the-institute-rpg · 8 months
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TASK : calm after the storm
After a long, drawn out battle, Delphine Delecaille has killed Dante Malvolio, and taken control of The Institute. Much of the island has been destroyed, and the death toll is high. Those who made it through have emerged from lockdown shelters to an uncertain future. For this task, we'd like you to tell us about your character's experiences through or after the event, whether in the form of a self-para, a short summary, or any format of your choice! What did they go through? What have they lost, or learned about themselves? How were they affected by their time in lockdown? What did they feel watching Dante die, and what do they think of Delphine? You can address any or all of these questions, or take a new angle of your own--just tell us how this new dawn on Malvolio Island finds your character.
If you missed the event and need more context, please see the Emergency Lockdown Event Post and the related plot drops.
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evanderxkasyade · 2 years
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Name: Evander Tamiel Kasyade, but call me Ade. 
Eye Color: Blue 
Hair Style/Color: Blonde/Reddish, usually kept not long but sort of, shaved on the sides. 
Height: 1.85
Clothing Style: Jeans and bands’ tshirts, coverse, boots, leather. Not much of a color guy, I rather have black, grey, white and blue. 
Best  Physical Feature: Eyes. 
Your Fears: The death of those who are in my heart. 
Your  Guilty Pleasures: Sex and food. 
Your  Biggest Pet Peeve(s):  Horrible coffee in the morning, people with no humor. 
Your Ambition for the Future: Surviving would be a good start. 
Your First Thoughts Waking Up: Already? 
What You Think About the Most: My kid. 
What You Think About Before Bed: Same answer. 
You Think Your Best Quality Is: I’m fun to be around, a bit of an ass, but loyal. 
Single or Group Dates: Group. The more, the merrier. 
To be Loved or Respected: There is no love without respect. 
Beauty or Brains: Brains. 
Dogs or Cats: Dogs. 
Lie: Yes. 
Believe in Yourself: Yeah. 
Believe in Love: A lot. 
Want Someone: It’d be nice. 
Been on Stage: Yes. 
Done Drugs: Yes. 
Changed Who You Were to Fit In: No. 
Favorite Color: Black. Is that a color? Eh whatever. 
Favorite Animal: Shark. 
Favorite Movie: Too many to say. 
Favorite Game: Poker? 
Day Your Next Birthday Will Be: 26 june 
How Old Will You Be: Too old to reveal. 
Age You Lost Your Virginity: I was very old already. 
Does Age Matter: Sometimes it does. 
Best Personality: Someone with whom you can laugh, fuck, cry and scream and that you still want to see the next morning, nevertheless. 
Best Eye Color: It’s not relevant. 
Best Hair Color: Not relevant. 
Best thing to do With a Partner: Waking up. 
I love: my family.
I feel: Powerless
I hide: many things
I miss: my family
I wish: they are ok. 
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lyssa-hudson · 8 months
calm before the storm // self para
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Lyssa had been enjoying herself when the fighting began, not caring who she hurt and toying with the injured and scared like it was a playground. That was until the place went into lockdown and the vampire was forced to wait inside the clinic without being able to at least feed on the slaves. It had taken all of her willpower to not break a few annoying necks or at least finish off the mortally wounded ones but eventually they were all freed and Lyssa is happy to leave.
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She was further irritated by having to walk back to her home, annoyed that the world couldn't immediately return back to normal and she could summon her driver. The change to owners of the school didn't cause much alarm to the self involved woman, always thinking as default that her life would work out as it had before and she will continue unscathed.
That was until she reaches her home and sees the damage to the structure with what was left of her staff crying and attending to their wounds. "Well, this is inconvenient." She rolls her eyes at the situation and as she walks up the driveway, the vampire steps over a body without acknowledging it was even there, her hand fishing for her phone. "My shoes!" She suddenly says out loud then lets out a whine, followed by a stomp of one of those expensive pairs into her front steps.
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Quickly dialling her phone, she lets out a loud "WHAT?!" When she's told to go to temporarily accommodation. "Don't you know who I am? That is ridiculous-..." Her rant continuing before she snaps at a still dishevelled and clearly scared staff member to get one of her still working cars to drive her back. "They better have a decent room for me, it's going to take forever for this place to be rebuilt!"
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beth-garcia · 8 months
calm after the storm // self para
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Beth's dark eyes scan the destroyed face of her gallery, the rooms inside clear to see from her place on the sidewalk with pieces of debris and artwork scattered everywhere. She felt numb at the sight of it, the business she'd built and put her everything into pulled apart while she was locked away in the library. She stands there with cuts all over her face and neck, a sling wrapped around her casted broken arm and a dull ache radiating up her spine. The witch had been so worried about people, her pets, her home that she hadn't even considered her gallery wasn't indestructible and this was an all too sobering discovery. She didn't even know where to start, if she even had the energy to rebuild when all she wants to do it crawl into her bed and sleep for as long as she can. Beth takes a few hesitant steps towards the door and when she goes to open it, it crashes onto the ground inside what's left of the tiled floor. "Seems about right." The exhausted woman doesn't walk further inside in case the rest of the building collapses, but scans what she can see before roughly brushing away falling tears.
