#the worst fathers ever get redeemed but not the abuse victim alright
astroarcane · 1 month
Miraculous Writers trying to convince me these three ugly bitches who look like they snuck on on earth are redeemable fathers/characters but the girl who was literally just a mean 14 year old with an abusive mother is "irredeemable"...alright.
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
I feel the need to hear your opinion on this since this is something I've been thinking about recently, and it's how crwby handles complex relationships/abuse in their show... It's infuriating.
I can't tell if they genuinely think they are writing this in a good way or if they know they're half asss-ing it and don't care since the fandom will eat it up anyways. Two big examples that come to mind for me in the last volume are emerald & cinder and whitley & jacques. In both instances the the victim never gets a moment of closure or a moment of breaking away from their abuser, nor are either victims allowed to show any sort of 'hesitance' (for a lack of a better term) related to their abuse.
Emerald (despite being all over cinder before Midnight), just conveniently forgets about her for the finale. Same for whitley. He just completely forgets about jacques (the man who manipulated him from birth) the moment weiss hugs him. On a shallow level, watching a victim pay no mind to their abuser is satisfying, but it being so immediate is just unrealistic and takes away from the pain that we are supposed to think these characters have suffered.
One of the worst things about suffering from abuse is how is affects the victims even when they have left the abusive relationship, but crwby seems to want to erase that completely from characters who should experience that for plot convenience.
It seems like the lesson learned from this is "if you were abused, just get over it and be convenient to our heroes or else!" And it's pretty gross imo.
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I thought that I would put these two asks together and take this opportunity to talk about the abuse victims in RWBY and how they're handled. I've tried to think long and hard about what to say about this, because this is an important topic to me and something that's personal for me. I'm an abuse survivor, but I have a complicated relationship with that part of myself and I'm never really comfortable talking about it much. But despite the fact that I've experienced abuse, I recognize that I'm not a professional sensitivity editor, not a therapist, and not someone who's studied the effects of abuse.
I'm simply writing this based on my own feelings and what I've picked up witnessing other abuse victims discuss their own feelings about abused character. There will be RWBY criticism below the keep reading. Please keep in mind that I'm not speaking for all abuse survivors and am only trying to articulate my own feelings in regards to this issue.
The first thing to note is that there isn't one, correct, right way to write an abuse victim in my opinion. Lots of people have different reactions and responses to abuse, the way they were abused is often also different, causing different reactions.
In the first anon, it's noted that Emerald and Whitley both seem to move on from their abuse quickly and with very little effect on them or their stories. Many abuse victims put their experiences on the back burner or 'in a box' to deal with later, or mask and pretend that they're alright or that their abuse just didn't happen. Some of them let their feelings or their anger simmer over time. There are also abuse victims who do just... Move on with relative ease. I'd imagine that's very rare though. (again, I'm not not an expert or any sort of psychologist.)
In the same way, an abuse victim becoming an abuser in their own interactions is something that one hundred percent happens. Cinder, Salem, Adam, and even Blake and Winter have all acted in abusive ways towards the people around them (though obviously Blake and Winter acted much less abusive than any of the villains mentioned.) It might be very hard for abuse victims to not fall back into those patterns of abuse that they've suffered, especially if they go through it at an early age. I'm not very comfortable talking about my own experiences, but myself and my siblings have all had to fight down toxic, hurtful traits that we picked up either through emulating or through survival. And it's hard to do that. Portraying characters who have been abused that lost that fight and might have abusive tendencies or slip themselves is - to me at least - sometimes even helpful in working through my own feelings.
And there are definitely one hundred percent abuse victims who feel like the way they were treated is deserved, that they 'earned' it, that they must 'make up for it.' Oz is in this category. There's nothing wrong with the concept of a character who feels responsible for their abuser or the hurt their abuser has caused to others, there’s nothing wrong with a character who tends to act as though everything is their fault and who thinks very poorly of themselves.
