#sometimes it misfires
wherethestoriesare · 2 years
i am absolutely enjoying tlovm so far but i do find it a bit funny that they seem to setting up 'feelings' & the more emotional jazz that vm got into later on because for me it's almost at the point of retconning the group to not be the full arseholes they were
vex was a flat out mean girl bully & scanlan was an absolute dick & a creep more often than not. the only thing that stopped these guys being completely unlikable was that you could see the cast joking w each other
idk in a condensed tv episodic story these emotions need to be foreshadowed and all, i get that, but after watching eps 7-9 it's just so weird getting blatant percahlia & insecurity from scanlan & vax & percy being best bros
it'll be interesting to see the final 3 eps and see what the whole arc looks like
i'll say this though: the pike content and pike&grog besties content from last week is Good. top quality
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fascinationex · 3 years
if you are still looking for Dumb Prompts... I would like to pitch either a) Starscream attempts to tie TFP-style Soundwave's data cables into a knot to stop Soundwave interfering with his plots, with disastrous results for everyone involved, or b) I would love to hear your thoughts on how Misfire and Fulcrum could hypothetically appear in your TF Equestrian AU
For anyone who is wondering about TF Equestrian AU, it's this one here.
Okay so I had not previously contemplated Misfire and Fulcrum in the TF Equestrian AU. But now I have thought about this (and I have written both of these down, what good/dumb (please circle) ideas), and I am not completely sure if I would want them both to be human or to be a horse-human partnership... but let's go with horse-human partnership for now. I think it seems on the surface like Equestrian AU Misfire should be the ridiculous horse to Fulcrum's long-suffering rider, but in my humble opinion it actually becomes much cuter if you flip it.
So, okay, Misfire, having inherited a tiny spit of green land with an aging barn through some convoluted succession of dead cousins and second cousins, picked Fulcrum up very cheaply as a young, off the track racehorse. He wasn't tricked or anything about what Fulcrum was like: he was just kind of tickled that they take the same medication.
Misfire is the kind of horse owner who would let a horse get away with all sorts of poor manners, right up to and including cow-kicking the vet.
He's the kind of guy who starts cleaning a stall and then realises the hinge squeaks ten minutes in, and then two hours later he comes back from the store with oil for the hinge (and five other things he remembered, and also a sandwich) and goes 'oh, right, the stall,' and sometimes it takes him all day to just get the one task done. Gates are not closed. Feed is left out where Fulcrum can get it.
Only through the grace of Fulcrum's intense self-preservation instincts has he survived from age 3 to age 6 in Misfire's care.
Fulcrum is an anxious racehorse.
Due to a hoof injury when he was younger, he was kept on stall rest for a very, very long time, alone and without much enrichment. He was retired at three for 'temperamental misalignment' with the racing lifestyle because when they took him out again he didn't adapt well. They had to keep him on SSRIs just to stop him walking into the walls and screaming, and then he didn't even race well.
Misfire has taken Fulcrum to one or two low-level dressage events, which is how I, as the writer, would choose to introduce them to other members of the cast if I wanted to write that. Sometimes they even do okay because Fulcrum has memorised the movements he has to do, but it is a gargantuan task asking Misfire to get himself and Fulcrum to a place on time, and having polished boots and a brushed coat and knowing where to be at the right time and--all of it--on top of that is pushing the limits of their combined organisational capacity.
Fulcrum actually has pretty good manners, as long as nobody tries to challenge him too much--like, he's grudgingly good for the vet and the farrier (if Misfire hangs out with him, as of course he needs someone about 15% of his weight to protect him from someone else 15% of his weight who he has seen ten or twelve times and who has never actually hurt him), and he stands still and dozes for grooming and he doesn't act like an idiot under saddle or anything. He's not, like, Starscream.
