#the zinbeil
zinbeilsatb · 9 years
Please move over! We are Unstoppable in another place. http://the-zinbeil.tumblr.com/
Dear Followers !
This Cumberbatch-Blog is now closed forever. It remains a closed archive for future reference.
I am no longer an exclusive or ardent BC-Fan, and I am not at all taking part in the grotesque Sophie-Hate lady circles that are no longer skeptics, also not in any servile power couple worship. I am for both camps not straight cis-female enough. I am neither bitch nor nanny. Also too chaste and too complex, too old and other-bodied to join the new sluts.
Nothing of that sort.
If you like my stuff please follow me on Star'nThings, my one and only main blog from now on.
There we will be serving queer feminism/transhumanism, observations on the media and entertainment industry from a European, leftist, social entrepreneurial point of view, daily worship for unique male, female and other personalities, their beauty and their work, both known and unknown, living and dead, earth, star, plant and animal love, eccentric sex cults of all kinds, also a bit of thing cult if not too vulgar and consumerist, esoteric with glamour, intellect with elegance, a very specific, very non-male and non-technocratic interest in the sciences, many cultures, alternative histories and mythologies and uncompromising diversity politics that you can take or leave or insult – but we are here to stay, and if we go under so do you, dear army of straight mainstream little men plus obedient spouses.
All of it from a genderfluid post-catholic Austrian eccentric's point of view who is rather happy in her remote neck of the woods.
For we are indeed unstoppable.
And not to worry, the odd benny-bit will also be there, if it fits.
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the-zinbeil · 7 years
Please help me publish that thing !
About 2 years ago, or 3, I was following the career of one Benedikt Cumberbatch.
Well, not anymore. Grew tired of his mannerisms, his weird marriage and procreation business, his hypocritical ways, his baaaad choice of parts and even worse performance (oh that Dr. Strange! He was literally the worst actor in a horrid movie, which is something for a lead who looks like the perfect match for the part ...)
And with Sherlock, probably final season it was over.
Back then, in the throes of a powerful global cult that had infected me in summer 2013, I wrote several books that took fan fic a bit into real literature territory while still being loyal to the cult: Tons of sex, a hero of fetishized beauty, romance, irony, some fantastic stuff and high pathos of a world being born and a world dying.
The last one I wrote, quite a fat thing by the name of “Platinum Suite” was inspired by a minor award Cumberbatch had won for another bad movie, “The Imitation Game” in Palm Springs of all places, is a psychedelic metaphysical fable, thriller and satire around a secret Guild and their Prince.
Already back then I was, even though in a repressed way, shocked that “feminist” liberal Cumberbatch would sing the praise of one H. Weinstein as my keen, slightly psychic perception had immediately reveiled to me that this guy is an abusive misogynistic rapist arsehole if I have ever seen one.
That he is pushing horribly bad movies with a fraudulent “leftist”, “liberal” and “ethical” agenda, thus blackmailing audience and jury to “like” them and throw awards in their direction (and dollars in his pocket) is only adding to the nasty.
Now, finally, the world has learned the truth.
And Weinstein is the model for the villain of my book.
Who wants to be my beta reader and help me publish it?
On paper!
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the-zinbeil · 7 years
I’ll be Back !
Dear friends and chicklets !
I am now in the final phase of a mad and exhausting project here in Vienna, but I have never forgotten about my 219 loyal followers, spread out all over the globe, but mainly in Germany, the Stares, Italy and Russia, plus the odd porn blog.
And as there are times, like right now, when I am back alone in my house, after a hectic day with nothing but technical talk with lots of people, but none of it really intimate, none of it giving you warmth for the long nights, I can truthfully say that I still feel connected to my (probably also rather lonely and odd) readers in Ohio, Saxony, Mountain View, Le Havre and the one really loyal one in … Rome of all places (a place, age, culture I love).
So, to quote a countryman of mine:
I'll be back!
Expect a big summer of the zinbeil on tumblr!
Starting give or take June 18th!
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the-zinbeil · 8 years
Hello Chicklets ! A Word on the Age of Aquarius.
This is a short post pro domo.
And pro globo.
Still strange porn blogs keep on following me. I will never know why.
That way I am up to 200 and 11.
Loyal followers stay loyal, as far as I can tell single individuals somewhere on planet earth not belonging to any fanatic camp or hive being kept a unity only by insane hate for another camp or hive.
As we all know, this is the dawining of the age of Aquarius.
