#the vegans rr
nikaturtleemoji · 11 months
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They so should’ve kissed btw!
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td-yuri-takes · 3 months
How does RR just have 2 pairs of lesbians and treat them as cannon fodder 😭 Vegans and Geniuses deserved better
OKAY SO YOURE MY FAV ANON NOW!!! I, mod cricket am the creator of Geniuses Wednesday. Where I post the geniuses every Wednesday. Join in,,
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lilac--sun · 1 year
-I feel like nightmare loves having fresh around because he annoys Error to no end. he finds it hilarious when Error gets so fed up and frustrated
-No matter where they are, cats/dogs flock to Dust, he doesn't know why but it even affects some dog/cat monsters. He went to Ccinos Cafe one time and he will never go back just because of the sheer amount of cats that were all over him, Killer has about 2 dozen pictures of it happening
-PaperJam is vegetarian bordering on vegan idc what anyone says
-Killer has slept in his room a total of 10 times since joining Nightmare, He doesn't know why but he sleeps better in Nightmares bed. And if he can't sleep there, he sleeps in Horrors, Dusts or Crosses. His room is a last resort for him
- Dusts owns a motorcycle and is a BIG nerd about it, he usually takes it to an surface Underfell so he doesn't have to worry about a speed limit and to his dismay Nightmare makes him where a helmet (guys I know NOTHING about motorcycle but he definitely has a MTT 420-RR)
-Blue and Classic Papyrus have a pet turtle races every week, Papyrus is currently winning
-Nightmare cannot handle spicy stuff, he can BARELY eat bbq stuff, the gang makes fun of him.
-Dream on the other hand literally ate a Carolina reaper that killer put on his sandwich to 'prank' and was like "oh that's a bit spicy"
-Reaper sometimes pops into Nightmares castle, sleeps, then leaves, Nightmare doesn't know why he does it but it's become so normal that he doesn't question it
-Killer likes to hang out in MafiaTale because he can get away with basically anything and he's UNTOUCHABLE Because everyone knows he works for Nightmare [gives him a lil power trip]
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*fucked up and evil voice* Gerry analysis
This almost feels like a jab at my age, but I know for a fact you just want more content on Gerry to feed your own agendas. /hj
So I have seen the episodes of RR that Pete and Gerry were in, and I also watched this scene pack as a refresher on their characters. I'd watch a solo Gerry scene pack, but the two of them spend 99% of their screentime together so I'm hesitant to seperate them. I also had a gander at the wiki to fill in some of the many, many blanks we have in terms of character information.
From the get go, I'm confident in the assumption that both Gerry and Pete are playing into the same character archetype as Statler and Waldorf (the hecklers from the muppets) - two old guys who's main purpose in the show is bantering with each other, mostly by making jabs at the other or their competition. They've both accepted that they're past their prime and their hay days, but see their "greater worldly experience and wisdom" as justification for criticising the people around them. That lends itself to the "respect your elders" stereotype, which ties in nicely to their previous professions as athletes.
Obviously they're no longer professional tennis players, nor are they effectively riding the coat tails of their former fame via brand deals - hence why they repeatedly claim they're only doing the Ridonculous Race for exposure (to reignite public interest in two washed up celebrities).
Of course, that's not the be all and end all of Gerry's character. He shows a lot of other personality traits throughout his limited screentime, the most apparent of which is the competitiveness he straight-up claims to have in the first episode. Which isn't anything exclusive to Gerry, but it is something he shows more of a tendancy towards. Mostly through his self-sabotage in the zipline challenge, but I'd also argue his confrontation with Don counts towards his innate competitiveness shining through.
The confrontation is also indicitive of Gerry having a wilder temper than Pete, or at least a shorter fuse when it comes to percieved injustice. He's more than willing to stand up for himself and his values when they're challenged - it's very similar to a tennis player arguing against their penalty from their umpire, which was intentional. Don even says "That's match, you're out."
In the context of the zipline challenge, his actions during it highlight an almost vindictive streak within Gerry and a tendancy towards holding grudges. Two things you'd expect from a cankerous old man, but things that stand out in stark contrast to Gerry's usually light-hearted jibes and joking exterior.
And it also showcases Gerry's short-sightedness. He can hold a grudge for decades, but his "revenge" is a spontanious, oppertunistic action that ends up barefiring immensely when Gerry himself ends up falling from the zipline too. This same short-sightedness comes into play in Paris, where the both of them A. forget to tell their taxi driver where to go for their challenge and B. decide to follow the Vegans in a misguided hope that their veganism will help them track down cheese. Gerry is definately the more impulsive of the two tennis pros and oftentimes doesn't consider the consequences of his actions.
