#the tom and jerry show (2014)
jadeyarts · 2 years
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doodles of betty sue and dollface because i think theyre cool
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Matilda wasn't into being in a relationship with another species. But she got used to it eventually.
Now she showers Jerry with tons of sweets.
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passionateclown · 8 months
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the heart cn asia. frenemies cnasia? what else could this possibly be cn asia.
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digitalmidnight · 10 months
Times Tom and Jerry kiss list [as of 2023]:
Total of 36
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Pick your era:
Classics (1940-1967) 21
The Tom and Jerry show (2014) 8
Misc (movies, comics, and the other series that had only small amounts of kisses) 7
Or just look under tag "Tom and Jerry Kiss List"
Some fun facts, Reasoning and the Grand List below the readmore!
*If I missed one please provide the name of the episode and year/what series it would be in so I can find it and add it. Does not count hugging, nuzzling, blowing kisses, licking or foreheads knocking together [unless there is a kiss sound effect]. Does not count Tom or Jerry kissing anyone else [ie. Tom kissing Toodles]. Only counts instances of kisses, so if Jerry kisses Tom 7 times in the same scene, it only counts as 1 kiss.
Fun facts:
The era with the most kisses is Hanna-Barbera with 16, followed by The Tom and Jerry Show (2014) with 8 and Chuck Jones with 4.
Tom initiated the most kisses by 8! Tom initiated 21 times and Jerry 13, with 2 kisses listed under other/undetermined*
Counting only classics, Tom initiated 14 times and Jerry 7 times.
Counting everything but classics, Tom initiated 7 times and Jerry initiated 6.
The only era with more than 1 kiss that Jerry beat Tom in initiating kisses is The Tom and Jerry Show (2014). Tom initiated 3 times and Jerry 4 times, however one of the ones counted under Jerry is technically accidental [episode Kiss and Makeup]
There is little to no overlap in their reasoning for kissing. The only overlap is in the accidental category.
The only Tom and Jerry movie with a kiss between them [as of 2023] is the Tom and Jerry Movie (2021).
Their first kiss is in the third short released, The Night Before Christmas (1941)
Their latest kiss is in Tom and Jerry in New York, episode Dream Team. Released July 1st, 2021
Kisses by era counter:
Hanna-Barbera: 16
Tom and Jerry Show (2014): 8
Chuck Jones: 4
Tom and Jerry Tales: 2
Eras with 1 Kiss:
Gene Deitch
Tom and Jerry Dell Comics
The Tom and Jerry Comedy Show
Tom and Jerry Kids
Tom and Jerry Movie (2021)
Tom and Jerry in New York
Kisses by reasons counter: Categories subjective to me
Thanks/Please/Sorry: 9
Friend Proof: 7
Personality Change: 3
Tom's reasons with 1 kiss:
In Love with different character [Springtime for Thomas (1946)]
Accident [Guilded Mouse Ille (1967). First kiss was accident, so counted under accidental.]
Taunt 4
Glad you are back/Glad I am back: 3
In Love: 2 [The Brothers carry the Mouse (1965) and TJ Show (2014)'s Bottled Up Emotions]
3. Taunting someone else: 2
Jerry's reasons with 1 kiss:
Distraction [The Night before Christmas. Initiates by holding mistletoe and inviting Tom to kiss him]
Accident [Tom and Jerry Show (2014) Kiss and Makeup. Throws himself between Tom and Toodles to save Tom. Accidentally gets kiss on cheek from both.]
Other category is for stuff that I genuinely struggled to find/write reason for OR it's kinda unclear what/who it should count for. For instance, in the Tom and Jerry show (2014) episode Return to Sender, they were pushed together by a wizard and forced to kiss. Other is not counted under either Tom and Jerry and so is not in the counter.
Hanna-Barbera [1940-1958] 16
The Night Before Christmas (1941) While running from Tom, Jerry spots mistletoe tucked in the wrapping of a present. He grabs it and holds it over his head. Tom immediately stops, to which Jerry points at the mistletoe and then makes a kissing gesture. Tom pouts, then becomes bashful, then gives Jerry a kiss. (Counts under Jerry)
Sufferin' Cats (1942) Jerry previously made Tom jealous by kissing another cat [Meathead]. When Meathead tries to eat Jerry, Jerry does the same move to Tom. He jumps on Tom's shoulder, kisses Tom, sticks out his tongue to Meathead, then snuggles Tom.
The Million Dollar Cat (1944) Tom gets a million dollars so long as he doesn't harm Jerry. When Jerry follows him to his new home, Tom goes to attack him when Jerry points out the telegram. Tom kisses Jerry's cheek, then tries to flee.
The Bodyguard (1944) Spike becomes Jerry's bodyguard after Jerry saves him. Tom chases Jerry with a pipe all the way to spike. After seeing the teeth, he picks up Jerry, kisses his cheek, puts him in a baby carriage, pretends the pipe is a musical instrument, then runs.
Mouse in Manhattan (1945) After discovering the solo city life sucks, Jerry runs back to his home to find Tom still asleep. He rips apart the letter he wrote Tom then peppers him in kisses, to Tom’s complete confusion.
Springtime for Thomas (1946) Tom sees a pretty cat [Toodles] in his neighbors yard. He gets heart eyes, kisses Jerry (who is jealous and offended Tom isn't chasing him), then calls out to and waves to Toodles.
The Truce Hurts (1948) Tom, Jerry and the dog [Spike] make a treaty to be friends. When Tom sees Jerry about to be attacked by an alley cat [Butch], Tom saves him then kisses his cheek before letting him go.
Heavenly Puss (1949) 1. Tom can only get on the heavenly express if Jerry forgives him. Jerry rips up the certificate of forgiveness, so Tom is about to hit him. When the devil appears and tries to encourage Tom to hit Jerry, Tom smothers Jerry in kisses.
Heavenly Puss (1949) 2. The events of the episode were a dream. When Tom wakes up, he gives Jerry many kisses and nuzzles him, to Jerry's confusion. (Counting under Thanks)
Jerry's Cousin (1951) Muscles scares Tom enough that Tom kisses his feet when he whistles as a sign of deference. Muscles then gives Jerry his outfit and tells Jerry he only needs to whistle. Jerry whistles and Tom kisses his feet. (Counting under thanks/please/sorry)
Nit Witty Kitty (1951) 1. Tom gets hit on the head and thinks he's a mouse. As a mouse he offers Jerry cheese, then retracts the offer and eats it himself. When Jerry goes inside his mouse hole, he tries to follow. To Jerry's surprise, he kisses Jerry's cheek the shoves himself in the mouse hole.
Nit Witty Kitty (1951) 2. After being annoyed with Tom acting as a mouse, Jerry tries to hit his head and return him to normal. When he succeedes and Tom is back to normal again, Jerry is so happy he gives Tom a large kiss on the lips.
Nit Witty Kitty (1951) 3. Tom is hit on the head again by his owner and returned to being a mouse. When Jerry goes to sit on his bed in disappointment, Tom goes in the mouse hole and kisses his cheek, then steals his bed.
Hic cup Pup (1954) Spike will beat up Tom if he wakes Tyke. Jerry straps horns to his feet, goes to where Tom is waiting outside his house hole and gives him a big kiss under his nose, barks, and then they chase.
Little School Mouse (1954) Tuffy, after passing how to outwit cats tests by being nice to Tom, teaches that cats and mice should be friends. Jerry shakes his head in disagreement. Tom nodds his head in agreement wirh Tuffy, takes off Jerry's dunce hat, then kisses Jerry on the forehead.
Mouse for Sale (1955) Jerry is treated as a dancing house pet so long as he is colored white. Tom eventually paints himself white and the owner agrees to let him in "but you must promise to be friends [with Jerry]". He gives Jerry a little kiss and nods. He then dances to beat up Jerry.