In theory. But the problem is that in application, there are a lot of pitfalls and struggles that come with writing for abuse victims. Understanding, thoughtfulness, and care are not the RWBY writers’ strength, and any time you portray real life issues that strongly impact the real life people involved in them, you have to be aware and careful with the messages you’re sending. This is obviously very important when someone writes for any minority or oppressed group or the issues that they face, but it’s also important to remember when you write for abuse victims, because they do have stigmas around them and deal with stereotypes and harmful portrayals as well. Let’s look at what I consider some harmful or hurtful pitfalls when it comes to abused characters.
Are the abused characters treated as the victims they are? If the abuse a character faces is treated as comical, treated as unimportant, or treated as deserved, that’s an obvious major flaw. Sad to say, but RWBY does not pass this. On two separate occasions, a character is hit by someone close to them in a way that clearly causes them some pain, with Blake hitting Sun across the face for following her, and Winter hitting Weiss for answering a question incorrectly and again for failing in her training (I tend to be more sympathetic towards Blake’s situation, as it is more gray with her clearly thinking Sun had stalked her which is a clear trigger from her own abuse, but this is an explanation, not an excuse and the fact that it was framed as funny rather than something Blake shouldn’t have done and should apologize for is the problem.) They also do not treat Ozpin like the victim when Qrow punches him in the face, having no one call Qrow out for it and having him never express guilt or try to apologize for it. Yes, I know Ozpin had retreated, but they never showed Qrow even make an effort to get Ozpin to come back so he could apologize. . They also ‘redeem’ Hazel and give him a ‘partially right’ storyline despite his openly beating Ozpin, unfairly blaming him for the death of his sister, and insisting that Ozpin deserved to be tortured. On top of this, despite having been horribly abused by the SDC, Adam isn’t treated with even an ounce of sympathy or understanding and Jacques Schnee and the SDC is treated like a more comical-ish nuisance in season seven and eight. This is greatly flawed. Hitting someone because they lied to you or kept secrets from you is not okay, hitting someone because they said something you don’t like is not okay. This should not be treated as funny and it shouldn’t be treated as the fault of the person who was hit for not being a good enough friend.
Are the abused characters mostly villains, when the heroes have never faced it? The reason for this is obvious, although it’s valid to have a villain be an abuse victim, it’s never alright to villainize abuse victims. Making the majority of your bad guys abuse victims and your good guys have positive relationships is in my opinion, harmful. Point for RWBY, this is not the case for their show. Mercury, Salem, and Cinder on the bad side are all abuse victims with Raven being a possible, but unconfirmed abuse victim as well. While Weiss, Blake, Ozpin, and Whitley are also abuse victims, with Qrow and May both being possible, but unconfirmed abuse victims, and Winter and Emerald are both abuse victims who were on the side of a villain and then turned good.
Is the abuse more severe in the ‘bad’ characters and lighter in the ‘good’ characters? If the abuse that the good guys faced is mostly lighter things and the abuse that the villains suffered is worse and more severe, that might send some bad messages that people who suffer more are automatically worse people, or ‘unsalvageable’ or ‘too broken,’ as opposed to the people that ‘there’s still hope for.’ Unfortunately, I think RWBY is almost a tie? We’ve never seen Weiss or Emerald suffer more than a hit, we don��t know for sure that Whitley or Winter were ever victims of physical abuse. Ozpin and Blake’s abuse is worse, however, as they are hunted down by their abusers who attempt to murder them, make them suffer, and hurt their loved ones. They also were heavily emotionally manipulated and victim blamed by their abusers. And on the villain side, Mercury was beat by his father who hated him and stole his semblance (an extension of your soul, I believe, in canon,) and the abuse led to the loss of his limbs. Cinder was forced to work hard labor by her abusive employer and the ‘stepsisters’ treated her badly, and she was physically electrocuted. We see her abuse extend to Salem using her Grimm arm to hurt her, copying the effects of the necklace. Adam was also a child laborer who worked in terrible conditions who got his face branded by his employer, in the SDC, which had to have been anti-faunus charged due to his bull horns. We don’t see Salem ever physically abused, but know that she was mistreated, isolated, and neglected by her ‘cruel’ father. So it’s not quite a tie, there are more severely abused characters amongst the villains than the heroes, but this is close enough that I don’t consider this much of a strike against them.
