#the thirst is real don’t judge meeeee
lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
-What was the last song that you sang out loud? I’ve had Dance Again by Selena Gomez stuck in my head.
-If someone has bad breath, do you tell him or her? No :X I’m the worst about that stuff cause people will tell you they would want you to tell them, but I just feel so awkward about it and like how do you even bring something like that up? I mean, I have done the thing where I get some gum and offer them some haha, but I don’t tell them their breath smells.
-With which friend are you most likely to share a secret? I share my secrets with ya’ll and Twitter, ha.
-Do you have an item that comforts you when you are sad/scared? No. Well, unless count my phone cause I can use the YouTube app and listen to ASMR, which is calming for me.
-When are you likely to hide your emotions? I do that majority of the time. Well, try to. I downplay them a lot. I’m not as good at it anymore as I used to be. These past few years my emotions started taking over and getting the best of me. When I’m in a mood, I shut down and just get quiet and standoffish. If you talk to me, I’m short and you can just see all over my face.
-Which is scarier: Dying of thirst or of starvation? Both would be horrible.
-Who was the last person to take your breath away? I haven’t felt that way from a person in a very long time.
-When you turn on the TV, what channel do you flip to? My go-to channels to check first are always E! and MTV. If nothing of interest is on, then I just scroll through the guide. It also depends on the time of day.
-Have you ever tried to help someone quit smoking? No.
-What was the last comment someone made on your music taste? I don’t recall.
-Where do you go/what do you do when you need to calm down? My bed. I’ll typically listen to an ASMR video and probably find a survey to ramble about it in and/or tweet about it. Okay let’s be real, before I do any of that I probably have a good cry first.
-What was the last mess you cleaned up? Uhh I mean, I threw away my paper plate and napkins I used yesterday after I finished eating.
- [TW] Have you ever had to talk anyone out of suicide? Yes.
-When you think of tomorrow, what feelings come to mind? Nothing.
-Who, in your opinion, has an amazing voice? Demi Lovato first came to mind. She sang the hats and helmets off of everyone during her Super Bowl performance of the National Anthem.
-Would you ever camp out on a beach, under the stars? No.
-What is the last thing you complained about? Not feeling well and about how achey I am.
-What was the last curse-word you said? Probably “shit.”
-When you fake sick to get out of school, what do you say or do to convince your parents that you are sick? I’m 30 years old and no longer in school, but when I was younger I didn’t really have to do that because I felt sick often enough.
-How did you recover from your last bout of tears? I cried them all out and then just did my usual activities (Tumblr, surveys, YouTube, watched TV).
-Do you still talk to your very first best friend? No.
-When was the last time something went terribly wrong? Blah.
-How do you console someone when he or she is upset? I’m soooo awkward when it comes to that. I just let them vent if they need to, but I struggle with what to say and do.
-Have you ever seen either one of your parents cry? I’ve seen both and it’s the worst thing ever to me. I hate seeing one of my parents cry.
-Choose one: Trip to outerspace, or trip underneath the oceans? Oh jeez, you just listed a couple of my biggest fears.
-How often do you feel overwhelmed? Often.
-How do you deal with everyday life? I...don’t. :/
-Do you have any secret obsessions or guilty pleasures? Nah. I’m not ashamed of any of the things I like.
-Aside from on this survey, what was the last thing you wrote about? Whatever I last tweeted. I forget.
-Who in your family do you act like the most? I have a lot of my dad’s personality traits. He’s moody, irritable, and easily stressed and overwhelmed. Sound familiar?
-What is the most romantically sweet thing someone has done for you? Ty did a lot of things. The thing that always stands out is one year during Christmas he drove to my house one night because had a present for me and it consisted of little things that I mentioned briefly that I liked and it was just really sweet cause it showed he was actually listening and paying attention. The fact he remembered and then went out and bought those things for me was just really, really sweet. He was so excited to give it to me. He didn’t want me to open them right then, he wanted me to wait until Christmas and send him a video of me opening them so he could see my reaction.
-When you go out to the mall, do people stare? When I go anywhere in public people stare.
-Have you ever been confronted by a mall cop for your behavior? No, but I did have one tell me to take my hood off haha. I just came in and it was raining and he came up to me like, “you need to take off your hood.” Like okay jeez.
-What just tears at your heartstrings? Hearing about a child dying or being abused. Animal abuse, too. Breaks my heart.
-Is there a show you swear that you will never watch? I don’t feel that strongly, but there’s a lot of shows I have no interest in watching.
-What was the last topic that you ranted about? I don’t remember.
