#pro domo
forgottenbones · 7 days
how they think we watched the debate
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sanb3rry · 1 year
can u expand on suna being a silly bf please 🙈
totally can omg !!!!!!!
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suna totally has like domo-kun charms on his backpack or his 3d, he gave you a matching pink one,,,,
he collects old ps and nintendo games. he probably went to a thrift and found some and started collecting them cause they look cool.
also collects yugioh cards, it's in a pokemon themed tin-can under his bed. ironic, i know.
he def played tony hawks pro skater when he was a kid, he tried doing a trick from the game and broke a bone... his little sister made a joke about it in front of you and he was pouty for the entire day.
he plays doll house with his sister. OH! totally the type to make two dolls kiss obnoxiously while teasing his sister about her crush.
would totally let you practice makeup on him, and he will somehow look prettier. don't ask how, it just happened. he let's his sister braid his hair and but sparkly butterfly clips on it.
has those stupid ironic t-shirts, some of them are his dad's that he took. he once forgot to change when you came over and got so red, it was very cute.
binge watches cartoons with his sister, he first complains on how she's hogging the tv and then he actually gets invested, asks too many questions, his sister gets annoyed and leaves and he's left there flabbergasted on how she could leave him on a cliff-hanger like that.
knows everything about the fnaf timeline, also watches wendigoon. he def plays roblox with you and bullies kids on there.
once on halloween when he was younger, his sister was a princess and insisted he would be a prince. he tells people how that experience was horrible but he secretly enjoyed every second of it.
loves taking 0.5 pictures of the both of you, has a whole album filled with it. also loves taking pictures and videos of you liekke, and they also look so good. your personal photographer fr.
he has a small cactus in his room, jokingly calls it his and your kid.
does not like kids, but he's really good with them.
he likes pinching, poking and squishing your cheeks like a grandma, lolol. randomly comes up to you in the hallways or during break and does it with no explanation.
i've written sm ofmfkejdns, tell me if you want more!!
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© sanb3rry2023
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punkeropercyjackson · 22 days
Explanations for this post because i'm a yapper
Jason:Edgecase with a macabe origin story and post-ressurection effects on himself who believes in acab,is anti-rich out of growing up poor and refuses to live with Bruce again on anti-capitalist principal,an intersectionalist who respects other minorities deeply and stands in solidarity with them and after getting over himself(disrespectfully)has an actual good political stance on criminals and the justice system.Also positive and healthy masculinity instead of poser fuckboy shit
Tim:Skateboarder,Green Day fan,mouths off to authority figures,queer(canon bi)and does everything he can to help those in need and gets super upset when he can't do as much as he thought he could've regardless of circumstances.He puts his own cherokee spins on his vibes that white boys could never pull off
Duke:Post-dystopian troubled but good black punk kid who's a hope and light/sun-themed powered saviour of his people(Gothamites)and he'd totes use his powers for enviormentalist activism and he serves cunt so often in such a black femme swagger way i can't help but picture him in them glamrock drips from the 80s
Cass:Gruesome ahh who's super hardcore and explicitly uncomfortable with delicacy and any real femininity both in-text and as a character concept to defy easian woman stereotypes and thrives of the strange and weird and freakish and unsilenceble
Stephanie:Was a teenage anarchist vigilante against The Man(her dad AND the usual meaning)and isolated from her peers with no real friends growing up because of her no masking game audhd and her sense of community largely fuels her heroism and she's a girlypop with a taste for silliness and many softie moments and she's jamaican(-korean)so what belongs to the sea will always return
Damian:His stories and his personality when the writers aren't being racist give kids horror protagonist majorly and as Batman's biokid the gothness is genetic and he deserves to have happy kid interests(his favorite mascot is Domo♡)
Maps:Always wearing bright colors in civillian gear and her bouncy exuberant loud personality matches it and she's canonically a pro gamer,a supernatural junk nerd and a geek in general
Dick:With the exception of his disco era,i can't see him being alt but he DOES have an aesthetic and it's the 'Loving Doc(Dad of color)who's deep in his culture but open and understanding of newer things' energy he radiates
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 5 months
Do you know when Shoma would usually get his new competition programs if he keeps going for next season? I understand he hasn‘t made a decision yet, I‘m just anxious and an estimated time of when it could be made would be helpful.
