#the way he killed mc was swift and merciful however
redstrewn · 9 months
Vere rants about the idea of MC considering Leander or Mhin to help them. Again he can just be using MC but I think it's fun to think he also kind of cares simply in a "holy shit how can someone be this dumb and helpless it's comical" way. Makes me think of MC whose considering Leander making him go like "Girl (gn). Girl. Holy shit you can do better than that lowlife oh my god. Please. You don't have to stoop that low."
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my-mystic-messenger · 7 years
MC gets killed by Rika
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Very interesting request and I was super excited to write it! Hope you enjoy! :3 Fandom: Mystic Messenger Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: Rika and her usual bullshit + consequences Categories: Angst-y Relationships: MC x Saeran Word count: 1976
When he'd first met you, he'd introduced himself as Ray. Ray, the bubbly, kind and almost ditsy personality Rika had crafted for him. He always had to be Ray, because Ray was good. Ray way useful. Saeran was bad. Saeran was useless. A mantra his saviour had drilled into him from day one.
Whenever something bad happened, Saeran was the one to blame. Ray would never do such a thing, Rika told him. So it was always Saeran who got called upon when punishment was in order. Saeran who got tortured. Saeran who grew to resent Ray and everything good. Then you came along. Of course you loved Ray, with his silly flowers and his constant need for affection and attention. When Saeran was woken he couldn't help but laugh about it. His constant whining merely struck a cord with your mother instincts nothing more. But Ray lived in the illusion of thinking you genuinely loved him. As a man, no less. For that he'd actually have to be a man for once, instead of pampering you and worshipping the ground you walked on like an obsessed child. A man who knew how to follow orders!
After that, Ray took over for a much longer time than usual. Normally Saeran was more dominant, fought his way to the top of the conscious, but now he seemed dormant. Rika couldn't understand why Saeran, her loyal servant, wasn't returning until she met you and things became clear.
You were just like V, a bright light that knew no darkness. You shone like the sun, repelling all darkness around you and cleansing Saeran of the darkness she'd planted and grown within him. You were destroying him piece by piece. Ray had stopped taking the Elixir, making it close to impossible to control him, let alone call upon Saeran. Instead he seemed peaceful within himself, no troubled thoughts creating turmoil and pain anymore. He was reverting to his old self and Rika couldn't let that happen. She tried to separate you, buried Ray in work in hopes of breaking him to reveal Saeran once again. Even chin deep in work, however, Ray remained positive. One message from you and all the tension seemed to dissolve, leaving an even more motivated and steadfast Ray. Rika tried to seduce you, tried to pry on your insecurities and fears in order to find or even create darkness with in you, but there was nothing to find. She was wrong in assuming you were like V. You were much brighter and much more dangerous, because you weren't even aware. Then the RFA became more involved, Saeyoung stepping back into Ray's life in ways the younger twin hadn't expected. His brother wasn't as evil as Rika had told him. He even praised him for being such a fabulous hacker and you seemed to be fond of him as well. Ray began to question. From all the logs he read, the RFA didn't seem bad. Everyone seemed happy, even you. Ray became scared he would lose you to the RFA, that you'd leave him behind, but then you offered him to come join them as well and to Ray's surprise, everyone welcomed him. The moment Rika read those words, her world burnt red. She cut Ray off the chat entirely and gave him so much work she was sure he wouldn't have the time to contact you which would eventually lead to him breaking apart and Saeran returning. Or so she'd hoped. Apparently it was too late for Ray, however. He'd been consumed by your light. So much so that his work began to waver and the mere thought of you and being reunited with you made him strong. Ray had become useless, which meant it wads time to destroy that part of Saeran completely.
She called upon you, first you and then Ray. When he entered the great hall and laid eyes upon you, Ray's entire face lit up and Rika could tell you were just as happy. Both of you gravitated towards one another, wanting nothing more than to touch once more.
Rika stopped both of you in your tracks. Ray, with a flick of her hand, two guards holding him back. You, she held back herself, wrapping her arms gently around your slender frame tenderly. Much like the snake had done to Eve. 
Ray should have been happy to see the two of you together, but he froze where he was being held in place, his heart dropping and his face betraying his worry. It was a confirmation of Rika's greatest fear, that Ray was betraying her and leaving her for you. That was fine though, after tonight, Ray would be gone anyway and Saeran would finally return. Rika would make sure of it. A third guard appeared, holding a little vial shimmering with a bright mint coloured liquid. Ray barely had time to protest before the liquid was forced down his throat. Rika waited, a twisted smile on her lips. Once Saeran awoke you'd be disgusted by him, repulsed by the darkness Ray had hidden within himself. His real self. She was still convinced that Ray was merely an illusion Saeran had created to suppress his darkness. But Rika had been feeding and harvesting it, making it grow and now it seemed like it was finally ready to take over and swallow everything bright that still remained completely. Minutes passed, however, and Ray remained. He didn't die, instead begging to be let go so he could be with you. “Please, it burns”, he cried, skinny frame shaking almost violently. “I don't want it anymore, saviour. Please, I've been good. Let me go. Let me go so I can be with her, touch her. Just one more time and I'll return to work. Please, saviour. Please.”
