#the tongue connects to well to the jesus-like martyrdom in the barn
shallowseeker · 2 years
On Tongues Being Removed & Martyrdom
“But if you take my voice,” said the little mermaid, “what will be left to me?” “Your lovely form,” the witch told her, “your gliding movements, and your eloquent eyes. With these you can easily enchant a human heart. Well, have you lost your courage? Stick out your little tongue and I shall cut it off.”…”There’s your draught,” said the witch. And she cut off the tongue of the little mermaid, who now was dumb and could neither sing nor talk.
Punish Thee for Daring to Speak So Dean had his tongue metaphorically cut out... "In the Western tradition, tonguelessness is ritualistic and punitive." The mother was allowed to utter RUN, LYLE, and BRADY. Lyle and Brady can both mean island, and there's a rabbit sacrifice painting and an island hanging over the boys' bed, so... It's definitely interesting.
Death to Rebels & Martyrdom ...and then he was impaled on a hook. (Impalement was also used during times of war to "suppress rebellions, punish traitors or collaborators, and punish breaches of military discipline.)" The fact that he's thrust on a cross scaffold during a battlement looks an awful lot like gaunching, which was seldom used because it was regarded as "too cruel." I mean, damn. Hooks could also be placed on walls and used to execute criminals and enemy soldiers in a very public way. Unwilling to be Misrepresented And Cas was linked symbolically to a similar "stabbed-in-the-back" execution style, which is a type of killing that's meant to drag a person down to resolve feelings of tension. It is also politically used to discredit a person; in this case to discredit Cas as a main character. Backstabbers are often insecure or jealous of you. So IF that killer is Kripke/Singer, there you go. The fact that this was the FIRST kill is the mark of misrepresentation. I’m one reading, Chuck made the monsters, then changed the rules of the in-universe writing rules and pretended that there never were any. Character assassination. Drained/Juiced Cas and Sam are both also linked to exsanguination (Sam and that strange strange djinn-like hospital bed setup with the equally strange swell of the music). This was first mentioned in the Golden Times episode. Exsanguination in history is used as a method of slaughter. “Before the fatal incision is made, the animal will be rendered insensible to pain by various methods, including captive bolt, electricity, or chemical. Electricity is used mostly to incapacitate swine, poultry, and domestic sheep, whereas a chemical is used for injured livestock.”
Meat meat meat
This is why in season 15, Dean and Cas and Ketch and other hunters are so often depicted in front of meat symbols. That's why POT ROAST is invoked in the script for Charming Acres and it's why John is cooking A MEAN POT ROAST in Heaven. Having recently watched Dog Dean and gleaned a lot of useful existential sacrifice narrative from it, I kinda wanna rewatch everything and see if the spectre of meat is ominous sacrifice. Missing Heart / Sacrificed Hearts / Heart Attacks Then there's the missing hearts, the hearts ground to dust, over and over and over again. The death squeezing hearts. Hearts are the seat of the individuals when it comes to sacrifice. Taking them reunites them with the main god. They lose individuality AND free will. Even friggin Ketch after he falls for Rowena and remains loyal to his friends. Sam's heart stops at the end of the show. He's lost free will. And you all told him it was ok. Submit. Shhh, shhh. Sammy. Just give in. It’s pretty. It’s shiny and soulless. You just feed the monster and it gives you money and fame and stuff, just like Lee said. Torn Asunder Benny was torn apart by his own kind because he was an idealized male love interest. :( A mark of high treason and most importantly, a dire warning by the ones in charge for the resistance to obey NOW or else. Not even gonna touch that Benny and Lee are parts of himself that Dean killed for Sam Chuck. (I'm tired of the evil Sam meta at the moment, lol) Sacrificing to God? Jack said, unprompted, "They won't have to pray or sacrifice to me." Which is odd because sacrifice is not something Jack had been struggling with or even talking about. Then we pan up to the Charming Acres-style advertisements (15x19). “Many ancient peoples believed that offering up one of their own would appease their gods in times of drought, famine, and (eerily) epidemics.” I don't know what that means exactly, but it's weird. Human sacrifice was EVERYWHERE in Season 15. And like, at the recap of 15x20, there was the line, "He killed his son." I mean, Jesus-connection l, yes, but… maybe more gladiator spectator sport. The coolest thing is NOBODY noticed this about 15x20, especially not the GA, and nobody really cared. As long as it was shiny and cool and sticking to the formula, they couldn't care less about the characters, even when they were clearly murdering the family they were saving and not acting like themselves (they acted like this periodically, and the show has flirted with larking murder before…like with thinman or in Last Holiday…. But it rendered the characters stupid and oafish. Especially Sammy. LOL. With their gliding movements and eloquent eyes. They're being punished for free will.
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