#the unwanted personification of terry
I am not gonna lie and I can’t believe I am saying this but these human forms of the Solar Opposites have grown on me!
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I really started to like them. They are even served as civilian identities since they have super powers now in my version of them in Solar Opposites: The Mighty Solars and in @avaveevo’s version of them in Solar Opposites: The Ultra Opposites! Sorry not sorry! But these human forms really rock! Hope the Pupa gets his very own human form soon! Probably next season!
Oh and I am totally so into Jesse and Korvo’s human forms! I bet Terry is also smitten by his husband’s human form too.
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bussterj · 6 months
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I just watched Solar Opposites 4x11 "The Unwanted Personification of Terry"
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peraltasames · 5 years
nothing has changed me quite like you
requested by @storyinmyeyes - 12. Sneaking away to a hidden corner to share a secretive kiss title from/vaguely inspired by nothing is u by bleachers ♥
read on ao3
Friday nights, for most of Jake’s time at the Nine-Nine, have been the agreed-upon time for drinks at Shaw’s. The members in attendance vary - Holt is usually only there for celebrations, Terry swings by for a drink or two every few weeks, Rosa’s absence is usually the first (and often, only) indication that she’s in a new relationship - but at least some combination of their group has usually congregated by eight o’clock.
Tonight, Terry has made an appearance, which prompted Gina to come as well; Rosa is on her fourth or fifth drink already, mumbling something about the precinct’s new detective, Adrian Pimento; Hitchcock and Scully have fallen asleep at a table across the bar after devouring half the menu and a pitcher of beer; and Charles and Jake are discussing the case they worked all week and successfully closed just over an hour ago.
“I still can’t believe his best friend tried to frame him,” Charles mutters with a swig of his beer, oblivious to Gina’s annoyed glare as he accidentally elbows her, “I mean, what kind of a person does that? I would never do that to you, Jake.”
“You’re also not a murderer, Charles,” Jake points out. “What would you be framing me for, cheese theft?”
Charles scoffs. “As if anyone would believe you have my taste in cheese.”
Jake raises his eyebrows rather than questioning the merits of his friend’s argument, looking down at his nearly empty glass. The thought of ditching the gang to head to Amy’s apartment would typically be crossing his mind right about now, and more often than not over the past eight months, it’s what he would end up doing, if she weren’t out for dinner with a group of friends from college.
Being in a committed, adult relationship, Jake has learned, is a lot better than TV and movies have led him to believe. They’ve fallen into a bit of a domestic routine - due in part to Amy’s schedule for nights spent at each other’s apartments, which they almost always follow - but it couldn’t feel less routine. He doesn’t fully comprehend why or how, other than his vague understanding that it must have something to do with how completely in love he is with her, but every single night they spend watching Jeopardy or ordering Thai food is somehow better than the last.
Despite the fact that he’s itching to text her and ask if her dinner is over yet, he’s trying his hardest to remain engaged in the conversation and let Amy enjoy a night with her friends (after three nights spent at his place, a clear breach of the schedule).
“I’m just saying, Terry, if you’re looking to get some gouda, everyone knows to consult my bi-weekly rankings,” Charles drawls, speaking over the rest of their table. “You’re not gonna call Jake.”
“Oh my god, Charles, how are you still talking about cheese? Nobody is fighting you on this.”
He can see Boyle gearing up to lecture him on the fundamental importance of gouda to a well-seasoned palate, and - fortunately - Gina stops it before Jake can attempt to.
“Does anyone want another round of drinks? I think it’s Jake’s turn to - oh damn.” Gina is clearly observing something Jake is not yet privy to, her eyes glued somewhere behind his head. “Who knew Santiago looked hot when she takes off those horrible pantsuits? I keep saying you should burn them, Jake.”
He whips his head around to face the entrance, greeted with the radiant beauty standing in the doorway with a sleeveless black dress hugging the curves of her body and shiny, dark hair falling down her shoulders in such a way that Jake is questioning the reality of the fact that he’s dating someone so breathtakingly gorgeous.
His stare is probably caught somewhere between awe and lust when she meets his gaze, blushing a little before she smiles and starts to make her way over to him.
“Hey, guys.” Amy greets the squad as she approaches the booth, stopping once she reaches Jake to lean over and kiss him. He’s hardly able to reciprocate before she pulls away, far too shaken by her angelic presence.
Before she can take a seat in the available spot next to Terry, he reaches out to wrap an arm around her waist and pull her into the booth, partially on his lap, eliciting a small giggle from her pink-tinted lips.
“I didn’t expect to see you tonight,” he says with an adoring smile, as Charles moves over and he shifts correspondingly to make room for her. His arm snakes around her waist and keeps her close, his thumb brushing over the silky material of her dress in a way that he knows from previous experience has the capacity to attain her undivided attention. “How was dinner?”
She shrugs, resting her hand on his thigh - her usual countermove to his methods of distraction - and turns to face the rest of their group. It’s amazing how desensitized their friends have become to their displays of affection at non-work events - their current level of proximity would’ve surely earned a few fake gags or unwanted attention (from someone others than Charles, who is still very much staring at them) a few months ago. Now, their relationship is a normal, natural part of all of their lives - Jake and Amy have grown to be referred to as one unit, a package deal rivalled only by Hitchcock and Scully.
“It was okay. I missed you guys, though.” Her eyes flicker briefly to each of her friends before landing back on Jake, twinkling warmly as she smiles at him.
Jake is still coming to terms with the extent of how deeply in love with her he is, and moments like these - when she gives him that look - still completely rattle his brain and make the rest of the world fizzle out. There are thirty people, maybe, in the room, dozens of conversations going on around in him, a song playing through the speakers, glasses and bottles clinking against one another, and all he can focus on is the sound of her voice as she asks him how his day was and, even more predominantly, how perfect her glossy lips look as they move and how badly he needs to be kissing her right now.
“Let’s go,” he says, probably way too abruptly jumping up from the table and taking her hand in his. She furrows her brow in confusion as he leads her away from the bar and towards the hallway leading to the bathrooms, navigating their path through the tables and various bar patrons.
“Jake, where are we-”
He cups her face in his hands and swiftly leans down to kiss her. She promptly reciprocates and wraps her arms around his neck, tugging his body flush against hers and deepening the kiss. They get lost in it for a minute, breaking apart only when a drunk guy comes stumbling out of the men’s room a few feet away from them.
“What was that for?” Amy asks, laughing softly and playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. She looks happy, exorbitantly happy - her face is practically gleaming with positive energy. She looks like the personification of joy and affection and love.
“You’re beautiful,” is all he manages to say, a horrible understatement, but it only makes her smile grow.
“You’re adorable. Cheesy, but adorable.” She stands on her tiptoes to peck his lips again, pulling away slowly. “I’m gonna go get a beer, do you want one?”
He nods, still at a loss for words, and makes his way back to the booth with an awestruck smile still plastered on his face. His eyes can’t help but linger on her as she approaches the bar and tries to get the attention of the bartender - which she does in about half a second, along with the attention of every other guy sitting at the bar (the spark of jealousy and protectiveness doesn’t stand a chance of catching flame when she’s still smiling and looking at him from across the room.)
“God, quit staring at her, Peralta,” Rosa complains, wrinkling her nose. “It’s weird.”
Jake jerks his head away from Amy and furrows his eyebrows. “It’s not weird, she’s my girlfriend.”
“You stares at her a lot before she was your girlfriend, if I remember correctly,” Terry chimes in.
“Hey!” Jake exclaims defensively, as if it isn’t indisputably true (looking back, his casual crush on a colleague was not so casual at all). “Leave me alone, Terry, shouldn’t you be home watching HGTV with Sharon and changing diapers by now?”
Terry just laughs, idly sipping his drink. “You mock me now, Peralta, but in a few years that’ll be you guys.”
Jake scoffs, unable to think of a proper rebuttal before Amy is back and he’s sliding over to make room for her at his side once more.
Terry’s totally ridiculous, he thinks.
(The way she fits into his side, her hand finds his without a moment of hesitation and their fingers slide together like it’s their intended purpose begs to differ, but still.)
Terry is ridiculous.
(They’ve only been dating for eight months. Jake’s never even thought about marriage or kids much before. He’s not that old, he’s not that emotionally mature - it took everything in him to respond with more than “noice, smort” when she confessed her love a few weeks ago, even though he loves her with every fibre of his being. God, he loves her.)
Completely ridiculous.
“You okay, babe?” Amy asks him a few minutes into his quiet contemplation, squeezing his hand twice.
He looks down at her, sees her perfect smile shining up at him, and it feels like his heart is doing acrobatics in his chest.
“Yeah,” he grins at her and squeezes back, his thumb lightly brushing over the ring finger on her left hand.
Maybe Terry’s not that ridiculous.
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Solar Opposites in Mighty Solars Issue #4: “Fighting for Family” Ch. 4
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A Week Later…
Miss Frankie is waiting for someone like Jesse did in the Wooden City episode while looking down depressingly
Monique: Hey Frankie! Saw the court vid! You doing good?
Miss Frankie: Don’t care.
Ms. Paris: Congratulations on getting your ass kick.
Miss Frankie: Go fuck yourself.
Then, Miss Frankie sees Principal Cooke and Ms. Perez with Kevin, Jamie, Darcy and their friend Trevor as she waves at they head over there.
Miss Frankie: Wait. Darcy?
Darcy: Hey Frankie. It’s been awhile since graduation from college.
Miss Frankie: Sorry I was late. I had a court day.
Jamie: Court day? What happened?
Principal Cooke: No need for us to tell her. We saw Frankie on the video getting arrested after calling a judge a bitch, a big fucked up bitch and nothing but a bitch!
Kevin tries not to laugh.
Miss Frankie: She couldn’t handle that she literally sucks fat shit! Now I gotta wear this! shows them a device on her foot Plus, I’m in a boat load of car rent because of my stupid fucked up car!
Ms. Perez: We’re so sorry…
Trevor: Man that is fucked up. Sorry to hear about that. Also, I’m glad you guys came to my girlfriend Louise’s cafe. You already known her since middle school, like we did. Right?
Miss Frankie: Yeah, we did.
Ms. Perez: Yeah. Poor thing has been raising her daughter for 4 years since her wife Maude passed away in the car accident. I’m glad she’s doing better.
Then, the adults sees Phoebe walking with human Yumyulack and Human Jesse. Human Yumyulack however is depressed about something.
Principal Cooke: Yumyulack?
Human Jesse Solar-Opposites: What’s wrong Yummybear? You look down in the dumps today.
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Oh, I changed my name into Baxter Cool to make myself stand out at school, but it turns there is a kid named Baxter Badass. So, now those guys call me Baxter C. and then Mark recognize me.
Human Jesse Solar-Opposites: How?
Human Yumyulack shrugs.
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: I don’t know. I guess the voice is a dead give away and… suddenly sees Stacy G, now a teen waitress Holy shit, is that Stacy G of the Stacies?
Human Jesse is confused but looks and blushes.
