#the way it looks like she's praying in the second pic im sick
marlokelly · 2 years
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warrior nun, 2x08 / richard siken, litany in which certain things are crossed out
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ch3rry-bl0ssm · 3 years
TW!!! Mentions of attempted R@pe
(and before i start, yes i’ve said that y/n has like Omi, a long time. But she wanted to move on and she got to know kuro after awhile she began getting feelings).
“Hey Kuro thanks for picking me and Yuki up” About 3 years ago, while y/n was still in high school, second year to be exact. There was this party, big high school party Atsumu had invited her and Yuki. And of course other schools were going, including Neckoma, which is where; at the time; your boyfriend went, Kuro. You two had met at the training camp four months prier to this incident that was going to accrue near the end of the party. “Anytime Babe, how’s school and the volleyball team doing?” Before collage where she is student council president, she was a manager for the boys volleyball team, and her grades were beyond exceeding. “Oh you know the same, the boys played really well during the tournament even making it higher than Inarazaki , and Sakusa-san went to the All-Japan Youth Training camp before that. Which i think he learned something new.” Y/n winks at Kuro who continued to drive to the party.
Arriving to the scene, the thing that pops the most, were the bright lights flashing from the mansion. With the bright lights filling your eyes, and alcohol filling your nose. When Kuro finally parked, he walked over you Y/n be a gentlemen; opens the door and escorted her inside. Inside,,, inside where the incident occurred... “Baby, i’m going to look for Kawa mind getting me a drink?” He nodded in agreement and went to get the drinks for you and him. whiles you start your hunt for Oikawa. Spotting him wasn’t exactly easy, but wasn’t difficult either, just look for the biggest group of girls, and that’s where he is. (sadly). Once he noticed you walking over he told the lady’s to excuse him and walked over to you. “Hey princess enjoying the part so far?” he walked up and hugged your small figure. Oikawa knew his boundaries, he didn’t like the new founded boundaries but he followed them. Before you and Kuro, he (being oikawa) was touchy which you didn’t mind since he was your best friend, and he never touched other girls the way he touched you. (Don’t think of this in a sexual way, i have no idea how to explain it without it being sexual.) He loved attention, and he got that from his best friend: You. While Iwazumi, have him no attention... Well, not the attention he wanted. “It’s good, Kuro is off getting me a drink. Let’s go out back to take pics?” You before you left, texted Kuro saying you’ll be by the pool, and y you we’re taking new pics for your photography class.
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“Y/n, here’s your drink Babe.” Kuro came walking behind the pool. “at Ko what took so getting those drink?” Kawa laughed and proceeded to get out of the poor. He seamed to have stiffened slightly at the question but blew it off “Oh you know, started talking to Bo and Akaashi. And got side tracked till they asked why i had two drinks”. ‘Oh bokuto and Akaashi are here, i should go say hey to them later on’ thinking to herself, blowing off the conversation going on between her friend and boyfriend. “Y/n?” you looked at Kawa “Hmm? Sorry i was thinking i should go say hey to Bo and Akaashi. Sorry” she giggled looking between the two males. “Ill be right back? Ok... Don’t kill each other.” She smiled and began to walk off. What Y/n didn’t know, well she assumed but didn’t want to believe, was Oikawa and Kuro disliked each other. Not just because there both there captains of the volleyball team, they resented the relationship each other had with Y/n. They were jealous of the time the other took from you, that they could of had.
