#the ust in this could be an alternative energy source
earth-matters2022 · 2 years
It's the variation of temperature and the rest of climate conditions, but what is the cause? The burning of fossil fuels, especially coal and oil, has increased the concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. Another cause is deforestation for agricultural purposes, industry and other human activities have increased the concentration of greenhouse gasses.
What will be the consequences that the human being will face?
1.- The Earth will heat up. Warm temperatures could benefit some regions, but not others.
2.- Warm seasons will lengthen and cold seasons will shorten.
3.- Warmer weather conditions will lead to more evaporation and precipitation, but the impact will vary across regions. For example, some regions will get wet and others will dry.
4.- The sea level will rise, because the oceans will warm up and cause the ice and glaciers to partially melt.
5. The climate change will affect our health.
6.-There will be intense droughts.
7.-We will have a water shortage.
8.-Serious fires will occur.
9.-There will be floods in various areas of the world.
10.-There will be melting of the poles.
11.-Catastrophic storms will occur.
12.-We will have a great decrease in biodiversity.
Currently, what have been the impacts?
This year various catastrophes have occurred around the world: droughts, forest fires, hurricanes, storms, melting glaciers, floods, among others
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We can still reduce the effects of climate change, but we have very litte time left. We have to change the world
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What actions should we take starting?
First we are going to reduce our carbon footprint by cycling, walking or maintaining our car so that it does not pollute
Secondly, we must take care of the water, avoiding its waste during the brushing of teeth or hands; wash clothes in cold water; as far as possible, avoid shower heaters, and recycle: you can collect rainwater and have systems for collecting water from sinks to reuse it.
Thirdly, we must eat sustainably, that is, prefer a greater consumption of plant-based foods to reduce the effects of intensive livestock farming and help mitigate climate change.
Fourth, we have to support the use of alternative energies, such as solar and/or wind energy.
Fifthly, we must reduce environmental pollution, an example is soil and water pollution, picking up garbage from the street and putting it in the appropriate containers and putting the 3rs into practice.
Protecting Our Planet Starts with You!
403: Access Forbidden. (2022, September 29). Retrieved September 29, 2022, from https://www.trespm.mx/eco/funcionara-cientificos-proponen-el-uso-de-aerosol-para-evitar-el-deshielo-de-polos
Access Denied. (2022, September 1). Retrieved September 29, 2022, from, de https://www.accuweather.com/en/hurricane/typhoon-hinnamnor-to-bring-catastrophic-flooding-wind-damage-to-parts-of-japan/1239001
Cambio climático, Pakistán, Cataluña, Michelle Bachelet. . . Las noticias del miércoles. (2022, September 5). Noticias ONU. Retrieved September 29, 2022, from https://news.un.org/es/story/2022/08/1513792
Get Your Clock. (s. f.). Climate Clock. Retrieved September 29, 2022, from https://climateclock.world/clocks
Greenpeace. (s. f.). Cambio climático | Causas, consecuencias y soluciones. Greenpeace España. Retrieved September 29, 2022, from https://es.greenpeace.org/es/trabajamos-en/cambio-climatico/
Heatwaves and Fires Scorch Europe, Africa, and Asia. (s. f.). Retrieved September 29, 2022, from https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/150083/heatwaves-and-fires-scorch-europe-africa-and-asia
Kennisgeving voor omleiding. (s. f.). Retrieved September 29, 2022, from https://www.google.com/urlsa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fanimal.mx%2Fsalud-y-estilo-de-vida%2Fdesaparece-glaciar-en-suiza-crisis-climatica%2F&psig=AOvVaw2ZWF7iAsTsIR6BQVc0Kfxx&ust=1664561098662000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAwQjRxqFwoTCOiM_rzLuvoCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAI
Kennisgeving voor omleiding. (2022, June 20). Retrieved September 29, 2022, from https://www.google.com/urlsa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Felpais.com%2Fsociedad%2F2022-06-20%2Flas-imagenes-de-la-sequia-que-asola-a-nuevo-leon.html&psig=AOvVaw0XeonGHmEmHmbKuLYVdxGC&ust=1664560940949000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAwQjRxqFwoTCIjLtPDKuvoCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD
undefined [ABC Action News]. (September 29). LIVE | Hurricane Ian - After the Storm — Florida begins damage assessment of damage [Vídeo]. YouTube. Retrieved September 29, 2022, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiOuATe5vso
United Nations. (s. f.). Datos de interés | Naciones Unidas. Retrieved September 29, 2022, from https://www.un.org/es/climatechange/science/key-findings#temperature-rise
0 notes
wanderingcas · 7 years
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Week 13: Destiel Case Fics!
[Thank you, everyone, for your wonderful submissions to Week 13, the final week of Spn Fanfic Submission Thursday! There’s some absolutely quality fics in this list, so check them out. If you read a fic, make sure to leave a comment and make an author’s day!