In the villains, is the abuse they faced given as ‘reason’ for their villainy? As I said before, villainizing abuse victims isn’t the way to go. A good way to avoid this - I think - is not have abuse be the sole reason for someone’s fall into a life of crime or cruelty. This is something that RWBY... Fails at imo. When showing us Mercury’s backstory, we’re introduced to him through seeing that he had just killed his abuser who cost him his legs, and then gets recruited by Cinder who at the very least likely emotionally and physically abused him the same way she did with Emerald, leading to the conclusion that the only reason he’s there at all is due to abuse. However, he’s just a teen and it’s possible that (like Emerald) he’ll be redeemed. A much more condemning story to talk about is Cinder’s. After people had been clambering for a Cinder backstory since volume three, RWBY finally showed us one. But it doesn’t include Cinder meeting Salem, why she joined her, her proving herself, none of that. Instead, Cinder’s backstory was entirely focused on her abusive situation as a child, entirely focused on her suffering. Cinder killing her abusers and then killing the teacher who decided to arrest her for getting herself out of her abusive situation was portrayed as the only needed backstory, the explanation to why she’s a power hungry, abusive, cruel, selfish, and just plain evil person. ‘She was abused’ is the explanation for why Cinder is where she is and why she is who she is in RWBY. That’s highly problematic to me.
In the heroes, are they “the Perfect, Sanitized Abuse Victims?” As I said before, there is no one type of abuse victim, but if someone has several abuse victims and they’re all either submissive, sad, and self-doubting, but gentle and caring and soft or dropped their abuser like a hotcake and never looked back, never seem affected, never really talk about it after they left... That’s bothersome to me personally. Measuring how RWBY is in this particular subject is... A little harder than I thought it would be. Let’s start by looking at the most prevalent abuse victim, Blake. She’s one of the reasons why this is hard to gauge, because for the first five seasons, Blake was deeply flawed and clearly affected by her abuse in ways that made her ‘unappealing.’ Blake was cynical, stubborn, cold, hard to get to know, she didn’t trust easily, she lashed out at her friends regularly, ran from her problems, made choices for her friends, and had a very negative self image. This didn’t stop her from being a good character and friend with a lot of good sides, too, and she had real, important friendships. This was - to me - a really great portrayal of someone clearly affected by their trauma, with lots to work on, who was still a good person. Some of her faults and problems started to get resolved in a natural way through her journey with Sun in volumes four and five, but when season six came around, many of Blake’s other traits suddenly vanished. No longer stubborn, independent, or cynical, and no longer standing up for herself, or really displaying her temper or hardheadedness or her struggles with getting to know people... Blake became more submissive, sad, self-doubting, but gentle, caring, and soft. Sigh. As the first ask mentioned, Whitley and Emerald both seemed to drop their abusers quickly the second they were removed from their lives again. it’s also worth noting that Whitley was treated with nothing but coldness and contempt by Weiss until he ‘proved himself’ by doing something selfless. Weiss did more or less drop Jacques the moment she left her house in V4, only mentioning him or her experiences when she’s using it to talk about Blake, and when she confronted him again in V7, she did so as someone who is proving she no longer cares. Ozpin seems to be the only one still unable to move on from his abuse and the ‘unappealing’ abuse victim. The first anon is right, there’s something satisfying with seeing an abuse victim move on like their abuser didn’t matter. But when almost all your abuse victims do, and one of the only other ones is turned into a submissive and soft support based / romance based character, and the only really ‘unappealing’ abuse victim is someone we’re supposed to see as ‘gray’... There’s something off there, in my opinion.