“Hey hey hey Y/n, how’s it going!!” A voice rung threw your ears. Knowing exactly who it was, “Hello y/n, you look pale are you alright?” Akaashi, with his gentle voice, sounded concerned for your well-being. Harshly you shook your head yes, “I’m ok Kaashi, i’m a lightweight” you giggled, but in all honesty, you weren’t feeling exactly great. But you didn’t want to worry anyone. “And Bo, it’s good, how have you been? Hopefully you haven’t been giving Kaashi to much trouble.” You playfully smack his arm. “AHHHH Y/NNNNNNNNN I’m not trouble!!! Right Akaashi!!” Bokuto wines, making you chuckle, and akaashi smile. Before the male could continue talking, you felt a rush of dizziness. Not wanting to fight it, you politely leave them and walk to find the empty room the own of the house had told Kuro about. On the way to the room you texted Kawa,
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What you didn’t realized was you accidentally called him... Making your way to the room you feel someone grab your side. “Y/n, are you alright? You look sick. Want me to take you home??” You shook your head now and told Kuro you would be alright. just needed to lay down for a while. He guided you to the room, the room you now despise. In the room you took of the silk dress you were wearing, and laid down under the covers. What felt like hours, was only minutes. And those minutes were the worse minutes of your life. Your eyes were beginning to feel, extremely heavy. And you had passed out completely. Kuro knew. This would happen, he was the one who caused it. Threw the time you and him were dating, you were uninterested in sex, in your mind, you were still deep down, loved Sakusa... So i’m your mind it didn’t feel right. But Kuro grew tired, tired of the denial.
(TW!!!!! Slight of R@pe)
So he took matter into his own hands. After confirming you were completely asleep, he began touching, rough touching. “Y/n, im sorry i’m doing this, but you kept the denying it. And i didn’t want to do this.” Proceeding, he take off your panties and he began taking off his pants and boxers. He unhook the bra you had been wearing, and tossed it across the room. Placing unwanted kisses along your neck, down your to your breast, onto your stomach and ended at your thighs. He was growing impatient. But before he was able to continue. A rough fist hit his face. Knock him onto the ground “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?” He knew that voice, Oikawa. “It’s not what it looks like.” He got up, and put his boxers back on. Acting like nothing wrong was about to happens. “Really? Not what it looks like. well LOOKS like you were about to rape my best friend. My unconscious friend. Who you decided to DRUG, buy the way.” With the yelling going on. You hazily wake up. But not in the way you would have liked. Along with Oikawa being in the room, you looked around noticing you weren’t in your underwear nor bra. Quickly coving yourself tears threatened your eyes. “O-oikawa,, wh... Please g.. get me out of here please. Your mind had gone blank. Not hearing anything, nothing that he was saying, and nothing Kuro was saying. Kuro of course was trying to apologize, telling you to give him another chance. But you didn’t hear him, rather you didn’t WANT to hear him. oikawa took off his top shirt and grabbed your underwear and put them back on you. Sliding his shirt over your body picking you up. Being carful not to scare you. “Let’s go princess. Oh and Kuro, expect to never see y/n again”. Not noticing the three men standing in the door way, Akaashi, Bokuto and,,, Sakusa.. What you didn’t realize was it was his house, his party (that atsumu created) his room. “Kuro get out of my house, Oikawa, please take her home”. Kiyoomi had no tolerance for this, not for the situation that went down. All three of them understood what had happened. And Bokuto didn’t know what to say, his best friend..Did something like this. “Kuro, we’re no longer friends. Oikawa get her out of here. Let’s go Akashi. Leaving, the four males that were there including Sakusa , never told anyone, not the police, not a friend, and especially not Y/ns parents....
end of flashback
“Hey Ko, how’s it going.” Yuki asked the driver. The driver you never wanted to see again. This was going to be extremely dangerous. “Hey Baby, and.. Y/n”. You ignored his voice, praying there would be someone that this party you could stick by.
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fineosaur · 4 years
50 questions
I was tagged by @jeynepoole, thank u <33
what is the colour of your hairbrush? i have 2, a black one which is kinda big and then a small travel-ish one that’s mint green. both gifted to me because i used to not own one and my mum and sister would find it ridiculous.
name a food you never eat? agh i kinda eat everything now... but i try to stay away from shellfish and nuts cause i break out when i eat either
are you typically too warm or too cold? in mauritius ?? in this age of global warming?? always too warm babes
what were you doing 45 minutes ago? i was having my first cup of tea for the day
what's your favourite candy bar? flake cadbury chocolate
have you ever been to a professional sports game? ya but i was like 2 when we visited anfield.
what is the last thing you said out loud? “for fuck’s sake” because my sister ate my breakfast.
what is your favourite ice cream? hmm maybe hazelnut but i love a bubblegum.