That depends a lot. If we look at last season he got choreography quite late. He just had his free skate ready for Oktober when in his earlier years he would have already competed in September. His SP was ready for The Ice in late July. He usually debuts new programs at the end of July/early August, but this was not the case last season.
I guess if Shoma really choses to continue (which I honestly doubt 😭) he would also start late to the season, earliest Japan Open in October, but also possibly in the GP series. As One Piece on Ice is also scheduled for September I don't think he'll have both new competitive programs ready in September. He is however in Champery in August, so maybe he'll get new choreography there after the show The Sorcerer's Apprentice.
Shoma also said that he would like to debut a new program at The Ice 2024, so maybe he'll get a new choreography by a Japanese choreographer there. But just bc he wants to present something new, it doesn't mean that it will be for competition.
Anyway I think Shoma's plans for competitive programs should be the least of our worries. He could even repeat an old program if he really has no time to create new programs. It doesn't even need to be last season's programs, he could also skate old ones like he showed with skating DOMO and Ladies in Lavender at Prince Ice World 2024 in February and late April.
❗Skip if you wanna stay in denial of a possible retirement ❗
I think we have to face the truth that Shoma might not compete, even if he said he didn't decide on continuing competing or not. I think all signs point to retirement and that's ok. I would wish for a different ending as Worlds FS was really not the glorious end I would have wished for, but he really has nothing to prove and tbh he is also now one of the old generation and being older makes things harder. And I also feel like he lacks the motivation to keep up with the next generation. What is there left to gain for him? The Olympic title? That's still two years and without any guarantee that he will win it. At this point I also see the benefits of a retirement. No restrictions on what to do, new possibilties open up, no bothering with scoring anymore, no technique crap talk by haters, he can spend more time with Marin...the future is bright for Shoma. With his accolades and fan "power" he can have a bright future as a pro skater (btw as a pro skater he could still do Japan Open?!). I personally would love to see Shoma compete for a little longer BUT I am also at peace with any decision Shoma makes, bc look how far he came! Look what a career that is! There is nothing to be sad or sorry about. I always said that everything that came after his first World title is a bonus and that's still how I feel. There are not that many skaters who had such a succesful career. I feel very lucky to have witnessed his career and maybe it's time to let go...
Wishing all the best to Shoma and hoping that Shoma can make the decision he will be happy with.
(Btw I don't expect any annoucement in the next weeks. I suppose if you see Shoma scheduling a press conference, that will be goodbye to competition. I expect that before the GP assignments will be out. End of June/Early July. If he is not retired by the time the GP assignments drop he might stay for another year. I think by that time we will know his decision.)
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abatelunare · 7 months
A dopo...
Pare sia finalmente tornato il sole. Da queste parti, per lo meno. Ne approfitto per alcune commissioni pro domo mea, come dicevano i latini. Sperando di portarle a termine tutte. A più tardi.
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ultimaedizione · 11 months
Il premierato e una certa "ignoranza" istituzionale
C’è inevitabilmente da riflettere su quanto una buona parte della classe politica italiana confermi una sostanziale “ignoranza” istituzionale. Ecco un altro governo che presenta proprie proposte di modifiche costituzionali. Cicero pro domo sua? verrebbe da chiedere considerando che, con il cosiddetto premierato, si vanno a toccare, anche formalmente, gli equilibri tra gli organi dello Stato già…
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longeyelashedtragedy · 8 months
Have you already been asked for Deki?
nope! the Orange Guy (as he's been called lol) in my icon! thanks Anon for providing me with what's clearly going to be my most controversial post 🤪 (i don't know if i've ever used this emoji before, what a historic day)
favorite thing about them: it's gotta be his loyalty to the people he loves. sometimes it's even to the point of stupidity, or "you didn't have to do that." but i've never seen anything quite to his level of devotion and committment. all heart ZERO brain on this man. not one brain cell. it's all in the heart.
he's also really hilarious* and like. kinsey 7. nothing will convince me this man is not 100% gay and only married because he's a religious catholic.
