#the usernames werent that hard after i thought about it
p2iimon · 5 months
okay! okay theyre here ive got!
SOLLUXLIKER my homestuck blog!
NAP-STAB-LOOK my undertale blog!
YELLOWRABBIT87 my fnaf blog!
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hold-me-dolan · 6 years
DM’s: E.D. x Reader.
A/N: Hi guys, this is my first EVER imagine/fan fic/whatever. But please don’t judge me too hard, and try to learn to love me lol
Warnings: college behavior  
The Dolan twins. Ugh. Where do I even start?
You haven’t even been a fan of theirs for a month yet but they had already stolen your heart. There was so many things about them that you adored. The thing you loved most about them was the way they seemed so sincere when they were addressing their fans.
Before you watched the Dolan’s YouTube videos you knew them from their Vines. You thought they were just another set of guys trying to go big time from their good looks and humorous behavior. But that was back when they were about 15 years old. It wasn’t until your younger sister made you sit down with her to watch their YouTube videos. At first, you were annoyed and acted like they were too young for you. But as soon as she showed you their survival video, you had a thing for Ethan. He was the kind of guy you always wanted: he was funny, sarcastic, immature, and always making fun of his brother. For some reason this made you smile.
Even though you loved both of them so much, there was something about Ethan. That boy just made you smile more than you thought was humanly possible. Anything he did made you go wild. And yeah, his twin brother, Grayson, was extremely hot and so sweet, but Ethan’s goofy and dominate behavior made your insides quake. That was when you were determined to make that boy YOURS.
After watching a few of their videos, you looked both of them up on social media. You were soon aware that Grayson had way more followers than Ethan. Finding this out made you sad because you knew that Ethan was just as hot as Grayson, but he had a different personality. Not that you didn’t love Grayson’s sweet and loving demeanor, but there was something about Ethan’s humor that made him your favored twin. And for some reason, you couldn’t figure out why Grayson had so many more followers than Ethan. Almost as immediately as you were saddened by this fact, you became happy. The fact that Ethan had less girls flaunting over him made you smile. You knew that you might have an even better chance of getting Ethan’s attention since more girls were obsessed with Grayson.
As a college girl, you went to a few frat parties. You didn’t make it a point to go out, but one night when your sorority sisters influenced you to go to a social you found yourself kind of drunk. Getting drunk wasn’t something your normally did, but you thought that you would let yourself get loose after months of staying locked in your apartment.
Because you were kind of drunk, you found yourself more confident than usual. You were introducing yourself to almost every guy you saw, and teasing them about anything and everything – since that’s the type of girl you were….
----- BACKGROUND: your whole life you grew up only being friends with boys and you were closer with all your male relatives. You didn’t like girls, so it shocked even you that you were in a sorority. Most people just thought you were a tomboy. But only you (any probably your parents) knew you only liked boys because you were majorly obsessed with boys. Ever since 1stgrade, when you found out about “kooties” you were embarrassed about liking boys. That’s why you always hid your obsessions with friendships. The fact that your friendships never turned out to be something more made you really upset, but you never let anyone see that side of you. You always went along with it, and acted like one of the boys. Even when your best friend called you “one of the boys,” you weren’t upset. You led yourself to believe you were truly a “boy.” You thought you would never find love, so you found peace in the fact you always had boys to love you, even if they were just friends. ----
(NOW) Once you realized you truly in fact loved Ethan, you decided you would let your guard down. You decided since he and his twin were so famous, you had nothing to lose and you could show your true emotions. That’s when you made your mind up and decided you were going to get Ethan to notice you, no matter what.
You knew that the twins had so many girls loving them, and your little messages wouldn’t be noticed. So you messaged them on Instagram. You weren’t shocked that they didn’t reply, let alone they didn’t even read your message. You were upset but not really since you knew how famous they were. That was, until one night when you were very drunk.
Most times when you got drunk you just went back to your apartment and fell asleep. This night, though, you were feeling really lonely because you saw your sorority sisters pairing off with boys from the party. Your tom-boyish personality made every guy love you, but deep down you knew it wasn’t what you wanted. You played it off, acting like you loved being every guy’s best girl-friend. But when you were drunk, you always showed how you really felt about never having a boy for yourself.