Human Jesse Solar-Opposites: Holy shit! What happened to her? Her hair is now tanish brown instead of red and is all puffy and what happened to her looks? She looks like Keri Russel from the Waitress movie.
Human Yumyulack: I don’t know but we should talk to her.
Phoebe MacCarthy: Must’ve realize that her friends are a toxic influence. Glad you kids don’t hang out with those mean kids.
Then, while writing down an order, Stacy G sees Human Jesse and gasp as she drops her journal. Stacy G then looks lovingly at Human Jesse as a romantic pinky background appears. Human Jesse goes up to Stacy G.
Human Jesse Solar-Opposites: Hey Stacy G. It’s been awhile since you’ve been in the woods searching for Slender Man.
Stacy G: Yeah, I kinda lied about that. I just need to get away from my ex-friends.
Human Jesse Solar-Opposites: What?! You hate being a Stacy?
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: But why?
Stacy G sighs.
Stacy G: When I moved here two years after my other mom Maude died, I tried making friends and when I heard two girls Stacy K and Stacy F are a duo, I decided to join them. But I was wrong. They were jerks. They were even mean to unpopular girls. The last straw came on Valentines’ Day. The Headphone Guys and Stacy K and Stacy F teamed up and played a mean prank on me saying Annie wanted me to be my Valentine but it turned out to be a mean prank… that got cockroaches to fly out. After I got heartbroken, I found out the Stacies replaced me with Stacy H and I decided to not be friends with them anymore.
Human Yumyulack starts crying.
Stacy G: Are you crying?
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: A little. sniffs
Phoebe MacCarthy: Hey there. I’m Phoebe MacCarthy. I’m the kids’ nanny.
Stacy G: Oh hey. So, I’m going back to school in two weeks. But, I will no longer be with the Stacies. And luckily I can still work on Tuesday, Thursdays and Sundays.
Human Jesse Solar-Opposites: Oh my god. I am so sorry. No wonder you didn’t came to school the other day during the fungus thing. You were trying to make friends, but it ended badly. It broke you heart, didn’t it Stacy?
Stacy G nods and sheds a tear.
Human Jesse Solar-Opposites: Well, I would like to be your friend.
Stacy G: You do?
Human Jesse giggles.
Human Jesse Solar-Opposites: Of course. You deserve a real one, plus I think Monica would like you too. sees Janice and Randall walking towards the grown ups Holy geez, is that Randall?
Randall remorsefully comes up the grown ups while Louise sees her old friends and her boyfriend.
Randall: Hey. Guys. It’s great to meet you guys after all these years.
Jamie: No way! Randall?!
Randall: Uh hey uh guys. I wanna say it’s nice to meet you all, and I’m sorry for turning into a psychopath that hates children, got greedy for money and for nearly killing one of neighbors Korvo-
Kevin: It’s okay man. No big.
Jamie: Yeah. We heard about the new stand. Nice business.
Principal Cooke: Wait. You almost killed Korvo?!
Randall: I’m sorry! The last few years have been hell for me ever since I had a horrible Halloween as a kid! I really do have problems! cries hysterically while Janice comforts him Also, I didn’t mean to try to kill my neighbor.
Janice: H’no, it’s okay, y’know.
Trevor: Yeesh. sees Louise heading outside Oh hey baby.
Louise: Hi, Trevor.
The couple kiss while they then see Phoebe with the human Replicants.
Louise: walks over to Stacy G while Monica arrives Hey sweetie. Glad to see you patching things up with your classmates.
Stacy G: Thanks, mom.
Miss Frankie: So why do you wanna meet here?
Jamie: Oh. Something about the Solars turning human, also Quasarblast decided to take a break after that stressful ceremony. Glad he deserved it. I saw his text. But it looks it’s up to us guys.
Darcy: We also saw Terry as a human at our dinner party
Suddenly, Human Terry appear.
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: Huh? hides behind the wall but then receives a text from Pupa Aw man, another dog refuses to fuck? How dare they? Coming Pupa!
Stacy G: Wait, what? No way, Jesse and Yumyulack Solar? Is that you what happened?!
Human Yumyulack and Human Jesse awkwardly look at each other.
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Long story. But, I think we should go looking for Korvo. He’s been gone for a week.
Human Jesse Solar-Opposites: Yeah. I think he still feels pretty bad about a something lately.
This gave the adults an idea.
Principal Cooke: That’s it! Korvo! He can help us! He can invent something to stop La Smaragdus!
Darcy: But isn’t Korvo still mad at us for the past things we did to him?
Randall: Aw cheer up guys. I’m sure he’s changed back by now. I bet he’s home right now.
But when the grown ups along Human Yumyulack, Human Jesse, Stacy G, Monica and Phoebe arrived home, they see dogs all over the place.
Principal Cooke: What the hell? Why are there dogs everywhere?!
Human Jesse: Sweet grapes!
The group head inside and gasp upon seeing the dogs while Human Terry is in a pimp outfit and counting down money next to human Pupa with a security guard. A dog took the device off of Miss Frankie, who scream a bit.
Phoebe MacCarthy: For God’s sake, Terry.
Security Guard: Hey! Humans are not allowed in here! I keep telling you, this is a brothel for dogs!
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: Hey, man. It’s cool. I know them.
Then, a space mound spider came and starts sucking on the man who began to feel relax.
Jamie: It’s okay Terry. We know it’s you. And we won’t tell anyone over something your husband doesn’t want to tell us.
Human Terry smiles.
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: Actually I have been wondering where Korvo is. Can you guys go find him, while the kids and I check the neighborhood?
The grown ups thought about it.
Three hours later…
Cooke, Frankie, Perez, Jamie, Darcy, Kevin and his family, Randall, Louise, Trevor and Janice arrived at Night Club with sexy people. Music in background:
Kevin’s Wife: Woah. What the fuck is this place?
Waitress: The Earth-4 Night Club. A place for the grooviest fucking sexy people alive.
Jamie: I believe you are describing me. Darcy slaps him on the back Sorry honey.
Darcy smiles then the grown ups and two kids walk by the place while looking around.
Principal Cooke: What the fuck is Yumyulack and Jesse’s dad doing at a fucked place like this?
Kevin: Maybe he turned human and he is like a sex dancer or something.
Human Korvo: offscreen Well well well.
All: Huh?
Ms. Perez: What?!
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: My human neighbors and mortal enemies. What a surprise.
Principal Cooke and Miss Frankie: Korvo?!
Jamie faints while Kevin’s wife drops a glass of wine in shock. To everyone’s shock, Human Korvo looks different. He is now wearing a ponytail with a hair tie with an emerald on it that looks like his robe crystal, he is wearing icy blue lipstick makeup on his lips, his ruined robe is now fixed and turn into a suit jacket, his Shlorp boots have been turned into lady high heels and he is now wearing a black shirt with a purple word that says “Bitchin’” on it. Music in this background:
Janice: H’no, you turn into the most gorgeous human we have ever seen y’know.
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: Aw, thank you.
Jamie: Damn, what happened to you? You look different, especially with your new clothes.
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: Not bad right. It’s been a good couple of days. So I probably bet you’re here to say I told you so about being a human.
Darcy: Damn. You’re hot.
Ms. Perez: What?! No! We actually need your help Korv-
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: It’s Korey.
Miss Frankie: What? Why the human name change? And…. Oh… it’s you and your new family’s civilian identities huh?
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: Yes and… suddenly realized what they said You guys… need my help?
Miss Frankie: Yes! Terry needs you!
Principal Cooke: Yes! Quasarblast is not here! He’s on break! We gotta create something to stop La Smaragdus- hears a gasp
It turns out Human Terry, Human Yumyulack, Human Jesse, Human Pupa, Phoebe, Monica and Stacy G have arrived as they ran up to Human Korvo while Human Terry kneels down in recoiled shock.
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: K-Korvy!
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: laughs nervously Hey, Terry.
Principal Cooke: Uh Terry, we can explain.
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: You never looked more beautiful!
Human Korvo blushes. The two husbands then kiss while Human Korvo picks up Human Terry and carries him while kissing.
Stacy G: Wait, that’s Korvo? How?
Human Jesse Solar-Opposites: Uh…
Human Pupa Solar-Opposites: Korvo! hugs Human Korvo I miss you.
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: No way! You look hot! Where have you been K-Dog?
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: Well…
Later, while Human Korvo was buying a new bus turned into a space ship…
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: Wow. That explains a lot but it’s okay honey. You’re beautiful both Shlorpian and human to me. I still can’t believe you got caught up on the biz like I did.
Human Korvo however is still remorseful for making his family worried sick about him.
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: Are you really upset about the whole thing?
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: No. Not the fact that we can shapeshift into humans now and can’t walk the Earth as aliens anymore. But, it’s because I didn’t tell you where I was and made you all worried about me.
Human Terry sighs.
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: Aw, it’s okay Korvy. We know why you did that.
Human Korvo smiles.
Human Jesse Solar-Opposites: Yeah. We’re really glad you got into some human culture.
Human Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: We’re just glad you’re alright.
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: Plus, is it true that you miss us?
Human Korvo starts sobbing.
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: sobbing It’s true. I’m so sorry Terry, I got caught up with my new look and-
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: Aw Korvy. hugs human Korvo while comforting him and soothing him Shh… it’s okay… I’m here.
Human Korvo keeps sobbing as mascara runs down his face and blows his nose into Human Terry’s shirt.
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: There. Let it out honey. soothes Human Korvo’s face in a comforting manner
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: smiles Oh Terry, I love you. Also, I’m so grateful you all came for me. Thank you.
The two human husbands kiss. As they keep kissing, the kids, Phoebe, Monica, Stacy G and the other human adults hug the two husbands. Then, Human Korvo sees Stacy G and grows confused.
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: Who’s that?
Louise: Oh, that’s my teenage daughter. Stacy G.
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: Hi!
Stacy G: Hey. So, what’s the plan Mr. Opposites?
Human Korvo then got an idea as he makes a genius smirk.
Human Korvo Solar-Opposites: I think I just came up with one. the group then huddle together Now, here is our plan.
Special thanks to @avaveevo, @asikreading, @themagicwolf6677, @king-of-squishmallows and all of my watchers for their ideas and support.
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Solar Opposites in Mighty Solars Issue #4: “Fighting for Family” Ch. 1
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On a Misty midnight, Chester Basil and his mafia crew were busy counting money they mugged.
Chester Basil: This has been a long time coming, fellas. Three years on the plates alone, but I think you'll find the product was worth the wait. Go ahead. filtered Take a good look, boys...
Goon #1: Sheesh, Mr. Basil, I can't warn the difference.
Goon #2: I can’t either!
Chester Basil: You'd need one of them neutron microscopes, mate. It's identical down to Ben Franklin's stubble.
Basil plucks it from the goon's hand. As he steps over to the suitcase and places the bill back with the stacks of other bills.
Chester Basil: I want it laundered through the casino at a half mil a week. Three-quarter mil by March. Anybody has a problem with that?
Mob Members: Oh no. Not at all
Then suddenly, Quasarblast breaks through the window as the mob gasp.
Mob: Hey! What? It’s Quasarblast!
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: It’s over, Mr. Basil.