Were the abuse victims treated respectfully and thoughtfully by their friends, and if not, were they portrayed as wrong? This probably isn’t something that really even needs an explanation. Abuse victims should be able to set their own boundaries and tell their stories only when they want, when they feel comfortable, Their friends should be understanding of this and not force anything from them. In the case of Blake and Weiss, this is handled really well! Their friends let them talk about their experiences in their own time, and they’re understanding and validate their feelings when it comes up (much more common with Blake than with Weiss, who like I said, seemed to move on from her dad quickly after she left.) However, when it comes to Oz... This is all wrecked. Although unintentional (no one knew how deeply tied up with Salem Ozpin was or how intimate the memories they were going to watch were,) our main characters still forced Ozpin’s deepest and most personal secrets out of him in a fit of upset while he was tearfully begging them not to. He was forced to relive his most traumatic experiences in hi-def with other people watching with him, all his secrets and all his abuse wrenched away from him in what was clearly a very painful way. And then no one showed Ozpin even the slightest bit of sympathy or understanding for what he’d gone through, and no one ever apologized for what they had forced him to relive. In fact, Team RWBY were clearly displayed as in the right, and Oz was displayed as completely wrong for not trusting them implicitly. He had to apologize to them, which they acted begrudgingly accepting of as if they hadn’t shouted at an abuse victim after forcing him to relive all his worst experiences.
Are some abuse victims portrayed as bad for things that other abuse victims aren’t portrayed as bad for? Like the second ask says, in RWBY, Cinder and Mercury are treated as villains for having killed their abusers and Cinder is almost arrested for it, it’s considered a step in the direction of their villainy. But Blake is (rightfully) treated as the victim who was forced, who had no choice, who just wanted the abuse to stop. This is hypocritical and fundamentally flawed. I think this is a reflection of the fact that Cinder and Mercury are meant to be ‘bad’ abuse victim, who had violent tendencies and anger issues, and were already featured as bad guys before their backstory’s dropped, whereas Blake was meant to be a better abuse victim who (by season six) was starting to get written as a soft girl who just wanted to help her friends.
All in all, although there’s some things that I think that RWBY did well enough, I definitely think that I would consider their portrayal of abuse victims to be lacking. This is just my opinion and the way I feel about the writing, but there are a lot of ways to look at it. I think overall, I just really wish that the RWBY writers had been a little more sensitive and spent a little longer focusing on the character arcs involved in abuse recovery. (There’s still a chance for Whitley, Weiss, and Emerald to get more focus in volume ten, though, so long as the writers don’t timeskip!)
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uh so im about to discuss about salvis aka sal x travis (and no its not going to be me calling it problematic and im not gonna bash you if you like it, im going to be explaining the flaws that come with the ship regarding the canon character dynamic) so click read more if youre up for it!
warning for mentions of abuse, internalized homophobia, uhh i think thats it
alright so a lot of people tend to think that when someone tries to explain the little issues with a ship that its because theyre defending their own ship they like. and... for me? no, thats not the case. yeah i dont ship sal x travis but im not going to say i dont or argue why just because i prefer my own ship over it. thats a bullshit reason and we all know it.
as a victim of abuse and self-insecurity i completely understand what travis has gone/is going through. he cant accept that he likes boys. he’s been raised to think that its sin, that its disgusting and that the one person or being who he ever felt has truly heard his cries, aka god, hates him now. and i understand if you have been through that situation yourself and therefore you project onto him, and youre someone who has a tough time dealing with issues independently. i understand completely. as i said, ive been there before.
but i personally dont think it’d work to ship travis with, not just sal, but anyone in general. he’s a character who still has a lot of development. what he truly needs right now is a friend, and yes, i understand thats what a lot of you are trying to go for, but its hard to not see undertones of them (travis and sal) being shipped in your content. travis has been physically harmful towards sal and has harassed him and his friends. and while that is because he deals with being abused himself, causing him to not really know how to deal with his emotions, he still knows and is aware that what hes doing is wrong. hell, in the note (who im assuming is for sal) he says hes crazy about him. and then he goes to tell him he doesnt actually hate sal. so he knows what hes doing is wrong.
and can he control his anger? probably not. and thats okay, i understand that. but again as someone who has been abused and has taken out my own issues on others in different ways, ive come to learn that its inexcusable. no matter what form of abuse youve been through, no matter what mental illness you deal with, no matter what, you have to learn that taking out your problems on others in any sort of way is damaging and does not help you heal and grow from your issues.