-Is there someone that makes you feel like you’re walking on eggshells? Sometimes. I’ve been told people feel that way around me as well.
-Were you ever afraid of one of your past teachers? No.
-Have you ever been in a physical fight on school grounds? No. Or ever.
-Have you written anything in a bathroom stall? What, if anything? Nope.
-Is your school like the drama capital of the country? I wasn’t involved in any of that when I was in school. I heard some stuff, but I wasn’t all invested in it like a lot of people.
-A homeless man asks you for 50 cents; how do you respond? If I have it, sure. I don’t usually have any change or cash on me, though.
-When was the last time you visited a thrift store? I don’t go to any.
-Can you handle constructive criticism? I can’t say I wouldn’t feel some type of way about it, ha. I’m just a sensitive bitch. Guess it would depend on what it was about, though. Like if someone was like, “hey, red doesn’t really look great with your skin tone and it clashes with your hair, you shouldn’t wear that” I wouldn’t care. I’d still wear it if I wanted.
Who is the most sensitive person that you know? Meeeee.
-Have you ever had a tooth (or teeth) pulled? Yes.
-You can have one famous person’s wardrobe; who do you choose, and why? I guess someone who was very casual like me and likes to wear graphic tees and leggings. I’d like to have their collection, ha.
-When was the last time you wrote someone a note? I have no idea.
-Do you tell your parents before you go somewhere, or just leave? My family and I are 4 adults living together and we all tell each other when we’re leaving and where we’re going. It’s just our thing. If something were to happen, we’d at least have an idea of where the other was headed. And it’s just common courtesy to us to say goodbye.
-What was the last thing you tried to get out of doing? I’d like to get out of my doctor appointment this afternoon. I’m still recouping.
-On average, how many surveys do you fill out in one day? It varies. Usually a few. Some days more than others.
-How many hours a day do you spend on Bzoink? I don’t use Bzoink.
-Which season do you dread the most? Summer D: It seems to go on forever and it just gets SO hot and miserable here.
-Do you ever brag about your achievements? I’ve never been one to brag. Not that I have anything to brag about, but it’s not a cute look.
-When was the last time that you watched the sun come up? Last week. We were at the airport before the sun was up and it was coming up after we just got on the plane.
-What did you do last Halloween? Watched scary movies and got takeout.
-Last Thanksgiving? Had a nice, big, delicious feast with my family.
-Last Christmas - if you celebrate? Christmas morning we got up early like we always do to open presents and then messed around with our stuff before pretty much resting the rest of the day. Oh, and we had our Christmas dinner that we usually do Christmas Eve, but my mom had to work until midnight that night.
-How did you celebrate the arrival of the new year? My mom and I watched the New Year’s festivities and counted down while the ball dropped. My dad fell asleep at like 9, so he was already out for the night and my brother was out with friends.
-Is there a foreign culture you’d like to learn more about? It’s interesting to learn about different cultures.
-Have you ever (purposely or accidentally) played with someone’s heart? I don’t think so. I’ve had it done to me a lot, though.
-Has anyone ever played with yours? Yes.
-Have you ever seen a famous painting and thought “I could have done that?” I admit that I’ve seen ones that were just like splatters and thought that. :X
-Fire drills: Did you ever wish they were real … just once? Yeah as a kid cause all that came to mind was we’d get to go home and not that it would mean there was an actual fire haha.
-What is the scariest thing about attending your school? I’m done with school.
-Are you a good judge of other people’s intentions? I think so.
What was the last thing that you felt strongly about? My faith.
-Shopping: best with friends, parents, bf/gf, or alone? Alone at home online, ha.
-What is one insecurity you have about your body? Everything.
-What is one part of your body that you are proud of? I like my hair currently only cause I recently got it colored and trimmed (finally).
-When was the last time someone told you to turn your music down? The night before we left for our trip. I was up late packing and my mom came in to ask me to turn my music down, ha. I didn’t end up sleeping at all that night. We left for the airport at 430. I didn’t sleep at all on the ride there or on our flight. I didn’t sleep until that night at the hotel. I honestly have NO idea how I did it.
-When you don’t know how to spell a word, do you look it up? Yeah, I just Google it real quick.
-Are you one to spend a lot of time in the bathroom? No.
-Have you seen the movie Super Size Me? Yeah, we had to in class. We watched it my sophomore year in my history class for some reason haha.
-Do you still eat at McDonald’s, regardless of that film? I was turned off to it for a little bit afterwards, but it didn’t last long. haha. I mean yeah, don’t eat it 3 times a day obviously.
