#the type to go out partying on the weekends w dionysus and aphrodite only to wake up on monday w a hangover LOL
hymnblood · 2 years
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now that i had discussed it w lilie and got my thoughts about the idea in order, but zagreus would be going to college for a major in forsensics ( mainly toxicology ) and also studies phytology as he didn’t want to take up the dreary family business his father has in place. it’s been something he’s argued over for years throughout his entire life, his mother; however, is very supportive of his wants and decisions so he has been living on his own the moment he turned 18, it was rough at first but thanks to his cousins they helped him out when they were able to and he actually lives with dionysus and artemis as his roommates. but they’re not home often, especially artemis, so it’s become a space zagreus mainly occupies. filling it with house plants he’s received from his mother as housewarming gifts and he makes sure they’re properly cared for. 
it gives the place a homely, lived in, but overall comfortable space and artemis often teases him with how easy he’s come to adapt to his new environment, dionysus sometimes tells zag to fret less over them or else his overly - caring attitude will suffocate them  -  but he works at one of the labs in the city as an intern and other days when he isn’t working he’s out spending that time with friends and family.
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