#the whole thing is bending circumstances for the most unlikely but beneficial outcome
furylad · 8 months
hear me out but OFMD actually makes perfect sense if you accept two simple facts about the world it's set in:
it's an alternate universe to ours (duh)
(less obvious) magic exists. it usually works in subtle ways. this also extends to metaphysical forces like fate, destiny, luck. it's not just "haha no real world accuracy", it's that the laws of physics are outright different than ours, and are also influenced by the whims and emotions of the people in that world. "clap if you believe", is an actual law of the universe. (think back to the lighthouse fuckery.) we're basically in Neverland for gay adults.
part of me expects them to double-down on the existence of magic eventually because of the sea witch arc with Buttons idk.
I'm not insane.
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