To add onto this short-sightedness, the fact that neither he nor Pete thought to roll their wheel of cheese instead of carrying it astounds me, and implies that the both of them are very single-minded in their endeavours (oftentimes to their own detriment).
Now into the meat of both Gerry and Pete's characters; the joking.
With age, it seems, the two of them have become detatched from the worries of the world just far enough to find amusement in all aspects of it. More often than not, you'll see Pete make jabs and pointed comments towards Gerry, which Gerry himself will simply shrug off or further play into - these interactions aren't hostile, in fact they're mostly portrayed a something the two mutually enjoy. Plus, Gerry gives as good as he gets, when it comes to joking at his teammate's expense.
Does this imply that Gerry has a thicker skin from his years of experience in the limelight, or does it indicate that he simply has no more shits to give? That's down to interpretation. (It's both.)
For the most part, Gerry carries this "water off a duck's back" mindset that allows him to view the world through satire-tinted lenses. That's why he isn't exactly torn up over his early elimination, and immediately throws himself back into bantering with Pete. He can and does get mad/upset, but only in short bouts before his unserious nature comes back into play.
That's all I've got. He has maybe four minutes of screentime and the majority of that is him laughing and joking. You could project pretty much any stereotypical grandpa characteristic onto him and it'd make sense.
In theory, you could project anything onto him. That's the beauty of characters with very little development and sunstance.
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allaboardthevespa · 11 months
Let's go everyone: time to share my Ellabby headcanons
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Been wanting to get these out there for a good long while. I won't HC too much about what happens in the present season cuz it's still airing, but this is how I see them as a couple.
So when everyone grows more used to Gabby's eccentricities or Ellie helps everyone accept her more, I can definitely see Alec, Jake, Dan (once he apologizes for trying to vote Gabby off), Ashley+Will and Drew getting along with them best. They all keep in touch with one another post-DC. And I definitely see Jake and Ashill going "awww!" when they're being affectionate or exchanging words of love...while Drew just holds up a piece of paper saying "Nice" lmao
In terms on if they met the contestants of Total Drama...I feel like they'd get on best with Bridgette (especially her), Geoff, Izzy, Owen, Dawn, Ella, Jasmine, 2023 Emma (provided she's not still dating Chase) and the Vegans from RR. Maybe Gwen too.
It's already canonically confirmed that Gabby owns a LOT of pets, though given her father didn't take care of them well...oof. Well when they move in together they're gonna get a LOT of pets. Like...a LOT a lot of pets.
Ellie's the kind of girl that usually is introverted, quiet and often a little snarky, but I get the feeling she just melts like putty when she's with her girlfriend, and they tend to be quite affectionate in public. Nothing over-the-top or constantly make-outy like Geoff and Bridgette, but they love to give each other hugs, lots of kisses on their forehead, nose, cheek and a few lip kisses too, and exchanging lots of "I love you"s and terms of endearment.
Speaking of which, I see them as a pet name-using couple, but nothing sugary like "sweetiekins" or "googoopie", but rather simple ones like "my love", "darling" and "honey", or pretty-sounding ones like "forest rose" and "twinkling star". Gabby's favorite pet name for Ellie is "Sunset Angel" while Ellie's favorite pet name for Gabby is "Nature Princess".
Given the kind of person Gabby is, they don't go to big, bustling cities often for their vacations, often preferring less busy places like small towns and countrysides.
They also love having picnics. Especially in parks and gardens, or on beaches at nighttime.
Along with picnics, one of their favored kinds of dates is to simply go on nature walks together in quiet places like a forest or a meadow, just enjoying nature and one another's company.
They. Love. Exchanging flowers. Gabby's favorites are tulips and hyacinths while Ellie's favorites are peonies and lavenders. They often sneak in some red roses too to represent their love for one another. (Oh and they love stitching flower crowns for one another two.)