No, that has not been some hippie fashion of one season ready to be exploited again and again every twenty years or so, it is a slow transition of astronomical dimensions.
A real thing, if anything can be called that.
And as Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, is the sign, cult, program, energy of large collectives going after their collective ideals with a stern focus on “the future” I recommend some counter-activity in the tradition of the Dao. Always, for good balance, seek, build, care for, honour and cultivate a context, an environment, another supporting system counter-acting a thing that could get too big, powerful, one-sided, fanatic, brutal, destructive and so full of itself, its arrogant lack of learning and respect for others knows no bounds.
So, with my Aquarius moon in house 3 I am a born Aquarian and do my Aquarian business well.
That being so I also know that there is grave danger in a world consiting of nothing but semi-chaotic, self-organizing, self-absorbed collectives fighting other collectives in the name of a “future” no one knows, and no one is allowed to control.
So I also love my Saturnian respect for tradition and well tested personal and institutional authority. I love my Venus who wants one sweet man or person and not some mixed crowd demanding to have an orgy together. I love my Mars, the powerful action of one smart and fit individual, I love my Mercurian trips across all those self-serving collectives and my Neptunean escape from it all to worship the stars that are individual celestial bodies far apart from each other, never clumping to collectives once they are fully born.
(With a Leo Sun this could not be otherwise).
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the-zinbeil · 6 years
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Never let your alter egos die just like that. 
Least of all if they have served you well, have fought some battles on the senseless fields of fan culture and have been sleeping a blissful sleep for some time.
More biophile than ever I hold all kinds of latency in high esteem.
As I do, still, that old Language of Albion, tortured by many a brute.
I or that persona, that zinbeil, they still watch a lot of TV shows, are still anglophile, despite over-whelming evidence that those fools on that isle do not love a humble central European, still cherish androgynous and male beauty, but no longer one Mr. Cumberbatch, no matter how ok his performance has been in the 1st episode of “Patrick Melrose”.
Seems we are, Leo that we are (yes, also still into astrology) not so loyal after all with a dull, weirdly married, over-nervous, over-paid, not that noble after all Brit boy of the whiny cancer type. 
With receding hair line and a mustache to boot.
Latest cult: Rami Malek as one glorious Freddie Mercury in “Bohemian Rhapsody”.
Also prefer them without the ‘stache, but at least they rock it!
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the-zinbeil · 8 years
The Batch: A prophecy of 11/2015.
Taking the liberty of re-blogging myself. As someone was so kind to read this old bit just now (Hello person from IOWA !, welcome to the tiny exclusive club of Zinbeilistas!)
The self of Nov. 2015. No, it is not vanity and pride driving me, rather a slightly melancholic certainty that I am indeed quite a prophet, unfortunately, like all prophets, most accurate when it comes to the slightly negative.
Strange has indeed been such a downfall, Sherlock is by now rather a self-parody in orange make-up, and no one quite knows if the Batch will ever play anyone again that is not just a dull challenge of playing the chameleon card with nostalgic big names from the history book, infantile superheroes or freaks of all kinds.
Trying desperately hard to make good for his dull, dull core family life in rich, rich, dull, dull northern London where only those can afford to live who cash in gigantic fees for one creative-industrial merchandise or other, most of it dull routine, selling off of one's undeserved assets, such as being a born Londoner, or simply crimes against good taste and manners, sound logic too.
Yet I can also confirm more than 1 year later that he can still touch my heart, and other parts (even though less so due to my actual social life right now), if for once he shows up and speaks as one fresh new or familiar version of HIMSELF.
Yet by now better in sleeves, I do not really like to behold those bulking milk white muscles.
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the-zinbeil · 8 years
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Indeed, that’s me for a brief second of the universe this wave of the universe, this splinter, this pedal, this scale of the mighty tumblr dragon’s global tail looked like that, like me, like that me, to be replaced by another me tomorrow.
I little service for my 200 plus minus followers. To be gone 2morrow.
(I was listening to Miles Davis, Kind of Blue, while making the gif)
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the-zinbeil · 9 years
Update Countdown.
So wise ol’ friends tell me that they do not believe in me leaving the tumblr. I have announced it once too often.
What do we gather from that?
Yep, it is an addiction.
I admit it. It has for many reasons closely connected to my overall biography and disposition become some kind of addiction.
If other bloggers write well-meaning messages that to them tumblr is just some weekend entertainment, and following one BenC is just something they do if Hubby does not claim their full attention: please do not bother with humble old me. I am not one of your sane&normal club.
