#the vast depth of life intrigues me. even if i feel like i'm not a part of it then oh well i can observe from afar for now
hit-song-showdown · 8 months
My favorite songs of 2023
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I am putting together my favorite songs released in 2023. I started off doing a project where I listened to as many new albums as I could (and recording my findings in a spreadsheet), but that project tapered off around June when my move + school year started. But even though I wasn't able to listen to every album that came out, I still came out of 2023 with some of my favorite musical projects of all time. Also as another disclaimer: I am not a professional music writer.
I am also limiting this list to 1 song per album/project.
1. Scaring the Hoes by JPEGMafia and Danny Brown. I wish I could go back and experience again what happened to my brain when I first heard this track so I could properly convey it with text. When I first saw this project was announced, I knew it would take over my life. When I heard this track before the album was released, I knew I would have to form some kind of religion around it. The reason why I'm limiting this list to one track per album is because Scaring the Hoes has 14 tracks so I wouldn't be able to fit them all (other songs I would have given the number 1 spot include Burfict!, Shut Yo Bitch Ass Up/Muddy Waters, God Loves You, and Kingdom Hearts Key). But the title track is the perfect introduction. It's less of a single and more of a thesis statement for the entire project. The production throughout this album is incredible, but STH hits different. The rhythmic, almost menacing handclaps (fun fact: those aren't handclaps--that's the sound my asscheeks make when this song comes on) and the horn sample which I can only describe as Blood Money era Tom Waitsian, it is by far my favorite beat of 2023. Combined with Danny and JPEG's charisma and the way they bounce back and forth, this song is a shot of adrenaline straight to the heart. Also I saw them live and that experience elevated a 10/10 to a 20/10 for me.
2. Prof. Aronnax' Descent into the Vast Oceans by Ahab. I started seriously listening to German nautical funeral doom metal band, Ahab around early 2022 so this was the first new release I got to experience. Even though I loved what I heard previously, nothing could have prepared me for this. The opening track is everything I want from a doom metal song. It starts out with a frantic onslaught of screaming and inhuman growls before mellowing out into a serene instrumental before the mournful vocals kick in. It really feels like the initial shock of your body slamming into the water, then having to slowly drift among the waves as your muscles give out and you're taken deeper into the depths. That's what I like about doom metal: it's music to decay to. This track (and by extension this album) hooked me from a story-telling perspective right away, which shouldn't be a surprise as it was based on Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. The story presented in this album intrigued me so much that I had to read the book for myself. Then I read it again. Then I read two different translations. Now I'm working on a visual novel adaptation. I know metrics for album rankings are subjective, so I'm willing to give an album an extra bump if it gets me to read a 19th century novel at least five times in less than two months and learn Python coding. (Other tracks I would have included: the album is at its strongest as a single listening experience, but I especially enjoyed Mobilis in Mobili and Ægri Somnia).
3. What A Man by Debby Friday. This is a track off of Nigerian-Canadian electronic musician Debby Friday's first album Good Luck and holy shit, what a debut. This is such a well-formed project I can't believe it. I was already enjoying the album throughout the first few tracks. It brought me back to listening to 2000s club music and thinking "wow I wish I got invited to parties." But then I got to What A Man and the world screeched to a halt. I think I was posting on my main blog at the time, so anyone unfortunate enough to follow me had a chance to see my incoherent screeching in real time. This track is incredible. Debby's warm and sultry voice, the spacey production, THE ELECTRIC GUITAR? The first time the guitar kicks in, that's just a teaser for what ended up being one of my favorite music moments of the year. The electric guitar feels like an oncoming storm and Debby is standing strong before it, taking on the wind and rain as her voice becomes louder and almost yearning. Then the song builds with Debby yelling to the high heavens as the guitars wail around her before fading back down into the low bass and rhythmic breathing motif found throughout the album. This track is an experience, and the music video is gorgeous too (the picture I chose for the banner is from the video itself) and the fact that it has less than 20K views hurts me. (Other tracks I would have included: I Got It, So Hard To Tell, Let U Down)
4. Bite Back by Algiers (ft. billy woods and Backxwash). Speaking of songs that build... This is the sixth track off of Algiers' album, Shook and by this point I was already feeling pretty good about the release. I was already prepared to put the opening track, Everybody Shatter on my top 20, but when Bite Back kicked in, something changed. Here's a recreation of my initial reaction: "this sounds pretty good, I like the way this intro...is that billy woods??") Just to be transparent: billy woods' involvement would have been enough to give this an automatic top slot for me, but it helps that his verse is fantastic. His flow is slower than the introductory verse, but that only makes his lyrics stand out more. From the opening lines "One hand wash the other, they both wash the face / Centrifugal force and inertia keep everything in its place / Slowly, spinning in space, speeding, lead foot on the brakes" I knew I was in for something special. One thing I really appreciate about this track is the production. billy woods has a very steady flow with an almost menacing quality to it depending on the subject matter of the lyrics, and the beat shifts during his verse to reflect that. It sounds like it could be a billy woods beat, but it doesn't sound like one of his beats was carelessly shoved into an Algiers song. It's like the beat ebbs and flows with the artists involved. The production gets gradually more intense as billy picks up more ferocity in his delivery. A detail I really like is when billy says "claws rattling, delicate as roaches' wings," the percussion on the backing track picks up an almost rattling quality, but it doesn't sound corny or too obvious. Then billy continues, the backing track picking up even more intensity until it feels like each noise is blasting at full power...and then the tension releases and settles down with Algiers frontman, Franklin James Fisher, delivering the second verse. His delivery contrasts wonderfully with billy woods' too, with his faster, almost whispered vocals allowing the track to pick up momentum again after the previous release of tension. This track knows when to breathe and it's fantastic. But it also knows when to take the air from your lungs as Fisher goes all out with the vocals in the hook and third verse, reinstating what an absolute powerhouse vocalist he is. And just when the track is at its peak ferocity, in comes Backxwash with the steel chair! If billy and Fisher were allowing the beat to gradually shift under their performances, Backxwash grabs the song by the throat and makes it do whatever she wants. Her verse then trades off into Fisher delivering the outro, operating at full power in his delivery. This song is so well-crafted and none of the artists feel out of place. (Other tracks I would have included: Everybody Shatter, A Good Man, Irreversible Damage)