They're both pretty ticklish. However I feel like Gabby's the more ticklish of the two. Ellie loves tickling her simply cuz it makes her happy to see Gabby laughing (and she LOVES the way she laughs)
Every night when there's a full moon, they go out to cuddle underneath it together. Even if it's raining, cuz they l-o-v-e to kiss under the rain
Ellie's great at playing guitar and is an AMAZING singer when are we going to get a musical DC season???. She often loves serenading her girlfriend when they're out on nature walks or moonlit cuddles. (Definitely seeing her singing some girl in red tunes here. Especially "we fell in love in october" or "I'll Call You Mine")
Close to their second anniversary I feel like Ellie worked with some of her fellow DC campers she befriended in season 1 and the likely All-Stars season to bring Gabby on a safari vacation to Africa. And on the night of the anniversary itself (which was also a full moon night), they went on one of their nature hikes through the beautiful wilderness. The entire time, Ellie told her just how much she loved her, more than anything else in the world, and how happy she made her - and at the climax of that night, Ellie proposed to her. Yes there were tears of joy, from BOTH of them.
At the wedding, which took place deep in a forest just like Gabby would love, almost everyone from DC was present (not gonna say who's banned yet depending on how the rest of Season 1 goes...Yul's definitely banned though), as well as a good amount of Total Drama contestants. Alec was their best man while I get the feeling Lill and Ashley were their maids of honor. They gave one another wedding rings with star ruby gemstones (also Dan is the ring-bearer because yes). Oh and since Ellie wished to work in fashion, Imma say she designed both her and Gabby's clothes. Also Kai being their officiator won't leave my head cuz he's a very nature-minded person and he'd definitely see a good future for the two of them.
I see them moving in together in a cabin or cottage in a forest or mountainside (these two girls give big cottagecore vibes)
I'm seeing them use IVF to have their daughter. As for names I'm seeing something nature-related like Rose/Rosie/Rosita, Autumn, Daisy, Willow or Hazel.
Well that's all I'm coming up with for now, time to rest my brain lol
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canonically47 · 4 months
thoughts on every ridonculous race duo including don at the beginning because i just finished watching it for the first time. continued in reblogs
don is such a fun host! he doesn't want anyone to get hurt, and doesn't push anything 'for the ratings'. and even so, he manages to have a lot of funny, witty moments. of course, chris is still my favorite host, but don definitely cuts it close!... especially because, let's be real, we all forgot anyone else in the universe. (don't come for me blaineley fans she's fine I SAID DON'T COME FOR ME STAY BACK PLEASE I HAVE A FAMILY)
the LARPers. definitely some... interesting characters. they're the prime example of total drama's flat and boring personalities, most of which were distributed in pahkitew island. i'm kinda mad that, of all those horribly mid and boring characters, we got the most mid and boring one back. hell i'd have preferred dave there, he'd had given us some substance to the story. i don't even remember the girl's name and i don't wanna google it. forgettable, but definitely annoying for as long as they were on screen.
the tennis rivals. good, but overhyped i think. at least, i've seen a lot of people talk about them and ship them, especially since their cameo in the reboot. i for sure thought they'd last longer because of that. i really liked their banter but they don't come close to my favorites. i will not be calling any of their agents. sorry :(
the geniuses. yeah they definitely existed! i mean their characters were fine and i really don't have anything against them, plus their concept is kinda fun. but i absolutely despise courtney's character and hearing her voice come out of another contestant's mouth made me hate her immediately. I STILL KINDA LIKE HER... like, her character design is fun... i just don't care for them that much
the vegans. they look sooo pretty and.. that is the sole reason i put them down as 'i vibe with'. i really don't care for them. i don't even know their names lmfao
the fashion bloggers. sooo fun whenever they were on-screen. unfortunately this show is so predictable and i can tell when a character's arc comes to an end and they're going home. i don't wish they stayed longer tbh? i like them but i think they've had their time. the wlw/mlm solidarity ever next to the ice dancers but we're getting to them. anyways, solid duo!
mom and daughter. ugh. fuck you
the adversity twins. i don't want to sound like a copypasta so i'll keep it short but GODDD THEY WERE SOOO ANNOYING. does NOBODY else feel this way?? i swear before i watched RR i only saw good things about them. HOW? LITERALLY HOW??? they are so fucking annoying and all they do when they're on screen is whine. "ooh mickey is allergic to breathing :((" "actually jay has a water allergy :((" AND THEN THEY HAVE THIS OP SUPERPOWER WHAT THE FUCK IS TEMPERATURE DYSLEXIA THAT DOESN'T EVEN EXIST ahem. excuse me. getting too worked up over thE WORST DUO. SHUT THE FUCK UP let's move on sorry i'll control myself
the step-brothers. idk about you guys but they are really close to being my favorite duo. just... their entire gimmick is so good. the build-up to finding out they're so similar... ough the bros ever. i was so sad when they got eliminated :( they were so funny AND fun. lorenzo is higher than chet because i like his character design more. tbh they're kinda the same person to me? but this is a mistake i made before watching RR, thinking every duo is the same person. which they're not, i quickly learned. at least not most of them. but yeah these two were very fun, they bounced off each other very well. i really liked them. they should've gone further methinks.