I also do not believe you. For even if this were true, even if running a tumblr blog and being a mature fan of a British actor could be a respectable hobby ... how BORING is that? How dull? It is like some elderly heroin junkie telling me in long and tedious words how he has managed to reduce it to such a tiny dose that he can still be a good book-keeper and get his kids to the kindergarden.
That might be fascinating to some, but not to me. I do not have kids and will never have any biological kids (far too non-motherly and threatening and unfuckable to the local mankind I was) -- and I will never be a book-keeper. Or have an affair with one.
So let’s just walk our separate paths from now on, dear community of sane tumblr users and me, the oldest dinosaur of all them mad junkies.
Aside from that: I do leave behind, I do stay and I do change. That’s all I can say. There will be changes.
I am a Leo and therefore obsessed with loyalty. I have those 120+ followers spread out all over the globe. I cannot simply lose them.
On the other hand: I do not believe in ANY discusssion of serious issues of ethics, politics, life on the tumblr.
And I find any communication between fans of one BenC that is not all about images and re-creation of those images and imbecile gestures of praise a hopeless affair.
Most of all I have learned to detest the self-appointed private investigative journalist and I-am-hidden-PR-gold-with-totallly-hot-insider-connections-type that has taken over the largest part of the mature BenC following.
There, I have said it. Together with judges, cops and (a certain type of) priests and high finance and weapons traders and high end pimps and ivy league professors those are the people I hate most.
I love my mooncalf for the utterly, utterly noble and condescending way he treats them. Just imagine what little knowledge and skills they have and what gigantic power they claim, what harm they cause, on a daily basis, by emotionally blackmailing and manipulating everyone around them, just like some filthy little priest of former times, and you will know that they deserve nothing but cold contempt. And an inscrutable mask.
As I hate journos, how could I ever accept that masses of uneducated people who just happen to be able to use a laptop and like an actor suddenly flood social media with the pompous act of self-appointed journalists who are obviously hoping to turn their hobby into a paying job?
No, I do not respect them and will in the future not even fight with them but only post and re-blog stuff that acts as if this new plague of fandom turned people journalism would not exist at all. To not bother my precious mooncalf with that nuisance.
#Cumberleaks, that about sum up the whole vulgarity I want to get rid of. THAT I will indeed BLOCK, but mentally, not technically.
Aside from that: OH, wouldn’t it be glam, fab and so mysterious if the Soph were now pregnant for realz? By her very own hubby? Oh that would be so crazy! That would make the origin of baby CCC, if he is indeed a thing, even more mysterious! That would lead to such a strange pair of siblings.
Oh, I think I ship preggers part II. And beware, often I get what I want, in the long run!
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the-zinbeil · 9 years
On my slow way out ...
This whole landscape of blogs is sailing under my personal flag “OpheliaCare” I started using this Logo at some point last fall when grave problems between the celebrity BenC and the public became obvious.
Back then I had no clue what a Hamlet he would be, also no clue that his scenes with Ophelia, a mixed Ophelia, but she has her moments, a great solo moment in fact – that this scene, so amazing, so difficult, so unique in all drama literature and the cruellest, craziest scene ever written as something happening between a man and a woman, – I did not know that he would play this scene so very very badly that all my suspicions that he can really not RELATE to women or the relationship between a man and a woman AT ALL has been confirmed.
On the wider meaning of “OpheliaCare” more later/somewhere else.
Here just a few words on some-kind-of-me, this blog/s, their future, and you, my dear followers whom I have grown fond of.
Still I have to for several reasons change things profoundly.
Those reasons are basically threefold:
Profound changes in my life (basically good ones of being busy with a lot of work, both art and TV/movie, maybe also more scholarship/science, but also tons of work on myself).
An honest conclusion that if I engage with social media, blogs, the web there must be more thrust, more mass, more clout to it. No, I am not exactly the modest type. Wise friends keep telling me that my lack of growth is entirely my fault, and I believe that any time. But it is also the effect of me being not willing to pay for viral marketing. Not yet. But I will. If I re-launch some kind of blog it will be BIG. And by now I know how to make it big. One needs professional help, one needs a precise brand, one needs money (or some powerful multiplicator/mentor). If one cannot use a social network based in the UK or the US one will never be a big thing online. Unless one plans it like a military strategy of unfriendly take-over. If you are indeed embedded in such a network don't dare to tell me I am wrong. Your geographic privilege just blurs your mind. So either I resettle (considering it), or I try some partisan shtick, or I just do not invest any more ambition into blogging. That way this will become a living archive, and material for other work. Your work as well if you credit me! And talk to me in a civil way. The emblems of the main blog “Star'nThings” will go on for a while.I just love doing them in a gentle, simple, in this case indeed humble way and style. They are like old Chinese Calligraphy to my angry, crazy wounded soul.
