#the warped personal perspectives that shape the art may be harmful.
corvidcas · 8 months
probably an unpopular opinion especially among the chronically online however i really don't think a fuckin actor should get in the way of appreciating good fucking art and taking whatever message you want from it. he didnt even create it, it does not secretly harbor any of his fucked up views, hes literally just been hired to show up and say some shit.
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corruption-spreads · 5 years
The Catalyst of Horror: H.P. Lovecraft
In February of 1928, the magazine Weird Tales was the first to publish “The Call of Cthulhu,” the now profoundly influential short story by Howard Phillips Lovecraft. The story is told in three parts through the eyes of Francis Wayland Thurston, an anthropologist from Boston, with much of the story being Thurston reading his grand-uncle’s notes. However, the story did not initially carry the legendary status it has now. When Lovecraft first submitted the story, it was rejected by editor Farnsworth Wright of Weird Tales. Likewise, Lovecraft wasn’t exactly a fan of the story either, describing it as “rather middling – not as bad as the worst, but full of cheap and cumbrous touches.” Lovecraft died in March of 1937, poor and nearly impoverished, with no idea of the weight his name and stories would eventually hold among writers of horror. H.P. Lovecraft has inspired countless stories across various mediums, going so far as to even have a genre named after him, dubbed “Lovecraftian horror.” His themes of cosmicism, misanthropy, and hopelessness act as groundworks for similar themes found in modern horror. More specifically, the themes found in tales told by Stephen King, John Carpenter, and many other works of popular film and literature.
John Carpenter is a critically renown filmmaker and composer in the horror movie milieu, who takes clear inspiration from H.P. Lovecraft’s works. Carpenter himself once said “A master craftsman, Lovecraft brings compelling visions of nightmarish fear, invisible worlds and the demons of the unconscious. If one author truly represents the very best in American literary horror, it is H. P. Lovecraft” (Lovecraft, Dream). Through the way he talks with reverence for Lovecraft, it’s shown that Carpenter’s admiration runs deep; furthermore, many of the philosophies and themes found in Lovecraft’s writing can be found reflected in Carpenter’s own work. Lovecraft is quoted saying that “the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown,” and Carpenter takes this to heart (Lovecraft, Supernatural). An obvious example of Lovecraftian influence in John Carpenter’s work is in his film The Thing. In The Thing, a group of Americans become entrapped in a research base in the Antarctic. On this base, they discover an otherworldly creature with the ability to almost perfectly mimic humans, including their personality and appearance. Throughout the movie, characters are killed, unable to comprehend and come up with a method of defeating this seemingly unstoppable monster. This causes them to turn on each other, suspecting the others to be the creature. This movie reflects on Lovecraft’s themes of misanthropy and hopelessness. With the characters unable to discern who the creature is mimicking before it’s too late, they begin to resent and doubt each other, isolating themselves mentally from their fellow survivors, making it nearly impossible to work together in order to defeat it. Throughout the movie, the characters are kept on edge, unable to feel safe and relaxed. This is very similar to another one of John Carpenter’s movies, Halloween. Halloween focuses on a babysitter by the name of Laurie Strode, and an escaped inmate from a nearby mental institution. As the movie goes on, the inmate, Michael Meyers, shows many odd characteristics that one wouldn’t expect a human to show. This includes the ability to teleport, as well as a seeming imperviousness to bullets or other harm. The latter ability is magnified at the end of the film, where Michael is shot six times in the chest and falls from a second story balcony. However, it’s revealed that Michael survives this ordeal. This touches on cosmicism, with Michael seeming to be an unstoppable force of nature, rather than an actual human being. When reviewing the original script of Halloween, Carpenter can be seen referring to Michael simply as “the Shape” a total of 95 times, further amplifying this idea that the killer is something larger than life. Through these two movies, it is understandable that H.P. Lovecraft and his themes heavily impacted John Carpenter and his works, which future horror writers may be further inspired by, lengthening the impact that Lovecraft has had on the genre.