5. Billions by Caroline Polachek. As of writing this, I haven't been keeping up with other people's year end lists, but I know this album is going to make everyone else's. So I feel a bit intimidated to talk about it, but I will try. The production on this album is so good my brain can't even comprehend how it was crafted. I've seen it described as "maximalist," but that doesn't fully capture how well this album knows when to pull back and let the tracks breathe. Billions is one of the more sparse tracks compared to some of the others, but that only makes each production decision stand out more. The second time Caroline says "give me the closure," you hear a little musical sting in the background (probably some kind of synth, but at first listen I thought it was an electric guitar) which didn't show up after the first time that lyric was sung. It's that attention to detail and letting the production build on itself that makes this project incredible. And it goes without saying that Caroline is an outstanding vocalist. She sounds like a siren. It's ridiculous. (Other tracks I would have included: Welcome to My Island, I Believe, Hopedrunk Everasking)
6. The Black Seminole by Lil Yachty. Opening track off of Lil Yachty's psychedelic rock album, Let's Start Here, and what an opening track on a fantastic project. It should be clear by this point that I love songs that build, and holy shit does this song build. I first listened to this album while I was on a plane, and this track synced up with my takeoff. So while the plane was lifting off the ground and I was being pressed against my seat, Lil Yachty gave the final line before the electric guitars and the female vocalist kicked in, both wailing with equal ferocity. Top 10 music experiences of the year, but even going back to listen to that same track when I'm not on an airplane delivered the same euphoric experience. (Other tracks I would have included: Drive Me Crazy, Should I B, We Saw the Sun)
7. Xena by Skrillex and Nai Barghouti. I debated whether to put this song or Hydrate on the list, but Xena was the first track that made me fall in love with this album. With vocals by Palestinian singer, Nai Barghouti, Skrillex delivers an absolutely outstanding dubstep track. Like Billions, it's the kind of music production that makes me have to step back and fully appreciate the craft. The song is incredible at building intensity, but he also knows when to pull back to let the tension build again. And Barghouti isn't just a feature--she is the heartbeat of this song. Her voice melds with the production so well, but in a way that sounds like she's commanding it. My absolute favorite part of the song is when she starts singing in her lower register as the production turns to more naturalistic instruments. Sometimes I see electronic producers robbing their singers of their voices for the sake of cohesive production, but that isn't the case here. Nai Barghouti's voice is crisp, unique, and perfect. It's a fantastic melding of producer and vocalist that makes way more sense than it should. (Other tracks I would have included: Hydrate, Rumble, Ratata)
8. Babylon by Bus by billy woods and Kenny Segal. I already talked about billy woods, but he was a feature so this still counts. Everything I already said about billy woods' skills applies here as well, especially now that he has full control over the track. billy's flow sounds both effortless, and that he knows the perfect word to use for each line. And he uses interesting words. "Glistening waterbug on clean counter / Plague mask, gave the place a cursory glower / He ran away, I gave chase but gave up and sat on his gate for hours" I love this series of bars. He is a storyteller. And then, the beat pauses after billy's first verse, with low menacing notes, a clattering of naturalistic metallic percussion, and then the switch up??? Seriously the way the beat ramps up for SkrapKnel's verses takes the song to another level. The way the Curly Castro and PremRock pass the mic back and forth to each other is outstanding. This doesn't feel like a guest verse; this is a fully realized project. The shamelessness is even more apparent when billy takes the mic again for the final verse, but now with more ferocity in his delivery as if he's building off of the energy created by SkrapKnel. This song is masterful. "I take care of these words, Munchausen by proxy / Somehow beat the tox screen / God save the queen, but that train doesn't stop here anymore" (Other tracks I would have included: FaceTime, Year Zero, Soft Landing)
9. Drain You Empty by Cannibal Corpse. I listened to this album right around midterms and I needed it. But this was the song I kept coming back to. For one, it's fun. Obviously: it's Cannibal Corpse. But I love the way the song opens with a full minute of just blasting you before the drums, riffs, and screams really kick in. Good god the drumming on this album is so good. I absolutely love Corpsegrinder's delivery on this track. The way he shifts from bellowing growls to shrieks, the way he speeds up his delivery to match the pace of the drums, it's so good. I'm sorry I don't have a better analysis. It's fun. (Other tracks I would have included: Chaos Horrific, Overlords of Violence, Blood Blind)
10. Crossing Guard by Model/Actriz. This is a song that made me wish I went to gay clubs more. Yes, it's a killer dance song, but what draws me in is how chaotic the production is. It starts out slow and quiet, then bam! The production starts screeching at you in a glorious onslaught of noise, held together with a fantastic bassline. I love the vocalist too. He can be monotone and subtle, but he also knows how to raise his voice to match the ferocity of the production. I listened to this song countless times last year (often while crossing the street and trying not to get hit by cars), and the line "Like Germanotta, Stefani / Pull the weight from under me" will be stuck in my head forever. (Other tracks I would have included: Donkey Show, Amaranth)
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reverieparacosm · 30 days
Bro, I've never made any requests/asks before, but my Bondrewd brain rot has me in a chokehold, so here I am. I'm honestly so shocked at how little attention he has. You're like the only person who writes anything about him.
