#the various light/dark creature vocals sort of supply this but it would be much more difficult to accurately mimic human language
Do you think... This is the first time sky kids have heard a spoken word language?
headcanon Sky kid "language" seems most similar to dolphin, bat or bird communication. Rather than specific words, there is large variety of sound combinations to convey complex ideas, but not individual words.
As far as the outlier, little prince season, I'm choosing to believe that prince and rose were adapting to sky kid language. Or at the very least it wasn't human common. (Subtitles are for the viewers benefit and not a reflection of the in game reality?)
But this is season... Singing, full legible english. Idk just thinking how weird it must be for them.
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randomfandomz · 5 years
Apocalypse Sanders- Chapter 1
This is VERY angsty, and includes heavy gore and violence, with heavy mentions of abuse. Please stay safe all!!! If there is a trigger I didnt mention, please please please tell me and I'll include a warning in this and all other posts I make about this story with such a trigger included! And if you cannot read it due to a trigger, I will be happy to give you a summary! This is probably gonna be the most violent chapter, and there is much fluff ahead!
"Get down." It was Logan.
"Why should I, calculator nerd?!" Roman said with a sly smirk.
"Because if you dont I'm telling Patton."
"Oh, so scary! I'm shaking in my boots!" The ten-year-old Roman retorted without missing a beat. Logan raised an eyebrow.
"Foolish child." Logan grabbed Roman and set him back down on the ground. Roman kicked him in protest, but it did next to nothing. "You're not even wearing boots!
Roman decided not to correct Logan.
"It was a metaphor, Lo." That's what Virgil was for; an emo 12 year old that was never found without an old black and purple hoodie that he always wore even before the apocalypse. Logan was about to respond, but found that Roman had already reached the top of the staircase again, hanging off the side of it, like the scene from 'Titanic'.
"Lo, please get Roman down from there..." Patton had arrived.
"Will do." Logan responded, and Roman pouted.
"TRUE WARIORS NEVER GIVE UP!!!" Roman yelled. He was met with various shushing from the rest of the occupants of the room.
"Your quest is over with, Ro. And stay quiet, you'll attract the creatures outside." Patton scolded lightly. Roman decided to listen to Patton, having seen the terrified expressions on the other's faces at his yell.
Patton adjusted his radio, hoping for a response today. The radio was oldish and didnt work the best, but it had good distance and he hoped that if there were any other survivors, he could contact them.
The sound of desprate knocking on the door caused the room's occupants to immediately look up from what they were doing to look at the door. The terrified child tried to tear himself away from his mother's grip, but was unable. She whispered to the child angrily, and he shut his mouth.
"PLEASE LET ME IN PLEASE THEYRE AFTER ME HELP—" The voice of a young woman practically screamed through the door. The child watched as his father grabbed a shovel from the table and opened the door. The woman ran through the doorway, a single zombie chasing after her.
Crack! The creature's head was smashed. The now headless zombie reached for the child's father. Crunch! Sqish! A few more hits to its rotten flesh did the trick. Another scream came from behind his father. The woman—he couldnt exactly see her face due to the tears spilling from his eyes down his own cheeks.
One of the monsters had followed her inside.
The woman picked up a vase, throwing it at the zombie. It was knocked off its feet, but got up once again. It lurched towards her, biting into her shoulder greedily. She screamed as the creature tore through her flesh with the eagerness of a child getting presents on Christmas. The child's mother dug her nails into his shoulders nervously. Against her motherly insincts, she used her child as a sort of sheild, standing back and pushing him to the front, giving him front row seats to the whole scene. The child's father stood back, knowing there was no saving her now. She screamed bloody murder as her flesh was eaten right off her living body. His father came to his senses and whacked the creature in the head with the shovel. A few more hits and it had stopped moving. He then crushed the woman's head, ending her life, as now that she had been bitten, there was no saving her... But the monster had done so much more than just bite her. The two corpses laid in the livingroom, bringing a terrifying silence. The brutally gorey image would haunt the child for years to come.
Patton and the kiddos looked for new shelter after a few days of staying in the previous house. Patton approaches the door, which had bloody scratch marks, most likely from zombies attempting to get inside the house.
"Are you okay ××××?" His father asked his wife. The child tuned out the conversation, reflecting on the events that had just occured. He felt sick and terrified. Tears continuously streamed from his eyes and he was shaking furiously. A loud scream awakened him from the trance. He looked up just in time to see his father being bitten by the creature. His neck had snapped and he was dead before he could scream. No, the scream he had heard was from his mother. He felt himself being pushed forward as his mother cowered in fear.
"Mommy's gonna run away now, okay? She's going to... go get help! Can you be a big boy and stop the monster for me sweetie? Make sure he doesnt get to mommy, okay!?" She said it as if she were merely asking him to do a chore or something of the like. As if she wasnt asking her young child to fight off a bloodthirsty monster while she got away. The child froze in fear as the zombie ran forward, and the child ran around it. The zombie grabbed the child, pulling him towards it by the head. The creature's grip however was not very strong, and the child was able to break free. The left side of his face felt like it had been ripped off, but, leaving a bloody trail, he was able run past his screaming mother into the hallway.
