Eye of the Storm | Touko & Cheren
The sky had been grey since dawn that morning, gradually darkening in colour until around noon. Touko looked outside her apartment window and heaved a heavy sigh; no doubt in her mind she’d have to traverse a storm to get to her appointment. 
“I hope he has hot chocolate prepared.” Touko muttered to herself as she wrapped herself up in a winter coat, scarf, gloves and earmuffs. Buffy chittered in reply, already wearing her own little winter outfit to protect her from the freezing cold they were about to fly through. “And something warm for you too! Now, shall we go?” Touko asked after going over the content of her bag one last time, making sure she was ready to go.  About twenty minutes later the two of them landed in front of the trainer school; their meeting place. Or well- inside, of course, but they couldn’t bust through the window this time around. Acting as if she owned the place, Touko threw open the door and entered alongside her Swoobat.  “Yo, nerd! Where you at?”
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echoesoforre · 5 years
🌺 wes with cheren?
Send 🌺 to hear what my muse likes about yours ; accepting! 
definitely one thing that wes likes about cheren is how calm and collected he is! he’s met... way too many people who are either chaotic ( not bad ) or immature for their age ( bad ) and he just... likes having company where we’re all just calm and relaxed and... mom-like, admittedly jfljkas
he also likes, in that same vein, how much cheren cares for his students and younger children. it’s a good quality to have, especially for one who’s only 21
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The City of Awkward Reunions || N & Cheren
@theidealofstrength​ - Starter
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Nimbasa City. A city bustling with life, talent, entertainment, and with the overall general atmosphere of fun, was the one place N was generally attracted to. The bright colours and dynamics of the amusement park drew him in, and he marvelled like a child at the many games, rides and shows that were performed there.  But there was one element to the amusement park, that N was overly fond of. He had memories from times when he and Touko came here, and the many times afterwards he had come on his own - The Ferris Wheel. The Ferris Wheel was as white as snow, and it gleamed brightly in the sunlight. It’s smooth, shiny and overall round, a perfect circle, created by whoever designed it. Underneath the Ferris Wheel, were stands of cotton candy, corn dogs, popcorn and funnel cakes, all which often resulted in the Ferris Wheel smelling just like the delicious treats. It often played music, so it could either be very loud and exciting, or quiet and peaceful. The music it played pierced through the sound of large crowds, and was what attracted N to it in the first place.He watches it spin, around and around. It’s a bright circle of never ending magic and excitement, one that N wants to be a part of.
But... not yet. He had been... tracking? No, maybe he shouldn’t call it tracking, that was a little... weird - Looking, for Cheren. He’d seen that he was coming to Nimbasa City, and thought that maybe Cheren could give him a lead on where Touko was? If not... It was always nice for N to be able to catch up with someone. 
Especially... someone he hadn’t seen in 7 years.
As he spots the familiar face in the crowd, N and Zoroark, who were stood by a bench at the back of the amusement park, start to sift through the mass of people, making their way towards him.
What... is he supposed to say to him? Surprise! It’s been seven years!
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stargazelillie-blog · 6 years
☆ : Of the sun, stars, and the moon, which is your muse’s favorite?
“Don’t get me wrong, stars are…wonderful, and so captivating to watch. But they are fickle and get covered by clouds sometimes…those nights are the loneliest. The sun is sometimes too bright and it gets unbearable…I think the moon strikes the perfect balance. Steadfast yet slightly different every night as it completes each cycle. You know what I mean? Oh, but of course, I still love Nebby no matter which form it takes–if that’s what your question is about. Solgaleo and Lunala are…they’re on a separate level. I don’t think I can ever choose one over the other. They are tied to too many of my memories too, and I wouldn’t like to choose one friend over another.”
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stepoutofthesunn · 6 years
📂 three headcanons?
Sun should have never been introduced to Pokebeans. He spoils his Pokemon WAY too much with those things.
He bites into his ice cream, his teeth feel no cold.
Sun can be a huge fanboy about things cough Red and Greeen cough he just gets really embarrassed after one of his “moments”
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17, 23, 24!
Top five favorite ships/parings.
I decided to keep this to fandom pairings because if I did roleplay ships, there would be a bunch that nobody knows or cares about fhdsjkalfhdjk
5. Pepperony (MCU don’t judge me)4. Mei/Gabu (Arashi no yoru ni)3. Garnet/Rupphire (Steven Universe)2. Johnny/Ophelia/Ripp // Pascal/Nervous (Sims 2 I COULDN’T CHOOSE)1. Jiro/Chie // Taidai (Sakana again you can’t make me choose)
Other two already answered!
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indianacynthia-blog · 6 years
hhhhhhhhhharley :)
Cynthia blushes bright pink. “Cheren,” she says, hiding her face behind her hands. “Why are you doing this to me????”
“I... might like him. But don’t tell him, okay??”
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hildrtxt · 6 years
“I don’t have to fucking tell you anything.” (hmmMm?)
