piratespencil · 7 months
omg hii idk if u remember this but i was looking through the ancient texts (thebigfour-rp, i was pitch black) and saw you were flynn ryder and i just want you to know that us crafting Shadow Thief AKA pitchxflynn is a meme among my friends and thank you for your service and i will never forget you
Oh my gosh!! That's incredible. :D I still think about that old rp group all the time, I had such a blast as Flynn and the Pitch/Flynn stuff was so fun... I love that Shadow Thief lives on with you and your friends. 😂 I'm so glad that a bunch of that rp stuff is still online... Truly I will never forget.
(For real thank you so much for reaching out to me!! I have huge nostalgia for that old rp group... Shadow Thief will live forever in my heart.)
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writhingcreature · 3 years
Hey, if you’re in the Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons fandom and like the Big Four (Rapunzel, Hiccup, Jack and Merida) and are on my blog by chance because you’ve noticed I’ve been making content for them and you want more? Oh boy do I have the informational post for you!
1. I have an rp server I made that’s about to get going, but we still need more characters! Unfortunately the main four are taken, as well as Varian from the Tangled spin off, Gothel, and Heather from the HTTYD tv show, but! All the other characters are there! We have a very long list, and once we get that more filled out we even plan to start allowing OC’s so keep an eye out for that!
2. I have an incorrect quotes blog @thebigfour-ftw! It mainly focuses on the main four, but there will be sneak peaks from other characters that I can promise. Recently I’ve been watching the HTTYD tv show spin offs and have been dying to make some kind of content for it so! That might happen 👀
3. I’m writing a fic on AO3! (surprise: it’s poly!) It combines the universes of all four franchises, and the people who’ve read it and left comments thus far seem to really like it! I posted the third part yesterday and have already almost finished part four! Each part is about 4-6,000 words which means there’s already a lot to read and enjoy :)
Hope y’all have fun! Fingers crossed that I’ll see you around :)
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stepintotheopenair · 11 years
Girl Power (Astrid and Merida)
stepintotheopenair asked: Merida grunted with frustration as she stumbled over another fallen log. She had been wandering around these unfamiliar woods for several hours now, and, although she was loathe to admit it, she might be a little lost. "Where--?" she turned on the spot, looking for a way out of the mass forest. Then, she paused. She could hear, very faintly, the sound of someone else moving through the woods. Realizing that it was footsteps, Merida grinned -she was saved!- and took off towards the sound.
(do you want to turn this into a para??)
Astrid sighed, her shoulder’s slumped forward, and took a moment to admire her work. She had left three thin slices along the bark of a tree; two overlapping and one but a few centimeters away. Almost perfect. She took a prideful step back. For someone who hadn’t practiced axe throwing in several weeks, she hadn’t lost a second of the skill she had been building up her entire life.
She grinned, dropping her axe to her side, and glanced up towards the sky through the trees. By the swirls of oranges and red peeking through the ever-present clouds, she could tell the sun was setting. 
She should be heading back to the village. Before it got dark.
She had only taken a few steps in the direction of home when she heard the sound of fast-moving feet echo through the forest. She searched around on high alert before noticing a wave of unruly orange hair out of the corner of her eye. She turned towards the source of the footsteps; a girl not much older than she was with sharp blue eyes and curls of auburn hair pouring from her scalp. 
((No, I just randomly send out messages that could potentially become a para, just for the heck of it  Yes, if you don't mind ^^))
"Ah'm sorry ta disturb you," Merida called back, hurrying down an incline, stepping over roots and leaves and what not.  "Ah'm just glad ta see another person," she explained, readjusting her bow on her back upon seeing the huge axe the girl had.  "Mah name's Merida, and Ah think Ah may have gotten a wee bit lost."  Merida cringed somewhat sheepishly.  "Doya happen ta know tha way out o' this infernal forest?" Merida paused for breath, finally looking the girl over.  She looked younger than Merida, though not by much, and was dressed in a very different fashion than Merida.  There was also that huge axe that she hoisted around with ease, but set Merida on edge.  Perhaps she shouldn't have bothered this girl...
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stepintotheopenair · 11 years
Merida slouched down in her throne, cheek on her fist, elbow on the armrest.  She groaned, causing Elinor to glance over with raised eyebrows.  Merida pulled a face at her mum, and the queen turned back to the crowd in front of them, subtly rolling her eyes.  Merida went back to reveling in her misery as her parents, the fellow clans, and the vikings continued negotiations.
