dragonshine · 5 years
Piper: You’re like the coolest person I’ve ever met and you don’t even have to try.
Nathaniel: I try really hard, actually.
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dragonshine · 5 years
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Read if you want to induce tears at 1 am!!! One sided Nat/kitty!!! CRIES...
If you are looking for the ultimate Nathaniel IS DeAD Post PG speech to Kitty here it is.
Forgive us our debts by Bowles 
If you are wondering how on earth I’m spamming so much.
I’m just sharing all my favourite lines that I have practically memorized because TBT is my coping mechanism and cheers me up when I’m sad. I have read ALMOST EVERY english BART FANFIC TO EVER EXIST (that I could find.) Although this one is for tanking your mood to marina trench level!! Join me down here!!!
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dragonshine · 5 years
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“It meant you’d be okay.”
Throw me into the ocean bury my body in a fire, 5 years and I still haven’t gotten over this profound and heartbreaking fan-statement.
Time and Essence chapter 3 by The.Unaccounted.Tragedy 
They get their happy ending! Nat is a spirit. Cute and fluffy! Good characterization! Romance~ *Wiggles eyebrows at you.*
Read the full work here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5019557/3/Time-and-Essence
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dragonshine · 7 years
Nathaniel: (sighs) My old enemy, we have crossed paths again....
(Nat’s) Conscience: .....
Nat: This time I swear I will vanquish you AHHHHH
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dragonshine · 7 years
What Does Name "Mandrake" Mean
You have psychic power. You can carry on for others with joy.  You have a receptive nature and may bear burdens for others. You are pragmatic, thorough, strong-willed, practical and stubborn at times. You are hard working, often martyr to duty. You like home and security above all.You are bold, independent, inquisitive and interested in research. You know what you want and why you want it. Dependable, very down-to-earth and well grounded, you are always looking for meaningful work, a career where you can take pride in your work and do the best job you are capable of. Your prime desire is to build protected and secure environment at home and at work. You can be very persuasive in achieving goals and gaining objectives. You can be very detailed and well-organized and possess great organizational skills. At times you may appear too stubborn and overly critical to others, but your practical approach to life and productivity makes you one of the most beneficent members of community.
Well well....
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dragonshine · 8 years
Just a thought but does this new movie coming out reminds anyone of Bartimaeus trilogy much? LIke, way too much. Or is it just me, cause I see every as connected to TBT.
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dragonshine · 8 years
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My first decent human ever! Happy early halloween!
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dragonshine · 8 years
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Sketch. Fake screenshot thing, if you guys want to see more of this please follow!
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dragonshine · 9 years
Nat and Kitty zodiac signs
bracket=my thoughts
Kitty’s zodiac sign is : Fire Rabbit Element (a rabbit...why)
With the passion of the Fire Element, the Fire Rabbit is the most intense and active of all the Rabbit Types. Not suffering from the indecisiveness of most Rabbits,(true) the Fire Rabbit is bold and precise in their action. Taking to the fiery nature of their element, the Fire Rabbit loves adventure and will actively seek out fun, exciting experiences. Luckily, the passion of the Fire Rabbit does not cancel out their sensitivity and emotional intuition, which allows them to be quite charming. .(donno bout that) These qualities combine to make the Fire Rabbit a natural leader.(true that) With those they hold dear, the Fire Rabbit can be affectionate and loving.(yes)
Fire Rabbit Career The charisma and passion of the Fire Rabbit can play a key role in the career success of the Fire Rabbit. As others are glad to follow the Fire Rabbit, those born under the sign may do well in management, business or public relations. On the other hand, the lack of interest in material gain may lead the Fire Rabbit on a life of adventure, possibly as a missionary or following other international humanitarian efforts.(I can see this) The passion of the Fire Rabbit has been known to translate to success in sports. (Jacob beats her in sports)  