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If she'd had warning, she could have put up some protection wards, maybe locked away some of the more expensive pieces or given people a chance to save their work but she couldn't and knowing she would have to break the news to some of her artists twisted at her heart.
Her walk home from her first look was long and her limbs felt like jelly as she passes through the luckily untouched door of her home, her dogs trotting over to her but the brunette can't think straight and begins to climb the stairs. Shoes and jackets dropped haphazardly on the way, Beth eventually pulls back the cover of her bed and slips inside, burying herself beneath the quilt and sobbing quietly into the soft mattress.
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alexandreamarlow · 2 years
T a s k  2 5 :  W h a t ’ s  y o u r  k i n k ?
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Congratulations, Lexi! Your Main Power Exchange Dynamic Is Switch
Your Main Power Play Styles Masochist - 100% Sadist - 100% Restrainer - 100%
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finncarlyle · 3 years
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You got: Soft Light Aura
As someone with a Soft Light Aura, you are deeply inspired and probably feel pulled to be a part of something greater than yourself. You are empathetic and often take on the feelings of those around you. While this can sometimes take a toll on you, you are learning how to save space for yourself, which will ultimately only make you stronger and more helpful to others.
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frankiexvanderbilt · 3 years
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You got: Bright Rainbow Aura
As someone with a Bright Rainbow Aura, you are highly emotional, caring, and happy-go-lucky. While these deep emotions of yours can sometimes get the best of you, no one would ever think — even for a second — that your intentions are bad. You have a special knack for cheering others up, and those who are lucky enough to have you in their lives are sure glad they do!
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fcrestlight · 3 years
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Task 24: What’s your personality color?
Vibrant Purple Aura
As someone with a Vibrant Purple Aura, you're intensely creative and eager to bring new — and oftentimes, unconventional — ideas to life. Moments with you are never dull because your enthusiasm and overall zest for life is so infectious! While you may be prone to taking on more than you can handle, you will eventually learn that sometimes, saying "no" can actually be more productive.
key words: imagination; creativity; nobility; luxury; wealth
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levixmatthews · 3 years
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You got: Soft Light Aura
As someone with a Soft Light Aura, you are deeply inspired and probably feel pulled to be a part of something greater than yourself. You are empathetic and often take on the feelings of those around you. While this can sometimes take a toll on you, you are learning how to save space for yourself, which will ultimately only make you stronger and more helpful to others.
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raven-powers · 3 years
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You got: Bright Blue Aura
As someone with a Bright Blue Aura, you are often perceived as a calm and peaceful presence. You are probably very in touch with your spiritual side and enjoy spending time out in nature. You also love your alone time and find that it gives you a chance to recharge and reconnect with yourself, and in turn, the world around you.
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ava-montgomery · 3 years
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You got: Vibrant Purple Aura
As someone with a Vibrant Purple Aura, you're intensely creative and eager to bring new — and oftentimes, unconventional — ideas to life. Moments with you are never dull because your enthusiasm and overall zest for life is so infectious! While you may be prone to taking on more than you can handle, you will eventually learn that sometimes, saying "no" can actually be more productive.
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the-institute-rpg · 2 years
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There’s no escaping it--death is a certainty for everyone. Some of the residents of the island may take longer journeys to it, but even they will eventually reach that far off destination. And when they do, will they have accomplished everything they hoped?
Task 26 is to write a bucket list for your character. Include at least 3 items, and tell us a little about why each item is important to them. Have they accomplished any of their goals already? Are any of them out of their reach? Whether they’re on a lifelong quest for revenge, or they just want to see every T. Rex skeleton on display in the world, we want to hear about it!
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southernxwolf · 3 years
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You got: Bright Rainbow Aura
As someone with a Bright Rainbow Aura, you are highly emotional, caring, and happy-go-lucky. While these deep emotions of yours can sometimes get the best of you, no one would ever think — even for a second — that your intentions are bad. You have a special knack for cheering others up, and those who are lucky enough to have you in their lives are sure glad they do!
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aidenxwentworth · 3 years
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gulana-alim · 3 years
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You got: Vibrant Purple Aura
As someone with a Vibrant Purple Aura, you're intensely creative and eager to bring new — and oftentimes, unconventional — ideas to life. Moments with you are never dull because your enthusiasm and overall zest for life is so infectious! While you may be prone to taking on more than you can handle, you will eventually learn that sometimes, saying "no" can actually be more productive.
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donniexmiller · 3 years
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You got: Bright Blue Aura
As someone with a Bright Blue Aura, you are often perceived as a calm and peaceful presence. You are probably very in touch with your spiritual side and enjoy spending time out in nature. You also love your alone time and find that it gives you a chance to recharge and reconnect with yourself, and in turn, the world around you.
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