Chester Basil: Oh shit! I’m getting out of here! Man, attack!
No sooner does the first two goons have their pistols out then Quasarblast turns invisible and kicks the guards’ ass as they cry out in pain.
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: You’re gonna have to try a little harder than that!
Another goon takes a swipe at him from the side. Quasarblast turns invisible to fool the goon and then turns visible again decks the goon with a left. Another from behind, Quasarblast brings up his elbow to the fellow's jaw. A third goon literally jumps on his back.
Goon #3: battle cry
Quasarblast flips him over into Goon #1, who has retrieved his gun and is about to fire just as Goon #3 comes smashing in. The gun goes off harmlessly as they demolish a glass display of bric-a-brac on Basil as the fighting continues off-screen, he sweeps up the briefcase and bolts out the door. But then, Quasarblast sees him trying to escape and turns invisible again.
Chester Basil: the suitcase is snatched out of his hand and it starts floating suddenly What the fuck is this witchcraft?!
And then, Quasarblast knocks out Basil and then turns visible again as he ties up Basil and his goons and turns him to the police.
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: You just met the wrath of Quasarblast!
Police Officer: Thank you Quasarblast! You done it again!
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: No problem and oh hey! Meet you at the ceremony tonight!
Police Officer: Sure be there!
Quasarblast winks and flies off.
Quasarblast made it home and head inside without anyone looking as he turns back into Korvo Solar-Opposites, then he sees Terry and turns invisible. He then surprise Terry with an invisible kiss as the two husbands moan and Korvo turns visible again while they blush lovingly. Terry laughs.
Terry Solar-Opposites: So, how is my favorite superhero?
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Doing fine my sweet Shlorpian.
The two husbands kiss again. Then, Yumyulack and Jesse then started playing Quasarblast with Jesse wearing a mask that look like Quasarblast’s mask and Yumyulack playing as a super villain.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Die motherfucker! Die!
Jesse Solar-Opposites: pretends to turn invisible Boom! I’m invisible!
Phoebe MacCarthy: offscreen Kids, you damn better not be wrestling!
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Uh, no we’re not!
Jesse Solar-Opposites: We’re being careful!
Then, an alarm goes off on Korvo’s phone as he smirks and turns back into Quasarblast.
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: Duty calls!
Korvo, now Quasarblast, flies off and made it to the ceremony, which is happening live on camera. The audience cheer for him as he prepare to make his speech.
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblasr: Good evening citizens. It’s so nice to see you all on this day.
Reporter: And it’s so great to see you too. So, tell us. How does it feel to be accomplished?
Quasarblast grows confused.
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: Uh what do you mean?
Reporter: I mean during those time you fought more bad guys, you’ve been pulling amazing stunts. Have you done it all by yourself?
Quasarblast then realizes his whole family is watching, who are confused. Then, Quasarblast looks down and realizes he must do the right thing. Quasarblast laughs nervously.
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: Actually, I can’t take credit. My family helped me.
The crowd’s gasp in shock, but then grows touched as they feel their heart’s warming up and truly understand what he meant.
Crowd: Aaaw.
Meanwhile at the Solars’ house…
Terry Solar-Opposites: Aaw. Korvy. That’s so sweet.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: I guess he wanted us to have credit too.
Yumyulack sniffs and Jesse teases him.
Jesse Solar-Opposites: I saw that tough guy.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: laughs nervously Nuh uh! You’re crying! wipes a tear nervously
Phoebe MacCarthy: terrified Oh shit, he shouldn’t have said that.
Terry looks confused.
Terry Solar-Opposites: Why?!
Phoebe MacCarthy: Because, now people think there are more Mighty Solars out there! They think Quasarblast has a family of other alien heroes!
Terry gasps.
Pupa Solar-Opposites: Oh no!
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites and Jesse Solar-Opposites: Oh shit!
Back at the ceremony…
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: It’s true. My husband, three kids and nanny helps me out whenever I need them. Because, they’re like my strength, without them I am nothing. Because, I love them all unconditionally.
Quasarblast is trying hard not to panic.
Person #1: No way! You just got here and your family are supers too? Where are they?
Quasarblast gets nervous.
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: Oh uh, they’re not ready to come out yet. They just got their powers and are uh waiting for the right time…?
People: Oooooh. Why didn’t you say so? Yeah.
Person #2: Sounds good enough to me!
Reporter: Well there you have it folks? They are more Mighty Solars out there? And if they are, who are they?
Quasarblast leaves and groans in frustration.
Later at home…
Korvo is sitting on the couch remorsful while Phoebe, Yumyulack, Jesse and Pupa sit down next to him in concern.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Why did I say that?!
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Aw cheer up Korvo. I think what you did was brave. At least no one found out about your identity.
Jesse Solar-Opposites: Thanks for giving us credit Korvo. That was really sweet.
Korvo sighs.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: I know, but everyone believes that Quasarblast has a family that are heroes.
Jesse looks concerned.
Phoebe MacCarthy: But they don’t know about your identity. That’s all that matters. I think you did the right thing by giving us credit. That was one of the honorable things a superhero will do
Jesse Solar-Opposites: Besides, we may not be superheroes. But, I’m sure one day, we’ll have our own powers and fight right beside one day.
Korvo smiles.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Thanks guys.
Jesse Solar-Opposites: Come here you big lug.
The family then gets in a group hug when suddenly…
Terry Solar-Opposites: offscreen Oh, we’re having a group hug?! Me next! Me next!
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Alright, Terry you can join on the- cries out in shock
Yumyulack gasps.
Pupa Solar-Opposites: Terry?
Terry Solar-Opposites: What?
Jesse Solar-Opposites: Jesus Jessica Parker!
Phoebe MacCarthy: Oh… my… God…
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Terry, don’t freak out but-
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: YOU’RE A FUCKING HUMAN!
Suddenly, a human’s hands was shown as Terry’s gasp was heard. Then, the camera shifts towards a mirror where it shows reflection of Terry, now a human. Terry screams.
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: Oh my God… I look amazing! The Solars got confused Wow. You gotta touch these ears! I can’t believe I got a nose, and a hair, and dick and a shlong!
Korvo covers his mouth in shock.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Oh… my poor darling… what has happened to you? It’s my fault! starts crying I shouldn’t known! I-I-
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: Hey hey. Why the tears, boo?
Korvo Solar-Opposites: I am so sorry Terry. If I hadn’t been so distracted as Quasarblast and stood up for you and-
Human Terry kisses Korvo.
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: hugs Korvo Shh… it’s okay sweetie… it’s okay…
Pupa Solar-Opposites: Yay!
Jesse Solar-Opposites: I can’t believe my daddy is a human! This is so cool!
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Holy shit! Do you have a butthole?!
Suddenly, Terry did turn back to his normal Shlorpian self, much to the other’s shock and surprise.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Whuh? How?
Terry Solar-Opposites: I dunno. It’s just a cool trick I learned.
Korvo then gets out a scanning device and goes surprised.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Holy shit. I think this is a natural Shlorpian reaction on being on the planet for too long. The form must’ve taken up a unique shape shifting ability on what planet they have been on.
Pupa gasps.
Jesse Solar-Opposites: No way. I have no idea we can do that.
Terry Solar-Opposites: Well, that’s what I get for succumbing to the temptish. Wait, does the Pupa have one?
The Pupa starts straining much to Korvo’s discomfort.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Oh my goodness! Pupa, are you okay?
Suddenly, the Pupa started floating and glowing as he screams a little and turns into a human. The Solars gasp because as they open their eyes, the Pupa has turn into a human toddler girl.
Phoebe MacCarthy: Aaaw. That’s so adorable!
Korvo faints. Then, he wakes up upon seeing Human Pupa looking at his reflection.
Human Pupa Solar-Opposites: Pigtails!
Yumyulack Solar Opposites: Why is the Pupa’s form a girl?
Jesse Solar-Opposites: D’aw, it’s so cute!
Korvo Solar-Opposites: I don’t know. Wait. Does that mean I could have one?!
Jesse-Solar Opposites: uses the scanner Oh, you’ll have the ability to turn human in 16 days.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Oh, well what about you two?
Jesse then scans her body.
Jesse Solar-Opposites: Hooray! In five days! I can’t wait to see what mine looks like.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: And me?
Phoebe MacCarthy: scans Yumyulack Oh, in 11 days.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: God damn it!
Korvo sighs.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Well, I supposed this could work as new civilian identities. Because, with me as Quasarblast, I don’t think we should walk around Earth anymore as aliens. It’s the only way guys. I hope you’re not disappointed.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Are you nuts?! This is awesome!
Terry hugs Korvo.
Terry Solar-Opposistes: Korvy, whatever comes when the rest of you develop the ability of turning into humans, we’ll get through it. Together.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Oh. Come here you.
The two husbands then embrace in a kiss while the kids, after Pupa turns back into his normal Pupa self, and Phoebe hugs them
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Besides, what’s the worst that can happen?
Special thanks to @avaveevo, @asikreading, @themagicwolf6677, @king-of-squishmallows and all of my watchers for their ideas and support.
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Sneak Peek to Solar Opposites: Mighty Solars Issue #4: “Fighting for Family”
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Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Aw cheer up Korvo. I think what you did was brave. At least no one found out about your identity.
Jesse Solar-Opposites: Thanks for giving us credit Korvo. That was really sweet.
Korvo sighs.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: I know, but everyone believes that Quasarblast has a family that are heroes.
Jesse looks concerned.
Phoebe MacCarthy: But they don’t know about your identity. That’s all that matters. I think you did the right thing by giving us credit. That was one of the honorable things a superhero will do
Jesse Solar-Opposites: Besides, we may not be superheroes. But, I’m sure one day, we’ll have our own powers and fight right beside one day.
Korvo smiles.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Thanks guys.
Jesse Solar-Opposites: Come here you big lug.
The family then gets in a group hug when suddenly…
Terry Solar-Opposites: offscreen Oh, we’re having a group hug?! Me next! Me next!
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Alright, Terry you can join on the- cries out in shock
Yumyulack gasps.
Pupa Solar-Opposites: Terry?
Terry Solar-Opposites: What?
Jesse Solar-Opposites: Jesus Jessica Parker!
Phoebe MacCarthy: Oh… my… God…
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Terry, don’t freak out but-
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: YOU’RE A FUCKING HUMAN!
Suddenly, a human’s hands was shown as Terry’s gasp was heard. Then, the camera shifts towards a mirror where it shows reflection of Terry, now a human. Terry screams.
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: Oh my God… I look amazing! The Solars got confused Wow. You gotta touch these ears! I can’t believe I got a nose, and a hair, and dick and a shlong!
Korvo covers his mouth in shock.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Oh… my poor darling… what has happened to you? It’s my fault! starts crying I shouldn’t known! I-I-
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: Hey hey. Why the tears, boo?
Korvo Solar-Opposites: I am so sorry Terry. If I hadn’t been so distracted as Quasarblast and stood up for you and-
Human Terry kisses Korvo.
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: hugs Korvo Shh… it’s okay sweetie… it’s okay…
Pupa Solar-Opposites: Yay!