-Do you ever consider the challenges other races go through? Yes.
-When was the last time you doubted your abilities? All the time. What abilities?
-At your favorite restaurant, what do you order? I always order chicken tenders and fries at any restaurant, ha.
-What was the last thing you wished for? I don’t wish for things.
-How many times a day, on average, do you look at the time? A lot.
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somethingsohappily · 6 years
1-100, beautifullll! 😂😘😎
1. When, where, and how did you meet?We met on tumblrdotcom on August 6th (babe, is it the 6th?) I sent her a message and complimented her blog, she then followed me, and I sent her another message apologizing for all the One Direction because I thought she was cooler than me. Then basically we started talking a lot/daily and here we are!
2. What did you first notice about each other?I’m gonna be real honest, i thirst followed my girlfriend, and thought she was hot. Also I liked how she thought about things, felt like I really connected with her personal posts on here. But like, I thought she was hot y’all. 
3. Who first asked the other out?She asked me out officially, but I was the one to admit I had feelings for her first. (with prompting from Sammy) Which I did when she was sleeping and then I didn’t sleep because i was panicking that I sent it in a text. 
4. Where was your first date?Babe, real question, what do we count as a date? Are we talking Skyping? Are we talking when you took me out to dinner when I visited? 
5. Who was first to verbally say “I love you”?Morgannnn, because I had basically told her before we were even together that I’d be scared to say it first ever again after a previous relationship. Which she said on October 7th btws. 
6. How did your first kiss happen? Who initiated it?Ummmm our first kiss was in her car in the airport parking lot, Morgan asked so I think that means she initiated it :) 
7. When is your anniversary?November 7th 
8. How long have you been together?Officially 6 months, though we basically were dating in September
9. What made you realize you were in love with her?It’s sounds silly to say you ‘just know’ but I guess I just kind of knew. It was just this very intense connection and very safe feeling, it was different than how I’d ever felt towards a person. Like realizing this was the person I wanted to see everyday, and share everything with, and really couldn’t picture not having in my life. I don’t know if there was an exact moment, at least for me. 
10. Where you friends before you became a couple?Yes, though we’d only been friends for like a month before feelings got admitted. But we talked a lot/shared a ton before we got together. 
11. Were either of you out before becoming a couple?Both of us were already out!
12. Have either of you dated a girl before?We both have! 
13. How does your girlfriend define her sexuality?Gayyyyyyyy, she is a lesbian
14. When is your girlfriend’s birthday (month/day/year)? Who is older?Morgan is older by five years (she’s a little old lady), her birthday is April 15th 1987 
15. Do you live together?We do not, we didn’t actually lesbian uhaul… yet
16. Have you met your girlfriend’s parents? If so, what was that like?Over Skype I met her mom! She’s very sweet, very southern, she was teaching Morgan to cook and making sure she was eating enough. I was very nervous, but I look forward to meeting her and the rest of Morgan’s family in person. 
17. How many people are in your girlfriend’s family?Immediate, 4 including her. Though I think her grandma, aunt, brother in law, and niece get to be included. (Especially Brantley :) )
18. Whose family do you hang out with more?Neither really because of that whole distance thing! Though my parents always want to Skype her and want to pass along things, so I think mine would like to ‘hangout’ more if they could. 
19. Are you friends with any other same sex couples?Sammy and Bailey! But sadley, I don’t think I have that many other gay friends in same sex relationships. 
20. What is a typical date night like for you two?Considering the distance, it’s usually watching movies. But if we’re together and I’m not dying of the plague we have a lot more plans and stuff we’d go do. 
21. How do you usually spend your time together?Usually just hanging out on Skype, talking, watching movies, doing separate activities while having Skype on (coloring/drawing, playing guitar, cooking, chores, etc) 
22. Have you ever been mistaken for sisters?YES by people at her church!
23. Have you ever experienced any discrimination or prejudice becasue you are a same sex couple?So far no thankfully! 
24. Does anyone you know disapprove of your relationship?Not because we’re gay, but I’ve had some people get weird about the distance. I think a lot of people have very little faith in long distance so i’ve felt judged for it by some/or like they didn’t view it as ‘real’. 
25, How much PDA do you do?Again, long distance means not a lot. And I think we keep it pretty low-key, we aren’t like making out in your local park or anything! 
26. What nationality is your girlfriend?Does this mean if she’s from the US? We both live in the US. 
27. What is your girlfriend’s middle name?Ashley! (babe I hope it’s cool im telling the internet this!) 
28. Who usually pays when you go out to eat?We both would like to be the one that usually pays when the other visits, however we’re both stubborn and won’t let the other one do that! 
