#the tablet ive been using seems to be much more vibrant and warmer than my monitor even after calibrating it so it looks best on the xppen
kokikwii · 8 months
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wip while i try to get back into digital art. also there's an update for this game today
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books-and-dragons · 6 years
hey, can you do 'you still don't feel like eating' from the whump one? persona 5, with the coffee dad!
you got it anon!! Thank you so much for dropping a request by.
i went a little over my original ‘word count’ with this but oh well
Fandom: Persona 5Summary: Akira’s been sick for days now, unable to so much as get out of bed and Sojiro’s starting to worry about his health, especially when it comes time for Akira to take his medication- but he hasn’t been able to hold down anything solid since he fell ill.
Prompt request came from this post, if anyone’s curious or wants to make their own request
The sun had barely risen when Sojiro entered the café,locking the door behind him, before he swept past the counter, past the apronshanging on the side, and began to climb the stairs by the far end of the coffeeshop.
The attic of Leblanc was warmer than usual, and the openwindow did little more than allow a small breeze into the room- which seemed tobe of little comfort to the figure shaking on the bed in the far corner.
Sojiro’s face fell as he carefully walked towards thefigure, slowly sitting on the mattress beside him.
“Akira? Hey come on, look at me.”
Blearily, long lashes fluttered open to reveal hazed greyeyes, which blinked slowly at their caretaker.
“S-Soj-“ A series of coughs wracked the teen’s already-weakframe, “Sojiro?”
The man resisted the urge to sigh at his charge’s voice, itwas no less rough than yesterday.
Infact, none of his charge seemed any better than yesterday.
Wild charcoal-black hair that normally splayed out in everydirection was plastered to his face, which held small drips of sweat on itsforehead, uncertain eyes blinked up at the older man, cracked lips opening andclosing to try and ask god knows how many questions that the kid shouldn’t befocusing on right now. Despite the thick blanket thrown over him, the teen wasstill shivering, curled up under the quilt.
Firmly, a fuzzy head nudged against Sojiro’s arm. As helooked down, bright blue eyes peered up at him.
Morgana had yet to leave the kid’s side, incessantlymeowing, refusing to leave even for food- Sojiro had taken to bringing itupstairs for the cat, when it had become apparent the feline wouldn’t beleaving for anything. At least one of them was eating.
“Hey kid,” Sojiro offered a careful smile, but inwardlyfrowned at the heavy bags under his charge’s eyes. They’d gotten darker. “Stillnot sleeping? Just nod or shake your head, you know what the doctor said aboutstraining yourself.”
Slowly, Akira shook his head, looking almost guilty.
“Well, I suppose the best we can do is make sure you stayrested, I’ve got the medication Takemi brought over,” Sojiro glanced to thewindowsill, where a bottle of water sat, untouched, “I’ll go get you a freshwater- but you need to drink this one, okay?”
Akira opened his mouth, about to retort,
“I know it’ll hurt, but you need to stay hydrated to feelbetter.” Sojiro sighed, getting up, “I’ll be two minutes.”
Slowly, the raven haired teen nodded, watching as Sojirowalked across the room and descended the stairs.
“He’s right you know.” Morgana curled up by his side, hishead resting on Akira’s arm as he gazed up at the teen, “You need to starttaking better care of yourself, that’s why you ended up like this to startwith.”
Akira sighed, slowing raising his other hand to rake it overMorgana’s fur. The gentle purrs that resulted filled the silence, distinctlyAkira could hear the rattling of pills, the opening of the fridge, and othersounds coming from downstairs.
Eventually, the stairs began to creak as Sojiro returned,carrying an assortment of pills, a bottle of water, and some okayu, all ofwhich he gently settled on the shelf beside the bed, moving aside the swanboat.
“Takemi said you should take these with food-“
Feverently, Akira shook his head, but soon regretted it as asharp pain emanated across his skull.
