#the unexpected hibari kyoko
indigosprite · 4 years
Hibari Headcanons
that nobody asked for
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He likes small animals but not your usual small animals. (The way he kicked uri out in the future instead of letting the cat stay 😭) I.e he’d pick a sugar glider over a guinea pig
He hates crowds because he still hates the fact that when he was still learning to be sociable kids had the power of alienating him. He despises that group mindset that children had. In kindergarten some kids invited him to play then told him to get lost and nobody stood up for him. He has one intrusive thought and it’s that feeling. He genuinely hates crowds because it feels like an opportunity for people to get to decide who isn’t welcomed. He lowkey doesn’t want to witness that moment to happen to anyone else.
His overthinking only stops when he’s alone so he genuinely does prefer it. He doesn’t mind one or two people in an intimate setting but when it’s more he wants to disconnect.
He’s all about repaying debts quickly I think he takes this on an emotional level too so he feels if you get too close or kind he has to return that by being transparent as well and he knows he’s bad at it so he just stops you altogether by not letting you even create that environment around him. I.e in the future he’s fine in the hospital room then more people come and he warns Tsuna then beats his ass because it was getting too emotional seeing ppl visit chrome when he just wanted to check on her from afar and not hear everyone’s emotions.
He takes pictures of random things , like a leaf with water droplets, clouds from Nami middles roof , his sneakers when he’s walking. They’re not amazing but he just always does it and never shares. It’s kind of grunge but unintentionally.
He has a knack for throw blankets. He has one in every room they’re mostly black white or purple no designs except for the ones from his grandparents.
If you have ever watched Saiki k I think he has the exact same relationship with his parents. If you haven’t : he’s serious and reserved and willingly antisocial but not because of trauma and his parents are so normal and caring it’s funny in contrast. But they’re a tad bit more refined than saikis.
He was partly raised by his grandparents when he was much younger and that’s why he really loves tradition and order while his parents are hardly as strict.
His grandfather was probably a vet who joined solely to protect Namimori . Hibari has that same love for the town because of him but like his grandfather he’s in no way patriotic. They both just love this town He thinks of his grandfather when he thinks of Namimori and because he is gone now he latches on to the town even more.
His grandfather is Fon. Hear me out. Fon could have been around 40 when he was cursed , could’ve had a son young (18) but it was fine because he was a very well respected champion. The Hibaris had money and as long as he was a positive image in his career field they wouldn’t mind what he did although their lineage is that of leaders and scholars. He stopped for a bit to go into the army and when he came back he stumbles upon the mafia . His son grows up to also have a kid young Fon and his wife watch after Hibari until he’s around 7 while his son and daughter in law work extremely hard to get established in their career paths. They come back and one day Fon just vanished bc he’s cursed and hibaris dad knows he was in the mafia so he just doesn’t dwell on what might have happened but doesn’t share because he didn’t want to pain him as a bad guy to his son but they’re all pretty upset about it.
Fon taught hibari how to fight , that’s why he has his grandfathers disposition and tenacity although it’s a tad immature in comparison. Fon tells him his style will be what he picks and hibari randomly picks tonfas as his weapon. Fon has it in his house because although he uses no weapons he’s fond of their history. Fon gets him a pair of silver ones.
He’s not the brightest, he’s not as terrible as Tsuna and Yamamoto but he’s average academically. He’s not interested in excelling academically and getting a painfully respectable job like doctor lawyer or something in business. And I think his air of nonchalant attitude can only come from a trust fund kid who’s parents don’t expect them to be their carbon copy.
He literally gets himself held back just to stick around a middle school he likes and nobody objects or is worried about his future. It’s definitely secured.
He really doesn’t care about the disciplinary committee members because he didn’t mean to form it. Students have a love hate relationship with him. He was just some scary strong guy who happened to beat up the right people who were pests and they thought he did it for the good of everyone. But they realized too late that it’s really just who irritates him and that sometimes coincides with their best interest so they let it be because he’s a comforting and unsettling presence to have. Like even Tsuna acknowledges this despite being terrified of him most the time he’s always like “wait Hibari will handle it”
He likes that he has disciples because it’s a crowd he’s apart of and is the center of but doesn’t have to be too close and nobody can kick him out or make him feel unwanted.
His parents actually like that he’s respected (oblivious to the fear) as the leader of this club around town because their family is known for strong leadership and he’s applied it to what he wanted.
He likes hamburger steak because when his parents came back his mom liked to test American recipes once she moved back to Japan. This was the only one he really liked enough to ask for again
He can’t cook. At all. Hopeless. Would burn water.
He would kill you for a well made dessert. They put him in a good mood but he’s a weirdo that doesn’t like rewarding himself so it has to be a gift or offered.
He actually likes band t shirts ripped jeans boots and all of that but hardly wears it out because he finds he likes being in his uniform more.
He’s a good boxer because everyone seems to forget he won a BOXING match for royhei. Hello he couldn’t use tonfas he actually had to punch ppl. Yeah he’s strong but that’s a style of fighting he definitely learned from Fon.
He jogs on a private trail around his families property, sometimes his father joins him.
His parents know him really well. He’s not a difficult kid to them. they’re the only ones he answers to but even then they raised him to be independent so they’re not that authoritative over him.
He has a hard time listening to them because he thinks they leave him to govern himself too much and shouldn’t only get a say sometimes.
They feel bad about leaving him to his grandparents for so long but his mother says she’ll never regret making sure their lives were better for him.
They have a good relationship give or take a few problems stemming from their separation from him.
He can draw really well. I don’t know why. But he just does. He does it often on random papers his only collection being a small box his mother keeps of them. He hates when she saves them.
He’s the baby of his entire family but his father is on the higher end of his family and same with his mother for hers so everyone is always asking to see him but he refuses to leave Namimori for longer than a day or two.
He has a sister. Idk. I just feel he has a sibling that’s either way older or a toddler that spends time on trips with their mother because she doesn’t have school yet.
He watches horror movies with his parents a lot. But they have to be psychological thrillers and he always has to fight his dad with his mom on what everything meant.
He’s spoiled. He’s nonchalant about everything but when it comes down to it he is a trust fund baby who would have been sent to a nice private high school abroad.
He has been arrested but his father being his father makes an arrangement with the police force in Nami where he’s just his own independent junior division. It would explain why the people in his committee look significantly older than him sometimes😭.
Tetsyua has always been the only member who’s name he learned because he doesn’t disappoint him. He is to him what Shoichi was to Byakuran , competent in other areas and capable of surprising him. And he never made Hibari feel like he had to say anything to him for that hibari considers him to be a good friend.
