#the visceral reaction you lot had to me being cishet you would think i was the one who fucking invented straight pride or something šŸ˜­
crosbyism Ā· 14 days
HELLO IM BACK (the sid should have gender affirming sex anon) bc i just realized the real and true reason for sidā€™s old jock. it looks like an infection hazard right?? THATS THE POINT. the constant dick checks needed to prevent a rash. having a glorified 15 step korean skin care routine for his dick and balls. demanding nate double check his junk.
i had a whole thing about sid fucking his way across the masculinity spectrum to tell u and i canā€™t express it rn :( i am slightly high i think sid starts out w some fairly stereotypical cishet ideas of masculinity and sex, thinking in the middle of the flyers era misgendering. assumes his visceral negative reaction to getting babygirled is as much the sub part as gender (also bc prob has a lot of cishet ideas about gender and penetration and power) then he gets baby boy-ed and itā€™s like iiiii can shooow uuuu the woooorld like i think heā€™s a switch (sex competition!) which imo is underexplored but idk maybe he was operating off the hind brain assumption that bc he was topping in a certain sitch heā€™s be in charge and gets baby boy-ed by a power bottom. or maybe he tries anal but decides penetration doesnā€™t get him the way a handjob does bc he wants to touch dicks! idk i think sex gets a lot more wet n wild when penetration isnt treated as ā€œrealerā€ than all other forms even if it can be fun! i am high and this is probably a more nuanced topic than i can express rn sorry :( i just was struck w inspiration about sidā€™s nasty jock and demanding his junk be looked at to see if other ppl thought he was getting a rash or not
sid gets wiggly when condescendingly called sport
ur so right re nate and the eroticization of the everyday via sidā€™s masculinity kink. also i think one time the sink breaks and sidā€™s hind brain is like I Know What To Do and itā€™s not until heā€™s standing in front of the sink wearing a white tank top jeans toolbelt and holding a hammer (for a sink???) w nate staring at him expectantly that sid realizes he got all his knowledge from porn and has no clue what to do when facing an actual sink
also i think nate can trick? sid into doing chores if he frames it as fulfilling sidā€™s being a middle aged man kink. home depot dad kink. babe bring home the bacon. hey handsome going hunting? (grocery shopping). hey stud gimme a ride? wow we should compare charcoal vs gas grill maintaince. man these burgers are so good u gotta show me the recipe
iā€™ve mostly talked about sid here but ur nate idea w him having his everyday in a box and sec in a box and sid exploding the boxes is soooooo good
ok bye im going to go eat peanut butter. wait no i have chocolate cake!!!!
BESTIE WELCOME BACK šŸ˜šŸ„°šŸ˜˜ lol i love u and feel free to come into my inbox high and craving chocolate cake anytime. im laughing and delighted
LMAOOO re: sidā€™s nasty jock being an excuse for regular junk inspections, im crying ur SO right bestie. sid keeps being like: oh nooo i have to get my junk inspected again :( and someone has to fondle it while talking about my cock and balls in excruciating detail :( oh nooo what if they have to take out a magnifying glass :( to check for an infection :( and then theyā€™d have to KEEP talking to me regularly about by cock and balls. and inspect it. every day.
anyone else: sid why donā€™t you just get a new jock
sid: no :) canā€™t. āœØsuperstitionāœØ
like it would be SO ON BRAND for him. im crying. and also rolling in this headcanon like a pig in filth (read: sidā€™s junk in his jock)
re: sid working his way up to it and discovering the delights and dynamics of queer sex as an underbaked youngling, u r cooking and now iā€™m thinking about, like. sid nervously for one of his first sort of hook ups working his way up to insisting on topping with a very effeminate gay dude (since he feels safe asking for it there) and the guy just blowing his mind going ā€œmh honey youā€™re such a stud, youā€™re gonna come and fill me right up, arenā€™t you?ā€ sid goes UH. yes. YES PLEASE. and the sex essentially starts the process of boiling the frog for him, bc the guy is like. clearly at least a a decade older, clearly handling the reigns, but heā€™s also luxuriating in getting a cock inside him, calls sid (ā€œjust, uh. donā€™t call me kid, please.ā€) a sport, a stud, a good boy, basically sort of caringly soft doms him (ā€œoh youā€™re gonna blow your load soon, arenā€™t you, baby boy? inside me? itā€™s okay baby, your big cock feels so good, i want it.ā€) while also begging for a cock in his ass. by the time sid walks out of there his queer third eye is blown wide the fuck open and he starts sucking and fucking his way through pittsburgh, craving nothing less than the high of shrimp colour sexual encounters. figuring out the shape of his (masc kink) sexual preferences one ultra specific hookup at a time.
the thing is that as a rookie heā€™s small in hockey terms, but heā€™s still a big guy compared to the normal population. so itā€™s not exactly hard to start topping dudes. but i think he does the classic dom top thing a couple of times and it gets a little boring. he loves fucking jocks, albeit starts out fucking smaller guys than him. heā€™s ecstatic the first time a bearded guy bigger than him goes to his knees and praises how pretty his cock is between sucking him off. he loves being called baby boy. sometimes even likes being called ā€œkidā€ (but only in a specific gay hookup way). over the years he grows to like and appreciate all sorts of little masc epithets (big guy, handsome, mister, and ultimately daddy). iā€™m with you re: absolutely a switch, although i think he works his way up to some stuff. he just always, regardless of dynamic, enjoys sex the most when itā€™s full of masculinisation kink. he loves to be a dude fucking dudes. any which way. he loves touching a dick
iā€™m laughing so much @ nate tricking him into doing chores via middle aged dad kink bc why are u SO right about this. this is real to me. once nate figures the masc kink thing out he is milking that cow cock day and night about it. ā€œhey handsome going hunting? (grocery shopping)ā€ and ā€œwow we should compare charcoal vs gas grill maintainceā€ are going to live in my mind rent free forever now, thank u. iā€™m gonna wake up in the middle of the night two weeks from now thinking: ā€œhunting (grocery shopping)ā€. and the fact that sid 100% gets off on it. thrives on being referred to like this. sid wants to be the mustachioed porno plumber so bad. nate lets him tinker and break the sink even more just for the kink of it before they break 3 hours and two rounds of sex later and finally call an actual plumber. itā€™s a good thing theyā€™re millionaires that can afford to break their appliances even more before hiring a professional to fix it.
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