Tom and Jerry Dell Comics (1949-1980) 1
#106 (May, 1953): Tom abandons chasing Jerry and Tuffy in favor of trying to hunt a bird. Jerry and Tuffy get jealous and try to dress up like the bird so Tom would still technically be chasing them. Tom shoots the "bird" and a woman gets angry at him for hunting it. Jerry and Tuffy go to rescue Tom from the woman by scaring her, she lets Tom go. They chase briefly before Tom catches them and gives Jerry a kiss for helping him out.
Gene Deitch [1961-1962] 1
Buddies Thicker than Water (1962) Tom is freezing and starving while Jerry is hidden in a penthouse. After Jerry drags him inside and warms him with a heated blanket, Tom gives Jerry a kiss on the cheek. Jerry then makes him instant food.
Chuck Jones [1963-1967] 4
Is There a Doctor in the Mouse? (1964) Jerry invents a potion that makes him go fast and eats Tom's food before he can. After eating the banana, he tries running away in the peel. Tom picks him up and peels back the banana peel. Jerry gives him a peck on the lips, then escapes right as the potion fails.
Ah, Sweet Mouse Story of Life (1965) Tom gets stretched after chasing Jerry down a downtake pipe. Jerry helps him escape by blowing the air horn. Tom thanks him by giving him many kisses on his forehead. Jerry wants more kisses, but Tom realizes Jerry tastes delicious and tries to bite him. Tom is still long.
The Brothers Carry Mouse Off (1965) Tom puts on a costume and perfume to look like a female mouse. Jerry instantly falls for it and kisses his hand and arms. However, many other mice also fall for Tom, and so Jerry continues kissing a path away from Tom. Jerry then watches the disguised Tom get chased by a bunch of cats as the camera pans to a heart on the tree and then the end credits.
Guilded Mouse ille (1967) Tom gets blasted back to the stone age. Tom is about to clobber Jerry when Jerry offers him the bone he was nibbling on to share. While nibbling, Tom accidentally kisses Jerry. Realizing he is tasty, he gives Jerry several kisses on the cheek. Then tries to actually eat him. (Counting under other)
The Tom and Jerry Comedy show (1980-1982) 1
Farewell, Sweet Mouse: Tom floods Jerry's mouse hole, the resulting water pushes him into the rain and pops his balloon, leading Tom to gleefully think he drowned. When Tom gets back, he looks at a picture of him and Jerry, imagines Jerry as an angel, and Angel Jerry kisses picture him's cheek. (Counted under other category due to it being a Jerry kiss, but Tom's imagination.)
Tom and Jerry Kids (1990-1993) 1
Hawkeye Tom: in a move that's a similar to Sufferin' Cats and A Mouse in the House , Jerry puts himself in Tom's hands then kisses Tom's cheek before sticking his tongue out in taunt to a bird.
Tom and Jerry tales (2006-2008) 2
Abracadumb: Tom was looking for Jerry under cups, but Jerry was on Tom's shoulder. Before Tom can retaliate against Jerry, Jerry gives him a kiss on the cheek and gets caught between Tom's hand
Don't bring your pet to School day: Tom tries to eat Jerry. Tom's owner tells Tom to say he's sorry to Jerry. Tom gives Jerry a kiss on the forehead. And again. Once more that's more of a suck and then he eats him.
The Tom and Jerry Show (2014) (2014-2021?) 8
Bottled Up Emotions: Love potion (in bubble form) hits Jerry and he falls in love with Tom. Kisses his nose. Kisses his hand when Tom tries to shove him off. Kisses feet when Tom tries to push him away.
Return to Sender: Flower shop owner picks Tom and Jerry by scruffs of their neck, sings "take a chance, to romance", then forces them to kiss
Splinter of Discontent: Tom begs Jerry and Tuffy for help as Tyke has a splinter and Spike is threatening to hurt him. Jerry agrees to help and Tom kisses his feet.
Catitude Adjustment: Tom had been under a spell that made him too clingey/nice to Jerry. At the end of the episode they get him back to normal and he chases Jerry again. Jerry makes a stop gesture, Tom leans down and glares, Jerry gives Tom a kiss with a heart to Tom's confusion.
From Riches to Rags: Jerry, after losing to Tom all day and going to bed starving, has a dream where Tom is his servant and Jerry harasses Tom until they get into a fight. After getting hit by a chandelier he wakes up, runs downstairs to Tom who is asleep, gives him a hug and kiss on the nose, lookes sheepish, kicks his nose and then the episode ends as they chase one another.
Kiss and Makeup: Toodles (Called Misty Makeup Marvin in this short) has magic and wants to kiss Tom with this evil Lipstick in hopes to mind control(?) him so she can retire in the haunted mansion he lives in. Jerry and Tuffy have been trying to prevent this kiss from happening. When Toodles goes for a kiss on the couch, Jerry jumps in between and gets a kiss from both of them on the cheeks. Then Jerry turns into a bat.
Mirror Image: Tom gets stuck in the mirror dimension and there's an evil mirror Tom in the real world. Tuffy, who is trapped with Tom, tells Jerry to make the evil Tom touch the mirror so they can get out. Jerry does so, and Tom escapes with both Tuffy and Jerry in his hands. He gives them both a kiss on a cheek before laughing at his mirror self's misfortune.
Pumpkin Punks: Jerry is hiding in root vegetables, popping out to taunt Tom, then going back underground. When Tom gets tired, he pops out and gives him a kiss on the cheek with lots of hearts (then waves and runs away so Tom can chase him)
Tom and Jerry Movie (2021) 1
1:33:50 Spike, Tom and Jerry begin to chase and start to destroy the wedding. Human cast gives them disapproving look. Spike apologies and Tom kisses Jerry to show they are friends. Tom closes ending curtain then goes back to chasing Jerry
Tom and Jerry in New York (2021-) 1
Dream Team: Tom dreams he's in a basketball game against Butch, but due to cheating/skill he has no points. Jerry climbs into the ball and helps him win, however becomes very dizzy. When he topples out of the ball, Tom picks him up and gives him several kisses. Then he gives the real Jerry an ice cream bar, to Jerry's confusion. (Tom's imagination but we're counting it under Tom kiss)
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Happy TEN-YEAR Anniversary to The Tom and Jerry Show! 🤩🥳🎉🎊
It first premiered on Cartoon Network on this day, April 9, 2014! 🎊🎉
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popculturebuffet · 14 days
Next up for Warner Bros Animation, favorite character from the mid-late 2010s era of shows (aka the point when they started putting most of the WBA shows on Boomerang, maybe they were trying to rebrand Boomerang beyond just "old rerun house" around that time plus Cartoon Network in general going through change at that point, and the few that did air on Cartoon Network were screwed over in the end): The Tom and Jerry Show 2014, Mike Tyson Mysteries (WBA's first show for Adult Swim), Wabbit/New Looney Tunes, Be Cool Scooby Doo, Bunnicula, Right Now Kapow (surprisingly the rare time WBA produced a show for a Disney network), Justice League Action, Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz, Wacky Races 2017, and Unikitty?
Okay so let's take a bunch out: I haven't seen tom and jerry show 2014, wabbit, bunnicula, right now kopow, jla, dorthy or wacky races. Want to see that last one just haven't. SO gonna be a lgither lineup
Mike Tyson Mysteries: Pidgeon. It's Norm McDonald allowed to basically just riff half the time whlie playing a man turned into a pidgeon. Of course he wins. The show itself is genius... I first watched it thinking it was another throaway adult swim show. While the block has had had a ton of gems (Including aquired shows like mission hill or oblongs i'd like included, shows that didn't get a good chance first go round), it sometimes just falls into the bad cliches of adult animation. This show though.. is just fun, a filmation style show that pokes fun at tyson (Whose barely coherent), the concept and does whatever it wants. It could've gotten old quick given the similar hannah barbarera already got a ton of riffs early in adult swims life, but it didn't. Good stuff.