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td-rarepairs · 3 months
I would say we need more rr rarepairs but basically every rr ship is a rarepair other than nemma and like maybe crimson/eunni. pleaseeeee more people be insane about this season pleaseeeee more jensee toxic Yuri and nerds + vegans polycule and Tom X jacques I'm begging actually
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I’m actually surprised it took this long for there to be a stoner stereotype in total drama (not including RR the vegans and rockers absolutely smoke weed)
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vii-spider · 7 months
chat i just found the screenshot with all the canon rr contestant ages and it's the most arcane shit. i'm genuinely fucking floored like what the fuck do you mean crimson and ennui are 17. what the fuck do you mean the ice dancers are in their early 20s. what the fuck do you mean kitty is older than the vegans.
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ravaaen · 1 year
Drawing a total drama character everyday until something interesting happens and makes me stop/ I’ve drawn all of them
Day 1: Laurie
I didn’t care for RR but I think she’s okay. Pretty sure she’s the vegan who ate meat and got obsessed with it??
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pickleandthequeen · 2 years
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I am… not sorry for this.
Red Ribbon Goon: we have your son, demon king! You need to come with me, here’s a message!
Piccolo: ?!!
Suri [thru the phone]: Papa! Papa, they don’t have any good snacks, come get me, I’m hungry. They don’t know what VEGAN is…
Piccolo: oh, you’ll give him back.
RR Goon: !! Eh? I’ve been sent to collect you! We have your SON! Come with me or else!
Piccolo: I’ll give you an hour. And you’ll be dropping him off. You have NO idea what you’re dealing with.
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iceespizza · 1 year
td rr ultimate team showdown. sorry i couldn't resist
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yep, i made it. root for your favourite team and hope it wins! who will be crowned ultimate rr team?!
find out next time on...
the ridonculous race!
First Round Polls
The LARPers vs. The Best Friends
The Adversity Twins vs. The Sisters
The Geniuses vs. The Vegans
The Father & Son team vs. The Mother & Daughter team
The Surfer Dudes vs. The Reality TV Pros
The Stepbrothers vs. The Rockers
The Daters/Haters vs. The Goths
The Police Cadets vs. The Ice Dancers
Second Round Polls
The Best Friends vs. The Sisters
The Father & Son team vs. The Geniuses
The Reality TV. Pros vs. The Rockers
The Goths vs. The Ice Dancers
Semi-Final Round Polls (Three choices)
The Sisters vs. The Fashion Bloggers vs. The Father & Son team
The Reality TV Pros vs. The Tennis Pros vs. The Goths
Final Round Poll
winner: TBA here!
hope you guys had fun!
if you're gonna make anything for this, use the tag #ultimate rr team showdown!
(by the way, don't take this too seriously. this is for fun only.)
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glad that at least from the impression i’m getting from ur rr posts im not the only one who doesn’t like the season that much and for the same reason.. i literally only like like less than half of the cast 😭 and even those that i like i like so much less than other td characters, i need to rewatch but i feel like the characters coming in pairs was both a blessing and a curse bc it meant so many got basically no interactions with other characters from what i remember. the flop to slay ratio is dire
The show is overwhelmingly full of moments I think "I could have written this better" or "I think they would have benefited with more obstacles at this part of the race" or "who the fuck keeps screening dirty cops for game shows. I HATE cops in game shows. Game shows are MY baby's first obsession. RR is one of those shows were you're like "ugh I liked PARTS of it so if they had another season it'd be GREAT because they couldn't do that stuff again." Which is 100% sunk cost fallacy, do not be me.
The lack of attention and care when it came to elim order of the familial duos kinda irks me. With the exclusion of The Rockers (which btw, I was INCORRECTLY informed that they were more shippable. You guys ship THAT!?) all the non-sister family duos get canned in a row (Mother/Daughter, Twins, Stepbrothers, [Rockers], Father/Son). While there's a lot of downtime with non-elim eps, it's still PAINFUL how ship focused it is. HELL, Kitty falls into nothing but a shipper of Emma and Noah which. I'm so sorry but I skip all their scene and their musical sting oh my god barf city. (Earlier I was trying to make sick because I accidentally possibly ingested mold, and honestly a comp of them might have done it.)
