#the trans women as men then men would have higher suicide rstes from that
makemycitybreak · 2 years
Tw suicide (and v long background info for short vent hahah)(if anything just read the tags they're like almost the same length as the post)
So like last week (??) I was talking to my dad cause my student council was like putting smth on instagram about international men's day which you know kinda funny sorry and then I had this lil friendly conversation with my dad about men's mental health and we talked about how the statistics for suicide are kinda misleading when talking about mental health (bc women are more likely to attempt suicide, and the argument is often that men have it "worse" than women bc they are more likely to commit suicide and actually succeed with it) and then my dad was like "oh but like sometimes suicide is meant to actually kill you and sometimes it's more of a cry for help etc" and I was like "yeah but I think lots of people who OD actually mean to kill themselves" and my dad agreed but then he said that like if you really want to do it there are other ways and yeah sorry this conversation was kinda long back and forth but he ended up saying that an easy and accessible way to do it is to hang yourself in the woods. And like. It just stuck with me. It would be so easy. It would be so easy to like actually do it. There isn't even a lot stopping me. If I really wanted to I could. It doesn't have to be the woods either. It ciuld be somewhere more private. Although I wouldn't want anyone to actually find me, cause that's obviously traumatic. I wouldn't want them to go through that because of me. Especially not if one of my parents would find me alone. Oh shit this is making me cry. But also, you know what do I care - I'm gonna be fucking dead!? You know. I don't know.
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