Tetsu and Ryohei are the only people he finds familiar and respectable enough to converse with like a normal fucking teenager 😭.
Royhei is loud but he doesn’t mind him because the boy is ALWAYS alone training. And like him he doesn’t backdown from a fight , also he causes no trouble at school.
He hangs out with him more than you’d think but he never initiates it or stops it.
Hibari lets Royhei use his private trail to jog sometimes. His parents know the sasagawa kids well because of this, they get invited to dinner a lot.
He likes kyoko better because she’s like a quieter Royhei but just as kind and determined. He tries to be nice to her by greeting her from them to time but stops because she popular and it draws attention and annoying rumors.
She says he really hates crowds and understands how nosy people in their grade are and says it’s okay if he doesn’t wave back sometimes. She assumes he’s actually extremely shy and misunderstood. (Sis he’s just a delinquent)
It’s platonic but he actually fond of her and is nice to her and they text from time to time. She’s the only one who knows to give him sweets because they talk about them.
He tries to get revenge on Mukuro for making him associate something he actually liked enough to go view (Sakura) with humiliation and anger that he tries to return the favor. The bastard loves nothing that much so he’s still thinking.
His parents think some girl broke up with him at a Sakura filled place and that’s why he suddenly hates it. He won’t explain they’re wrong because it’s better than the real story.
He’s a history buff , but a world history buff not just Japan.
He has an admirable garden that he tends to and sells half the vegetables his chef only cooks for three and doesn’t need that many.
He likes the snow he thinks it’s calming when everyone stays home in their house while outside is cold and harsh but pretty. He makes his parents special hot chocolate on days like that. They let him drink hot wine sometimes but only a sip or two.
He’s bilingual because his parents taught him Italian when he was younger after they had come back. They also taught him a little English.
He watches a lot of American media and listens to their music as well.
On his birthday he never goes out because it’s a holiday and more people are out than usual so his family has a dinner for him and get him gifts.
His mother gives more thoughtful gifts that he appreciates later while his father indulges him and gets him stuff like a popular manga series or a meeting to upgrade his tonfas again or clothing he really likes.
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
Unexpected Guest
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Category: Mild Romantic Fluff
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Characters: Chrome Dokuro, Ken Joshima
Ken’s eyes were lidded as he gazed disinterestedly out of the cracked window in the Kokuyo Land administrative building. He’d flipped a wooden chair around to sit on, leaning against the wicker back to stare out into the abandoned amusement park. Though it was only the beginning of December, the snow fell heavily, smothering the collapsed attractions and dilapidated building in a thick blanket of white. The winter chill seeped in through the small crevice to spread a numbing cold over his nose. He wrinkled it to stave off the deadening sensation creeping into his face, then groaned and pressed his cheek into his forearm. He bounced his legs incessantly, but the repetitive motions failed to channel the nervous energy sparking inside him like a roaring fire. 
“Boooooored-byon!” he whined loudly. His voice bounced in the empty room to echo hollowly in his ears. He half expected Chikusa to come scold him for his troublesome loudness, but the bespectacled boy failed to take Ken’s bait. Ken whined and licked at his fanged teeth, watching the snow continue to fall outside. He traced the fluttering paths of the snowflakes with dull brown-orange eyes. 
Ken managed to occupy himself with that for about ten seconds until the agonizing boredom crept back in. Yowling angrily, he jumped up from the wooden chair and kicked it. The chair rattled a few inches to the left before becoming unbalanced and crashing onto its side. Ken grimaced as portions of the old, worn wicker fragmented onto the concrete floor. Old piece of garbage, he thought and shoved his hands into the pockets of his deep green uniform pants. 
A certain pineapple-haired girl suddenly sprung into his mind. 
“I wonder what Chrome’s doing,” he pondered aloud, rubbing his chin. Though she’d transferred to Namimori Middle School and spent a significant amount of time with the two girls who hung around the Vongola Family, Chrome still lived in the abandoned amusement part with Mukuro and the rest of his subordinates. 
Her unconditional support for their boss was endearing but bordering on annoying, at least to Ken. She follows him around like a lost puppy-byon, he thought with a small growl. Sometimes it felt like she wanted nothing to do with Ken and Chikusa… Humph. Not that I care-byon! I don’t need her, just Mukuro-sama and Kakipi! he thought haughtily. Ken told himself that, but it never erased the dull ache that bloomed inside him whenever he thought about the timid girl. 
With another wolfish growl, he kicked the overturned chair again. 
Ken whirled on his heel and stomped out of the room. He certainly wasn’t going to find anything entertaining in there. Slouching with irritation, he trotted down to the lower level to see if he could find anyone to satiate his boredom for a little while. 
He happened upon Chikusa after about five minutes of wandering the complex, stretched out on a ripped sofa while lazily flinging his yo-yo around. A wide window stretched across the wall’s expanse, showing the snow-laden area surrounding the administrative building. “Kakipi!” Ken called as he trotted in. Chikusa leisurely rolled his head to blink lazily at Ken. 
“Oh. Hey,” Chikusa responded calmly. He continued to slowly swing his yo-yo in circles as he regarded the blond boy. Ken realized immediately that Chikusa would be useless in satiating his boredom, so he looked around interestedly. 
“Where is she-byon?” Chikusa knew exactly who Ken was referring to. The boy exhaled as he pulled himself into a sitting position, finally stowing his yo-yo and looking at Ken with a slightly raised eyebrow. 
“She went to Vongola’s. She said that the girls- Haru and Kyoko- were throwing her a birthday party.” Ken blinked blankly at Chikusa. A birthday party? “Chrome’s birthday is today.” Chikusa continued to throw the reeling Ken over the precipice of realization. When he finally fell over the edge, Ken’s cheeks brightened with embarrassment, and he flailed his arms a little. 
“B-birthday-byon? She never told me!” Ken complained angrily. Chikusa shrugged indifferently and rose to his feet. 
“I’m pretty sure you were present when she mentioned it in conversation, but it’s also likely that you weren’t listening.” 
Ken scowled and pointed vexedly at Chikusa. 
“That’s mean-byon!” He refrained from agreeing that it was also probably true. With a huff, Ken slammed his hands back down into his pockets. That silly girl… Ken wasn’t frustrated that she wandered off to hang out with the Vongola family; she did it frequently. For some reason, he was frustrated with himself for forgetting her birthday. Why should I care-byon? Loathe as he was to admit it, care he did. Snorting, he whirled on his heel. “I’m going out!” he announced to Chikusa before promptly making his exit. 