Jesse Solar-Opposites: I can’t believe my daddy is a human! This is so cool!
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Holy shit! Do you have a butthole?!
Suddenly, Terry did turn back to his normal Shlorpian self, much to the other’s shock and surprise.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Whuh? How?
Terry Solar-Opposites: I dunno. It’s just a cool trick I learned.
Korvo then gets out a scanning device and goes surprised.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Holy shit. I think this is a natural Shlorpian reaction on being on the planet for too long. The form must’ve taken up a unique shape shifting ability on what planet they have been on.
Pupa gasps.
Jesse Solar-Opposites: No way. I have no idea we can do that.
Terry Solar-Opposites: Well, that’s what I get for succumbing to the temptish. Wait, does the Pupa have one?
The Pupa starts straining much to Korvo’s discomfort.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Oh my goodness! Pupa, are you okay?
Suddenly, the Pupa started floating and glowing as he screams a little and turns into a human. The Solars gasp because as they open their eyes, the Pupa has turn into a human toddler girl.
Phoebe MacCarthy: Aaaw. That’s so adorable!
Korvo faints. Then, he wakes up upon seeing Human Pupa looking at his reflection.
Human Pupa Solar-Opposites: Pigtails!
Yumyulack Solar Opposites: Why is the Pupa’s form a girl?
Jesse Solar-Opposites: D’aw, it’s so cute!
Korvo Solar-Opposites: I don’t know. Wait. Does that mean I could have one?!
Jesse-Solar Opposites: uses the scanner Oh, you’ll have the ability to turn human in 16 days.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Oh, well what about you two?
Jesse then scans her body.
Jesse Solar-Opposites: Hooray! In five days! I can’t wait to see what mine looks like.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: And me?
Phoebe MacCarthy: scans Yumyulack Oh, in 11 days.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: God damn it!
Korvo sighs.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Well, I supposed this could work as new civilian identities. Because, with me as Quasarblast, I don’t think we should walk around Earth anymore as aliens. It’s the only way guys. I hope you’re not disappointed.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Are you nuts?! This is awesome!
Terry hugs Korvo.
Terry Solar-Opposistes: Korvy, whatever comes when the rest of you develop the ability of turning into humans, we’ll get through it. Together.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Oh. Come here you.
The two husbands then embrace in a kiss while the kids, after Pupa turns back into his normal Pupa self, and Phoebe hugs them
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Solar Opposites: Unleashed Scene: Seeing Mundane Terry in the Light For The First Time
Korvo begin to search for Terry in the woods, later the kids and Phoebe meets up with him and began searching.
Korvo: Terry?! Terry, where are you?!
Phoebe: Terry? Come here, buddy.
Jesse: Yumyulack!
Sonya: Mr. Terry! Where are you?!
Korvo then sees the Windigo Woman. Sonya screams upon seeing this and hugs her siblings. Pupa gasp and gets behind Phoebe, who picks him up and comforts him. Korvo then sees a black-skinned monster approach.
Korvo: What the fuck? Kids, get behind me and Phoebe as we see what it is?
Phoebe: I got this ass-whooping right here! does a karate kick as the kids get behind her and Korvo
The monster lets out a dark chuckle.
Yumyulack: What the fuck is that guy?
Then suddenly, the monster starts to talk.
Mundane Terry: Well, well, well. My own family. What a surprise…
Korvo: TERRY?
Sonya: gasp
Pupa: faints
Yumyulack: stood there in silence
Jesse: You’ve turned into the most gorgeous monster we’ve ever seen.
Phoebe: Holy shit! You’re a Mundane?
Mundane Terry: Yep. Not bad, right? Korvo, tell me. Am I hot or am I hot?
Korvo can’t help but blush and grow smitten.
Korvo: blushing Uh huh.
Then, Janiz shows up.
Janiz: Korvo! What’s happening?!
Korvo is still blushing at Mundane Terry’s form.
Janiz: Terry?
Mundane Terry: Oh hey, Janiz!
Janiz: You transformed again?! Holy shit! We better get you home!
Mundane Terry: No way! I love the way I look.
Korvo: Oh Terry, is that what you’re worried about? Being weak? Because you are not weak!
Jesse: Yeah, we still love you just the way you are same ‘ol Terry
Yumyulack: Yeah. You must’ve been so scared when we found you at the beach last night.
Mundane Terry then grows shock and surprised what his family said as his face becomes a sad look.
Mundane Terry: I guess that’s true…
Jesse: Oh Terry…
Phoebe: You must’ve been so depressed and scared lately ever since you found out the truth about your family.
Korvo: Terry, please look at me.
Yumyulack: Why didn’t you say anything?
Mundane Terry then looks at himself and starts weeping as small tears fall down from his eyes. Korvo surprises Mundane Terry by kissing him on the lips.
Mundane Terry tearfully Wh-what was that kiss f-for?
Korvo: For helping me see the beauty within you
Mundane Terry: tears falls down as he continue crying B-but… I’m a monster…
Korvo: Wh-what? Oh Terry, is that what you truly afraid about? You think your family’s blessing is a curse to you? Because, I don’t think it is…
Mundane Terry: Yeah, right. You’re just saying it to make me feel better…
Korvo: Oh. That’s bullshit. That is not the main reason why I’m saying it…
Mundane Terry: Huh? What are you…
Korvo holds Terry’s hand as he smiles at him.
Jesse: Because, you’ll always be our dad, even when you turn into a monster.
Mundane Terry: Oh, guys…
Sonya: Yeah! You’ll still be the same ‘ol Terry we know and love.
Yumyulack: We still do man.
Korvo: Now, come here, you big lug! brings Mundane Terry close to him
Pupa: Terry!
Korvo and Mundane Terry kiss and Terry transforms back.
Jesse: gasp Terry! You’re you!
Phoebe: Great to have you back, partner!
Korvo: There’s the Terry I love.
Terry looks around his body and grows amazed to see himself back to normal.
Terry: How did I do that?
Phoebe: I guess it’s because when you’re around the people you love, it gives the strength to stay calm.
Terry smiles and puts a hand on Korvo’s cheek.
Korvo: Now come on. Let’s get you home before anyone else sees you.
Terry: Okay. But first, can you kiss me again?
Korvo smiles and kiss Terry again. Korvo and Terry laugh into the kiss.
Phoebe: Oh, might want to cover your eyes kids!
Yumyulack: Already on it!
Jesse and Sonya: Eeeeww!
special thanks to @avaveevo for this idea
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Solar Opposites: The Misadventures of The Solars Episode #1: The Unwanted Personification of The Solars
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The episode starts on Earth, an unknown mask being appears with a familiar outfit while wearing a hood with a bow on it with a bunch of viles in her hands.
???: Hello GeenaDavisville, I know about Jesse and her family. Prepare to be just like them!
We then cut to Korvo and Terry having sex
Korvo: Oh Terry! *moans* I love it when you bang me like that! *moans* Keep fucking me up!
Terry: *moans* Fuck! You feel good, baby!
Korvo: Treat me like a nectar! Call me a slutty mogul!
Terry: Ooooh! *moans* Yes, that gets me so fucking hot!
The two husbands cum as they moan
Korvo: *screaming in ecstasy* TERRY!
The two alien husbands embrace in kiss as they moan lovingly.
Korvo: Fuck...things have been better since we got married...
Terry: I know… we had everything we ever wanted… our four kids… our nanny… our human neighbors and human frenemies… our house… AISHA… we had everything we ever wanted… a peaceful happy life…
Korvo nods.
Korvo: I know… I love you Terry-bear…
Terry: Love you too...
The two husbands kiss as they snuggle with each other. Back with the mysterious figure, she presses the button and colorful electronic mist spreads across some of the humans, while most of them are safe, some of them aren’t. The mysterious figure laughs evilly as thunder and lightning clashes. The next morning, Principal Cooke unlocks the keys while carrying stuff and heads inside his office. But then, suddenly notices red Shlorpian skin blotches in his hands.
Principal Cooke: What the?
The scene then cuts to Miss Frankie, taking a test for her car but then notices blue-green Shlorpian blotches in her hands that caused her to scream in horror. The scene then cuts to the Replicants and Sonya getting excited because of the Sprinkle Museum.
Sonya: Wow! The Sprinkle Museum is open! I can’t wait for the cute sprinkles artwork!
Jesse: I know right?!
Yumyulack: I can’t wait! I’m gonna take a pic of sprinkle from every celebrity on Earth!
Jesse: I hope they finally have the ones from Katy Perry! She is very amazing!
Sonya: I'm with you on that one!
Yumyulack: I’m betting they have the one from Brad Pitt! His sprinkles are really action-packed!
Sonya: Hopefully they also have some from Ariana Grande!
Korvo: No one is going anywhere until we have your pussy cleaned off. It’s attracting those space spiders again!
Jesse: Aw, do we have to?
Yumyulack: Aw just let me be stanky! My mound! My choice!
Sonya: Come on, Yumyulack.
Korvo: Now now now. I know it’s a bit painful, but I keep some slipping on that stuff. And this little sprout of mine deserves a clean ass.
Yumyulack smiles
Yumyulack: Korv...
Phoebe MacCarthy: Hold your horses, *gets out a back* I’m gonna help use this bag to grab all the droppings before it spread on the floor.
Korvo: Thanks Phoebe.
Phoebe MacCarthy: You’re welcome, because I ain’t want to have to clean up y’all’s pussy. This is the only solution I got.
Jesse laughs
Korvo: Okay, Phoebe hold this bag while I abstract all the droplets we get.
Phoebe MacCarthy: Got it!
Korvo presses the button on the mound expressor and it starts abstracting the mound on Yumyulack’s ass.
Yumyulack: *laughs* It tickles!
Korvo: *sing-songy* Doo do doo doo! *normal voice* Get it all Phoebe. We can have it our own mold and make gummy bears!
Suddenly… a human’s offscreen body appears with Terry’s clothes.
Terry: *offscreen* Oh! We getting our mounds abstracted?! Me next! Me next!
Korvo: Alright Terry, you can be next! Just drop your pants and and let’s see- *exclaims in shock*
Yumyulack: *gasp*
Jesse: Jesus Jessica Parker!
Sonya: *screams*
Terry: *offscreen* What?!
Korvo: Terry! You have a human penis! *scene cuts to Terry, now a human* And you’re human!
Human Terry: Huh? What are you talking about?
Human Terry looks at a mirror and gasp.
Human Terry: I’m… I’m a human a-and I got a slight above average human penis!
The family screams in horror at the sight Terry’s human penis. The scene then cuts to a board meeting where the board are waiting for Cooke.
Board Leader: Where the fuck is Principal Cooke?!
Board Member: We don't know, sir.
Then, Cooke comes as the board members gasp in horror and disgust. Cooke now has a red Shlorpian skin body.
Principal Cooke: I am so sorry I'm late. I-
Board Council: What the fuck happened to you?!
Principal Cooke: I don't know but-
Miss Frankie and Ms. Perez came in with Shlorpian skins of their own. Ms. Perez has orange Shlorpian skin and Miss Frankie has blue-green Shlorpian skin.