Sojiro frowned, “You stilldon’t feel like eating? It’s been days now kid, you need to eat.” At the kid’sdesperate expression, eyes wide with helplessness, pleading- Sojiro resistedthe urge to give in, “I know it hurts, okay? But you won’t feel better unlessyou start eating again. At least try, please kid.”
Maybe Sojiro was starting to sound desperate, but they kidhadn’t eaten in three days, at this point he was past caring.
Akira paused, eyes flickering to Morgana, who gazed up athim pleadingly, and Sojiro, who was holding the bowl carefully and staring athim so openly he had to repress a flinch away. Sojiro hadn’t looked like thatsince he told the thieves about Futaba’s self-imposed isolation months ago.
Slowly, Akira nodded and had to fight the small smile asMorgana’s purrs seemed to increase in volume. The cat got up as Akira began toshift, raising himself on his forearms, waiting to take the bowl.
At Akira’s expectant gaze, Sojiro frowned.
“No kid, you can barely hold yourself upright,” With onehand, Sojiro manoeuvred the pillows to rest against the wall, gently easingAkira back so they propped him up, “Stay there okay?”
A weight settled on his lap, Morgana’s purrs relaxed his asSojiro picks up the bowl, one hand raising a spoon that only had a small amountof rice pudding on the tip. As the warden looked to his charge, Akira realisedwhat was going on, and he felt his face burn.
Sojiro sighed, raising one eyebrow, “Don’t tell me you’reabout to get all embarrassed over this, come on, you heard what Takemi saidyesterday. It’s food or an IV drip. Your choice.”
Akira blanched.
The room was cold, andhe could feel a sharp prick in his neck…as he struggled, tight grips held himdown, mocking laughter invaded his ears and something was injected into him. Itwas cold, invasive. He didn’t know what it was. Everything was so hazy…..
Akira’s shoulder slumped, he accepted his fate.
Sojiro tilted his head, raising the spoon, “See not thathard, was it?”
As the utensil neared, Akira tentatively opened his mouth,leaning forward slightly to accept the food.
The substance was thick and heavy, rather tasteless, andAkira’s first instinct was to spit it out. But Morgana and Sojiro were watchinghim so expectantly, so hopefully.
Slowly, he swallowed, and subsequently failed to hide theflinch that happened as a result- the feeling of sharp needles stabbing histhroat making itself known.
The pain was intense, burning down his throat in a way hehadn’t experienced in days. Akira felt his stomach clench, and he doubled over,harsh shuddering breaths wracked his body. Dimly, he could taste salt- was hecrying? He couldn’t tell, and as warm arms pulled him into an embrace, Akiraallowed himself this cry.
Gently, one hand began to weave its way through his damplocks, soft utterances of condolences and reassurances whispered in his ear asAkira began to try regulate his breathing.
“You’re okay, come on, just take some deep breaths okay? I’mhere, shh.”
Akira hadn’t known comfort like this in years, since he wasa child. He didn’t realise how much he had missed the affection and care, the love of a parent….would it be so wrongto rest against Sojiro a few moments longer?
But he was already being a burden.
Akira pulled away, hastily bringing up a shaking arm to wipeat the stray tears on his face, as he leaned back against the pillows. Vaguely,he was aware of Morgana settling back on his lap, as he slowly met the eyes ofhis warden.
Sojiro didn’t offer any judgement, and instead smiled at himsoftly.
“I know, it hurts, I’ll not make you finish it all. A fewmore spoons, take your meds, then you can rest it off, okay?”
Akira nodded, just wanting to get it over with.
As Sojiro carefully spooned another portion, and took itAkira’s way, he made light conversation. Akira appreciated it, it served as agood distraction from the intensifying pain burning his throat.
