#the thing about being in a dnd group full of gay people in their 20s is that suddenly all of our characters want to fuck each other
calenhads · 9 months
i need rhys to fuck nasty pronto
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1 thru 10, 20 thru 25 for pollux :0?
Griff! Thank you! :D mostly under the cut bc this got long XD
1. what is their secret identity? do they have any nicknames? what is the meaning behind them?
Pollux Bixby is his secret identity! He isn’t much used to hearing his full name, or really his first name, so it’s often like “whooooommm??” when someone says his name. He doesn’t really have a nickname, but back in his sidestep days, the group would often shorten his name and call him Lux. Lux-a-rooni was a common one for Ortega. Pollux picked his name because he’s always been very fond of space and stars. He would have been an astrophysicist if his life has been different.
2. what is their sexual/romantic orientation and gender? 
Pollux is “gender is for nerds” and uses he/him pronouns. He mainly describes his sexual orientation asj ust queer. He has a hard time defining his attraction or lack there of at times, so the all encompassing nature of queer is comfy.
3. what is their villain name? why did they choose it?
His villian name is Dioscuri which is a nod back to his love of the stars + a nod to his own name and his puppets name. He knows it was “””edgy””” picking something so close to his own name, but he likes it. There is a fun dualism of identity in naming himself after the twins of Greek Mythology that can be....more close to the truth than he cares to admit at times.
4. what does their villain armor look like? what is their typical style of dress?
He chose the “mysterious” armor and it has a mirror finish all around and it’s very sleek, but there is a solidity about it, a presence to it. It’s also like with blacks and silver metal. He built it for speed and strength.
Normally, Pollux has a quirky fashion sense + layers. He likes crop tops and boxy shirts, stripped pants. Matching patterns are for other people and he has got no time to not be obnoxious. He has a big army green hoodie with an nb patch on it that he loves. He does have a shirt that says “sidestep eats ass” and “be gay, do crime” 
5. what is their zodiac sign?
honestly...i unno bout him yet. I wanna say he might be a scorpio, since he does have a winter birthday. 
6. what is their mbti type?
He’s an INTJ: the architect
7. what is their dnd alignment?
He is neutral evil, my fave of the evil alignments. He is more conscious of the lives of others, but not enough to change his alignment
8. Are they more calculating or more sincere in their interactions with others?
Depends. In rebirth, he was much more calculating in his interactions with people, seeing them as pieces on a chess board and “how can i get what I need out of them?” He had a deadline to keep and he wasn’t about to get caught up in people ruining his plans. Even with the Rangers back in his life, he was still committed to moving forward in his plans, the inevitable of becoming a villain.
In retribution, he feels like he can be more sincere with people. He’s taken the step of being a villain, committed to that course of action. There is a separation between Pollux and Dioscuri, so he can be looser with who he is. He also is just....running with who he is and his actions, but he is leaning on wanting to give people the truth, to be sincere. He feels like he owes that much to folks like Ortega and Steel.
9. How honest are they?
He tries to be, but he’s def a liar by omission quite often. Telling the truth is hard, telling his big secrets is next to impossible, even with the people he loves. He knows he’s terrible keeping his big secrets and lying--esp to Ortega--but he’s not ready to get rid of his mask, have people in close. so he is a big fat liar.
10. Are they a leader or a follower?
He is a leader, albeit a terrible one. He prefers to only have to manage himself and no one else; he was content to be a vigilante and work with the Rangers, but he likes to be alone to do his work. He’s a bad team player.
20. How do they feel about death?
Deep down in the places that Pollux doesn't want to talk about and recognize, he wants to die. Living is hard, living is pain. Is he even really living, or has he just convinced himself he is a living thing, worthy of life? He’s delusional thinking he can be a living thing. But he isn't going to make a plan, or take his own life. He’ll keep living, mainly spitefully, but if someone could kill him/put him in a position where he can’t fight back and he’s staring death in the face...he’ll take it.
21. What is their philosophy?
He’s got a pretty standard set of morals he abides behind, but he doesn’t hold people to it. He knows people won’t; expecting perfection is asking for the impossible. Other than that, he doesn’t really have a philosophy beyond life sucks with good bits in there, and then you die.
22. How do they feel about their telepathy? is it a gift? a curse? 
A gift. Pollux wouldn’t really know what to do with his life if he was permanently without his telepathy. He relies on it so much to do heavy lifting in his life, so without it he would be a disaster. His deficiencies are so strong when he can’t see what is going on inside the heads of others. He is still very good at reading faces, but he is off his game when he can’t see the heads of others. 
