#the truth shall set you free
reality-detective ¡ 8 months
Pay Attention 👆 🤔
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myremnantarmy ¡ 5 days
Martin Luther was a Catholic priest. He was treated horribly by his father and mother. At age 19 he witnessed the death of his best friend being struck by lightning.
Afraid he would die also, he promised God he would become a priest out of fear but he did not have a true vocation or calling to the priesthood. While a seminarian and once a priest he struggled with scrupulosity and lust. No matter how hard he tried, lustful desires overcame him and he thought he would go to hell.
In an attempt to find a way out of this dilemma he rewrote the Bible and removed 7 books. He added the word “alone” saying “you are saved by faith alone. He was going insane. When he rewrote the Bible he was having severe intestinal bowel problems and spent long hours in the latrine (according to his autobiography written by him).
He said the devil would appear to him regularly while he was rewriting the Bible and tell him he was doing a good job. He married a wayward nun. When preaching from the pulpit he often preached that people should laugh in the face of the devil and if they have a problem just sin all the more because they are saved anyway. On his deathbed he said to his best friend and his wife that he feared he had made a horrible mistake.
All this information I just gave you comes from his own mouth/autobiography and “Tabletalk” written by his best friends. You can google it in German and push translate.
Padre Pio also said that Martin Luther is in Hell and Christians today who follow him will meet the same end and those who do not submit themself to the teachings of the Catholic Church are also going to Hell. St. Padre Pio said that Luther was a great heretic and his fate was horrific and terrifying.
It's important we pray for the conversion of protestants, so that they'll return back to the true faith, for they are wallowing in the ocean of ignorance!
Note: the image below depicts martin Luther as Satan's bagpipe.
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theswordandtherosepoetry ¡ 2 months
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The Lord revealed a truth to me last night about why I sheltered myself from emotions and why I would say I don’t like being human.
There were many times when I would be scolded, teased or even mocked for being emotional.
Because of those interactions, the Lord revealed that is why I don’t like feeling emotion and yet, the truth is…I am emotion.
I feel.
That is why I am creative in art, dance and writing. Everything I create comes by my feeling, my emotions.
However, I find myself at times literally stopping “me” from saying “I feel” and yet without realizing it, it comes forth because that IS me.
What if one of the reasons I am here is to know that it is okay to express my emotions and experience them.
Hmmm 🤔 That makes me wonder what I may have been like in a life before this?
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"Those who journey from political correctness to truth often risk public disapprobation, but it is notable that most never lose their tolerance or humanity.
They may question the politics of race, but not that racism is bad; they may question campaigns about women’s pay, but not that women and men deserve equality of treatment."
-- Anthony Browne, "The Retreat of Reason"
It's worth the trip.
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bubbleworldaddict ¡ 2 years
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Deep thoughts, Kim?
I sure as hell hope so! We got two episodes left and a lot of us are relying on you to get your head out of your ass, use your words, and own up to Chay about what you did and most importantly about how you feel!
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theperplexedpoet ¡ 9 months
liars, liars (spreading fires)
thif you have to lie to make your point perhaps it is not worth making the truth shall set us free, which is proof that your lies are enslaving I think you know this, check the pudding the custard’s not all that’s breaking for your actions show what’s at their roots that’s really all I am saying liars, liars pants on fire reach the trees and it goes higher all the kindling from the pyre spilling out and spreading fires liars, liars pants on fire open up and make things dire mitigation time’s expired now we’re facing these wildfires if you have to lie to make your point perhaps it is not worth making the truth shall set us free, which is proof that your lies are enslaving I think you know this, check the pudding it is all there in the baking for your actions show what’s at their roots so what are you really saying liars, liars pants on fire greed engages sets the mire sticks and stones for the empire spilling out and spreading fires if you have to lie to make your point perhaps it is not worth making (7/26/23)
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lunastar92 ¡ 2 years
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outa-focus ¡ 2 months
Everyone it’s so preoccupied with their image they forget what really makes themselves happy.
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toomanylegos ¡ 4 months
There's so many things I want to say to people and never do,
For many reasons.
Maybe I don't want to start a fight...
Maybe I think it's better left unsaid...
Maybe I'm just too afraid to say it...
And the person I have the most to say to is her,
Yet I don't.
Sometimes I think it's cause I'm so worried it'll go wrong and ruin what we have; that for any number of completely valid reasons my feelings will not be returned...
Sometimes, I think it may be the opposite; that my feelings will be returned and it'll feel so wonderful despite all the little obstacles I have to overcome to make things just right for us.
It keeps me stationary; it makes me overthink about our compatibility and where I am in life.
Could I even make her happy? Keep the relationship fulfilling? Truly and wholly together?
Right now, no...
But I still love her...
So, I will better myself regardless.
For her and for me 💘
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reality-detective ¡ 8 months
Paul Harvey 🤔
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pbcnita ¡ 4 months
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iridescentalchemyst ¡ 5 months
New Project: Gifts for My Sons
My children are ALWAYS in the back of my mind. Jim can easily tell when the sadness is taking over. Of course, there are times when I can’t help but continue down that road- usually this leads me to bed for days on end. But, knowing how counter-productive that is (both for my mental health and for the work I am trying to do), I thank God for Jim, because he is always quick to redirect me when he…
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00l6 ¡ 6 months
I be creating looks in the comfort of my own home. Then see someone else had the same thought ions later & popularize it. As a person who’s shackled by fear, this is the death of me.
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harrelltut ¡ 6 months
1968-michaelharrelljr.com's 1st 9 Ether Illuminated Eye of 1968genX.tech’s TULSA of TESLA?!?!?!… TESLA of TULSA's 1698qhtesla.com Domain Name System [DNS] of quantumharrelltesla.tech's Dynamic Domain Name System [DDNS] PATENTS [DPS] FOUND @ quantumharrelltelecom.tech?!?!?!
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quantumharrelltelecom.tech EYE SEE ALL
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tonyjwash ¡ 1 year
Man Shall Not Live by Bread Alone
Man Shall Not Live by Bread Alone
It may surprise you to hear this but in order for a man or woman to live successfully they need a regular diet of God’s Word (the Bible). The rest of the above oft quoted verse says, “but by every word that proceeds out the mouth of God.” In other words, there is an additional source of life available to us beyond the physical sustenance of eating. If the enemy of mankind has done anything well…
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haitilegends ¡ 2 years
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