and i think a lot of people tend to subconsciously make sal a big part of travis’ “redemption arc” in fanon content. i do acknowledge the fact that sal has said he forgives travis and is willing to befriend him, and understands that his home life is tough, but he should not be playing such a huge role in travis being redeemed. adding a relationship to travis does not erase his current issues, it only worsens them because now he has a relationship added on top of the abuse he endures from his father and his still-healing internalized homophobia. its just not healthy in that way. i dont see it working.
a lot of people tend to think especially in characters that a redemption arc is easy, that with characters you can just change them completely like the flick of a light-switch. but with how real and raw sally face is, its important we try and take travis being redeemed very slowly and steadily. he has to accept himself, first and foremost, with the occasional help from sal and his friends. he has to learn that he is not a disgusting person for loving who he loves and that with time he will get better, he just has to set initiative to that. then he has to find out how he can tackle the abuse he endures from his dad. worst comes to worst, he doesnt find a very complete way of healing from his abuse and simply runs away or turns his back on his father. and you know what? thats okay, because as long as he can escape it one way or another, and have time to heal afterwards, its okay.
it isnt easy to accept yourself while being abused at the same time. and like i said i think a lot of you tend to subconsciously make sal play a huge role in travis becoming a better person, when really, sal should only be there for small bits of advice or when travis is in desperate need of comfort. travis needs a friend, nothing more, nothing less. he doesnt need a relationship because that only adds to the problems he faces already. travis is a good character and id personally love to see him be redeemed in the last episode (aka the next episode), but i want him to be able to do that on his own.
as i mentioned before i am someone who has had a very hard time coming to terms with who i am in the past, and i have been a victim of abuse. i know how hard it is to heal and to grow, and trust me it takes a very long time. its never easy. and if you are a victim of abuse or you have dealt with/are dealing with internalized homophobia or whatever it may be, and you ship travis with sal or whoever, thats okay. i understand if its a comfort for you and a way for you to project. but you know what? in reality, unfortunately, a relationship like sal x travis, with the past dynamic theyve had, it most likely wouldnt work. it would only cause more trouble and probably for both sides.
im not hating on the ship, i just want to speak out about the flaws it has. im not discouraging anyone from shipping it, im only letting you know that it wouldnt be the Healthiest with how their dynamic is. im not willing to argue on this or start a bunch of discourse. i just thought this would be an interesting topic to make a post about.
if youve made it up to here, thank you for reading, i appreciate it and i hope you took something from it. again im not hating. i kinda think itd be cute too if they didnt have the dynamic they have in canon. but because they do have that kind of dynamic its just not good realistically.
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hgfstreamchats · 5 years
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Hello! Hello there! Has it started?  I'm not getting a picture Kast, just once. Just. ONCE. Let me try leaving and coming back Kast, really... I despise Kast a little more every week. It is working hard to cement its place as the worst. Oh, there you are!  And there it is! Had to reload. Aha! Can't start streaming until we solve the Kast Sphynx's Weekly Riddle. Right? If it were easy, then surely it would not be worth the doing. They are preparing for rain. That's how we prepare for rain. Complete with song. I prefer to skip the song for obvious reasons. Wow, six whole dollars I prefer ours to their version. It has numerous allusions to optics being burned out. Oh dear. So--this takes place before the christmas one, right? Possibly? Is there a whole series of Grinch movies? Probably? A Grinch multiverse?