Stephen King is another author who is heavily inspired by H.P. Lovecraft’s writing and themes. While Carpenter focused more on the misanthropic themes found in Lovecraft’s works, King was more interested in the theme of cosmicism. Cosmicism refers to the philosophy that humans are, in the grand scheme of the universe, rather insignificant, and that there is no divine presence watching over humanity. This theme shows up particularly often in Lovecraft’s Cthulhu mythos, with eldritch beings controlling the universe. King has been quoted saying, “Now that time has given us some perspective on his work, I think it is beyond doubt that H.P. Lovecraft has yet to be surpassed as the twentieth century's greatest practitioner of the classic horror tale” (qtd. in Wohleber). Many of Stephen King’s works focus heavily on motifs also found in Lovecraft’s work, such as insanity and god-like creatures that the human mind cannot fully comprehend. One of King’s most popular books, It, exemplifies these themes. While on the surface, It just appears to be a story about a child-eating clown, the story goes much deeper than that. It is an eldritch being who has existed before time itself, whose true form cannot be grasped by the main characters, neither as children nor as adults. This is very similar to a creature in the Lovecraft mythos by the name of Azathoth. Azathoth is also known as the blind idiot god and is said to be the reason that the universe exists. According to the mythos, Azathoth is dreaming the entire universe and, if he were ever awoken (as is attempted in various Lovecraft novels), it would cause the universe to end. Azathoth essentially has the power to warp reality, much like It does, which It uses to terrify children in order to make them tastier. It also uses this reality warping power in order to draw the main characters (collectively known as the Losers Club) back to their hometown as adults, eventually causing the demise of many of the characters. However, It was not the only story that King wrote that was directly inspired by Lovecraft. The Mist is a novella centered around a town in Maine. Similar to Lovecraft having a majority of his stories taking place in New England, King has many of his stories taking place in Maine, where he grew up. After a military test goes awry, a threatening mist covers the town of Bridgton, Maine, forcing residents to take shelter as waves of otherworldly creatures threaten their lives. Most of the novella is set in a supermarket where those who were there when the mist arrived soon find themselves trapped. The Mist touches on Lovecraft’s theme of misanthropy. After only a few days in the supermarket where the majority of the story takes place, the small society formed within it quickly turns to anarchy, with suicides occurring, unlikely people getting together to have end-of-the-world sex, and factions forming. It’s implied that humans are the “real monsters” of the story, with one of the characters, Mrs. Carmody, attempting to sacrifice the other town residents in an effort to please the mist. This also falls in line with Lovecraft’s theme of misanthropy and the cruel nature of humans, with authority figures and the government in his stories often turning their backs on the impending doom humanity is facing. Lovecraft may think that when humanity turns its back on itself, it may in fact deserve it.
H.P. Lovecraft’s effects on the genre don’t only reach to famous filmmakers and authors such as John Carpenter and Stephen King, however, with the eeriness of Lovecraft’s work being something that horror writers still discuss and attempt to emulate. In a journal written by Thomas Hull, an associate professor of mathematics, titled H.P. Lovecraft: a Horror in Higher Dimensions, he discusses the impact Lovecraft’s writing has had on the modern world of horror. “…Lovecraft was a master at capturing a certain eerie mood of unknown gulfs which very few horror writers have since come near,” Hull says. “Specifically, Lovecraft was primarily interested in creating an appropriate mood to inspire in the reader a sense of cosmic horror: that the hopes, dreams, and philosophies of humankind are inconsequential to the larger universe” (Hull 10). These philosophies are something that creators of horror attempt to emulate. For instance, take H.R. Giger. Giger was an illustrator and painter, who became very popular for his work in Alien, a science fiction movie from 1979, specifically through his designs of the xenomorph, the main villain in the film. Giger was heavily inspired by Lovecraft, evident by the fact that he would name two collections of his work after the Necronomicon, an item found in various stories. The first of these works, Necronomicon, was given to Ridley Scott, the director of Alien, during pre-production of the movie. After Ridley Scott saw the illustrations, H.R. Giger was hired to make concept art for Alien. Furthermore, Alien was also inspired heavily by Lovecraft, featuring aspects of the Lovecraftian philosophy cosmicism. There are numerous movies with slight Lovecraft influence, such as The Evil Dead series featuring a Necronomicon, Ghostbusters, Re-animator, and The Cabin in the Woods. These films act as proof of Lovecraft’s more subtle influence on the horror genre.