Finally, the last big reason to end at least the Cumberbatch-blog by end of October (and this is, I promise, certain this time!) is my profound disgust and horror concerning his “fandom”. The insanity, sickness, the very Fundamentalism of this “fandom” (all its hostile camps) has taught me tons of dark lessons about human nature, female pathologies and the very sickness of this time and age. Celebrity cult is simply a case of idolatry, fetishism, addiction, consumer idiocy and sexual neurosis.
I am so sorry to break it to you, it is nothing else.
Millions of women being suddenly violently obsessed with a remote male celebrity is the return of the cult of the Maenad. Just make your homework and you will see that Maenads were dangerous mad violent beasts. Therefore they practiced their cult only at special times, far remote from the cities, on cold mountaintops where they sometimes tore living animals apart and ate their raw meat.
Why are millions of young and older women turning crazy beasts? Because they cannot live the life they need and deserve. Yet instead of getting together and struggling and working and playing and studying to get that life, or at least a tiny piece of it, together, they go mad, hate each other, fetishize some guy they will never meet, endanger their health.
Celebrity cult is just like the heroin madness of the early seventies: with full thrust of bad powers of state, patriarchy and hegemonic US media capitalism a blooming liberating movement of women and queers is being poisoned to die down before it can reach any real and lasting results. Maybe it is intentional, maybe not. I do not care. I just know one thing: I have been observing this “fandom” for about 2 years (yesterday the blog turned 2 years!), in the beginning still, like a naïve teenager once again, for the last time, as a fan myself – and now, after having been threatened with social death by the queen bee of the IMBD nanny board, after being blocked by the whole skeptic aristocracy, and some others too, even though my new born enemies do nothing else but copy my ideas (Open Letter to Ben) months later (I was the first to propose it, being hated and ridiculed for it), after having seen a pretty young, but annoyingly “Californian” woman who was crazy and self-destructive enough to spend a cold London night on the pavement in front of the Barbican equipped with nothing but a plastic poncho and a plastic bottle of water, after also having seen hundreds of sad, disturbed, obese, obviously lower class people spending their last pennies on Sherlock Kitsch at an utterly cynical ugly cheap heartless corporate fan mass with the full blessing of old, state-financed Auntie BBC – after all that I no longer suspend my judgement but execute it.
And it is almost entirely negative. Fandom is a sickness.
And if one remains engaged in it at an age beyond 20, 25, even more so if one is not embedded in a community sharing the madness and making it a joyful creative thing, it is sick sick, sick like any alcohol or drug addiction. Or a fundamentalist sect.
No pink glasses and no silver lining and no puerile humour can change my final verdict.
And I will for sure write books, both theoretical and poetic, and create and conduct public projects to show both the fans and the world how sick and hopeless celebrity cult really is.
It is just one more mad aggressive fundamentalist sect, a typical sign of a dying empire, a dying world.
Added to this the also very sick hatred of (frustrated) cis-female straight girls and women against any person born with a cunt who would not identify with the typical neurotic, “bitchy” or “slutty” ways of women. I have, as a genderfluid person, told the fandom over and over again that their hatred against each other is nothing but their classical competition to claim the male idol for themselves, and the only response denial of their blatant jealousy and their united hatred directed against me and my lot. So my diagnosis: every fan hates every other fan, for they rage war to claim imaginary access to that imaginary boy friend. Yet as it is so very imaginary frustration turns into rage and hatred. The only “solidarity” is he formation of a precise sisterhood camps who form one single agency of “claiming the man”. Yet they only manage by hating the other sororities.
Finally -- but I will go on with this in another post -- the man himself is maybe the most dysfunctional beast (with or without intention, or following very bad, idiotic, maybe even evil advice) to make all fan matters worse while weakly, madly, insanely denying that he is the main cause, or one main cause, as to why his fandom is the sickest on the planet, the darkest church of celebrity cult one just needs to observe to know everything one needs to know about this new psycho-social plague of global proportions.
So, no, “It cannot nor will it come to good“ (Hamlet)
(So this is my slow way out. If you still want to get to know me as The Zinbeil, and beyond, before I leave this brand behind, start now!)