But what Fulcrum likes are quiet trails with minimal traffic, his warm cosy barn where the scariest thing is Misfire banging stuff around, and the safe (and dubiously fenced) little corral where he and Misfire sometimes ride around. He dislikes pretty much everything else. Scary and new. Absolutely not. Fulcrum is a nightmare to put in a trailer. If he eventually gets coaxed in, he will cry like Misfire is actually abandoning him at an abattoir and not simply taking him on the road.
Fulcrum is concerned about a lot of things at all times, and he's also concerned about Misfire, too. All things being equal, Misfire brings the food and Fulcrum doesn't want him to go anywhere just because he tried to persuade Fulcrum to race down that absurdly steep hill.
Mostly, they hang out together and mess around on trails and sometimes Misfire doesn't even ride and they just go on long, rambling, confused walks on the lead line. Fulcrum gets to watch in nervous dismay while Misfire climbs something he shouldn't climb, just to get to some mushrooms he shouldn't eat, until eventually he inches closer and starts tugging at Misfire's coat with his teeth. Please get down. Please. Come on. Get down, Misfire. It's getting dark. What if you hurt yourself. Misfire.
Bonus: Misfire gets lost but if he gives Fulcrum no directions except 'go', Fulcrum will walk them home all on his own.
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unimooshi · 3 years
I finished a TikTok thing and I’m really tired but Fulcrum suffers from frat boy attraction syndrome. He needs hospitalization quickly.
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spacecowboycunt · 3 years
okay like 2 years ago i posted something about how people need to stop pathologising every behaviour they have and now i'm reiterating that because the current trend of acting like every behaviour people engage in is a response to a traumatic incident, particularly childhood trauma, and is not actually going to help anyone get healthy. you can be depressed or manic or be trapped by executive dysfunction even if every day in your life has been filled with cause for joy. everything you feel does not need something painful to justify it. your feelings are valid because you feel them, not because there is some greater cause for them, and you can evaluate depending on each feeling and situation whether its best for you to sit in them for a while or pass through them. yes, everyone has probably experienced something traumatic at some point that they need to work through, but everything you do is not a trauma response and everything you do is not a clue pointing to a greater illness, nor is it part of some great 'ism' or 'ology'. the feelings you feel, both good and bad, have value because you feel them. the things your interests and hobbies, both good and bad, have value because you like them not because of some underlying ideological or mental justification.
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liaswritesrobots · 3 years
Also I realized there are some themes in the Misfire fic (and the DJD one) that I'll probably have to tone down for this blog so I'll be posting those mildly censored here
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jaybear1701 · 3 years
The Good Fight really went there with the "haha people think we're lesbians" bit with Diane and Liz?
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alpacalamamama · 4 years
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Drying tears and future fears and all the years 
Rolling into none 
Everything I hear is so insincere 
And it’s all because 
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faintwalker · 4 years
Eye for an Eye chapter one is up!  It’s an injury-sharing soulmate au!  This first chapter is a bit under 2k.
The fic has a mature rating for some later content, but the first chapter needs only canon-typical warnings.
Here’s the beginning:  
His second largest error of calculation in the situation was undoubtedly Iriya’s proximity.  Perhaps the specifics of when didn’t matter.
~ ~ ~
# # #
The boy who carries in the town’s chief retainer is pink and peeling nearly everywhere Yakuma can see, with pitted, blistering skin fading into something more resembling a mildly serious sunburn as it heals.  Of what is exposed, only the right half of his face is unscathed, and the slant of his headband may be indicative of damage to his left eye.  His state may look rather alarming to the townspeople, but, as a doctor, Yakuma can tell there is no immediate concern.  The chief retainer will be another matter entirely if Yakuma doesn’t see to him quickly.
After the chief retainer has been treated, Yakuma takes the time to check in with the boy.
“Do you need looking over?  Infections are a risk if you’re the source person,” he says.
“Nah,” says the boy, “this was someone else’s.  You should’ve seen the other guy, though.”  He smiles, but it doesn’t reach the barely-open eye he has visible.  “I got off lightly enough.”
“Other?” Yakuma asks.  “Are there more injured?”
