#the worst part is i'm also wondering if it's bc of the birth control that i'm forced to take bc of the endo and the cyst
chaoswillcalmusdown · 11 months
i keep thinking about how my (assumed) adhd symptoms have gotten way worse since i switched from a workplace i liked to one i really don't like. my motivation is at an all time low and the executive function is just gone. every day i'm like 'oh wow that's 5 things i need to do and now i have less time to do them. yay'
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p5x-theories · 4 months
P5X School Questions
(last updated 9/14/24)
The questions teachers ask seem to loop once you've gone through all of them, so I'm just adding to this list as I see questions again! But I thought this might be useful for anyone playing.
As a note: it doesn't seem like it matters whether you actually get the question correct or not? From what I've seen, you'll get the knowledge stat points either way. Also, as always, this is just Google-translated text, but the answers are presented in the same order every time, so you really just need to know which to click, heh.
Under the cut because this is just going to get longer and longer, hah!
Mr. Hakozaki: What will happen if people drink too much water? I mean the worst case.
Wonder: Will become fat / Will make you sick / Can cause death
Mr. Endo: "Abduct", "only", "never". Among these three words, which word do you think is related to "1"?
Wonder: Abduct / Only / Never
Mr. Endo: In your opinion, what is the common etymology of weekdays in English and Japanese?
Wonder: Celestial bodies / Meteorological / Natural objects
Mr. Nagara: Among the cross-media works that depict the end of Atsei, which one is the most famous?
Wonder: Noh drama / Kyogen / Ballet
Mr. Hakozaki: What is the solution for controlling mortality invented by Semmelweis and widely used in contemporary medicine?
Wonder: Drug reuse / Wash hands and disinfect / Build a good rapport with patients
Mr. Nagara: What is the gender of the author of the Tosa Diary, male or female?
Wonder: Male / Female / Have no idea
Mr. Endo: Do you know what dodgeball was called before? It actually uses a pretty scary English word.
Wonder: Heaven ball / Death ball / Same as now
Ms. Taniyama: Which civilization has a name that can represent its terrain?
Wonder: Mesopotamian civilization / Indus Valley civilization / Nile civilization
Ms. Katayama: A honeycomb is made up of many regular hexagons. Why do you think this is?
Wonder: Because it is handsome / Because it is easy to lay eggs / Because it can save materials
Mr. Shimonuma: In the witch hunts, were there any suspects who were ultimately acquitted? If so, don't forget to name them.
Wonder: Biddy Early / Jeanne d'Arc / No
Mr. Shimonuma: What would you do if you dug up buried gold?
Wonder: You can keep it all for yourself / You can only take part of it / The full amount will be confiscated
Mr. Shimonuma: Confucius, who proposed that the Son of God is silent, has strange powers and confuses the gods, yet he studied and laid the foundation of divination. Is there a contradiction between these two points?
Wonder: Contradiction / Not contradictory / I have no idea
Mr. Hakozaki: The theory of seismic motion is considered to be... for a certain field... well, a fatal problem... Which field do you think it is in?
Wonder: Literature / Religion / Home Economics
Mr. Hakozaki: In order to better hunt, what special mechanism does the owl have in its ears?
Wonder: The ear holes are in the front / The left and right ear holes are not parallel / The ear holes are very large
Ms. Katayama: Among the Nobel Prizes that recognize achievements in various fields, do you know which field is not within the scope of its recognition?
Wonder: Chemistry / Math / Literature
Mr. Nagara: In order to save Kiyomori who was suffering from a fever, he poured water on him... Can you reason about what the water has become? Please answer!
Wonder: Frozen / Turned into hot water / Turned into sugar water
Mr. Endo: "Hundred million", in Japanese, how much is it?
Wonder: 1000萬 / 1億 / 10億
Ms. Katayama: How many years did it take for the cattle problem raised around 250 BC to be answered?
Wonder: 20 years / 200 years / 2000 years
Ms. Katayama: Can you give me an example of a mathematician influencing history?
Wonder: The birth of mankind / Ending a war / Creating Japanese
Ms. Taniyama: The original meaning of the word "melancholy" actually refers to the secretion of a certain organ of the human body. What organ do you think it is?
Wonder: Brain / Stomach / Liver
Mr. Shimonuma: Please answer, in the "Encouragement to Study" chapter, how does it explain why you should study?