He doesn’t feel off when it comes to dealing with Ortega since he can’t see what is going on in his head, but it’s still the comfy of having known someone for years. Being seen at the best of the best, and at the worst of the worst.
23. how do they feel about possessing people?
Just a part of his life, part of building his plans, living his life. He doesn’t take pleasure it in, it’s just part of his life. He’s mainly disconcerted by getting his head mixed up in others, not knowing where he is and they are, like with Castor. He feels too fragile, like he’ll shatter in the face of someone much more real than him--much more human. Feeling like a person is like possessing someone, but he’s possessing himself.
24. How do they typically come across to strangers? to friends? do they frequently use their telepathy to influence others’ perceptions of them?
He uses his telepathy a lot to make it so people don’t see him, or just see a plain person, no one of consequence. They just see another face in the crowd. It keeps him safe, keeps him away from the mass amounts of people.
Around friends, he is much less guarded and lets them see him. Often it’s too much work to have up all the shields, especially when he can't read all of his friends like Ortega and what not. He’s much more his caustic, cynical and sarcastic self around his friends. A big angry jerk, but he’s got his heart of gold moments.
25. do they prefer to be alone or with other people?
He prefers to be alone, being an introvert on top of how silence can be....just really, really nice. He likes being able to indulge in the quiet of no other minds around, at least until the anxiety of it just hits him and he panics. He likes the quiet of nobody, but gets anxious quick.
[sidestep ask meme]
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grayisholi · 5 years
@ the DND ask game: ALL OF THOSE QUESTIONS, I CAN'T CHOOSE!! XD (or if not that, the ones you rlly wanna do!!
BOY OH BOY OH BOYIve been answering these throughout the day and I’m too lazy to reread the full document so sorry if I’ve left gaps or whatever but here it is! All 35 questions about dnd! Matt you unstoppable Madman.
1. A favorite character you have played.
You can’t just make me pick between my children!!! I think I might have to say Atticus Sallow, my faeborn bloodhunter, partially because he’s like 100% homebrew content which I LIVE for, but also because he’s probably the most kinda self-insert character I’ve ever played? Almost became the kinda angsty, brooding asshole character before he was like “get your shit together” and learned that loving people isn’t so bad.
2. Your favorite character that someone else has played.
I almost, ALMOST had the pleasure of DMing for @no-more-good-omens and their character was gonna be SO RAD and I’m a little heartbroken he never came to be. A half-drow paladin of Vecna, pretending to be your typical good and wholesome paladin? Dude, I love that kinda two faced backstabbing in a player. It’s such a shame it never came to anything (although if yall still wanna play hmu ;))
3. Your favorite side quest.
Ooh, there’s been so many good ones. Probably when i was playing as Adrian Smirks and went off on a tangent to rescue his brother ? That was the first time I ever got to see Adrian’s more raw and emotional side beneath the suave mask he wears and it was fun to explore his character in that way ^.^
4. Your current campaign.
That I’m DMing? It started inspired by Guy Fawkes and was gonna be “your party blows up parliament” but I got bored of following historical accuracy so it ended up being “blow up the palace in a magical city that just happens to be called London”. I accidentally wrote myself into a hole with this campaign tho, so once they’ve finished this arc I’m handing over the DM hat to my sister @philosophical-wanton because she seems to love it and I kinda miss being a player lmao. I can’t wait for it.
5. Favorite NPC.That I’ve written? Probably Hai Shen, the youngest son of a group of circus performers who were killed and the party got blamed for their murder. He had such a great attitude and his dynamics with the party kicked ass. And the twist that he was actually dead the whole time and it was his soul that had stayed behind to help solve his family’s murder? ICONIC.
6. Favorite death (monster, player character, NPC, etc).
NPC death would probably be Hai Shen, actually. After the party had brought the real killers (A cult to the demon Prince Orcus) to justice, Hai’s time on earth had come to an end. He had really beautiful moment with the party before being reunited with his family. Alternatively, the time I broke my entire party’s hearts? “Artagan’s staff comes cracking into Ellios’ chest, forcing him onto the ground. Artagan raises his sceptre in hand, pointing it menacingly at the young prince. And for the first time, you see him. Like, REALLY see him. He’s not the strong and powerful leader you’ve all come to know him as, he’s not Prince Ellios of the Four Realms. He’s just a boy. A boy who is much too young to be involved in such a grand scheme. And the fear in his eyes. You see the fear he’s managed to keep buried for so long, finally coming to the surface. And then? You don’t see anything, aside from his cold body hitting the ground.” I got punched three times for that moment, but GOD was it worth it.
