#the100 6x04
tvandmovies4u · 4 years
Throwback to Season 6 --
Josephine admiring Clarke’s body:
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girlobsessed21 · 5 years
The 100 - 6x04: The face behind the glass review and predictions.
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Before we get into the specifics, I’m a little scared of the rehashing of old narratives that comes to surface in this episode especially. Not sure how I feel about all the parallels. In my trailer analysis, I did point out the fact that it does not seem that much different than previous seasons: There are no good guys, we kill them so that we can live and blah, blah, blah. Even so, I’m interested and invested to see what types of unique twists and turns this story will throw at us. Jason Rothenberg, you better not disappoint.
The face behind the glass written by Charmaine DeGrate and directed by Tim Scanlan, who is known for directing the sex scenes on the show. Dead giveaway. Not my favorite so far, but a lot of things happened that has me excited for the rest of the season.
Is there a better way to open an episode than Diyoza joking with her unborn child? It’s no secret she’s in my top 5 favorite characters and keeps climbing the charts. So, the Sanctumites offer her a deal: Save Rose and we’ll take care of your baby, which she takes, to offer her child a life and it’s something to do other than trying to survive. But in known Diyoza fashion on condition of a gun and a bike. 
Then, Simone begs Russel to cancel naming day on account of spies inside the compund. They’ve already been deprived of three primes (Kaylee’s family) and Rose. Pushing them towards extinction at an alarming rate and it once again becomes obvious that Clarke will become Josephine, yet I’m now intrigued by Madi. The cultish way in which these people worship the primes are uncanny and wayward. But then again all cults are weird. I don’t believe in the divinity of the primes either.
Russel disagrees by saying: “If we cancel, Gabriel wins.” Last week I thought that Gabriel will be brought back to life in one of the hosts, but I think there’s something else going on there. It’s clear now that Gabriel and his children are against the revival of the primes, bringing about the question: How has he survived all these years?
Priya and Jordan share some sweet intimate moments where he tells her he feels guilty for becoming another taunting face behind the glass. Which was necessary to show he’s still grieving his parents even while having fun. Her referral to this line later before she becomes a prime is crucial though, meaning there might be a possibility for her to come back.
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The four pillars of Sanctum: Repent, Renew, Rejoice, Rebirth. Accentuating rebirth very literally. We know from episode two that Russel Lightbourne does not believe in God, but by killing a person for no reason other than so that someone you love can live is playing god in the cruelest way imaginable.
Embracing their traditions, Clarke decides to repent for her sins. She tries to apologize to Raven who won’t have any of it and compares her to Octavia. For me, the biggest difference between Clarke and Octavia is the remorse she feels. She knows what she did was wrong and she’s trying to make up for it. Therefore she deserves forgiveness. I wonder how Raven will react to Clarke’s death? 
Gabriel? Who the f#@k are Gabriel and his children?
As I said earlier, the old man is definitely Gabriel. We don’t know if he’s dead or alive. It can’t be that he lives within a computer because then his existence would be known. 
My guess is the split within Sanctum came recently (using the term loosely). Gabriel had to be one of the 12 primes since he came with them and his blood was also altered. Meaning his conscience was also transferred into a host. He was against the hostile takeover of innocent bodies and decided to rebel by saving the hosts. 
If this happened sixty odd years ago, Gabriel could still be alive somewhere (perhaps in hiding due to a failed conviction) and old. Very, very old. I’m not sure whether his followers are literally his children or just those that have sided with him, but either way, they want to continue his cause. Which they’ve clearly lost sight of. Save the hosts, don’t kill them.
Or this anomaly they mentioned somehow extends life, only it’s dangerous. Who knows, I’m a bit boggled here.
Xavier purposefully left his bag out to save Octavia and Rose. I’m sure I’ve seen this before. Right, Lincoln kidnapped her and saved her simultaneously. I know this is such a retelling of their story, but I loved Linctavia and thus cannot help boarding this ship.
