【 @thecrazymedic 】
These streets feel uncomfortable, and no matter how he might shift his weight or roll his shoulders, it doesn’t relieve the feelings of disquiet that have seeped into his spine. Mondo isn’t entirely certain what it might be, however, despite the obvious possibilities. He doesn’t come from somewhere with youkai-somethings that work shopfronts and the like, so that might be what’s set him on guard, but it could just as easily be the open sky.
Whatever it is, maybe it’s the reason he’s immediately on the defensive, immediately suspicious of a man who looks a little shifty to him. He seems that way, at least, and given the recent whispers and rumours he’s heard, Mondo can’t quite hold his tongue.
❝So, you have a reason for bein’ here or...?❞
Maybe it’s a bit rude and a bit forward, but at least Mondo knows better than to outright accuse someone of something when he doesn’t have any kind of proof or evidence. He just has a knee-jerk based on a bias.
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Curious about what the process of getting a job would be. I remember there was a page here that had info on it but I don't remember which one.
You would have to talk to the relevant demon and appeal to them for it. Looking at Medic there, I imagine he might be inclined toward a job at the hospital? If so, he might want to have a chat with one of the High Pixies that are the higher-ups there. You can find the list of demons residing in town and their occupations at the demon blog here.
Also, I neglected to mention in the previous ask about the economy, but your character will of course be compensated if they get a job, yes! They’d receive pay in the form of minor treasures should they choose to go this route.
We’ll try to make sure this info has a clear definition on the blog soon! Thanks for bearing with us!
- Mod ⟨« 𝐙 »⟩
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thecrazymedic replied to your post:A Little Banged Up
No idea but I wouldn’t mind getting that application in.
[In which case these guys can finally learn each other’s names and we call it a day on this thread with plans to explore the Veil? awww yes social link time]
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A Little Banged Up
If Nero could, he’d blame transdimensional vertigo. Or possibly the sheer newness of the landscape. But the truth of the matter was, he didn’t pay attention to where he was going and managed to magnificently trip. The resulting ache was going to become a bruise, blemishing his cheek and souring what was already an overwhelmingly bad mood. It didn’t help that part of his cheek had also been cut open by a jagged sharp edge (wasn’t that a safety hazard), which  
Was there some place he could get this looked at? Somewhere where he could have this examined and treated before the broker looked like he’d been in an alley fight? About to give up hope, a flash of white prompted Nero to move a little faster. His suspicions were confirmed when the flash of white revealed itself to be a lab coat. “Excuse me! Sorry to bother you, but do you mind taking a look at this injury for me?”
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Meeting the Medic
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☠  ➤ “Heh, I didn’t know that we had a doctor in the house. Am I due for a checkup? Oh wait, I didn’t remember scheduling an appointment. Wep, this would be a good time to chat tibia honest with you. Maybe exercise the ol’ funny bone, you know what I’m sayin’ here?”
Give it time. He’ll spill out more skeleton puns.. However among looking around this place, social interactions does give him the chance to spill out some of those pun jokes and share some laughs around.
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