Note: this is technically the last week of Fanfic Submission Thursday. If you enjoyed these weekly fics, make some noise in my inbox and let me know! I’ll keep it going if people want it to continue. ^-^]
Humanity’s Angels by @amirosebooks
To get their minds off of Kelly Kline, Lucifer, and the BMOL, Dean and Sam take a case in Northern Arizona where a rogue angel was seen flashing his wings at a film festival and ranting about blasphemy. They quickly realize that there might be more to this case than they’d initially thought. The angel fits all the characteristics of being a ghost—EMF readings, see-through body, air chilling ability, and all. A local man is found with his eyes burned out like he was the victim of a smiting keeps them in town after salting and burning the angel’s buried vessel in hopes of dispelling his ghost.
Between all of this, Dean is finding it hard to keep his feelings for Cas under wraps. Especially when everywhere he looks and everyone he talks to reminds him of how much energy he’s spent hiding his sexuality from his family over the years. Will watching the ghost angel’s grieving best friend mourn the loss of the angel he’d loved spur Dean into confessing his own feelings before it’s too late? Will an angel from Cas’s past be able to succeed where Ishim failed? Who the hell has Sam been texting? Will someone please tell Mary what the hell is going on with her sons? Will any of Team Free Will learn to use their damn words?
Explicit. 92.8k words. (Complete)
[Bisexual Dean Winchester, Asexual Castiel, Mutual Pining, Canon Typical Violence, John Winchester’s A+ Parenting, Homophobia/Biphobia, Jealous Dean]
The Orange Blossom Bride by @expatgirl
It’s a simple salt and burn, even if it is in Florida. How hard could it possibly be?
Even the dead know.
Teen and Up. 15.5k words. (Complete)
[Case fic, pining, Sam Knows, Florida, ghosts, post-S10]
You Can’t Get Rid Of The Babadook (And Years Of Unresolved Sexual Tension) by @deaneatscake 
When the queer community accepts the Babadook as their new found icon, they accidentally create a Tulpa that starts killing homophobic people. Of course, Team Free Will rises to the occasion.
Explicit. 11.9k words. (Complete)
[AU - Canon, UST, Unsafe Sex, No Deaths, No Angst, Bisexual Dean Winchester]
Same Deep Water by @braezenkitty
Team Free Will hits the road to California to investigate the Brookdale Lodge, a haunted hotel nestled in the fog and giant redwoods of the Santa Cruz mountains. It’s been plagued by numerous suspicious deaths over its long history, the most well-known being the drowning of a six year old girl in the creek that runs through the middle of the Lodge’s famous restaurant, the Brookroom. Locals say the place is cursed, and connoisseurs of the paranormal regularly prowl the premises hoping to catch a glimpse of one of its many spirit residents. When a regular at the Lodge’s bar, the Mermaid Room, turns up drowned in the Lodge’s empty pool, Sam, Dean, and Cas decide to check it out. After a long break spent recovering from their battle with the Darkness, it seems like just the kind of open and shut case they need to ease back into hunting… but the Brookdale Lodge lives up to its dark reputation when something seeks to draw them into the water and drag them all under the surface.
Explicit. 30.5k words. (Complete)
[Protective Dean Winchester, Human Castiel, Interrupting Sam, Team Free Will, Hunter Castiel, Haunted Houses, Haunting, Drowning, Mutual Pining, Light Angst, Sharing a Bed, Jealous Dean, Angry Kissing, Frottage, Hand Jobs, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Happy Ending, Not Really Character Death, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence]
Until I Know This Sure Uncertainty, I’ll Entertain The Offered Fallacy by @mittensmorgul
Nothing had gone right all day. Dean had let the witch slip through his fingers, and he’d had to leave Sam and Cas behind to finish her off while he slogged off to her secret lair to get rid of the source of her powers. It was literal garbage duty, but it still had to be done. It didn’t make it any easier to know that Sam and Cas were in her line of fire while Dean was relatively safe (if appalled by the state of her housekeeping). So of course if something else could go wrong for Dean, it would.
Why was it always witches?
Teen and Up. 12.7k words. (Complete) [Humor, Fluff, Body Swap, Witch Curses, Case Fic, Comedy of Errors, Interrupting Sam, Human Castiel, Free Will, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, references to Dean and Crowley’s howling at the moon]
We're Butter Off Together by @whichstiel
Set immediately after the Season Five episode “The End” this canon-divergent story begins with Dean and Sam heading to the Wisconsin State Fair to check out a butter sculpture of an angel that sounds awfully similar to Castiel. Sure enough, when they arrive the incomplete sculpture looks a lot like Cas - enough so that the Winchesters call in the angel himself to help investigate it. Castiel, upon arrival, is mistaken as Dean’s partner - as in “life partner” - and they’re forced to share a room at a local B&B during the investigation. When Cas falls prey to the dark powers at work, Dean must confront his feelings in order to save Castiel.