Wonder: To become smarter / To make money / To keep the promise
Mr. Nagara: Do you know what this "extraordinary person" means?
Wonder: Crying person / Useless person / Fat as an eel
Ms. Taniyama: Why was Magellan motivated by spices when he traveled around the world?
Wonder: Because the food will become more delicious / It can power his boat / It can make money
Mr. Endo: Compared with the word "destiny", is fate more positive or negative semantically? Which kind?
Wonder: Positive / Negative / Actually it's the same
Ms. Taniyama: Which of the following materials was not used to pace Roman streets? Here's a hint... this material was not durable.
Wonder: Wood / Rock / Cement
Mr. Nagara: So, in the song "One Hundred People", what is the shortest word "jue"? Please answer! Boom!
Wonder: 1 / 3 / 5
Mr. Shimonuma: Name me one famous smuggler from that time. As long as you have studied some French history, this question will be easy.
Wonder: Louis XVI / Louis Philippe / Louis Mandrin
Ms. Taniyama: Great Wall, is there really "ten thousand miles"?
Wonder: It is / No / Depending on the era
Ms. Katayama: Please answer, what geometric figure does "arbitrary triangle" refer to?
Wonder: Hexagon / Equilateral triangle / All triangles
Mr. Hakozaki: It is said that the internet connects the whole world into a global village, but do you know what exactly connects it?
Wonder: Seabed / Mainland / Telepathy
Mr. Endo: Where do you think the etymology of the word "wed" comes from? It might be better to put aside marriage for a moment.
Wonder: Love / Gamble / Promise
Mr. Nagara: Besides red and blue, blood can be another color. What color do you think it is? Try to answer~
Wonder: Green / Orange / Brown
Mr. Nagara: How many haikai stanzas did Saikaku Ihara write in one day? Consider this a legend and answer me~!
Wonder: 200 stanzas / 2,000 stanzas / 20,000 stanzas
Mr. Hakozaki: There are parts of the human body that are harder than iron's 7 on the Moh's hardness scale. What are they?
Wonder: Permanent teeth / Rib cage / Skull
Mr. Shimonuma: What did Diogenes value in order to be liberated from desire?
Wonder: Debate / Exercise / Doing nothing
Mr. Endo: What I care about is sports uniforms. The "form" in "uniform" means form. So what does "uni" mean?
Wonder: Single / Official / Unique
Mr. Hakozaki: What parts of the human body do you think are most likely to degenerate and disappear?
Wonder: Teeth / Eyelashes / Pinky toes
Mr. Shimonuma: Encountering a flood in the desert. Is this possible?
Wonder: Possible / Impossible / Have no idea
Ms. Taniyama: Which country's language do you think the word "beef" comes from?
Wonder: UK / France / USA
Ms. Taniyama: What is the origin of the name of the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean?
Wonder: There are many birds / There are many dogs / There are many people
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I'm not pregnant and that's exactly what I want.
I just watched Colleen Ballinger's pregnancy announcement videos. She's happy and I'm glad she's happy to have a child. I hope that child is healthy and grows up to be a wonderful addition to humanity.
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In June, I was nearing four weeks late on my period. I thought my life was ending. I woke up in the night feeling sick and then I would just cry in the bathroom, praying to God that I was okay. I nearly sobbed when I finally saw evidence of my period finally starting.
I think it's great there are women who want babies so bad that they cry tears of joy when the test is positive. I'm not one of those women, and I think that's okay.
I use two contraceptives: birth control and we always use a condom. But I'm petrified of the condom breaking or my one night of taking my bc late two weeks ago is going to catch up with me. I can't get rid of my heart palpitations because I'm always stressed about avoiding pregnancy. I have denied my husband something he needs to feel loved because less sex means less chance for a child. That's not what a loving wife should be doing.
The worst part of all this? My preventative measures mean nothing because I'm a firm believer that God will say, "Yeah, no. Here's a child." I know there's not many Christ followers on here, but when He says it's so, you better believe it's so. That stresses me out more because no matter what we do, it's all for not.
Now, I wish I could give my ability to possibly get pregnant to a woman who so desperately wants a child. I wish I could get rid of any chance I could get pregnant. I want a woman who would be such a loving, selfless mother to have that ability instead. I really do.
