fefiction · 6 years
a-ghost-of-a-good-mood replied to your post “So, in a usual Fire Emblem fashion, the end of Heroes Book II has come...”
It was rushed indeed. We got parallel after parallel with no chapters in between for a long period of time, then all suddenly, the last 2 very close together patched with glue. I would have preferred to have 1 o 2 more chapters that wrapped up more stuff about the Muspell and Nifl characters and then a memorable battle against Surtr.
I just saw this but I’m the same. I’d much rather have a few more chapters to develop things more rather than have it be rushed and turn out like this last chapter. Plus, I think we’d all love more gameplay and maps as an added bonus to a better story. It’s the best of both worlds in that aspect. It was the same for me in Fates, I’d much rather have a longer story/game in general. It gives the story more time to develop and you get more chapter to play. And in the case of Heroes, I’d rather wait a bit longer for the story to be developed/made than get some watered down, rushed story. But hey, that might just be me. 
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fefiction · 6 years
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I do agree with you, Fates story isn’t hard to beat. It set the bar super low, let’s be honest. Book II, while not amazing and very predictable, still was far more enjoyable than Fates.
I also agree, that detail gave me chills. Heroes could have a good storyline/characters/details if it really tried, this is just proof.
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fefiction · 6 years
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fefiction · 6 years
So, in a usual Fire Emblem fashion, the end of Heroes Book II has come and I must say, I’m not too impressed. I will say I’m stoked at the fact that we will be getting Múspell characters since I really liked their designs, but other than that I felt like the entirety of Book II was predictable and somewhat boring. While it certainly had some good qualities (Helbindi/the Múspell sisters were decent characters, Loki has the potential to be interesting, I liked how it showed Veronica in a bit different of a light, Bruno coming in at the end was nice/makes me hope there will be more development there, and the fact that I’m hoping it’s setting up for a more interesting Book III.) I will say that the ending felt rushed, and finally fighting Sutr was lame. I didn’t expect much from the ending, if I’m being honest, but I also didn’t expect it to come to an end so quickly and so… lamely.
I’m hoping that Book III takes its time telling the story and comes up with a better storyline than the typical Fire Emblem plots. I’m also hoping it brings new, interesting characters into the story. They made decent characters with the Múspell sisters and Helbindi so I’m optimistic if anything.
What did you guys think?
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fefiction · 6 years
So that FEH channel... who y’all choosing? 👀
-Admin Thirsty
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fefiction · 6 years
Hello! I adore this blog with all of my heart. How many kids would Fernand be interested in having?
Fernand would want to have a big family. I can see himwanting to have as many kids as he can support. His entire family was takenfrom him, and while I can see him being somewhat apprehensive about thepossibility of that happening again, Fernand would want nothing more than tohave a family again. Once he would find someone that he loves and accepts himfor as he is- faults and all- he’d want to rebuild a family for himself.  
After he would hold his first child in his arms, he’d feellike a part of him that’s been missing since losing his family was finallymended back together. He’d realize that his life isn’t over, that people stilllove him and that he can continue his family’s name and legacy. He may havelost his family, but he still has a chance to regain it. I believe he wouldtake that chance and create a beautiful, loving and warm home once more.
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fefiction · 6 years
Forsyth x Python headcanons? (Ship so hard >\\\_\\\
Forsython headcanons:
Thirsty Note: Forsython is like… one of my favorite ships in echoes. It isn’t graybin, but I still love it a lot. They just have such a good dynamic, and they flow together so easily even though they’re so different. It’s great and it also deserves more love.
No one was surprised when it came out that Forsyth and Python were seeing each other romantically. While the two argue more times than they talk, there was just a chemistry between the two that even a blind man could see. It was easy to see it in Forsyth’s eyes when he looked at Python, and it was easy to tell when Python’s tone wasn’t so snappy when addressing Forsyth. Needless to say, everyone in the Deliverance who made bets for their relationship were happy.
Forsyth’s worrying over Python skyrockets to almost unmanageable heights when they finally confess their feelings for each other. He’d always been worried that Python would slack too much and come to find himself stuck with a lance or taking an arrow in the abdomen, but now he scrutinizes every aspect of Python’s life and nags him endlessly about taking better care of himself. Python still is his usual self and always rolls his eyes and shakes off his endless nagging, but he does take care to be more careful on the battlefield. He’d never want to see Forsyth hurt over him, so he watches his back a little more and takes training more seriously (but not too much. He is still is Python after all).
They don’t exactly have what one would call ‘romantic’ dates, if any. Neither of them see the need, spending time together going about their daily business is enough for them. That’s not to say they never go out on a date, as every now and then Python will drag Forsyth from his duties to relax and watch the stars, or Forsyth will force Python to tag along with him on supply runs and they’ll go out to shops together.  Most of the time they find that they much rather retire to their shared tent and just spend the night in each other’s company.
