#the-winds-of-kushala writing
evilminji · 4 months
So, I was reading some Percy Jackson fic stuff today and....I had a Danny Phantom thought.
And thought you might vibe with this at least a little bit.
Anyways, you know how the Phandom frequently has Clockwork be Kronos, or at least a piece of Kronos that regrets his actions towards his children?
Now, Danny being adopted by Clockwork. Who keeps bringing him little pieces of clouds and stars to bake into cookies and turn into marshmallows, and always has a pitcher of fresh rainwater for Danny to drink from if he feels thirsty.
Danny is very much vibing with this. He gets to Eat Space!!! The Sky is a part of him now, and he can FEEL that final frontier so very much at hand. He can close his eyes and See.
Earth below him, kept safe and warm under him, like a mother duck with an egg.
Looking up, Space is right there. It rolls against his back like a friend. The Sun bears down on him, as if bearing witness to him.
And then Danny...Dreams. He dreams of a Time that is not his own, but yet is, all at once.
Time's sickle takes him apart. Methodically, but as painless as he can make it. Kronos his son weeps, even as he and his siblings his babies reach for their Father's pieces and carefully, lovingly, place each and every single one amidst the sky.
"Forgive us" they say.
"We did as we must. We could not let you continue" they weep all over again.
"We will take care of the world you leave behind" They promise.
And so, Ouranos watches. Even with the weight if a Prophecy, and Fate upon them, his children would forever love their parents. He could've been stuck underneath the ground, where that detestable Tartarus was locked away.
But every child of Sky and Earth took the care to place their Father amidst his element. His pieces became the very Sky itself.
And then Danny wakes up.
His hands shake, and his everything aches with fleeting memories. The Infinite Realms are home to dead Gods and Titans. Who's to say, the Father of the Titans could not be spawned with it's embrace?
The next time Clockwork hugs him, Danny knows. His very skin sings with love and joy, that at least one of his children did not forget him.
But no matter how many pieces of the Sky he may eat, no matter how many memories of Old Man Ouranos Danny regains, that has passed.
Time greets the Sky once again, Father and Son reunited, but this go around it falls upon Kronos to be the Father, and Ouranos the Beloved Son.
In the back of his head Danny hears a song. One that Ouranos and Gaea used to sing for their little ones. He knows where the other half of the melody is. Soon, they shall be reunited.
(Hope that's at least halfway coherent? I know some people are gonna be mad that I'm making Danny more than Just Some Guy again, but is that not the spirit of fanfics? To take your specialest blorbo and Put Them in Situations?
Anyways, TL,DR: Danny's Space Obsession is in part his previous life as Ouranos, the Sky, Father of the Titans. Kronos, as Clockwork, is raising his Father's reincarnation and returning his pieces to him, now that pesky Prophecies aren't in the way.
They decide that letting Clocky be the Dad this time around suits them just fine.
Danny hears the song he and his wife, the Earth used to sing, and will answer her call soon, ((who Gaea is is up to interpretation, although I the show itself practically tosses Sam into this role)) once he's NOT a mess from the split memories)
Oh THIS? This is lovely! I DO vibe. Honestly can't think of anything I want to add, but I SURE DO WANNA MAKE SURE EVERYONE SEES IT.
Look at it! o/ *smacks it on your dashboard*
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wyverian-lady525 · 2 years
I wanna add on to the anon tech post , I hope anon doesn't mind :).
So, I think that the MH world would incorporate technology with nature, in a healthy way...
Like they would get monsties to help with Hydro-electric (Namille and maybe Oroshi and normal Kirin's), Wind powered (Kushala Daora, and potentially rathalos/rathian), and Perhaps even thermal (Teostra/Lunastra, maybe Velkhana too?) Plants.
They'd also most likely take a turn from steampunk to like Solar-engineering. (If you've heard of Loftia, then maybe Solarpunk would be a better word?)
Sorry for the infodump but, it's a good idea! And a very intriguing concept! :D
now I wanna write an au about this lol
I think this is an interesting concept to discuss. And I love the ideas, Lyra! Monster hunter is all about the nature world around it, so I can see the ideas of them incorporating the natural world into their technological process.
In truth, there would always be some evil to counteract the good, but the majority would be for this purpose I hope. With monsters assisting the people.
It is a very intriguing idea! And I think it would be cool if Capcom ever made something like that, even if it's small. Like, a sci-fi monster hunter thing where there is much more technology.
and it would be cool if you did :D
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pawacelsus · 4 years
I am literally so mad at the kushala daora do tomorrow, rather than do school I think I'm going to write a genuine, whole-ass fucking essay about how it failed at being a challenge but succeeded in being hard
cause like, Nergigante was a challenge that didn't feel artificial? Every attack was hard to dodge but doable, you were punished for mistakes in a fair way (you done move, you GET FUCKED UP), but Kushala doesn't... do that?
the attacks are SO easy to dodge, but then he roars you into oblivion and doesn't give you the chance to dodge, hits you with staggering wind attacks that just. don't... feel good?
and listen, my favorite games are based around being unfair and challenging. I'm not saying "hard=bad." But there's a difference between hard for the sake of challenge and hard for the sake of hard.
ill do more research and write an entire thing on difficulty in games and how bullshit tactics aren't fun at all compared to a genuine challenge soon ajdjfjmr
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