(*i don't like most "comedy" because i have an odd sense of humor, and if i want to have a laugh, i'll more often than not put on some liverpool movren content because of how genuinely fucking funny they are together. i always wind up laughing out loud. standup comedians WISH they were movren however he is also funny on his own, albeit sometimes unintentionally...i think)
last--his appearance, duhhh. if i could look like a man i'd want to look like him, this is a known fact. he's got just the right vibe of strong, confident masculinity and the fucking shoulder/back/arm situation is 🔥
least favorite thing about him: ...do you hear me heaving a heavy sigh? lol. i won't go into the graphic details, but the amount of time i've spent being his pro bono defense attorney when it's not deserved! (some things are also not worthy of defending.)
i remember there was a post a while back that said something like "whatever your special interest was at the beginning of the pandemic is always going to have a weird level of significance to you." and at first i was like doesnt apply to me--football was my thing before the pandemic, and it still is. but then i remembered that the pandemic hit just as i was developing an interest in this fool 😂 i guess that explains everything.
favorite line: HOW DO I CHOOSE????? he's so quotable. he also once responded to one of my questions on an insta takeover--he only chose 3 twitter questions and i'm convinced he picked mine because my display name at the time was "Monlyfans" lmao. maybe on one of his lajvs with šime when he was like "who are all these people on instagram pretending to be me????" and šime was like "they're fanpages" or the classic on his southampton twitter takeover, "Peter Crouch is so tall OMG". orrr on his twitter q&a two years ago, when someone asked "your wife or Mo?" and he went "don't make me choose..."
brotp: oh it's gotta be him chilling with Domo, even though tbh. he's so GAY to me that most dudes he talks to make me wanna ship it, lol. i kind of liked him with timo at zenit...oh and when he was gay mentoring dalerka and mostovoy, who seemed to do very well with his teachings (RIP kustovoy)
notp: hmmm. deki x trashy american right wing culture, lmao
otp: it's always that impossible choice of šejan vs movren. they're both so different. something about movren really gets me because i think it has a lot of layers of depth that is not discussed, and i love the contrast especially toward the end of their time together at liverpool, of like global beloved star vs 4th choice center-back on the bench, and how dej had not one ounce of jealousy or resentment toward mo...Idk that's just quite special
random headcanon: i don't think i have one.
unpopular opinion: sigh...i've expressed this before and am Weary...but the lockdown fucked him up hard and he absolutely never recovered mentally. and that just makes me feel bad. you don't have to! but i do and i'm glad that i do. maybe it could have all been different yknow? especially because i've seen similar things happen to people i'm close to in real life.
song i associate with them: well, aside from 'sin pijama' lol...i only really associate songs with him because of my movren fanmix (only time i've ever made a good fanmix for a football ship! and as i've said, it's a very 'i liked the movie Garden State too much when i was a teenager' fanmix lol (guilty as charged)) (lmk if you want me to link it somewhere) some of them are more "mo," some are "dejan," and some are a mix. i'd say the dejan ones are:
-moment's silence (common tongue) by hozier: singing boldly about oral sex and the catholic church? that tracks.
-the only living boy in new york by simon & garfunkel: uh the gayest and most loving song alive? but also the story behind it makes me think of what i said about movren earlier--the "flop" being just so happy for the star. (not saying paul simon is more of a "flop" than art garfunkel LOL but the idea of him writing a song for his friend going down to mexico to be in a movie, and just being affectionate and proud about it! idk!)
favorite picture of them: ahhh...how about:
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also this from ligue 1 for the LOLS 😂 if i had a deki rainbow jersey i'd never take it off
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claudehenrion · 11 months
Approximations pontificales (et autres)
Pendant les trois mois qu'a duré mon absence sur les écrans, les performances réalisées par le Saint Siège ont été, à mon sens –qui n'est que ce qu'il est : éminemment faillible et sujet à caution –en tout cas, très loin de toute infaillibilité pontificale-- parmi les plus inattendues dans leur être et dans leurs conséquences. C'est au point que je suis dans l'obligation de demander à tous les pratiquants qui ont transféré sur le Pape François le respect sans limite dû au Trône de Pierre, de ne pas aller plus loin dans la lecture de cet ''édito'' : ils pourraient me prendre en grippe ! Merci d'avance aux uns pour cet abandon de lecture, et, plus encore, aux autres, pour leur persévérance.
Tout à commencé avec un cours de géographie plus -graphique que géo- , d'où il ressortait que Marseille n'était plus en France –ce que beaucoup d'entre nous avaient déjà remarqué depuis un bout de temps : cette ville me fait penser au Tanger de mon enfance : sur des terres marocaines, mais ayant un statut ''hors sol'' qui était dit, in illo tempore, ''international''. Marseille, notre ex-belle ville de la Bonne Mère, est devenue, pour son bien très incertain mais pour notre mal certain, un appendice-réservoir maghrébo-subsaharien posé là, comme une excroissance en croissance qui génère de la décroissance, sous le signe du Croissant ! Marseille, pour le Pape François comme pour beaucoup d'autres, n'est donc plus en France, mais il est le seul à oser dire.