Be Cool Scooby Doo: Scooby who is just at his sassisest here and I support this. I watched thorugh all of this with @jess-the-vampire over the past few years. Now when this first aired I ignored it: I was bitter mystery inc was gone and had seen far too many cartoons lazily rip off family guys style to like the art style. And while the art style is still i'ts weakest part, Be Cool is easily the most underated Scooby Doo series. The wackier tone.. is necessary after the darker if still batshit insane mystery inc. Trying to do mystery inc again wasn't going to work.
So instead it's goofier: the mystery machine can transform, and we get some fun plots as the gang tries to solve a train mystery, deals with fred's need to solve a christmas mystery when instead having to deal with a ptreodactyl, shaggy becomes king of the goths, and fred's entirely too tight shorts disturb the gang whose too polite to tell him. The show goes places, having Velma sing the summation, reluctantly as hell, and it is all the better for it. It also plays with Daphne and Fred: While the other three are abou tthe same (Though Scooby is now sassy as hell as mentioned and the world is better for it), Fred is taken back to being the straight man, but often finds himself succubming to antics, a neat take and Daphne is given a quirk of the week and made a cloud cuckoolander. It allows Frank and Grey to play with the characters more and allows the writers to try something new. The result is awesome and the shows well worth checking out.
Unikitty: Dr. Fox ENTIRELY because she's played by Kate Miccui. The show itself.. is decent. Nothing amazing, but I will say it has more to it than the actual sequel to the lego movie and has some fun with it's pretty standard premise and weird as hell characters.
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strawberryonfire · 2 years
Some Of My Favorite Shows Pt. 1
Gravity Falls (2012-2016)
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Over The Garden Wall (2014)
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Adventure Time (2010-2018)
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Steven Universe (2013-2019)
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Regular Show (2009-2017)
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Chowder (2007-2010)
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Ed, Edd 'n Eddy (1999-2009)
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Total Drama Island (2007-2014)
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Invader Zim (2001-2006)
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Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil (2015-2019)
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Phineas and Ferb (2007-2015)
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The Amazing World Of Gumball (2011-2019)
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The Powerpuff Girls (classic) (1998-2005)
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The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) (2012-2017)
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Wander Over Yonder (2013-2016)
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The Angry Beavers (1997-2001)
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Josie and the Pussycats (1970-1972)
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Spongebob Squarepants (1999-Present)
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Camp Camp (2016-2019)
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Wild Kratts (2010-Present)
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Johnny Bravo (1995-2004)
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Dexter's Laboratory (1996-2003)
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Courage The Cowardly Dog (1996-2002)
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The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy (2001-2007)
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The Misadventures of Flapjack (2008-2010)
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Codename: Kids Next Door (2002-2008)
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Fish Hooks (2010-2014)
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Catdog (1998-2005)
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Tom and Jerry (classic) (1940-1968)
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Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir (2015-Present)
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a1sart · 4 months
top five vampire movies? <- you asked for this one so here's a much better one -> Top five Sherlock clones? (clones as in a detective who is very much a Sherlock stand in or whatever)
The Lost Boys (1987) - has a BANGER soundtrack, great vampires I love David and Marko <3, Michael is such a poseur loser baby I love that guy and the quote "My own brother, a goddamned shit sucking vampire! You wait till mom finds out" is possibly the funniest line to come out of a vampire film ever
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2. Van Helsing (2004) - greatest Hugh Jackman role besides Roddy in Flushed Away!!! Great costuming and monster designs and is probably the very reason I love vampires today. One of the only vampire movies I could watch as a child and not be scared out of my wits <3 also everyone was hot as fuck
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3. Fright Night (2011) - OOH SUCH A FUN WATCH!! I really liked how it took vampire rules and found creative ways for Jerry to circumvent them <3 I also like the original 1985 film, but idk the 2011 film has a car chase and a house blows up and Collin Farrell is a really good vampire and DAVID TENNANT IS IN IT FOR SOME REASON?
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4. The Batman vs. Dracula (2005)- A movie that no one else I know knows exists but y'know what? It's a great vampire film and a good batman film tbh. Tom Kenny slays as the Penguin, the Joker is one damn good vampire and the scene in the blood bank lives rent fucking free in my brain. Dracula is also great and the way he places himself as Batman's foil is kinda silly but works. Found it kinda odd that the vampire they made Dracula's bride was Carmilla The famously lesbian vampire, but idk its fine. This movie made me start headcanoning batman as a trans woman and idk if that has anything to do with the movie or me but it kinda slays. Great film, has WAY too many scenes with flashing lights and it's a bit hard to watch at times because of that.
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5. Renfield (2023) - The movie that made me fall back into my permanent vampire hyperfixation <3 Very silly, really like that sickly victorian guy and the lighting and colors in that movie are very fun to look at
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there are some honorable mentions like the 1985 Fright Night and Let Me In (2010) (which is a remake of a Swedish film apparently and I will watch that eventually) and Dracula Untold (2014). I also liked House of Dark Shadows (1970)
and I don't watch many mystery shows but uhhh Shawn Spencer counts as a Sherlock clone right? Psych is my #1 Sherlock Holmes adaptation.
Edit: added film posters to help break up the text <3
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Holidays 7.22
Ask An Archeologist Day
Attorney Day (Indonesia)
Beta Blucan Day
Blackfoot Daisy Day
Childbirth Education Awareness Day
Climate Emergency Day
Division 722 Day
Dornach Commemoration Day (Switzerland)
Family Tree Day
Festival of Boredom and Reveries
Fragile X Awareness Day
George Crum Day
Guelaguetza (Primer Lunes; Mexico)
Hammock Day
Health, Happiness with Hypnosis Day
International Childbirth Education Awareness Day
International Love & Gratitude Day
King Father’s Birthday (Eswatini, f.k.a. Swaziland)
Lendemain de l'Aïd el-Kebir (Mauritania)
Liberation Day (Guam)
Lion's Share Day
Majdanek Liberation Day
National Be A Good Teammate Day (UK)
National Flag Adoption Day (India)
National Intern Day
National Liberation Day (Poland)
National Pajama Day
National Press Day (Azerbaijan)
National Sing from the Book of Mormon Day
National Sophia Day
National Squirt A Pigeon Day
National Thomas Day
National Water Coaster Day
One Piece Day (Japan)
Pi Approximation Day (a.k.a. Casual Pi Day; 22/7)
Preparedness Day
Qurbon Hayit Holiday (Uzbekistan)
Ranggeln (Germany)
Ratcatcher's Day (a.k.a. Pied Piper Day; UK)
Remington 722 Day
Ryegrass Day (French Republic)
Spooner's Day (a.k.a. Spoonerism Day)