When he pushed the glass doors of the administrative building open, the wind jumped forth, blasting snow flurries into the lobby. The skin of Ken’s face prickled as little barbs of ice slammed into his flesh, so he hurriedly turned up the collar of his army-green uniform to shield at least the bottom half of his face from the gale. Absently, he hoped Chrome had decided to wear leggings. She always pranced around in that skirt, after all; if she stepped out like that in such inclement weather, her legs would be icicles before she even left the complex. Who gives a damn? Let her freeze if she’s gonna be that stupid-byon! He thought gruffly to try and distract himself from the little beast of worry gnawing on his insides. 
Ken trotted through the well-worn and disheveled concrete pathways meandering through the forgotten amusement park. The snow crunched loudly under the repeated plops of his boots into the calf-high snowdrifts, complimenting the wailing wind and rattling bare tree branches in a strange, ghostly harmony. He cursed as the hems of his pants legs grew sodden with ice-cold water and clung to his ankles and lower calves, siphoning his body heat away with frightening efficiency. “Soon it’ll be my legs that’re icicles,” he grumped to himself. 
As he came to the base of the inclined path and onto the road proper, which was thankfully plowed, he shook his legs vigorously to dislodge the clumps of snow and water droplets as much as he could. With a small sigh, he looked off into the distance, bitterly observing the cloud-choked, bleary gray sky and the snow piled on the horizon. Was he really about to hike to Namimori for that spacey, dopey girl? 
Of course he was. Eyes lidded as he resolved himself to follow his incessantly nagging shred of human decency, he began tramping down the fringe of the road. 
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“Fuck, it’s cold,” Ken cursed through chattering teeth as he kicked the gate to Tsunayoshi Sawada’s front yard open. As the black metal clanged harshly against the concrete wall outlining the quaint little home, clumps of snow slipped off the gate to plop into the drifts below. Ken was grateful that the stone pathway leading to the small porch had been cleaned because his socks and shoes were so soggy that he’d scream if they absorbed any more water. 
Hands buried as deep into his pockets as they could go and collar snug against his face, he stiffly stomped up to the front door and rang the doorbell by hiking up his leg and planting his shoe against it. A chorus of surprised voices echoed in the small two-story homes as the pleasant chime rang through the rooms. 
“Oh? Chrome, dear, were you expecting any more guests?” came an older woman’s voice that Ken assumed belonged to the young Vongola Tenth’s mother. Ken hunched a little further into his damp jacket when the woman opened the door, revealing a pleasant smile and a friendly face framed by orangey-brown hair. “Hello there! You must be one of the boys I’ve heard so much about. Ooooh, let me guess-” she interrupted before he could introduce himself, placing the pad of her index finger on his lips as she studied him with bright eyes. He jumped a little when she clapped her hands together. “Are you Ken?” 
A faint blush deepened the already pink, wind-raw skin of his cheeks. He just nodded in affirmation, making the young mother trill and do a little dance of joy. “Ahaha, I guessed right! <3” By this time, Chrome had meandered out of whatever room she was hanging out with the Vongolas to peer curiously around the woman’s form at the snow-sodden blond. 
“Ken? What are you doing here?” she questioned innocently. Anger brought a blush to his cheeks this time, and as he stamped his foot hotly against the porch, a few blobs of wet snow shifted off the awning to join the white layer coating the yard. 
“Why do ya think I’m here-byon?” he mocked arrogantly. Chrome’s big purple eye blinked slowly and uncomprehendingly. Tsunayoshi’s mother hummed puzzledly as she looked back and forth between the clueless Chrome and the irritated blond dripping water on her porch. Finally, she laughed good-naturedly and grabbed Ken by the shoulders to all but yank him over the threshold of the door. 
“Now, now, no need to stand outside! Oh, look at you; you’re covered head-to-toe in snow! How far did you walk to end up like this?” she tutted as she bundled him inside, unzipping and removing his windbreaker jacket before he could even comprehend what was happening. The rest of the Vongolas, attracted by the commotion, came traipsing out of the kitchen to behold the shivering, cold, blushing Ken with mixtures of surprise, amusement, and indifference (in Kyoya Hibari’s case). 
The strange turn of events fried Ken’s brain, so all he could focus on is why the hell Kyoya was even there because he was an insufferable asshole with a stick constantly up his ass and didn’t seem the type to attend parties. Meanwhile, Tsunayoshi’s mother wandered off with his windbreaker in tow, humming a pleasant tune. 
“Nn,” Kyoya tutted and shoved a piece of hamburger steak in his mouth. “It’s one of the Kokuyo brats. Did you come so I could bite you to death?” he asked in that aggravating flat tone of his and drew his tonfa out of his uniform jacket. Why the hell does he have that-byon?!
“Now, now, don’t act like that, Hibari!” Takeshi laughed pleasantly. “He’s Chrome’s friend; I’m sure he came to wish her happy birthday.” 
“Yeah? Why didn’t he just do it before she left?” Hayato grumped, slouching with his hands in his cargo pants pockets as he regarded Ken distrustfully. Ken’s face took on a bright pink hue from forehead to chin, and he swallowed the shameful admission that he’d not had any clue it was Chrome’s birthday at all. Thankfully, the girl refrained from outing him, continuing to stare inquisitively. 
“Humph. Why the interrogation-byon?” he snapped, turning up his nose disdainfully at the collection of young mafioso. “I just happened to be nearby! Do you really think I’d march all the way here for some lame birthday party?” The group collectively looked at the darkened fabric of his uniform pants, making him bristle. “Oi! The snow’s just deep! Stop staring-byon!” 
“Ken-kuuuuun~” Ken stiffened as the older woman’s voice floated down the stairs, ears reddening further as she so casually trilled his first name. “Here! I brought some of Tsuna’s clothes for you,” she announced brightly as she hopped down the steps carrying a few light garments. 
“Mom! Why?” Tsunayoshi protested loudly. She just tutted scoldingly and flashed him a disapproving look as she dropped the clothes into Ken’s arms. 
“Now, Tsuna! He is a guest just as much as anyone else. He trekked all the way here in the snow to come see Chrome! Why, it’s almost romantic~” she sighed and pressed her hand to her cheek with a girlish giggle. Ken choked on his breath and squeezed the garments to his chest, face turning an ugly purple-red color. Romantic-byon?! What’s with this lady? There’s nothing romantic about it! Nothing! I just-! I just wanted-! 
