#the temper and attitude and self-righteousness jumps out later.
moe-broey · 9 months
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Guy who digs his claws into everything he touches whether he likes it or not vs guy who constantly feels like it's on borrowed time and is generally unwanted and easily replaceable. Fight
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phidiaspickle · 7 years
For @trulyprincesspenelope
“I have” Earth, Venus, Fixed
“I worry” Positive Metal, Yin
Here is a dutiful combination gifted for performances of all kinds and cursed by a surfeit of uneasiness, which easily translates into dissatisfaction. Let me explain. Tanreans born in Dog years tend to complain a lot. They find fault with much of what life offers, As for what life doesn’t offer—they feel it should. Taurus/Dogs have an overdeveloped sense of injustice. They cannot understand why it seems as if the cards are always stacked against them. Why are others so lucky? Why do things seem to just fall into their laps? Why don’t wonderful lucky things happen to me? grumbles the dissatisfied Taurus/Dog.
Childlike appeal and apparent innocence of all that is tawdry and crooked make the Taurean Dog a lovable and dear companion. He’s interested in and capable of many different pursuits. He usually has a talent for amusing crowds and is willing and able to take on great responsibilities. Despite his inborn talent for determination and respectability, for industry and even heroism, the Taurus/Dog suffers from a painful lack of self-confidence. He is never, from childhood forward, quite sure of himself. Often, because of this insecurity, the Taurus/Dog settles for remaining in the wings of life for the whole or his childhood and adolescence. Then, by the time he is old enough to answer his cue and leap onto center stage, Taurus/Dog may not feel quite ready yet. He’ll hang back, find excuses for delaying his one-man show and, if he not careful to find the right partner who pushes and prods and loves and cares enough to shove the Taurus/Dog out there, the Taurus/Dog may find himself at retirement age standing hangdog in the same wings of life wondering whatever happened to his cue.
This person is a natural-born worry wart He’s also extremely perfection conscious and wants things to be done right and go well and come out flawless. If they don’t, he will be the first to blame not only himself but also to scold those who surround him. “Why don’t you take things more seriously?” wonders Taurus/Dog to his lighthearted friend or mate or child. “Why can’t you see how important this is?” he may chide.
When the Taurus/Dog does succeed in a big way, he may tend toward smugness. He feels he has worked harder than others to get where he is. He knows that some people might have cheated or tricked to get places in life. But not the Taurean Dog. Never! Taurean Dogs are the first to consider themselves “good” people who always do things “right.” Struggle and huff and puff and bark and growl and sweat. Then, when they do win fame or fortune or the approval of their entourage, Taurus/Dogs are capable of opining, “I deserve this. I work harder than anybody else. It’s about time somebody recognized my enormous talent.” You see, life really is not easy for Taurus/Dogs. Because of their own reticent attitude, they often are left out, overworked, and misunderstood. They are more conscientious than lots of other folks. And they are sensitive in the extreme. Couple this sensitivity with a native tendency to jealousy and possessiveness and you come up with a mighty testy character. You may see the Taurean Dog as inexcusably self-involved. But don’t think for one minute that lie perceives himself as anything less than Albert Schweitzer—caring, loving, giving, warmhearted, kind, indulgent. Taurus/Dogs do take up causes and care a lot about the little guy. They are liberal- hearted and willing to go far to help out the less fortunate. This person can persevere in what seems to be hopeless situations. His loving and caring capacity is very, very strong. Usually, these people are generous and willing literally to give you the shirt off their backs. They are sweet-natured underneath all that ill-tempered blather and dither. Taurus/Dogs are the kinds of dogs who growl a lot when they first meet you and who, before you know it, have jumped into your lap and are licking your face all over. They need encouragement and plenty of applause. 
The doubting Dog nature coupled with the plodding and stubborn yet possessively ardent Taurus personality provides us with a constant, faithful and sincerely devoted lover. No mountain is too high to climb, no river too wide to wade across for the sake of this person’s love object. In relationships, the Taurus/Dog always feels that he is the one who gives the most. And he likes it that way. What Taurean Dog people sometimes fail to take into consideration is that in order to be able to love them back with the identical fervor they throw into each affair, their partner must be possessed of abnormally superior powers of tickle. To be the full- time lover of a snappy and grave Taurus/Dog, you have to be a stand-up comic, a Saint-Bernard and a clown. The successful mate for Taurus/Dogs is able to find humor in all aspects of things. Otherwise, what with the natural Taurean Dog pessimism turned up full volume for life, the household ambience may amount to something akin to a cemetery’s. Bottom line: if you love a Taurus/Dog, always keep ‘em laughing. 