Stilt Dance Day (Spain)
SNN 722 Day
Summer Leisure Day
Thulsa Doom Appreciation Day
Trae Day (Houston, Texas)
Urania Asteroid Day
World Brain Day
World Day Against Open Pit Mining
World Fragile X Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Froot Loops Day
National BLT Sandwich Day
National Mango Day
Penuche Fudge Day
Independence & Related Days
Bohol Day (Philippines)
Claveria Day (Philippines)
Organic Act Day (Virgin Islands)
Revolution Day (July 22nd Anniversary; The Gambia)
Sarawak Self-Government Day (Malaysia)
Slovenian People’s Uprising Day (Yugoslavia)
4th Monday in July
Hurricane Supplication Day (Virgin Islands) [4th Monday]
Festivals Beginning July 22, 2024
The Borderland (Alversjö, Denmark) [thru 7.28]
Corn Capital Days (Olivia, Minnesota) [thru 7.28]
Farnborough International Airshow (Farnborough, United Kingdom) [thru 7.26]
Supertoon International Animation Festival (Šibenik, Croatia) [thru 7.26]
USA Beer & Wine Ratings (San Francisco, California)
Feast Days
Abd-al-Masih (Christian; Saint)
Alexander Calder (Artology)
Aphrodisia (Ancient Greek bathing festival of Aphrodite & Peitho)
Aristo (Positivist; Saint)
Beginning of Leo (Astrology; Pagan)
Contemplate the Cosmos Day (Pastafarian)
Dabius (a.k.a. Davies) of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Edward Hopper (Artology)
James Whale Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Joseph of Tiberias (or of Palestine; a.k.a. Count Joseph; Christian; Saint)
Karl Marx Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Leo zodiac sign begins
Loch Ness Monster 1st Sighting (Everyday Wicca)
Markella of Chios (Christian; Saint)
Mary Magdalene (Christian; Saint)
Meneve, Abbot of Menat (Christian; Saint)
Neil Welliver (Artology)
Nohra (Maronite Church)
Pete Dexter (Writerism)
Ruthie Tompson (Artology)
S.E. Hinton (Writerism)
Tom Robbins (Writerism)
Vandrille (a.k.a. Wandregisilus; Christian; Saint)
Vaughn Bodē (Artology)
The Venusian (Muppetism)
Wandregislus (a.k.a. Wandrille; Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 14 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [14 of 24]
At Your Service (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1935)
Back to the Shack, by Weezer (Song; 2014)
A Balmy Swami (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1949)
Bikini Beach (Film; 1964)
The Bodyguard (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1944)
Captain America: The First Avenger (Film; 2011)
Crazy Drivers (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1955)
The Daily Show (Late Night TV Talk Show; 1996)
Friends with Benefits (Film; 2011)
Gallipoli, by Alan Moorehead (History Book; 1956)
Green Lantern: Beware My Power (WB Animated Film; 2022)
Ice Age: Collision Course (Animated Film; 2016)
The Inverted World, by Christopher Priest (Novel; 1974)
The Island (Film; 2005)
Hollywood Sweepstakes (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1939)
It’s Hummer Time (WB LT Cartoon 1950)
Jaws 3-D (Film; 1983)
Join Together, by The Who (Song; 1972)
Jungle Jingles (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1929)
Lolita (Film; 1998)
Marnie (Film; 1964)
Midnight Run (Film; 1988)
Mr. Mom (Film; 1983)
Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1938)
My Aim Is True, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1977)
Nope (Film; 2022)
North (Film; 1994)
Plan 9 From Outer Space (Film; 1959)
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (Film; 1954)
Star Trek Beyond (Film; 2016)
The Subtle Knife, by Philip Pullman (Novel; 1997) [His Dark Materials #2]
Weary Willies (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1929)
Today’s Name Days
Magdalena, Maria (Austria)
Lena, Magda, Magdalena, Miglena (Bulgaria)
Lenka, Magdalena, Manda, Marija (Croatia)
Magdaléna (Czech Republic)
Magdalene, Maria (Denmark)
Leen, Leena, Leeni, Made, Madli, Magda, Magdaleena, Mall, Malle (Estonia)
Leena, Leeni, Lenita, Matleena (Finland)
Madeleine, Wandrille (France)
Magdalena, Marlene, Verena (Germany)
Magdalena, Magdalene, Magdalini, Markella (Greece)
Magdolna (Hungary)
Lena, Lorenzo, Maddalena, Maria, Marylena, Menelaos (Italy)
Margita, Marija, Marika, Marina, Marisandra (Latvia)
Dalius, Magdalena, Mantilė, Marija (Lithuania)
Malene, Mali, Malin (Norway)
Albin, Bolesława, Bolisława, Laurencjusz, Maria Magdalena, Milenia, Pankracy, Wawrzyniec, Więcemiła (Poland)
Magdaléna (Slovakia)
Magdalena, María (Spain)
Madeleine, Magdalena (Sweden)
Mada, Madalina, Madalyn, Maddi, Maddie, Maddy, Madel, Madelaine, Madelein, Madeleine, Madelene, Madelina, Madeline, Madie, Madelyn, Mady (Universal)
Amaya, Magda, Magdalen, Magdalena, Magdalene (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 204 of 2024; 162 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of Week 30 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 16 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Xin-Wei), Day 17 (Ding-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 16 Tammuz 5784
Islamic: 15 Muharram 1446
J Cal: 24 Red; Threesday [24 of 30]
Julian: 9 July 2024
Moon: 98%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 7 Dante (8th Month) [Aristo]
Runic Half Month: Ur (Primal Strength) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 33 of 94)
Week: 4th Week of July
Zodiac: Leo (Day 1 of 31)
Calendar Changes
  Leo (The Lion) begins [Zodiac Sign 5; thru 8.21]
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nechthegrech · 2 years
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Featuring in chronological order: 
1937 - Daffy Duck (Looney Tunes)
1940 - Tom (Tom & Jerry)
1960 - Fred Flintstone (The Flintstones)
1966 - Space Ghost
1969 - Scooby-Doo (Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?)
1996 - Dexter (Dexter’s Laboratory)
1997 - Johnny Bravo
1997 - The Red Guy (Cow & Chicken)
1998 - Bubbles (The Powerpuff Girls)
1999 - Ed (Ed, Edd n Eddy)
1999 - T.O.M (Toonami)
1999 - Courage (Courage the Cowardly Dog)
2000 - Robot Jones (Whatever Happened to... Robot Jones?)
2000 - Sheep (Sheep in the Big City)
2001 - Samurai Jack
2001 - Grim (The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy/Grim & Evil)
2001 - Master Shake (Aqua Teen Hunger Force)
2002 - Numbuh 1 (Codename: Kids Next Door)
2003 - Robin (Teen Titans)
2004 - Coop (Megas XLR)
2004 - Bloo (Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends)
2005 - Lazlo (Camp Lazlo)
2007 - Chowder
2008 - Flapjack (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack)
2010 - Finn (Adventure Time)
2010 - Mordecai (Regular Show)
2010 - Sym-Bionic Titan
2011 - Gumball (The Amazing World of Gumball)
2013 - Garnet (Steven Universe)
2014- Wirt (Over the Garden Wall)
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ashadowstreak · 2 years
Since you've said Cartoon Network was your favorite channel, what were your favorite shows on Cartoon Network as a kid? This can even include imports or acquired shows
Well Powerpuff Girls is the obvious #1 answer LOL.
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Other shows include: Dexter's Lab, Chowder, Samurai Jack, KND, Foster's Home, Grim Adventures, Ed Edd n Eddy, Total Drama, Justice League, Courage, Tom & Jerry, Pup Named Scooby Doo, What's New Scooby Doo, Batman Beyond, Code Lyoko, YuGiOh, Pokemon, Xiaolin Showdown, Star Wars The Clone Wars (Both series), Total Drama Island, and I'm sure there are many others I missed in this list.
Needless to say I watched CN a lot from like 1999 to 2009 lol. In February 2010 I discovered Let's Plays on YouTube and cartoons took a backseat until I "rediscovered" PPG in 2013 and got super into MLP in 2014 and R&M in 2015. Then the reboot premiered and you know what that led to.
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Alright, another pretty Tom and Jerry character. Sabrina's her name. That's more of something I need in my life.
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She and Tom are getting along pretty well together. Almost TOO well...
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Never in my entire life have I felt this strong an emotion for a cartoon pairing. These two just work so well as a couple.
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It's about time someone tended to his injuries! (If only someone could do the same for Jerry. ((But considering Jerry's mostly the victim, I'd say he's fine on his own.)))
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She stands up for him too!
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And Tom ACTUALLY gets the girl! Probably one of the best moments in this entire franchise.