Another season one throwback to Bellamy and Charlotte. But I think I’ve voiced my concerns about these. Poor, poor Rose. That scene was heartbreaking. 
Boy oh boy Bellarke and their romances
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Clarke apologizes to Bellamy and states her reasons even though Bellamy has already forgiven her because he would be a hypocrite not to. And they share what has now become known as a Bellarke hug since it’s all these idiots can ever do.
Clarke hooks up with Cillian (who turns out to be the spy) within two seconds, now I’m not sure about you, but I rolled my eyes. Oh, cute, Clarke has yet another lover added to her long list of previous ones. Finn, Niyalah, Lexa, and Bellamy always on the side. I’m glad it’s a guy though to showcase that she is indeed bisexual and not gay. Bisexuality really needs some appreciation.
No one can tell if Bellamy was only upset with the party as he stated or Clarke having fun with some random dude. Most will say it’s the former and it probably is, yet it’s filmed in a different way. Why did they put him in this scene in the first place? 
When he sees her having fun, he smiles, he’s happy for her. Then the doctor’s all over her and all of a sudden his attitude changes. I don’t want to read too much into it since I had to watch it like six times to draw this conclusion.
He’s hurt and grieving over a lot of things, especially his sister and then he witnesses his “platonic soulmate” in the arms of another man. She’s always known exactly how to get him to open up, what to say to make him feel better and even though he knows he’s not allowed to feel that way, he’s jealous, he realizes he still needs her. 
And that spurs the single tear and his fight with Echo. He even spares another glance over his shoulder when she asks what’s wrong. Or was that just random? Because once he’s calmed down he apologizes to his girlfriend and comforts her when she tells him her backstory after six years of being lied to.
I felt for Echo, her life wasn’t easy, but none of their lives were. Honestly, I just can’t find Becho’s connection. Even though I try, because at some point we have to accept the fact that this is possibly a long term pairing. I’ve made my peace, I’ll ignore them. Give Echo an individual storyline and I might just start liking her more. 
A Red Queen and a terrorist walk into a bar
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First of all, I have to show my gratitude for the glimpses of Octavia’s humanity. She’s in there and she’s slowly swimming to the top. That thorned rose is blossoming once again, thank you, Bellamy, for your part in this.
This is a weapon of mass destruction if I’ve ever seen one. A pregnant terrorist and a former evil queen. Yes, this is what I’m talking about. I might just write fanfiction about it.
“The devils of earth become the heroes of Sanctum.” They’re set out to kill Gabriel, but I doubt that will occur. From all I’ve heard, he’s good. Enhanced by Cillian’s words: “There are two sides to every story.” So, they will most likely join forces against Sanctum in some way. Hopefully not blowing up another planet. Please do something interesting here.
Okay, my first take on Josephine Ada Lightbourne was very wrong. To me, she seemed smart, funny and confident. Now she looks like the devil in disguise (No pun intended.) 
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Reverting back to my earlier assumption about Delilah/Priya. It’s evident that Delilah no longer exists within her body which sets Jordan on edge. But that small statement along with knowing the mind of the host is erased but the brain is unharmed propels me to believe they can come back. Somehow. Hopefully.
Simone says, “I’ll prep for insertion, you clear the host.” Did that mean Clarke’s mind might be stored in some device too? They must have a way of extracting consciousness to transfer it to a host. Thus Clarke Griffin’s mind will be backed up somewhere as well. Not for too long before it’s disposed of, I’m sure.
Come on Madi (Lexa and Becca), Bellamy, Abby, Jordan, Raven, Murphy. You have to figure this out and bring her back before its too late. I refuse to believe Princess Clarke is dead. If she is, my mind is blown in a bullet to the brain kind of way. 
One scenario is that Josephine will have to give forth a ruse of being Clarke and willingly accept the “honor” of becoming a prime. She’s been indulging in all their other conventions, why not this one, right? But Jordan now knows what happened to Delilah, so they will try to stop her. Most likely Madi or Bellamy will notice a difference within her.
