#fighting for family
Solar Opposites in Mighty Solars Issue #4: “Fighting for Family” Ch. 1
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On a Misty midnight, Chester Basil and his mafia crew were busy counting money they mugged.
Chester Basil: This has been a long time coming, fellas. Three years on the plates alone, but I think you'll find the product was worth the wait. Go ahead. filtered Take a good look, boys...
Goon #1: Sheesh, Mr. Basil, I can't warn the difference.
Goon #2: I can’t either!
Chester Basil: You'd need one of them neutron microscopes, mate. It's identical down to Ben Franklin's stubble.
Basil plucks it from the goon's hand. As he steps over to the suitcase and places the bill back with the stacks of other bills.
Chester Basil: I want it laundered through the casino at a half mil a week. Three-quarter mil by March. Anybody has a problem with that?
Mob Members: Oh no. Not at all
Then suddenly, Quasarblast breaks through the window as the mob gasp.
Mob: Hey! What? It’s Quasarblast!
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: It’s over, Mr. Basil.
Chester Basil: Oh shit! I’m getting out of here! Man, attack!
No sooner does the first two goons have their pistols out then Quasarblast turns invisible and kicks the guards’ ass as they cry out in pain.
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: You’re gonna have to try a little harder than that!
Another goon takes a swipe at him from the side. Quasarblast turns invisible to fool the goon and then turns visible again decks the goon with a left. Another from behind, Quasarblast brings up his elbow to the fellow's jaw. A third goon literally jumps on his back.
Goon #3: battle cry
Quasarblast flips him over into Goon #1, who has retrieved his gun and is about to fire just as Goon #3 comes smashing in. The gun goes off harmlessly as they demolish a glass display of bric-a-brac on Basil as the fighting continues off-screen, he sweeps up the briefcase and bolts out the door. But then, Quasarblast sees him trying to escape and turns invisible again.
Chester Basil: the suitcase is snatched out of his hand and it starts floating suddenly What the fuck is this witchcraft?!
And then, Quasarblast knocks out Basil and then turns visible again as he ties up Basil and his goons and turns him to the police.
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: You just met the wrath of Quasarblast!
Police Officer: Thank you Quasarblast! You done it again!
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: No problem and oh hey! Meet you at the ceremony tonight!
Police Officer: Sure be there!
Quasarblast winks and flies off.
Quasarblast made it home and head inside without anyone looking as he turns back into Korvo Solar-Opposites, then he sees Terry and turns invisible. He then surprise Terry with an invisible kiss as the two husbands moan and Korvo turns visible again while they blush lovingly. Terry laughs.
Terry Solar-Opposites: So, how is my favorite superhero?
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Doing fine my sweet Shlorpian.
The two husbands kiss again. Then, Yumyulack and Jesse then started playing Quasarblast with Jesse wearing a mask that look like Quasarblast’s mask and Yumyulack playing as a super villain.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Die motherfucker! Die!
Jesse Solar-Opposites: pretends to turn invisible Boom! I’m invisible!
Phoebe MacCarthy: offscreen Kids, you damn better not be wrestling!
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Uh, no we’re not!
Jesse Solar-Opposites: We’re being careful!
Then, an alarm goes off on Korvo’s phone as he smirks and turns back into Quasarblast.
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: Duty calls!
Korvo, now Quasarblast, flies off and made it to the ceremony, which is happening live on camera. The audience cheer for him as he prepare to make his speech.
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblasr: Good evening citizens. It’s so nice to see you all on this day.
Reporter: And it’s so great to see you too. So, tell us. How does it feel to be accomplished?
Quasarblast grows confused.
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: Uh what do you mean?
Reporter: I mean during those time you fought more bad guys, you’ve been pulling amazing stunts. Have you done it all by yourself?
Quasarblast then realizes his whole family is watching, who are confused. Then, Quasarblast looks down and realizes he must do the right thing. Quasarblast laughs nervously.
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: Actually, I can’t take credit. My family helped me.
The crowd’s gasp in shock, but then grows touched as they feel their heart’s warming up and truly understand what he meant.
Crowd: Aaaw.
Meanwhile at the Solars’ house…
Terry Solar-Opposites: Aaw. Korvy. That’s so sweet.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: I guess he wanted us to have credit too.
Yumyulack sniffs and Jesse teases him.
Jesse Solar-Opposites: I saw that tough guy.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: laughs nervously Nuh uh! You’re crying! wipes a tear nervously
Phoebe MacCarthy: terrified Oh shit, he shouldn’t have said that.
Terry looks confused.
Terry Solar-Opposites: Why?!
Phoebe MacCarthy: Because, now people think there are more Mighty Solars out there! They think Quasarblast has a family of other alien heroes!
Terry gasps.
Pupa Solar-Opposites: Oh no!
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites and Jesse Solar-Opposites: Oh shit!