Ken’s gaze slid to Chrome, watching her purple eye sparkle, and her cheeks flush with a carnation-pink hue. Huffing, he buried his face into the white shirt the woman had loaned him, sensitive nose flooding with the aroma of floral laundry detergent. “Ahaha! Anyway, Ken, dear, you should go upstairs and take a bath, hmm?” Tsunayoshi’s mother hummed as she pushed his upper back to propel him towards the stairs. “Tsuna, be a dear and show him where it is.” 
“What? Now he’s using our bath, too?!” the small-statured boy complained. Ken peered sourly at him, orange-brown eyes flashing just above the cloth of the shorts smooshed against his face, and Tsunayoshi squealed. “Okay, okay, okay! Fine, follow me,” he sighed in defeat and began tromping up the steps. Ken followed stiffly after him, ignoring Hayato’s comment that he should bathe because he smelled like a wet dog. Ken smiled slightly when the loud girl, Haru, slapped him upside the side of the head and called him rude. 
“Here we are,” Tsunayoshi said unenthusiastically as he stopped in front of the door to the bathroom. Ken continued to sulk at the unintended turn of events as he stared blankly at the door, waiting for the spiky-haired boy to retreat before entering. Tsunayoshi went to return down the stairs, then paused and looked up at Ken uncomfortably. “I, um… I know we aren’t exactly friends or anything, but…” he trailed off with a blush, twiddling his thumbs together as he fumbled over his words. “B-but I know aren’t a bad guy or anything, so you’re free to, you know, hang out as much as you want.” 
Tsunayoshi released a small “eep!” as Ken’s orange-brown eyes critically examined him for any distrust. I don’t think he’s even capable of tricking someone, Ken then thought with a small snort. 
Tsunayoshi hurriedly scampered to the stairs, so Ken huffed and opened the bathroom door. He paused when Tsunayoshi came bounding up the steps again to breathlessly add, “B-by the way, Chrome is really happy you came to wish her a happy birthday!” Ken’s face flushed red, and he gawked at Tsunayoshi with wide eyes before looking down at his snow-soaked shoes. 
“Get lost-byon. I wanna shower.” Tsunayoshi blinked at him, but then smiled pleasantly. Ken’s blush darkened as the boy chimed something about seeing him downstairs before hurrying down to the first floor. 
Ken purposely avoided looking at his reflection as he shambled into the bathroom and set the clothes on the counter. He shrugged out of his shirt, grimacing at the way the cold fabric clung to his skin, and threw it into the corner. It landed against the tile with a wet slap. Before he shimmied out of his cargo pants, he carefully retrieved a small wrapped package from one of the deep pockets. He set it on the counter beside his change of clothes. 
He’d hate for her present to get crushed, after all. 
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“Jeez, you guys are impatient-byon,” Ken whined loudly as someone knocked timidly on the door. He jumped up to tug the waistband of the pants around his hips before yanking up the zipper and clasping the button. Tsunayoshi was slightly shorter than him, so the pants’ hem rose above his ankles, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. It wasn’t until Ken had sunk into the steaming warm bath water that he’d realized just how cold he was, and he had no care to slip back into his ice-cold clothes. 
Ken refrained from putting on a shirt to unlock the door instead. Tendrils of steam tickled his bare chest and droplets of water vapor exploded over his slightly heat-flushed skin as he did so. “What?” he asked bluntly as he swung the door open. 
He blushed as red as a tomato as Chrome unabashedly looked him up and down. Her big purple eye blinked once before she looked up at his bright red face. 
“A blizzard,” she said simply. It took a few seconds for Ken to articulate the word, simple as it was. 
“A blizzard?” he echoed dumbly. Chrome nodded lightly and pointed a slim, dainty finger at the hallway window for good measure. Ken’s wide, orange-gold eyes followed the invisible line to the frosted glass pane. He then gasped and barreled past Chrome to adhere himself to the cold surface, too shocked to register the chill seeping into his exposed skin. “What the hell-byon?!” 
The wind shrieked voraciously beyond the thin clear panel. Snow flurries billowed in wild swirls through the neighborhood, darkened by the thick layer of stormy gray clouds choking the sky and blotting out the light. The snow piled up in giant plumes, burying cars and lawn ornaments deep beneath its thick white sheets and spilling over the fences to encroach upon the doorsteps. 
Ken felt his stomach plummet to his feet. There was no way that Tsunayoshi’s mother would let him leave the house with such inclement weather. To be quite honest, Ken absolutely did not want to trek back to the abandoned amusement park in the raging blizzard anyway. 
Ken peeled himself away from the window with a frustrated sigh while running his hand through his dampened blond hair. Great, he thought bitterly. When he turned around, he believed that Chrome would have descended back to the party; instead, she remained in the hallway, staring at him. Ken jumped. 
“Damn it-byon! Don’t sneak up on me like that.” 
“I’ve been here the whole time.” 
Ken growled under his breath and scratched at the back of his neck. His gaze slid to the bathroom, and then beyond to his wet pants still draped over the bathroom counter dripping icy water onto the floor- and then to the small white wrapped in simple blue yarn. A flush blazed across his cheeks. Chrome finally seemed to think that Ken did not want to hold a conversation; out of the corners of his eyes, he saw her twirl on her toes to head for the stairs. 
“W-wait!” he called before he could stop himself. Chrome turned around with her head cocked inquisitively. She regarded him with that big owlish eye that he thought so unnerving but so damn cute too. Grumbling and alternating his arm positions to try and nonchalantly cover parts of his chest when he realized he was still shirtless, he gestured lamely at the little box she’d failed to notice. “P-present,” he offered sheepishly. 
Chrome continued to turn on the cloth pads of her socks until her gaze settled on the unassuming little package situated on the counter. With a small gasp of wonder, she padded into the small space to gingerly retrieve it. She tossed him a slight glance, almost as if asking permission to open it. “J-just don’t look at it, dumbass! Open it up-byon!” 
Perhaps it was the wisps of hot steam still curling throughout the room, but Ken noticed her cheeks turn slightly pink as she looked back to the small gift box and slowly pulled the string. 
Ken held his breath as she opened it with so much care that it was painful. Damn, did she want to kill him with anticipation? Why the hell did he care, anyway? His fingers twiddled anxiously by his thighs as he watched her flip the lid off. He couldn’t help but smirk satisfactorily as a delighted little gasp slipped past her lips. 
“Malt chocolate candy…” Chrome whispered. Once more, she turned that intense yet innocent gaze upon him, and a strange, warm sensation bubbled up inside of him. Happiness sparkled inside those amethyst depths. It spread the warmth from the tips of his toes up to the crown of his head. 