Forget Toodles. Sabrina is clearly the perfect woman for Tom.
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passionateclown · 9 months
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New fic idea, don't get too hype without me
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digitalmidnight · 10 months
Tom and Jerry Kiss List
The Tom and Jerry Show (2014): Total of 8
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Total Kisses Located Here
Season 1: 1
Season 2: 3
Bottled Up Emotions: Love potion (in bubble form) hits Jerry and he falls in love with Tom. Kisses his nose. Kisses his hand when Tom tries to shove him off. Kisses feet when Tom tries to push him away.
Return to Sender: Flower shop owner picks Tom and Jerry by scruffs of their neck, sings "take a chance, to romance", then forces them to kiss
Catitude Adjustment: Tom had been under a spell that made him too clingey/nice to Jerry. At the end of the episode they get him back to normal and he chases Jerry again. Jerry makes a stop gesture, Tom leans down and glares, Jerry gives Tom a kiss with a heart to Tom's confusion.
Splinter of Discontent: Tom begs Jerry and Tuffy for help as Tyke has a splinter and Spike is threatening to hurt him. Jerry agrees to help and Tom kisses his feet.
Season 3: 3
From Riches to Rags: Jerry, after losing to Tom all day and going to bed starving, has a dream where Tom is his servant and Jerry harasses Tom until they get into a fight. After getting hit by a chandelier he wakes up, runs downstairs to Tom who is asleep, gives him a hug and kiss on the nose, lookes sheepish, kicks his nose and then the episode ends as they chase one another.
Mirror Image: Tom gets stuck in the mirror dimension and there's an evil mirror Tom in the real world. Tuffy, who is trapped with Tom, tells Jerry to make the evil Tom touch the mirror so they can get out. Jerry does so, and Tom escapes with both Tuffy and Jerry in his hands. He gives them both a kiss on a cheek before laughing at his mirror self's misfortune.
Kiss and Makeup: Toodles (Called Misty Makeup Marvin in this short) has magic and wants to kiss Tom with this evil Lipstick in hopes to mind control(?) him so she can retire in the haunted mansion he lives in. Jerry and Tuffy have been trying to prevent this kiss from happening. When Toodles goes for a kiss on the couch, Jerry jumps in between and gets a kiss from both of them on the cheeks. Then Jerry turns into a bat.
Season 5: 1
Pumpkin Punks: Jerry is hiding in root vegetables, popping out to taunt Tom, then going back underground. When Tom gets tired, he pops out and gives him a kiss on the cheek with lots of hearts then waves and runs away so Tom can chase him
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ptbf2002 · 1 month
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Best And Worst Cartoon Network Shows
Best Cartoon Network Shows:
Looney Tunes
Batman: The Brave & Bold
Regular Show
Adventure Time
Ben 10 Original Series
The Powerpuff Girls (1998)
Johnny Bravo
The Amazing World Of Gumball
Teen Titans (2003)
Cow & Chicken
Total Drama
Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi
The Looney Tunes Show
Scooby-Doo Where Are You?
Dexter's Laboratory
Ed, Edd, N Eddy
Ok K.O! Let's Be Heroes
The Marvelous Misadventures Of Flapjack
The Tom And Jerry Show (2014)
Ben 10 Alien Force
Craig Of The Greek
Codename Kids Next Door
Time Squad
The Grim Adventures Of Billy & Mandy
Camp Lazlo
Scooby-Doo Mystery Inc.
Foster's Home For Imaginery Friends
Courage The Cowardly Dog
We Bare Bears
Ben 10 Ultimate Alien
Ben 10 Omniverse
Steven Universe
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Victor & Valentino
The Garfield Show
Lego Ninjago
Steven Universe: Future
What's New Scooby-Doo
Infinity Train
Mao Mao: Heroes Of Pure Heart
Mighty Magiswords
Over The Garden Wall
Cartoon Planet
Samurai Jack.
& Annoying Orange.
Worst Cartoon Network Shows:
Apple & Onion
Teen Titans GO!
Uncle Grandpa
Ben 10 (2017)
Secret Mountain Fort Awesome
The Powerpuff Girls (2016)
Johnny Test
Be Cool Scooby-Doo
Out Of Jimmy's Head
Almost Naked Animals
The Cramp Twins
Thundercats Roar
Super Noobs
Totally Spies
Destroy Build Destroy
Dude! What Would Happen
Class Of 3000
Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get A Clue
The Problem Solverz
Space Ghost Coast to Coast
Total Dramarama
Looney Tunes Belongs To Leon Schlesinger, Hugh Harman, Rudolf Ising, Harman-Ising Productions, Leon Schlesinger Productions, Warner Bros. Cartoons, Inc. DePatie–Freleng Enterprises, Format Productions, Warner Bros.-Seven Arts Animation, The Vitaphone Corporation, Vitagraph Company of America, Turner Entertainment Company, Warner Bros. Animation Inc. Kids' WB! The WB, The WB Television Network, Inc. Tribune Broadcasting Company, LLC. Tribune Media Company, Nexstar Media Group, Inc. Cartoon Network, Boomerang, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Camp Lazlo Belongs To Joe Murray, Rough Draft Korea Co., Ltd. Joe Murray Productions Inc. Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
The Amazing World of Gumball Belongs To Ben Bocquelet, Boulder Media Limited Ireland, Dandelion Studios, Studio SOI, Great Marlborough Productions Inc. Cartoon Network Development Studio Europe, Cartoon Network Studios Europe, Hanna-Barbera Studios Europe Ltd. Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Television Studios UK, Warner Bros. International Television Production, Turner Broadcasting System Europe Limited, WarnerMedia EMEA, Turner Broadcasting System International, WarnerMedia International, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Steven Universe Belongs To Rebecca Sugar, Sunmin Image Pictures Co., Ltd. Rough Draft Korea Co., Ltd. Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Steven Universe: Future Belongs To Rebecca Sugar, Rough Draft Korea Co., Ltd. Rough Draft Studios, Inc. Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Dexter's Laboratory Belongs To Genndy Tartakovsky, Rough Draft Korea Co., Ltd. Twenty First Century Entertainment, Fil-Cartoons, Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Mr. Big Cartoons, SEK Animation Studio, Shanghai Morning Sun Animation Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Jade Animation Company, Hong Ying Animation Co., Ltd. Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, Inc. Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Turner Network Television (TNT), Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Cow and Chicken Belongs To David Feiss, Rough Draft Korea Co., Ltd. Rough Draft Studios, Inc. SEK Animation Studio, Wild Horse Animation Group, Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, Inc. Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Johnny Bravo Belongs To Van Partible, Cambridge Animation Systems, Koko Enterprises Ltd. Rough Draft Korea Co., Ltd. Rough Draft Studios, Inc. SEK Animation Studio, Saerom Animation, Inc. Seoul Movie, Sunwoo & Company Co., Ltd. Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, Inc. Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Teen Titans Belongs To Bob Haney, Bruno Premiani, Glen Murakami, David Slack, Sam Register, MOI Animation Co., Ltd. Lotto Animation, Inc. DongWoo Animation Co. Ltd. DC Comics, Inc. DC Entertainment, Warner Bros. Animation Inc. Kids' WB! The WB, The WB Television Network, Inc. Tribune Broadcasting Company, LLC. Tribune Media Company, Nexstar Media Group, Inc. Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