They often find themselves in heated arguments over the dumbest things, but both are quick to make up for the harsh words they said. They each understand each other’s limits, the other’s quirks and they always know the best way to make it up to each other.
Their relationship is just…. Easy. They know each other so well and are so comfortable with the other that their relationship flows with few bumps in the road. They may bicker, but they bicker like an old married couple. Everything just somehow works and they’re perfectly fine with it.
They balance each other perfectly. Python is the one to keep Forsyth grounded when he flies away with his dreams and Forsyth pushes Python to apply himself more. They become better versions of themselves when the other is around, and their strength doubles when they are together. They are a powerhouse couple, even if they don’t realize it themselves.
They would follow the other anywhere in life. They journeyed to the Deliverance together, they fought together, they’ve fallen in love together and they intend to stay together until the end. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will ever part them.
They aren’t the most cuddly couple. A quick peck here and there in the eyes of the Deliverance, but most of their affection comes in the comfort of their shared tent. Even then though, they aren’t all over each other. While they do occasionally share an embrace, hold each other’s hand or even hold each other in their shared bed, they aren’t always touching the other. The affection is still there, but they find just being in the other’s presence is enough. Python does enjoy their flings in the bedroom, though Forsyth will go completely red and slap Python to shut him up if he ever brings it up. 
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fefiction · 6 years
May I ask for some Lon’qu cuddle headcanons with a female S/O?
Lon’qu cuddle headcanons 
It takes Lon’qu a considerable amount of time to warm up to touching his s/o. Even though they managed to get past his defenses and get him to admit his feelings, touching and being near a woman (especially the one he loves) just sets him off. He finds himself terrified of the one thing he wants to love more than anything, and that kills him. 
At first, he really beats himself up over the fact that he can’t bring himself to hold his s/o’s hand, or give them a hug. He berates himself for not being strong enough to push past his fear for the one he loves. But his s/o notices the way he feels about it and supports him- even if it is from afar. They fell in love with him knowing that it’d be difficult at first, but they know that the wait will be worth it in the end. 
Slowly, Lon’qu manages to get past his initial fears and eventually is able to hold his s/o’s hand. Their smile eases his mind and allows him to hold onto them just a smidge tighter. 
After the first experience being close to his s/o, things get much easier for Lon’qu. While he is still fairly wary of getting too close to his s/o, he finds that he doesn’t flinch away from their hands or their body as much, or that he’s far less tense when his body is pressed against his s/o’s. He actually realizes that he quite enjoys the feeling of their skin on his, or seeing their smile up close, and eventually he can hold his s/o without a single moment of hesitation. 
While Lon’qu has no more reservations about touching and being near his s/o, he still isn’t the most cuddly person around. He doesn’t complain when his s/o reaches out for his hand, or when they lay their head on his shoulder when they’re alone, but he isn’t the one to typically initiate the cuddling. 
For being a toughened warrior, Lon’qu is surprisingly soft and gentle. He’s always inanely aware of where his s/o is, and somehow always knows just how right to hold them. He’s also extremely warm and comfortable to snuggle into. 
Lon’qu is definitely more reserved with his affections when others are present, but when he finds himself alone with his s/o, he’s much more likely to allow himself to relax and slip his fingers into their hair or rub circles on their hand. In those moments, Lon’qu holds a surprising tenderness that he reserves for his s/o. 
Lon’qu is always the big spoon. It’s almost an unspoken agreement between him and his s/o. It’s just how he operates and honestly, his s/o can’t complain. His strong arms are perfect to relax into when they are around them. 
Most times when his s/o gets a little clingy in the eyes of the other shepherds, Lon’qu grumbles about it but a heavy blush always finds its way onto his face. No one comments on it though since they know they’d be a dead man. 
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fefiction · 6 years
Hello! May I request some fluff/beach headcanons for Gaius?
Gaius Fluff and Beachy headcanons:
 Thirsty Note: I finally got around to finishing this request! It works out too since the little candy stealer is back for the Summer. Maybe you can try your luck for him again~
Gaius is excited to go to the beach, but let’s be honest, he’s really more excited to see his lover in a bathing suit and letting their hair down for a while. He loves to see their smile and he honestly can’t think of anything better than relaxing on a beach with the love of his life.
Before he went to the beach, he made sure he trained extra hard to make sure he was in top shape to show off a little to his s/o. This meant he also cut back on his candy consumption, but it was worth it when he catches his s/o’s eyes lingering a little longer than they usually do.