Nathaniel’s : (OK, I get the dragon part, always thought of him as a dragon) With a double influence of the Earth Element, the Earth Dragon is the most stable and grounded of all the different Dragon types. With a less self-centered personality,(SAY WHAT) the Earth Dragon can display patience, (HA!)prudence and a realistic mindset to all aspects of their life. Those born under the Earth Dragon sign have the ability to keep an open mind and take the opinions of others into consideration(WHAT OPINION); this gift is paired nicely with the determination and hardworking nature that all Dragon signs share.(TRUE THAT) The Earth Dragon can be considered a natural manager with gifts for organization and adaptability.(YES)
Earth Dragon Career With gifts for determination, practicality and organization, the Earth Dragon can be successful in a variety of careers. (TRUE)The Earth Dragon could lead others as a manager, administrator or organizer. Similarly, the Earth Dragon would do well to take their work ethic to the world of business or advertising. Those born in 1988 have been known to show great success in music(HAVE YOU HEARD HIM PLAY, the teacher yells at him) or entertainment,(he is entertaining, when he’s mad that is)
Ok and i have another one from another webstite that is all true
Earth Dragon:1928, 1988 :Smart, ambitious, and hardworking and another: oh i am having too much fun with this
Force and power are the symbols attributed to the Dragon. There is a decidedly exotic air about Dragon people, especially among the women, who fairly exude sexuality. Indeed, whether male or female, Dragons are libidinous and score quite a hit with the opposite sex.
To the Chinese, the Dragon is born in the most desirable year. Possessing magical powers, the versatile Dragon is capable of soaring to the highest heavenly heights or diving to the depths of the sea. On one hand shrewd, healthy and full of vitality, the Dragon also possesses a mystical side, intuitive, artistic and strangely lucky. However, Dragons can plunge pretty low, becoming irritable, stubborn and impetuous. The Dragon's mystical allure may become a bit too other worldly, making him or her difficult to get close to. A Dragon's unsatisfactory love life may lead to a string of loves and marriages. Believing themselves invincible, Dragons must beware of excesses, for with their uncommon strength, they can harm themselves, or "scorch their wings."
Flexible and accommodating, they fit in with whatever is going on around them -- but for only as long as it suits them. This is because they are self-determined types and don't take kindly to being dominated by others. Although seemingly affable and agreeable, they can be as ferocious and dangerous as the mythical beast on whom the sign is based.
Temperamentally, Dragons are somewhat hot-headed and quick-tempered; when angered they will give as good as they get. Dragons can also be hypocritical if things are not quite right or not up to their expectations. Dragons are idealists and perfectionists; they demand a lot and they give a lot. Enthusiastic to the point of impetuosity, Dragons have big mouths. Their words overrun their thoughts, and their hearts run away with their heads. Intellectually, they are clever, bright, sharp people, yet on occasion they will throw all logic to the wind and follow their hunches. Fortunately for them, they are strong on intuition and invariably all works out well. In a confrontation, Dragons have a tendency to misjudge the situation, and are not too adept at extricating themselves from difficulties. Interestingly, no matter what surprises Fate may have in store, whatever difficulties or hardships these people may encounter along the road, Dragons will always ultimately land on their feet. They will be a success wherever they go, regardless of their chosen careers.
Dragons may devote themselves to a great cause or work, and if so, they will see it through to the end. This talent work two ways, as they can be equally devoted to a bad cause and equally successful in it. Dragons can't help but win!
This is undoubtedly due to the fact that of all the Chinese signs, those born under the influence of the Dragon are considered the luckiest of all and good fortune simply follows them wherever they go. Not only that, they also have the Midas touch. It is said that the Year of the Dragon is good for business and all money-making schemes. Consequently, those born in this year have an inherent knack for attracting money and they generally enjoy financial prosperity. The Chinese say that the Dragon leaves wealth and prosperity in his path. Hence, the Dragon leads the street processions during Chinese New Year. The Dragon brings the Four Benedictions of the East -- wealth, virtue, harmony, and long life.
A sociable, executive type with a compulsive drive to control his environment and the people around him. He is fair and appreciative of other's opinions, realistic, stable and a bit impersonal.
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dragonshine · 9 years
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