#the threat to kick her out of the coven is an implicit threat on her life
curseshared · 1 year
thinking soooo much about this storyboard lilith
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kyilliki · 6 years
All this years and Corin still does not muster the corage to speak in long senteces? Why is that - exactly?
The way I imagine it, Corin was a priestess when she was human. She joined the temple young and she was never very good at this “communal living + public service” gig. She always dreaded saying the wrong thing, getting kicked out, shaming her family, and angering the gods. (The other priestesses thought she was cute and nice, but y’know. Corin wasn’t aware.) 
When her gift began manifesting itself, she was given a more public role: speaking with people who came to the temple. Corin was completely overwhelmed, for obvious reasons. A sheltered 14 year-old isn’t going to have brilliant life advice. She quickly realized that it was best to remain quiet and let her talent do its thing. (Okay, she didn’t really call it a talent yet, but she knew she had something.)
Corin’s position as a vampire is a really precarious one. She spends her days in close proximity to the coven, and she hears the implicit threat loud and clear: if she talks too much or seems disloyal, she’s dead. Taking a shy, reserved person, and putting her in a position of moral danger doesn’t do wonders for her communication abilities. (And, on top of that, Corin thinks Sulpicia and Athenodora are beautiful and fancy, and she figures it’s better to not saying anything than embarrass herself in front of them.)
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