in a tree stand all day so I take care of myself. Fix some veggie beef soup and a roll for lunch, PBJ for a snack, and some stir-fry Hubs made the night before for dinner. Plus LOADS of ginger tea with honey and lemon. Hope I’m improving by Saturday because a work friend is having her “Birthday/Halloween/Breast Cancer in Remission” party tomorrow night and my Coach Beard costume is on POINT.
Day 2: Saturday. Fuck me. I wake up SWEATING, burning up. My temperature is now 100.0 (Allie Brosh gif “no, I wanted the opposite of this”) and I decide “fuck it, I’m taking another Covid test.” Well screw me sideways, for the first time since March 2020 when all this shit started it finally got to me. I text Hubs “DON’T COME IN HERE” and he texts back “LET ME GET THE FLAME THROWER” (haha very funny). Instead he brings me coffee, toast, and eggs. Then I ask him three separate texts for 1) apple butter for my toast 2) Crystal hot sauce for my eggs and 3) a glass of orange juice. Hey it’s the least he can do after the flame thrower quip. Fortunately there is an urgent care open until 4 pm down the road, so I go there, follow protocols, they don’t give me another test (apparently the home test positives are pretty accurate, they are more likely to give you false negatives). Interestingly they do not recommend paxlovid at this clinic, especially with my high blood pressure. They give me a shot to start my antibiotic/steroid boost, I run pick up a bunch of meds and some McDonalds, and hunker down in my isolation chamber and proceed to watch my Ole Miss Rebels end their seven-game winning streak. Joy. Hubby brings me soup and a roll and some gatorade.
So that makes today (Sunday) Day 3. According to CDC guidelines, I should isolate 5 days from the start of my symptoms, then so long as I’m feeling better after Day 5 and my temp has been normal for 24 hours, I can go back to work wearing a mask for at least five more days (though I will probably wear a mask for the rest of my life. I’ve realized I don’t like my lower face; my teeth are crooked, my lips are oddly scarred from years of cold sores, I’ve developed a complete lack of a chin which now blends into my neck...yeah I’ll wear a mask forever. Which would be easier if I didn’t also have to wear glasses)
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loorain · 1 year
Sims 4 Fontenot Legacy - Love Day Desires
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As Love Day comes around again, Sigrid and Robin are able to slip out of the house for a few hours to have a movie date! They choose an action flick to hopefully keep them awake as they're always a little sleep-deprived being parents to twins 😆
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But the two exit the film with different perspectives on things.
Sigrid: You really didn't like it?
Robin: Puh-lease, the effects were so bad, did you see that helicopter explosion? They obviously had budgeting problems. And the main actor? I'm supposed to believe this 50-something sim is leaping from one cliff to another without at least a little knee pain?
Sigrid: But that's the appeal! Seeing someone greater than ourselves!
Robin: Come on, I saw you enjoying that pool scene a little too much, I doubt it was just that.
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Sigrid laughs.
Sigrid: You jealous?
Robin smirks.
Robin: Nah. I still look better than him.
Sigrid: That's something we both can agree on.
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Robin and Sigrid find themselves on a bench, enjoying some quality time as they enjoy their early afternoon date out.
Sigrid: It's always so nice to be able to get out for a little bit. I love the girls, but parenthood is a lot.
Robin: I feel you. Although I can't help but miss them a little. Wonder what they're doing.
Sigrid: Alma's probably driving Sabrina and Aunt Scarlett crazy and Audrey's probably singing her little heart out somewhere.
Robin: You're probably right. It's almost comical how different they are.
Sigrid: Expect the gray hairs to be popping up sooner rather than later. I think Alma is really going to give us a run for our money.
Robin: Yeah, and she's so smart, too. She's going to try and drag Audrey into all her shenanigans.
Sigrid: We'll definitely need to sign her up for something to channel some of that energy. Maybe scouts?
Robin: Yeah! I think they'd both enjoy it a lot actually. And I'll even try my hand at building them a treehouse.
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Sigrid starts getting excited.
Sigrid: Yeah, and maybe we can even get a dog, and then when they're big enough we can get them learning to ride a bike, and-
Robin watches with love as his partner's face seems to light up with prospects of the future. He, too, can imagine what life will be like with his three girls, and it's something that makes his heart swell with joy. Eventually, Sigrid catches herself, chuckling.