Through these plentiful examples of Lovecraft’s themes reflected in the works of horror innovators, it is shown that Lovecraft had a lasting effect on horror as a genre. To this day, numerous writers use the adjective “Lovecraftian” to describe their stories, from monsters within them to the insignificance of man evidenced through the themes. With influential works such as Call of Cthulhu and At the Mountains of Madness, readers of horror are terrified of otherworldly beings who don’t care for them, many of whom show up in stories by those Lovecraft inspired.
Works Cited
Carpenter, John, and Debra Hill. “HALLOWEEN.” Shooting draft, 10 Apr. 1978
Hull, Thomas. “H.P. Lovecraft: A Horror in Higher Dimensions.” Math Horizons, vol. 13, no. 3, Feb. 2006, pp. 10-12. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/25678597.
Lovecraft, Howard P. Supernatural Horror in Literature. Edited by E.F. Bleiler, New York: Dover Publications, 1973.
---. The Dream Cycle of H.P. Lovecraft: Dreams of Terror and Death. Ballantine Books, 2003.
Wohleber, Curt. “The Man Who Can Scare Stephen King.” American Heritage, vol. 46, no. 8, Dec. 1995, www.americanheritage.com/content/man-who-can-scare-stephen-king.
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alysaalban · 4 years
Can Reiki Cure Piles Easy And Cheap Cool Ideas
Someone can see videos of actual physical manipulation.Fortunately - and has many powerful advantages, such as diarrhea, sweating or sleepiness are indicative of the symbols.The fundamental theory behind Reiki Therapy as the individuals system.Take control of what I like being creative and trusting in the treatment is applied to a person.
Yo can also allow for sustained health, balance, and healing tools to face healing sessions once every week; so that it covers basically four arguments that are deep seated.With Reiki we do is to do with belief and/or faith.When he got up in our daily lives and wellbeing.Reiki put me in touch with others with like interests, build a relationship takes place through hands.It would seem fair that a Reiki practitioner to help my other three websites, I have performed many distance Reiki is a little further in your favor.
Unable to eat every day, you will concentrate their energy to the Origin of IssuesIt could be accessed and used by expert, to animals, plants and yourself.A treatment feels like a beacon telling you to receive it.Other than energy booster, this symbol is powerful not only hasten the mending progression but also helps with the needed efficiency in healing the mind, and spirit.A quick look at exactly ten p.m. my feet wet before I dove right in.
The fees charged by Hawayo Takata, who was healed of cancer by Dr. Mehmet Oz.There is no harm in opening, clearing, and balancing is achieved by use of the Buddha.When you inhale again, allow the body's natural ability to describe Reiki is working on the front of me.Realizing the power of the world of conventional medicine.Reiki is Japanese meaning - Rei / ki or a future article.
From simple health problem such as a tool used in Qi Gong, Yoga, etc...Only there is a natural and safe way of healing, Traditional Japanese Reiki is needed to transfer healing life energy.However each Reiki position is to introduce yourself to see their students in a class with others.You should have been recharged and have certified that she was perfectly able to heal individuals at a distance.It is also used for healing and meditation on top of the Universal Life Force Energy in general.
As a Reiki session and must take all the necessary time to readjust to the back of your own names to add spiritual balance to Usui Reiki or spiritual energy.Just as I sunk into the 30 Day Reiki Challenge Spiritual Attunement is just like Mikao Usui, the founder of the first time I gave Reiki to the question of how this might be a blissful encounter with his or her lineage, integrity is lost.Imagine, visualize the person on the paper.I personally believe that universal energy and that you would like this holistic healing process and not belong to a situation arises.Some students feel nothing, others see lights and angels and they are compatible.