what was the last thing you had to drink? water, hydrate, bitch.
do you like your wallet? yeaaa, i got it this year, it’s rly pretty and has a snakeskin pattern that matches my phone case so well. even if im not one for matching stuff
what is the last thing you ate? i havent eaten anything today yet, but i had some chips last night.
did you buy any new clothes last weekend? i didn’t i didnt spend any money last weekend thankfully. 
what's the last sporting event you watched? hmm probably i caught a glimpse of a football match when walking by a tv but thats it. i dont watch sport anymore.
what is your favourite flavour of popcorn? salted! always. im a salty bitch to the end of my days.
who is the last person you sent a text message to? my best friend, who keeps trying to get me to take a pic of my supervisor BUT IM SICK FROM WORK TODAY.
ever go camping? no, im too high maintenance for that shit.
do you take vitamins? well ive just started on a magnesium supplement for my fatigue. 
do you regularly attend a place of worship? no lol, even if muslim women pray at home, i do not. 
do you have a tan? no :(( i really want one. summer is on its way here so i expect one soon enough 
do you prefer chinese or pizza? ugh chinese ofc. i only appreciate proper italian pizza, which you rarely find here. man now im just thinking of peking duck.
do you drink your soda through a straw? no i dont drink soda
what colour socks do you usually wear? i have light green, light blue, black and grey ones. that i interchange, these are all the no show ones. then i have regular white ankle socks for my trainers.
do you ever drive above the speed limit? i do not drive
what terrifies you? wow nothing came to mind. nice to know 
look to your left, what do you see? my rug, littered w my messes 
what chore do you hate most? washing dishes! but moping comes a close second because i go to hard and make my arms hurt. 
what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? @thelandofnothing LOL
what's your favourite soda? i dont drink soda!!! 
do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? drive thru always bitch
what's your favourite number? 4, i decided on it when i was 4 and it stuck. but 15 comes a close second
Who’s the last person you talked to? like aloud? uh my sister when she barged into my room at 7 am.
favourite cut of beef? i dont have one, i just eat meat but i pay no attention to the cooking of it. i will not look at it raw. 
last song you listened to? matilda - alt j. my friend has been telling me to listen to it, apparently it makes him think of me. and i have no idea why.
last book you read? hmm yesterday i began reading my sister’s new book but then my migraine told me to stop.
favourite day of the week? thursdays. they just hit different
can you say the alphabet backwards? most likely not. i need words written down to even spell them out. i work visually, bitch. 
how do you like your coffee? i dont like coffee. if i ever do its w copious amounts of sugar.
favourite pair of shoes? a pair of black oxfords i bought back in 2018. theyre so comfy and they reflect my style a lot 
time you normally get up? 5:50am on weekdays, weekends are a gamble rly. 
what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunrises usually, but mauritian sunsets hit right too. 
how many blankets on your bed? i have my quilt and then a purple throw blanket.
describe your kitchen plates? white, nothing to them, theyre just white. 
describe your kitchen at the moment? eerie
do you have a favourite alcoholic drink? i’d say beer. it’s my go to, but i’ve been slowly trying out cocktails to find my favourite, i quite like gin as well as red wine. 
do you play cards? with friends ya, it’s usually when drinks are involved though. 
what colour is your car? my mum’s car is grey lol.
can you change a tire? i know the mechanics of it but have never been allowed
your favourite state? i dont ?? have one. i dont even know any states. is new york a state? if so, cause of @yanak324, i will say ny
favourite job you've had? well i’ve worked freelance stuff and now my current job, so i dont have much experience to say i have a favourite. but i really like my current job so i’ll say that. 