Sigrid: Ah, I'm getting ahead of myself.
Robin grins.
Robin: Don't apologize.
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Robin scoots closer.
Robin: This is what we wanted. A life together. A family. It's all coming together and I couldn't be happier. There's no one else I'd rather do this with.
Sigrid: Ditto.
And later, Sabrina gets their turn to get out of the house when their Love Day Triple Date begins at Lakshmi's place!
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Lakshmi: Don't worry, they're going to love you. You'll see, you'll fit right into the friend group no problem!
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The duo hears a knock on the door.
Lakshmi: Oh, that's them!
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Sabrina: Hey, thanks for having us over!
Lakshmi: Thanks for coming! You're our first guests at the apartment!
Sabrina: So, who's the mystery guy?
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A friendly face steps forward.
Tabatha: That would be me, I suppose. Hi, I'm Tabatha.
Sabrina's eyes widen in surprise for a split second before their face breaks out in a smile. They happily shake her hand.
Sabrina: Ah, Tabatha! It's a pleasure to finally meet you! Laks told me good things!
Tabatha: I hope so! She's talked nonstop about you guys too. Welcome to our home.
Lakshmi's smile as she watches her girlfriend and one of her closest friends chat so nicely puts her at ease. She knows they'll probably mess with her later for keeping such a big secret from them, but it'll all be in good fun and she looks forward to it, oddly enough.
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The rest of the group pile in, meeting Tabatha for the first time and catching up. In a short time, dinner is ready to be served and the group sits down for their meal.
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Nyla: Wow, this might be the best stir fry I've ever had! Laks, you outdid yourself!
Lakshmi: Oh no, it was all Tabatha's doing! She wanted to go all out for you guys!
Alex: Well compliments to the chef! It's really nice to enjoy a hot meal with sims who won't throw food all over the floor.
Nyla: Yeah, it's been so long since we've gotten out of the house together without Roddy. I don't remember what this feeling is like!
Tabatha: Well we're happy to accommodate you! Maybe we'll have to make these triple dates a regular thing!
Beau: So, how did you two meet?
Lakshmi: Just by chance We met at a social event. I had just gotten out of her relationship with my old boyfriend so I wasn't really looking for something new, but we just clicked. The rest is really history.
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Sabrina: That's really awesome, Laks. I'm glad you guys found each other.
Lakshmi: Yes, now the group's complete! And cheers to that!
All: Hear! Hear!
The rest of the dinner goes without a hitch and everyone has a great time. Eventually, Sabrina and Beau slip outside for a chat.
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Sabrina: Thanks for agreeing to this.
Beau: You kidding? I love hanging out with the crew. Reminds me of the college days.
Sabrina: Yeah... simpler times. Well, for most of us. I think I was just as chaotic then as I am now.
Beau: Yeah, things have been chaotic, to say the least...
There's a lull in the conversation, awkwardness growing. Sabrina speaks up first.
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Sabrina: Beau... I just want to say, I really am sorry. I've been a mess since the moment we met. My whole life, I've always felt like a little bit of an outcast. In school, in my family, everything. I've run from a lot of stuff and I've had my heart broken. I didn't want to do the same to you. This break... it was meant to be a healing time for both of us. At least, that's what I hoped it'd be.
Beau: I know... I'm sorry too. I was too harsh.
Sabrina: No no, I deserved it. We just started seeing each other again and all of a sudden I was running away, just like last time. I should've considered your feelings more.
Beau: I mean, maybe it's all circumstance; too much work or too little, not enough quality time... Maybe it doesn't mean we're not good together, but we have to put in more effort to make this work.
Sabrina: Yeah, maybe you're right.
Beau: The real question is, where do we go from here?
Sabrina: I want... I want to stop running. I want to see where this can go, but slowly. I think I moved too fast with things and that's why this problem keeps happening. I need to take things slow. So if you're willing, I'd like to start building back up.
Beau: That's all I've ever wanted with you.
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Sabrina smiles.
Sabrina: Well, will you come to the restaurant's grand opening tomorrow? I would really use your support.
Beau: I wouldn't miss it for the world.
Sabrina: Awesome. The whole family will be there, Juno included. You can see the twins too. They've grown a lot.
Beau: Can't wait, especially getting to see my little guy again. Sabrina, I hope you know that I really do care about you. Both of you.
Sabrina: I know. Thanks.
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