One day, I want to adopt or have a ministry for high school/college age students in the US, or another country. That's the plan I want, but I know that it may not be the plan intended for my family.
Some of you might ask, why not just get an abortion if you get pregnant? Absolutely not. I don't want to kill a child that could do amazing Kingdom work nor put that pain on another person (we always talk about the mothers but do we ever think of the doctors who do the procedures?). Yes, when I thought I was pregnant, I thought of ways to essentially cause a miscarriage. But realizing that is still me killing a living being, I was disgusted with my dark heart. If I was upset with myself at the thought, how could I ever go through with it? It's just so wrong and... savage for me to even imagine it.
I'm sorry that my blog has now been disrupted by my late-night worries, but I had to say this somewhere. Facebook is full of people and moms that always say I'll change my mind once I'm older. Here I am, nearing 28 and I can't wait to reach the age where it's potentially dangerous to have children.
All my young life I've heard the bs that I'd change my mind. For a while, I believed it, but then I got married and saw how close to the danger zone I actually was. It's the worst feeling in the world when you've made your husband believe you wanted children at some point. Now I imagine he looks at me like I shouldn't be his wife because I have no interest in producing children. I don't know if he actually does feel that way, but that's how I feel about myself.
I don't want to get preachy, but for the everlasting love of God, if you don't want children, don't have sex, okay? You can use all the protection you want and still get pregnant. Nothing is 100% protection except avoiding sex altogether. Yeah, in a sexualized world, avoiding sex is uncool and impossible, but it really isn't. Sex leads to babies one way or another and if you are in a boat similar to mine, then be smart, please. It'll be one less stress for you. Everyone seems to have anxiety nowadays (thanks social media), so why add to it?
Congrats Colleen for being pregnant and loving it. Your excitement and genuine joy to be a mother makes a huge difference in that child's life already. Congrats to other women who are also pregnant. To those who can't, don't give up. There's a reason you are in that situation and it's not because you will be a bad mother. There just might be another purpose for you for a little bit. And heck, adopt a child if you can, or foster. The world needs more people for those orphans and that just might be your purpose: to love those children in need of families. As I tell so many people about my interest in adopting: why should I give the world another child when so many already are in desperate need of a loving home? Don't give up.
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propshophannah · 7 years
Hey:) so I have extremely bad periods like I mean I get really high fevers, chills, throw up, extremely dizzy and extremely confused every single day I'm on it. Not to mention I get the worst cramps ever that I can't stand that I've been sent to the hospital for and that's saying a lot seeing as I'm really good with dealing with pain. I've tried meditation to help with it, I've tried those stupid remedies you find on the internet I've tried literally everything including birth control 1/?
The pill& the shot which I’m currently getting every 3 months and they haven’t worked. It extended my period from the regular 3 days up to 2 weeks (the shot) and my doctor refuses to try anything else because I’m 17 and “I won’t know if I’ll want children in the future” which I’ve explained countless times that I like girls & I strongly dislike kids so the chances of me getting pregnant when I’m older are close to none but nooo like it’s so bad I’d honestly rather get run over by a train than 2/ 
Deal with it. Like I’m at a loss here it’s so bad I’ve missed a little over half my school year last year I was absent so much due to it I got kicked out of my classes bc the school thought I was just skipping when in reality I literally couldn’t move from my bed. So now I’m a full year behind in school and I’m frustrated and don’t know what to do. I’ve been following you for a while and you seem like the older sister/mom/cool aunt type of the fandom and I was wondering if you had any ideas ¾
And/or advice? (Sorry for the long question I saw you were answering questions and thought I’d ask)
Woof. Not to freak you out—cuz I’m NOT a doctor—but this sounds like it could be some kind of menstrual disorder or something. If I were you, I’d find a new doctor.
That’s not to say that the doctor you have is not good, but sometimes a fresh pair of eyes/a second opinion can be life changing. Different people notice different things. So a new doctor might look at your case and know exactly what to do about it. You may need to see some kind of specialist, too. I’m not sure what kind of tests your ob/gyn has done, but I’ve known a few girls who had benign cysts on their ovaries and stuff that caused them to have HORRIBLE and debilitating periods. It could be something like that.