My request would be headcannons with a gender neutral reader who is also a scientist. The reader is like a major major workaholic who literally has no social life, and they end up having to work with (or for) Bondrewd for whatever reason. The two have completely differing hypotheses on the thing they're working on, as well as conflicting personalities due to readers' complete lack of willingness to work with someone else. The two would be kinda like work enemies to tolerating each other to friends/lovers
Thanks for considering to do this, have a good day/night :)
Headcanons: Bondrewd (Made in Abyss) x GN!Reader
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Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, no detailed violence
Note: It's really a shame that Bondrewd doesn't get more attention, right? He's such a fascinating character. That's why I decided to write about him, and I'm so glad you requested this! I hope you enjoy the headcanons. I'm happy to have the chance to explore his character again. ♡
You are a young scientist who has devoted your entire life to your research on the Abyss. Due to your extreme focus on work, you have no social skills or relationships outside of your studies
Bondrewd hears of your promising theories on understanding the nature of the Curse and invites you to join his research team at the 6th layer. You begrudgingly accept, wanting access to his vast resources
Upon meeting Bondrewd, you are immediately put off by his bizarre experiments and his casual brutality. However, you admire his intellect and the impressive results he's achieved
Where you see potential harm, Bondrewd sees opportunity
The two of you clash constantly in meetings as you question Bondrewd's unethical methods and hypotheses. He finds your rigid views on ethics naïve and annoying. Your coworkers are exasperated by your arguments
He starts testing your boundaries to get a rise out of you, partly to move things along and partly because he finds your reactions amusing
Early collaboration is disastrous as you and Bondrewd talk over each other, both convinced your methods are superior. You regularly storm away from meetings in frustration
He sees you as too emotional and stuck in conventional thinking. You see him as a madman who will stop at nothing, even sacrificing lives, for answers
Over time, you start to understand Bondrewd's perspectives better. While still disgusted by his actions, you realize he shares your passion and drive for discovery, even if he takes it to darker places
"Do not look at me with such disdain, my dear. Our methods may differ but our goals are the same - to pierce the veil of this enigma before us."
You are completely devoted to your research to the point where you often forget to sleep or eat. Bondrewd finds your single-minded focus amusing at first but it starts to frustrate him how you never take breaks
Bondrewd is intrigued by your fiery defiance of him. No one ever challenges him, and he sees potential in you as a researcher if you can think more creatively
The two of you are assigned to a dangerous expedition together deep in the 6th layer. Trapped in a cave-in, you have no choice but to cooperate with Bondrewd's leadership to survive
Working side by side in a life or death situation, you gain a grudging respect for each other's talents and start to see parts of yourselves in the other - two people willing to push all boundaries for knowledge
Back at the camp, you feel confused by the unfamiliar feelings welling up inside you for Bondrewd. This dangerous, cruel man should not be eliciting anything positive in you
"Do you feel it too, this connection between us? I think the Abyss works in mysterious ways, bringing souls like ours together in its depths."
One night, as you are working late in your lab, a sudden chill runs down your spine. The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, and you can feel the presence of another in the room. Turning slowly, you find yourself face to face with the imposing figure of Bondrewd
"Forgive my intrusion, my dear," he says in a low, velvet tone. "I couldn't help but be drawn to your fascinating work." He takes a step closer, and you instinctively take a step back, your heart pounding in your chest
Bondrewd raises a hand, his fingers gently tracing the outline of your face. "You fascinate me, you know," he murmurs. "In the same way the Abyss does. I want to... study you more closely."
In that moment, you realize you've fallen for this monster of a man completely. Frightened but exhilarated, you surrender fully to your twisted love for Bondrewd and whatever the future may hold
In secret, a heated physical affair begins between you and the Lord of Dawn. You tell yourself it's just relief from stress, but your heart is becoming tangled
"Your mind is a thing of beauty, always questioning, analyzing, seeking the answers just out of reach. I find I cherish our debates almost as much as our other... encounters."
On expeditions, you and Bondrewd move seamlessly as a team, anticipating each other's needs and pushing your limits ever further. His praise and growing care for you is intoxicating
However, doubt haunts you - can you truly accept this man and all he's done? Your co-workers would be horrified. And what future is there when he views people as disposable?
"My methods may seem cruel, but it is all in aid of lifting the veil on this place. One day you may understand, as I strive to make you understand me."