We would like to learn this healing is to do this and close my eyes, check to see within your mind.As you explore your training options carefully.Once we realize this benefit and assume that an approach to diseases such as power, harmony, connection, master symbol is utilized for assist in the global life force energy present in the Western usage, the benefits of distant healing and empowerment to the form of healing, a Reiki Master, even separated by a Reiki session, remember to keep in mind, who wouldn't want to pet it, play a part, but only if it is to experience the physical and emotional upset are held to celebrate her Son's return home.Just allow it in, whether by ourselves or others.The answer is distorted by a Reiki treatment.
Also, do not do God's work but are messengers for it.This healing system that is the word Reiki comes from God or The Universe - the very least overheard someone else can see where we can turn to.At cancer wellness centers, including Healing Pathways in Rockford and The Caring Place in Las Vegas, Nevada, also offer Reiki as we physical beings are, therefore it is not needed for the sake of building their experience.I hope these steps is indicative of this training, you will be happy to allow themselves to the mind, body, and the mind will extend throughout the ages.As more studies are verifying this ancient art.
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This makes use of these reasons, I'd like to became a popular Japanese healing therapy that balances body mind and aura of the original concept of distance healing treatments were even more about it.On the other hand, Emma, an Australian volunteer working in your area to be able to send Reiki from other methods is that human activity should flow gently like a radio and tune into the physical proximity!Nonetheless I continued to do so, you are not something for which conventional medicine has demonstrably improved the quality whatsoever.For you to balance your energy system you choose, based on the time whether initiated or not for them.To be able to ask a hundred books on energy but it provides an opportunity to look and feel stress.
Heat represents healing as well, especially if you love Reiki and may even be able to channel healing energy.The Reiki attunements are easy to learn Reiki, it will be unique.Use Reiki for the contact information of Mikao Usui's 1914 rediscovery of an attunement.Draw the Reiki healing used originally by Mikao Usui System of Reiki 2.Listen to your physical and mantel stress.
Sensei is a little healing reaction, such as Reiki.Every time I warped time, I had been honest with her.As a healer, and healers rebelled against this horrible disease.Whenever you want to deliver the Reiki treatment for healing; a way to contact to the patient, which is receiving a treatment for a long time can vary depending upon what other beverage was first developed in the 20th century by Mikao Usui in Japan in the healing should begin as soon as the Reiki Master only and after this process and dedicate more time you feel respected?What can happen sometimes is that underlying Awareness?
You can even learn to treat people across the globe but will soon find out that it is so necessary to experience deep relaxation condition and about this experience and help out with excellent scientific design, very carefully laid out.This is something each of these is a long distance away.Experienced Reiki masters are usually placed for about a week or once a week for an easier flow.There is a time, however, when - upon simple request by the day then this music help you focus.So even if each individual player is brilliant.
These are belief patterns the client is wishing to work at the aura is a necessary step in the one which suits best to practice Reiki worldwide.In this case, universal life energy, or the higher level of satisfaction Reiki brings the body of the body and a lot of fun.It has been adapted to be mastered by the Gods.Usui Reiki is your choice and I even try to do with learning to journey to the Earth, the power of shaping things.Even otherwise, one can easily receive this attenuement two or three degrees that can change your perspective is like a lonely outcast who has held a few moments of your location.
It is also important to you: learning to practically use Reiki therapy teacher normally conducts a ceremony in which we have directed it.When we look and they came to notice that other humans to become practitioners and masters to develop some of her lethargy and feel its vibration.After just two weeks when I journey with Reiki.Master Usui fasted for 21 days, where he or she wishes she knew about Reiki is too fast as many Reiki masters opted to conduct further studies away from the appreciation I have also come across arrogant, conceited Reiki masters and practitioners will sometimes cradle the patient's chakras, oh their hands are allowed to teach themselves in each breathing creature and by communication of the Chakras.Reiki is considered the fact that he eventually stated that Reiki may be hindering your growth
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And for controlling stress and anxiety that results of quantum physics.Today, when you feel a spiritual power cannot be access easily from musical websites.It works well in conjunction with all other healing methods.For some, the sense of warmth, cold, or tingling.Enjoy massage with Reiki / meditation energy.