Explicit. 27k words. (Complete)
Never Again I’ll Go Sailing by @mansikkaomenabanaani
A beach house on an idyllic stretch of sand, a simple salt and burn, a case that, taken at face value, is perfect. But when hearts are breaking and words are wounding, is this case the backdrop to a last chance at reconciliation, or a final distraction before an inevitable parting?
Because simple cases never turn out that simple, and uncovering one mystery just seems to create even more of them. And when leaving is the only certainty in their future, how can they help someone who is stuck in the past?
Explicit. 85k words. (Complete)
[Case Fic, Ghosts, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Established Relationship, Misunderstandings, Emotional Hurt, Fluff, Smut, Idiots in Love, Sam Ships It, Communication Failure, Crying Dean, Crying Castiel, Cold Castiel, Angry Dean, Emotional Dean, Nearly Human Castiel, Switching]
Dead Things and Washing Machines by @feartheophanim
Sam is sick and, despite Dean’s strict no-research-rule, finds a case. It’s like these cases sneak up on them when they least expect it. Dean says the hunt can wait; but, Sam doesn’t think that’s the wisest decision so he calls Cas to work the hunt with Dean.
Dean and Cas drive out only to find that the motels are all full; so, they end up in a one-bedroom/one-bath condo, sharing a bed and reveling in the stylish, fully-furnished, khaki-pants lifestyle.
Hunts don’t pause or slow down; they’re fast-paced and brutal. Dean and Cas’ relationship takes equal turns at both.
Mature. 26k words. (Complete)
[Canon Compliant, Recreational Drug Use, Branding, Non-sexual slavery, Homelessness, NSFB]
Deprived Of Every Planet by @cuddlemonsterdean
Dean’s breathing is audible in the scant space between them, irregular. The motel room is dark, pale blue shadows falling in through the gaps in the blinds. Throwing a pattern of uneven white stripes over the bunched up covers. Over Dean’s fingers twisted in the sheets. One half of him in shadow, softened by the dark. The heat of his skin. The tremble of him under Castiel’s touch.
He caresses a hand over Dean’s chest, slowly. Dean’s mouth falls open, his body arching into Castiel’s touch. Castiel stops over Dean’s heart. Through the fever of his desire, he rejoices about the wonder of experiencing another’s heartbeat through one’s own senses.
Dean gasps, but then he turns his face away and towards the dark. Eyes closed tight and brows furrowed like something is hurting him.
Castiel stills.
Mature. 9k words. (Complete)
[Established relationship, touchstarved!Dean, background case]
Warnings: canon-level violence, minor character deaths
The Unspoken Has Been Spoken by @deservetobesaved
Team Free Will learns why an unexpected chaos breaks out during a piano recital. Dean and Cas get to the bottom of other things as well.
Teen and Up. 3k words. (Complete)
[spells and enchantments, crack, fluff, hurt/comfort, mutual pining, takes place after 12x12]
untitled by @woefulcas
dean comes to a realization while patching up a newly human cas.
Teen and Up. 500 words. (Complete) [hurt/comfort, hunter husbands, human!cas, fluff, dean has The Moment]
Deep Thoughts by @cupcakesnsarcasm
When the Winchesters find her, strung up and tortured by a demon, they realize she’s something more than an average human. Sam’s curious, Dean’s apprehensive, and Elise knows everything - because she can hear their thoughts.
Mature. 52k words. (Complete)
[Dean Winchester/OFC, Mind Reading, Demons, Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, graphic depictions of violence]
Someone’s Who Feeling for Me by @ellis-park
Dean sees her for the first time in nearly six years in some no-name town in Idaho, and it’s panic at first sight. Lisa Braeden, the one woman Dean ever actually had a shot at a real life with, back from where he buried her in his mind. And her hand is on Cas’s arm like it’s no big deal, like it belongs there. Dean feels the jealousy rising, and it’s not directed where he expected it to be.
Mature. 46k words. (Complete)
[Case fic, mutual pining, mentions of past Dean/Lisa]
159 notes · View notes
enst1000blog · 5 years
Are Government Subsidies the Key to Renewable Energy?
When talking about energy, we are essentially talking about the sun. The sun is the source of almost all energy on earth, whether it be solar, wind, biomass, or other forms of energy. Energy can be divided into two categories: renewable and nonrenewable. Nonrenewable energy resources include coal, natural gas, and oil. Renewable energy can be found in wind energy, hydropower, solar energy, and biomass. Nonrenewable resources take centuries to replace, while renewable energy resources can take mere hours to decades to produce. Despite this, about 80% of commercial energy consumption comes from nonrenewable energy resources. All of these resources are derived, directly or indirectly, from the sun. Our use of resources that are created indirectly from the sun’s energy over hundreds of years is incredibly inefficient when we could instead source our energy primarily from the direct energy of the sun. In order to most effectively manage the energy resources of the earth, we must replace our use of nonrenewable energy with renewable energy while reducing our excessive energy consumption.