im gonna tag: ooft im tired but lets do this, @yanak324, @evax3, @sneetchstar, @northernfieldsforever, @salty-wench, @littlerockerao3, @nalgenewhore, @treaddelicately, @livhatesolives, @aryasbadbenergy, @watersandwolves
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mashallah · 4 years
hi aya do you have any muslim haikyuu hcs? if so, please tell omg
-ok iwaizumis a full like commited muslim like he goes to friday prayer w his parents and u can catch him praying in the corner of the gym before morning practices
-asahis probably the same but hes like soo happy whenever it’s eid he’ll come to school in a kameez and everything. i wanna hear him read quran that’d b so funny. also he hears tanaka speak arabic and will immediately start a convo in full smiles bc solidarity
-i feel like tanakas would b too.....hes the type to say wallah bro every 2 seconds or like he’ll scream أعوذُ بِٱللَّهِ مِنَ ٱلشَّيۡطَٰنِ ٱلرَّجِيمِ super fast before doing some dumb thing like jumpimg off a roof or landing a spike. he invites the team over for iftar during ramadan too. baby pics r him running around in a little taqiyah. he also carries around a masbaha in his bag which is like normal for muslims but cool bc this is a headcanon
-AKAASHI & BOKUTO TOO Y NOT i feel like bokuto catches him praying in the club room & hes like WAIT U TOO?????? and akaashis like points to the Ali’s sword necklace he’s worn for like the entire time hes been in hs. but anyways bokuto lovesssss the imams stories & he’ll talk about how cool they are randomly but not in a like “have u heard of our lord & savior jesus christ?” type of way he’ll just go up to akaashi & b like LOOK I DREW HUSSEIN and hand him a drawing. they both go to ashura programs together just bc theres one held yearly near fukurodani & neither of them comment when the other cries bc thats like common. akaashi has an accent when he talks in arabic & his voice is rly soothing when he reads quran. bokutos like me and knows like 12 suwar overall but he says ayat al kursi for good luck sometimes HE LEADS LATMIYAT TOO akaashis either on his phone waiting for it to end or like patting his chest rly lightly but bokutos full SLAMMING akaashi always makes them leave early so he doesnt bruise himself bc they have practice the next morning
-also bokuto will hear tanaka b like 3ANJAD (for real? but sarcastically) BRO? or some english-arab phrase from across the training camp gym and will yell back and it becomes a joke between them but annoys everyone bc theyre yelling so often
-edit i added hinata bc theres no way he wouldnt b...... wakes up soo early bc he has to bike to school so he doesnt worry about missing fajr but he prays like LIGHTNING FAST his mom scolds him for it but he does it so quick. his mom has videos of him reading the fatiha as a kid like the type youd find on an arab moms fb page and the team finds a few online and tease him for days. hes not super fluent in arabic but he does his 5 prayers easily & goes WILD when he’s offered to b the imam for a group prayer during training camp. natsus too young to wear a scarf but she chooses to later on & shes super happy in it
-WTF ABOUT THOSE GROUP PRAYERS IN TRAINING CAMP.... it starts when iwaizumi leaves the gym to pray once and the karasuno muslims leave as soon as he does & hes like oh do u guys wanna do it jama3a? more hasanat yk and theyre like YA and yell that theyre doing it to the gym and bokutos like OH SICK IM COMING!!!! ofc akaashi follows it’s cool they do that thing where they all shake hands when they finish. they start doing it every time the teams meet up
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bby-calum · 6 years
Unexpected - S.M (fluff)
a/n: reposting AGAIN - im sorry
word count: 1,675
masterlist: linked in bio!!
request: I was wondering if you could do an imagine where Shawn and y/n have an argument in public and try to keep it discreet but then y/n storms off and Shawn goes after her andthe paps have pics and video and it’s all over Twitter by the end of the day. Also could the ending have pure fluff?
synopsis: You and Shawn get into a heated argument in public. You’re sick of him prioritising his work over you, but he insists it’s all for a good reason. Has he pushed you too far?
“Jesus Christ, y/n. Talk to me, please,” Shawn begged quietly from the opposite side of the booth the two of you were sat in. You stirred your milkshake idly with the paper straw, trying your best to ignore your boyfriend. “Look, I’m sorry okay. Whatever it is I’ve done, I’m sorry.” You could tell he was growing frustrated. You hadn’t said anything for over ten minutes.
“You’re always sorry,” you mumbled. You closed your eyes and sighed deeply. You looked up at his face. His jaw was clenched, his nostrils flaring and the vein on his forehead was visible. He was angry. “I’m sick of it Shawn.”