When he notices his s/o eyeing a certain seashell on the beach, he grabs it and slips away just long enough so he can fashion it into a makeshift necklace for his s/o. He’d give it to them and claim it was to keep the memory of their vacation together. His s/o never takes it off after that.
There are plenty of vendors near the beach that try to make sales off cool and sweet treats. Gaius eyes them all day until his s/o finally decides to go over and buy them each an ice pop. Gaius happily accepts and plants a sweet, sticky kiss onto his s/o’s cheek as payment.
Him and his s/o mess around with each other in the water and end up getting into a huge splashing war. Eventually their splashes hit the wrong target and suddenly all the Shepherds are in the water to get revenge.
Gaius keeps his handkerchief tied tightly around his arm to keep his tattoo hidden, but when they come back from their day on the beach and he takes it off he has the most ridiculous tan line and his s/o laughs until he has to find a way to quiet them down.
The next day, Gaius reveals the huge stash of sweets he secretly bought from the vendors and his s/o has a slight heart attack.
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fefiction · 6 years
Discord Server
Hello everyone! So, this blog has hit a few milestones in the past few weeks. It turned one year old on the 10th and just yesterday we hit 800 followers! 
I’m honestly shocked how much love and support y’all have given this blog and to my writing, and I wanted to do a little celebration. 
memer and I have both wanted to get to know all of you for quite some time now, so we decided to give a Discord server a go! 
I will post the link below, but there will be a page listing the rules and regulations of the server on our blog as well as in the server itself- please give those a read before joining if y’all could. 
Anyways, thank you all so much for your support and please enjoy the server and come chat with us! 
-Admin Thirsty 
DISCORD LINK: https://discord.gg/ZTbfbQW
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fefiction · 6 years
hey hey its ol hickory ham mike here with a request of luthier nsfw hcs thanks my dude
Luthier nsfw headcanons:
Thirsty Note: Luthier is a toughie to write for. His interactions are so limited so a lot of this is just me deciding that he’d be an adorably awkward lover. Also memer and I love the ‘ol hickory ham mike’
Luthier is one awkward boy. He isn’t the most well-versed member of the Deliverance in the arts of friendship, and he certainly isn’t well-versed in the art of ~love making~, so needless to say, it’s quite an experience for him and his s/o.
Through the whole thing, the two are stumbling around trying to figure out how it’s supposed to work, but neither minds that much since they are together.
Luthier is shy at first, not being one to usually show off so much of his body. He’s used to be hidden underneath his robes, so being so bare in front of someone he values the most is quite a shock for him. His s/o would know this and do everything in their power to make him feel comfortable and appreciated.
At first, Luthier would be closed off and almost robotic in his movements. He’d be so nervous to screw something up that all he would be able to focus on is making sure he is meticulous and almost goes through a sort of check list in his mind. His s/o would have to realize this and slowly bring him out of his comfort zone and open him up more. After a while, Luthier would finally relax enough to just enjoy the time he is spending with his s/o and getting to know the things that each of them like in bed. He’d have to remind himself that this is the person who accepts him for all that he is and that there is and will not be any judgement placed upon him.
Luthier is very dedicated to trying to make it work. When things aren’t going right he tries his absolute hardest to figure out the root of the problem and fix it so that both himself and his s/o can enjoy their activities.
Luthier is always asking for approval before, during, and after sex. He wants to make sure his partner wants all of his advances (especially since the boy is almost inept at reading other’s emotions) and that he is doing everything correct. He can only read so many books to prepare for the actual thing.
Once Luthier gets a feel for what he likes and what his partner likes, he becomes more open to new ideas and ways of going about having sex. At first he’d want to be fairly traditional and safe, missionary and all that jazz, but things will change once he truly becomes comfortable with their love making. He’d want to branch out and try new positions and perhaps mix in a toy or two here and there. He’d want to have a taste of everything sex has to offer if his s/o agrees to try it out. The two would have many fun nights experimenting with new techniques and figuring out their perfect way of making love.
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fefiction · 6 years
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I’m excited for red flier Tana!!!!
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Any guesses?
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fefiction · 6 years
I really hope the boy on the right is some hot hunk from jugdral like eldigan (even tho i neva played fe4 or 5) A lot of ppl are saying he's innes and I wouldn't mind bc he has some of that hunkiness too ;-) ;-)
Haha well people seem to be right since the banner was leaked. 
IS isn’t having a good time with leaked banners lately, but I’m glad to know that I only want to spend a few orbs to try and get Tana as a red flier. 
-Admin Thirsty
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fefiction · 6 years
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Any guesses?
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fefiction · 6 years
I came for Fire Emblem and now I’m crying
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fefiction · 6 years
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fefiction · 6 years
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