I hate him already. That poor dog. Is that dog's thoughts singing at us? ...Actually I think it is Dear Unicron. And the grinch can read his mind? Purely for the sake of emotionally abusing him. I feel sorrier for the dog than for all the Whos put together. Likewise. ...So THAT'S what that's from! That flower was probably sentient. We can only hope. Ha, ha. Well, he's very dead. I feel that the Grinch is not the problem with this night. This night is full of problems and he's the least severe of them. Oh, an idiot. Ha. Burn. Well, that...annoyed everyone for about 15 seconds? As haunted eyebrows do. Truly villainous. I guess the wind's died down at least ...Well, Euchariah, that's certainly one way to slow down the Grinch! Oh my god That sure did happen He saves the town but no one ever talks about how. As well they mightn't. Why does his cart thing do that So he slips the child a hallucinagen. The jump cuts imply there's some kind of a Jaunt situation going on and that's the most horrifying part. Mmmmaybe? In all credit I would have long since turned the ground into a euphemism. Then he destroys the town out of spite. Is there some reason he CAN'T? Or at the very least, stabs Euchariah. Good for him! All he wanted to do was torment the citizens. And now he has no dog. He should do it anyway. It'll pack more of a punch because they won't be expecting it. He was abusing that dog, he doesn't deserve him This is why it is imprudent to let wind decide when one comes to destroy town. Starting off on an ambitious note, aren't we? It's such frightening shuffling noises. Eugh Lovely. Yes, we get it, you're proud of your props Great, keep focusing on that. Soak it in. Hah! Whose call was it to bring him? What a delightful conversationalist. "Absolutely!" When has picking up a hitchhiker ever worked out for anyone? Did the sound just cut out? Oh, there it is "Spare no detail." Man, picking him up was a GREAT choice. These two are clearly meant for each other. I bet this isn't some kind of foreshadowing. . . . . Now he has a knife. "And THAT, kids, is how I met your father." Ha! What a great sign Do not have dinner with them. The dinner is people. The dinner can't be anything but people. Even if this wasn't a movie about murderers, it would be unwise to eat with him. Clearly Best case scenario, everyone comes down with hepatitis. Jesus. He is having a day. You're going to want to rinse that out with fire. They sell barbecue and tetanus shots, happily enough. How can it be made any clearer that this is a terrible place to be? Maybe abandon this one here too. See? Someone's smitten. Hah! "Do you think that hitchhiker ever sticks needles in himself?" Oh my Unicron, I was *kidding.* You should know better. Never kid. The Blair witch is in there somewhere. And even she's looking for places elsewhere. This is all just such a great idea This is one long sensible decision. What likable meat sacks. Now, how can this possibly end in any way other than well? what a great thing to find. Really, dude Let's not run from any of this. This was so avoidable The road to this was lined with red flags and you blew past every one of them. What house doesn't have a bone and chicken room? Y...yeah. More sitting and not running! Excellent plan! She has to show us all the lovely props. The Texas Chainsaw Props, Props, Props. The only thing massacred was the props budget. Hah! He should not be running that inside. That's how one asphixiates. Safety first! "D...Did you really?~" "and two of us have been murdered by a maniac already" To be fair, I think a chainsaw is the appropriate way to deal with tresspassers. It keeps happening. An actual meat cooler. That's more sanitary than I expected. That's the face of someone who really doesn't know how teenagers keep getting into his house. He's not even a serial killer, he just keeps panicking. Yes, run towards the light. Surely the person chasing you does not live in this remote location. And be sure to scream the whole way, just so he can't lose track of you over the roar of his chainsaw. It's not as if it's a dark night, and he has no flashlight to search the woods with. Ugh Whoops, almost slipped away quietly there! He's awfully sprightly for a hulking human wearing a mask and wielding a chainsaw. He's been working out. Oh, she's never going to be alright. Yyyyeah. ..... His claim is suspicious Oh, I'm a terrible mech for laughing. But it's hilarious. Smack smack smack. Gentle broom swatting, like she were an unruly cat. Smackity smack, get in the sack! The sack that doesn't even cover her properly. He just keeps poking her. And I keep laughing! Swat him with the broom! For the love of the Allspark, just take the broom to every character in this movie. It would make this a lot more interesting. They are also inviting her to escape, but not just killing her now. More pokes. Texas Broomhandle Pokings. They even show displeasure the same way. Truly ships passing in the night. "Take it easy, we're just going to force-feed you your friends, probably" "With more broomhandle poking to follow." It's so sloppy. And potentially a waste