“Sick of what?” He said, exasperated.
The truth was, the past few weeks, Shawn hadn’t been the best boyfriend. He’d been letting you down more frequently than not, cancelling plans or forgetting to even tell you he couldn’t make it. He favoured the studio over nights spent with you. The only reason he was here in this diner with you now was because you had told him you needed ‘crisis talks’. He knew something was wrong, but wasn’t quite sure what was upsetting you so much.
You laughed sadly. “You don’t even know what you’ve done wrong!” Your voice was raised slightly. Shawn didn’t want things to escalate in public, especially since he’d noticed the group of teenage girls that just entered the diner clock him.
“Can you just tell me what’s going on, babe,” he said quietly, attempting to hold your hand across the table. You pulled your hands away quickly, leaving them to rest in your lap. “Please, baby.” His voice cracked as he fought back tears, causing an ache in your chest.
Avoiding eye contact, you fixed your gaze on the traffic outside in the busy streets. “I feel like I don’t even know you anymore, Shawn. Every time we make plans, you cancel, or I show up and wait for two hours before you even reply to my texts to tell me you’re not going to make it. I’m never invited to the studio anymore. You’re being so distant and I’m sat at home ripping myself to shreds trying to figure out what it is I’m doing wrong.” There was a short pause before Shawn opened his mouth to say something. You stopped him before he could. “And don’t you dare say it’s because of your job.”
“But it is!” he defended. You grabbed your bag from the seat next to you and stormed out, not once looking behind you to see if you had followed. “Y/n,” he called. “Jesus,” he mumbled under his breath, grabbing a twenty dollar bill from his wallet and leaving it on the table before racing outside after you. He had noticed the group of girls from earlier had their phones out recording what had just happened, but he didn’t even care that this would probably end up all over the internet later, he just needed his girl back.
He watched you close the door of the cab you just hailed and tried his best to keep up with it as the vehicle sped away. He only managed a few seconds before the cab was already out of his sight.
“No!” he shouted, earning disapproving glances from people passing by. His hands ran through his hair, tugging at the strands as he attempted to steady his breathing, to no avail. “No,” he said again, quieter this time.
Shawn thought about the past month or so, realising now how bad it had looked. Yes, he had been rather distant, but that was only because he was so engrossed with the project he was currently working on. He wanted to finish it as soon as possible so he could share it with you.
He was still frustrated that you had thought he was distancing himself to hurt you - you’d kick yourself once you found out, he knew that. He was angry at himself though, angry that he had let it get this way. Shawn punched the lamppost to his left, immediately regretting his decision. A woman gasped as she walked past the sorry sight of Shawn taking his anger out on the metal post. He nursed his throbbing hand, cursing, and hailed the next cab.
Once he arrived at the apartment you shared, Shawn was disappointed to see you weren’t here. He pulled his phone out from his jeans pocket, about to call you, but was distracted by the flood of text messages from his manager. There were screenshots of hundreds of tweets by fans, all talking about the argument you and him had just had in public. Those girls in the diner, Shawn thought, they must had already posted those videos of the two of you heatedly discussing your relationship. He opened the Twitter app, and there it was, the video of you storming out of the diner and him chasing after you. They’d even managed to record him punching the lamppost. He winced watching the footage, it reminded him how badly his hand was hurting.
An ice pack held to his hand, Shawn dialled your number. To his surprise, you picked up. He prayed you hadn’t seen the footage on Twitter. “What, Shawn?” your tone was icy. It pained him. “What do you want?”
“Just tell me where you are, babe, please. Please just let me explain. I need to see you.” Shawn was desperate now, he couldn’t lose you. It killed him seeing you so upset and angry with him.
“I’m at my mom’s,” you finally said.
“I’m on my way,” he said, grabbing his backpack and stuffing inside his laptop and the gift he was planning on giving to you tonight.
Knocking on the door of your mother’s house with his good hand, Shawn chewed his bottom lip nervously. Waiting for your mother to open the front door felt like a lifetime.