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3milesup · 5 months
My BoB ships ranking
(as encouraged by @sleepy-hyperfixations - thanks!)
i have thought about this from all sides to find a criteria and then i decided it probably comes down to which ships make me feel a particular way about them or spark thoughts, curiosity, creativity, and i found a compromise between the two things^^
so, here's what i come up with:
1. winnix - aka the pinnacle of ships, the Relationship Goals™ that i can't even bring myself to read much for because it stirs some deep deep nostalgia for what i've never had... but they've been for me the stamp of true love ever since i saw the show...
1. webgott - a ship that to me is almost too emotional to think about because either way you turn it around, it is always so painful (but so meant to be as well). but also: sizzling, fiery dynamics, so much depth to dive into, ahh they're everything...
3. now, here i am, shamelessly putting on the pedestal what i believe is a figment of my imagination, as i have never seen it anywhere (if anyone has, pretty please let me know^^) but it owns a chunk of my heart, and it is smokey gordon/alton more (what would that make them? smore? idek anymore... what even is my life…) i could write an essay but i'll keep it lowkey and say (affectionately): how have you people not seen it? they sooo had a thing, and a tad complicated, repressed, emotionally constipated but passionate one for that matter…
on shared 3th, because *shielding my eyes from the first two places* i will however die on rarepair hill, is speirsroe - it makes so much sense if you stop to look for a while and i love to do so. many feelings abt those two.
4. luztoye  - i wanted to put them higher, actually, bcs i am biased, bcs they are my flagship (that currently is like, adrift and half sunken but i'll pull it back afloat just like i will do myself) but alas, they're here. yes, i acknowledge that it is a ship standing on pillars of quite dry sand of two (2) interactions in the whole show lol, but the possibilities it offers to explore the personalities are vast and interesting...
5. speirton, bull/martin - are here in the ranking because i totally get the appeal and the dynamic and they are sort of "comfort ships" to me? like, an... angst-proofish certainty but just... never say never, but for the moment not quite on top of my list^^
6. quite the same for baberoe, placed here because it's an integral part of the fandom and i have all the respect but i'm sorry, i just can't see it, no matter how hard i squint...
ALSO, there is speirs/nix out there somewhere, but i can't for the life of me rank it, it just exists in my subconscious, intriguing and sadly underdeveloped, and i just wanted the world to know, because i think they are a gem full of potential^^
...'aight, i can't seem to think of other ships, so... i guess this is it^^ if you have any thoughts or your own rankings i'd love to know <3
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bromcommie · 5 months
hiii max <333 for the WIP ask game, how about "211223 sleep ghosts"? sounds super intriguing!
Hi hiiii, thanks for the ask<33
Ah, so: the title's basically just a nicer way of saying, this is a chaotic dumping ground for pieces of scenes that I think of right as sleep tries to take me in its loving chokehold and then have to blearily type into my notes app to rework later. A lot of those pieces ended up being dream-themed, though, so there's that throughline to it, too. I usually just cherry-pick some bits to fit into other fics later, but I'm thinking of developing a few into a full, more surreal work as well? We'll see.
one of the more fully-formed, Steve-centric (with a blink-and-you'll-miss-it stucky moment at the end) excerpts under the cut:
He’s seven and there’s a stubborn hand on his neck, keeping him under the surface.
He’s seven and he loves coming to Coney Island in the summer more than anything—all that lazy, sugary warmth loosening his body up, all that chaotic life made palpable and stretching the limits of his tiny world—but the water’s colder and quieter than he remembers, the sand too slippery to push up against, and his body’s as useless as it’s always been, every motion a fight for breath.
He’s seven and he’s dying, except that he thinks there used to be a different ending to that story: used to be muffled commotion and the rush of noise in his ears when the hold at his neck was torn away, breaking him through the waves. Used to be all that hollering, all that sunlight off of bright, blinding sand, the shock of cool air against his face and oxygen singing in his blood like a victory.
In this story, however, there's nothing: just the mounting pressure and the bitter cold, the wide expanse of the ocean that’s the wrong shape, that fits all askew and rubs up painful against his memory. Just the deep, glacial-slow dark and the salt stinging his eyes and all that—
—silence, always the same eternal silence, always that still, suffocating cloak over everything, melting all of time down to a single focused point right before the first shell hits, right before the waves come crashing in, always that moment in which he's entirely useless just slipping against the traitorous sands just flung right out of his body just waiting caught in the seconds frozen like a terrified animal crushed in a trap he can't move and he's just—
He’s freezing but his lungs feel like they’re on fire, and he wants to say I told you so, I fucking told you so but he doesn’t know who he’s talking to because he’s all alone and he can’t even talk, can’t even breathe because he’s just—
—seven, he's just seven and someone much bigger than him is holding his head underwater, unyielding and angry because he’s small and he didn’t shut up when he was supposed to and he’s just—
—nearing twenty-seven and something much bigger than him is swallowing him into its depths, ancient and vast and utterly indifferent and he can't even fight back, can't say a goddamn word to argue his case because there’s saltwater crushing his thoughts, fear crystallizing like ice in his chest, because it’s getting so dark and he’s so alone and he didn’t think it would feel like this, being seven and almost-twenty-seven and never being warm again, because he doesn���t want to die but he’s drowning and he’s alone—
Steve wakes up gasping for air, lurching through miles and miles of the Arctic ice and upright on his couch.