Ce subtile distinguo n'a pas empêché le président Macron (mais dans ce cas, est-il Président de la France ou de la seule Marseille ?) d'aller lui serrer la paluche : on raconte qu'il aurait dit : 'Marseille vaut bien une messe'' (NDLR : je crois cette citation apocryphe), ce qui a mis le ridicule microcosme germanopratin en émoi, en pétard, en ébullition, en crise de foie : ''Quoi ? Un chef d'Etat (NB : le Vatican) serait accueilli avec les honneurs dus à son rang, alors qu'il se dit ostensiblement catholique ? Et puis quoi, encore ? Et le laïcité anti-chrétienne, vous en faites quoi ?''. Et tout ce beau monde tellement laid, petit, étriqué et riquiqui de se donner en spectacle dans un solo à plusieurs : ''Plus con que moi, tu meurs !''.
Oui, mais voilà, le Pape a beau être réputé catho --ce qui est impardonnable et incompréhensible, pour un esprit (dé) formé à gauche-- c'est surtout un progressiste affirmé qui ne cache pas (et de moins en moins) toutes les mauvaises idées dont ce mouvement de pensée mortifère peut être la source. Et comme pour s'excuser de ce défaut, le voilà parti dans une défense effrénée de toute migration pourvu qu'elle soit excessive, incontrôlée, pas du tout justifiée, intrinsèquement létale pour tous les pays-cible et leurs populations, privées de leur ancienne ''souveraineté nationale''... et ayant la mort du catholicisme puis du christianisme comme principales motivations.
Et voilà aussitôt toute notre gauche moribonde qui devient ''papophile'' en un clin d’œil : plus catho qu'un gaucho, tu meurs ! On a atteint des sommets... au point que le dit Pape a dû allumer un contre-feu : ''D'accord, tous les migrants sont les bienvenus chez ceux qui n'en veulent à aucun prix, instruits par l'expérience... Mais on refuse la PMA pour tous et l'assassinat des grands malades et des vieillards au dessus d'un certain âge'' (NB : ce plaidoyer Pro domo se comprend, venant du Pape !). Et dans son désir de préciser la diversité ondoyante de son macronisme relatif (cf le ''et en même temps''...) ''François'' a même été jusqu'à ajouter que, pour lui, le mot ''mariage'' ne peut s'appliquer qu'à l'union d'un homme et d'une femme, ce que tous les amateurs de bon sens répètent en boucle depuis des années ''même si on peut imaginer d'autres formes de bénédiction pour des gens de même sexe qui s'aiment''... ce qui est plein de sagesse, une fois n'est pas coutume. Les moins vieux des plus anciens ont en mémoire la célèbre exhortation de Philippe le Hardi à son père, le roi de France Jean Le Bon, lors de la bataille de Poitiers, en 1356 : ''Père, gardez-vous à droite. Père, gardez-vous à gauche !'' Notre Saint père penche nettement des deux côtés, ''en même temps''...
Pour se casser la gueule auprès des progressouillards, ''y a pas mieux'' que de s'opposer à tout et n'importe quel changement-pour-le-changement : le soi-disant mariage pour tous et l'immigration sont deux marqueurs ''sociétaux'' de rêve pour semer la zizanie entre les faux zécolos, les vrais nostalgiques de Staline, ceux de Mitterrand, et les insoumis à toute intelligence. A propos du Pape, la gauche, déjà éclatée en autant de chapelles qu'elle compte de survivants, se re-déchire en deux : les fanas de l'invasion en cours, dite immigration pour faire avaler la pilule, vont se dire pour le '' Pape'', et les amateurs d'une solution finale pour tous ceux qui ne sont pas eux-mêmes et leurs proches vont se ranger derrière le ''pape'', la cohérence et l'unité doctrinales dussent-elles en pâtir : on n'est plus à ça près, depuis un bout de temps !