7. Your favorite downtime activity.
Like in game? A healthy lil bit of vandalising the local law enforcement buildings is always a good time.
8. Your favorite fight/encounter.
Aw man, how can I pick ? I gotta say, that one time we, a level 6 party, managed to take down two earth elementals was pretty rad. The DM kind of expected it to be one of those encounters that we saw and immediately tried to run from, but what she didn’t take into account was that ALL of us had chaotic alignments so we just went crazy. The DM was rolling really badly (thank God) and we were getting really creative (“I use the produce flame centripetal to light my bottle of ale on fire and create a molotov cocktail” “you do WHAT”) and after like an HOUR we won and it was amazing. The rush I got from that victory was better than any drug my dood.
9. Your favorite thing about D&D.
I know I say it a lot, but I legit can’t choose. There’s so many great things about ttrpgs that a lot of people don’t really think of. The creative fulfilment I get from a session is incomparable, the friendships you can build that you couldn’t form in any other way. And like, not to get too real for a sec here, but I grew up with undiagnosed autism and didn’t understand how a lot of social situations worked, and DnD was such a good mechanic for me to try communicating with people without many real world consequences, and I appreciate that experience so much. It’s just such a great thing my dood.
10. Your favorite enemy and the enemy you hate the most.
Can they be the same thing lmao? I mean, I’m obviously partial to Count Cassius, the vampire lord that Adrian slept with lmao. I also always appreciate a good beholder, until I get hit with three disintegration rays IN A ROW.
11. How often do you play and how often would you ideally like to play?
We’ve got kind of a monthly schedule with my main campaign, and I manage to get a couple online games in-between them, but honestly I’d kill to be the kind of group that got together every weekend.
12. Your in game inside jokes/memes/catchphrases and where they came from.
Oh MAN. “I say we do this.” “Yeah, but that’s coming from the guy who decided to tie 3 50ft ropes together to escape the palace.” “iT wOrKeD dIdN’t iT ???” i.e that time I forgot I gave the gnome rogue flying boots so when I planned for them to get arrested at the palace, they managed to escape by tying their ropes together, sending the gnome with it to the top and climbing the wall. I had to improvise the rest of the session. Also “FLINTON BELINDA SKINTON” bc as a role-play exercise I got my party to come up with rumours about their characters and the gnome rogue called Flint AKA Flinton B Skinton decided that one of their rumours was that the B stood for Belinda, and it was GLORIOUS.
13. Introduce your current party.
My current group consists of Flinton B Skinton, gnome rogue. He’s a quick-fingered, silver-tongued gay disaster who can sell anything to anyone. He’s a charming flirt, and a veritable genius in his own right. Kava Daardendrian, dragonborn ranger who loves nothing in life more than her animal companion - her pig Snortin Norton. She’s fun and sassy and shameless, she’s great. There’s Sparks, the fire Genasi Monk, and full embodiment of a disaster lesbian. She drinks, fights, and gets laid, and doesn’t deal with her problems in healthy ways. An icon. And finally Milo, the halfling Bard who falls in love at the drop of a hat and just wants everyone to get along. I call them “The Shenanigang” and I love them.
14. Introduce any other parties you have played in or DM-ed.
A party I joined late? We had Sylvia Moondrop, the half elf sorcerer who was just trying to get along with everyone despite what the world seemed to want. Orland the half orc bard who was just trying to shake off the Barbarian stereotype his family left him with. Rose Morleen, air Genasi fighter who was literally born to kick ass and take names. I joined as Mason Terrai, the Earth Genasi Alchemist with a perchance for explosives. The very definition of chaotic neutral.
15. Do you have snacks during game times?
Of COURSE. What manic wouldn’t ?
16. Do you play online or in person? Which do you prefer?
I used to play online a LOT back before I had friends who were into dnd, but I VASTLY prefer playing in person. The chemistry that’s built not only amongst the players, but also the actual characters themselves is unparalleled. It’s just such a great experience.