We have long known about the disastrous effects of the burning of fossil fuels. In 1992, 1,700 of the world’s leading scientists issued a Warning to Humanity that declared that “Increasing levels of gases in the atmosphere from human activities, including carbon dioxide released from fossil fuel burning and from deforestation, may alter climate on a global scale.” Greenhouse gas emissions are the leading cause of climate change and are causing catastrophic effects globally. These effects including rising sea levels, droughts, fires, acid rain, and many, many more. Climate change threatens the health of our environment, the lives of the animals that live in it, and human health as well. Therefore, the use of fossil fuels to produce energy is dangerous, no matter the perspective. Despite this, we continue to derive the majority of our commercial energy from fossil fuels.
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Companies that extract nonrenewable resources for energy use have long been the recipients of government subsidies to encourage the production of local energy. Countries want to have independent energy production so that they do not need to depend on other countries for their energy needs. In order to achieve this, governments have encouraged increased extraction of nonrenewable resources through subsidies and other financial measures. Fossil fuel companies have received government subsidies for about 100 years, and those global subsidies still total about $5 trillion annually today. Renewable energy has begun to receive government subsidies, but not on the same scale as fossil fuels do. If governments are serious about combatting climate change, then they need to reverse the proportion of subsidies, so that renewable energy is a far more financially appealing industry than nonrenewable energy.
Despite the lack of government support, the renewable energy sector is growing quite quickly. Environmentally conscious citizens are putting solar panels on their houses and towns are building wind farms to produce renewable energy. These changes can be expensive, however, and are often only available to affluent communities who have the luxury of switching to more sustainable energy resources. Government subsidies could exponentially increase the growth of renewable energy sources if they encouraged it with environmentally friendly financial policies.
An increase in the use of renewable resources would take advantage of the massive amount of solar energy that is unused. Of the solar energy that reaches the earth’s surface, humans use only a fraction of this. Every hour, 430 quintillion Joules of solar energy hits the Earth. The total amount of energy all humans use in an entire year is 410 quintillion Joules. If we worked to effectively harness the massive amount of solar energy available to us, we should easily be able to sustainably produce enough energy to power human activities.
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Though the sun could power even higher energy needs than we currently have, we should work to stem those needs. There is a great deal of energy overconsumption throughout the world, mainly in developed countries. Inefficient infrastructure and affluent lifestyles lead to a great deal of global energy waste. Another source of energy waste is the inefficient production of energy. Net energy refers to the amount of high-quality energy available within a resource. This is determined both by the energy automatically wasted and the energy that is unnecessarily wasted. Some energy is lost from a resource due to the second law of thermodynamics, which we cannot prevent. However, energy is also lost due to inefficient methods of producing useful energy. If waste and inefficiencies in energy production are reduced, then the process could become much more profitable and sustainable. About 84% of commercial energy used in the United States is wasted, of which waste about half is unnecessary.
As Miller and Spoolman note in Living in the Environment, “Any energy resource with a low or negative net energy yield cannot compete in the open marketplace with other energy alternatives with higher net energy yields unless it is subsidized by the government or by some other outside source of funding.” It is due to the massive government subsidies granted to the fossil fuel industry that nonrenewable resources continue to be competitive. As Miller and Spoolman write, “Only 16% of the dollars that Americans pay for their energy actually provides them with high-quality energy.” The amount of waste of both energy and money in the fossil fuel industry is incredibly unsustainable, not to mention the fact that the nonrenewable resources the industry relies on are dwindling and will soon be hard to come by. Renewable resources involve a great deal less unnecessary waste than nonrenewable resources, making renewable energy production both more efficient and more cost-effective. However, due to the fewer government subsidies afforded to the renewable energy industry, it is more difficult to make a profit. If governments instead granted subsidies to sustainable energy production, then it could become possible for renewable resources to become the dominant form of energy production.
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Renewable energy is more efficient, more sustainable, and cheaper in the long run. Nonrenewable energy is, on the other hand, inefficient, unsustainable, and not cost-effective. The only reason most of our energy comes from nonrenewable resources is because of the long history of government subsidies granted to the fossil fuel industry. Without these subsidies, as Miller and Spoolman note, energy derived from fossil fuels could not compete in the open market. If governments take the climate initiative seriously and give more subsidies to the more deserving renewable energy sector, then we could begin a global movement towards renewable energy. The effects of this change would be very positive, giving the global population access to cheaper energy while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy waste.
Word Count: 1,103
How could governments be convinced to give more subsidies to the renewable energy sector?
Are subsidies for renewable energy all it will take to move to renewable instead of nonrenewable energy?
"1992 World Scientists' Warning To Humanity." Union of Concerned Scientists, https://www.ucsusa.org/about/1992-world-scientists.html#.XEVR_M9KjBI.
"This Incredible Fact Should Get You Psyched About Solar Power." Business Insider, 29 September 2015, https://www.businessinsider.com/this-is-the-potential-of-solar-power-2015-9.