On this night, though, you decided to take your shot. You messaged Ethan, only, on Instagram. The alcohol gave you an extra boost of confidence, even though you knew he still wouldn’t see it. You messaged Ethan,
           “I love you so much, please say ‘Hi.’”
You went to bed smiling, hoping to get a reply from Ethan.
You woke up the next day to the sound of your alarm clock with a pounding headache and regret from all the things you did from the night before. You tried not to think about the fact that you challenged almost every guy you say to a shot gun race, saying you could beat them (even though you did.) Thinking about all the beer you consumed made your stomach ache, and you rolled over trying to fall back asleep. It was 8 a.m. and you decided you weren’t going to make it to your 9 a.m. You fell back asleep and tried to forget about the embarrassing things you did the previous night.
You woke up later, checked your phone, and noticed it was 1 p.m. You were happy that you ~somewhat~ got rid of your hangover by sleeping it off. You decided it was a good enough time to officially wake up and check your phone. You were still hungover and somewhat dizzy, when you saw an Instagram notification saying “message from @ethandolan.” You assumed it was a fan account, since you followed a few and liked a lot of their posts. You first checked all your texts and snapchats from your friends making sure you were okay. Once you got through those, you clicked on the Instagram app on your phone.
You scrolled through a few posts, then you decided to check out the Dolan fan account that messaged you. You assumed it was just some crazy girl trying to get you to make them more popular, and you rolled your eyes. When you swiped over to your messages, you thought you were more hungover than you thought – maybe even still drunk!
You saw the blue checkmark next to ethandolan and you blinked your eyes. There was no way Ethan really saw your message, or even messaged you back. You closed your eyes for a moment and blinked before looking back at your phone screen. Then, you really thought it might be the real Ethan Dolan that messaged you.
You got really excited and clicked on the message immediately. You saw your message from the night before, and quickly got a sense of embarrassment. Your cheeks were burning up, and you closed your eyes again. Thinking about the message you sent Ethan the night before reminded you of all the embarrassing things you did at the frat party.
Once you got over your regrets, you looked back at your phone. You read the message “Hey girl! You’re so sweet! Me and Grayson really appreciate your love!”
You dropped and screeched. There was no way THE Ethan Dolanmessaged you back. Once again, you rubbed your eyes and blinked several times. Then you realized it was in fact the Ethan Dolan. You blushed more – if that was even possible – and quickly thought of a response:
           “You don’t even realize how happy you make me.”
You locked your phone and dropped it, still smiling at the fact that ETHAN DOLAN answered your DM. A few minutes later, your phone buzzed. With your heart racing, you jumped and looked at your phone, only to see a text from your Mom. Supposedly you sent her a ~drunk~text the night before, and she wanted to make sure you were okay. You answered her, and tried to play it off that you were not as drunk as you actually were.
Just before you were about to get up and shower, you got another notification on your phone. Thinking it was your Mom again, you scoffed. When you looked at your phone you realized it was ETHAN. AGAIN.
You quickly clicked on the message, and saw:
           “Don’t say that.”
As you were about to type, you bubbles pop up. Eventually, you read his next message:
           “Y/N, I promise I don’t do this. But… what’s your snapchat.”
You had literally never smiled more in your life. You gave it a couple minutes before answering him. Almost immediately after you sent Ethan your snap username, you got a notification saying “Ethan Dolan has added you as a friend!” You could not believe what was happening. You clicked on the notification, and added him back. That’s when you thought nothing good could from this. Your heart would be forever broken if he wanted nothing more than just another fan on snapchat, to prove Grayson he had more fans.
A/N: please lmk if you want a part 2! Idk if I'm any good at writing this stuff, but I find it fun (lol, right.!) yeah so message me if you want more, or if it was terrible just tell me to stop :) I won’t be offended considering I haven’t written short stories since 4th grade. Also, I haven’t used Tumblr since 7th grade, but I'm trying to get back into it :)))))) maybe I shouldn’t lol ok goodnight!
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dabblinginmarvel · 8 years
Bad-Ass With a Bear
Request: Heeey! I really liked immortality is not an excuse! So I have a request for you! Can you do a request where the reader is like... a super bad ass. Like she eats lemons, straight off the tree. She's really good at combat and can scare the Hulk. But she sleeps with a child hood teddy bear and the Avengers find out and take it and the reader creates hell until they give it back but loose it? Idk it's weird, it's 12:00 am I'm so tired Kthxbye
Blog Tag: @isaqel
A/N: Lots of fluff, just like the bear, pictured here. Fem!Reader.