Miss Frankie: Honey?!
Principal Cooke: *gasp in horror* Oh my gosh, baby! What happen?!
Miss Frankie: I don't know! I just woke up like this!
Principal Cooke: What?! Ugh! *to the board members* We’re so sorry council, but we believe this has something to do with our alien students and their dads!
Board Leader: You mean the fact to tell us that you’ve been banned from school grounds starting with today?!
Principal Cooke: Pretty much...
Board Council: Good! Because… YOU! THREE! ARE! FIRED!
Principal Cooke, Miss Frankie, and Ms. Perez: WHAT?!
Board Member: I don’t what crazy bullshit this is but you three have gotten worse more than ever! You three are nothing but monsters!
Ms. Perez gasps and tears up. The three teachers look around and sees everyone backing away at them. The scene then cuts to a teacher throwing the three teachers out.
Miss Frankie growls and punches the ground in anger
Miss Frankie: This can’t be happening!
Ms. Perez: We gotta talk to Korvo!
Principal Cooke: That does it! We’re going over there and giving those fucking aliens a piece of our minds!
We then cut to the Solars' house. The scene cuts back to Human Terry touching his ears.
Human Terry: Wow. You gotta touch these ears! I can’t believe it got a penis and a nose and a dick and head full of hair and a shlong!
Korvo blushes
Jesse: Jeepers! I can’t believe you are actually human! This is cool!
Sonya: Do you have a butthole?
Human Terry: I don’t know you tell me!
Human Terry bends over
Yumyulack, Jesse and Sonya: Whoa! He’s got a butthole! He’s got a butthole!
Korvo gets flustered
Human Terry: Oh what kind of stuff should I put it in it! Give me that gunquin!
Korvo: Uh uh uh! *grabs the gunquin out of Yumyulack’s hand* Nobody is putting anything in Terry’s butthole, except me. Until we can find a way to zap it.
Phoebe MacCarthy: Terry, how did this happen?!
Human Terry: *to Korvo* Oh come on! You never let me put anything in anything!
Korvo: We have to figure out how this happened.
Korvo scans Human Terry’s body.
Korvo: Damn it! It’s just as I feared! Terry’s body transformation is a natural Shlorpian reaction for being on the planet too long without the Pupa terraforming it.
Phoebe MacCarthy: That doesn't sound so bad.
Korvo snaps
Korvo: Yes it does! It means he’s turning into a different form!
Human Terry: Wait? Am I a daywalker?!
Korvo: No human!
Jesse: Can't he just turn back?
Sonya: How come it happened to Terry first?
Korvo: Because, he’s too weak minded and has succumb to the human culture long before you two did.
Human Terry gasps and tears up at being called weak-minded
Korvo: Oh no I didn’t mean it I- *groans in frustration*
Human Terry runs off in tears
Korvo: *groans in frustration*
Yumyulack: Will me and Jesse turn human too?!
Korvo: Yes but not at this moment.
Korvo runs upstairs to go comfort Terry. Korvo enters the bedroom.
Korvo: Terry?
Human Terry: *sniffles remorsefully for upsetting his husband*
Korvo: I'm sorry I called you weak-minded.
Human Terry: *sniffles* I’m sorry I upset you.
Korvo: Oh Terry...
Korvo hugs Human Terry
Human Terry: *sniffles* I just feel awful because I angered my hubby.
Korvo has an idea and seduces Terry
Korvo: *seductively* I think this form has got me feeling horny.
Human Terry: But you said you'd never have sex with a human...
Korvo: Not as long as it is this handsome-
Suddenly, Miss Frankie furiously kicked down the door with Cooke and Ms. Perez entering the room as Miss Frankie furiously grabs Korvo.
Miss Frankie: YOU SACK OF SHIT!
Korvo: *screams*
Human Terry: HEY! GET OFF HIM!
Miss Frankie: LOOK AT ME!
Principal Cooke: *gives Miss Frankie a successful cooldown hug* Hey hey easy honey. Just calm down.
Miss Frankie: I AM CALM!
Ms. Perez: Okay. Everyone calm down. Korvo, did you or did you not really try to turn us into aliens like you and your family?
Korvo: What?! No I didn't
Miss Frankie, Principal Cooke and Ms. Perez: Huh?
Korvo: Why would you think I did it?! Because I'm an alien?! IS THAT IT?! *starts crying* YOU DON'T KNOW ME! *cries into Human Terry's chest*
Ms. Perez: *to Miss Frankie* Nice going
Miss Frankie gasps as she realizes she went too far
Miss Frankie: *in a nervous regret* Ooooh… shit.
Human Terry stares angrily at Miss Frankie
Phoebe MacCarthy: *grabs Miss Frankie from the shoulder* What the fuck did you do this time?!
Miss Frankie: I didn't mean to make him cry! I-
Phoebe furiously pins Miss Frankie to the wall.
Phoebe MacCarthy: You better explain what is happening right now! Or else!
Miss Frankie: *gulps* Okay! I think we’re turning into aliens!
Phoebe gasps and releases her hold.
Phoebe: What? *skin suddenly turns a teal Shlorpian skin and gasp* Oh my God… well that’s not Korvo for sure. Korvo, we have to get to the ship!
Korvo pulls himself together and dries his tears.
Korvo: Okay...
The scene cuts to the ship where AISHA scans Miss Frankie, Phoebe, Principal Cooke and Ms. Perez.
AISHA: Holy shit.
Ms. Perez: What is it?!
AISHA: Look like someone must’ve created some kind of DNA from Korvo, Terry, Yumyulack and Jesse’s blood and DNA samples and must’ve created some kind of virus that turns another organism into a Shlorpian.
Principal Cooke faints
Miss Frankie: So wait? It wasn’t the Solars, then who did?!
AISHA: Don’t know.
Korvo: I’m afraid there is impossible to make the cure. It’s like when you make panna cada the cream has to set.
Yumyulack: Uh why did you compare to the book of Boba Fett?
Korvo: *shrugs* Don’t know. I thought it would be interesting. But don’t worry, the kids and I know the perfect place we can go while you guys stay here. Las Vegas. That’s where we can find the perfect help.
Miss Frankie: Why Las Vegas?
Human Terry: Baby, I like the way you think!
Korvo: D’aw *kisses Human Terry on the lips* It had the right shipment that could help us. Replicants, Sonya, you’re with me. Terry keep on an eye on Pupa with Phoebe. We’ll be back soon.
Human Terry: Got it!
Korvo: Come on kids! I have the perfect vehicle to help us!
Yumyulack, Jesse and Sonya: You do?
The scene cuts to Korvo and the kids digging out Hammerhead 2 and washed it and shine it. Now it is ready.
Korvo: Behold, Hammerhead 2!
Yumyulack, Jesse and Sonya: Whoa!
Jesse: Wait? Should we add upgrades to it to make it more cooler?
Korvo: Uh, yeah!
Yumyulack: I don’t see why not. Right Sonya?
Sonya: Mm hmm.
Later, Hammerhead 2 gets an upgrade, including the ability to fly.
Korvo: This is perfect!
Jesse: Alright! Yay!
Pupa: Bye bye.
Everyone gets on
Sonya: Bye Pupa! Be good for Terry and Phoebe!
Pupa: Korvo!
Korvo: Hammerhead 2! Set course to Nevada!
Hammerhead 2: Setting course to Las Vegas, dude.
Korvo: Thanks for the reminder.
The Hammerhead flies off as the kids whoop. Then, suddenly the Pupa starts straining.
Pupa: *grunting as he suddenly starts glowing and then starts screaming*
The glow fade as Pupa suddenly become… a human girl? Human Pupa gigges as Human Terry comes outside.
Human Terry: Okay Pupa, I got pink lemonade Hi-C for you and- *gasp as he drops the snack tray* and what did they did to you?!
Human Pupa: Human!
16 days later… Korvo and the kids arrived in Spain.
Korvo: Damn that was a rough week. But at least it worth it to see SeaWorld.
Sonya: I know...
Yumyulack: Ugh! I still can’t believe it got a stupid starfish on my head! *takes the starfish off of his head*
Korvo: Now look for any signs of something noticeable or Terry because he has been here before.
Jesse then sees something on a woman.
Jesse: Hey look! That lady is wearing one of Terry’s shirts.
Korvo and the kids head over to the woman, who is drinking some kind of beverage in a red cup.
Jesse: Excuse me lady, did you meet Terry?
Woman: This sweet ass alien dude gave me this shirt after teaching me how to do swing islander.
Korvo: Did you fuck him?!
Woman: I would have, but he told me he is already married to this sweet guy named Crumbo.
Korvo blushes because he knows Terry calls him that because of his love for crumbs.
Woman: I don't know who Crumbo is but I'd bang him if he's hot...
Korvo: Oh that’s me. Because I love crumbs and it’s actually Korvo.
Woman: Ew. Nevermind. *leaves*
Korvo: *then realizes something* I actually know where Terry went to next. It must be Nevada where they had that neon light festival!
Yumyulack: Wow! I heard that sounded amazing!
Sonya: Yeah. I heard of these festivals. Really had a lot of wooden building burned down.
Korvo: We have to head there now!
Yumyulack, Jesse and Sonya: Yay!
Korvo: Solar Opposites minus Terry, Pupa and Phoebe, roll out!
Korvo and the kids head back on Hammerhead 2.
Korvo: Hammerhead presume coarse to Nevada! Maximum speed!
Hammerhead 2: Ooh, bummer buddy. Destination to Nevada is… 16 days.
Korvo: Hmm. Better pick a faster route!
Then suddenly, Jesse starts glowing as she floats.
Jesse: On shoot! I’m doing the glow!
Jesse turns into a human.
Human Jesse: Guys! Guys! I’m a human! *looks down at her boobs* And I got boobs!
Yumyulack: Let me touch them! Uh I mean who cares? Humans are lame.
Korvo: Shit! I told you this would happen! We just have to get to Nevada on time! Don’t panic! Stay on course!
Human Jesse: Panic? *hops off of Hammerhead 2* Look at me! I’m young, hot and ready to sign up for a student loan!
Sonya: Wait, what?
Human Jesse: I want to do the uniquely human activities I always dream about. Like waiting in line at the DMV, paying taxis and having jury duty!
Korvo: Oh dear lord...
Sonya: Oooh! Count me in! *hops off of Hammerhead 2*
Yumyulack: Not you too!
Korvo: Oh relax I’m sure they’ll be fine. But Jesse, that’s what you always wanted?
Human Jesse: Aliens never get to do all the boring Monday human stuff. I gotta skeddale! *hops on a bull with Sonya* Too-da-loo!
Korvo: Well, looks like it's just you and me, huh?
Yumyulack: *sighs* I hope they’ll be okay.
Korvo: Don’t worry, your sisters will be fine. Anyways, I manage to find a faster route. Hang on Yumyulack, by my calculations, we’ll be here in in 8 days. Hammerhead 2, takeoff!
Hammerhead 2: Cowabunga Nevada! Here we come!
