#the trials of sammy gutierrez
swan2swan · 4 months
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I forgot that there was ONE BONUS TRIAL for Sammy in her quest for love:
A malfunctioning door.
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hiddenpxpercuts · 1 year
Was that [FROY GUTIERREZ]? Oh no no, that was just [CARL GALLAGHER], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [SHAMELESS]. They are [NINETEEN] years old, use [HE/HIM], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
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Carl has been in D.C. for two years.
Carl is seen as the trouble maker in Season 1, after almost facing expulsion. In Season 2, his love for selling drugs starts when his grandmother Peggy convinced him to get prescription drugs to make meth. Carl’s delinquent side is somewhat on hold in Season 3, but he does end up shaving his head due to Frank convincing him he has cancer. We see Carl's first love interest, Bonnie, in Season 4, but their relationship ends when Bonnie disappears with her family to an unknown fate.
Carl's interests include drinking, weapons, explosives, and death. Carl does seem to actually be a relatively good child, however he is heavily affected by a completely dysfunctional childhood and family. Nonetheless, he cares deeply about his family, including his father Frank, despite the latter’s complete and utter failure as a parent and role model. In his adolescence, he detaches from Frank though he continues to love and show concern for him at times even when angry with him.
In Season 5, he uses his nephew, Chuckie, to deliver drugs but gets caught when his half-sister Sammi notifies the police. In his trial, Fiona wants him to grovel, but he instead insults the judge and doesn't name his drug dealer, which lands him a year in juvenile prison. He didn't mind as he wanted the experience to boost his reputation. Due to his refusal to snitch, he is accepted by his dealer's gang.
After his release from juvie in Season 6, he adopts a thuggish attitude and believes he is too cool for most things. His new way annoyed his family and friends who told him to stop but he ignored. He also tries to impress his new love interest Dominique Winslow though his ways cause her to rebuff his advances. Once his juvie friend Nick kills someone, Carl is then traumatized by the event and throws away his thug behavior, becoming more like old self though silent. Because of this, Carl ends up gaining the affection of Dominique and forms a relationship with her.
Following Dominique cheating on him, he bonded with her father and decide to better himself by joining military school. Carl became even more serious in his return from school, as seen when he cooked for his family and was respectful to his grandfather Bill Darrgen while taking his suggestion more. Carl has also shown to be afraid of ending up following his families pattern of alcoholism and drug abuse, but also believing that it will catch up with him at some point and that low level jobs are the best he can achieve, though he has also shown determination in trying to rise above this.
Carl Francis Hashish Gallagher i
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swan2swan · 4 months
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Sammy and the Second Trial: Metal and Fire
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