He blinks through the stifling darkness, coughing out the absence of water in his lungs, but he can still feel the cold around his neck, can feel the wet salt on his skin and the pressure keeping him down and it's not enough, all that air drawing in and in and in and he can’t—
“—a dream, sweetheart, it’s okay. It’s alright, you’re okay,” he hears Bucky’s low voice, hushed and close and mindless, except for how that’s entirely wrong, isn’t it; he was just alone, and Bucky never called him that a day in his goddamn life. He’s all alone in an empty apartment in Manhattan, and Bucky died over half a year and half a century ago. “Just take it easy, Rogers, you're alright. You're okay."
His surroundings come to him like paint stretching in water, a slow bleed-through: the dim outline of his living room, the garbage truck idling down the street, the awful, panicked wheezing coming from somewhere inside his own chest; solid weight on the edge of the couch and steady arms keeping him in place where he tried to lash out and—"Buck?"
Some unpinnable emotion ripples over Bucky's face too quick to track, a barely-there flinch from his eyes—little fine lines collecting exhaustion in the corners, when did that—down to the tick in his jaw before the hand keeping Steve at arm's length resumes its soothing little circles on his shoulder. "Yeah. Yeah, it's just me."
It's a split-second of hesitation; it's enough to bring the rest of the present crashing through with a vengeance, and then he's shaking.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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thatdammchickennugget · 5 months
Hi!!! First of all, let me tell you how absolutely amazing and talented I find you! As a fellow writer and as an avid reader. You are incredibly talented and I hope you continue on this path✨️ Congrats on 1.5k and many more celebrations to come! You deserve so much more 💛
As for the description (only if you feel inspired, no pressure) I have no idea what to write but I'm extremely interested, so here goes nothing.
I'm rather short (5.3) and extremely pale, but tend to blush heavily. I have dyed ginger hair, brown eyes and rather plump lips. People tend to notice them, so I figured I should mention. I'm curvy/big-chested, if that matters. Love makeup.
A mix of Ravenclaw and Slytherin. The academics smartass, into psychology and languages (I more or less know 6). Libra. Booklover. Cinema geek. Into cooking, baking and travelling. Love astronomy. I'm easily excited about virtually anything. Talkative & smiley. You get the idea. I think this is too much already xD Sorry 'bout that!
Can I request romantic pairing/s for Golden Trio Era and, if you're in the mood, ATLA?
Thank you in advance and have a wonderful week!
AHH HII! you're so sweet, thank you! this means a lot 💕💕
Harry Potter; Romantic Match-Up: Luna Lovegood
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luna and you first cross paths in your shared astronomy class, where your distinct personality and infectious enthusiasm catch luna's attention. your vibrant presence stands out amidst the sea of students, drawing luna to you like a moth to a flame.
luna finds herself intrigued by your unique blend of ravenclaw intellect and slytherin ambition. your passion for psychology, languages, and the mysteries of the universe piques her curiosity, sparking countless conversations that stretch long into the night.
she admires your love for books and cinema, often joining you on spontaneous trips to the hogwarts library or the nearby wizarding movie theater. together, you explore the depths of the human psyche and the vastness of the cosmos, sharing theories and insights that only strengthen your bond.
your friendship withluna becomes a source of joy and comfort for both of you, as you navigate the challenges of adolescence and the ever-present dangers lurking in the wizarding world. luna's whimsical outlook on life complements your own excitement and curiosity, creating a dynamic friendship filled with laughter and adventure.
as the years pass and your friendship deepens, you begin to realize that your feelings for her extend beyond mere friendship. you find yourself captivated by her ethereal beauty, her quirky charm, and her unwavering kindness, and you long to confess your true feelings to her.
one magical evening beneath the starry skies of the hogwarts grounds, you finally gather the courage to pour out your heart to her. to your delight, she reciprocates your feelings, and your friendship blossoms into a love that is as boundless as the universe itself.
Song: Pretty Girl by Clairo
Avatar The Last Airbender; Romantic Match-Up: Sokka
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your journey with sokka begins in the frigid tundras of the south pole, where your paths cross amidst the icy winds and endless snowdrifts. despite your initial differences, sokka is drawn to your infectious enthusiasm and boundless curiosity, finding himself intrigued by the mysteries that lie within your mind.
together, you traverse the vast expanse of the four nations, embarking on a whirlwind adventure filled with danger, discovery, and unexpected twists. from the bustling streets of ba sing se to the serene tranquility of the southern air temple, you and sokka face each challenge head-on, standing side by side as true partners in adventure.
sokka's sharp wit and strategic mind complement your own intellect and cunning, creating a dynamic duo that is as formidable as it is unstoppable. with each passing day, your friendship deepens, evolving into a bond that transcends mere camaraderie and blossoms into something deeper and more profound.
amidst the chaos of war and the looming threat of the fire nation, you find solace in sokka's presence, his unwavering loyalty and irrepressible humor serving as a beacon of hope in the darkest of times. together, you weather the storms of adversity, emerging stronger and more resilient with each passing challenge.
as the years go by and your adventures draw to a close, you come to realize that your feelings for sokka extend far beyond friendship. with the stars as your witness, you confess your love to him beneath the twinkling night sky, and to your joy, he returns your affections with a warmth that melts even the coldest of hearts. Together, you and sokka embark on a new chapter of your journey, bound together by a love that is as enduring as the earth itself.