Hammerhead 2 blasts off. 10 Days later Hammerhead 2 made it to the post festival.
Korvo: God damn traffic! Well, at least we made it!
Yumyulack: *listening to Slipknot* I wonder how the girls and Terry are doing. See anything?
Korvo then spots a sleeping hangar that used to belong to the ship as he grins.
Korvo: Aha! Found it! It’s one of my old hangar!
Yumyulack: What's that do?
Korvo: It can help charge a ship up. *gets put chargers* Let’s use this to help gain more power of Hammerhead 2. Come on.
Korvo and Yumyulack head to the hangar, but then Yumyulack’s pants and shoes rip to reveal human legs.
Korvo: *gasp* Yumyulack, how long have you have that human leg meat?!
Yumyulack: Aw man! Just a few days, I didn’t say anything because I thought you cut them off!
Korvo: Y'know what? It's okay. We just need to-
Yumyulack screams as he glows brighter and then as the glow fade, Yumyulack has turn into a human.
Korvo: Fuck! I knew we gave you too many lunchables and X-Box LIVE.
Yumyulack: Holy shit I'm human! And I have...
Human Yumyulack then checks down inside his pants while counting.
Human Yumyulack: *gasp in joy* Several pubes!
Korvo: Great. Now what are we gonna do?
Human Yumyulack: Oh uh I um…
Korvo: *sighs while smiling* Go ahead. Run off to do human stuff you always wanted. I got this.
Human Yumyulack smiles and hugs Korvo
Human Yumyulack: Thanks old man. *spots an old time bike* Better borrow this bike real quick! *rides off as Korvo smiles while rolling his eyes in amusement*
Korvo: Now...time to head to Vegas.
3 hours later… Korvo made it to Vegas and went to a casino. He walks up to a security guard.
Korvo: Was there a guy name Terry? Yeh tall? Good looking?
Security Guard: Depends. Are you this Korvo he told me about?
Korvo: Uh yes? Why?
Security Guard: Come with me.
The scene cuts to an office where the Security Guard plays the footage of Terry at the Casino.
Terry: *on video* Where’s the fucking game room? I want to play Tobaccon Gwen, *kicks a child* bitch!
Korvo gasps
Korvo: *facepalms* Jesus honey, *to the guard* fast forward through this.
The footage fast forwards to Terry at a game of poker.
Korvo: *gasp* What the… these freaks look like they play card games for a living. What was Terry thinking?
Terry: *on footage; takes a deep breath* Easy mode. This is just like in the solo.
Then, Terry accidentally and drunkly makes a huge tragic mistake!
Terry: *on footage; drunkly* I call and raise you… *throws the ships keys* An actual spaceship!
Korvo gasps
Korvo: Oh no! My poor Terry! What have you done you poor drunk thing? How is this hand?!
Security Guard: He had five crestamoons and a hand of swords.
Korvo: What the hell does that mean?
Security Guard: I don’t fucking know. That sounds bad.
Korvo: Shit...
The video then shows Terry losing his bet to a woman, who laughs.
Terry: *on footage* Holy fuck… well at least no one will ever see this.
The Security Guard pauses the video as Korvo grows enraged by him.
Korvo: I want that ship back! Return it now or I will mercilessly lay waste to this entire casino!
Security Guard: Sorry sir. This vehicle is now the property of the Vegas Vegas Corporation. And you need to fucking leave… prim this guest!
Korvo: *gets grabbed by two security guards* What the hell? Stop it! Why are you shoving me into a cement mixer?!
The security guards shove Korvo into the mixer and pours cement in it. Then, one of the security guards throws Korvo, who is encase in a block of cement out of the casino as Korvo breaks free from the cement. Korvo growls as his eyes turn aquamarine.
Korvo: I CAN’T SEE! I CAN’T SEE! *then realizes he can see as his eyes turn back to normal* Okay now I can see. God damn it, I can’t believe my family isn’t here. I really hope they aren’t miserable.
Korvo cries. The scene then cuts to Stacy G, who suddenly now has magenta Shlorpian skin, who is making dinner, which is spaghetti and meatballs with Human Terry. Louise, who is covered with neon green skin and Trevor, who is covered in cobalt blue green looks at Human Terry in surprise.
Louise: Wait, so you’re turning into humans, while we’re turning into aliens?
Human Terry: Kinda.
Then, Human Terry hears a knock on the door. He opens it and reveals to be Human Jesse, Human Yumyulack and Sonya at the door with Cheery, who now has red-violet Shlorpian skin.
Human Jesse: *smiles* Hi daddy.
Human Terry gasp in joy and hugs his kids.
Human Terry: I'm so happy you guys are okay!
Human Yumyulack: Us too. Glad you recognize us Terry.
Stacy G: *offscreen* Babe, is that you?
Jesse looks at Stacy G and gasps
Human Jesse: Oh my goodness. Honey, you got infected too.
Stacy G: Yeah, we don't know what happened!
Louise: Us either. Also, Frankie is at your house. She doesn’t look well. *Miss Frankie starts moaning as she suddenly starts glowing in the same color as her Shlorpian skin* Is she… okay?
Miss Frankie: UGH! DO I LOOK OKAY?!
Human Jesse: Uh Miss Frankie…. YOU’RE DOING THE GLOW!
Miss Frankie: WHAT THE FUCK?!
Miss Frankie starts glowing as she freaks out. Then, she has turn into a Shlorpian as she screams.
Shlorpian Frankie: Oh great! Now I’m like you and your family now!
Human Yumyulack tries not to laugh
Human Jesse: Holy Jeepers, you look great as Shlorpian.
Shlorpian Frankie breaks down crying hysterically
Shlorpian Frankie: *cries hysterically* Oh my God! I’ve turn into a monster! *gets comforted by Human Jesse and Sonya*
Sonya: Hey, it's okay. You're not a monster.
Shlorpain Frankie sniffles as she wipes her tears.
Shlorpian Frankie: You-you mean it?
Human Jesse: Yeah. I think you still look pretty.
Shlorpian Frankie smiles.
Shlorpian Frankie: *wipes away her tears* Gee thanks.
Human Pupa hugs Shlorpian Frankie. Human Terry smiles
Louise: Yessh. You weren’t kidding about this. What should we do now? Do things we always wanted to do in case we want to have a new life later on?
Trevor: Huh? That’s a great idea.
Meanwhile with Korvo, he's still sobbing
Korvo: *looks at Hammerhead 2 crammed between cars* Fuck! Hammerhead isn’t made for car jamming! Hello can move these casino addicts cars?! Hello?! How?! How has it come to this?!
Korvo sobs harder. Suddenly, a nose appears on his face.
Korvo: A nose?! No! No no no!
Korvo suddenly grows ears.
Korvo: Ears?! Shit! I don’t want to be a fucking human! *glows brighter* NNOOOOOOOOOOO!
The screen cuts to black. Four months and 1/2 later… Stacy G, now a magenta Replicant wakes up while rubbing her eyes and getting ready for school. Suddenly, she hears her mother, now a neon green Shlorpian panicking on the phone from school.
Shlorpian Louise: Expelled?! Are you nuts?! My daughter needs this education!
Replicant Stacy G gasps
Shlorpian Louise: Well my daughter is very smart girl! You dare call my special little lady a freak one more time, so help me- *call ends as Louise sighs*
Replicant Stacy G: Mom?
Shlropian Louise: *hugs her daughter* Don’t worry honey, your girlfriend’s dads will find a way to help us. I promise, we’ll get out of here with Trevor and start a new life far away from those humans who hate us now.
Replicant Stacy G: Okay
The mother and daughter hug. The scene then cuts to a now Peaches n Cream Shlorpian Janice getting fired from the Rake Company as she screams upon getting thrown out.
Rake Company Boss: AND STAY OUT!
Shlorpian Janice: H’no I don’t wanna be a burden y’know.
The scene then cuts to Phoebe, now a teal Shlorpian, getting groceries until a mean customer insults her.
Customer: GET LOST, FREAK!
Shlorpian Phoebe: Excuse me?! What did you say? Punk?!
Customer: Jesus you extraterrestrial bumpkin! Go back to Uranus!
Shlorpian Phoebe growls
Shlorpian Phoebe: I’m sorry. *furiously walks up to the customer* THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME, JACKASS?!
Customer: I said go back to Uranus!
Shlorpian Phoebe screams in fury and gets into a fight with the customer. Then, a few seconds later, Shlorpian Phoebe throws the customer out of the marker.
Shlorpian Phoebe: Asshole!
The scene the cuts to Randall, now a white Shlorpian opening his empanada stand until people got freaked out by his new form.
Hannah: Aw dude, you look hideous!
Shlorpian Randall: What? No I'm not. I'm fine.
Rick: Aw dude! You look a freak! Just like the Solar Opposites!
Randall gasps
Shlorpian Randall: Hey! Those are my friends, you jerks! Leave them out of this! They helped change me and my life for the better after Halloween!
Wallace: Well no way jośe! No more empanada from an alien!
Customers: *booing as they throw empanadas at Shlorpian Randall*
Shlorpian Randall leaves while sobbing. Meanwhile, Principal Cooke, now a red Shlorpian, is at a bar, drowning his sorrows in drinks while getting drunk as the customers stare at him.
Shlorpian Cooke: *drunkly* What are you looking at?
Bartender: *nervously* Uh, nothing, sir. It's just that you're a-
Shlorpian Cooke: *drinking a margarita* I’m fine you shitbags! You don’t know my life you bitches!
Bartender: Very well.
Bar Customer: *whispering to his friend which Shlorpian Cooke overhears* Geez, what a red loser.
Shlorpian Cooke: WHO SAID THAT?!
The bar falls silent as Shlorpian Cooke smashes a glass bottle.
Bartender: Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to-
Shlorpian Cooke throws a bottle at the bartender who helps as he ducks as the bottle shatters. Then, the customers starts to pummel on Shlorpian Cooke who punches and kicks them which led to a bar fight. The scene cuts to Human Yumyulack, Human Jesse and Sonya walking until they heard the bar fight. The three siblings open the door and gasp upon seeing Shlorpian Cooke fighting some bar customers.
Human Yumyulack: Holy shit!
Human Jesse: Aw jeez! Principal Cooke had started a bar fight!
The human Replicants and Sonya grabs Shlorpian Cooke while dodging some fighting bar customers as they ran out of the door while Human Jesse yanks Shlorpian Cooke on the ear.
Shlorpian Cooke: Ow ow ow ow ow!
Human Jesse: You are coming with us!
The scene then cuts to Shlorpian Frankie meeting up with Shlorpian Randall and a now Shlorpian Jamie and Darcy and Kevin.
Shlorpian Frankie: Sorry I was late. I had a court day.
Shlorpian Darcy: Court day? What happened?
Shlorpian Randall: Oh no worries! I saw her getting arrested for calling the judge a bitch, a big-ass bitch and nothing but a bitch!
Shlorpian Frankie: She couldn’t hand the fact that she literally sucks! Fat! Shit! Now I gotta wear this everywhere! *shows them a tracking device* Plus, I’m in a boat load of debts because people have been using my social security number to take out loans!