17. What are some house rules that your group has?
Anyone can attempt anything, the only restriction is the dice. Don’t question the DM unless it’s out of session, then bully the dm on the groupchat until he’s so pissed off he gives you inspiration just to get you to shut up. And also canon lore and canon rules are bullshit when it’s convenient. That’s about it
18. Does your party keep any pets?
Our ranger, God bless her, has her pack pig Snortin Norton, sold to her by one Flinton B Skinton. And Flint really wants a monkey, he’s been trying to find one for ages.
19. Do you or your party have any dice superstitions?
Not really ? I’m the kind guy that if my dice rolls a 1 I will bench it for a bit, but tbh all my dice are cursed af and I’ve kinda just learned to roll with it by making my characters canonically terrible at everything lmao.
20. How did you get into D&D? How long have you been playing?
Aw man I can’t remember when or how, it’s been so long. I had a couple friends who were kinda into it, but all the games they tried to run were complete disasters. I only really started playing I’m the past year or so? Maybe a little more ? Adrian was my first character, and he was a very RP heavy character in a party of tanks and they all hated him but MAN was it fun.
21. Have you ever regretted something your character has done?
Oh all the time. One time my character was careless and didn’t check for traps on a legendary artefact and it lead to the death of a party member. One time my character got angry at his party and walked out. My characters don’t make good decisions, but that’s part of the fun.
22. What color was your first dragon?
White! I thought it was silver at first and went to go say hi, and it clawed me within half my HP straight away lmao.
23. Do you use premade modules or original campaigns?
Oh dude, original all the way. I live for that shit.
24. How much planning/preparation do you do for a game?
Depends on the session, but usually a good few hours, couple of days if I’m DMing.
25. What have your players done that you never could have planned for?
“You wake up in a mysterious forest. The strained autumn sun shines through the trees. The only thing you can see it each other, the trees, and an old sign post leading to a path that says "Myrrill” on it. What do you do?“ "We walk in the opposite direction of the sign deeper into the forest.” “…of course you do.”
26. What was your favorite scene to write and show your characters.
I wrote a full carnival show one time for them to watch, and then it got derailed when a horrific monster attacked. But writing all the characters and their acts, and watching my players get entranced as I described it ? Magical, my dood.
27. Do you allow homebrew content?
I live and breathe homebrew content. I don��t know what my games would be without it. I LOVE homebrew.
28. How often do you use NPCs in a party?
I make some pretty sick characters if I do say so myself, so I throw them in a LOT.
29. Do you prefer RP heavy sessions or combat sessions?
Oh dude, role play all the way. Fighting and killing stuff is great, but role-play is just so good. We can go from laughing with a bartender to crying over a backstory reveal and it’s just beautiful.
30. Are your players diplomatic or murder hobos?
Depends on the party, but i find the best players are a little bit of both XD
31. What is your favorite class? Favorite race?
Official ? I’m a fan of the hexblade warlock? Bards are always a good call, and to be real playing monks make me feel like an absolute badass. Race wise, there are just so many. If we’re only talking players handbook stuff, half elf is always rad. Outside of that? I’ve been researching the Shadar-Kai lately and I’m LIVING. They’re so rad.
32. What role do you like to play the most? (Tank/healer/etc?)
What would you call the disaster gay? I don’t really gear my characters towards usefulness in combat, so it’s just whatever the class happens to lend itself to.
33. How do you write your backstory, or do you even write a backstory?
I usually write my character, personality, backstory, alignment etc, before I even pick a class or even a race. I basically just make OCs and apply them to dnd rules, and it’s SO much fun. 10/10, would recommend.34. Do you tend pick weapons/spells for being useful or for flavor?
FLAVOUR. My party usually hates me, but what I lack in combat utility I more than make up for in creative out of combat skill checks XD.
35. How much roleplay do you like to do?
Boi, I even RP my combat, and the great thing is it rubs off on my party too. I’ll have a really low initiative and everyone else will be like “I attack and do 10 points of damage” but then on my round I’m like “I use my staff to leap across the battlefield towards the opponent and launch out with a spinning kick to their jaw” and everyone else is like “oh, okay, that’s what we’re doing.” and the battle becomes so much more dynamic and cinematic, it’s amazing !
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blackoutace · 5 years
✨ Dragon Age Questionnaire ✨
@cutieink following in your footsteps again :P
01) favorite game of the series?
Dragon age Inquisition, but I loved the original.
02) how did you discover Dragon Age?
I played DAO when I was a kid. When I grew up I played DA:I and loved it to pieces. Imagine my surprise when I found out/remembered there were 2 other games. 
03) how many times you’ve played the games?
