#the tie from Abed I think weirdly improved my social ability since it sort of gave me communication examples?? idk if that makes sensebutya
ko-eko-ev-go-ms · 3 years
Thinking abt how when I was younger Abed was my favorite character (along with Annie) mostly because they were so relatable and made the most sense a lot of the time (not all the time but still) and specifically in regards to how they learned all their social stuff from TV/media bc literally did the same and I don’t think I even completely realized that that’s what I was doing?? And then later finding out they were supposed to be coded and based on an autistic person and the creator later found out they were autistic too even though they didn’t outright go with that is extra weird.
#thoughts#oni talks#oni vents#like he’s the big mood like he might be one of the most relatable characters in terms of expression and reading for me#I also liked Annie and Lowkey theory that that character would also be autistic and also specifically#I remember when I first watched community they were my first actual ship of any series & 1 too Bc they fit!!#I still remember that one simulation episode where it was shown how they basically operate with the same but different thing and almost of a#admit it you’re just like me! type energy plus they both did the same roles thing if you didn’t notice!!#which I do too!!! also they were a good couple and I’m getting off topic#tbh community is weird in tht I’ve revisited it and honestly it’s awful in a LOT of ways lmao#and even in terms of autistic/ND it’s definitely not what I’d consider ideal representation considering how they treat Abed#he’s never given anything official but it’s like constantly coded and implied but it’s always in a negative way also as an aside I think#community itself was one of those shows i mimicked lmao and I think oddly like#the tie from Abed I think weirdly improved my social ability since it sort of gave me communication examples?? idk if that makes sensebutya#idk sometimes I remember certain cha’s I liked or was most drawn to and realize how heavily coded they were or even like for example#with She-Ra iirc Entrapta is canonically autistic but even before that I was 100% here for her and was like mood#i feel weird sometiems bc I feel like I learned a lot of NT stuff enough to sometimes know more than NDs except a lot of the time it’s like#I’ve been in the position they WERE in where they didn’t know too??#I think I just sort of turned my over analyzing onto people and their behaviors and feelings and how they work#and then collected a fuck ton of info about it that I can sail off of in a general sense#but that core non knowledge and non intuitiveness or non ability for social stuff is still there at the core#so in practice that social collection often doesn’t hold up or falls apart quickly etc#and some things I just will never be able to wrap my head around tbh like so much of my social anxiety is fuck I don’t know what I’m doing#worst when comforting someone or they talk bc I have no idea how to respond or what to do or what’s correct#friend was venting to me earlier today and I was both honored Bc they trusted me and wanted to vent to me while also being like#ahhhhhhhh how do I receive and respond correctly?? plus I had questions but I didn’t know if I could ask?? and I don’t know what’s applicabl#Bc sometiems I like things and no one else does?? and some things vents are like you need to respond to some parts and some don’t and ahhh
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