Shlorpian Randall: Things haven’t been going well for either. Everyone ignores me now that I’m an alien. At least when I was human, I was being notice.
Shlorpian Darcy: *sigh* Man, this being alien stuff is the pits!
Shlorpian Jamie: I know what you mean. I try to change my name into something else to stand out. But there’s already someone with the nickname! So now everyone calls me J.J!
Shlorpian Darcy: I don't think it's bad.
Shlorpian Kevin: *coming by* Holy geez, is that Cooke?
The Shlorpians then sees Shlorpian Cooke getting carried by Human Yumyulack and Human Jesse while being injuries and beaten up while Sonya walks with them.
Shlorpian Cooke: *weakly* Hey. Guys. It’s great to see you.
Shlorpian Frankie: Oh my God. Honey, what happened to you?!
Shlorpian Cooke: What do you mean? I’ve been thriving. *coughs up vomit* Oooh, the wound’s open again, but in other case, everything’s all good. So yeah.
Shlorpian Frankie: Honey…
Human Jesse: Right...
Shlorpian Cooke: Okay fine! The last few four months have been hell! Everyone hates us now! We can’t live here anymore!
Shlorpian Louise: Aw man. Cooke is right guys.
Human Yumyulack: We don't even know how you guys became Shlorpians in the first place!
Shlorpian Kevin: Ugh! Not anymore! We’re not safe here!
Human Jesse: We'll take you to Korvo. He can help.
Shlorpian Cooke: We know how. It’s because that crazy woman was brought back to life somehow and she stole your DNA samples.
Shlorpain Frankie: Then it’s settled! *throws her chair* We’re going to Korvo so he can help us!
Shlorpian Darcy: But isn’t Korvo pissed off at us?
Shlorpain Cooke: Are you kidding? He’s gonna gush his robe when he sees us!
Shlorpian Randall: Just imagine how desperate he has become to find a way to help us leave!
Replicant Stacy G: Poor Korvo. I hope he somehow held it together.
Then the scene cuts to the house.
Shlorpian Cooke: What the hell?! Where’s the ship?!
Human Yumyulack: I don't know! It was here when we left!
Human Jesse: Uh guys, what’s with all the dogs?
The gang comes in and sees dogs jumping on each other while Human Terry and Human Pupa are in pimp costumes counting money.
Shlorpian Frankie: *screaming as a dog takes of her device*
Shlorpian Phoebe: Oh for goodness sake’s.
Human Yumyulack: For Christ’s sake Terry!
Security Guard: Hey! No Humans and aliens allowed! I keep telling you! This is a brothel for dogs!
Human Terry: Oh! Hey, kids! You're home early.
The mound spider appears and starts sucking on the guard.
Shlorpian Cooke: We Can’t Stay On Earth Anymore! You gotta help us get out of here! We gotta leave this planet!
Human Terry: What? Why?
Shlorpian Frankie: Every human hates us now more than ever! We can’t live here on our home planet anymore!
Shlorpian Trevor: Please Terry! If you really love your family, do you know where Korvo is?!
Human Terry gasp in horror.
Human Terry: I know where he is...
Shlorpian Cooke: What where?!
Human Terry: I don’t know! He never came home last night!
Shlorpian Frankie: Then what happened?!
Human Terry: I don’t know! He said he was at some night club! Why would he go there?!
Shlorpian Darcy: Then that's where we're going!
A few minutes later, the gang and Shlorpians arrived at The Smokeshow House.
Human Terry: This is the place.
Human Jesse: Whoa! What is this place?
Waitress: The Smokeshow House. The ultimate night club for the grooviest sexiest boner people alive.
Shlorpian Jamie: I believe you are describing me.
Human Terry: What the hell’s Korvo doing at a place like this?
Human Jesse: Maybe he turn into human and he’s like a busboy or something.
Human Yumyulack: Maybe the cool people took shit on him for fun. I heard that happens to people. It never happened to me. *laughs nervously*
Shlorpian Frankie: But, do you even know what he looks like now if he really turned human?
Human Terry gasp in horror.
Human Terry: N-no…
Human Terry starts weeping as the kids comfort him.
Shlorpian Phoebe: Aw Terry, don’t worry. I’m sure we’ll find him.
Human Jesse: Yeah. Once we find Korvo, we'll-
Suddenly, Human Terry notices a human with a familiar crystal on his shirt.
Human Terry: Why have I seen that crystal before?
Human Terry looks at the gorgeous human man, who glance him with an annoyed look and then, Human Terry finally recognize him.
Human Terry: Korvo! We found him!
Shlorpian Cooke: *drops a glass of champagne* Korvo?
Shlorpian Phoebe: He's turned into the most gorgeous human I've ever seen!
Human Yumyulack: Korvo! Korvo!
The human Solars and Shlorpians go up to Human Korvo.
Human Korvo: Uh, can I help you?
Human Terry: Korvo, listen! We can’t live on this Earth anymore. Our human friends are being hated by the whole town now! We got to leave Earth AS immediately if we ever want to help them start a new life!
Human Korvo: I'm sorry. I don't know who you are.
All: What?!
Human Jesse: But remember what you said? “Being Shlorpians is what we are!”
Human Korvo: I never said that.
Human Terry: Korv, c'mon. It's me, your husband.
Human Korvo: Ugh! Dude, what the fuck are you talking about?!
Human Yumyulack: Come on Korvo, you’re being a total jackass right now!
Human Korvo: Will you stop it?! I don't know who any of you shitheads are! Now leave me the fuck alone!
Man: Hey K, do you know these guys?
Human Korvo: They were just leaving!
Human Terry: No! We're not! *takes Korvo's arm* You are coming with us! Now!
Human Korvo squeals in horror and slaps Human Terry in the face. Human Terry gasps and tears up.
Shlorpain Frankie: Oh shit! Guys, group huddle.
The gang huddles.
Human Yumyulack: Okay guys, we have a big problem. Korvo has lost his marbles.
Human Jesse: I know. It's doesn't make any...*gasps in realization* Oh my gosh.
Human Terry: *rubbing his face from the painful slap* Wow. If I was that hot, I would not want to look back on my family. I lost the second love of my life to a stuffed crest pizza behind Pizza Hut.
Human Jesse: Guys, do you think Korvo might have amnesia?
Shlorpian Darcy: Huh? Maybe. I don’t know.
Human Terry growls in anger.
Human Yumyulack: Easy Terry. I think Jesse might be right. Korvo must’ve suffer amnesia when he was busy trying to find the person who did this to our friends.
Human Terry: FUCK!
Shlorpian Cooke: Yeah. Maybe that’s how he couldn’t recognize you.
Shlorpian Jamie: But how do we get him back?
Human Terry starts breathing in and out as he sheds tears.
Shlorpian Jamie: But how do we get him back? *looks at Human Terry in concern*
Sonya: *skin suddenly turns robin’s eggs blue* You okay daddy?
Human Terry snaps and punches a wall in anger.
Human Terry: FUCK! *Human Korvo backs away slowly*
Human Korvo: You okay, pal?
Luckily, Shlorpian Frankie has an idea as she gets out a pea shooter and puts a dart in it. She aims at Human Korvo, who shrugs and went back to drinking his champagne, only to get hit by the dart and falls down unconscious. Human Terry looks down at Human Korvo while angrily breathing heavily with tears in his eyes.
Human Jesse: Terry! Easy! Calm down! It’s okay! Korvo is knocked out! Let’s get out of here!
Human Terry: Ugh! Fine!
Human Yumyulack: Terry? What’s wrong?
Shlorpian Cooke: Yeah. I’m sure we can find a way to get your husband’s memory back once we find the ship!
Human Terry: But what if we can't?!
Shlorpian Phoebe puts a hand on Human Terry.
Shlorpian Phoebe: We'll figure something out. I promise.
Human Terry: But-
Shlorpian Phoebe: Of course we can. Look I know you love Earth, but now everyone hates us more than ever. We have to leave now. Please, if you really love Korvo, you must do the right thing. And that is leaving Earth. For good.
Human Terry: Okay. But I wanna go with Korvo...I love him.
Shlorpian Phoebe smiles.
Shlorpian Phoebe: Of course we will. *finds the ship on the tracker* Holy shit! It’s in Las Vegas! Come on!
A few hours later, the gang finds the ship turned into a blimp.
Human Yumyulack: Guys! The ship!
Human Terry picks up Human Korvo.
Human Terry: Hang on there Korvy…
The gang heads to the ship and luckily Phoebe kicks the door with her foot as the door opens.
Shlorpian Phoebe: Alright y’all! Let’s get the fuck out of here!
The gang heads into the ship. Then, Human Korvo wakes up while rubbing his head. Then, the gang hears the Vegas Corporation Security Guard yelling at them from outside.
Vegas Coperation Security Guard: Hey! You’re not allowed here!
Human Terry: Oh shit!
Human Korvo: Wh-what happened? What am I doing in Vegas? How did I get on the ship?!
Human Yumyulack: Hurry guys! We have to leave now!
Human Korvo: Leave? What do you mean?
Human Jesse: We have to get out of here! Everyone hates our friends and want them off of Earth!
Sonya: Us also!
Human Korvo: Then what are we waiting for?! We gotta get fucking moving!
Human Terry gasp as he shed tears of joy.
Human Terry: Korvy! You remember!
Human Korvo: What? Okay. Can someone please tell me what-
Human Terry: Long story! You turn into a gorgeous human, then lost your memories turn you into a jerk and you lost your marbles! Now let’s fly!
Human Korvo: Okay?
Human Terry: Oh! And I almost forgot!
Human Terry surprises Human Korvo by kissing him on the lips.
Human Korvo: *giggles as he turns back into his Shlorpian self*
Human Terry gasps in shock.
Human Terry: Whoa! How did you turn back!
Korvo looks around his body and gasps.
Korvo: Oh my God! I’m me again! I guess we have develop some kind of shape shifting ability.
Human Terry: Wait. Does that mean I can do it too?
Then, Terry, Yumyulack, Jesse and Pupa turn back into their normal selves.
Jesse: Yay! We’re Shlorpians again!
Yumyulack hugs the Pupa. But then, they heard a loud thump which made they scream little and made them realize they must leave now.
Korvo: Quick! Let’s get the fuck outta here!
Jesse: AISHA, get us off this planet! Hurry!
AISHA: On it!
AISHA activates the launch sequence as the ship flies into the space and the gang cheers.
Korvo: Yes! *to Terry* I love you, baby.
Korvo romatically twirls Terry around.
Terry: *whistles lovingly*
Korvo and Terry make out while moaning lovingly.
Yumyulack: I'm gonna throw up.
Shlorpian Randall: Isn't it romantic?
Suddenly, the gang hears grunting and it turns out be Shlorpian Janice along with Kevin and his family, Cheery, Naomi and Alice, who are now Shlorpians as they fall out as they scream and landed on the floor as they groan.
Terry: Cheery!
Shlorpian Cheery: Terry?
Korvo: Janice?
Janice: H'no, hello Korvo, y'know?
Shlorpian Kevin: Hey guys. Sorry I was late. I was picking up my family.