I- don’t- really remember to be honest.... I think I’ve done 4 full playthroughs of DA:I, 2 of DA:O, and 1 DA:2 (only because I sold my system that had it...) Oh but I made like 20 characters and got half way through with each. 
04) favorite race to play as?
Qunari. The intimidation options were always so surprising even though I played gentle character. 
05) favorite class?
Warrior/Mage. They’re both pretty equal. Nothing quite like beating down an enemy and keeping them down or zapping the entire area. 
06) do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?
I make decisions based on the character I made or the Keep options yet to be unlocked. Although, in the initial play through I play as myself. I stay in character, but make choices based on how I would defuse or escalate a situation. 
07) go-to adventuring group?
Origins: Leliana, Shale, Zevran // Da2: Anders, Isabella, Varric  // DAI: Dorian, Iron Bull, Cole.
08) which of your characters did you put the most thought into?
Either my outcaste, hardcore, Dwarf Warrior, Poppy who took no crap and didn’t let stupid crap stand in her way. Or my Qunari Mage Nye, a gentle giant with an appreciation for the arcane. 
10) have you read any of the comics/books?
Currently reading Hard in Hightown. Got it for Christmas and though I have trough getting into some books, it and Dragon Age: Asunder have kept my attention well enough to continue now and again. 
12) favorite DLCs?
The Descent and Jaws of Hakkon. Both are rather beautiful. The descent answered some questions I was having and still makes me want to give it another play through. Witch Hunt was good, I found it to be a soft hearted ending... I mean... when I didn’t stab Morrigan 
13) things that annoy you.
No threesomes?? No group sex?? NO ZEVRAN????? Not even a jealous love scene? Seriously, would it have killed Bioware to have Zevran show up ONCE?? I missed him. I missed the drama. I missed couples being comfortable with themselves, each other, and their sex lives. 
Oh- And I guess I didn’t like how, out of place, AND NOT GAY/BI Cullen felt or how scruffy Blackwall was. 
14) Orlais or Ferelden?
Scenery- Ferelden. I loved the Hinterland mountains, the Storm coast Basalt shores, and the weather too much. 
Arcitecture- Orlais. Need I say more? 
15) templars or mages?
17) what did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)
Dogmeat (I just finished Fallout). I didn’t name any other pets I don’t think. 
18) have you installed any mods?
I played playstation. No Mods beyond the story changing- DA: Keep
19) did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?
Eh- by happenstance. I think she needed to prove herself and got noticed in the process. From there she just took the lemons life gave her and launched them into orbit. 
20) hawke’s personality?
Lol Sass master Hawke.
21) did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition?
Not if I didn’t have the materials. I liked the Warden sets until I went to the deep roads, now all playthroughs start with sucking the Hinterlands and Haven dry of all Iron and Nug skins. 
22) if your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?  
Hawke would have liked to smack Anders, before or afterward, that stunt was too wild a play.  Maybe romance Fenris. 
23) do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?
I had a DA:I character who I head cannoned as the Warden. Poppy had somehow ended up at the rift, lost select memories, and slowly regained them like the rest. She sided heavily with Wardens, would make snide remarks under her breath at the mention of “the hero” or Warden stuff, and Leliana just didn’t recognize her. When she got her memories back she just kept up her cover but would still glare at people talking about The Hero as if they knew her, what she thought, or what she would do. As if they’d recognize The Hero if she was standing in front of them.  
Cullen is bi. (seriously donno why this wasn’t a thing.)
Cullen has the hots for Dorian and vise versa. 
Hawke did smack Anders after that stunt he pulled. 
Sandal is a God (less cannon, more headcannon tbh)
Sandal is half elf (less headcannon, more cannon tbh)
If Cole is told to leave, he doesn’t really, he just remains forgotten. 
The Inquisitor has the Players memories and through the course of the game would regale Dorian with tales long past or yet to come. Both flip Solas the bird any time he mentions the fade/past, just on principle. 
24) are any of your character(s) based on someone?
Nye was based on a DnD character I had. Gentle and reserved dragonborn.
25) who did you leave in the Fade?
Stroud at first.Then I actually played DAO & DA2 using my Keep choices. The second time was harder as it was Alistair and Hawke and I just couldn’t hurt Alistair and my Hawke would have leapt at the “I’m the sacrifice” option. 3rd time around was with Loghain and FUCK LOGHAIN.
26) favorite mount?
The drakes. The Blue one was kool. 
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