The Powerpuff Girls Belongs To Craig McCracken, Rough Draft Korea Co., Ltd. Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, Inc. Cartoon Network Studios, Kids' WB! The WB, The WB Television Network, Inc. Tribune Broadcasting Company, LLC. Tribune Media Company, Nexstar Media Group, Inc. Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Angelo Rules Belongs To Sylvie De Mathuisieulx, Sebastien Diologent, TeamTO, CAKE Entertainment Ltd. France 3, France 4, France Télévisions S.A. Télétoon+ CANAL+ S.A. Groupe CANAL+ S.A. Vivendi SE, Expand Drama, Super RTL, RTL Deutschland GmbH, RTL Group S.A. International Rheingold Productions, Cartoon Network MENA, Turner Broadcasting System Europe Limited, WarnerMedia EMEA, Turner Broadcasting System International, WarnerMedia International, WarnerMedia & Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Total Drama Island Belongs To Tom McGillis, Jennifer Pertsch, Elliott Animation Inc. Fresh TV Inc. CAKE Entertainment Ltd. TELETOON, TELETOON Canada Inc. Corus Entertainment Inc. CBBC, BBC Television, BBC Worldwide Ltd. BBC Studios Ltd. British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Total Drama Belongs To Tom McGillis, Jennifer Pertsch, Elliott Animation Inc. Fresh TV Inc. CAKE Entertainment Ltd. TELETOON, TELETOON Canada Inc. Corus Entertainment Inc. Aboriginal Peoples Television Network, K2 (TV channel), Jetix Italy S.R.L. Switchover Media, Discovery Italia S.R.L. Discovery Networks Italia, Discovery Networks EMEA, Discovery Networks International, Discovery, Inc. CBBC, BBC Television, BBC Worldwide Ltd. BBC Studios Ltd. British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
The Looney Tunes Show Belongs To Leon Schlesinger, Hugh Harman, Rudolf Ising, Sam Register, Spike Brandt, Tony Cervone, Yearim Productions Co., Ltd. Toon City Animation Inc. Lotto Animation, Inc. Rough Draft Korea Co., Ltd. Crew 972 Ltd. Warner Bros. Animation Inc. Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
The Tom And Jerry Show Belongs To William Hanna, Joseph Barbera, Darrell Van Citters, Renegade Animation, PIP Animation Services Inc. Slap Happy Cartoons Inc. Turner Entertainment Company, Warner Bros. Animation Inc. Cartoon Network, Boomerang, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Courage The Cowardly Dog Belongs To John R. Dilworth, Atomic Cartoons, Inc. Thunderbird Entertainment Group Inc. Badabing Badaboom Productions, Inc. Hosem Animation Studio, Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. Weddington Productions, Inc. Stretch Films, Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi Belongs To Sam Register, Renegade Animation, Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008 TV series) George Lucas, CGCG Inc. Lucasfilm Animation Singapore, Lucasfilm Animation Ltd. LLC, Lucasfilm Ltd. LLC, The Walt Disney Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. Netflix, Inc. Disney+, Disney–ABC Home Entertainment and Television Distribution, Disney General Entertainment Content, Disney Media and Entertainment Distribution, Disney Streaming, Disney Entertainment, Disney Enterprises, Inc. And The Walt Disney Company
Ed, Edd n Eddy Belongs To Danny Antonucci, Yeson Animation Studios, Funbag Animation Studios, A.K.A. Cartoon, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Scooby-Doo! Belongs To Joe Ruby, Ken Spears, Ruby-Spears Productions, Inc. Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, Inc. Warner Bros. Animation Inc. Kids' WB! The WB, The WB Television Network, Inc. Tribune Broadcasting Company, LLC. Tribune Media Company, Nexstar Media Group, Inc. Cartoon Network, Boomerang, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Adventure Time Belongs To Pendleton Ward Rough Draft Korea Co., Ltd. Saerom Animation, Inc. Science SARU Inc. Frederator Studios, Frederator Networks, Inc. WOW! Unlimited Media Inc. Kartoon Studios, Inc. Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Craig of the Creek Belongs To Matt Burnett, Ben Levin, Saerom Animation, Inc. Jam Filled Entertainment, Boat Rocker Media Inc. Pipeline Studios Inc. Rough Draft Korea Co., Ltd. Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Ben 10 (2005 TV series) Belongs To Man of Action, Sunmin Image Pictures Co., Ltd. DongWoo Animation Co. Ltd. Renegade Animation, Man of Action Entertainment, Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Ben 10: Alien Force Belongs To Dwayne McDuffie, Glen Murakami, Sunmin Image Pictures Co., Ltd. Man of Action Entertainment, Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Ben 10: Ultimate Alien Belongs To Dwayne McDuffie, Glen Murakami, Sunmin Image Pictures Co., Ltd. Man of Action Entertainment, Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Ben 10: Omniverse Belongs To Derrick J. Wyatt, Matt Youngberg, Sunmin Image Pictures Co., Ltd. Rough Draft Korea Co. Ltd. Man of Action Entertainment, Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes Belongs To Ian Jones-Quartey, Digital eMation, Inc. Sunmin Image Pictures Co., Ltd. Jam Filled Entertainment, Boat Rocker Media Inc. Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Chowder Belongs to C. H. Greenblatt, Hong Ying Animation Co., Ltd. Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
The Grim Adventures Of Billy And Mandy Belongs To Maxwell Atoms, Rough Draft Studios Inc. Digital eMation, Inc. Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Victor And Valentino Belongs To Diego Molano, Digital eMation, Inc. Jam Filled Entertainment, Boat Rocker Media Inc. Sunmin Image Pictures Co., Ltd. Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
We Bare Bears Belongs To Daniel Chong, Saerom Animation, Inc. Rough Draft Korea Co., Ltd. Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Time Squad Belongs To Dave Wasson, ACME Filmworks, Digital eMation, Inc. Galaxy World, Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Regular Show Belongs to J. G. Quintel, Saerom Animation, Inc. Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Unikitty! Belongs To Phil Lord, Christopher Miller, Ed Skudder, Lynn Wang, Renegade Animation, Snipple Animation Studios, Rideback, Lord Miller Productions, VERTIGO Entertainment, LEGO System A/S, Warner Bros. Animation Inc. Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, HBO Max, WarnerMedia Direct, LLC. Warner Bros. Discovery Global Streaming and Interactive Entertainment, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Batman: The Brave And Bold Belongs To Bob Kane, Bill Finger, James Tucker, Michael Jelenic, Digital eMation, Inc. DongWoo Animation Co. Ltd. Lotto Animation Inc. MOI Animation Co., Ltd. DC Comics, Inc. DC Studios, DC Entertainment, Warner Bros. Animation Inc. Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! Belongs To Joe Ruby, Ken Spears, William Hanna, Joseph Barbera, Iwao Takamoto, Fred Silverman, Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, Inc. Worldvision Enterprises, Inc. Taft Broadcasting Company, Spelling Television Inc. Paramount Domestic Television, CBS Media Ventures, Inc. CBS Studios, Inc. CBS Broadcasting Inc. CBS Entertainment Group, Paramount Global, Turner Program Services, Turner Entertainment Company, Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
What's New, Scooby-Doo? Belongs To Joe Ruby, Ken Spears, Sander Schwartz, Wang Film Productions Co., Ltd. DongWoo Animation Co. Ltd. Lotto Animation, Inc. Hosem Animation Studio, Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, Inc. Warner Bros. Animation Inc. Kids' WB! The WB, The WB Television Network, Inc. Tribune Broadcasting Company, LLC. Tribune Media Company, Nexstar Media Group, Inc. Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated Belongs To Joe Ruby, Ken Spears, Mitch Watson, Spike Brandt, Tony Cervone, DongWoo Animation Co. Ltd. Digital Emation, Inc. Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, Inc. Warner Bros. Animation Inc. Cartoon Network, Boomerang, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart Belongs To Parker Simmons, Titmouse, Inc. Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