The boy gives one quick shake of his head, saying, “None injured but me.”
# # #
Interested?  Read the rest here.
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my last two braincells as I suddenly realize there’s a really obvious piece of lore/characterization that I could have been using this entire time to drive a whole section of the plot:
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cosmicsynthetics · 6 years
Ahahah god this Tumblr guideline change is gonna cause chaos. My blog should be fine*, but I really feel bad for people who’re going to get displaced - most especially those who might have problems with the content filter/s wigging out.
Like my poor @altamaranempire just has this thing firing off on random pictures of dinosaurs and shit. It’s hitting so much stuff of hers that isn’t even close to porn - like I think I’ve counted five or six things that consist of animals and cartoon characters like irkens. I think it’s even flagged somethinig she reblogged from me that’s also, as expected, not porn. If you wanna go this way @staff, you MIGHT wanna improve your algorithms! Just sayin’!
*UPDATE: Hold on a diddly darn second! While writing this post and going through my own blog, it’s been flagging a bunch of my content without telling me! It’s REALLY WEIRD STUFF TOO like......... slinks??? Thanks Tumblr. I’ve never posted a single piece of porn - a single totally naked body sans cute animals which don’t wear clothes in the first place - a single piece of ANYTHING NSFW on this site, and you backhand me like this. You NEED to tune your filters or else I’m not going to be around here much longer for the sake of my business. Thanks.
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inkyturtle · 6 years
Not noticing glaring anatomical errors until after you complete a drawing and have posted it hours or days prior be like
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hyah-lian · 2 years
Low-key missing having some sleeping pills/zzzquil/nap assist items that are more than just melatonin. Melatonin is like caffeine with me and it's a fuckin roulette game of does it do what it should or will it do the opposite
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themanlylobster · 6 years
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I love my Boys a collab with and ft thundersolo/getaway and Pennysunder? from @andernell
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mirrordragon · 6 years
the ppl who only come into the tag/community just to state how much they hate the community and/or how much the community is a bunch of dumbasses are boring, just saying
you bring nothing but negativity! you’re literally just part of the dumbasses! if you want it to be better bring some positivity yourself!
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libraford · 2 years
The woman I am an assistant to has been a photographer for 11 years, has done everything from product photography to weddings, has worked everywhere from independent to Abercrombie. She's an excellent photographer and she loves it, which is why she hired me: to take care of the parts she's not fond of (calling clients, editing, webpage updates).
Here are some unintended lessons that I have learned this past year.
You can be the very best in the business and your camera will still misfire, or your exposure can still be too high, or your focus can still be soft. Mistakes happen.
You can still be taken advantage of when you're doing something you love. This means you're charging too little. If a client says that their wedding is going to be 10 hours, assume its actually 16. Please charge what you're worth. Please, dear god, pay yourself.
You can love something and still be in a rut. She complains, sometimes, that all her senior photos look marginally the same. Same poses, same expressions, same locations.
Possibly not THE answer to a rut, but AN answer to a rut is to change something, even in a small way. A different location, or the same location but change the starting point of the trail you're on. Maybe you'll see a frog.
Another answer to the rut is to have a friend do it with you. Photography, especially, can be a competitive business and it seems counterintuitive to get to know someone who might be your competition. But everyone will approach their subject differently, and you need that second pair of eyes.
Everyone. Sees. Differently. I will be at the same park on the same day as another photographer, on the same trail. I will see a bird and I will chase that bird with my camera. But they might be focusing on the fungi growing on a log or some moss or a bug, or a kid with their parents, or a balloon stuck in the trees. Photography really is a lesson in perspective, unintentionally.
I've known this for awhile, but what you think is a good image and what the client thinks is a good image are two very different images.
Other photographers, again, are not your enemy. They are your complements. You don't want to do this family shoot? Its nice to have someone in your circle of friends who likes doing family shoots. Can't make it to this event scheduled? Lucky for your client you know a guy.
Nothing has to be permanent.
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