askthejash · 2 years
([{ Information. }])
This is a RP/Askblog for the characters of the musician Chonny Jash!
• No Suggestive/NSFW stuff at all, please.
• Send any asks targeted to Mod Axon at @theloisthatlikes.
• No sort of hate will be tolerated here, do not be queerphobic/ablelist/racist etc.
([{ Character Info. }])
This blog is the collective of Heart, Mind, Soul, and Whole!
The former three are usually who they are, though they can become the latter as well.
(Heart 💜)
my text is purple, my brackets are () and i usually speak in small caps.
he/they/it pronouns, please!
[Mind 🧠]
I usually speak with a blue text. My brackets are [], and I prefer speaking formally, sometimes in ALL CAPS, and with the font Monospace, in bold.
He/It/Tech Pronouns.
{Soul 🔱}
I like speaking with red text, and my brackets are {}. Bolded, casual.
It/He/They preferably.
Whole 👤
I dont really speak with any effects, honestly.
I like he/they.
As Jekyll, I prefer speaking in green writing. I speak with a more formal tone, and my parentheses are 🧪 phials! I may have fancier writing if I am following after Hyde.
As Hyde, my writing is more larger, and nicer looking! I quite like it. Mostly the same formality and parentheses as Jekyll, obviously. Sometimes I may speak without my more prettier writing, especially if I must be quieter or I am following a sentence after Jekyll.
My pronouns are He/They/It, or It/He/They.
Do remember that I am the exact same person, not seperate like the others.
+Mod Axon⚡-
i speak in pink . lots of spaces and i misspell things alot too but ill try to keep that to a minimum , my brackets are +- and i smile alot :}
it/he/zap/tech/they pronouns 👍 . my main blog is @theloisthatlikes .
([{ Tags. }])
In character: #(thescourgetopurge) #[theautomatonfreak] #{thetridentialhost} #thecomplacencysettled
In character commentary: #([{jashspeaks}])
Answering asks: #([{lotsofquestionsanswered}])
Roleplaying: #([{youplayjekyllandiplayhyde}])
Singing lyrics: #([{songsweliketosing}])
Polls: #([{atallyinthehalls}])
Shitposting: #([{aahjesus}])
Other characters: #🧪hereistandhalfaman🧪 #🧪thebackendofmorality🧪
Out of character: #+thejashisamask-
ty for reading 👍
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askthejash · 2 years
favorite animals
All types of birds, in fact.
We also love parrots, and birds of prey like owls, and passerines, just all of 'em!
we also love all sorts of invertebrates!!
Reptiles as well, such as snakes.
can't forget turtles!!
Oh yeah, and the usual mammals, felines, canines, bovids and all of that!
Ask us about any sort of animals, as it is a pleasure to answer!
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