As far as the options outside of birth control, I assume you’re talking about permanently stopping your periods? (Cuz getting your tubes tied wont stop you from having a period.) There are birth controls that stop you from getting a period. I know the shot ones (which you said you’re on one of those) has options for totally stopping periods. I assume it can probably take a few rounds tho before its fully effective. But AGAIN not a medical doctor over here.
If you’re not satisfied, I’d say get a new doctor. If you like your doctor, then maybe you need to ask about seeing a specialist. I’m not sure what kind of specialists exist for bad periods, but I know they exist. A specialist would also be the gatekeeper for more extreme methods—such as a medical procedure or something that could stop your periods. They’re your best bet the get an insurance company to cover that kind of thing too. But also a specialist might be more actively aware of rare conditions or disorders that regular ob/gyns only read about a few times in a textbook in medical school. So again, second opinions are important. 
Also broaden your search. It might not be as period focused an illness as you and your doctor think it is. It could have something to do with pain receptors or something in your brain not getting the right signal when you get your period. If that makes sense? Example: (again not a doctor!) Lets say your body starts to get a normal period like everyone else, but this one little nerve (or whatever) in your brain misreads the monthly cycle information and overloads your body/part of the brain (again NOT a doctor) with too much a certain type of hormone or chemical. This results in you on the floor in pain, vomiting, with a fever for one week a month. Stranger shit has happened. So it might be that you need to start searching for other causes or change the conversation on how both you and your doctor focus on this problem.
The last thing I’d say, which is certainly a last resort, would be trying to get in with a specialist at the Mayo Clinic. It would likely take months and months to get an appointment, but if you’ve exhausted all your other options, I’d say go for it. 
This derails a bit but it might help you:
God. I’m really sorry this has been your experience with your period. Like this fucking sucks. IT SUCKS to feel like your body isn’t working correctly and that you’re not crazy when you say you want an immediate fix right now. I’m guess I feel like the only procedure that could stop your periods that a doctor would tell you no on would be a hysterectomy or something like that?? And honestly, I get why a doctor would say that to a 17-year-old. 
BUUUT, to that doctor, I’d drop the argument about knowing you don’t like kids and don’t want them. Because it’s too easy for people to excuse that as “typical” teenage behavior. So I’d reframe that argument in a way that is still true, but I’d say it in a way that a older person/doctor might be more receptive to hearing. 
FOR INSTANCE. I might frame my argument for more extreme options not as “I know I don’t want kids” but as a personal life-sacrifice I’m willing to make in order to have the chance at living a normal, full life.
I’d say that my periods are debilitating, humiliating, and have been infringing upon the quality of my life since they started. I’d say that when I was 13 (or whatever age you were before you got your period), I couldn’t wait to be 17 years old. I couldn’t wait to go to school and drive a car, to hang out at the beach or pool in the summer without a chaperone. I was excited about the future and the prospect of which university I’d attend and what it’d be like to leave home for the first time… But after years of suffering with debilitating periods, I no longer have that outlook on life. Because of my paralyzing periods (I’d maybe find a better phrase for periods but you get my drift), I spent my teen years watching from the sidelines. Then I’d go into the moments when you missed out on basic teenage life experiences your female peers did not. (I’d go traditional too. Meaning that because I live in America, I’d pick things that seem “All America” like football games, prom/school dances, going to the beach, playing sports etc.).
I’d paint a NICE picture about how your periods have been a “cancer” on your adolescence. How they’ve robbed you of opportunities everyone else got. I’d talk about how you’re now a year behind and how embarrassing that is and how you’re not going to graduate with your friends and AAAALLLLL that jazz.
You gotta frame your argument the right way. Make your horrible periods the invading army that must be stopped. It’s not that you don’t want to have kids, it’s that your quality of life has been so drastically altered by paralyzing and debilitating periods, that you’re willing to sacrifice a piece of your body to find inner peace and for the *opportunity* to live a normal life, for the *chance* to get back your youth, for the *change* to get some good years out of life, to salvage what’s left of your golden years. 
I would be careful NOT to play the victim—you’re the hopeful teenager willing to sacrifice in order for the *opportunity at living a normal life.*
And I would 100% practice NOT bringing up the not wanting children thing. I’d come up with a scripted answer to that argument from the doctor too. Gell, I’d come up with talking points and mock answers to questions. JESUS. This could be looked at as essentially a PR problem. And this has derailed a lot, but hopefully this might help you.
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