#the way Adria talked about Los Frikis… I too would throw my life away for her
bethannangel · 4 months
I finally got all my notes down and somewhat coherent from the Livestream Q&A at Alamo Drafthouse screenings.
I have no clue if these are repeat answers from previous Q&As because I avoided them to not be spoiled more about the movie
- Glen invited his sophomore year creative writing teacher to the Texas premiere (May 15th). He asked his teacher if he could write screenplays in class instead of poems or prose. The teacher was very supportive and would bring in Linklater screenplays to go over.
- First meeting with Adria, Linklater says to Glen “I don’t want to tip the scales but you should really meet her.”
- They meet, Glen says the actress to play Madison had to be someone the audience could see themselves throw everything away for. And Glen saw that Adria is that kind of woman. Both Glen and Adria were in the middle of Dry January (Rick joked “what’s that?” And Glen replied “you’re always in dry January”) and Glen is like yes I want to work with you and we should celebrate so they decide to get one tequila and then five hours later they are sloshed calling for rides.
- They consulted with Adria about Madison’s choices and possible dialogue. They joked how she was an unofficial writer of the movie.
- Linklater said he wanted Adria and Glen to lead the conversation on the intimate sex scenes and Adria would come in with references of artistic/tasteful photos and they incorporated them into the film. She specifically mentioned the sock pull and wine scene were referenced in the photos. She said she’s never been given the opportunity to give this much input to scenes she’s working in.
- They did all these references and had fun thinking of way to put these intimate scenes together but when it came to film there was a pause moment of realization that they had to be the ones in these scenes
- During pandemic Glen brought the article to Linklater and Rick is like yeah I’ve read it before and Glen is like there’s a story here. They had to make a decision to verge from the truth to get a really good story out of it. Once they made that decision, the creative flow just flowed. Spent a few hours a day on zoom talking about it and putting the script together
- Talked a bit about Skip Hollandsworth and his book about the Austin serial killer and joked with Glen about doing a movie about that
- Rick would talk on the phone with the real Gary Johnson when they were in preproduction. He said that they were planning on having him visit the set, but he quickly passed due to a pulmonary thing.
- Glen said he likes his chair of actor for now and being a director would be far in the future. Rick said Glen is a storyteller and he’ll work on anything that he deems a good story. Glen said he’s in the right place, learning from the right person.
- Glen was in charge of the costume. Rick hadn’t seen a lot of the costumes until day off because they were putting finishing touches on the script late in the game. The stylist nicknamed the red headed character Tilda Weasley and when he was fully dressed had a moment of “oh no, I think I’m attracted to Tilda Weasley”
- No costume was on the cutting room floor. Each of the costumes were inspired by the article directly. There were a few more ideas in the script writing process, but those were narrowed down to what we see on the screen by the time they got to shooting.
- Glen shadowed a film studies professor (Friend of Rick’s) who also got to read the script and told them that they needed to keep the pie line in the movie because it didn’t make it to one of the final drafts.
- The interviewer (even said this may be in poor taste) asked Adria about her recent project Los Frikis. When she spoke about it, she had so much love and passion in her eyes about this project and she said that they would be heading back out on the festival circuit with it.
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