Warnings: Bad words.
Word Count Total: 824 (I didn’t expect this to get this long, tbh)
Short Imagine #92
Title: Bad-Ass With a Bear
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The Avengers weren’t quite sure what to make of you. You were a team member and they were always around you, but you were thought to figure out. At first, they only knew you as a bad-ass, but after what they found in your room, they knew most of it had to be an act.
See, you had this reputation as a bad-ass because you ate fresh lemons like oranges, kicked all kinds of butt, and never once concerned yourself in matters that were small, like arguments. You knew to pick your battles, and those battles were ones that your teammates stayed far, far away from. Even Bruce and the Hulk.
Until today. They knew they would get their butts kicked if – no, when – you found out. But, it would be worth it to see the look on your face when you found out they knew about your teddy bear.
This bear was one you had gotten as a baby and never once let someone replace it. It had been re-stuffed, sewn up, patched up, and refluffed so many times that you had lost count. But you still loved it, and on nights that were particularly difficult, especially after a rough mission, it was comfort that you needed. You could hug it to your chest and because it was a Gund brand, it was almost as if it could hug you back.
Natasha had been the one to find it while she was putting away your shoes that you had left by the front door. She was tired of telling you (but in all honesty, you were busy), so she shoved them in your closet. That was when she found the small pink bear, its round plastic eyes scratched up and the fuzz gone from its nose. She picked it up and turned it around in her fingers. This was a teddy bear, and she never had one at any point of her life. A feeling of sadness washed over her as she realized what the bear meant to you, despite the absence of one in her life. The bear was out back on its shelf and as she went to shut the closet door, someone came in behind her. She had been so distracted that she hadn’t noticed someone sneaking up in the doorway.
“Oh, Sam. It’s just you.”
“Yeah. Hey, is that a bear in Y/N’s closet?” He walked to the bear.
“Don’t tell anyone. I don’t want to embarrass her.”
“My lips are sealed.”
But somehow, by the time lunch arrived, the whole team knew about your teddy. It had even been passed around the room.
“Well,” said Steve, “I don’t have a problem with Y/N having a bear. I don’t see what the big deal is.”
“The point is not even the great Y/N is impenetrable,” said Tony.
“You’ll be on the receiving side of her anger once she finds out you are hiding it somewhere.”
“Well, it can’t be any worse than when the HYDRA agent shot her in the thigh. She ran on pure adrenaline to incapacitate him and still made a tourniquet in time to staunch the blood flow.”
“Oh, I forgot. Y/N is Chuck Norris, now.” Clint chuckled.
Steve furrowed his brow and Nat patted him on the shoulder. “I’ll explain later.”
Tony hid the bear on a high beam and went back to his own business, in too deep for sure. Natasha was sure he wasn’t getting out of this one alive.
When you returned from running errands, you were exhausted. All you wanted to do was pick up your bear and sleep. When you couldn’t find him (yes, your bear was a he), you began to panic. A tough mission had occurred less than a week ago and you had a hard time sleeping enough without Teddy.
You knew that out of anyone, you could trust Nat with a secret, so you went to her after searching your entire room.
“Nat, could I talk to you a second?” You pulled her away from catching up on Game of Thrones.
“Sure, what’s up?”
“I need to ask you something in complete confidence.”
“You know you can ask me anything.”
“Okay. I have this teddy bear that I always keep in my room, but now it’s gone. Could you help me find it?”
She looked into your pleading eyes and felt guilt settle in her stomach. “There’s a small thing you need to know….”
After she was done, your anger flamed up and she knew Tony was going to be in a world of hurt for the next week.
Steve helped you get it down partly because he felt guilty knowing your secret and partly because Tony was nowhere to be found.
You didn’t blame Steve, but you blamed Sam and Tony. They would hide from you for about a week and a half before they tried facing you again. And they had learned their lesson.
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Permanent Tag List (please alert me if you change your username or if you want to be untagged): @hellomissmabel, @mindlessnerd89, @wxnchestervevo, @beccaanne814-blog, @mylittlefandomfanfictions, @dreamer821, @fangirling-equestrian, @feelmyroarrrr, @allineedisconnor
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