The dangerous alternative will be for Josephine to simply embrace her new host by saying they brought her to life after Cillian murdered her. Sanctumites, you have no idea how much Clarke’s people care about her. This might even sway those currently mad at her for an investigation.
A few last things
Russel does feel bad about what he’s doing, but so did Dante Wallace.
Raven and Wick (Sorry the other mechanic) what is that? Five minutes after Shaw’s death. Or was it only the motorcycle. Why does this show give us seedlings of relationships that will have no chance of growing?
Is Shadeheda Cadogen and what will he bring to the table?
Madi tasting her first cookie was awesome!
I missed Murphy this episode. His presence is required at all times.
What will happen to Niylah on the ship? And when will Indra make her appearance?
Will Russel and Simone find out that Abby knows how to create nightblood? 
Let me know what you think.
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poppykru · 4 years
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♕ clarke griffin is an iconTM
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serpentiinequeen · 5 years
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“From now on we look forward, not back.”
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sawyeritsdanvers · 5 years
You know what’s devastating? The fact that the one moment Clarke Griffin thought it was safe to let her guard down, she was betrayed and then betrayed again. Mark my words, my girl is gonna fight her way back to the surface and t h r i v e.
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when your favorite manga makes an appearance in your favorite show. give a cookie to the person who decided Jasdevi were a great addition to the set TwT
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lovingamora · 5 years
me: when they got out a chip with an infinity symbol on it
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a-cipriano13 · 5 years
When Clarke told Bellamy “You are my family too. I lost sight of that, but I promise I will never forget it again. You’re too important to me” and then Bellamy’s “Clarke” I was done! It was powerful when he took that deep breath in as he hugged Clarke because it was like he’d been waiting for things to go back to normal with Clarke and I am HERE FOR THIS EMOTIONAL BELLARKE! They’ve always been family
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283livesforone · 5 years
I have never been so mad for such a long period of an episode of anything ever.
*also this is the first time I’m writing this as I watch it so watch me be 1773917391 times more intense than normal*
1. It starts off soft. Here I am all happy and shocked that none of my stans are being tourchered...
2. Diyoza talking to her daughter is the cutest thing we love a dedicated bad ass mother
3. Okay so this is getting low key flame-cult-ish again....
4. Delilah and Jordan are absolute cute softies look who’s taking after his parents footsteps in being the softest ship alive!!
4b. My boy moves fast though... damn...
5. Hey moderately cute doctor guy... stop flirting with my gal Clarke!
5b. Oof I think he’s actually being an interlectual human and trying to help??
6. Okay they’re DEFINITELY spitting an A.I in someone.
7. Lol why are spacekru so awkward, watch Clarke and Jordan happily skip off to make new friends while them three awkwardly stand and try not to look defensive
8. Raven. I hate you.
8b. No like seriously.
8c. You used to compete with Clarke for my favorite character and you were very much one of my all time favorite females but now-
8d. Leave.
9. High key wanted Clarke to remind Raven about how they also left her behind to die and it was just god damn lucky she had night blood and there was such a slim chance of that even working but she still sacrificed herself because that’s what the real hero of this story does.
10. You have no idea how badly I want Madi to go to school. That hurt.
11. Echo calling Murphy out on being an alcoholic mess. An icon.
12. The last few episodes echos been growing on me more an more. I’m happy with this.
12b. I never said be cho was though!
13. That whole opening ceremony thing on the balcony was high key disturbing... they are definitely doing some weird A.I shit
14. That one guy who low key seemed to be helping Octavia kinda reminds me of Lincoln. I don’t know how I feel about that. This better not be another love interest I’m sorry but she has such an important plot line as it is Jason’s really going overboard with the new ships at the moment and it’s too freaking much.