Love will blossom between you and Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces/Cats, Horses and Tigers. Blends like the above suit your testy and essentially pessimistic nature. You need to be buoyed, optimized and occasionally booted in the rear end, too. But not by Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius/Tigers, Dragons or Goats. Their motives may not be wholly altruistic. Yours usually are. 
Home and Family 
The Taurus/Dog will not make a great fuss about his surroundings. He usually likes things efficient and warmly colored. But whether or not he has the latest in designer furnishings is of little consequence. Rather than fussing about the latest or the best in modern or antique design, the Taurus/Dog will want things personalized his way. He may move the furniture around in a hotel room or tack up magazine pictures on the walls of a rented vacation flat. He likes things to be quaint and cozy and comfortable. He eschews plastics. The Taurus/Dog’s family, even though it is often a source of immense disappointment to him from the beginning of his life, ranks high on his popularity meter. Where there is a need for devotion and duty and a call for duty and reliability, you can always count on the services of this loyal cohort. Where his children are concerned, he will be both careful and serious. He may be a tiny bit strict with kids, but it’s only because he wants them to be happier than he ever was and the Taurus/Dog firmly believes that self-restraint is one of the secrets of happiness. You watch. If a Taurus/Dog ever dares to indulge himself in any debauchery at all, the guilt and self-recrimination are shattering to witness. He wants to be thought of as above reproach. The Taurus/Dog child will strike you as rather solemn at first. He is not easy to know and requires lots of cheering up and jollying along. This child can he counted on to obey and to try to do things the way parents wish. If you have such a kid, look for his own personal passion very early on and force him to overcome shyness and trepidation, so that later on he will have fewer chances to moan about what he missed. Get him out of the shadows at a young age. 
There is little the Taurus/Dog cannot accomplish, He is usually both talented and willing to work. He may prove slower to achieve than others, but the fine results will always be worth the extra time he spends. Dogs born in Taurus will be both reliable and concerned about the impression made on colleagues and clients. As he may be a touch awkward socially, the Taurean Dog must be careful to surround himself with outgoing and gregarious colleagues. Taurus/Dogs are good at detail, and although not exactly influenceable, they are definitely open to new ideas and always ready to try out more modern methods. As an employee, the Taurus/Dog will be loyal and forthright. From time to time he may prove a shade argumentative over niggling little points. But on the whole Taurean Dogs take care to see a job well done. As bosses, Taurus/Dogs enjoy a good reputation among their workers. The Taurean Dog, remember, is a fair person and, even if a tiny bit grouchy sometimes, is overall a kindly sort who doesn’t mind sharing the less pleasant tasks with his colleagues. If cheated or tricked in business deals, the Taurus/Dog may grow bitter. He doesn’t take kindly to con jobs. So, if you were thinking of trying to hoodwink a Taurus/Dog, remember that his bite is almost as harsh as his bark, I can see Taurean Dogs in all sorts of jobs. They might be physicists or city planners or own and operate a newspaper store or bookstore. Show business and politics alike present the Taurus/Dog with opportunities to use his talents well. He’ll be very fulfilled as a teacher or in any rural job requiring attention to ecological concerns. 
Some famous Taurus/Dogs: Lenin, Golda Meir, Shirley MacLaine, Andre Agassi, Arletty, Carl XVI (King of Sweden), Cher, Georges Moustaki, Master P. Michel Poniatowski, Scott Bairstow, Serge Reggiani, Socrates, Uma Thurman, Yannis Xenakis.
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zodiacspot · 8 years
Horoscope - Jan 18 2017
Aries Horoscope
(Mar 21 – Apr 19)
You may be convinced that pretty much anything is possible today. However, it could be tough to balance your outrageous dreams with a more pragmatic approach to life. Frustration can get in the way of your happiness when assertive Mars tangles with excessive Jupiter, forcing you to increase your efficiency and narrow your vision. Nevertheless, it's not a good idea to settle for less; even if there are practical issues to address, they could be critical steps propelling you to the stars. Work steadily and consistently if you want the rewards to follow.
Taurus Horoscope
(Apr 20 – May 20)
Keep your eyes on the ball since precision control of your actions is crucial now that energetic Mars bounces off giant Jupiter. Missteps in matters of the heart, complications with children and glitches in creative projects are possible. Still, you can avoid the unexpected by consciously channeling the urgency you feel into your work. Minimize your distractions and concentrate on the task at hand. Managing your emotions allows you to make a powerful impression in a low-key manner.
