#the why Amara is such a feral caretaker can be explained the same way why mommy is like that
novalizinpeace · 3 months
The special was very usefull to know the childs outside of a stresfull situation. I more suprised to know that Amara seem to still cherish the Cartoon rather than resent it like the rest. Did she meet bebe before the others? Why is she so kind in such unforgiving and cruel place?
Why Amara still like the cartoon? Easy; since she died as a toodle, she never got to hate the cartoon nor the critters, she always looked at the series as something to enjoy, also, she never was a performance like Alba or Nell, she worked with the babies in the playcare, so there's also no trauma related to act like her critter counterpart, and also why she's more kind to lil' creatures that the others, 'cause she was (forced) to become a caretaker for little children.
About Mommy and Bebe, well... Bebe and Mommy are ''new'' experiments (created after 1991), while Amara and the rest was created around the starts of playcare (around 1980-1990), so she meet them in their experiments form-
but she also meet them before
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