“It’s your favorite. I remembered-byon,” Ken shrugged dispassionately, trying to belie the giddy lilt attempting to seep into his voice. “... Happy birthday,” he added after a few moments of silence. Heat began to creep into his face, and he rubbed compulsively at the wispy hairs hugging the back of his neck. Chrome hugged the package of chocolate to her chest and flashed him a rare, elated smile. 
“Thank you, Ken.” 
Normally, Ken would snap something snarky and shut her down, push her away before she could come too close. But not this time. Basking in the honey-glow of that serene smile pervaded down to his soul, Ken allowed her in, enabled her to see just a glimmer of the feelings he tried so desperately to suppress. 
“You’re welcome, Chrome.” 
The softness in his voice surprised them both. Their eyes simultaneously blew wide, and their gazes snapped away at the same time. Chrome covered his mouth as his entire face burned pink. Why did I say it like that-byon? I can’t believe myself; dumbass…! As Ken reeled in his stupidity, he paid no attention to Chrome. That is until he was forced to- when she scampered up to him with the open package of malt chocolate candy. 
“Here. Have some.” 
Ken jerked at her soft voice suddenly sounding at his shoulder. He glanced wildly from her face down to the candy, struggling to process the turn of events. 
“That’s yours,” Ken finally sputtered. Chrome’s purple eyebrows twitched, the only flicker of emotion on her once-again blank slate of a face. 
“I want to share it. It’s my present; I can decide what I want to do with it, and I have decided to share.” Her infallible logic obliterated any chance Ken had of refusing. Frowning, he dropped his hand from his still-burning face to break a piece of the chocolate away and pop it into his mouth. It was okay; Ken didn’t know why the girl adored the stuff so much. 
But, when she slipped her piece of chocolate past her lips, and her face immediately softened into bliss, Ken felt the hot rush of pride flush through his system. He put that expression on her face. 
“See?” Ken blinked when she interrupted his silent gloating. “Isn’t it good?” 
“Yeah.” Not really a lie, but not really a truth; Ken just wanted to keep that smile on her face. Chrome giggled, and the sound almost made Ken faint. 
Ken never could understand how Rokudo could rope such an angelic, pure girl into his devious little network of pawns. Chrome was so pure that it almost burned Ken’s eyes to ash every time he looked at her. Angelic, sweet, innocent… Everything Ken definitely did not deserve. 
As he was reminded of that fact, the bitterness seeped into his features, poisoning whatever happy expression that had appeared on his face. 
“I have to put finish getting dressed,” he grunted as a lame way to excuse himself from the discussion. Chrome blinked curiously at him as he shouldered past her to walk back to the bathroom. He was fully intent on closing the door behind him, but limber Chrome had planted herself in the threshold sooner than he could even grab the wooden door. He scowled but decided it was not worth arguing. He instead grabbed the graphic tee patterned with some dorky anime character and slipped it over his head. 
“What?” he sighed, popping his head through the hole in the shirt to glare exasperatedly at her. Chrome’s dark lashes fluttered before she continued. 
“Thank you for coming all the way here.” 
Ken thought she would leave it at that, and so opened his mouth to gripe some abrasive response. Whatever he had intended to say died an ember in his throat when she leaned forward to place a feather-light kiss on his cheek. The flesh instantly flooded with blood, spreading fire through the tissue and making his nerves spark into overdrive. He gawked stupidly at her as she retreated with a coquettish smile. 
“I do hope you’ll come join us downstairs. Maman made dinner. She’s an excellent cook.” Without waiting for an answer, she whirled on her feet and descended rapidly down the stairs. He could hear her munching on the chocolate as she plonked down the steps. She paused halfway down and looked up at him blankly. “You should come with me more often. Maman’s favorite guests are the unexpected ones.” He watched her go with a mixture of feelings swirling around inside of him, robotically slipping his arms through the sleeves of the tee-shirt. 
A smile spread wide across his face. His heart fluttered in his chest like a baby bird fumbling into its first flight. As he walked out of the bathroom, he glanced back at the window and the blizzard raging beyond. 
“Unexpected guests,” he scoffed with a dopey smile. “Yeah, okay…” 
Ken followed after Chrome, tromping down the steps two at a time. Who was he, an acknowledged guest, to say no to a free dinner? Besides… He wanted to make sure those yahoos of the Vongola family didn’t ruin Chrome’s special day, too. 
After all, he’d come here to make sure it was the best one possible… Regardless of whether he was ready to admit that to Chrome yet or not. 
The blizzard yowled faintly at him as he passed the front door, but Ken didn’t mind it. The storm whirling inside him had dimmed considerably, and the winds all but died as Chrome smiled prettily at him from her seat at the kitchen table. He stopped just out of sight for one brief second to savor the expression that was just for him. 
Unexpected guest, huh? Sure beats hanging out at that old dump all the time. Next time, at least I won’t have to hike the whole way alone. 
Smiling, Ken strolled into the room and was instantly greeted with many loud voices and Chrome’s sweet, quiet one.
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
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khrrarepairweek · 2 years
Mature to Explicit Round Up Post
This list will be updated as works are submitted. Thank you for your hard work, everyone! Please let me know if I missed anything.
Day 1 - Storm Day: Ritual Summoning | Theatre AU ----- Day 2 - Sky Day: Murder Roadtrip | Bodyguard AU --- Title:��� THE BODYGUARD ☆ (in bold, sparkly letters) (https://archiveofourown.org/works/39913656) Accompanying Art Link: https://chierry.tumblr.com/post/688182508359221248 Rating: M Author: by istilllikekhr Pairing: Hibari Kyoya/Yamamoto Takeshi Prompt: Bodyguard AU Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply, Sawada Tsunayoshi, Bodyguard,Injury,Pre-Relationship, Flirting, Minor Violence, Lighthearted, and ridiculous Summary: Yamamoto has been injured, but being in the middle of a mission stops him from properly searching for medical help, rendering him little more than a pretty face with bruises.
Hibari steps in to make sure everything will go smoothly. While that was a surprise in itself, the fact that he was wearing an extremely revealing bodysuit just made things even more interesting and confusing for Yamamoto.
Day 3 - Sun Day: Outsider POV | Twin AU
Title: Misty Haven (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/KHR_Rare_Pair_Week_2022/works/39951330?view_adult=true) Author: Daimashiko Rating: Explicit Pairing: Chrome Dokuro/Rokudo Mukuro Prompts: Outsider POV Tags: semi threesome,Blow Jobs,Dom/sub,Undertones,Cunnilingus,Praise Kink,Collars,Possessive Sex,Vaginal Sex,Anal Play Summary: Behind the adorable Chrome lays another side. Mukuro can't help but adore both at once.