Back at the ceremony…
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: It’s true. My husband, three kids and nanny helps me out whenever I need them. Because, they’re like my strength, without them I am nothing. Because, I love them all unconditionally.
Quasarblast is trying hard not to panic.
Person #1: No way! You just got here and your family are supers too? Where are they?
Quasarblast gets nervous.
Korvo Solar-Opposites/Quasarblast: Oh uh, they’re not ready to come out yet. They just got their powers and are uh waiting for the right time…?
People: Oooooh. Why didn’t you say so? Yeah.
Person #2: Sounds good enough to me!
Reporter: Well there you have it folks? They are more Mighty Solars out there? And if they are, who are they?
Quasarblast leaves and groans in frustration.
Later at home…
Korvo is sitting on the couch remorsful while Phoebe, Yumyulack, Jesse and Pupa sit down next to him in concern.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Why did I say that?!
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Aw cheer up Korvo. I think what you did was brave. At least no one found out about your identity.
Jesse Solar-Opposites: Thanks for giving us credit Korvo. That was really sweet.
Korvo sighs.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: I know, but everyone believes that Quasarblast has a family that are heroes.
Jesse looks concerned.
Phoebe MacCarthy: But they don’t know about your identity. That’s all that matters. I think you did the right thing by giving us credit. That was one of the honorable things a superhero will do
Jesse Solar-Opposites: Besides, we may not be superheroes. But, I’m sure one day, we’ll have our own powers and fight right beside one day.
Korvo smiles.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Thanks guys.
Jesse Solar-Opposites: Come here you big lug.
The family then gets in a group hug when suddenly…
Terry Solar-Opposites: offscreen Oh, we’re having a group hug?! Me next! Me next!
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Alright, Terry you can join on the- cries out in shock
Yumyulack gasps.
Pupa Solar-Opposites: Terry?
Terry Solar-Opposites: What?
Jesse Solar-Opposites: Jesus Jessica Parker!
Phoebe MacCarthy: Oh… my… God…
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Terry, don’t freak out but-
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: YOU’RE A FUCKING HUMAN!
Suddenly, a human’s hands was shown as Terry’s gasp was heard. Then, the camera shifts towards a mirror where it shows reflection of Terry, now a human. Terry screams.
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: Oh my God… I look amazing! The Solars got confused Wow. You gotta touch these ears! I can’t believe I got a nose, and a hair, and dick and a shlong!
Korvo covers his mouth in shock.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Oh… my poor darling… what has happened to you? It’s my fault! starts crying I shouldn’t known! I-I-
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: Hey hey. Why the tears, boo?
Korvo Solar-Opposites: I am so sorry Terry. If I hadn’t been so distracted as Quasarblast and stood up for you and-
Human Terry kisses Korvo.
Human Terry Solar-Opposites: hugs Korvo Shh… it’s okay sweetie… it’s okay…
Pupa Solar-Opposites: Yay!
Jesse Solar-Opposites: I can’t believe my daddy is a human! This is so cool!
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Holy shit! Do you have a butthole?!
Suddenly, Terry did turn back to his normal Shlorpian self, much to the other’s shock and surprise.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Whuh? How?
Terry Solar-Opposites: I dunno. It’s just a cool trick I learned.
Korvo then gets out a scanning device and goes surprised.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Holy shit. I think this is a natural Shlorpian reaction on being on the planet for too long. The form must’ve taken up a unique shape shifting ability on what planet they have been on.
Pupa gasps.
Jesse Solar-Opposites: No way. I have no idea we can do that.
Terry Solar-Opposites: Well, that’s what I get for succumbing to the temptish. Wait, does the Pupa have one?
The Pupa starts straining much to Korvo’s discomfort.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Oh my goodness! Pupa, are you okay?
Suddenly, the Pupa started floating and glowing as he screams a little and turns into a human. The Solars gasp because as they open their eyes, the Pupa has turn into a human toddler girl.
Phoebe MacCarthy: Aaaw. That’s so adorable!
Korvo faints. Then, he wakes up upon seeing Human Pupa looking at his reflection.
Human Pupa Solar-Opposites: Pigtails!
Yumyulack Solar Opposites: Why is the Pupa’s form a girl?
Jesse Solar-Opposites: D’aw, it’s so cute!
Korvo Solar-Opposites: I don’t know. Wait. Does that mean I could have one?!
Jesse-Solar Opposites: uses the scanner Oh, you’ll have the ability to turn human in 16 days.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Oh, well what about you two?
Jesse then scans her body.
Jesse Solar-Opposites: Hooray! In five days! I can’t wait to see what mine looks like.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: And me?
Phoebe MacCarthy: scans Yumyulack Oh, in 11 days.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: God damn it!
Korvo sighs.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Well, I supposed this could work as new civilian identities. Because, with me as Quasarblast, I don’t think we should walk around Earth anymore as aliens. It’s the only way guys. I hope you’re not disappointed.
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites: Are you nuts?! This is awesome!