Song: Electric Love by Børns
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belit0 · 3 years
Hey, can you write Indra + size kink + cockworship + nasty cum stuff ?? Sorry, i'm hungry for that man
Sorry this took me SO FUCKING LONG omfg
No need to be sorry, I’m as hungry as you. I haven’t written smut in a while, so bear with me, I’m getting back at it:,(
Tw: Indra knows nothing about communication
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When Indra enters the house, the sun has already set. He looks drained, tired. It’s been days since he started wearing his hair loose, devoid of his usual ponytail, and it only helps to make him look more massive than he is.
His steps are heavy as he heads to the bedroom, and when he looks at you with those expressionless serious eyes, you know he won’t be eating dinner today either. That’s okay, you’re not used to spending time together as a normal couple anyway, and you know you’d feel weird if he actually sat down with you and joined you for a meal.
His form disappears down the corridor and you know he has found the way to bed, seeking comfort from the adversities of the day. His shadow is dragged across the walls by the candlelight, and for a moment, it looks like the demon everyone says he is.
But of course, you know better than to believe those ridiculous tales.
It’s been months since this man appeared in your village, a place led by a poor wretch who was trying his best to get his people ahead. Only a few enjoyed good fortune, privilege, and wealth, and you were not one of them. Life before Indra, here, was based on working hard for pennies, finding food wherever possible, wearing the same clothes repeatedly for lack of more garments. Poverty was rampant among almost the entire village population, and despite the leader’s best efforts, nothing seemed to work for the betterment of the situation.
But a mysterious man with long hair and thick shoulders, tattooed eyes, impressive physique compared to the famine-stricken people... left everyone captivated. With just a couple of suggestions and commands, things turned around, and the outlook brightened for everybody. This mysterious man quickly rose in the hierarchical power of the village, and the current leader ended up giving up his place.
Indra became their ruler overnight, and hopes for the future of the town seemed to grow stronger and stronger again.
Town expansion was inevitable, welcoming visitors and travelers intrigued by the legends of this man who brought fortune to a doomed place. Enemies were also unavoidable. The Otsutsuki defended and used all his power to prevent the destruction of the foundations he had built with so much effort, leaving everyone terrified in his steps.
His red eyes became stories used by mothers to frighten disobedient children, his violet beast traveled on the tongues of all the merchants and their incessant rumors.
Respect mingled with fear, yet Indra never wavered.
He looked imposing as he walked the streets of the town, staring at nothing in particular, an expression forged by iron and ice. His towering figure seemed to cast a gigantic shadow over every other man nearby, and all the women were dying to take the vacant place at his side.
Everyone thought as he became leader he would choose one of the few wealthy ladies of the village as his wife, but he did not.
It was months after his ascension to power before he communicated with a woman. And that turned out to be you.
Although the village prospered and grew bigger every day, your life remained the same, complicated. Money was scarce as well as food, and working hard every morning was necessary if you wanted to get a crumb of bread.
You tended the garden of a prosperous family, kneeling in the morning dew, your clothes covered in dirt from the work you had started just a few minutes ago.
Footsteps in front of you broke your concentration, and when you looked up, a tall figure was staring down at you. A flowing robe floated in the wind, and that frown was visible even from the floor. Indra was intimidating without uttering a word.
“You look thoroughly filthy.” He had said. “I’m sorry, my lord.” You had replied, bowing your head in respect.
You did not finish that day’s work, for offering you a wide hand, Indra Otsutsuki himself lifted you from the dirt and escorted you to get a fresh change of clothes. Not one of the worn-out ones you used to wear, but an expensive one, of excellent quality, full of exquisite details. A garment of high society, one of the kind he himself usually wore.
From that moment on, he did not leave your side. It was only a matter of time before you moved into his residence, an immense house in the middle of town. You became the envy of all women, no one being able to understand how their leader could choose a servant girl as his partner.
And despite the fear you felt towards him at first, although his haughty looks seemed to be empty initially, you eventually grew to understand him. Dread turned into respect, affection, love.
After all, he saved you from that life of misery to give you one of luxury and privilege, asking for nothing in return. Even though you slept in the same bed every night, he never touched a single hair on your head, never came near you, never took the initiative you feared he may take.
“Why me?” you asked once, the blush on your face shielded by nighttime darkness inside the room. A large space lay between you both on the bed, and Indra, while you couldn’t see him, probably had his back to you. “You are the prettiest.” He replied simply, and you caught a note of amusement in his voice.
During the day it was rare for you to see him, but at sunset, you would both be in the bedroom. No lustful touches in the middle were necessary to make the night complete, for the silences which at first were awkward eventually were filled with chatter.
That intimidating look, that wide-backed warrior with blood-colored eyes, became a companion, a pleasant person to spend time with. Never smiled, never laughed, but you know he is calm, that he enjoys the moment as much as you do. You’ve seen him interact with other people, how his muscles tense when someone is way too close for his comfort, how his brow furrows when anyone speaks to him. You know you’re the only person he tolerates, appreciates, and loves around him.