Title: Intertwined with the Unexpected (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/KHR_Rare_Pair_Week_2022/works/40023612?view_adult=true)
Author: Daimashiko Rating: Explicit Pairing:  Sawada Tsunayoshi/Yamamoto Takeshi, Sasagawa Kyouko/Sawada Tsunayoshi Prompts: Outsider POV Tags: Alternate Universe - Succubi & Incubi, Female Sawada Tsunayoshi, Tail Sex, Sassy Sasagawa Kyouko, Public Sex , Possessive Behavior, Threesome - F/F/M Summary: In a world where sex demons exist, they also pass on those powers to their children and descendants. Takeshi and Kyoko enjoy the cries of their meal. --- Day 4 - Lightning Day: Not Actually Unrequited Love | Fake Harem AU
--- Title: black peony twisted in mycelium (https://archiveofourown.org/works/39963678) Author: Shiro (TeitoxAkashi [AO3]/ seijuurouxryuu [tumblr]) Rating: M Pairing: Fon/Reborn Prompts: Not Actually Unrequited Love | Fake Harem AU Tags/Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Hanahaki. A disease that plagues humanity one day, of which cause still yet to be discovered. The first case, a young woman, coughed out tiny dandelions that soaked in blood on the day her to-be-wedded husband died in a freak accident right in front of her. The dandelions shattered the moment it fell onto the ground as she asphyxiated. By the time the ambulance arrived, she had long choked to death from dandelions as she clutched tightly to her beloved. The second case, an old man, whose son fell into a coma, vomited a bucketful of poison ivy, poisoning him on its way out. He died the moment his son was declared brain dead. The third, a child of 8 years, coughed a single rose petal, survived. Ten years later, the child grew and married to her childhood sweetheart, roots of roses intertwining their hands together as they walked down the hallway full of smiles and cheers. The first case of survival after the tragic first two. And, so far, the only case of survival. For the rest of those who gained hanahaki died shortly after their beloved did. For example, his Maman.
Title: A Long Needed Truth (https://archiveofourown.org/collections/KHR_Rare_Pair_Week_2022/works/40023612?view_adult=true)
Author: Daimashiko Rating: Explicit Pairing: Bianchi/Reborn Prompts: Not Actually Requited Love Tags/Warnings: JealousyPossessive Behavior, Dick Jokes, Snark, Foreplay, Hand Jobs, Oral Sex, Drama & Romance Summary: Through many events, the Poison Scorpion and Sun Arcobaleno's relationship grows into more than just something one sided.
Day 5 - Rain Day: Fallback Marriage Pact | Gamer AU --- Day 6 - Cloud Day: Sleep Intimacy | Painter/Model AU ---- Day 7 - Mist Day: Time Loop | Actor/Actress AU ---- Title: Disable Repeat (https://archiveofourown.org/works/40019991/)
Author: merumoth // @byaku-chan​
Rating: Mature Pairing: Dark!Tsuna/Byakuran Prompt: Time Loop Tags: Plot Heavy // Violence Heavy // Ambiguous but Positive Ending // Not a Standalone // Not Explicitly Romance // Dubiously Consensual Kissing? Warnings: Violence, Asphyxiation, Depression, Passive Suicidal Ideation,  Bullying, Codependency. (This is very dark.)
Day 8 - Earth/Flameless Day: Accidental Baby Acquisition | Humans Are Space Orcs AU
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pandoraabx · 8 years
Feelings that Follow Rebirth Part 2: Official Meeting
Part 1/Part 2/
Summary: It was...unexpected. The idea of talking to each other felt odd. But...well...you can always count on a certain Hitman to be unpredictable, can't you?
I can’t believe this is done but I’m glad it is it took me a while to be even semi-happy with how it was written.
Hibari told himself he was going to ignore the boy – Sawada Tsunayoshi – once he got his feelings and memories in check. Though, that was easier said than done. How was one supposed to keep calm, collected and rational when they were certain their soulmate was so close? The one they had been born into a new life for? He was known for being calm and collected, yes, but in no way was he known for being “rational.”
So, he ended up finding himself making mental excuses to be around his sunshine – Sawada – more often. During patrols, he would linger near Sawada’s classroom in an attempt to catch a glimpse of him. In the morning, he would watch to see if Sawada would be late again and give him an opportunity to talk to him, and assess him a bit more.
In other words, he was going nearly insane with this new theory – new obsession.
In his old life, he would admit – he was pretty…fond…of having an obsession, or something to focus on. Namimori was a current obsession, in the past, it was revenge.
Now, as well as Namimori, it seemed Sawada was on his list of “obsessions” too.
But he knew to keep his distance. Sawada wasn’t like his fearless sunshine. In fact, he was practically a coward. If Sawada noticed him stalking – watching him, he’d surely avoid him even more.
He needed time to assess the situation, and see if Sawada was really him…
So he focused on watching and waiting. Weeks, nearly a month passed as he watched and waited. He knew basic things now: Sawada gets terrible grades – his sunshine did too… - Sawada was a slacker, and would often skip class – his sunshine hated class and would find every reason to get out…
He kept trying to tell himself it could be a coincidence, that just because they looked similar and some aspects were similar, they couldn’t be the same.
But what if they were? What if Sawada…was his sunshine?
No, it probably wasn’t possible.
And he probably would have been entirely fine with this, watching Sawada in hope while telling himself this isn’t his sunshine.
But then, of course, someone had to make everything shift.
Tsuna wasn’t exactly very sure what was going on. Ever since meeting Hibari on that fateful day outside the school, he couldn’t get the intimidating boy out of his head. It made it even harder to focus on his studies – not that he was focusing much in the first place. But thinking about him made him want to run up to him and just start…talking to him, which was strange for him. Perhaps it was because he was like that cocky dark haired boy in his dreams…
Either way, it made him feel odd, and so he decided to avoid Hibari as well as he could. He minimized how long he spent in hallways, he tried to get home as soon as school ends – and would sometimes skip. He would even try to get to school a bit earlier – even though he couldn’t really do that.
But he felt himself slowly going insane – he was getting antsy. He was getting urges to run up to him, talk to him, tease him, bicker with him. It was getting harder and harder to try to ignore these random urges.
Then came that fateful day, the first day he heard the word.
That was perhaps the strangest day of his life – not counting the “days” that he had in his dream. He “died,” then he asked out Kyoko, then the next day he fought the leader of the Kendo club, where he proceeded to eat another bullet to win.