Richardson, Jake. "Renewable Energy Doesn’t Get More In Subsidies Than Fossil & Nuclear Energy Have Gotten, & Continue To Get." CleanTechnica, 26 January 2018, https://cleantechnica.com/2018/01/26/renewable-energy-doesnt-get-subsidies-fossil-nuclear-sources-gotten-continue-get/.
Miller, Tyler, and Scott Spoolman. Living in the Environment. 17th ed. Belmont: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, 2012.
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louiseberan · 7 years
Nuclear Power Plant for defeating climate change
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Photo grabbed from: https://www.google.com.ph/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwig6Mqyk_PXAhXEPI8KHW70DOoQjRwIBw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nuclear-power.net%2Fnuclear-power-plant%2F&psig=AOvVaw23AqonNcg_ady3d0_bEGpL&ust=1512572926366933
Nuclear Power Plant can produce electricity. According to US Energy Information Administration, Nuclear power plant use steam from heated water to spin large turbines that generate electricity. These power plant use heat produced during nuclear fission to heat water.
The experts said that nuclear power is one of the few technologies that can quickly combat climate change. US reactors have been facing global challenge and it is the climate change. According to Scientific American Website, The low-carbon electricity produced by such reactors provides 20 percent of the US’ power and they avoided spewing soot and other air pollution like coal-fired power plants do and thus have saved some 1.8 million lives.
However, Hansen and Steven Chu, a former Secretary of Energy, thought that nuclear power is the key energy technology to defeat climate change.
Hansen said in a group of reporters last December 03, 2013, "We can't burn all these fossil fuels," "Coal is almost half the global emissions. If you replace these power plants with modern, safe nuclear reactors you could do a lot of pollution reduction quickly."
On the other hand, some people debated nuclear power plant is very dangerous and very expensive. The results of nuclear waste will be dangerous for thousands of years. These results were already happened in different countries that had a nuclear power plant.
According to Alice Slater, New York representative of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, “The tragic news uncovered by comprehensive new research that almost one million people died in the toxic aftermath of Chernobyl should be a wake-up call to people all over the world to petition their governments to put a halt to the current industry-driven ’nuclear renaissance.’ Aided by a corrupt IAEA, the world has been subjected to a massive cover-up and deception about the true damages caused by Chernobyl.”
Eventually, International experts said there will be a continuous of disaster failure at nuclear power plants and that will never be avoided. Having this power plant will be dangerous in a certain country.
At this point, nuclear power can help reduce the pollution in the environment but there are risks if it will continue for several years. Every too much has an exchange of every bad effects, so let’s be wise in making decisions. There are always another alternatives to prevent pollution and in the first place, we are the ones who at fault of why there is a pollution in the environment. Making a test and studying it thoroughly could help to know if nuclear power can be the answer for defeating pollution or not.
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saveourseas123-blog · 5 years
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By: Annette Yates and Rachel Morin
Sustainable Plastic for the Win
         Plastics are typically composed of polymers, long chain molecules made of smaller, repeating unit molecules called monomers, and there are a multitude of different kinds of synthetic polymers and plastics used throughout the world.  More recently, scientists have been trying to create a sustainable polymer that addresses the needs of consumers without damaging our environment, health, and economy. To do this, researchers are working to develop polymers that require the use renewable feedstocks, such as plants, the useless net water and non-renewable energy, and emit less greenhouse gases during production.  Some sustainable polymers can be composted in addition to being recycled or incinerated to recover their energy content.  Composting is a beneficial alternative to throwing away items as it produces carbon dioxide, water and organic matter, such as dirt, which is used to regenerate the renewable resource feedstock, which are plants.
         Many big corporations and companies are aware of the use of sustainable polymers and they have recently comprised a growing segment in the market. Currently, polylactide, a sustainable polymer derived from corn, is made into plastic food cutlery, food containers, certain clothing fibers, and even some cell phone cases. This is just the start but as technology advances and more research is put into this project, the list of products will grow and more further sustainable polymers will be developed and become readily available.  
         There are many ways to make sustainability effective and eventually make the industry world part of the solution instead of them being the problem.  The first way is using reclaimed feedstocks.  For example, Wood fibers from agricultural waste materials can be used to substitute some petroleum-based feedstock that goes into traditional plastics. In some cases, up to 70 percent of non-renewable resources can be replaced. With widespread use, reclaimed feedstock could make a serious dent in the amount of fossil fuels used by the global plastics industry.  Biodegradable materials also play an important role by helping to reduce the landfill waste. In some cases biodegradability provides products with a functional advantage even after they meet their end.  Companies such as Green Dot Bioplastics are finding ways to incorporate sustainable plastics into everyone’s lives.  The company’s goal is to use a science-based approach, be style driven, and socially conscious about the products they use and make for their buyers.  They wish to treat the planet better and spread the word to others that sustainability is about more than just the environment, it’s about protecting our way of life and being considerate of future generations.