Heureusement que, dans ce désastre politico-doctrinal, l'écologie a pu amener un peu de baume au cœur des thuriféraires de ''Laudato si'' (= Loué sois-tu) : Laudate Deum ( = Louez Dieu) va replanter le décor : entre les versets de la Genèse'', si poétiques et si beaux qu'on les relit pour le plaisir et les élucucubrations sinistres, partisanes et mensongères du Giec et de Greta Thunberg (''santa subito'' ?), le choix semble être fait, au Vatican : ce n'est plus la Bible qui doit servir de référence : elle est totalement démodée... et les ''climato-sceptques'' adversaires du progressisme (comme toujours non définis) sont condamnables en tant que tels, juste ''parce que...'', quelles que soient leurs vraies raisons d'avoir raison !) : ils doivent aller en enfer vite fait, sans procès... (''damnati subito ?''), c'est le Pape qui le dit !
Car entre la véritable révolution qu'annonce une soi-disant ''démarche synodale'' (en réalité un moyen de faire progresser ce qui n'en avait nul besoin et de mettre du ''changement'' là où on aurait toléré du ''progrès'')... la nomination d'armées de cardinaux-électeurs systématiquement progressistes pour interdire tout retour en arrière... et l'enchaînement d'Encycliques de la même couleur politique... heureux seront ceux qui arriveront à retrouver leurs petits dans l'église qui s'annonce (ou, au contraire, ils seront vraiment très malheureux !).
Je ne serai plus là, je l'espère bien, mais je regrette d'avance un monde qui était largement plus doux et plus amical à l'Homme que toutes les fausses promesses intenables qui camouflent des évolutions qui (on peut le regretter, le déplorer, mais pas s'en étonner), vont tous dans le pire des ''mauvais sens''. Nous aurons l'occasion d'en reparler, hélas...
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ovid-daily · 2 years
Have some excellent lines from the Cacus vs Hercules episode found in the Jan 11 entry of the Fasti:
Fierce Cacus had dragged the bulls backwards into his cave, Cacus the terror and the shame of the Aventine wood, to neighbours and to strangers no small curse. Grim was his aspect, huge his frame, his strength to match; the monster’s sire was Mulciber. For house he had a cavern vast with long recesses, hidden so that hardly could the wild beasts themselves discover it. Above the doorway skulls and arms of men were fastened pendent, while the ground bristled and bleached with human bones. The son of Jove was going off with the loss of part of the herd, when the stolen cattle lowed hoarsely. “I accept the recall,” quoth he, and following the sound he came, intent on vengeance, through the woods to the unholy cave. But the robber had blocked the entrance with a barricade of crag, scarcely could twice five yoke of oxen have stirred that mass. Hercules shoved it with his shoulders—the shoulders on which the sky itself had once rested—and by the shock he loosened the vast bulk. Its overthrow was followed by a crash that startled even the upper air, and the battered ground sank under the ponderous weight. At first Cacus fought hand to hand, and waged battle fierce with rocks and logs. But when these naught availed him, worsted he had recourse to his sire’s tricks, and belched flames from his roaring mouth; at every blast you might deem that Typhoeus blew, and that a sudden blaze shot out from Etna’s fires. But Alcides was too quick for him; up he heaved the triple-knotted club, and brought it thrice, yea four times down full on the foeman’s face. He fell, vomiting smoke mixed with blood, and dying beat the ground with his broad breast.
traxerat aversos Cacus in antra ferox, 550
Cacus, Aventinae timor atque infamia silvae,
non leve finitimis hospitibusque malum.
dira viro facies, vires pro corpore, corpus
grande: pater monstri Mulciber huius erat:
proque domo longis spelunca recessibus ingens, 555
abdita, vix ipsis invenienda feris.
ora super postes adfixaque bracchia pendent,
squalidaque humanis ossibus albet humus.
servata male parte boum Iove natus abibat:
mugitum rauco furta dedere sono. 560
“accipio revocamen” ait, vocemque secutus
impia per silvas ultor ad antra venit.
ille aditum fracti praestruxerat obice montis;
vix iuga movissent quinque bis illud opus.
nititur hic umeris (caelum quoque sederat illis) 565
et vastum motu conlabefactat onus.
quod simul eversum est, fragor aethera terruit ipsum
ictaque subsedit pondere molis humus.
prima movet Cacus collata proelia dextra
remque ferox saxis stipitibusque gerit. 570
quis ubi nil agitur, patrias male fortis ad artes
confugit et flammas ore sonante vomit;
quas quotiens proflat, spirare Typhoea credas
et rapidum Aetnaeo fulgur ab igne iaci.
occupat Alcides, adductaque clava trinodis 575
ter quater adverso sedit in ore viri.
ille cadit mixtosque vomit cum sanguine fumos
et lato moriens pectore plangit humum.
