#the way he whips his head around when he realizes she's nakey...
columboscreens · 2 years
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miss-smrxtiee · 4 years
-What is true happiness?-
Day 3- Happinesses
Pairing: Beckett Harrington x f!MC (Ellie)
Book: The Elementalists
Warnings: NSFW? I mean they get a little nakey ( for good measure?) also just fluff 🤗
Summary: Ellie is feeling an empty place in her heart saved for happiness, was it there all along? If so, who or what will make that appear to her?
Authors note: Hey everyone! This is my first time participating in a monthly challenge but @julychoiceschallenge seemed way to good to pass up! I’m still pretty insecure about my writing but any feedback would be greatly appreciated!! ox 💖
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Ellie sighed, “This is going to be one long semester...” she said while forcing her eyes from her window to the books and papers laid out in front of her. Ellie was an amazing student, but even the best still get stressed out sometimes.
Her classes with both Professor Kontos and Professor Englund has completely changed material and the whole class had piles of assignments to learn it. Ellie groaned and threw her head back on her pillow, her hand resting on her throbbing forehead, thinking how much fun it would be to hang out with her friends right now... but alas, work awaits...
The clock ticks by and Ellie’s thoughts don’t stop floating away, she hasn’t felt the same the past few days. “Everything is perfect, nothings wrong, why can’t I find anything to do that makes me happy, keeps me entertained, and why can’t I just be happy...” her thoughts told her.
Raise and Kane had been defeated, she had amazing friends, an amazing boyfriend, and she was happy around him, but she always thought she had to have something else that made her happy, for example.. a sport or hobby, she likes theif but it doesn’t start back for awhile since the teams taking a break.
She hears a faint, poliet knock at her door. “Come in!” She calls to the person on the other side, the door glides open to reveal her boyfriend, Beckett, on the other side. You knew he had a huge exam today and by the smirk on his face, you knew it went well.
“Helloo beautiful!” Beckett plops down on her bed and showers her with kisses all over her face, she lets out a giggle. “Looks like someone aced and exam.” She said in a teasing tone, Beckett’s smirk grew bigger “I finished first AND did every single extra credit work displayed on the paper!” He sounded ten times more cheery when he talks about his acedemic achievements. She knew his studying made him happy, and she couldn’t help but be envious of his love for knowledge. She was happy for him but her own happiness still felt empty for no reason...
“I thought you’d be in the dining hall with the others, but they said you didn’t show up, is everything ok?” Beckett’s voice was laced with concern, he was very protective and cared so much for her, she loved him and he loved her, everything was great between them.
“All this studying has me questioning my sanity, it’s a bit overwhelming and I decided to skip and eat some snacks I had here.” She said, still annoyed her head wouldn’t stop throbbing. “But my head is killing me..” She rubs her head with her hand and sighs.
Beckett taps his chin thoughtfully “Would you like to take a stroll by the merfolk lake? I heard the merfolk installed lights throughout the water to see the coral in the late evenings.” He asked. Ellie looked out her window at the clear sky with stars decorating it. “That sounds pretty amazing right now.” She says. “Perfect.” Beckett says while extending a hand, Ellie happily takes it as she walks out with Beckett hand in hand.
Their walk was leisurely but they soon reached their destination. What Beckett said was right, the water looked to be glowing. It was late enough on the school night that all the students had retreated to their respective dorms.
Beckett and Ellie find a rock on the edge of the lake and enjoy the tranquility of the area before Ellie breaks the comfortable silence. “Hey Beckett, do you think if you parents hadn’t really pressured you into being really smart, you wouldn’t be as excited about learning as you are now..?” Beckett was slightly taken back from her question, she never brought up his parents, but something seemed to be off and he decided to answer.
“Even before my parents pressured me, I still loved learning, so, yes I think I would still love it... why?” He said with a bit of curiosity in his voice. “Well... I realized I’ve never loved a hobby like how you like learning and I was just wondering what it felt like to really love something you do...”
The silence fell once more and Ellie’s back suddenly straightens up from where she’s sitting... “I have an idea..” she says, a grin spreading against her face. “Take of your shirt.”
Beckett goes white. “I- what. That doesn- wait. Huh?” He stutters over her question some more. “Take off your shirt.” She repeats in a, stern, confident voice. “Ellie! We’re in public! What if we get caught?!” He said. “Relax! I’m doing it too..” she winks and throws off her shirt, shoes, shorts, until she’s left In her under garments.
She slowly lowers herself into the water and lands on the shallow part with her upper body out of the water. She shivers at the temperature of the water and Beckett just stands there, mouth agape, staring at her. “Well? Aren’t you gonna join me?” She teases...
Beckett whips his head around, looking for anyone who might be watching and quickly follows suit. He swims over and raps his arms around her waist and shivers at the chilly water.
They stand there, getting used to the water, and right before Beckett began to speak, Ellie splashes him with a small wave of water and Beckett sputters while she laughs.
“Oh it’s on, Valentine.” He swoops her into his arms and throws her a couple feet away from him and quickly swims away.
“Hey! No fair!” She squeals as she wipes the water droplets left on her face.
The two continue their water fight, splashing, laughing, all until their breaths turn into sharp breaths and they just float in the water, staring at each other. They don’t know who started laughing first but in seconds they fell into giggles and laughter. After a few moments, Ellie paddles over to him and wraps her arms around his neck, his hands instinctively going to her waist. She feels content and realization washes over her, that she doesn’t need something to make her happy, she needs someone, and that someone was right in front of her.
“You make me happy, Beckett.” Now, that’s not a 100% normal thing to say, but for her it’s true. She’s realized she doesn’t need anything, or anyone else for happiness, she has Beckett, and that’s all she’ll ever need to be happy. She doesn’t need a hobby, she needs Beckett. He is her tomorrow, he is hers, and she is his, and as long as they have that, they don’t want anything else.
They shower each other with sweet, kind, happy kisses and get lost in the embrace. “You make me happy to, my princess...” Beckett himself has realized over the years that reading and learning isn’t all there is to life, and she helped him see that, she helped him have happiness and appreciation for life and its adventures. She’s his ray of sunshine and that sunshine is all he’ll need...
After a few more minutes they re-dress and walk back with a hope for a bright, happy, and sunny tomorrow...
Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading! I’m still new to writing but any support is greatly appreciated
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