"YOU UNGREATFUL BRAT! YOU DIDNT KEEP THE MONSTER AWAY FROM MOMMY! OH MY GOD IM GOING TO DIE AND IT'S YOUR FAULT!" The zombie, hearing the woman's screams came towards her instead, deciding to take the easier option to get its meal. The child ran to the basement, hearing his mother's screams grow quiet, but not dead, but the zombie must have ripped her vocal chords in some way, as her screams were no more and sounds of desprate struggling could be heard. He caught a single glance of the gruesome scene before closing the heavy basement door. It was almost too heavy for him to lift, but he managed to close it shut.
The child stayed there for what felt like hours, days even, though there was no way for him to tell exactly how long it had been.
When Patton had first laid eyes upon the scene before him, he had second thoughts about using this apartment as a living space. The door was left open and he wasnt sure if what had killed these people were still there or not. But, as the sun had began to go down and it would surley be dark in an hour or two, he decided to quickly clear the bodies, and after a breif but thorough look around the house to make sure it was safe and livable, have the group move in for the time being.
Logan occupied the children with activities and conversations(so they wouldnt see the gorey mess) right outside the building.
There were four bodies. The man at the door was the heaviest and the one Patton had the most trouble moving. All the bodies were a bloody mess; the corpses of the man and two women were eaten alive, but not in entirety. The final body seemed to have been dead for longer than the others, and had possibly had a hand in one of the three other's deaths before it's mealtime was cut short. It looked more like an undead creature than a dead human being.
After a long while of cleaning the bodies and searching the halls for possible dangers, he finally let the children into the house. There was of course still blood and such, but it was nothing the children hadnt seen before. No bodies though. Before long, Virgil was sitting on the couch, Logan was accompanying Roman on a "quest" to find new supplies(he was hoping for a crayon box, as he had ran out of crayons that worked well enough to draw with; they were reduced to mere stubs), and Patton was gathering and rationing any scraps of food they had managed to find.
Roman was just begining to loose hope of finding anything, when he saw the door to the basement. It was closed shut, but with some force it opened, its hinges weak from excessive misuse, and rusted by the passage of time. Logan, seeing a bloody trail leading to it, was about to stop Roman, but the child had already started walking inside.
"Roman! Get back here!" Logan rose his voice, but dared not yell. Patton and Virgil were able to hear this still, and Patton came to see what was going on.
"Catch me~!" Roman spoke playfully. He ran a few feet, but after a bit stopped dead in his tracks.
"Roman, get back here now!" Patton's worried tone reached his ears. Roman simply stared at something, a space between dark objects that couldnt be identified with the room's dark lighting; Or rather, it's lack thereof.
"There's another kid down here!" Roman said innocently. Patton and Logan shared surprised looks. "Hi, what's your name?" Roman asked a shadow. Thinking the poor child had stumbled upon a corpse, Patton called Roman once again. It was only when a stifled sob escaped the shadowy figure's mouth that Patton decided to see what—or who—Roman was talking to.
When the child stepped into the light, it was a rather heartbreaking sight to see. A little boy, it seemed, covered gead to toe in bruises and wounds, the most noticeable of which covered the entire left side of his face, dried blood caking his hair, clothes, and skin. Daek circles and bloodshot eyes showed nights of restlessness and sleep depravity, tear marks almost looking like a longways rash or scratch down his face. He looked almost like one of the walking corpses himself, and it was a wonder he survived so long. His knees shook with the effort it took to stand, and Patton leapt down the stairs to catch the collapsing child before he almost took a wuite possibly fatal blow to the head upon collision with the wooden floor.
"Who the actual fuck is that?!" Virgil exclaimed, seeing the near-dead child that Patton was now cradling in his arms. He couldnt be more than seven or eight years old. Patton was preoccupied with cradling the child while trying to examine the wounds so he could fogure out how to help him properly.
"Virgil!" Logan snapped in a low voice. "Language!"
Virgil gave Logan a mocking smirk, but the issue was ignored after a few minutes of hushed bickering and a bit of explaining, as the child now laying on the couch while Patton tended to his wounds opened an eye, and Patton shushed them.
"Heya kiddo.. Dont worry, everything's going to be alright now." The child gave a panicked look, and kicked his legs weakly to try to escape what he thought to be a threatening situation. "Youre safe, I'm fixing you up right now. Can you just stay calm for me and tell me... tell me anything? We need to keep you awake to make sure you're alright. Can you do that for me?" The child nodded slightly, barely noticeable if not for the extreme attention the child was receiving from Patton. "What's your name kiddo..? Can you tell me your name..?" Patton asked the child hesitantly. After a few long moments, the child responded:
"Dee.... I am Dee..."
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