One thing about my possible future online, as another me, I can already disclose now: I will not take on a „female identity“ ever again if my agenda is pop/fandom/nerd related.
I am certain that all ladies will love me if I will be posing as a virtual gent. The only hate I will be getting then will be the jealous hate of the male nerds.
All you sleuths are welcome to follow my ano/epi/paranymous traces and recognize my future non-female self to either enjoy it in silence, or expose it in rage. If you do so I will of course deny the truth in best US fashion, and probably win.
This is the sober truth about all public discourse in an age of uprooted social madness and misery (that has many deep and ugly historical, social, economic roots): the ones most shameless (and violent) in declaring, spreading, maintaining, preaching, teaching and cultivating a lie are the most popular, powerful and adored with the masses ... unless the state based on that lie is beaten and dissolved completely.
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the-zinbeil · 9 years
The 3-Blog-Re-Launch. Batchia on the 2nd.
For all things Batch, UK/US/global pop culture, movie/TV/pop industries, fandoms, Anglophilia/phobia, nerdstuff, socmedia and the endless wars (or hostile ignorance) between cis-straight-female fan hysteria and all others who also love their celebs hurry over to my new and re-launched 2nd blog:
“Around the Batch”
(1st new post awaiting you!)
This one will as of today ony feature the following (and I quote myself from “Changes”):
1. Main blog (this one): Pictures and short texts only, the “emblems”, all positive, all one stream of love and praise, stay on the main blog “Star’nThings”, the blog of an earth-sky-people-animal-plant-flesh-book-art-life-loving poet, dreamer, traveller, mystic, free and crazy scholar.
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the-zinbeil · 9 years
Zinbeil, Artist/Writer/Coach on Tumblr ... and an Invitation to improve this. And a Notification that you might become a part of a Gesamtkunstwerk.
So this is not really a re-launch, just some change and some reflection on my adventure on tumblr so far. I am already past 1000 post, which is insane. I wanted to make post 1000 some kind of game or thing, but as I tend to get no reactions I just forgot about it.
Honestly, I am in a major transition right now, a major case of late puberty and fermentation of a demi-centenarian. It is a common thing of our age in this weird age we are living in, happening to men, women and TGs, rich and poor, Americans, Europeans and others alike.
Yet I am very aware that my approaching age of half a century makes me an alien on tumblr. That, and a lot of other things.
But here you see me, in that picture with the wonderful Mr. Scott (yes, that thing happened at the Con on Sunday, the 26th of April), smiling at you with a face I made myself, to protect the face nature and history gave me, from you. Which tells you a lot already.
I love and hate, I fear and despise you, tumblr. 
You amuse me and teach me amazing stuff, every day, still I would love to teach you so many things in return, but of course, just like all the young mobile-phone- and self-obsessed, nervous cells you consist of you cannot concentrate for one minute. You just would not listen, and if you do, you forget immediately, for there is always a hotter piece of info, wisdom, fun, nostalgia, conflict, sex bait around the next click.
As an artist, writer, educator, live coach, director, scholar and also a bit of a prophet and a visionary I have become after 50 years of suffering, struggling, re/searching, reading, building, loving, fighting, trying, playing, learning, acting, working, thinking, leading, serving, finding and achieving some perfection, some mastery, some innovation in some things I know by now that I can only reach the young people who will live in extremely tough times, being forced to either unite and fight and build a new world or perish, with some kind of shock therapy, or some hot and glamorous product (TV, movie, games, art, music etc.) or some gigantic project of a fictitious alternative universe of Martin-, Tolkien- or Rowling-proportions. I am working on it.
Anyone who wants to reach people today, beyond disgusting manipulation built on nothing but vile threats, lame promises, violence, abuse of sexuality and sentimental core family cult, or some obsolete religion for the lazy and brutal idiots who just want their enemies to suffer and rot, if possible forever -- whoever wants to reach young people in a powerful and good way, and really make an impact in their nervous nervous systems has to arrest their attention. For a longer time. And as my very humble number of followers and my statistics of an average reading time of about 30 seconds is proof of: I did so far not succeed in this respect.
I am too isolated, too unknowing when it comes to visual designs and marketing methods, too changeable (but that is intentional), too long, both too sweet and too angry, and both in an alteration you cannot understand.
I confess that the tumblr is just a test field to me to understand how the new global intelligence works in its young, (largely) non-male segment that is still under US- or at least English speaking hegemony. For you are, when it comes to my other projects, my future client. I can see what a hard piece of work is awaiting me. 
I could need some help by younger persons, both here and in principle.