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mosertone · 1 year
Hugh Selwyn Mauberly- by Ezra Pound
These fought, in any case,
and some believing, pro domo, in any case ...
Some quick to arm,
some for adventure,
some from fear of weakness,
some from fear of censure,
some for love of slaughter, in imagination,
learning later ...
some in fear, learning love of slaughter;
Died some pro patria, non dulce non et decor” ...
walked eye-deep in hell
believing in old men’s lies, then unbelieving
came home, home to a lie,
home to many deceits,
home to old lies and new infamy;
usury age-old and age-thick
and liars in public places.
Daring as never before, wastage as never before.
Young blood and high blood,
Fair cheeks, and fine bodies;
fortitude as never before
frankness as never before,
disillusions as never told in the old days,
hysterias, trench confessions,
laughter out of dead bellies.
There died a myriad,
And of the best, among them,
For an old bitch gone in the teeth,
For a botched civilization.
Charm, smiling at the good mouth,
Quick eyes gone under earth’s lid,
For two gross of broken statues,
For a few thousand battered books.
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nurknabo · 2 years
Mia amato estas malsana. Estas malfacila momento, ĝi restas jarojn jam, preskaŭ ĉiutaga akra sento de aferoj ne bonirantaj. Ĝi komencis per malbonaj, honeste senkialaj ĝenaj aferoj, kiuj malgraŭ ĉio ne tute forvelkis, akumuliĝante ene de ŝi kvazaŭ kreante monstron kies sola laboro estas forpreni ŝin. La porsolvaj agoj ne ŝajnis vere malpliigi. Aferoj tiel malboniĝis, ke tute rompiĝis iam, igis kion ni havas fini. Top tamen revenis poste, preskaŭ kvazaŭ tiu magia etoso videbla en filmoj, aferoj simple rekuniĝantaj kvazaŭ per ekstera forto, ili du estu kune. Ŝajnis kvazaŭ ĉio pliboniĝus, ĉar estis ĉio brila kaj fajrerema jam dekomence, sed estis efektive pli kiel anesteza momento; aferoj malbonaj estis ankoraŭ tie, revenontaj.
La malsano de mia amato estas mensa; vi scias, la memsabotado, cerbo iranta kontraŭ kio devus esti sia natura emo, ekvolante sin vundi, resti tie por putriĝi, jes, tiaj aferoj. Kion ni havas estas tiel intensa kaj bona, mi ne povis pensi ke ni ne kunirus iam. La kaosa momento venas denove. Ne, ĝi jam estis ĉi tie, kiel mi diris, sed nur ekvolis aperi senkaŝe, denove, pli detruema ĉi-foje, ŝajne, pli forta, en kelkaj partoj, aŭ estas nur ĉar aferoj malĝojemiĝis pro tio ke, ekstervide, estas du volantaj sed nenio fukncianta.
Mi ne memoras ke iam antaŭe mi volis fini ĉion ĉi, sed, jen, mi volas fini, ĉar estas tro malbone, aferoj min sentigas malbone, malĝojigas, malplenigas, konfuzas; ĉiu malbonaĵo estas nur malbonfartigilo, pli igante min malsupren. Ni unu la alian ŝatas, kion ni havas estas forta, nia interparolado estas tiel natura, ĉi tio kaj nia kunvivado iras tiel flue kiel pilko faligita sur monteto. Sed kion fari se mallumo pli grandas ol lumo? La malbonaj momentoj okazas pli ol la bonaj, la problemaj momentoj okazas pli ol la senproblemaj, provoj solvi ne ŝajnas multe fari, la deziro, la espero ke ĉio boniĝos estas preskaŭ nur ĉe unu flanko. Ŝi ne plu volas vidi min, ŝi ne emas simple, la magio malaperis, ŝajnas. Ĉiu tago for estas nur helpo por malplibonigi ĉion, estas doni pli da spacon por la malsano, ĉar esti for estas iel fini kion ni ankoraŭ havas, eĉ se parte, pecon post peco.
