#the wizards literally licked potion off the floor... oh sorry A Seat
glossolali · 9 months
souperdeep session 5 no context
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moonlight-escapade · 7 years
“Have you ever heard of the term, Obscurus?” (Newt Imagine) Pt. 1
Hello there! So… concept: imagine your parents are some of the darkest most horrible wizards out there. You were abandoned by them as a child, but the past is quickly catching up to come destroy the life you’ve found peace in around you.
I have no idea where this story came from, I just grabbed my computer and was like “okay, write,” and this is what came of it haha! It’s not quite conventional I think, for a Newt imagine, but I enjoyed writing it so I thought, what the hay? :) It’s quite long so I’m going to post it in different “parts.” There is definitely going to be a lot more Newt being cutesy as the story rolls along, but there’s a lot of things leading up to it that I wanted to play with so hopefully you find some enjoyment out of it!
(*disclaimer- I’ve kind of created my own ideas regarding some of the machinations of the Obscurus and other aspects of the Wizarding world. I was just playing around so just an F.Y.I, it’s not completely perfect in the J.K. Rowling design of the Wizarding World.)
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“(Y/N) (Y/L/N),” a voice echoed throughout the stone classroom. The sound bounced wildly off the walls, adding harshly to the effect of the already aggravated tone it took. You quickly shot around, looking towards the back of the room at the tall dark man that stared chillingly towards you as he waited in the doorway.
“What’s going on?” Newt whispered uneasily from his seat next to you. You glanced over at him for a moment, unsure yourself what that answer held.
“Come along we don’t have all day,” the man behind you snapped as his voice boomed throughout the space around you once again. Hands shaking, you stood uneasily… you knew who that man was, but you couldn’t tell Newt. No. You couldn’t.. he’d never look at you the same way again. You would never survive if the one person you cared about more than anything… more than anyone… the only person you had really, stopped being your friend.
As you reached to gather your books after slinging your bag over your shoulder, you found Newt  already holding them steadily before you, his brilliant eyes shaded deep with fear and concern. You knew he was trying to get some signal of assurance from you… but you could offer nothing. Grabbing the books from him, you left your desk, unable to meet his eye. As the sound of your clicking footsteps painfully shot throughout the room, it wasn’t until then that you noticed the rest of your classmates… the way they seemed to have frozen in time. You felt your chest tighten… feeling as though the air had completely escaped the room.
Once reaching the man who’d come to collect you, he immediately gripped the sleeve of your gown with such unexpected aggression, you couldn’t help the gasp of terror that escaped your lips. As you peered up at him, you felt a chill run down your spin. His eyes were an intensely unsettling shade of electric blue that, you thought, promised to petrify anyone who dared stare back into them. The sound of a chair scratching on the stone ground suddenly rang throughout the deafening silence, breaking you away from the mans threatening stare. You looked back quickly to find Newt standing, wand in hand, in the middle of the classroom. Your heart leaped into your throat as you shot him a pleading glance, urging him to stay away, to go back to his seat. To put his wand away.
Please. You begged him.
Seeming to notice your plea, his wand fell behind him. His eyes meeting yours in desperation as you achingly turned away from him, unable to meet his gaze. “On then,” the man spat down at you, pushing you in front of him towards a group of three other equally menacing members, who dragged you away from Hogwarts… from Newt… to God only knew where.
“Don’t you lie to me you bitch,” the electric eyed man yelled, spitting over your face as he did. His arms suddenly came down on either side of you. Your heart raced as you frantically tried to pull your hands free from the interrogation chair you had been strapped into. Your eyes welled with tears as you screamed to them the same answer you’d given a thousand times since arriving. “I don’t know!”
Feeling heavy sobs begin to edge their way into your chest, you scolded yourself for being unable to hold back your tears in anger. They thought you weak. They thought you useless. They thought you naïve. Dumb, stupid, idiotic-
“If I knew… If I knew- do you think I would even be with them? They abandoned me. They didn’t care about me. My parents haven’t even bothered to speak to me in over ten years- how in the hell do you suppose I know what their plans are?” You screamed at them. Spitting angrily as you finished your sentence.
“Oh but you do know their plans. Your parent’s plan to ruin the ministry- their plan to ruin our entire world. And what better pawn- what better a piece de resistance but their darling daughter? So full of rage and vengeance… so full of untapped potential. All it takes is the perfect snap for those dark fires to burst,” he poked your chest.