“Futaba keeps trying to come over you know? She got real pissy when I told her you weren’ttaking visitors, so did those friends of yours too. I’m sure you’re gonna havea lot of messages to respond to once you’re feeling better.” Another spoon, “You’llnever guess who walked into Leblanc the other day, this old politician who usedto be in the Diet when I worked for the Government. They call him ‘No GoodTora’ from a nasty scandal he was in 20 years ago- left the Diet after that-but he seemed so much more at ease and confident than when we were younger.Although, I suppose you know all about that- he asked after you.” Akira watchedyet another nearing spoon carefully, but didn’t reject it, “Geez kid just howmany people do you know? You got more connections than people who’ve lived inthis city all their lives, no wonder you’re so worked to the ground.” Morganapurred lightly, a constant support dutifully watching over him.
“You’re doing great, last one, okay?”
Akira nodded, eager to get it over with as he accepted thelast portion, recoiling slightly as his throat burned.
He allowed himself a moment of reprieve, closing his eyes ashe listened to the gentle thud of the bowl being placed down (and goodriddance), instead the shaking of pills sounded through the room.
“Do you really need three different types of medication?”Sojiro sighed, and as Akira opened his eyes he saw one vibrant pint tablet anda small white one already in hand, as the older man tipped out one final yellowpill from the final bottle. “I’ll keep an eye on the timings for these, sodon’t worry about that.”
Sojiro placed the medication in Akira’s open palm beforereaching over to get the water, straw added to the bottle.
Akira took one deep breath, steeling his resolve, beforethrowing the tablets back- Sojiro bringing the straw up to his lips straightaway.
Swallowing the medication burnt more than he hadanticipated, and as he bundled the quilt under his vice grip, waiting for theworst of it to pass, one hand came to rest over his own.
Sojiro’s hands were bigger than his, warm and rough- thecallouses probably from all the café work. But as they rubbed a circle into theback of his hand, Akira focuses on nothing but that constant presence. Even asthe pain began to subside, and his own tight grip of the quilt lessened, Sojirodidn’t let go.
“It’s over, you did it Akira.” Akira didn’t have much energyto muster more than a noncommittal ‘hm’ as his warden continued, “Man you looknearly out of it, well Takemi did say the pills should help knock ya out- godknows you need it.” Sojiro began to pull away, hands leaving his, “Try andsleep kid, I’ll be downstairs if you need me.”
Half delirious, on the verge of passing out where he lay,Akira couldn’t help the whine that escaped him as Sojiro made to leave.
It stunned the man into stopping, rushing back to where hesat.
Those slate grey eyes were blearily with fatigue, but theway they regarded Sojiro, so wide and hopeful, caused a bittersweet smile towork its way onto Sojiro’s face. He’d never seen the kid be so open about hisfeelings, he was always so guarded- something left over from his parents,Sojiro had no doubt.
But that was a problem he would raise another day, whenAkira was fit and healthy again. When they’re both working in Leblanc on a slowevening. It’s not a conversation for today.
Sojiro nodded at Akira, “I’m not leaving, okay? I’ll beright here.”
He began to weave one hand through raven-haired locks,repetitive and constant. Akira hummed contentedly as he leaned into the touch,eyes fluttering shut.
“S-sorry. Be-be-being a pa-in.” Akira pressed out, face screwedup in something aside from pain, and Sojiro shook his head- even if you kidcouldn’t see that.
“You are never apain, Akira.”
The boy didn’t have a response for that. Maybe he didn’tknow what to say, or maybe he was just too tired to muster a response.
Either way, they stayed like that.
Sojiro, running a hand through Akira’s hair, as the catcurled up on his lap purred soothingly. By the worktop, if you looked you wouldsee the kid’s phone lighting up none stop, well wishes continued on from the pastcouple of days.
Eventually, Akira’s breath evened out, as he fell into adeep sleep.
The sun was starting to rise higher in the sky, people wouldbe going about their day soon- Leblanc should probably open for business, themenu for the day should be being prepared. Some customers like to come early ona morning, and Leblanc was always open to those customers. He needed to go andopen the café.
Even then, Sojiro indulged in staying with Akira. Just amoment longer.
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