The Garfield Show Belongs To Jim Davis, Philippe Vidal, Infinite Frameworks Pte. Ltd. Tiger Bells Animation Pvt. Ltd. Paws, Inc. Nickelodeon Group, Nickelodeon Networks Inc. Paramount Kids and Family Group, Paramount Media Networks, Inc. Viacom International Inc. Paramount Global, Dargaud Media, Mediatoon Distribution, Les Éditions Dargaud, France 3, France Télévisions S.A. Cartoon Network, Boomerang (TV network), The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Ninjago Belongs To Thomas Sørensen, Tommy Andreasen, Thomas Kristensen, Simon Lucas, Nelson LaMonica, Menelaos Florides, William Stahl, Scott Godon-Decoteau, Maarten Simons, Michael Svane Knap, Toby Dutkiewicz, Brian Nielsen, Lars Danielsen, Tommy Kalmar, Cerim Manovi, Robert May, Heidi Rathschau Nielsen, Kevin Burke, Chris "Doc" Wyatt, LEGO System A/S, WILFilm ApS, WildBrain Studios, WildBrain Ltd. Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Over the Garden Wall Belongs To Patrick McHale, Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Samurai Jack Belongs To Genndy Tartakovsky, Digital eMation, Inc. Rough Draft Korea Co, Ltd. Cartoon Network Studios, Williams Street Productions, LLC, Adult Swim, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Infinity Train Belongs To Owen Dennis, Sunmin Image Pictures Co., Ltd. Cartoon Network Studios, HBO Max, WarnerMedia Direct, LLC, Warner Bros. Discovery Global Streaming and Interactive Entertainment, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Mighty Magiswords Belongs To Kyle A. Carrozza, Inspidea Sdn. Bhd. Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Codename: Kids Next Door Belongs To Mr. Warburton, Toon Town Animation, Rough Draft Korea Co., Ltd. Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, Inc. Curious Pictures, Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
The Marvelous Misadventures Of Flapjack Belongs To Thurop Van Orman, Saerom Animation, Inc. Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Clarence Belongs To Skyler Page, Saerom Animation Inc. Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
MAD (TV series) Belongs To Kevin Shinick, Entertaining Comics, DC Comics, Inc. DC Studios, DC Entertainment, Warner Bros. Animation Inc. Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Teen Titans GO! Belongs To Bob Haney, Bruno Premiani, Glen Murakami, David Slack, Sam Register, Aaron Horvath, Michael Jelenic, Bardel Entertainment, Inc. Copernicus Studios Inc. DC Comics, Inc. DC Studios, DC Entertainment, Warner Bros. Animation Inc. Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Uncle Grandpa Belongs To Peter Browngardt, Carbunkle Cartoons, Rough Draft Korea Co. Ltd. Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
The Problem Solverz Belongs To Ben Jones, Ben Jones Studio, Inc. PFFR Productions, Williams Street Productions, LLC, Mirari Films, Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Secret Mountain Fort Awesome Belongs To Peter Browngardt, Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Johnny Test Belongs To Scott Fellows, Atomic Cartoons, Inc. Thunderbird Entertainment Group Inc. Digital eMation, Inc. Innov8 Academy, Philippine Animation Studio Inc. Seventoon, Story City Arts Society, Studio B Productions, Inc. Top Draw Animation, Inc. Warner Bros. Animation Inc. Coliseum Entertainment, Cookie Jar Entertainment Inc. DHX Cookie Jar Inc. DHX Media, Ltd. WildBrain Ltd. Kids' WB! The WB, The WB Television Network, Inc. Tribune Broadcasting Company, LLC. Tribune Media Company, Nexstar Media Group, Inc. TELETOON, TELETOON Canada Inc. Corus Entertainment Inc. Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Be Cool, Scooby-Doo! Belongs To Joe Ruby, Ken Spears, Zac Moncrief, Jon Colton Barry, Digital eMation, Inc. MOI Animation Co., Ltd. Snipple Animation Studios, Synergy Animation, Tycoon Animation, Fuzzy Door Productions, Inc. Bento Box Entertainment. Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, Inc. Warner Bros. Animation Inc. Cartoon Network, Boomerang, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Apple And Onion Belongs To George Gendi, Slap Happy Cartoons Inc. Inspidea Sdn. Bhd. Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Ben 10 (2016 TV series) Belongs To Man of Action, Sunmin Image Pictures Co., Ltd. Man of Action Entertainment, Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
The Powerpuff Girls (2016 TV series) Belongs To Nick Jennings, Bob Boyle, Sunmin Image Pictures Co. Ltd. Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Total Dramarama Belongs To Jennifer Pertsch, Tom McGillis, Elliott Animation Inc. Fresh TV Inc. CAKE Entertainment Ltd. TELETOON, TELETOON Canada Inc. Corus Entertainment Inc. Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Almost Naked Animals Belongs To Noah Z. Jones, Doug Hadders, Adam Rotstein, 9 Story Entertainment Inc. 9 Story Media Group Inc. YTV (Canadian TV channel), YTV Canada, Inc. Corus Entertainment Inc. Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
The Cramp Twins Belongs To Brian Wood, Richard Liebmann-Smith, Colorland Animation Productions, Hanho Heung-Up Company, Loonland Animation, Shanghai Morning Sun Animation Co., Ltd. RG Prince Films, Sichuan Top Animation Company, Sunbow Entertainment, LLC, TV-Loonland AG, Telemagination, Cartoon Network MENA, Turner Broadcasting System Europe Limited, WarnerMedia EMEA, Turner Broadcasting System International, WarnerMedia International, WarnerMedia & Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Shaggy & Scooby-Doo Get A Clue Belongs To Joe Ruby, Ken Spears, Ray DeLaurentis, Digital eMation, Inc. Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, Inc. Warner Bros. Animation Inc. Kids' WB! The WB, The WB Television Network, Inc. Tribune Broadcasting Company, LLC. Tribune Media Company, Nexstar Media Group, Inc. Cartoon Network, Boomerang, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
ThunderCats Roar Belongs To Ted Wolf, Victor Courtright, Marly Halpern-Graser, SMIP Co. Ltd. Warner Bros. Animation Inc. Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Robotomy Belongs To Michael Buckley, Joe Deasy, World Leaders Entertainment, Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Class Of 3000 Belongs To André 3000, Thomas W. Lynch, Patric M. Verrone, K Production, Yeson Entertainment, Rough Draft Korea Co., Ltd. Tom Lynch Company, Moxie Turtle, Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Super Noobs Belongs To Scott Fellows, Rob Boutilier, Loris Kramer Lunsford, Top Draw Animation Inc. Studio B Productions, Inc. DHX Media Vancouver, WildBrain Studios, TELETOON, TELETOON Canada Inc. Corus Entertainment Inc. Family Channel, DHX Media, Ltd. WildBrain Ltd. Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Totally Spies! Belongs To Vincent Chalvon-Demersay, David Michel, 2 Minutes Animation, Digital eMation, Inc. DongWoo Animation Co. Ltd. Dong Yang Animation Co., Ltd. SEK Animation Studio, Seoul Animation Center, Seoul Movie, Sunmin Image Pictures Co., Ltd. Marathon Media, Marathon Animation, Marathon Productions, Marathon Media Group, Zodiak Kids, Zodiak Kids Studios, Zodiak Kids & Family, Banijay Kids & Family, Zodiak Media, Banijay S.A. Mystery Animation, Image Entertainment Corporation, TFOU, TF1, Groupe TF1 S.A. Gulli, Metropole Télévision S.A. Groupe M6, TELETOON, TELETOON Canada Inc. Corus Entertainment Inc. ABC Family, Freeform, ABC Family Worldwide, Disney General Entertainment Content, Disney Entertainment, The Walt Disney Company, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, Discovery Kids Latin America, Discovery Latin America, Discovery Networks International, Discovery, Inc. And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Villainous Belongs To Alan Ituriel, A.I. Animation Studios, Cartoon Network Latin America Original Productions, Cartoon Network Latin America, HBO Latin America Group, Turner Broadcasting System Latin America, WarnerMedia Latin America, Turner Broadcasting System International, WarnerMedia International, WarnerMedia & Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Out Of Jimmy's Head Belongs To Tim McKeon, Adam Pava, Brookwell McNamara Entertainment, Inc. Cartoon Network Studios, Cartoon Network, The Cartoon Network, Inc. Warner Bros. Discovery Networks, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution Warner Bros. Television Studios, Warner Bros. Television Group, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WarnerMedia, And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