Penado venas de unu flanko plejofte, tiel ŝajnas, ĉar ĉe la alia, tie la malsano ne lasas aferojn funkcii, estas tenado. Mi ne vidas ke mi povus kulpigi ŝin; estas facile tion fari kiam la afero estas nevidebla kaj venas de ŝi, sonas kvazaŭ intence, nek mi diru ke mi emas juĝi aferojn kvazaŭ ili estas senvarie tiel, ĉar mi sentas ke mi ne bone komprenas kio okazas, mi devas esti justa. Ĉi tio estas kvazaŭ io preter ŝia kapablo, kvazaŭ domo malpuriĝanta, sed ĉar io alia ĝin malpurigas, ne la posedanto; sed... mi ne scias, eble ŝiaflanke io misiras ankaŭ, pli da peno necesas; facile ne estas kontraŭbatali la malsanon, certe, sed eble la inercio ankaŭ ekzistas pro ŝi mem, kiel ajn influata de la malsano ŝi estas. Sed se almenaŭ ŝi volus la bonon inter ni ankaŭ... ĉar, ene de ŝi, influata aŭ ne, ŝi ne volas, ŝi ne vidas solvon, kaj tio helpas la neagemon. Vi povus diri ke estas ne bonaj agoj miaflanke ankaŭ, kaj mi konsentu, tamen mi ne certas ĉu fari alie vere ion ŝanĝus fine de la tago, tial ke ne ĉi tio, tiel pensas mi, estas la fonto de la problemo; ĉu tio malpezigus aferojn, verŝajne jes, sed ĉu tio forigus la malsanon, tion oni ne diru.
Skribi mian mallumaĵon iom forigis, kaj donante spacon al mia espero. Legi kion mi mem diris vidigas min kio povas esti okazonta, la fino de ĉio. Mi ne volas tion, tute ne. Ĉu pro insistemo de mia persono, ĉu pro io ajn alia, mi volas nin kune, bonajn kaj tion superintajn, vivantajn kion ni havas vere senbaroj, sen tiu malbonaĵo. Sed la nedecidemo restas, kaj vundas.
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cerentari · 1 month
Belloscone ci manchi! 706 bis
Com’è triste la politica senza il belloscone, i suoi bunga bunga, la sua corruzione innata, le leggi pro domo sua, le balle. Oggi rimangono le squallide gesta del faxino che si è fottuto un flacone di profumo al duty free, il totano appena uscito dai domiciliari, il grullo del piddì che è trasmigrato dalla direzione del suo partito per fare l’amministratore delle società di spinello spinelli. E’…
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leanstooneside · 3 months
Slingshot catapult missile dropkick combination
1. pro domo
2. barbarous blood
3. many lingering
4. other hand
5. half savage
6. many God
7. gentler hour
8. pleasant nights
9. great breath
10. good rumour
11. poluphloisboious sea
12. red closing
13. potential celebrity
14. warm suns
15. large Silk
16. immediate application
17. upper arm
18. high road
19. pure mind
20. round; Blagueur
21. mere will
22. real Texas
23. distant seacoast
24. infamy; usury
25. respectable terror
26. blue satin
27. classic horns
28. insubstantial manna
29. late My
30. dear Lynceus
31. solicitous reprobations
32. white swans
33. social inconsequence
34. good mouth
35. high stool
36. little mouth
37. next man
38. foreign lover
39. vacant gaze
40. pretty boy
41. funeral Seeing
42. largemouthed
43. last scion
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blogadrianaleite-blog · 3 months
vi no enjoei: raro prato de parede em latão, em homenagem a alfonso xii, rei da espanha de 1874 a 1885,
alfonso xii foi rei espanha de 1874 a 1885. também conhecido como o pacificador. lindo e histórico. o veludo um pouco manchado, porém os entalhes estão bem definidos e bem preservados. beleza, nobreza e historia para sua casa ou coleção. 22cm de diâmetro.
Alphonsus XII rex Hispaniae ab anno 1874 ad 1885 fuit. pulcherrima et historica. holoserica aliquantulum maculata, sed anaglypha bene definita et bene conservata. pulchritudo, nobilitas et historia pro domo tua vel collectione. 22cm diam.
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crazy-so-na-sega · 3 months
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AHAHAH....bravo Xi, fatti pagare in yuhan e riscrivi le carte geografiche pro domo tua, che fin'ora non t'era riuscito...dagliele secche...👍
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abatelunare · 1 year
A dopo...
Devo uscire anche oggi pomeriggio. Stavolta, però, lo faccio pro domo mea. Ho alcune cose (troppe, temo) da sistemare. Vado, se no non ce la faccio più. A più tardi.
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