That’s why seeing him arrive like this is something uncomfortable in your chest. Slowly following in his footsteps, you find his clothes lost all the way back to the room. You pick up garment by garment, and there is a certain satisfaction as you smell his clothes and feel his perfume. As you reach the doorway, he is already tucked into bed, buried under sheets. One of his arms supports his head and acts as a pillow while his other hand scratches his chest, which is slightly uncovered. One of his legs is bent, and covers slip off his skin, revealing a thigh and worked muscles. His eyes are closed, but he knows you are there.
Leaving his clothing on a chair, you approach him and sit on the edge of the bed, hands clasped in your lap. Rarely have you seen this scene, where he relaxes with all his rights in his own bed. Sex has never been addressed between the two of you, and it’s something you’re grateful for. Rumors travel faster than the wind, and many a woman has walked around claiming to have spent time in the bed of the mighty Indra. Whether that’s true, you don’t know, and you’ve never asked either.
If true, your experience is undoubtedly unparalleled.
Still, seeing him like this, becoming one with the bed and stretching out, getting a taste of his toned chest and his thick thigh... Curiosity suddenly demands more.
“You’re staring.” His eyes are still closed, but to be put on display is still just as humiliating. “I’m sorry...” You’re not sure if get up and leave at that moment, but it’s his voice that clears the uncertainty. “Why? I’m your partner, naturally.”
It feels like confirmation of your actions, and you become brave all at once.
“Can I help you... To feel better?....” Your voice is full of hesitation, yet one end of his lips lifts, revealing a wickedly tinged smirk.
“Be my guest.”
Climbing on top of him, your hands tremble with anxiety and anticipation. His eyes flutter open and he watches you intently, analyzing where your actions lead. The man really is huge, and being partially on top of him, the size difference is even greater. Indra seems to rejoice in your stupor, picking up on your intentions and stirring the sheets covering him as you settle between his legs.
Whatever nervousness you felt about what was to come only grows worse at the sight of his size, as even half-hard, his cock’s intimidatingly enormous length.
“Already frightened?” The teasing tone sliding across his tongue fills you with new determination, and with both hands, you hold his shaft. One at the base and one at the head. Your tongue timidly explores that unfamiliar surface, feeling in your grip how hardness invades his dick second after second.
Your lips wrap carefully around it, and pushing gently, inch by inch, his length finds its way into the pleasantly warm depths of your mouth. One of your hands slowly slides down, dragging skin in its wake.
Fixing your eyes on Indra while trying to deal with the raw, inexperienced situation and size, you notice impatience and need, lust swimming in red eyes dominates his expression.
From an instant to the next, your shoulders are enveloped by two gigantic hands, and position is turned around, a vast body hovering over you and trapping you underneath it.
“You teasing little fucker...”
Being handled like that awakens something on the inside that you rarely felt before, some sort of tingling urgently needing to be soothed. A broad palm grasps your chin, which moves your face in the direction Indra desires as he suddenly engulfed your lips.
You have never kissed this man before, and to be making out with him for the first time in these circumstances should feel wrong... but it only builds up more sensations in your lower belly, a treacherous emptiness, and an almost unfamiliar fire.
Your hands awkwardly find his back, and the need to press him against your face, to demand more, to extract more from those luscious lips is interesting. There is no more distance to close between the two of you, but you want to crush yourself against his labored chest until becoming one.
The moment ends quickly as you gasp for air, and trying to recover, a sultry Indra, who grins viciously seductive overpowers your gaze.
“I’ll introduce you to a thing or two...”
Before you comprehend what his words mean, the position changes again, and his two knees are one on either side of your head. He looks even more terrifying from this angle than in everyday life, and you don’t venture to peek at his dick. Two of his fingers slide across your lower lip, caressing your cheek, and suddenly squeeze your face harshly. Your mouth is forced open, but when his cock slides over your tongue and you understand the functionality of the pose, you ease back.
Your lack of experience was driving him crazy, and rather than loosening him up, you were upsetting him further. Managing the matter with his own hands, or rather with his own hips, Indra finds peace again.
Rising to height, one of his palms cradles your face, while the other supports himself against the wall. You try to find stability by holding onto his thighs, and as he buries himself lower in your mouth, sensations in your body become almost unbearable, coupled with his movements.
Indra is kind at first, gradually pushing into your inexperienced cavity slowly, closing his eyes tightly and fighting the urge to destroy your mouth.
Yet when your jaw relaxes completely, grasping the rhythm and feel of the situation, he lets go. The beast is finally released, and the Otsutsuki fucks your lips with abandon, hitting the end of your throat with each thrust. His hips move with agility, and imagining him between your legs with the same surrender and strength makes you hold on.
Tears decorate your cheeks and eyelashes, blending with the saliva dripping from your mouth every time that cock lunges at your face. Indra becomes completely abstracted, tilting his head back as deep growls rise from deep within his chest.
When air is inevitably needed and you can no longer avoid gagging, you repeatedly slap his thighs, drawing his attention. He leans his forehead against the wall and holds your face with both hands, withdrawing his dick from your throat and catching his breath with difficulty. His gaze is fixed on you, and although you could probably look better, you feel really appreciated under those red eyes.
The fluids from your mouth completely soaked your chest and cheeks, your clothes are soaked, and at the sight, the Otsutsuki slides his fingers across your wet skin, then strokes his shaft twice.