So I do post this again, not expecting to be successful.
For everyone loves to rant about “solidarity” here, but everyone also wants to stay alone in their little private room, if possible. I get that if you are young. You need to close the door behind you and find out what you are all about, you and your personal planet of everything you love and hate. But let me tell you this: in the hard future to come everyone who does not find a taste in close cooperation with others, on the verge of a symbiosis of many cells forming a new body, will for sure go under. 
Yes, you can still become one of the very few isolated rich Howard Hughes characters enclosed in your own little bubble of wealth whose maintenance is causing enormous costs. Yes, you can, if your old or new money allows it, spend the gross national product of a failed African state on your private bubble of comfort and even brag that you, as a woman or migrant or genderfluid person, can also play the greedy reckless rich person with the best of them white male suits, you will still have to pay the costs, or someone else will, and this will also haunt you or your offspring. 
So time to leave the private bubble right now. The first period of transition might be tough, but in the long run intense symbiosis is for sure not only morally better and ecologically necessary, but also simply more FUN. And far more effective when it comes to smart, complex and glamorous products that will not be so easy to top by those to come. Or your less cooperative competitors.
If I stay alone here, which I deem probable, I will just add this: my blogs are living archives, and obviously I am posting far more than an average zero to one note per post justifies. So it is a global public diary that will be the breeding ground for future work. I am telling you this to make you aware of the fact that your communication with me might end up in a new kind of Gesamtkunstwerk (total art work). But by posting things in a public medium you will hopefully be aware that your statements enter new contexts and might live on beyond the spontaneous hit of a button.
Someone just called me an “edgy rant buddy” in a very annoying American wording just because I dared to not share the lazy Puritan/American definition of the Christian faith.
Have to say: things such as this make me often hate this place that submits to American hegemony as if that (largely dysfunctional, self-serving and by now declining) mentality were indeed some law of God or nature. And what is most annoying about it: if you, dear young Anglos, rant, it is fun and normal and charming and gets thousands of notes from your loyal college buddies. If I respond with some knowledge and thought in the background I am just an edgy rant buddy one best puts on “ignore”.
Justice and fairness has really never been your strong suit. 
Well, that's the usual story with people being born on the soil of a self-declared world power. They like to take their privilege as eternal and natural, as God-given. BUT that might change, and soon.
Yes, my blog is, even more than before, a political one, on many levels, in many respects.
With that I might succeed or fail, find or lose allies, make or win over enemies, have an impact or not.
At any rate theses rants, conflicts and amazing conversations will in part be proceeded on in other works. Works that might in the end come around again in a new form.
This is just the beginning of my new life as some kind of late blooming “artist on tumblr” and beyond. Just thought you'd like to know that.
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the-zinbeil · 9 years
Reporting from London I
Yes, the Zinbeil is in the very capital of Capital right now. London: Docklands. Almost something holidaish about that new area with cable cars going over the Thames to please the Saudis.
BUT that venue, that venue. The generic shopping mall from dull hell, just bigger. Much bigger. Imagine your nightmare of a cold anonymous brightly lit white-grey tiled shopping mall with toilets, plastic seats and food store chains in an endless procession, just like a mix of hospital, prison, madhouse and ... shopping mall, and make it twice as big and you have the EXCel, typical neo-liberal hybrid of public (lots of references to healthcare and a city marathon) and private (chain chains, chains ...).
And up there in ugly lala land a “Platinum Lounge”. No less. What a pompous name for a contemporary version of the big limbo straight from Dante’s or Calderon’s nightmares.
No sign of the conference still. Let’s see what tomorrow will bring!
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zinbeilsatb · 9 years
Mutated Zinbeil
We invite all followers of sritsob who are into non-skepticism and also into other beautiful things, not only BC, to join me on https://www.tumblr.com/blog/the-zinbeil.
It is an experiment and you are welcome to join and take part in it.
And welcome to follow this test drive of emergent swarm intelligence through meta-blogging.
This one will stay for a while, but less active. I will not take part in any skepticism of SH or BC-bashing, also not ask quesions about any truth (I know what I am certain of, and what I do not know and do not need to know regarding his affair).
I will rather re-blog funny and smart stuff, mainly Sherlock-related, but I will not post or re-blog any pics, gifs or clips supposed to mourn over the loss of old dorky young sexy Ben.
So if there are any pics of him here they will be super fresh and recent. Or taken from his oficila work, including photo shoots for magazines, but excluding any ad campaign for car related BS.
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