There was one thing that caught Merida’s attention, though.  Standing slightly behind the vast figure of the leader of the vikings —Stork the Huge, or something like that— was a substantially smaller young man, looking just as bored and annoyed as Merida.  But what really caught her attention was the fact that he was missing the lower half of his leg, and in it’s place was a very unique peg leg.  
Merida glanced from the boy to her parents, then back.  She glanced at her parents one last time before slipping off her thrown and quickly hurrying into the crowd.
She pushed and nudged and “Pardon me!“‘d her way through the assembled people, trying to be as subtle as possible.  Finally, she came to a stop behind the boy.  She saw Elinor notice her, look at Merida’s empty throne and back, and Merida gave her mother a guilty grin.
She leaned over to the shaggy haired, peg legged boy, and tapped him on the shoulder, softly asking, “You look as bored as Ah am.  Wot doya say to gettin’ out o’ here?”
Why was he even here again?  Hiccup sighed, unable to even see what was going on around the girth of his father.  Just as he was considering his exit options, he felt someone tap his shoulder and jumped a bit.  When he turned around he was shocked to see the Princess standing there.
“You look as bored as Ah am.  Wot doya say to gettin’ out o’ here?” she asked, and Hiccup thanked Thor that he wasn’t the only one.
“You just read my mind,” he admitted quietly and looked around at for an exit.  “How are we going to get away?” he whispered, knowing that even though there was really no point in him being here they’d try to make him stay anyway.
Merida raised a hand and pointed directly into the mass of people, vikings and her parents subjects alike.  "We go through tha'," she said, her voice low.  She glanced around, taking note of the somewhat menacing appearances of the vikings.  "But we have ta be quick about it," she added.  Pushing some stray curls out of her eyes, she smiled at the boy, a challenge gleaming in the blue orbs.  "Ya ready?"
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stepintotheopenair · 11 years
First Meeting (Jack and Merida)
It was a crisp day, a bite in the air as leaves changed to brilliant hues of orange and red.  Merida’s fiery hair was strewn with leaves of said colors, seeing how she was sprawled in a great pile of leaves, laughing at Angus, who was rolling around in a nearby, secondary pile.
The red head was in a good mood.  A day off from classes, she got to sleep in, she managed to get some quality time with her mum, and the cooks had made her favorite dish for breakfast.  Life was good.
Merida and Elinor had gotten back from a brisk walk around the castle about an hour ago; instead of their usual ride around the surrounding forest, they had to instead opt for something quicker, as Elinor had several queenly duties to attend to.  Once back at the castle, the archer-ess headed straight for the stables, where she had collected Angus, some snacks from the kitchens and her archery set, before swinging up on the Clydesdale’s back and riding off at a fast gallop to a clearing in the woods. There, Merida had taken the opportunity to frolic and play in the fallen leaves like a young child, her horse as her only companion.
Speaking of Angus, said horse snorted into a pile of leaves with such force that they blew over to Merida and fluttered over her face, making her laugh and swat them away, half-heartedly chastising, “Angus, stop tha’!” The Clydesdale stilled, whinnying once, and Merida sighed, nestling into the leaves, folding her arms behind her head, and closing her eyes.
When she opened them, she could tell that time had passed; far more time than the two seconds she thought it had been.  The sun was a lot lower in the sky than it had been and Merida winced, realizing she was probably expected back at the castle.
“C’mon Angus, we bes’ be gettin’ back,” the red haired girl sighed, pulling herself to her feet.  She dusted off her dress and attempted to brush at least some of the leaves from her hair before shrugging and giving it up as a bad job.  Merida bent to pick up her bow and quiver, slinging the first over her back and tying the other round her waist.
As she was finishing tying the string, without warning, something collided with the back of her head, almost sending the archer-ess sprawling.  Merida yelped, clapping a hand to the back of her head and spinning to see her attacker.  When she pulled her hand away from her fiery locks, Merida was startled to find that it was snow— someone had hit her with a snowball.
“Hello?” Merida craned her neck, trying to see through the trees, hoping to catch a glimpse of the prankster.  ”Anyone thar?  Hamish?  Harris?  Hubert?”  Still no answer.  She started to turn slowly on the spot, one hand automatically dropping to her quiver and pulling out an arrow, the other arm pulling her bow from her back and notching the arrow against it.
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piratespencil · 11 years
Thing I never thought I'd do: Spend an entire day roleplaying Rapunzel's Prince Charming on tumblr
What I did today: Spent an entire day roleplaying Rapunzel's Prince Charming on tumblr
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