“What the hell are you talking about?” You fired back at him violently. His frightening eyes bore straight back into yours. You fought the fear that threatened to rip through your angered body. Slowly then, his hand came close to your head, his fingers reaching gently toward a single strand of hair that fell over your face.
“You really don’t know, do you?” he chuckled darkly as he pushed the strand back. You would have recoiled in disgust had you not been so trapped.
“Know what?” You spat at him. Though you had no intention in believing the slightest word that left his filthy mouth.
He chuckled… and chuckled, then stood up, pacing the small floor surrounding you in a slow, predatory circle.
“Dear Miss. (Y/L/N), have you ever heard of the term, ‘Obscurus?’”
Making your way as back quickly as possible to Slitheryn hall, you had to literally force yourself to not collapse and start hyperventilating right in the middle of the pitch black courtyard- at least until you got into your dormitory. Your head felt light, and your stomach felt knotted. You could barely breathe through your nose and began to wonder if you would be able to make it the seemingly millions of steps left to go to get to your hall.
It wasn’t possible. It wasn’t possible. You kept repeating in your head. No… you shook your head, as if that would rid your mind of the truth unveiled upon you today. No! You walked faster, books falling from your hands which you made no effort to turn and retrieve.
It doesn’t make sense. You were a witch. A practicing witch. You couldn’t… No! It wasn’t possible.
“The dark magic inside you- don’t you feel it?” The memory of his hot breath whispered into your ear made your breath hitch in your throat. You shook your head roughly, nearly tripping on your boots as you ran towards your dorm.
“Mrs. (Y/L/N)?” The familiar voice of Professor Viridian sounded down the hall as you ran past the classroom you’d left from this morning. This morning. It felt like years ago.
You quickly wiped your eyes as her footsteps brought her to the doorway. Stepping forward, you nodded politely at your professor. “I’m sorry Professor, I know I shouldn’t run in the halls,” you mumbled hoping it was loud enough for her to hear. You could barely trust your voice at this moment. Least of all your sense of courtesy.
“No, dear…” She began nervously, her hands fidgeting as she stood in the doorway of the potions room. A gesture you’d never seen her do before. She was a very strong, somewhat serious woman… to see her so nervous?…
Your heart suddenly felt to your throat. She knows.
“Professor-“ you began nervously, but were cut short by her hand raising in the air. “I am glad you are back with us,” she spoke gently, her grey eyes searching you carefully. As if a single look in your direction would cause you to break… though in which context you found yourself uncertain. Your chest tightened as you nodded towards her, then turned back to continue running towards your dorm.
“Your’s is a special case,” the words rang acoustically through your head refusing to leave any space in peace.
“Once in a million,” his sneer echoed.
You ran faster. The image of a file resting in his pale white hand came up, burning your minds eye.
“Ever wondered why you’ve never been quite so good at defense against the dark arts?”
“Shut up!” You yelled, covering your ears with your hands.
“Because you feel it inside of you… begging to be released.”
You held yourself, falling onto the ground as you cried into the pitch black hall. Your arms wrapped around your head as you pressed your palms onto your ears, shaking your head back and forth as you begged the memories to go away.
“You can’t defend yourself against what feels right.”
Suddenly, shocking you momentarily, a pair of arms wrapped themselves around you. Your heaving body being lifted into their chest as you gripped onto their shirt. Your mind was so full of noise you barely had time to process the gesture. Forcing yourself to breathe deeply from your nose then, you inhaled the familiar mossy scent of none other than your Newt. Your breathing hitched as your face shot up, your eyes meeting his deeply worried expression as he carried you down the stairs of the Slytherin common room. Once reaching the familiar emerald glowing fire, he set you down on one of the large black sofas before curling you up in a blanket and enveloping you once more in his arms.
You sat with him for a long time. Long enough for time to completely lose meaning as the fire burned brightly before you, licking flames keeping you in a trance along with the feel of Newt’s breathing. You pressed the side of your head to his chest, feeling your body relax as you tried to focus on the sound of his heart. The melodic rise and fall of his chest putting you to sleep as you curled yourself almost completely into your sweet Hufflepuff. And then night left.
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