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Significance Of Inverter & UPS Batteries In Our Daily Life
ust imagine your life without electricity. What could happen, if electric power is not there? Just think about it. Well, let me tell you, inverter & UPS batteries are the only thing that you need to have while you come across with the power cuts.
 Whether urban or rural areas, the irregularities & power cuts are still a part of your life. Thus, in summer months, the condition becomes worse that cause discomfort in your life. In order to beat the heat & power cuts, opt for the inverter batteries because these batteries give you continuous power supply during the failure of electricity.
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 If you are also facing this power cuts problem and need long-lasting inverter batteries, hire Inverter Battery Supplier in Delhi NCR. With the of these battery suppliers, you will be able to get the certified quality products under the supervision of the professional team. Thus, the best quality batteries provided by these reliable inverter suppliers in Delhi manufactured batteries by using minimum carbon footprint in order to protect the environment.
Why are Inverter Batteries in demand?
These days, due to the usage of the many large appliances, AC power is becoming very popular because DC cannot supply sufficient voltages. However, these inverter batteries are developed to perform the task in a number of options such as climate changes, severe temperatures, long duration power cuts and much more. This is the reason for you to buy inverter battery for your office, home, institution or company so as to meet your every requirement.
 The Inverter Battery Supplier in Delhi NCR always concentrates on providing reliable & high-quality batteries at pocket-friendly rates as well as capable of giving innovative solutions to its customers. You can also use UPS batteries for an uninterruptible power supply. Generally, you can take UPS batteries for granted but these batteries also play an important role in your daily life. However, UPS stands for Uninterrupted Power Supply batteries that depend on alternative sources of energy in order to support critical load.
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The UPS batteries are very important for few electronic appliances like computers that provide back up power to computers at the time of power outages. As the name indicates, these batteries give continuous power supply to appliances. Thus, with the help of UPS Battery Supplier in Delhi NCR    you can take high-grade quality & long functional life UPS batteries for your daily needs and these batteries are highly appreciated & demanded in today's market.
Original Content source here:-
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roguenewsdao · 6 years
As China Retaliates for and Mocks Trump Tariffs, Eurasian Consolidation Accelerates
At the United Nations, that support echoed in Moscow's envoy bluntly accusing the British of lying through their teeth and inventing an absurd story to defame Russia. In a half hour speech, Vassily Nebenzia, the successor the late Vitaly Churkin, excoriated the UK's theory that the Russian state poisoned the Skripals as revenge for his betrayal of the country and as a message to would be defectors, asking rhetorically why Moscow let Skripal leave in a spy swap with Great Britain after eight years in prison.
Why, Nebenzia mockingly asked, would the Russians poison ex-GRU agent Sergei Skripal and accept the blowback days before a presidential election in Russia and months ahead of the World Cup? Nebenzia asked why if Moscow wanted Skripal dead, it would resort to a such an absurdly toxic and risky assassination weapon, and why British government sources have offered multiple versions of how and where the Skripals came into contact with the poison: at their door, inside Sergei's BMW sedan, or hidden inside breakfast kasha or bay leaf Yulia brought in her luggage from Moscow (British pundits and supposed experts having ridiculed multiple versions of the crime mentioned in Russian media as a replay of the 'conspiracy theories' Moscow offered to disavow its alleged involvement in the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight 17 over eastern Ukraine in 2014, without mentioning the multiplicity of Skripal poisoning theories anonymous UK government sources have presented to their own press). In an appeal to states less inclined to be under Washington's thumb at the UNSC, Nebenzia repeated Moscow's willingness to join in a genuine joint investigation into the Skripal case, which the British have rejected both at the UN and at the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).
According to Nebenzia's boss, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, speaking at a joint press conference in Ankara with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, at least 20 countries in the world are capable of manufacturing 'novichoks', the nerve agents said to have been used to poison the Skripals:
Trump White House and John Bolton-led National Security Council's Plans to Reimpose Some Iran Sanctions, Even on a Delayed Basis, Likely to Exacerbate U.S./EU Tensions
The Iranians also criticized the Americans at the Moscow Security Conference, with Defense Minister Amir Hatami declaring, "They spare no effort to hinder the creation of the Central Asian security system, because they believe that any consolidation in the security sphere runs counter to the interests of retaining the strength of America’s power, standing and dominance in the world". From Syria to the South China Sea, everywhere it seems the Eurasians have had enough of the flailing, failing petrodollar empire's games and lies. And Trump, to the chagrin of the failed bipartisan Washington foreign policy establishment, is making the U.S. position weaker, not stronger vis a vis the Eurasians and pivotal U.S. trade partners in Europe, led by Germany. 