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brookston · 2 months
Holidays 7.22
Ask An Archeologist Day
Attorney Day (Indonesia)
Beta Blucan Day
Blackfoot Daisy Day
Childbirth Education Awareness Day
Climate Emergency Day
Division 722 Day
Dornach Commemoration Day (Switzerland)
Family Tree Day
Festival of Boredom and Reveries
Fragile X Awareness Day
George Crum Day
Guelaguetza (Primer Lunes; Mexico)
Hammock Day
Health, Happiness with Hypnosis Day
International Childbirth Education Awareness Day
International Love & Gratitude Day
King Father’s Birthday (Eswatini, f.k.a. Swaziland)
Lendemain de l'Aïd el-Kebir (Mauritania)
Liberation Day (Guam)
Lion's Share Day
Majdanek Liberation Day
National Be A Good Teammate Day (UK)
National Flag Adoption Day (India)
National Intern Day
National Liberation Day (Poland)
National Pajama Day
National Press Day (Azerbaijan)
National Sing from the Book of Mormon Day
National Sophia Day
National Squirt A Pigeon Day
National Thomas Day
National Water Coaster Day
One Piece Day (Japan)
Pi Approximation Day (a.k.a. Casual Pi Day; 22/7)
Preparedness Day
Qurbon Hayit Holiday (Uzbekistan)
Ranggeln (Germany)
Ratcatcher's Day (a.k.a. Pied Piper Day; UK)
Remington 722 Day
Ryegrass Day (French Republic)
Spooner's Day (a.k.a. Spoonerism Day)
Stilt Dance Day (Spain)
SNN 722 Day
Summer Leisure Day
Thulsa Doom Appreciation Day
Trae Day (Houston, Texas)
Urania Asteroid Day
World Brain Day
World Day Against Open Pit Mining
World Fragile X Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Froot Loops Day
National BLT Sandwich Day
National Mango Day
Penuche Fudge Day
Independence & Related Days
Bohol Day (Philippines)
Claveria Day (Philippines)
Organic Act Day (Virgin Islands)
Revolution Day (July 22nd Anniversary; The Gambia)
Sarawak Self-Government Day (Malaysia)
Slovenian People’s Uprising Day (Yugoslavia)
4th Monday in July
Hurricane Supplication Day (Virgin Islands) [4th Monday]
Festivals Beginning July 22, 2024
The Borderland (Alversjö, Denmark) [thru 7.28]
Corn Capital Days (Olivia, Minnesota) [thru 7.28]
Farnborough International Airshow (Farnborough, United Kingdom) [thru 7.26]
Supertoon International Animation Festival (Šibenik, Croatia) [thru 7.26]
USA Beer & Wine Ratings (San Francisco, California)
Feast Days
Abd-al-Masih (Christian; Saint)
Alexander Calder (Artology)
Aphrodisia (Ancient Greek bathing festival of Aphrodite & Peitho)
Aristo (Positivist; Saint)
Beginning of Leo (Astrology; Pagan)
Contemplate the Cosmos Day (Pastafarian)
Dabius (a.k.a. Davies) of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Edward Hopper (Artology)
James Whale Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Joseph of Tiberias (or of Palestine; a.k.a. Count Joseph; Christian; Saint)
Karl Marx Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Leo zodiac sign begins
Loch Ness Monster 1st Sighting (Everyday Wicca)
Markella of Chios (Christian; Saint)
Mary Magdalene (Christian; Saint)
Meneve, Abbot of Menat (Christian; Saint)
Neil Welliver (Artology)
Nohra (Maronite Church)
Pete Dexter (Writerism)
Ruthie Tompson (Artology)
S.E. Hinton (Writerism)
Tom Robbins (Writerism)
Vandrille (a.k.a. Wandregisilus; Christian; Saint)
Vaughn Bodē (Artology)
The Venusian (Muppetism)
Wandregislus (a.k.a. Wandrille; Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 14 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [14 of 24]
At Your Service (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1935)
Back to the Shack, by Weezer (Song; 2014)
A Balmy Swami (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1949)
Bikini Beach (Film; 1964)
The Bodyguard (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1944)
Captain America: The First Avenger (Film; 2011)
Crazy Drivers (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1955)
The Daily Show (Late Night TV Talk Show; 1996)
Friends with Benefits (Film; 2011)
Gallipoli, by Alan Moorehead (History Book; 1956)
Green Lantern: Beware My Power (WB Animated Film; 2022)
Ice Age: Collision Course (Animated Film; 2016)
The Inverted World, by Christopher Priest (Novel; 1974)
The Island (Film; 2005)
Hollywood Sweepstakes (Color Rhapsody Cartoon; 1939)
It’s Hummer Time (WB LT Cartoon 1950)
Jaws 3-D (Film; 1983)
Join Together, by The Who (Song; 1972)
Jungle Jingles (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1929)
Lolita (Film; 1998)
Marnie (Film; 1964)
Midnight Run (Film; 1988)
Mr. Mom (Film; 1983)
Mrs. O’Leary’s Cow (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1938)
My Aim Is True, by Elvis Costello (Album; 1977)
Nope (Film; 2022)
North (Film; 1994)
Plan 9 From Outer Space (Film; 1959)
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (Film; 1954)
Star Trek Beyond (Film; 2016)
The Subtle Knife, by Philip Pullman (Novel; 1997) [His Dark Materials #2]
Weary Willies (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1929)
Today’s Name Days
Magdalena, Maria (Austria)
Lena, Magda, Magdalena, Miglena (Bulgaria)
Lenka, Magdalena, Manda, Marija (Croatia)
Magdaléna (Czech Republic)
Magdalene, Maria (Denmark)
Leen, Leena, Leeni, Made, Madli, Magda, Magdaleena, Mall, Malle (Estonia)
Leena, Leeni, Lenita, Matleena (Finland)
Madeleine, Wandrille (France)
Magdalena, Marlene, Verena (Germany)
Magdalena, Magdalene, Magdalini, Markella (Greece)
Magdolna (Hungary)
Lena, Lorenzo, Maddalena, Maria, Marylena, Menelaos (Italy)
Margita, Marija, Marika, Marina, Marisandra (Latvia)
Dalius, Magdalena, Mantilė, Marija (Lithuania)
Malene, Mali, Malin (Norway)
Albin, Bolesława, Bolisława, Laurencjusz, Maria Magdalena, Milenia, Pankracy, Wawrzyniec, Więcemiła (Poland)
Magdaléna (Slovakia)
Magdalena, María (Spain)
Madeleine, Magdalena (Sweden)
Mada, Madalina, Madalyn, Maddi, Maddie, Maddy, Madel, Madelaine, Madelein, Madeleine, Madelene, Madelina, Madeline, Madie, Madelyn, Mady (Universal)
Amaya, Magda, Magdalen, Magdalena, Magdalene (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 204 of 2024; 162 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of Week 30 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 16 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Xin-Wei), Day 17 (Ding-Hai)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 16 Tammuz 5784
Islamic: 15 Muharram 1446
J Cal: 24 Red; Threesday [24 of 30]
Julian: 9 July 2024
Moon: 98%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 7 Dante (8th Month) [Aristo]
Runic Half Month: Ur (Primal Strength) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 33 of 94)
Week: 4th Week of July
Zodiac: Leo (Day 1 of 31)
Calendar Changes
  Leo (The Lion) begins [Zodiac Sign 5; thru 8.21]
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