Gemini Horoscope
(May 21 – Jun 20)
Themes of expansion and contraction make it hard to find the right mix between too much and not enough. You may be required to temper your excitement about the future because of the demands of a more immediate situation involving your home or family. The most extreme plan can work now if you take it one solid step at a time. Nevertheless, standing on the edge of something big is both thrilling and nerve-racking. Integrate the small changes day by day so you don't get overwhelmed and walk away. Fear looks, faith jumps.
Cancer Horoscope
(Jun 21 – Jul 22)
You may rush ahead and take unnecessary risks today, but impulsive actions only remind you that you do better when you consider your words and actions first. Warrior Mars rams into a clunky alignment with bombastic Jupiter, possibly inciting an argument or leading you in the wrong direction. It might not be easy to manage your intensity now, yet limiting the scope of your endeavors and tempering your language allow you to apply your passions more productively. George Lucas teaches, "Always remember, your focus determines your reality."
Leo Horoscope
(Jul 23 – Aug 22)
Everything you fix today seems to create new problems, like the mythical many-headed Hydra. Your I-can-do-it attitude may backfire now, even if you have the best of intentions when superhero Mars misaligns with overblown Jupiter. Don't get sidetracked by the immediate effects of your behavior; just keep making the necessary adjustments until you're back on your feet and on solid ground. Nelson Mandela said, "After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb."
Virgo Horoscope
(Aug 23 – Sep 22)
Relationships may be a source of irritation today because you can't find enough clarity on the problem in order to resolve it. Something doesn't feel quite right, yet the closer it is to you, the more elusive it becomes. Although you're willing to do almost anything, the solution continues to slip through your hands. Ironically, answers come when you stop asking questions. The simple act of shifting your attention elicits the resolution you seek. As psychiatrist Viktor Frankel wrote, "When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."
Libra Horoscope
(Sep 23 – Oct 22)
You might feel as if you're dancing in the dark today, uncertain of your next step. You may think you need more time to evaluate your options while reactive Mars creates a nagging aspect with auspicious Jupiter. It seems as if any choice you make now isn't the right one. Fortunately, Mercury in strategic Capricorn comes through with a sound plan that gives you the benefit of the doubt. Trust your dreams, even if the possibilities before you appear limited. Your horizons will continue to broaden as long as you keep hope alive.
Scorpio Horoscope
(Oct 23 – Nov 21)
You can breathe a welcome sigh of relief if love and creativity are flowing more freely today. But imagination is not an escape from reality; it's a window to a more wondrous world that is within your reach. An exciting Mars-Jupiter connection produces colorful fireworks, distracting you from your regular duties. However, a petty disagreement could suddenly burst into flames of fury now, so do your best to avoid direct confrontation. Anything can happen in the heat of the moment. Staying neutral gives you time to take what you need and let go of the rest.
Sagittarius Horoscope
(Nov 22 – Dec 21)
Managing your energy wisely seems like an impossible task today, especially if you are swept up by a wave of enthusiasm. Nevertheless, armed with a grand idea, you're ready to take on the world as you battle for survival. Unfortunately, self-righteousness could instigate a war of words that prevents you from reaching your goals. Stick to the facts and sidestep unnecessary conflict based upon mere differences of opinion. Joyce Meyer wrote, "Patience is not the ability to wait, but how you act while you're waiting."
Capricorn Horoscope
(Dec 22 – Jan 19)
Orderly thought and decisive action make perfect sense to a calculating Mountain Goat. However, action-planet Mars crosses paths with indulgent Jupiter, leading you on a wild goose chase or sparking misplaced anger. You may believe that you need to react immediately or things will quickly grow out of control today. Nevertheless, a moment of self-restraint in the midst of an emotional exchange could save you many moments of regret later on.
Aquarius Horoscope
(Jan 20 – Feb 18)
You may benefit from redirecting your energy today if you hope to find resolution to a lingering conflict. Normally, you're more than willing to attack a complex problem head-on. However, maintaining your focus is difficult when contentious Mars goads boisterous Jupiter, sending you off on a wild ride. Delicately dancing around an argument now reduces tension, saving wear and tear on both you and your relationships. You can always reengage in negotiation after the drama subsides, but don't wait too long. Virginia Woolf wrote, "You cannot find peace by avoiding life."
Pisces Horoscope
(Feb 19 – Mar 20)
You're itching for action as your wanderlust continues to grow, but somehow your goals become less specific over time. It's hard to tell today whether you're making concrete plans or just idly watching the clouds roll by. Thankfully, there's no need to struggle now; your best bet is to postpone big decisions until you are clear about your direction. In the meantime, try a bit of escapist fare as purposeful Mars skids into an awkward misalignment with joyful Jupiter. Edgar Allan Poe wrote, "They who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night."
Source : Rick Levine
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