Terry hugs Korvo.
Terry Solar-Opposistes: Korvy, whatever comes when the rest of you develop the ability of turning into humans, we’ll get through it. Together.
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Oh. Come here you.
The two husbands then embrace in a kiss while the kids, after Pupa turns back into his normal Pupa self, and Phoebe hugs them
Korvo Solar-Opposites: Besides, what’s the worst that can happen?
Special thanks to @avaveevo, @asikreading, @themagicwolf6677, @king-of-squishmallows and all of my watchers for their ideas and support.
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transassdemon · 5 months
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[My art, don't steal, tag if reposting]
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thefigureinthecorner · 2 months
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as above, so below.
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bloominglegumes · 2 months
to think that we could stay the same,,,
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(my megop playlist.pls pls talk about songs with me)
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isawthismeme · 4 months
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ddddd-pixels · 6 months
For International Asexuality Day, I'm hitting you all with the Ace Beam. ☺️
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(This took a lot more effort than I thought it would, lol...)
Edit: 800 notes?! In less than five hours?! Thank you all so much!!
Edit 2: 2000... The most I got on any post before was just over a hundred, lol. You are all so nice!
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cthaehart · 3 months
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Someone help him
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pbnmj · 1 year
also by the way i am always obsessed with how spider-people just click and can work together without anything being said in spiderverse . mcu spiderman being like "omg ive never worked in a team” “how are we going to work together” “well im on a team so i’ll lead us" like that was the most boring way to do it . spiderverse instead saying "we just know how to work together because our histories and lives are so linked, its like knowing someone your whole life. seeing the self in the other. our lives rhyme.” LIKE I LOVE YOU GUYS
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The Afton family gatherings are always wild in FNAF,,
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you think dipper and mabel have experience deescalating fights because of their parents
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You are Never Far Deleted Scene
Here is a deleted scene you are all so gonna like:
Now that she knows what Roxy did to Korvo, Phoebe has finally have enough as she angrily walks over to her righteous fury.
Phoebe: ROXY!
Roxy turned and groans in annoyance. But then, Phoebe gut punches her in the face as everyone gasp.
Roxy: The fuck?! What is that for?!
Phoebe: What the fuck is wrong with you?! Korvo is doing his best to get use to earth! What the fuck is your problem?!
Roxy: Hey! The self-loathing bitch-ass alien is such a nuisance! Why do you support him?!
Phoebe: grabs Roxy by the throat I’ll let you know that is my family you are messing with! You are such a selfish skank! You make one more move on Korvo and any of the Opposites, I’m gonna fucking kill you bitch!
Roxy: Will you shut up hillbilly! You’re the one who is raised by a stupid criminal family! Why do you care about these stupid-ass aliens?
Phoebe: Hey! They are more than aliens! They are my family!
Phoebe punches Roxy again, but Roxy prepares to have a blow at her. The two women started fighting as everyone etched in shock and amazement. The Solar-Opposites came over and gasp in shock once they see Phoebe fighting with Roxy.
Korvo: Phoebe!
Terry: Holy shit! She’s kicking Roxy’s ass
Yumyulack: Come on Phoebe! Kick her ass!
Jesse: Oh Jesus! Phoebe, be careful
Pupa: chanting Phoebe! Phoebe!
Once Roxy prepare to get out a knife, Phoebe gut punches her as Roxy finally concedes defeat and groans. The town cheers as well as the Solar Opposites as they rushed over to Phoebe.
Phoebe: Now get lost Roxy! Don’t come near family ever again, or I’ll fucking kick your ass!
Roxy runs off in horror. Phoebe then hugs Korvo.
Phoebe: Don’t worry Korvo, Roxy’s not gonna mess with anymore. You’ll always be an important part of your lives. You’re our Korvo and we love you.
Korvo: shedding tears as he smiles and hugs Phoebe back Thank you Phoebe.
The Solar Opposites then get in a group hug as the Roxy is finally placed in a juvenile center far away and is never heard from again.
Phoebe MaCarthy belongs to @themagicwolf6677
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aerequets · 2 months
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me when im getting refs off pinterest again except this time instead of cute hugs or vintage drawings it's just loid getting beat up by the women in his life
(except anya. the only hits she'll get on him are the emotional ones, which may be arguably worse)
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bugcatcherkit · 2 months
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Man that sure is a Situation where two 14 year olds push the limits of each other’s trauma responses until they both reach extreme breaking points. and then they deal with the aftermath basically all by themselves. Isn't that super awesome and totally not kinda fucked up at all.
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charliework16 · 1 year
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his mind is so important to me
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I am fascinated by how, in the Bridgerton Extanded Universe, everyone is in a period drama EXCEPT the Bridgerton family, who is in a romantic comedy.
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oifaaa · 8 months
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Every time I read something that's like Justice League appalled to find out about Robin I do have to laugh bc you know I don't think they would care either that or they're all fucking hypocrites
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