15. Octavia looks more like old O and I’m living for it.
16. Ouchy. Forgiveness bellarke content. This hurts. Woah. I miss you. *bellamy’s face when Clarke calls him family hehe*
17. Is it just me or was that the weirdest bellarke hug ever. The way the just pulled apart as if they wanted nothing more than to not be touching was really weird and kinda uncomfortable to watch. I do not approve. It seems forced. Nope. *jason trying to convince us bellarke isn’t real by making the hug short*
18. But I must say I’m really enjoying all these bellarke x sharing parenting tips scenes
19. So at this point I’m only 18 minutes in and my blood is already boiling. Can’t get much worse. Oh wait-
20. If this is another Raven love interest I am suing. I’m sorry Jason but. There. Is. A. Point! You can’t just keep throwing more and more ships at us till we like one! It doesn’t work that way!
21. Low key seeing some old Raven here. I like that. Maybe she can be redeemed after all. Maybe.
22. Ughhh I do not want another Clarke love interest! You cannot mention lexa every other episode, give her a child who is the most important person in her life, put her in the position of trying to fix countless old relationships and give her a new one entirely! It’s. Too. Much.
23. We see you Jordan. *fetus meets his first female he’s not related to* -five minutes later- *has lost his V, is in a physical and emotional relationship, thoroughly taking part in the whole pda thing*
24. Oof... becho fight.... trouble in paradise? What. A. Shame.
25. Octavia and Rose make me so happy. I see some real Octavia slipping through the cracks!! Hope is not lost!
26. DONT KILL THE SMALL HUMAN! Well great. The one good thing Octavia does and you take it away from her. You will be hearing from my lawyers Jason!
27. Diyoza and Octavia is a duo I am living for.
28. Woah Clarke!
29. She is definitely getting an A.I.
30. Don’t make my boy Jordan sad! Not allowed!
31. Ah... so doctor guy is the spy. Okay I get this now. Low key creepy that he has to have drawings of everyone it would be a much better use of his time to just write their names but you do you I guess
33. Oh damn... she doesn’t even know who Jordan is anymore....
34. This is the becho I can deal with. Give me actual development like this and I’ll learn to live with it I guess
35. I do like echo a lot more now though.
36. I’m mad. I’m mad. I’m really mad.
37. Okay so while I’m not okay with the whole putting an A.I with Josephine I’m it inside Clarke and everything but we all know she’ll be okay in the end so here’s a big thing to make space kru actually realise Clarke needs their freaking help not just their complaining and hate. Let them get worried about her for once. Let someone have to save her for once. Let them see how hard she’s worked saving their asses for so long. Let. Them. Miss. Her.
38. *Josephine looks down towards Clarke’s cleavage* “I can work with this” I CANT DEAL THIS IS HILARIOUS I STAN.
Okay so all in all this is my favorite episode so far. For once a lot actually happened and I finally watched an episode on the day it cake out. I spent most of it superrrr mad but if Raven gets her head out of her ass, Bellamy and Octavia sort out their problems and Clarke gets some appreciation I’ll be fine
*watch none of that ever happen*
Feeling: stressed, impatient for next week, full of love for Clarke and Jordan, mad at Raven.
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alexiaryder · 5 years
okay I’ve just watched the episode aaaand THE HUG???? am I even alive? the way they were looking at each other made me wanna cry so I cried
and also god stop hurting clarke she’s suffered enough let her be happy LET THEM ALL BE HAPPY
that’s it that’s the talk.
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i-choose-satogou-op · 5 years
Bellarke hugging it out
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Clarke kissing Hot Doktor
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un-mundo-tipico · 5 years
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memesthe100-blog · 5 years
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#The100 #season6 #6x04 #The_100_memes
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#The100 Episode 6x04 The Face Behind the Glass Inside The Episode https://bit.ly/2vBBCLc
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a-cipriano13 · 5 years
I was destroyed when I realized that no one was coming to save Clarke and that they would succeed in putting Josephine in her body. So I’m just gonna wait for everyone to figure out that she’s not Clarke. I do think it’ll be Madi who saves Clarke but I’m hoping Bellamy will be the one to figure out that she’s not their Clarke.
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a-cipriano13 · 5 years
I can’t believe that’s what it means to be a prime. Giving up your life for someone else?!?! Bring Delilah back. BRING CLARKE BACK!
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