of meat. Oh god ...Oh, apparently they really cut her in that scene! Lovely! Euuuugh Grandpa is loving it. Good day for grandpa. What a lovely family. It's a comedy of failures. Every time he misses, this gets a little funnier. The screaming took all night long. They could have driven away. ...Why did they get out instead of driving away Excellent question. Think of all the expensive therapy she'll need. That... sure was a thing I hear it is a classic. It was certainly was something. I also hear that some of the sequels are ridiculously stupid. Any idea of which one is the stupidest? Ah, give me a moment. Texas chainsaw three. Three it is! Apparently so bad, the actors petitioned to keep it from ever being released. I like the sound of that! "Their friends. who have no names, or families." Ugh. Charming. Ah, I was mistaken. Texas Chainsaw 4 is even dumber. Onto 4, then! It involves the prom. Always with the prom. Can it be a bad horror franchise without the prom? Oh christ Pity he isn't going to be chainsawed. A tragedy. Does HE at least die? I hope so. I hope his organs end up on the ground. Who *Are* these people? Are we *supposed* to be invested in their survival? I don't think we are. We cannot be meant to care about them. Who needs a flashlight in the incredibly well lit woods? Probably just... the wind. Is she related to Boltgun Wheelsaround from the first movie? that sure was necessary . . . It's like a fever dream. Nothing makes much sense. ugh He could try not running directly down the road. Nothing about this makes any kind of sense. Is this even Texas? Does it make a difference? It would be one more wrong thing to add to the pile. Didn't these movies used to have chainsaws in them? Now it's just plastic bags. How ever will she see with those flood lights in the background? This couldn't have less to do with Texas, chainsaws, or massacres. They did remember to have the screaming though. Ugh "Now you stay put!" A freezer lock would not go amiss. What is the wager that there won't be a single chainsaw in this? Apparently they didn't feel the need for them. The dumbest humans who ever lived. She sounds vaguely annoyed. And that's it. There's one! Finally! When we've got a whole... one person left to possibly massacre with it. The fool, he cut their cable line. Now what will they watch in the evenings? Did he even stop to consider that? This is only half over? It just keeps happening. Oh joy. Also, it is going to get stupider. Less fun than the broom. Bring back the broom! Stick poking, 2.0 This is dreadful and not nearly enough chainsaws. You're not wrong. I don't think this has any redeemable qualities It's the Illuminati. How does this keep getting worse? There may have been a mountain of cocaine involved in the making of this. Also, one day you will learn not to ask me for terrible sequels. I'll learn nothing. Then this will keep happening. It's the way of things. I find myself missing the grandpa who couldn't hold a hammer. He at least was quiet. Ah, quiet. I remember quiet. Ah, but there will be no quiet. Never again. Grandpa is escaping. Ah good. It's those Illuminati they talked about. I feel like *I've* been struck several times in the head with a hammer. And yet it is note done yet. Getting closer Horror. The only sympathetic victim here is us. Why is a remote leg battle a plot relevant thing? Not that I subscribe or much care for human gender norms, but did they ever...explain why Leatherface is wearing a wig and a dress? He wanted to be pretty today. Ah! Well, that's one mystery solved! So many, many more to go. Oh. My. Unicron. I was hoping it would inexplicably explode. It *is* a rather nice dress on him. . . . . It is the only nice thing in the whole of this film. What. I would have rather watched Leatherface try on outfits for an hour and a half. Oh look. The girl from the first movie. What a lovely little nonsensical note to end on. Oh, thank the Core. Not before time, either Wrong link. Curious. No, this looks good ... Pay no mind to the song Breakdown and I may or may not have fragged to. Is this an SNL sketch "Foot" It isn't! I find it more repugnant than the chicken and bone room. What did we ever do to you Five long minutes listening to this song. What felt like five long years watching that sequel. Ha! True. Though you did not bail on it, like you did Book of Shadows. It's true. It didn't break me like Book of Shadows. I don't think bacon bits belong in a drink. I agree. Agreed. Well, unless someone's got something that begs to be shared, that about concludes it! I think we have suffered my suggestions enough. I've got nothing Are you planning on streaming on Halloween? The night before! Good to know! I've got something good lined up. Ah, excellent! I shall attempt to attend! Though another commitment may make me too late. Not to worry if it does! I'm looking at that "good" very suspiciously. In the meantime, good night and thank you for coming! Goodnight, and thanks for hosting! Good night, and thank you for streaming this nonsense once again! Always!
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