#the walking dead 11x24
vvalliu · 2 years
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Daryl: “I love you”
Carol: “I love you too”
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thebigmick284 · 3 months
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“We're the ones who live” 
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prettyshon10 · 2 years
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magieek · 2 years
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movies-tv-more · 2 years
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THE WALKING DEAD series finale “Rest In Peace” airs tonight at 9pm on AMC
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intothemultifandom · 2 years
in spite of what critics are saying about the last few episodes of the the walking dead’s 11th and final season, there were a few things that just hit different especially with the finale: 
daryl barricading judith in the hospital the same way shane did to rick in 01x01 – like father, like daughter and even brother because he also carried her the same way rick carried carl when he got shot
 actually, daryl carrying judith into the hospital to save her life vs how he carried beth out after she was killed. the FEAR he must’ve felt given the last time he carried someone in/out from the hospital.
any scene between them + carol (keeping this short bc i can write a whole novel about their scenes) 
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luke dying & being comforted by magna, yumiko, connie & kelly (his og group) during his final moments; even though he wasn’t seen for most of the season, dan folger’s acting + that of nadia hilker, eleanor matsuura, lauren ridloff & angel theory was TOP-TIER 
people always die in twd, but up until luke, the newish members of the group didn’t really suffer a sudden and harsh loss like the group from earlier seasons until now
that’s why his death + the group’s raw grief hit different when you consider how this is the first time we’ve seen them have to mourn one of their own so suddenly and with walkers literally banging on their doors
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the team up of eugene porter & gabriel stokes = the two characters who, at one point of the story, were the weakest and most cowardly members of the group. i mean, the parallels of how they started vs. how they ended are insane:
eugene, who lied to abraham and rosita about knowing how to cure the infection almost making himself a martyr by telling the truth about the common wealth’s corruption, and 
gabriel, who locked his congregation outside his church to die being the first to open the gates for everyone even when pamela’s people had their guns pointed at him 
if twd did anything right, it was the development of these two characters
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even if i didn’t know christian serratos chose rosita’s ending, i still would’ve thought she had a fitting end as one of the original (and last) big hitters for rick’s group on the road
it wasn’t painful and gory like abraham or glenn, shocking like sasha’s or even bittersweet like carl’s in the midst of war– rosita dies a dignified and otherwise peaceful death after all the bloodshed is said & done
she sees her people are safe, knows her daughter’s in good hands and finally lays to rest after fighting on the frontlines for so long
even with her gone, her final interaction with eugene at her side really cements that he is her and abraham’s legacy because “i’m glad it was you at the end” 
(someone make baby rosie looking up to older coco because her mom was her namesake + uncle eugene canon right now) 
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this post-war celebration dinner mirroring the what-if dream dinner from 7x01 about what could’ve been (credit to this article for the pic: here) also makes rosita’s death so poignant to me because negan had likened the dream as something that wouldn’t ever happen
it’s not the same exact group and it wasn’t exactly her dream, but the sentiment remains the same
in the end, peace was possible for the alexandrians after all & i’m so glad rosita got to see this before she went & re-joined the others who are no longer at the table 
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negan & maggie now established as two sides of the same coin: motives, beliefs and and now shared trauma of being unable to stop their partner from being killed (or almost killed, in negan’s case) as they’re about to start a family
maggie was never going to forgive him for what he did, but that in itself gives so much more substance to their spin-off and i can’t wait to see it happen 
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rick “we are the walking dead” grimes + michonne “it’s true. forever” grimes – welcome back. 
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tempoliberocercarsi · 2 years
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American friends, what city is in the background?
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lauralying · 7 months
Daryl really said Merle used to make him sell his blood because he's a universal donnor and im suppose to be okay with that
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blood-stricken · 2 years
Honestly so relieved Aaron survived the series, though he deserved more screen time.
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crazymisscarly · 2 years
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All I care about right now is this absolute bad bitch. Nothing else. What an absolutely phenomenal performance. Rosita Espinosa’s suspense-filled scenes with Coco, Eugene and Gabriel… I just have no words. Absolutely no words.
The walking dead’s series finale was amazing and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. I literally cried the entire episode, right from the very start.
And I’m now SO glad there’s spin offs, because I wanna see more of these characters 😭
I’m also now, finally, on board with the Maggie and Negan spin off. Because low key gave zero fucks before this episode. But damn… the Maggie and Negan scenes were something else.
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the-dixon-effect · 10 months
So this morning I finished TWD.
And for some reason, I can't shake the feeling that I don't know what to do with myself. I've idly walked around, gone grocery shopping, making a point to myself not to think about the Walking Dead. But I can't do it. It seems so futile, so stupid, knowing that a TV show has affected me in this way.
TWD changed my life. I remember I watched 1x01 on a plane last October, I had picked something random from Disney+ to download. I recall the feeling, knowing that this would soon be important to me. I knew, after one episode, that it would change my life. No other piece of fiction has impacted me like this. The Walking Dead is beautiful, biblical, monumental and metaphorical. It is life and death, hardship and reward, love and hatred. It is the human spirit encapsulated in a concept that exists in some other universe. It has helped me in so many ways and comforted me so often, not just entertained me. It has made me laugh, made me cry, it even made me scream out loud at one point. Some days it made me so thankful for my family, for my friends, and some days it had me praying for an apocalypse just to feel something like I see on screen. I've found so much solace in the TWD fandom, community, and this blog.
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vvalliu · 2 years
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The Walking Dead 11x24
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defectiv3 · 2 years
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and that's my biggest fear, the end.
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maggierheedeadcity · 2 years
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hellofaride2021 · 2 years
Hello from the other side 😭🤧
Boy, I am a mess. My eyes are red and sore, my head hurts. That finale was a ride!
I’ve literally just finished it so this might be a little all over the place review.
Rosita. My heart dropped when she fell, the immediate grief followed by immediate happiness when she fought back up only to be crushed by the reveal later. I tried so hard to keep it together when she showed Eugene and her ultimate death scene but I did not succeed lol. Oh and Luke! Starting off the episode by punching me in the heart. That scene was so heartbreaking. Aaron and Lydia’s scene after they join the group was sweet and eye watering too.
Negan and Maggie. I don’t think I can properly express just how much I loved their talk after the battle. As far as I’m concerned it was perfect. It was everything I wanted. Of course she’s never going to forgive him no matter how much he regrets it and his way of doing things then. But the fact she can acknowledge he’s changed and is willing to work with him and live near him. I’ve heard that some people ship them together and I’ve never understood that. This scene right here was the perfect, and only way their relationship could go.
I squealed when we saw Michonne and Rick, I can’t wait for their spin-off and that montage of pass seasons/characters set me off crying like a baby all over again. That’s all I’ve got in me right now. I’m going to de puff my post crying face and move on over to the S3 finale of Supernatural. I’m crossing every finger and toe I have it’s not sad 😂
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rodpower78 · 2 years
I'm glad that it was you in the end.
Rosita Espinosa
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