#the weight off my chestt
30 on my exam lets goooooo
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chiquitinchino · 3 years
Ateez and PDA
A head cannon
Ateez x Reader
Warning: physical affection .
Decr: This is a piece written by me telling you how I think Ateez does with PDA, (publicly displayed affection, I think). Why they do what they don’t and what they like.
*DISCLAIMER: This is my opinion*
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- He doesn’t like to expose your relationship much
- Or to make others uncomfortable
- He likes to hold hands
- And grab you by the waist but not a aggressively mainly to guide you when walking
- He most definitely likes having you close even if he’s having a conversation with some one else
- as long as he is aware of your presence being there, he feels safe and at ease
- I feel like he’s the type to give you a kiss for the cameras.
- Like when you’re at a party and some one is going to take a picture of the both of you and all you hear is “kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss” from the people around you.
- He would every once in a while kiss your hand when you guys are talking and being cute. He would immediately tell you how beautiful he finds you.
- And sometimes he would hug you from behind in public, and put his head on your shoulder.
- He would be the type to put you on his lap in certain places.
- Not much but 🤷🏻‍♀️
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- Seonghwa loved forehead kisses and holding your hand
- Also he he likes holding you close, not necessarily hugging but by him, even the slightly of your legs touching he as comfort
- He’s not constantly touching you but when needing your attention he always makes sure he has it by touch.
- Like when he walks over to talk to you he’ll caress your arm
- Or put his hand on your head
- SEONGHWA would MOST DEFINITELY BE THE TYPE to touch you while you’re trying to talk to him.
- Like he’ll move your hair out of your face
- Or like rub his thumb while holding your hand
- Seonghwa’s kisses in public are either head or forehead mainly
- He occasionally would give peck kisses
- He has a lot of professionalism to make out or have a passionate kiss in public
- OHHHHH TEMPLE KISSES, kisses on the side-
- You know what he gives you kisses everywhere but your lips in public (occasionally)
- I can most definitely see Seonghwa having his hands on your hips or in your back pocket LMAO
- He’s very respectful of you and your body
- And he values his goddess
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- Definitely more pda then the other two
- Hug hug hug HUUGGGSSS
- He loves you being at his CHESTT or ON HIMMMM really.
- Hugs from behind
- The front
- Picking you up
- He loves it.
- So would I :’) (I love hugs)
- Yunho is most definitely the type to remind you how he’s big by hugging you from behind rest his head on top of yours, put his arms over your shoulder and applying his weight
- He’ll only stop till you guys are both on the floor laughing your asses off, and you begging him to get off the whole time made him want to crush you more.
- :’) sooo cuteee
- Oooohhh
- He melts over you holding his hand or wrist.
- He likes the soft touch of your hands on his skin
- PLAYFULL PECK KISSES !!! So multiple peck kisses and giggling while trying to kiss each other
- Y’all might be found annoying but being in it yourself it’s different
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- another shy boy, but no worries he likes body on body
- He doesn’t necessarily hug but
- Having his arm around you while his body is on yours
- He likes it when you sit on his lap
- At first he’s super shy and gets flustered but after you made it a habit for him he really likes it
- He really likes hip and waist, but those are for certain places not every public place
- If he’s really comfortable in the area his hand(s) is always on your hips.
- Barely any kisses in public really. Unless you give it to him.
- He wouldn’t mind a peck kiss if you were the one that gave it to him
- He is okay with cheek kisses. When he leave you he always gives you a cheek kiss unless you wanted a kiss on the lips
- I feel like he would be the type to make sure you know he cares and has affection
- by caressing your arm, or playing with your hand and fingers
- Just lightly caressing you in general, in a discreet way though
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- This dude loves it all
- Kisses, Hugs, Grabbing, Holding
- He is pretty clingy
- San will always have you by him and have you in contact with him
- He will make sure to feel you
- It makes him feel safe. While making sure you feel loved at the same time.
- Literally just having you squished next to him would be enough at times. He would put his hand on thigh
- Or even fiddling with anything
- As long as there is physical contact he is happy
- He likes hugs and you don’t have to worry about giving him hugs he’ll push you into one.
- And head pats. :’)
- When hugging he likes to put his hand on your head to make you know your safe and cared for (I wanna cry now)
- kisses
- Come on now do I really have to go there. He will give you many kisses in different places.
- Cheek, forehead, lips, nose, temple, neck, hand, shoulder, arm.
- All depending where you are and where his lips fall.
- But at the same time I can see San as not being that much of a public kisser. Because every time he does he gets into it and end up having a passionate kiss so he rather not kiss much in public cuz he will want more and leave you wanting more.
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- Mingi is one of the more comfortable ones with PDA
- He likes to have you on his lap and love giving you kisses
- he loves to kiss your face
- Nose
- Temple
- Forehead
- Cheek
- And he likes hugging you a lot. Making sure you feel his embrace is right there
- And sometimes it even seems like he does it subconsciously
- And he mainly does it to make himself feel safe and to make sure you feel loved 
- Bak rubs . . . yeaaa
- You both equally take care of each other
- You both are the type to baby eachother
- And give eachother the equal amount of affection.
- Subby vibes both ways
- Anyways .
- Mingi is very chill but the little things is what gets to him
- The little touches you do
- When your hand brushes up against his
- When you play with his hair
- He loves that you feel comfortable taking care of him in public as much as you do in private.
- Mingi tends to reciprocate those same things to you.
- He likes when you pick at his face to take an eyelash off of him.
- And when you straighten out up his shirt.
- Or when you fix his necklace.
- All those little things he really takes it at heart because he doesn’t really focus on those little things so he trust you to do that for him. :’)
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- My son. This guy has no shame. Just like San
- That’s why they like that with eachother
- But the thing is YOU ARE NOT INTO PDA LIKE THAT. That’s the catch
- You get shy with PDA
- Don’t think I don’t know y’all wommy’s
- And so because of that he LOVESS to see you all flustered.
- And he loves to see your cheeks turn red and blush in public when you think he did too much
- I feel like Wooyoung’s most favorite pda is kissing you passionately with tongue and everything and watch you blush when you realize some one was looking.
- OR
- Him patting your butt in public
- But he does it with all love and care.
- Although he likes to see you blush and to tease you, he doesn’t go overboard. At least most of the time.
- other than teasing you his kisses are very gentle in public though
- Which you might find contradicting but he does.
- He likes to hold you by the arm and lean on you when hugging
- And would do anything to make you laugh
- Hand holding is a must for him >:|
- You would always find your hands in his without you even realizing it
- And same for him. Most of the time he doesn’t even realize he’s holding you hand
- Let alone touching you.
- And really cute and he might be a BRAT, but he’s very cute and gentle
- And must be protected
- You can punch him in the arm sometimes though for being too much
- I know I would.
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- we all know
- And we are all aware
- That Jongho is not a huge fan of pda
- But in comfortable places in a group setting he will do pda.
- Now, there is not much kissing involved.
- The most is a kiss in the cheek
- Randomly
- But his usual is holding hand and only under certain circumstances he will have you on his lap.
- But
- Let me just tell you.
- Ha . . Hahaha haaa
- This guys likes to grab your thigh
- Thighs
- HE -
- He will have his hand on your thighs
- Under the table
- Away from sight
- Where he can feel your meaty thighs
- And grab it
- And squish it and poke it
- *COUGH* anyways
- Where no one is watching
- He might not like pda but he still wants to make sure you feel loved even in public and he does it in his own way
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