29. What is your girlfriend’s number labeled as in your cell phone?💙 Morgan💙
30. Do you have any pet names for each other?Just the typical: babe, baby, my love, sweetheart stuff. We’re gross! 
31. Does your girlfriend have any pets?She does not, though she almost stole a cat from the parking lot the other day, and I think we’ve mutually adopted a dumpster cat that i’ve named otis. 
32. Have you ever worn your girlfriend’s clothes?Yeah, I stole her flannel and wore her shirts when I was visiting. 
33. Who is more likely to cook a meal?Definitely me! 
34. What is your girlfriend’s favorite food? Least favorite food?Favorite food is meatloaf, least favorite food is mushrooms 
35. Who is more likely to cry for no reason?I mean, usually there’s a ‘reason’ for someone crying, and we both are pretty emotional. But I cry all the time, so probs me! 
36. Can your girlfriend play any musical instruments?I almost said no and was like, ‘no wait guitars are an instrument’ so yes, she plays guitar! 
37. Who is your girlfriend’s favorite musical artist?So I’m terrible and forgot even though she’s told me. I think Mumford and Sons is one of them, though I know there are more! 
38. What is your girlfriend’s current favorite song?I don’t know. I hope it’s “Strip That Down” by Liam Payne though
39. Do you have a couple song?When she asked me out she learned that song “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran on her guitar for me. So that one reminds me of her, even though its being severely overplayed on the radio right now. But I don’t know if that would be ‘our song”?
40. Do you have a couple name?Like… a ship name… ? No, thank god. 
41. What is your girlfriend’s best physical feature?Her eyes, and smile, and freckles 😘
42. Who is more likely to forget where they put things?I think we’re both forgetful, but I think that’s probably me. She’s always reminding me to put my debit card back in my wallet so i don’t lose it. 
43. Which side of the bed do you each sleep on?I sleep on the left (if you’re facing the bed) and I think right now she’s more on the right? I’m basing this off where the laptop is. 
44. Who hogs the blankets/sheets more when sleeping together?I don’t think either of this did this, but it’s likely me because i like being a blanket burrito
45. What do you argue/fight about the most?What I’ve considered arguments/fights are not things she views as arguments/fights. But this is one of those things I don’t feel cool getting into over the internet! 
46. How do you usually get over a argument/fight?We talk about it!
47. Does your girlfriend have an angry/annoyed/you’re in trouble stare? If so, show it!Ummmm I’d call it more a ‘mom look’ and it usually happens more over me saying I’m not tired or that nothing is wrong. It’s more like a ‘are you serious?’ look vs angry/annoyed. ALSO. Time to quote my favorite video of all time, “you’re not in trouble, you’re my wife’ is basically how I feel about that statement in general when it comes to partners! 
48. How good is your girlfriend at communicating through facial expressions?She’s pretty good at it, I can usually read her mood without her verbalizing too much! 
49. Who is more likely to refuse sex?Okay, so I dont like how this is worded, because anyone in a relationship is allowed to say no to sex at anytime and that isn’t a negative thing. However, I don’t think either of us really would 😂
50. Does your girlfriend play any sports?She used to do Karate, and she runs if that counts! 
51. Does your girlfriend root for any sports teams?Babe, do you? I vaguely remember you wanting to get a new t-shirt for Football or something but I don’t remember the team or how serious that was 😂
52. Who takes longer getting ready to go somewhere?Probably meeeee just based on who takes longer to shower in the morning! 
53. Who is more likely to remember an important date (i.e. birthday, anniversary, etc.)?I have a good memory, but I think she’s still better at this than I am! 
54. What is your girlfriend’s eye color?Blue! Her eyes are prettyyy
55. What is your girlfriend’s shoe size?I believe 7? Or maybe 6.5? 
56. What is your girlfriend’s dress size?If you think my girlfriend owns a dress.. 
57. What is your girlfriend’s favorite TV show?SVU, which she just finished!
58. What is your girlfriend’s favorite movie?Okay so I’m the worst, I think Dead Poets Society is on there, but I can’t rememberrrrrrr. 
59. Who is the bigger neat freak?We are both a mess, I think I am more organized with some things though
60. What is one item on your girlfriend’s bucket list?Graduate from college! Which she’s going to do! 
61. Who is more likely to utter a curse word?AHAHAHAHA MORGAN. She says the fuck word a lot 😂😂
62. Does your girlfriend prefer coffee or tea?Coffee, but she also likes tea, especially sweet tea
63. Is your girlfriend a morning or a night person?I think she’s more of a night person, however she’s still more of a morning person than I am! 