Trump's threat to tear up the nuclear energy deal with Iran is bound to further alienate Paris and Berlin whose industries have signed lucrative contracts with the Iranians and do not need the uncertainty of facing reimposed American sanctions in retaliation for agreements already signed with Tehran. It's noteworthy that Germany, while going along with the expulsion of a few Russian diplomats at the end of March, did not succumb to the pressure from Capitol Hill and the State Department to drop the Nordstream 2 gas pipeline to be constructed beneath the Baltic Sea. The appointment of longtime neocon fanatic John Bolton as National Security Adviser nonetheless signals that the Trump Administration is very likely to go forward with at least a partial withdrawal from the Iran agreement, which included representatives of the EU, Russia and China, with predictable negative consequences for relations between Washington and Berlin. In this respect, the Atlanticist orientation of former Stasi informant and mass refugee exodus welcoming Chancellor Angela Merkel, herself barely able to form a compromise government, hardly matters anymore. Now in her fourth term, the childless former scientist turned great and greatly loathed frau Bundeskanzler is an irrelevant lame duck.
Petroyuan Introduction Makes China More Confident in Declaring Support for Russia in Cold War 2, Slapping Down U.S. Moves in Trump's Failing Trade War
Compared to the impact from accelerated de-dollarization and use of euros or perhaps yuan in Iranian trade with Europe, Trump's waffling on withdrawing U.S. troops from eastern Syria is geo-economically irrelevant. The main action as London Paul states on the RogueMoney Radio and X22 Report programs is happening with the petroyuan and how it is drawing more economies into the orbit of an increasingly confident China. The Chinese are still willing to negotiate with Washington, but it's clear with their retaliation  targeting $50 billion in soybeans, automobiles and other exports grown and manufactured in Trump voting red states that they've had enough. That in turn is prompting several U.S. Senators, some of whom like Ben Sasse were never enthusiastic in their support of Trump to begin with, to denounce the President's policies as counterproductive and harmful to American farmers:
Senator Ben Sasse, Republican of Nebraska, said Mr. Trump was “threatening to light American agriculture on fire.”
“Hopefully the president is just blowing off steam again, but if he’s even half-serious, this is nuts,” Mr. Sasse said. “Let’s absolutely take on Chinese bad behavior, but with a plan that punishes them instead of us. This is the dumbest possible way to do this.”
Even in a country of nearly 1.4 billion people, the recent downgrading by Dagong Global the Chinese rating agency (which competes with the discredited Standard and Poors and other Western outlets which touted mortgage backed securities as 'AA or AAA' before the 2008 financial meltdown) can hardly be coincidental with Beijing threatening to dump U.S. Treasuries. The fact that China has already spent the last decade quietly converting its vast holdings of USTs into gold, OBOR infrastructure in developing countries and hard assets abroad is well known to RogueMoney and Dr. Jim Willie the Golden Jackass listeners. But the 'official' figures regarding China's UST holdings as of January 2018 remained in excess of a trillion dollars, giving Beijing greater leverage if the great Trump trade war escalates.
Xi Cleverly Uses North Korea Talks to Make Trump Look More Presidential While It Defeats His Initiatives in the Trade War -- Owing to Decades of U.S. Manufacturing Outsourcing to China
With the visit of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un to Beijing, Xi has also demonstrated that China holds all the cards in deescalating the North Korea nuclear standoff and promoting reunification oriented projects like a Russian gas pipeline linking the North to South Korea. Kim has gotten the message with the expansion of highways and People's Liberation Army presence on the Chinese side of the North Korean border that he is not personally indispensable to Beijing, but his stated willingness to meet directly with President Trump puts this White House in Xi's debt. Those chips at the trans-Pacific bargaining table will be cashed in as we shall see in the coming weeks. Bringing Kim Jong Un to direct negotiations, while denounced as legitimating the North Korean dictator, is the one feather in Trump's 4-D chess cap he can present to supporters as proof that his brilliant plan is working.
For now, while Trump is flailing away at the Chinese and being denounced across the legacy media spectrum from so-called liberal Democrats to Never Trump-er neocon and globalist Republicans, the Washington Establishment cannot muster a coherent set of alternatives. The Swamp can only demand that U.S. troops remain in Syria forever, European allies who've already quietly bought into China's New Silk Road be brought back into line, and Russia be denounced in ever more shrill language. Like the Duke brothers at the end of the 1983 movie Trading Places, all the dollar dependent globalists can do is bellow who they are and demand that the machines be turned back on. Or applaud speeches from the soon to be former National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster at the Atlantic Council on his way out the door before getting a job at one of their irrelevant non-think(ing) tanks.
The Russian Analyst expects severe economic pain ahead for Americans, with our country much closer to the dollar collapse then when we started writing for RogueMoney over three and a half years ago. As former RM guest Peter Schiff said recently, the incentive for the 'deep state' to crash the monetary hypoxia suffering paper markets Trump has foolishly staked a great deal of his reputation as a doer and economic genius to trigger a 'blue wave' bloodbath in the 2018 midterms is strong. However, the World War III scenario many of the 'black pilled' among us like my Swiss White Russian friend The Saker have worried about, appears to be off. If for no other reason than Uncle Sam and many of its partners are soon going to be too broke to pay for a global conflict, and China and Russia have demonstrated their unity in preparation for any desperate military moves the imploding Anglo-American empire could possibly make.
