mattycosplay · 19 days
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Part 3
A Stucky au inspired by My Secret Agent Husband on DramaBox app.
[ Prologue ] [ Part 1 ] [ Part 2 ]
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mattycosplay · 23 days
Is ao3 dead again!!!!
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mattycosplay · 4 months
My autistic ass when someone touches me without being ready
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mattycosplay · 4 months
My Countrycide feelings have turned to Curse of Clyde Langer feelings
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mattycosplay · 4 months
The scream I scrumpt when Kate Lethbrigde - Stewart appeared on my screen after what felt like ages only to for her to be there for few minutes max...criminal.
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Just look at her, she had such mother energy this episode.
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mattycosplay · 10 months
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mattycosplay · 1 year
I’m going to attempt to explain why the ending of Ted Lasso re: Jamie and his dad, bothers me so much. I know a lot of other people have made posts about this, and excellent ones, too, but I also have a lot of thoughts. These are just my opinions. Feel free to disagree. Feel free to discuss with me why you disagree. I love respectful conversations.
 This is gonna be long. sorry guys.
tw/cw- James Tartt Sr., abuse, The Amsterdam Thing
not detailed, but they are mentioned. proceed with caution and take care of yourself, please. <3
It is not the decision to have Jamie reach out to his dad that I hate. It is not even the decision to put Jamie’s dad in rehab (though I do think it was… A Choice.) To me, it’s very unsurprising that Jamie would try to reach out to his dad. Not just because of who he is as a character, but because of what this kind of lifelong abuse does to a person’s psyche. A lot of kids who come from abusive or neglectful homes have an incredibly hard time cutting off their parents. Even if they’re scared of them, even if they’re angry with them, there is still a deeply ingrained need to be loved, that maybe this time it will be different. They’ll mean it when they say they’ve changed. They’ll love me. Going no contact is fucking hard. It’s also fucking dangerous. As much as Jamie says he’s done everything he has to spite his dad, there is a part of him that deeply, desperately craves James’s approval. Of course he would visit him in rehab, because, if he’s in rehab, he’s trying, right? And maybe this time it will be different. 
But it won’t be. Because James Tartt has a pattern. A pattern of playing super dad, presumably where he cleans up his act and “makes an effort” with Jamie. Does father-son things with him, talks to him outside of asking for game tickets or telling him he played like shit (I’m hypothesizing here), lulls him into a false sense of security. And then what happens? Well, things like Amsterdam happen. And I highly doubt that was the only time he pulled that act. He likely also pulled it when he first came back into Jamie’s life, and probably other times after Amsterdam, too. What he doesn’t do, ever, though, is apologize, or take accountability for his past actions. Because James is a narcissist. At least, that’s what I would say. He feeds off Jamie’s fame and success to make himself feel bigger, important, entitled. And narcissists lack empathy. They struggle to take responsibility for their actions. They’re also, commonly, very manipulative. 
James is not an abusive piece of shit because he’s an alcoholic. He is both an abusive piece of shit AND an alcoholic. Not only does acting like he was horrid because he was drunk perpetuate the stigma of substance use disorders, it also completely takes away accountability.  James going to rehab does not change what he did. It does not fix what he’s done. It does not mean that he is magically going to win father of the year because he got sober. More likely, he’s going to continue to the cycle. I truly do not see a way in which we get to the happy ending of the show. Which brings me to my final point. 
This is not a happy ending. Jamie going to see his dad does not fix things. Jamie forgiving his dad does not take away from his trauma. Jamie should not have to forgive his dad, not for James, not for himself, not for anyone. The thing that bothers me most is that the show plays this scene like it’s closure. Like everything is OK now, and they have a good relationship, there’s no fallout, no consequences, nothing left the heal. And I’m sorry, but that’s bullshit. 
The things our parents do and say to us cut deep, at least in my experience. It doesn’t matter if they apologize, it doesn’t matter if they learn and grow, it doesn’t matter if we forgive them. That hurt stays. It sticks. You remember it. You feel it. There is no way in hell that seeing his dad wouldn’t be incredibly difficult for Jamie— just judging from what we’ve seen in the show. There’s no way it wouldn’t bring up all the trauma James has put him through, even repressed. It would not be easy. It would not be happy. And I don’t think it would be healthy. 
Whatever Jamie eventually decides to do regarding his relationship with his dad, whether its cutting him off or choosing to forgive him, which personally, I don’t think he should (but I also know that cutting off a parent is no easy feat), it would take time, it would take effort, it would be a struggle. It would take actually working through the years of abuse and trauma caused by his dad. And we don’t get any of that. We get “forgive <3” and problem solved! And honestly, I think that’s a dangerous message to be passing out. 
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. (Hehe, get it?) 
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mattycosplay · 1 year
My two asexual comfort characters🫶
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mattycosplay · 1 year
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The gay shot
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mattycosplay · 1 year
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No…… Not again. I was mid fanfic.
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mattycosplay · 1 year
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mattycosplay · 1 year
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all of us rn
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mattycosplay · 1 year
I posted this the day after the finale (I think??) and I decided it should be here too🫶🫶 Miss this show and cast with my whole body and soul❣️❣️
Dejon Mullings (Cockburn) also retweeted it on twitter which was so swag of him‼️ but also rip twitter cause I’m probs gonna delete my account now😫
{also just as a side note, I didn’t steal this edit from tiktok, it’s mine and secretnook is my account, I just couldn’t find my original video from before I posted it on there}
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mattycosplay · 1 year
the gay dad from mamma mia 2 is getting dicked down by our favourite bisexual bard, good for him
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mattycosplay · 1 year
juno temple (& phil dunster) sharing keeley’s view of jamie and roy in ted lasso season 3
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mattycosplay · 1 year
reblog if you actually liked the ted lasso ❤️💙 series finale!
let‘s find each other and geek out together 😁
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mattycosplay · 1 year
enjoy another compilation of ted lasso cast doing absolutely nothing to deny the gay character/ot3 allegations
part 1, [x, x, x, x, x]
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