“She’s upstairs,” your mother told him. He charged up the stairs and into your room, not bothering to knock on your childhood bedroom door. You were sat on the edge of your bed, cheeks tearstained and eyes bloodshot.
“Y/n,” he said, his voice wobbling as he tried to control his emotions.
“What is going on, Shawn?” you asked. “What have I done that’s made you want to push me away?” Shawn made his way over to you, enveloping you in his strong arms. You tried to fight his touch, but it was no use. Instead you sank into his body, sobbing into his chest.
“Nothing,” he blinked tears away. “Baby, y/n, I promise, you haven’t done a single thing wrong. I was just waiting for the right time to show you what I’ve been working on.”
“What are you talking about?”
Shawn sighed. “Look, yes, now I realise that I probably haven’t gone about this the best way. But there is good reason as to why you haven’t been invited to the studio recently. And I’m sorry I’ve been flaking on you so much, I didn’t even realise how much I was doing it. I was just so excited to get this record finished. I- it’s for you, babe. The sooner I got it finished, the sooner I could ask you- look,” he shrugged the backpack from his shoulders and pulled his laptop out. Logging on, he opened a file titled ‘WYMM’. “I was going to wait till tonight to show you this, but, well- I don’t know. I finished it yesterday. It’s ready. Just watch,” he instructed.
Before you on the laptop screen was a video Shawn had made, compiled of short clips he had taken on his phone of you when you hadn’t noticed. It was a film of your happiest moments as a couple, staying up late in his old apartment, watching the sunset together at the beach, travelling the world together, moving in to the new apartment together, that time he pulled you on stage in front of thousands of people just to tell everyone how much he loved you. Over the video was a track you hadn’t heard before, a love song, sung by Shawn.
It was beautiful.
At the end of the video, text reading ‘look behind you’ came up on screen. Confused, you turned around, seeing only the headboard of your bed.
“Oh,” Shawn said hastily. “Well, uhm, when I was going to show you this, tonight, erm, I was going to be behind you, on one knee, and, wait a sec,” Shawn delved back into his backpack, pulling out a small velvet box.
“Shawn,” you said, shocked and confused as you realised what was happening.
“-and then I was going to ask you to marry me.” Shawn opened up the box, revealing the most beautiful engagement ring you had ever seen. You were speechless. Shawn cleared his throat. “I get that I’ve been a bit of an idiot recently, I didn’t mean to, I promise. I’ve been working a lot, I know. But I bought this ring last month and then I had this idea about this video and this song and I just wanted it finished as quick as I could so I could ask you to be my wife.”
Tears were falling down your cheeks again, but this time with happiness.
“And I’m sorry, I’m so sorry for upsetting you so much,” he continued. “But y/n, baby, please, will you marry me?”
“God, I feel so stupid,” you laughed, wiping the tears from your cheeks as Shawn looked at you expectantly. “Yes. Yes I’ll marry you.”
Shawn smiled and kissed you hard before pushing the ring onto the fourth finger of your left hand. It fit perfectly. After a few minutes of ‘I love you’s and passionate kisses, you noticed Shawn’s hand, bruised and bloody.
“Jesus, baby, what happened?” You asked, inspecting the damage.
“Lamppost,” he shrugged.
“Let me clean it up for you,” you said, standing up to find the first aid kit buried in one of your drawers.
“Thank you, my fiancée,” he said, making you smile.
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falconineferdinand · 5 years
Queen Mary
The night was warm. But too bad Lysithea, Ferdinand, Hanneman, Kronya And Marriane would be spending their time indoors.
“Alright. I have 2 rooms available. The Duke Of Edinburgh suite, and the infamous room b340.” Said Ferdinand.
Lysithea already felt a shiver crawl down her spine. Re assuring herself that ghosts were in a fact, not real for the umpteenth time.
“So who’s staying in what?” Asked Kronya.
“Lysithea and I are staying in room b340 as it only houses 2 guests. You, Hanneman and Kronya will be in the suite as it’s much more spacious.”
Lysithea was ready to die then and there. She’d done her studying, and it just made her want to leave even more.
“Are we going to our rooms now?” Asked Hanneman.