Shlorpian Naomi: Hey guys.
Jesse: Hey, Naomi!
Korvo: Naomi! You too?! *notices Shlorpian Alice* Wait, who’s that?
Shlorpian Alice: H-Hello. I'm Alice. A pleasure to meet you.
The Pupa recognizes Alice from “The Super Gooblers”
Pupa: Maid lady!
Korvo: Wait. Pupa, you know her?
Pupa shows him the video he made from the “Super Gooblers” episode.
Brandy: *on video* I want to be a better person…
Korvo smiles tearfully.
Korvo: *hugs Pupa* Bravo Pupa! I am so proud of you!
Pupa giggles.
Alice: Wait. You’re that strange creature Brandy has been talking to me about.
Pupa: Yep!
Suddenly, Korvo turns back into a human, much to his surprise and confusion.
Human Korvo: Huh?
Jesse: Holy jeez you turned back into a human Korvo. I thought you said this was permanent. *Human Korvo is looking at space in shock and confusion* Uh Korvo?
Terry: Korv? You okay?
Human Korvo: *groans in frustration* I don’t understand. I thought this transformation was permanent! How is this is even possible?!
Terry: *puts a hand on Human Korvo's shoulder* Hey. It's okay. Just calm down.
Jesse: Yeah. To be honest, you were right. Being human can sometimes be hard.
Yumyulack: No offense guys.
Shlorpian Cooke: Eh, none taken. Our lives as humans are pretty tough.
Shlorpian Frankie: None taken.
Human Korvo: I-I was? I don’t know what to say. I guess that’s true.
Terry: Yeah, well you’re like hot leader now. And hot leaders are the best.
Human Korvo blushes and smiles. Terry smiles and plays with Human Korvo's hair
Human Korvo: It’s true. I’m sorry for how I acted. I clearly had hot guy brain taken control of me. Now that we got off the planet, I’m so glad you came to rescue me.
Terry: Anytime. Now come here.
After Terry, Yumyulack, Jesse and Pupa shapeshift into their human forms, the family then gets in a group hug while their friends join in.
Human Korvo: So...so what happens now?
Shlorpian Frankie: Korvo, you sure we’ll find a way to turn us back?
Human Korvo grows determined.
Human Korvo: I will. Don't worry!
Then, he makes a plan.
Human Korvo: Now don’t you worry. We’ll find a way to turn you all back into humans. We’ll go live on Earth-4. It’ll be the perfect new home for us until we can turn you all back to normal.
Shlorpian Cooke: Sounds good to me!
After the Solars turn back into their normal Shlorpian selves, the family and their friends travel around the galaxy until they’ve finally found Earth-4. The gang landed on another house as they head outside but the Solars have shapeshifter into their human forms, much to their friends’ confusion.
Shlorpian Naomi: What are you doing?
Human Korvo: Oh I thought these forms might help us blend in better on Earth-4. It is getting dangerous y’know.
Human Terry: *laughs* Yep.
Then, an Earth-4 pedestrian passes by.
Earth-4 Pedestrian: Fuck you humans! Go back to where you came from!
Shlorpian Phoebe gets enraged and grabs the pedestrian.
Shlorpian Phoebe: Get. Lost.
Shlorpian Phoebe punch the pedestrian in the teeth and face as he drives him in fear.
Earth-4 Pedestrian: Uh, what I meant to say was welcome to Earth-4!
The pedestrian drives away in fear as Human Korvo gives him the middle finger.
Human Korvo: Fuck you! You people are stupid and confusing!
Human Jesse: Well, this should be interesting. *laughs*
Shlorpian Frankie: Aw jeez.
The scene cuts to Korvo moaning as Terry comes him and kisses him on the cheek while heading to the bathroom.
Terry: How you feeling, big guy?
Korvo: *moaning in overwhelmed* Oh fine.
Terry: Are you sure?
Korvo nods.
Terry: Okay. I’ll be in the bathroom. Love you.
Korvo: Love you too.
Terry leaves and Korvo lies down on the bed
Korvo: *moans as his eyes glow aquamarine*
Then, he starts growling. Korvo then gets a headache as he screams in pain.
Korvo then grows fangs while his skin turns black and he starts growing bigger and muscular. Terry comes in and gasps.
Terry: Korvy?
Korvo gets wings and horns as he roars
Terry: *blushing* Holy fuck… you got buff.
Monster Korvo: Don't. Don't look at me.
Monster Korvo whimpers but to his surprise, Terry is amoured by his appearance.
Terry: Tell you what, I'm surprised you never showed me this earlier.
Monster Korvo: *blushing embarrassingly* Well, to be honest, it’s my lifesource since I was a Replicant, it’s been running in my family for generations. I was worry on how you would react…
Terry gasps in shock.
Terry: Do you mind if you, uh...told me more? It's okay if you don't wanna.
Monster Korvo: Oh I’m actually half Super Shlorpian. It’s been running this family ever since my ancestor Koran made a blessing in order to protect his family from bandits and protects the villagers. It passed on to the family when a Replicant turns 13
Terry: Wow...
Super Shlorpian Korvo: Yeah. But it feels like a curse...
Terry: Aw… Korvy, why do you think that?
Super Shlorpian Korvo starts weeping
Terry: Oh Korvy…
Terry kisses Super Shlorpian Korvo on the cheek
Terry: Can you please tell me why you think it’s a curse?
Super Shlorpian Korvo sighs
Super Shlorpian Korvo: When I was a Replicant, I was blessed with this after my 13-Birth-A-Day in my sleep.
A flashback plays. Replicant Korvo was walking while carrying books until he starts to feel sick.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *voiceover* I started to feel sick. So, I decided to head home that day.
Replicant Korvo made it home as he starts moaning and then notices his skin turning black as he starts having a panic attack.
Replicant Korvo: What's happening to me?!
Replicant Korvo then grows bigger and muscular as he rips apart his robe into pieces. Then, his horns pop out from his head and his wings pop out from his back as he roars.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *voiceover* After my first transformation, a lot of Shlorpians saw it and grow afraid of me.
Pink Replicant Shlorpian: WHAT IS THAT THING?!
Yellow Replicant Shlorpian: HOLY SHIT! A MONSTER!
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *voiceover* I...didn't know what to do so...
Super Shlorpian Replicant Korvo grows afraid as the Replicants throws stuff at him as his anger overcomes as he roars.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *voiceover* I snapped.
Super Shlorpian Replicant Korvo roars as he slashed another Shlorpian, which made the other Replicants run away. Scared, Super Shlorpian Replicant Korvo flies back home while roaring.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: So when I got home, you remember my older sister Janiz? The one I was telling you about? *Terry nods* she calm down and I vow to not transform again because of my fear of hurting you guys… so I made pills to help control myself, which is also why I have thin skin.
Terry: What happened to Janiz?
Super Shlorpian Korvo snaps
Super Shlorpian Korvo: SHE DIDN’T MAKE IT!
Terry: *gasp* Oh Korvy… I am so sorry…
Super Shlorpian Korvo sighs
Super Shlorpian Korvo: *voice breaking* It’s just that Janiz didn’t have an evacuation partner and… when I found out… *starts crying* I was so heartbroken! I want my sister! I want her! I WANT HER! *punches a wall as he breaks down in tears*
Terry gasps. Super Shlorpian Korvo breaks down in tears as Terry soothes him.
Terry: Hey… Shh… shh… it’s okay… I’m here…
Super Shlorpian Korvo continues crying. Terry then has an idea.
Cue “Beautiful” from Zac Nelson
You should change your name to laughter
You bring joy to every room
Other voices vanish after hearing such a lovely tune
In a world that′s so imperfect
Every word you say is music
You should change your name to beautiful
You should change your name to pity
You make tears impossible
Wish that I could have you with me every time I fall
In a world that's so imperfect
I know you will try to fix it
You should change your name to beautiful
I don′t think you'd mind it if I change your name to something new
Would you think it childish if I change my name to 'I love you′?
We both have a love so perfect
I would never want to hurt it
You should change your name to beautiful In a world that′s so imperfect
Every word you say is music
You should change your name to beautiful (you should change your name to beautiful)
You should change your name to beautiful
The song as Super Shlorpian Korvo purrs and falls asleep on his bed. Terry smiles and kiss Super Shlorpian Korvo on the forehead.
Terry: Sleep well, baby. Would it be okay if I sleep on the couch.
Super Shlorpian Korvo: No. I want you to stay. I love you.
Terry smiles.
Terry: I love you too.
Super Shlorpian Korvo turns back into his normal Shlorpian form as Terry gasps
Terry: Korvy! You’re you! *lifts Korvo up as they both cry tears of joy*
Korvo: I know! *laughs*
The two husbands embrace in a kiss as they starts to fall asleep.
Korvo: Sweet dreams my love…
Terry: Sweet dreams my beautiful Korvy…
Korvo giggles. The two alien husbands fell asleep. The next day, the Solars and their friends head out of the house and watch the sunrise, now ready for anything.
Korvo: Guys, this is might be a new start for us.
Jesse: Hell yeah!
The Solars and their friends look at the sunrise, awaiting for new adventures.
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Solar Opposites: Misadventures of the Solars Episode List (Pt. 1)
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The Unwanted Personification Of The Solars: The humans of GeenaDavisville are forced to face reality when they are infected by a virus that is turning them into Shlorpians, just like the Solar Opposites. Meanwhile, the Solars realize they’ve been on Earth long enough, they’ve developed the ability to turn into humans.
Localization F%#ks: Trying to fit in, the new Solars get themselves into crazy shenanigans that led to them facing a heap of trouble.
Fox Fight: Wanting to fit in with a pack of rednecks, Randall takes up a fight that accidentally led to him becoming an recluse with a mind of an animal after getting lost in the wood for three weeks.
The Earth-4 Rowdy Nights: The Solars accidentally get into a fight with a rival food truck that led to them forcing to go on the run while taking up new identities.
Korvo’s Requiem: After being overwhelmed and taunted by the locals, Korvo has finally reached his breaking point that caused him to reveal a dark monstrous secret on his family’s side.
A Solars’ Night Out: Wanting to throw party with their high school classmates, the Replicants, Sonya and Stacy G decided to invite them for a party but then Cooke accidentally transported themselves along with the house to another planet.
America’s Got No Talent: The Solars desperately drives themselves to a talent competition in order to prevent a jealous high schooler from humiliating Sherbet.
War of The Colossal Terry: Overwhelmed and force to face reality that his friends are struggling with their Shlorpian forms, Terry discovers that he has a dark side of himself he can’t control out of fear and anger.
Beauty Is Found From Not Within: Stacy G is accidentally possessed by an enchantress’ ghost that is turning into a gorgeous but evil version of herself.
Taco Boss: Cooke, wanting to get back at rival for putting a humiliating nickname in a arcade game, starts using the kids to get into the family-only place for kids in order to get a higher score.
Terry Loses his Shit Again: Terry reaches his breaking point after a fight at a grocery mart with a mean customer and soon becomes a Mundane again, but this time his personality has changed, turning him into something he is not.
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