“Dying Will” was far more powerful than he thought, and reminded him of the weird power he used in his dreams. What was it called? Cat-ra?
From there, things got stranger and…better.
Despite the strange things: Learning he’s supposed to become some mafia boss of all things, and having a hitman baby as a tutor, he also managed to at least get on speaking terms with Kyoko.
He got new friends through the power of Dying Will: first, the school and his peers began to respect him – a strange part of him nearly began crying with relief at that revelation, like the feeling of having no one was always around – he gained two new friends: Gokudara and Yamamoto. He had gained two new friends then too..
Then…Reborn suggested one day that they need a hideout.
Tsuna was terribly suspicious of what he could be planning. Everything Reborn got him involved into usually ended with trouble – a strange part of him wanted to get into trouble, welcomed it in fact. But, his new friends were extremely up for it, especially when Reborn suggested a room in particular – suspicious, but why not check it out?
For a second time, brown eyes met black.
Hibari always thought he would be the one to meet his sunshine – Sawada – first. To talk to him first, and to get him to realize who he was.
He didn’t think Sawada would waltz right into the place he rightfully claimed for his committee.
First, he ignored him. Those herbivores were in the way. He won’t be able to talk to him with them around.
“One.” He took out one smoking first – he had a horrible distaste for smoking, it didn’t seem to agree with his lungs. He barely bothered to check if he was conscious. Either way, it would take a while for him to find the energy to get up.
The next one, the one who plays…was it basketball? Soccer? It didn’t matter, but he was slightly harder to take out. It became easy once he realized he was favoring his right hand, and in a split second, he was down too.
He settled his gaze on Sawada, who was shivering – shit I scared him. Doubt settled in his mind for a moment, his sunshine was never scared. His sunshine would have glared at him for hurting his friends.
He spoke with a weak squeak in his voice. “Y-You knocked them out…”
“Sawada.” He took a step towards him. What would he say? He needed to know, but…what the hell would shock his memory? What would make him believe him?
He let out a frightened squeak and backed up to the wall. “I-I’m sorry, we didn’t realize this room was-“
“Sawada. Stop talking.” He ordered, stopping right in front of him. He could practically see a carbon copy of his sunshine take his place. His hair, those eyes, he was him, he must be…
What could he say?
“H-Hibari-san…” Tsuna winced, he expected to get hit, obviously.
He dropped the tonfa, a clear indication he wasn’t going to hurt him. Tsuna’s eyes widened, and he stared at him. There wasn’t as much fear anymore, mostly suspicion and curiosity. Good. But his guard didn’t drop, and he still seemed tense…. Less good.
“What…are you doing?”
“I need to talk to you…or ask you something.” Good. Start with that.
“What is it?” His expression and eyes were curious though he was still firmly pressed against the door, trying to keep at least an arm’s length of distance between them.
His mind raced through the memories while his face kept impassively calm. What could he say? What was the memory, the word he would recognize? He could barely remember their names.
He stared at him, right into his brown eyes.
Those eyes widened in obvious familiarity. “Y-You’re…?!” He blurted out almost immediately. A weight lifted off Hibari’s shoulders. It was him.
Tsuna looked surprised, he seemed like he was going through an immense revelation. He blinked a few times, as if confused or disoriented. “B-But…you…those dreams…”
Idiot. You thought those were dreams? Hibari bit back a fond chuckle. He didn’t really change as much as he thought. Of course the idiot would think those are dreams first.
“They weren’t dreams. They were memories. Of your past life. Our past life.”
Tsuna stared at him longer, obviously trying to process what he just learned. “…Hibari-san...”
“Hibari.” He corrected him immediately. It felt…odd to have him speak so formally with him.
“…Hibari,” Tsuna corrected himself hesitantly, “…you were…him. And I was…” Tsuna shook his head. “But I’m…I’m not…”
They turned and there was a baby sitting on his desk, of all things, holding a gun.
“You two know each other, hm? I didn’t expect that. I thought you were pretty predictable too.”
Hibari easily picked up his tonfa in a second, stepping in front of his sunshi – Tsuna. He’s seen stranger, a baby wielding a gun didn’t seem very far out there – and it looked like a fighter, whatever it was.
“Hibari, wait, don’t,” Tsuna put a hand in front of him, staring at him pretty intensely, before it devolved into his usual, somewhat meek look. “He’s…a friend. Kind of.”
“I’m your home tutor, Reborn.” The baby corrected almost immediately.
Hibari raised an eyebrow – home tutor? - while Tsuna ground. “It’s a long story. It’s kinda like Pervy Sage.” He blinked. “I…wow. Weird.”
So, we remember more the more memories we accept, hm? He observed fairly easily, before turning his attention back to the baby – Reborn.
“What do you want?” Hibari immediately asked, he itched for a fight, though with Tsuna there his priorities found themselves at a standstill. It was obvious Tsuna wasn’t the fighter he was back then and he could possibly get hurt in the crossfire if neither are careful enough.
“Look, Hibari, Reborn,” Tsuna interrupted, his voice low and at a murmur, “how about we talk more about this later? I have a headache and all I wanna do is lay down.” Tsuna was busy rubbing his temples, grimacing with pain.
“…fine. Later. I’ll come by your house.”
“Ugh…Tenth…that’s going on?”
There was far too much to process in such a small amount of time. Finding out the dreams were actually memories was something in itself. Then, realizing Hibari was actually the boy he had a crush – was rivals with in those memories and now having to get Hibari up to speed…
It was madness.
But nothing could get better, or devolve even more when Gokudara woke up.
Looking at the situation – Reborn was standing on the table, Hibari was near him, practically hovering. As soon as he saw Gokudera’s eyes focus, the dynamite was out.
“Tenth! Get away from him!”
“W-Wait!” Tsuna sidestepped in front of Hibari almost immediately, his body practically moved on his own. He could see the blatant surprise on Gokudera’s face. He wondered what it looked like, someone as small as him defending someone so tall, and so…dangerous. Someone who had just attacked them just 3 minutes ago… “Gokudera, you can’t hurt him!” Over-protectiveness from memories not from this life bubbled in him. Something deep in him screamed that Hibari needed to be protected. That other people wouldn’t hesitate to hurt him, that it was his job to make sure Hibari was alright.
“W-What?! Tenth, what the hell are you saying?” Though surprised, he still didn’t lower his…weapon. Tsuna felt frustration, stubbornness, and protectiveness fuel his actions.
“Gokudera just, drop the dynamite.” He tried to ask as politely as “Tsuna” would, even though this other person, the one Hibari called “usuratonkachi,” was starting to surface as well.