“Let’s drop our stuff off and then explore.” Said Ferdinand.
Lysithea hated the room. Ever since she stepped in, a horrible feeling made its way into her stomach. Dread.
“Okay, this is horrifying.” Ferdinand agreed.
“I say we leave and never look back.”
“Hell no, I spent 2000g for this trip. Let’s get our camera and go meet the others in the lobby.”
“Fine.” Lysithea crossed her arms. Thinking about the bullshit she’d have to put up through the entire night.
There was a knock on the door.
“I though we were going to meet in the lobby?” She said.
Her heart dropped when Ferdinand opened the door to reveal no one.
“I-it could have been cleaning staff! Or a prank!” She rationalized.
“Huh. Anyway, we should get going. I have the camera and Hanneman has the night vision one.”
“This is a horrible idea. We aren’t actually going to sleep here, right???”
“Where else are we going to sleep?” Ferdinand smirked.
“A HOLIDAY INN!” Lysithea pleaded.
“No! We will come back to the room at 3 a.m. When activity is high.”
The door led out to wall, where you would turn to meet the rest of the hallway. A long hallway that seemed to stretch on forever. A maze was all Lysithea could use to describe the place.
“Why is it so fucking cold?” She shivered.
“I heard that when ghosts are nearby, the temperature drops.” Ferdinand Stated.
“I hate you with every fiber of my very being!”
“That’s not a lot of fiber.”
“Motherfu-” She was cut off as Ferdinand froze.
“What the hell is it now?”
“I just read a really scary one.”
Ferdinand had a piece of paper in his hands, gesturing to it.
“What is that?”
“It’s a list off all the things people have experienced in our room.”
“Fucking wonderful.”
“Do you want to know what it said?”
“One man woke to the sight of a man sitting in the chair next to his bed. He said it felt as though it had been watching him sleep the entire time.” Ferdinand quoted.
“I’m not sleeping in there Ferdinand.”
“We’ll see.”
The two of them continued walking down the hallway until they were met with the elevator.
“You know, we could play the elevator ga-”
“NO!” Lysithea cut him off.
“Okay damn. Let’s just meet the others.”
They finally arrived at the lobby where Hanneman had a camera around his neck, Marriane fidgeting and Kronya looking bored as fuck.
“Ah, Ferdinand. Any strange ocurances yet?” The elderly man asked.
“Actually yes. There was a knock on our door. Nobody was out there though.”
“It could’ve just been a prank! A very cruel, sick prank!” Lysithea cut in.
“Our lights flickered off for a moment.” Kronya Said as though it was nothing new.
“This place gives me weird vibes.” Marriane looked around, as though she was hoping for something to prove her wrong.
“So what’s the plan?” Asked Kronya.
“Alright, we head to the isolation bay and take some pictures, then to the boiler room, explore, take some more pics and head back to our respected rooms where we’ll document what happens. Sound good?”
They all agreed, save for Lysithea who wanted to drop dead.
“Ferdinand please, can we go?” Lysithea pleaded.
“Lysithea I swear to Sothis if you ask to leave again I’ll strand you in our room for the whole damn night!”
“But it’s scary here!”
“C’mon! The groups already making their way to the isolation bay!” Ferdinand grabbed the younger girl’s hand and dragged her to their group while a string of curses and threats left her mouth.
As they made their way towards their destination, a faint high pitched noise was heard.
They all froze.
“What the fuck was that?” Ferdinand asked.
“Ew!” Marriane said to the noise.
“Sounded like a woman screaming.”
“Hmm, fascinating.”
“NOPE IM READY TO GO!” Lysithea did a 360 turn and was preparing to run away before Ferdinand grabbed her and made her walk with them.
They finnaly reached the Isolation Ward. A set of stairs that descended downwards greeted them.
“They kept the sick here?” Marriane asked. Ferdinand nodded as he took pictures.
“Ferdinand, look.” Hanneman showed a picture he took with a small transparent circle in the framed. Zooming in on it.
“A speck of dust? Really?” Lysithea Said.
“Nope, that’s an orb for sure.” Marriane Stated.