So few characters interact with anyone outside of their teams and that kinda blows??? Like I swear this is the perfect show to have Aftermath type things instead of non-elim eps, where it's just "behind the scene" content, like what everyone actually did on their 17 hour flights. I wanna see The Tennis Rivals treating Junior like their darling innocent grandson, but then complain Dwayne doesn't work hard enough. The Vegans temporarily befriending The Adversity Twins for their dislike of dairy, but then going "actually nevermind" because they're just lactose intolerant. The Goths just glaring everyone down and Owen is like "You remind me of a girl I knew once! She was emo too!" and Crimson is internally screaming because she's NOT emo. She is GOTH. Also the fact Owen and Geoff NEVER talk is downright CRIMINAL. YOU GUYS KNOW EACH OTHER... TALK...
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herdofnerd · 2 years
Idk if this is really a hot take but I’m gonna call it that just incase.
TDI characters I don’t like (yes, it’s a long list).
Anne Maria
Brothers (RR)
Vegans (RR) (slightly)
Cody (slightly)
Chris (as a person)
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bigbiteindia1 · 2 months
Best Chaat Restaurants in rr nagar
If you reside in RR Nagar  of  Bangalore ,then there are many chaat restaurants in Rajarajeshwari Nagar  Bangalore , which serve all types of chaat dishes . Some of the best chaat restaurants in RR Nagar    offer varieties of North Indian chaat.
There are many veg hotels near me to choose from if you are looking for a vegetarian hotel offering good chaat .
Some of the most popular veg hotels near me offer vegan-friendly dining options.
Chaat is traditional snack in India which is usually served with boiled potatoes, chickpeas, fried pastries or puri balls. It can be identified by its main components which are spicy water called “chaat masala”, lemon juice, chutneys and sev (fried thin wheat noodles).
There are different types of chaat that are available in India. Some of them are packaged and some of them are not.
Bhelpuri is one of the most popular chaat items in India. It is made by mixing puffed rice, chutneys, boiled potatoes, sev (fried noodles), onions, tomatoes and other spices. It also includes boiled eggs and chickpeas, which make it more filling.
Pani puri is another popular item on the list of chaats in India. These spheres contain a spicy potato filling, which is either tempered with coriander leaves or tamarind sauce before serving.
Most of the chaat restaurants in Rajarajeshwari Nagar  Bangalore  offer affordable prices .Some of these best chaat restaurants in RR Nagar   basically have a very good external and  internal ambience to attract more customers .
India is a country with diverse culture and traditions. It has different types of chaat which are originated from different parts of the country.
Gujarati Chaats: This chaat is originated from Gujarat and it's made from a mixture of fried gram flour, lentils, potatoes, boiled eggs, masala, curry leaves and lots of salt.
Maharashtra Chaats: This chaat is originated from Maharashtra and it's made from boiled potatoes, fried gram flour called as chana dal, boiled eggs masala powder and garam garam chutney.
Tamil Nadu Chaats: This chaat is originated from Tamil Nadu and it's made from a mixture of rice flour – iddli – with lentils – dal – which are fried in oil or ghee Chaat is a type of savory snack or appetizer from the Indian subcontinent. It originated in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, and is served throughout India.
A chaat can be a dish, a drink, a salad, or other food item that is generally spicy and tangy in taste. The word 'chaat' means "to lick" in Hindi and other North Indian languages. In its traditional form chaat usually consists of puffed rice (known as sev), boiled potatoes, chickpeas, yogurt, sweet tamarind sauce (known as chutney), coriander leaves (cilantro), mint leaves (pudina) and usually some kind of topping like boiled eggs or various chutneys.
Chaat is a term that’s usually used to refer to any savory dish which is served as an appetizer. The word chaat literally means “to lick or taste."
It’s not just one type of food but many. Different regions in India have their own version of chaat. So, there are different types of chaat in India.
For More Info: chaat restaurants in vijayanagar bangalore
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thebrisingamen · 3 months
Ridonculous Race
Taking a break from the Island Runs to to RR!! Also just as Pokemon, since there are SO many teams. Under the cut
Starting with
THE GOTHS: Crimson & Ennui are both Meowstics, since they're the most in-sync with each other and the most supportive toward each other in the entire series. Thus, a Meowstic Set makes sense since Psychic types can learn Dark type moves, and Meowstic has seen and survived the horrors.