64. Is your girlfriend more likely to save or spend money?She doesn’t spend her money on a lot honestly, but she’s not as organized with saving as I am (hi i have three saving accounts) 
65. Who squashes the bugs?Morgan, she’s very good at it! Though we live separately, so I also have to squash the bugs! 
66. Who’s better at accurately telling when the other is lying?I think we both know when something’s up, though to clarify we don’t lie to each other, the most we do is try and pretend we’re fine when we’re not. 
67. What is your girlfriend’s favorite color?Blue! 
68. Does your girlfriend collect anything?Morgan keeps basically all the sentimental things she’s ever been given, like she has every letter, and/or camp items in her possession. 
69. Who is more likely to randomly burst out into a song?100% Morgan
70. Who is more likely to randomly start dancing?I think Morgan, usually it’s accompanied by her singing along to something!
71. Have you ever taken a vacation together? If so, where to?So far it’s just been when we visit each other, though when that isn’t a thing anymore, I think we definitely will! 
72. How tall is your girlfriend?5 Foot, she makes me feel tall 
73. Is your girlfriend religious at all?She is, she’s lutheran and an aspiring pastor 😘
74. Who is more likely to spontaneously be romantic?That’s Morgan, me being spontaneous would still be me making a very intense organized plan. 
75. Who’s laugh is cuter?MORGANS
76. Who is the better driver?We both are gays that know how to drive and have good driving records, I’d like to say me just because I drive more than she does. But I also got pulled over for traveling in the passing lane the other day, so I might not be.. though I didn’t get a ticket! 
77. Who is the better singer?Morgan likes to say me, but she and my mother are biased. 
78. Who is the better dancer?Morgan used to tap dance and i don’t dance (this isn’t a high school musical moment though) so probably her
79. Who is better at math?Don’t ask us to do math 
80. Whose handwriting is better?I think hers is!
81. Who has a better sense of humor?I think Morgan is hilarious, even her puns, so her!
82. Has your girlfriend ever given you a honey-do list?What is this straight nonsense?? I make lists all the time, but they aren’t like ‘chore lists’ that she has to get done. 
83. Does your girlfriend smoke?Nope, cigarettes or pot, thank goodness! 
84. Does your girlfriend drink alcohol at all? If so, what is her drink of choice?She sometimes drinks, and usually it’s Cider or a Mike’s if that’s all she can find. I know she sometimes drinks whiskey, but I can’t remember what she mixes it with. 
85. Does your girlfriend have a job?Yes indeed!
86. Who is more physically strong?Probably Morgan, she’s always lifting stuff at work! 
87. From 1-10, how health conscious is your girlfriend?AHAHAHAHA ummmm considering sometimes she just consists of popsicles and cheerwine… definitely lower on that scale
88. Have you ever shared a toothbrush? Nooooo, I get that we technically share spit, but that’s too far for me. 
89.. Can your girlfriend speak more than one language? If so, which one(s)?No she cant
90. Who is your girlfriend’s biggest celebrity crush?Anna Kendrick or Anne Hathaway, I feel like there was a third that I’m completely forgetting! 
91. Does your girlfriend have any quirky habits?She has to be early to everything, and by early, I mean like an hour early! 
92. What is the most romantic thing your girlfriend has ever done for you?Ummmm probably how she asked me out, she dressed up and wore a tie and everything, and then played a song on her guitar. She also wrote out something to go with it, which I now have. It was very very sweet. Also her Christmas gift was a lot, and she gave me a picture album for us to start and wrote out sticky notes to fill this jar of things she loves about me 🙈
93. Who reads more?Definitely Morgan! 
94. From 1-10, how feminine is your girlfriend?She’s more androgynous, so like a 1 probs!
95. Have you ever discussed marriage?Yes we have! 
96. Have you ever discussed having children?Yes, we also have!
97. Be honest: What is one thing your girlfriend does that you don’t like?SHE THINKS SHE NEEDS A FEDORA BUT SHE DOES NOT
98. Is there anything about your girlfriend you think most people don’t know?I’m sure there’s a lot, but something like that would be up to her disclosure vs mine! 
99. Beauty terms aside, choose one word to describe your girlfriend. Why that word?Loveofmylife (I made it oneeee)
100. Pass on one piece of relationship adviceAlways communicate and be honest, honestly I think the reason that we are able to manage this big of a distance is because we always communicate and trust each other completely. Also make time for each other, we love spending time with each other and make sure to set aside time for that everyday. 
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