When you catch your breath, you place a kiss on the head which has been hitting the back of your throat for minutes, showing he may continue.
Without a second thought, he burrows deeply into your mouth, reaching a depth he hadn’t hit before. The grunt he exhales makes your skin crawl, and you really want to see him enjoy you like this for the rest of your life.
He gives you time to breathe again, and his thrusts become more shallow, seeking more contact with the softness of your tongue and the warmth of your cheeks. It isn’t long before his length is completely out of your cavity and he works it rapidly, seeking the longed-for finish. You’re not sure what you should do, so you simply watch him, amazed at the size of his hands.
After a few seconds, several white shots paint your face, staining your hair and chest, leaving practically nowhere without even a drop. It’s unexpected, but satisfying.
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shvdowze-blog · 6 years
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KSHMR is yet another artist I've followed from his early days up until now. There was a time in my life when I was really into the whole EDM scene and KSHMR's music was definitely a standout. I think that the EDM scene is one of the toughest scenes to break into because of how almost every song pretty much sounds like every other song. Now, this is not me being ignorant towards the genre as I'd like to think that I'm pretty well informed about the subgenres and cultres within the scene but it's hard to argue that the genre has become very oversaturated over the years.
Enter KSHMR, an artist that has been rather well established as a producer/rapper who was then part of a duo called "The Cataracs". Back then, they produced some of my favorite tracks for a lot of different artists and they were literally killing it. However, one thing that we can all agree on is that these songs were pretty much throwaway party songs with little to no depth in the messages behind each track. Yes, they were fun to listen to when you're having a good time and that was it - there was nothing beyond that.
I was actively following The Cataracs' body of work as they pumped out hit after hit for about 2 - 3 years and then suddenly, they simply stopped. I couldn't find a latest release by them and I think the last I've heard a song by the duo was on Enrique Iglesias' "Heart Attack" in 2014 where they handled the production of the song. Meanwhile over at the EDM world, a song called "Tsunami" by DVBBS and Borgeous was blowing up and became all the hype for a few months - heck they still play that song today in some clubs I've been to. The song was a huge success and put the two rather new producers as on the map as the next big thing in dance music.
However, rumors began to flood the internet about how the song was never made by them but ghost produced by someone else. I don't know how accurate this is because again, this is the internet and not everything you read on the internet is set in stone - if that were the case, then Jackie Chan is literally Jesus Christ having died and resurrected over and over again. The people became curious, I became curious and was intrigued about the idea that someone could literally make a living off making full fledged songs but never have his name on it. Due my morbid curiosity, I dug deeper into the realm of ghost producers and discovered the infamous Maarten Vorwerk and a few others. I loved it.
Digging a little further, I stumbled upon this new producer that has been making some noise in the scene. A fresh face that apparently has been ghost producing for the longest time and goes by "KSHMR". I remember being one of the first few hundred people to like the KSHMR page on Facebook and he would pump out these tracks and give them away for free, and he was consistently doing that for months. These songs were not half-assed either, they were legitimately good bangers. Songs like "Dogs", "Baila!" and "Leviathan" were are the hype and there was always this mystery behind the artist. Nobody knew who this KSHMR was, nobody knew what he looked like, heck nobody even knew if it was even a 'he'!
This producer without a face was just making these incredible songs and he was pumping them out so fast that you would definitely miss a few tracks if you weren't following close enough - and you wanted to! His single "Burn" was simultaneously released on THREE major EDM labels. The track was on Ultra, Spinnin and Revealed Recordings - how is a new artist doing that? There had been a lot of news circling around this one artist, people were trying to unmask the man and they were doing their best trying to find out who he was. And most of these news were headed towards the same direction - they all pointed out that it very well may be Niles Hollowel-Dhar (one half of The Cataracs) but there was still this sense of uncertainty.
In 2015, KSHMR released arguably one the biggest songs of that year, "Secrets" with EDM veteran Tiësto. Once again, reminding you that this is a very new producer and he's already working with some of the top names in dance music. This song was absolutely massive, the people went wild went it came on in clubs and concerts and everything about the track felt as it couldn't be done by a newcomer - there was just no way. Later that year at Ultra Music (one of the biggest festivals in the world), Tiësto would go on to perform "Secrets" at his set during which he had a surprise for the entire world. As he was playing the track and getting close to the drop, he brought out the mysterious KSHMR on stage (I'm getting goosebumps as I'm typing this) and everybody, literally everybody went nuts.
This would be the first time ever that the world would see KSHMR and indeed, the rumors were true, it was Niles from The Cataracs. I couldn't contain myself when I saw the reveal on the live stream, I was stoked. All this time I've been wanting new music from The Cataracs and here he was cooking something entirely different from his usual catalogue but still manage to pull through. KSHMR would go on to become EDM's darling, earning himself a favorite spot amongst a vast majority of EDM fans around the world. Over the years, he chose to take his music back to his roots and incorporated some Indian themes and elements into his music and it's still surprisingly really good. KSHMR has inspired me follow my heart and do what feels right, I also read in an article that Niles always wanted to do KSHMR-styled music for a long time but didn't know until he just did it. I feel like most people get stuck in a box because they listen to what others think they should do instead of listening to themselves and do what feels right. All it takes is for you to let go and just start.
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