#the trio play stardew valley irl
On the outskirts of Gotham a farm is made.
No one can pinpoint when it was started but it was clearly bountiful.
New orchards of plums apples and several other fruit whisper promises of fruits in the years to come.
Bee houses buzzed with life and ducks quacked and scurried to and from their pond, coop and the garden.
Vegetables by the rows with seasonal berries brushes spring up at the corners of the property.
Greenery that almost seemed to glow with how lush it was.
It was like a small oasis in the desert of Gotham’s dirty land.
And it was ran by only three people.
The woman’s name was Sam. She was known as an activist who seemed to do the primary care of the plants. The property was in her name and she went out of her way to invite people to take what they need.
Danny was the most well known of the trio. He brought the produce into the heart of the city. Anywhere that would take the food, kitchens, pantries, school cafeterias even people’s doorsteps.
Tucker was the technical mastermind, hidden but equally important. The sprinklers, planning of the pollination rotation, harvesting planning and statistics were his main focus on the farm. Not a single square inch of the the land was not under his watchful gaze.
All the food was fresh or properly stored and most interesting of all free.
Of course people were going to talk.
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