“I don’t have to fucking tell you anything.” 
           The shot was fired.
Each word was like a loaded bullet.     They pierced through her – flesh and bone.
She winced.              It hurt.
      It hurt a lot more than she thought it would.
She thought she could endure all sorts of pain.She had gone through various kinds after all.
But this hurt more than twisting an ankle.It hurt more than breaking a bone.It hurt more than falling from a cliff.
It hurt.       It hurt.                It just hurt.
And what hurt…        What killed her most of all wasn’t the words nor this pain.
It was the fact that he, out of all the people she knew, he was the one that fired this deathly blow.
He loaded the gun, spun the barrel and pulled the trigger.
Those clear blue hues had now turned to ice.
                     She hated it.She hated that he could stare at her in such a way.
                   All she had wanted was to help him out.
These inner turmoils, these torturous aches began to overwhelm her. A boiling pot about to explode.
She snapped.
“Don’t fucking take that attitude with me, Park! The fuck is up with you, asshole?”
And just like that, it grew worse.
An internal groan, a stab of guilt — all she had wanted was to help him out.
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juniperphd-blog · 6 years
❦ cheren and juniii
❦ - Something they hate about your muse.
“I just... I hate how you don’t take care of yourself. I’m a hypocrite, I know, but please, take care of yourself, baby brother!!”
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echoesoforre · 6 years
boots and... corn maze.
fall asks | accepting!
boots - do you own boots? if yes, what kind of boots are they?
( already answered! )
corn maze - have you ever gotten lost in a corn maze?
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he hasn’t, as orre doesn’t really have... autumn, but he’d definitely like to! fall is his aesthetic. he just doesn’t know it yet.
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hau-lasada · 6 years
' Green ' for Zinnia and Thorton? Interesting combo :0
▲ -  “The chances of you experiencing emesis is- haa…- 80%. If you will, please, cease your sporadic movements, I can say with certainty the numbers will…- urk!- will go down.” 
   At her somewhat concerned tone, Thorton shot an exasperated glare before curling up in pain. Why did he let Zinnia talk him into eating that spicy ramen. He knew his tender stomach couldn’t take it. Now Thorton was certain being around Zinnia was detrimental to his health, overall safety, and pristine IQ.
   He only hoped his face wasn’t as green as his attire. 
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►  “Miss. If you would…exit the premise- yes I damn well know its night, but I will not be able to live with myself. To soil my image in front of an audience if such an unsightly…event were to ha…happen.”
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waywardstxne · 7 years
Be honest with me! From Stephanie to Zumba
Be Honest With Me -- Still Accepting!
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“Ah yes, my friend the Lorekeeper.” 
1. Something I really like about you:
“You never allow your beliefs to be compromised. Even in the face of a world that has disenfranchised you and your people, you are steadfast and tenacious. To me, you possess the ultimate strength - the strength of honor.”
2. Something that irritates me or annoys me about you:
“Not to understate things, but you can be rather...reckless. I know it’s in your nature, but sometimes I do fear it will end badly. I’m aware there is no telling you what to do, but I insist...do be more careful?”
3. Something about you that I’m jealous of:
“I suppose I’m jealous of your culture, Zinnia. Not that I would ever envy the atrocities that have been committed upon your people, as that’s rather insensitive... I understand fully what sort of privilege I was brought up in. I simply wish I was instilled with a deeper connection to nature growing up, as you were. To live within the natural world without any care for the greed that perpetuates modern society... now that is the dream.” 
4. Something about you I’ve noticed that I bet you don’t think I realize:
“I know you are not fully recovered, Zinnia. I... never expect you to be, and I will never ask such things of you. And though I know you’ll most likely reject that statement with all of your might, I want you to know... that you do not have to always put up this exhaustive front. But until that day, I’ll gladly be the brunt of all of your jokes.”
5. A thought I’ve had about you that I’d be embarrassed to tell you:
“The color of your eyes remind me of a favorite stone of mine, a specimen of carnelian that I coincidentally found in Meteor Falls. ....I-It was just a fleeting thought, that’s all.” 
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Ice Ice Baby
The first thing that came to Rosa’s mind when she heard about winter was ice, which naturally involved ice skating. After traveling to the upper part of Unova after the whole issue with Team Plasma, she had become enamored with the area and wanted to ice skate more often as a result.
Of course, there was only one person not busy at this specific time, so she quickly picked up her xtranciever and dialed the correct number. The dial echoed in her ears for a few moments before said person answered the phone. Of course he would, he was punctual at all times.
“Hey Cheren, want to go ice skating with me? I have a rink picked out and everything! It’ll be a lot of fun and I wanted to go with a friend.”
She didn’t know if he knew how to skate or anything, but she did. If he really needed her help, she would be more than happy to teach him. She also had some of the cutest winter clothes available. If he hadn’t anything useful for the cold, she would be more than happy to offer.