“But Tenth-!“
“Gokudera just drop the stupid dynamite!” He snapped.
The room was quiet at his outburst, and he slapped his hand over his mouth, completely embarrassed. Had he just yelled at his friend? That…wasn’t like him at all…
But it’s like the past you, isn’t it?
He almost shook his head. He…needed more time on this. He just needed time to think.
Ignoring his strange thoughts for now, and past memories colliding with current ones, he looked up at Gokudera, who had obediently dropped the dynamite. He was looking away, lighting a cigarette.
“No smok-“
Tsuna gave Hibari a look. Don’t. Please.
Hibari looked back. …Fine.
…why did this form of communication feel so…familiar?
Tsuna sighed and turned to Reborn, who seemed to be watching with his…usual unreadable expression. “Reborn...Hibari can come back to the house, right?
He felt Hibari’s gaze on him, his gaze barely seemed to leave him, but he ignored it for the moment.
“Yes, of course. He’ll be joining your family after all.”
So that’s why he brought us here… Tsuna felt tired, but he turned to Gokudera next. “Can you carry Yamamoto-san?”
“Y-Yeah, Tenth.” Gokudera wasn’t looking at him as he passed him. He winced with regret.
I really shouldn’t have snapped like that… Tsuna bit his lip. He put on his mental to do list to apologize to Gokudera later.
A hand was placed on his shoulder and he jumped, nearly screeching. He glanced up timidly to see it was Hibari. It was odd, familiar yet not. The memories of his past told him that initiating contact with him was normal, but memories from now made him immediately tense.
Hibari seemed to notice his mental battle, because he pulled his hand away a second later. “…are we going now?”
“U-Um…” He almost deflated with how expectant Hibari looked for him to take the leadership position. “I…I guess?”
“Be more assertive, idiot Tsuna.” Reborn said immediately, throwing something at him that Hibari could before it could barely reach his face.
Is that a pinecone?! Tsuna sputtered in surprise, though Hibari fixed a glare on Reborn.
“…I don’t like you.” He said bluntly – so blunt, it reminded him so much of many times before.
“You don’t have to.” Reborn answered. “Now let’s go, Tsuna. You need to explain everything.”
 Yamamoto woke up shortly before they arrived at Tsuna’s house – and didn’t question much. In fact, once it was certain he wouldn’t have any lasting damage, (“I didn’t hit to kill or break bones. Only to keep them unconscious for a while.” Hibari sounded a little offended they expected him not to be good at controlling himself) Yamamoto went home.
In fact, he was very adamant about staying and “Protecting Tenth.” By the way he would blatantly glare at Hibari – who obviously didn’t care about his presence in the slightest – he was sure Hibari was going to somehow attack him.
His mother was ecstatic that he brought home a new friend – it was odd, now, walking in and see his mother in the kitchen, waiting for him to come home. He almost felt like breaking down into sobs. And she immediately began making more food, shooing them upstairs.
So now it was him, a calm, observant Hibari, a glaring Gokudera, and Reborn, looking nonchalant as always, sitting on his hamper.
The silence was tense, and it seemed that Hibari was the only one who couldn’t feel it, instead looking around the room, his eyes getting more amused by the second
“…your room looks how I expected.” He suddenly said. “Messier than your schoolwork.”
“HEY! What the hell are you trying to say about Tenth-“ Gokudera started, only to stop when he heard Tsuna start snickering of all things. “T-Tenth?”
Tsuna couldn’t help himself. After the crazy day, with this headache, his memories, for him to be so casual and say something that was such a…double reference really just...hit him somehow.
“Hey, no fair, you don’t know how my schoolwork is now.” He snickered, and Hibari only smirked.
“I do actually. It’s quite well known if you ask just anyone about you. Way to get known for your grades twice.”
“I wasn’t just known for my grades back then…”
“Oh, I know. You were such a-“
“Hey!” Gokudera slammed his hands against the table. “What the hell are you two talking about?! Do you two…know each other?”
“I’m curious to know too.” Reborn spoke up. “You two didn’t seem to talk until now.”
“Um…” He glanced at Hibari. Should I tell them?
He gave him a look before glancing away. It doesn’t matter to me.
Tsuna sighed. “It’s um…I-I guess the answer is yes and no. Once we know more ourselves…we can tell you.”
“All you have to know is that I’ll be around more often.” Hibari said bluntly
Gokudera frowned, “Oh...” A smile appeared on his face. “Alright! I’ll trust you, Tenth!”
Tsuna sighed in relief. “…thank you, Gokudera.”
“Idiot Tsuna,” Reborn spoke up again, explain to him about joining your family.”
“What? I barely know what that’s about!”
He yelped as another pinecone was thrown at him, another one that Hibari easily caught.
Seriously, where is he getting all those pinecones?!
“Just explain it to me, baby. I barely expect Tsuna to know the whole story.”
“Hey!” Tsuna whined almost immediately. It wasn’t like him, but it felt familiar. Even Gokudera and Reborn seemed surprised.
Reborn, after a moment, took the next few minutes – with diagrams that seemingly appeared from nowhere – to explain how Tsuna somehow got involved with the whole mess with the mafia.
Hibari…barely seemed surprised.
“So, you’re still getting into trouble huh? At least you’re not looking for it this time.”
Tsuna crossed his arms, ready to retort when he stopped. Of the memories he had he knew that he did get into trouble. A lot. Mostly because he’d go looking for it himself.
“…yeah I know.”
Hibari stared at him for a moment, surprise and confusion in his eyes (Tsuna felt his heart drop. That’s definitely not what he would do in his past right?). After a moment he stood, and opened the only window in the room. He grasped the side and already began to climb out. “…I should go. I’ll talk to you later, Tsuna.”
“W-Wait, a second! You’re…not staying for dinner?” A part of him was tense, taking his mind back to a small messy apartment. Where he was completely alone…
It was silent for a moment before he pulled away and landed on the floor. He closed back the window and sat back down. “…yeah I’ll stay.”
Tsuna sighed in relief, the part of him that felt alone slipped away. He ignored Gokudera’s groan and grumbled objections that Hibari promptly ignored to focus on his headache and conflicting memories.
He’d…really have to sort out his mind later…
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Oneshots Masterlist
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Romance Oneshots
Yamamoto/Kyoko: Our Scars
Tsunayoshi/Kyoko: Courage | Healing Hands and Battle Scars
Hibari/Kyoko: Between the Book Spines
Ken/Chrome: Unexpected Guest
For more fandoms, see my Table of Contents. For all requestable fandoms, see here.
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