#the wild blue yonder one is what gets me bc like ... if we assume the salt thing broke the universe. she still appeared BEFORE that
claraoswalds · 1 month
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Uh, no, that was a different— uh, sorry, could you help me?
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minimoefoe · 7 months
wild blue yonder thoughts
(initial live watch and next day rewatch)
- the very beginning for a second was giving me ascension of the cybermen vibes, like bright, green, really calm idk
- not sure if the newton stuff was funny or cringe
- all that happening bc donna spilt some coffee is so dumb 😭 like okay the tardis is weak as fuck
- the amount of cgi was mildly off-putting at times but also like obviously a corridor like that would need to be in large part cgi
- 14 may have just meant newton was good looking generally and also his 'is that who I am now' comment was probs more of a 'oh am I the kind of person to find ppl attractive/be open about it' rather than a 'do I fancy men now' moment (tho donna assuming it was kinda funny) but also I'm hoping 14 being kinda openly attracted to men is a sign for what 15 is gonna be like. like let's keep it going and have a male love interest.........?
- fake donna and fake 14 were so creepy like I stg right as fake 14 showed up to the way it was shot made me feel weird bc it just wasn't showing him and I was like well show him then and then it did and I was like oh he's normal okay but then it went down hill fr dt was v creepy
- the long ass arms and stuff was simultaneously unserious and creepy as fuck
- flux and timeless child mention ahhhhh I kinda am obsessed with it and I really hope it's a sign that rtd is gonna explore it a bit more (which based on xmas special info he seemingly is). I love the way it ended with 13 but there's defo room there to explore more about how the doctor really feels about it all and accepting it. bc it's one thing to decide you don't want the memories but it's another to actually come to terms with it all
- the vibes were kinda midnight-y, like monsters impersonating and tryna copy someone and replace them yknow
- wilf <333333
- I'm writing this up right after it ended and I haven't looked at what other ppl thought and I didn't type up my thoughts as I was watching so I probs forgot a ton of stuff that I had opinions on but anyways. I cheered
- ppl getting mad that isaac newton isn't white is so predictable like omg I couldn't imagine giving a fuck. that scene is defo cringe tho but it's fine. I like the 'have you got the controls set to famous' line
- the tardis playing that song is so funny like she looooves the drama tbh
- I hope the mavity thing continues for a long time but I don't want it to get mentioned every episode bc that'll get old very quick
- 14 acknowledging that newton was hot and then being like 'is that was I do now' is defo a him being like oh do I notice attractiveness and be open about it now situation and not an oh am I gay now situation bc the doctor has BEEN fancying men. and it fits with the moments from the star beast where he says he loves people and is like oh do I say that now
- the let's go and kick it's ass line, and the way it's shot idk, is not very good
- seeing the outside of the ship was sooo weat/tdf vibes
- the doctor joking around with donna about dying is my fave I miss the doctor being like this fr (that's NOT a chib diss)
- the timeless child and flux mentions and the doctor finally being open with someone but then it ends up not actually being donna oh I'm gonna lose my whole mind I'm so obsessed with that scene and then meanwhile donna figures out she's with the fake doctor like the genius she is
- and THEN the doctor's little tantrum that I and most others was clowning on before the ep came out but actually it ends up being kinda harrowing liiiiike woah
- obsessed with the scene where they're separated by the glass wall
- fake donna in the tardis and real donna stuck out there.. ctate actor of all time
- I really did think for a second that donna was gonna die on first watch and how wild would that have been especially if the doctor didn't end up noticing fake donna and we were stuck with her for the giggle. probably woulda been a nightmare tbh so I'm glad it didn't happen but also idk
- donna saying the doctor timed getting back to avoid the awkward convo makes me think of all the times chib had shit happen to avoid having the doctor and (usually) yaz complete a convo, it used to drive me crazy it was so annoying
- wilf <33333
- I kinda wish we saw the toymaker in the background during all that drama that was going on at the end
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