“What do you say? I think it would be a lot of fun and maybe your Pokemon would enjoy it too.”
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indianacynthia-blog · 6 years
'Tea' for the headcanon meme
Cynthia enjoys tea and it’s her main source of caffeine. Her office at the League has several tins of tea on the shelves, between books and decorations.
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drxgonchamp · 7 years
behind the painted mask || Lance & Cheren
starter for @theidealofstrength
Unova wasn’t necessarily a region he would visit often if it was not for the Pokemon World Tournament. It didn’t have anything to do about personal preference -- he just didn’t see the need to travel and leave behind his post unless it was for important business. This tournament, while not business related, still carried weight. It was a gathering spot for all the toughest Trainers, from Leaders, Elites and then Champions. Of course Lance had to represent as the Champion of both Kanto and Johto.
To change things up this time, instead of battling in categories, it would be a free-for-all rumble. It meant that he wouldn’t be limited to other Champions. Depending on the draw, he might face other Gym Leaders or Elites, even top Trainers if that was his luck. Lance didn’t mind so much about his opponents so long as they were able to give it their all. Now that he came all the way to Unova, he expected an exciting battle, at the very least.
Lance was slated to battle during the second day. Yesterday had been filled with interesting match-ups -- Winona of Hoenn taking on Skyla of Unova, to name one. The participants would be kept in the dark about their opponents until their names were called to the stage. So Lance waited patiently, watching the matches play out in the big screen provided in the waiting area. Byron of Sinnoh battling one of his members, Pryce, seemed like it’d be the Steel-type specialist’s win but one of his eldest Leaders showed that type advantages mattered not in the face of wisdom and experience.
The Champion’s lips formed a brief smile upon seeing Pryce’s win before his attention went to the screen. They were announcing the next pair to battle and--
[ Champion of KanJoh, Lance Drayce vs Aspertia City’s Gym Leader of Unova, Cheren Park ]
-- a most intriguing draw, to say the least. Lance’s gaze swept the area, trying to catch a glimpse of his opponent before he headed towards the doors leading to the stage. It was during the walk through the short hallway that he crossed paths with Cheren. If his memory served him right, he was the first Gym Leader faced in Unova after the League there shuffled the Gyms. While that might be the case, Lance withhold his judgement until after they had the battle. 
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Lance nodded his head at Cheren, a silent way of respecting his opponent before they entered the arena, where the crowd pretty much went wild. He willfully turned a blind eye to his fans and walked towards his end of the stage. The Champion regarded the other coolly, wandering what sort of Pokemon and strategies he’d bring in facing him. Lance would simply battle like his always does -- blaze his way through to the top. Aim to win. 
When the referee gave the sign, Lance wasted no time in releasing Ignis. His Charizard roared to life, his sharp eyes never straying from his opponent. And then the battle actually began. With a steely countenance, Lance commanded his Pokemon like they were an extension to his own self. They only had time for a 3-on-3 death match, where one of them could snag victory if they achieved two thirds of the win. 
Lance believed in his own strength so while it was a bit arrogant in assuming he would get a clean sweep, he had the power and experience to back it up. So, it definitely came as a surprise that while it was his win, Cheren gave him a surprisingly challenging battle. He also managed to take out his Pokemon in the second bout, which forced them to a tie breaker match. His loss might have been caused from using one of his newer team member but it certainly took a certain type of mettle to take down a Champion’s Pokemon.
The redhead redoubled his efforts, which earned him the overall win. After the referee called the match and both Pokemon were recalled, he came over to Cheren to give him a proper handshake. 
“That was a good battle,” were his simple words, nearly drowned up by the crowd’s cheers in the show of sportsmanship. With that, Lance went back to the backstage area, this time deciding to just leave and head back to the lounging area. He could use some peace and quiet after having to see and hear the overenthusiastic screams from his fans. Sometimes he wondered if they really saw him past his looks and status.
Lance spent a good couple of hours occupying one of the corner chairs, a small stack of documents stacked neatly on the coffee table beside it. Even if he was technically involved in some business, he couldn’t completely run away from the terror that was paperwork. Once he felt like he made some good progress, he paused to cast a glance at the clock. Today’s bout should have ended, which meant the halls and surrounding area would be relatively sparse. 
The Champion stood up, gathered his stuff before he left the room. Just as he thought, there were not a lot of people, which should give him time to get back before--
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Lance paused when he heard someone called his name. The redhead heaved out a small sigh before he turned to see who it was. His mildly displeased look morphed into one of surprise when it was Cheren of all people who was approaching him. As much as he wanted to leave, he couldn’t help but feel curious. Did the Gym Leader wanted something from him?
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atlanteon · 7 years
           meme | status: accepting !
              27 – Name one thing about yourself that no one knows about.
          that no one knows about ? omg. this is a hard one lmao. this is a very smol fact, but my favorite pokemon is garchomp, and i don’t think anyone else knows this yet lol.
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