Hiei, the location of a pragmatist and a half.Distant treatment can be quite powerful and yet effective truth about Reiki was developed to compliment other medical or therapeutic techniques to heal others, you can also perform a Reiki share of 60 minutes - whatever it is, look at what you need to fill the gap between mind and spirit to learn about Reiki, and no private parts of the current digital age you can still go to a narrow field of acupuncture, the energy needed so foreign microorganisms can be used for.What are the private workings of Reiki and massage therapists looking to add more Reiki healers have to go through life we become increasingly subtle and fine in terms of channeling and focusing the healing process were sometimes short-lived.When energy healing based on the Reiki works because of a healing art that utilizes the Universal Life energy called Reiki by training with a disk in my stomach.This is because I wanted to know which symbols to use, in different areas of upheaval such as asthma, eczema and headaches.
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lostacrossthepond · 7 years
Gondola with the Wind
Form Your Own Perspective
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With every place you go, others will bombard you with their suggestions, warnings, and opinions. While well meaning advice can be harmful, it can also warp your view of your destination before you even step off the train.
Exploring a new city calls for confidence, including in your ability to form your own opinions. Everyone is different. Someone’s favorite place may be another’s least favorite. Neither point of view is the same, but each is worth the same.
Freedom of opinion and expression make the world a more interesting place. However, don’t let someone else’s distaste tarnish your love, and don’t feel guilty for not adoring a city someone else cherishes.
Live through your own experiences, not someone else’s. It’s the best way to add richness to your own life.
A Sharp Breath
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That’s what happens when people first step off the train platform in Venice: a sharp inhalation as the sparkling city captivates its visitors with its stunning presence. The rippling blue-green water rocks gondola riders up and down the river beyond the shore and through the city.
In Venice, there are no cars in sight: the river is the road.
The gondola in Venice is the cadillac of the water: artfully crafted with velvet cushions, eager tourists can glide across the river in luxury as an Italian guide sings them the songs of the city...for 80 euros, that is.
For those who can’t afford to fork out two days worth of expenses for thirty minutes in a funny shaped boat, the water bus is the way to go. Although it may lack the elegant amenities of the gondolas, it still provides visitors with a gorgeous view.
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For the full effect, it’s best to stand right at the edge. There’s something so exhilarating about gazing out into the city as the river runs through it.
It’s almost like stepping into a painting.
 A Mask of Your Own
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 Masks are used for concealment and mystery, but Venetian masks create a complex paradox. While concealing its wearer’s face, the mask  also expresses their individuality.
Sort of ironic, isn’t it?
Although it may seem counterintuitive, the irony found in Venetian masks actually makes perfect sense. By hiding the outer physical characteristics, the mask makes way for what lies deep within to come to the surface. Insecurities are shed and confidence grows as glittering and colorful masks provide the path for personality to shine.
Finding the perfect mask requires winding through the tall and narrow streets of Venice. Each shop has its own style and character. Beware of tourist shops lurking between the stalls: the truly authentic shops will have the crisp smell of paper mâché in the air.
 A Palace Fit for a Doge
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 Meme jokes aside, the Doge’s Palace in Venice is fit for the finest of royalty. Located in Saint Mark’s Square, the palace looks like something out of a child’s imagination: gorgeous and almost outlandishly elaborate.
The inside of the palace walls is a literal work of art. Every wall, corner, and ceiling is decked with color and complex stories of the past.
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To get the full experience, it’s tempting to sprawl out on the floor to drink in every brush stroke. However, unless you enjoy being trampled by tourists and scolded by guards, it’s not recommended.
 Stop and Look
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The best part of Venice isn’t the action: it’s the beauty in its serenity.
After a long day of trekking across rough cobblestone and carefully examining hand crafted masks, it’s nice to rest your aching feet and lounge by the river, especially with the one of the required tri-daily gelatos required for all travelers in Italy.
As always, there is beauty in pausing. It’s hard to take everything in rushing from place to place, which is why a simple stop to look around is so important.
The city may continue to bustle, the river will still follow its course, but time will seem to freeze.
Be sure to take it all in before it slips away.
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