Rika felt her blood boil, nails digging into your skin in anger. You hissed at the pain, alarming Ray who looked up where he was kneeling on the floor after collapsing from the pain the elixir was putting him through. His eyes widened. “Don't!”
But it was too late, for you and for Ray. Rika got out the tiny dagger she'd hidden under her dress and it one swift motion cut your throat before dropping your lifeless body to the floor like a sack of dirt. She took a step back, making sure that the spreading puddle of blood didn't touch her. Ray sagged together like he'd been killed along with you, head hanging low ad hidden in his hands as he screamed and cried in agony. It was only a matter of seconds now, Rika noted with an ever growing grin, that Ray would be swallowed up by Saeran. Saeran who'd always been the stronger one. Saeran who'd endured loss, pain and torture. Saeran who'd accepted the darkness that he carried with in, welcomed it like Rika had taught him to and used it however she wanted to. The Saeran she'd created. However when Saeran lifted his head from his hands, his mint eyes were gleaming with a darkness Rika hadn't anticipated; pure, uncontrollable rage. And it was directed solely at her. Ray was destroyed, but what Rika hadn't anticipated was for Saeran to fall in love with you as well. His entire life Saeran had been sickish and weak, but not in that moment. His movements were strong and so quick one had actually problems catching them. One moment he was withering on the floor in pain and the next he knocked two guards twice his size on the floor. Rika called for help, turning on her heel to run, but Saeran was faster. He caught up to her in seconds, ripped the knife from her hand and held it to her throat. She didn't doubt for a second that Saeran would hesitate to slaughter her right then and there. “My my, Saeran, is that a way to treat your savoiur”, she asked, his arm tightly wrapped around her from behind without a chance for her to free herself. The guards arrived but stopped in their tracks when they saw what situation Rika was in. If they moved, she was dead. That much was sure. “Shut the fuck up, Rika”, Saeran spat into her ear. “You're not my saviour, she was. And you killed her. To punish me! An innocent, sweet girl who came here to test a fucking game is dead and it's all because of you. So now, I'm going to punish you for misbehaving like you did with me.” Saeran's first instinct was to kill her like she'd killed you, but that would have been an almost merciful act. Rika was so void of anything remotely human, killing her would almost equal doing her a favour. No, Saeran had something far more sinister in mind.
What he had to do, was take every last thing that kept her alive from her like she'd done to him. You'd warmed his cold hard, shone bright on the darkness within it and banned it away to reveal the good, but Rika had killed you to get her evil servant and evil she would get.
He walked her out of Mint Eye, at first with the knife to her throat but once they were far enough he buried his hands in her perfect, blonde hair and dragged her out of the castle by it. She stumbled and fell, he could tell it all hurt, but he didn't care much like she hadn't cared for his pain.
“I knew you'd betray me eventually”, Saeran explained as he continued their way down the mountain. “You never cared for any of us. You only cared for making yourself feel better about being a crazy, psychotic bitch by convincing other people they are as bad as you. As dirty and dark.” Rika didn't reply, holding onto her hair to minimize the pain. She didn't have to speak though, her dirtied face warped with disgust and anger showed exactly what she was thinking and feeling. Saeran laughed, couldn't help himself. “You're not even trying to deny it. Well, at least you're honest now. After everything you lied to me about, that's a really nice change”, Saeran said almost cheerfully. “Of course I'm still going to punish you, that doesn't change. But at least that'll go down with a nice BANG!” They eventually reached the destination and Saeran stopped, turning towards were the castle was standing in the distance. He tugged Rika up, not caring for her hissing in pain. He gripped her face forcefully and turned it so she could look at the cult she'd created. “Look at it. Look at that magnificent castle you built. Paradise, you called it. Filled with mindless idiots and broken people you promised you'd fix and instead pried on. Your life's work. The only thing you felt sincere pride and love for. Look at it, Rika! Look at it...and say goodbye.” With a press of his finger, the entire castle blew up in front of their eyes. The explosion was so massive even where they were standing a long way from it the tree's swayed and the heat could be felt lightly tickling at their faces. Mint Eye was gone.
“Watch it burn, Rika”, he said, finally letting go of her. She sagged to the floor, crying and screaming in agony much like Saeran had done many times over. “Everything you ever cared for, everything that ever meant anything to you is gone. You're all alone in this world. Forever.”
Hadn't Ray been destroyed by her, Saeran would have probably felt pity for that puny, pathetic mess that was left of his once glorious saviour. As it was, he felt nothing but sick satisfaction at having broken even the last piece of her twisted soul. “Rot in the hell you created for yourself, saviour.”
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