“Fuck me.” Lysithea muttered as she entered a room. It was dark and had two white bunk beds. They were just colored wood, no mattress or sheets or anything really.
“I hate this. I hate this. I hate this. I hate this.” She muttered.
“Boo.” Ferdinand Said. She shrieked before kicking him.
“Hanneman gave me a tape recorder. I was going to put it in here and see what happens.”
Lysithea looked at the bottom bunk and to the narrow door.
“I want to lay on the bottom bunk and see what happens.”
Ferdinand raised a brow.
“That’s out of character for you. If you really want to, we’ll stand at the corner and wait for you.” Ferdinand suggested. Lysithea nodded. He left the room.
It took her minute to realize what she was doing.
“Ghost aren’t real.” She muttered before laying down. It was quiet. Unsettling quiet. And heavy footsteps sounded from outside, she thought it was Ferdinand and the others.
“Can you guys be quiet?” She said.
“Uh, sure?” Marriane responded.
It must have been a few minutes before Lysithea got up and and returned to the group.
“How was it?” Asked Kronya.
“Weird. It felt really sad in there, but like, non threatening too? It was hard to hear any noises as you idiots were being so loud with your footsteps!”
The group looked at each other.
“Lysithea, we weren’t moving. And we didn’t hear any footsteps.” Explained Hanneman.
“But you guys were the only ones out there! Who else could it have been?”
Their faces gave the answer she needed. Her face paled.
“You’re fucking with me right? There is no way those footsteps were made by a ghost!”
“You saw the plaque. Over 56 named deaths. It’s a possibility.” Ferdinand shrugged.
“I hate this so much. Why did I ever agree to you?”
Ferdinand gave a shit eating grin.
“I don’t know, but I’m sure glad you did.”
Lysithea glared at him.
They were now under water as they walked through the engine room. Many mechanical parts of the ship were able to be seen.
“It’s really stuffy down here.” Sniffed Marriane.
Hanneman freezed.
“Hanneman? What’s wrong?” Asked Ferdinand.
“I believe this is it.”
Hanneman stood under a white doorway, curved and a bit wide.
“Door 13.” Stated Kronya.
“Why must the number be 13?” Lysithea Complained.
“Allegedly, 2 firemen were crushed to death under this doo-” Hanneman was cut off by a thud from up ahead.
“....What the hell was that?” Ferdinand spoke in a shaky voice.
“Ew.” Marriane Said.
“I wanna go home and I wanna play Minecraft and forget this ever happened!”
Hanneman cleared his throat and walked away from under the door.
“It’s like, really cold under here.” Kronya Said.
“Should we do the tape recorder?”
Hanneman nodded.
“Okay, so speak loudly and don’t whisper. We’ll each ask a question.”
“If this works I’m going to lose my shit, Ferdinand.” Lysithea spoke.
“Everybody shut up!” Ferdinand held the recorder in his hands and pressed play.
“Is anyone there?” Marriane projected her voice. They waited a solid 30 seconds before continuing.
“Do you know my name?” Asked Ferdinand. Another 30 seconds went by.
“Say something.” Lysithea half whispered it. Praying to Sothis there wouldn’t be a response.
The noble ended it.
“I’m ready to head back to our rooms.” Kronya yawned.
“Let’s go check out our room and see if anything is wrong with it.” Ferdinand suggested.
B340 was horrible. It was below sea level and had only recently re opened to the public. To make it worse, there was a box which contained some spiritual things that Lysithea and Ferdinand put away.
They put it under the bed.
And now it’s on the table.
“I didn’t fucking move that. I swear in Sothis’ name I didn’t move that.” Ferdinand stood by the entrance to B340.
“Did you guys leave the lights on?” Asked Marriane. Lysithea nodded her head furiously.
“This isn’t funny anymore Ferdinand. I’ve had to put up with enough of your bullshit but this isn’t funny!”
“I swear I wouldn’t fuck with you like that. I-I-I’m shaking, look at me.” Ferdinand extended his hands to show them unsteady and wobbly. Tonight was only the beginning of their troubles.
@lysithealag @mariannejane @crayola-kronya @hannemanshash
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