Bonus, their Bunny Loki would be a Bunnelby
THE ICE DANCERS: Josee would be a Weavile, graceful but scheming, while her partner Jacques would be a Gallade; also graceful, while more well-meaning, loyal to a fault.
THE BESTIES: Devin would be a Slowbro because he is useful but man is this man dumb how tf did he never notice Carrie liking him like c'mon bro its OBVIOUS. Carrie is a Goomy as I think she means well, but she came off as a little clingy.
THE SURFERS: Geoff makes his return, and he is a Surfing Pikachu still, joined by his surfer friend Brody, who is an Alolan Raichu. Again, both of them are pretty chill and pick on vibes easily enough, but can get caught up in their own egos from time to time.
THE POLICE CADETS: Sanders is a Growlithe and MacArthur I made a Herdier as Sanders seems to be thoughtful and figure things out, While MacArthur is very loud and charges ahead without thinking things through all the time. By the time things wrap, they would both evolve into their final evolutions, to showcase their growth.
THE DATERS/THE HATERS: Stephanie and Ryan are pretty much constantly arguing and breaking up/making up, plus are self-proclaimed gym rats, so I made them Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee; constant rivals, working out, working well together but also easily becoming each others enemies, like they do in the show.
THE TENNIS PROS: I made Pete a Gumshoos and Gerry a Crabrawler. Honestly, I just picked pokemon that looked like old men for them, since that was their schtick.
THE SISTERS: These two took a while, since I wanted a related set of Pokemon. I eventually settled on making Emma a Gardevoir and Kitty a Kirlia, as both girls are reported to be smart but can get overwhelmed by emotion
FATHER AND SON: I couldn't figure out what to do with Dwayne for the longest time, until I settled on Delibird, because although it is cute, it could be considered a little goofy, dorky and older. It is why I made Jr a Shinx; younger pokemon, but a completely opposite type, to explain his disconnection with his father at times.
MOTHER AND DAUGHTER: Since they were clearly Kardashian parodies, I had to go for wealthy, fancy pokemon. They are also the least adept, so I went with Normal types for them. I made Kelly a Cinccino and Taylor a Delcatty.
THE FASHION BLOGGERS: I made them similar types or similar looking types of Pokemon, that had a lot to do with Fashion. Jen I made a Leavanny, which is noted to make its own clothes and the judgement of the middle evolution never left them. Tom I made a Lurantis, to differ him a bit but also keep him stylish.
THE GENIUSES: Obviously, both are psychic types. Ellody I made an Indeedee due to the tireless amount of work she puts into everything, and I made Mary a Farigiraf, as clearly the TD team design wanted her to be weird, but she's actually pretty cool; she's also more willing to adapt to other things, unlike her partner.
THE VEGANS: I made Laurie a Bayleef, as she seemed ready to throw down, especially after the food challenge and Bayleef is noted to kind of give of a vibe of aggression while being a plant pokemon. Miles I made a Lilligant, as once again another plant pokemon, whose performance can be quickly outstripped by others.
THE LARPers: Wow another one joke team. Anyways, to kind of match the vibes, I made Leonard a Medicham and Tammy and Escavalier. They were there so briefly, it was hard to think what others would fit.
THE ADVERSITY TWINS: I made Mickey a Feebas and Jay a Magikarp, as both ugly fish are portrayed as going through adversity and once they evolve, they do become better at surviving everything.
THE REALITY TV PROS: Owen and Noah have evolved from their stints on Total Drama to a Xatu and a Snorlax. See that post for their original pokemon choice.
THE ROCKERS: Spud is almost dumber than Devin, so I made him a Slowpoke, and Rock I made a Luxio; kind of in the middle of being useful but not too much.
THE STEP BROTHERS: Chet is a Pikachu-Colored Pichu and Lorenzo is a Spiky Eared Pichu. I specifically chose these Event pokemon because they were presented as a pair and are literally nearly identical, which the Step-Brothers, in personality, definitely are. They grow closer through the challenge and end up becoming friends, but enemies at first.
DON, THE HOST: Persian, as he's also part of the original 151 like Chris, but he's a much less successful host as we only meet/see him in RR, but he's got better stats. More than likely because he invested his time/money better
BLAINELY: I don't care for her enough to give her a pokemon. I guess she'd be a weezing or grimer, considering? Poison Type, anyways
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