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Paris/ London essay.
Recently, I have been to two mesmerising and astonishing cities; London and Paris. While I was there I visited some amazing galleries, which included: The National Gallery, Tate Modern, Musee D'orsay, The Louvre, The Picasso Museum and The Pompidou Centre. This visit has changed me as an artist, I feel that I will reflect on my work differently, as I understand more about the history of art. In this essay I am going to reflect on the overall residential, and the work which I have seen.
When I first arrived in London, I was captivated by the energy which the city has; it took my breath away. There was persistent commotion, and groups of distinctive people coming from every corner. The noises of street talk, traffic and buskers almost took my breath away. The different styles which everyone had was extremely interesting; nobody looked the same. I was instantaneously intrigued.
As soon as we arrived we went straight into the Tate Modern, primarily I thought that the building was very boring. Nevertheless, as we walked around I noticed panels which were coming from the infrastructure, these panels renovated into swings. This is an installation by Danish artists Bjørnstjerne Christiansen, Jakob Fenger and Rasmus Nielsen.
I treasured the energy which this piece had as people could interact with the installation. I also like that the piece made the audience feel something, which is what I want to achieve in my own work. When we went inside I saw six huge paintings by Gerhard Richter, which were spectacular. My passion for painting made me extremely excited to see his work. I love the liveliness which the paintings have and how they look distressed. Even though the installation of swings is visually extremely dissimilar from Gerhard Richter’s work, they both have a sense of energy.
 After that, we went to the National Gallery which was very different from the Tate Modern. The building itself is a lot more traditional in the way it looks. The expansive detail which had been carved into the building was art itself. When we went inside I was astonished by the quantity and quality of the paintings. One of my favorite pieces was by Titian, called The Tribute Money.  The amount of detail which the painting had, captivated me. I couldn’t believe that this painting had been done without modern day technology. The dedication and hard work which has gone into making this piece of work was extraordinary. Another painting which I valued was by Vincent Van Gogh called Two Crabs. This painting is very different from the Tribute Money but they are both equivalently beautiful. Van Gogh’s piece has more distinguishing brush strokes and more vibrant colours. I noticed the majority of the work kept in The National Gallery were biblically themed in comparison to Van Gogh’s work.
When we arrived in Paris I instantaneously fell in love. The beautiful architecture and the energy of the city was very stimulating. I was very passionate to explore another culture and create new ideas for my own work. I was surprised by the amount of homeless individuals, I saw hundreds of them during the residential. I could see people scanning pockets for something to take which made me feel on edge. Seeing this made me remember that every city has a dark side behind its beauty. This is an interesting concept; which I am very interested in which I might use as inspiration in my own work. However, I don’t think that cities would have an exciting atmosphere if you felt completely in your comfort zone. Similar, in London I felt the same; I was always slightly on edge. I noticed that there wasn’t anyone in Paris which dressed diversely, this differs from London. I was extremely astounded as it is the fashion capital of the world. I was accompanied by my friend which likes to dress differently. People in Paris were taking pictures of her, as they don’t usually see people dressing alternatively.
  One of the many museums which we went to was The Foundation Louis Vuitton Museum. The building was designed by Frank Gehry; the building alone is picturesque. It was moderately unfamiliar to see this type of buildings in Paris, as I mostly saw traditional buildings. When we were inside I saw an exhibition by Felix Gonzalez-Torres, I thought it was mesmerizing. Visually, I wasn’t very impressed but it made me question his piece; I was intrigued. His installation was a pile of sweets on the floor which were the colours of the American Flag: red, blue, and white. Felix Gonzalez-Torres was openly gay, this was unusual at the time and his boyfriend had AIDS. In the exhibition you were told to take a sweet, as you did the pile of sweets decreased. This is a representation that his was boyfriend dying and getting thinner. When the sweets eventually run out it represents his death. I thought that his concept was extremely inspiring and I love how the audience could get involved with the installation. I also liked how he got an extreme reaction from the audience. In the time it was made, people ate the sweets, and when they found out the piece was about AIDS they were disgusted.  I also saw a piece by Mark Bradford called Let’s Walk to the Middle of the Ocean this is very similar to the installation by Felix Gonzalez-Torres as it is also about AIDS. He was also gay, and he wanted to look at cells which were related to AIDS. I really love this painting and it was one of my favorite pieces in the exhibition. I like how innovative he is and how he has engaged traditional abstract painting with sociopolitical issues.
Overall, I have enjoyed visiting London and Paris not just to see the magnificent museums but also to engage with different cultures. My passion for Fine art has made me engage and absorb every moment. These exciting cities have inspired me immensely and I eager to create work from my inspiration.
 Gerard Richter Book. (Reference.)
 Van Gogh Book (Reference)
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